Spinal body hemangioma treatment. What is spinal hemangioma and why is it dangerous? The group of high risk factors includes

Quite often, oncological pathologies lead to a fatal outcome, especially if the tumor processes are malignant.

But if the formation is benign, then the prognosis is much more favorable. After all, the tumor can be definitively cured surgically.

One of these benign tumors is considered to be vertebral hemangioma.

Spinal hemangioma is quite common today. This is an absolutely benign tumor that develops in the vertebral body. Most often, the neoplasm is located in the lumbar and thoracic spine, covering the body of only one segment.

Essentially, a hemangioma is a collection of blood vessels formed as a result of congenital vascular anomalies. Such a tumor grows quite slowly and does not metastasize.

Middle-aged females (20-40) are most susceptible to the disease.


The exact cause of the development of vertebral hemangiomas has not yet been identified. Doctors tend to believe that such tumor processes are caused by genetic predisposition.

There are several theories regarding the mechanism of formation of hemangiomas. One of them is associated with excessive estrogen levels, which is most common in women. Therefore, hemangiomas are found much more often in them.

According to another version, the formation of a hemangiosal tumor is caused by a local lack of oxygen in the tissues, i.e. the formation is hereditary. In general, hemangiomas form in the following vertebrae:

  • l1 vertebra;
  • l2 vertebra;
  • l3 vertebra;
  • l4 vertebra;
  • th10 vertebra;
  • th11 vertebra;
  • th12 vertebra.

Photo of a spinal hemangioma on an MRI image

Vertebral hemangioma has another name - vertebral angioma. The development of education can be provoked by factors that occur during pregnancy:

  • Viral infections;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Abuse of medications by pregnant women;
  • Hormonal imbalances.


Spinal hemangiomas are classified according to many factors. According to histological structural characteristics they are divided into:

  1. Cavernous;
  2. Capillary;
  3. Mixed;
  4. Racematous.

According to localization, hemangiomas are divided into:

  • Tumors in the vertebral body;
  • Formations in the vertebral process;
  • Hemangiomas in the spinal canal.

According to the degree of distribution, hemangiosal formations are divided into:

  • Multiple– when the tumor process covers several vertebral segments;
  • Singles– when only one segment of the spine is affected.

Dangerous tumor size

Vertebral angioma grows very slowly, but an increase in its volume entails vertebral destruction.

As it grows, the stability and integrity of bone structures is impaired.

As a result, the strength of the spine is lost, leading to a high risk of compression fractures that occur with the slightest physical exertion.

As a result, strong pressure is exerted on the spinal substance, as evidenced by the following symptoms:

  1. Legs lose sensation;
  2. Paralysis of the limbs develops;
  3. Urinary processes are subject to disturbances.

In fact, hemangiosal formations less than a centimeter are classified as non-dangerous, therefore there is no need for their treatment. But if the parameters of the vertebral angioma are more than a centimeter, then the specialist will prescribe the necessary therapy.

Typically, the formation and development of vertebral hemangioma occurs latently and is not accompanied by any specific symptoms.

In addition, the clinical picture of the tumor process is influenced by the histological structure and localization, as well as the degree of development.

Sometimes the pathology is accompanied by dull pain, which can be concentrated only in the affected segment or along the entire column of the spine.

At night, as well as after vigorous physical activity, painful symptoms may become more intense.

When a nerve is pinched against the background large sizes tumors, paralysis may develop, urination and defecation processes may be disrupted.

Signs of cervical hemangioma

If a hemangiosal tumor is localized in one of the cervical segments, then the following symptoms are typical for it:

  • Headache;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Dizziness;
  • Visual and auditory impairments;
  • Tingling in the palms and fingers, numbness.

Symptoms of the thoracic region

Thoracic hemangioma is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Weakness, paresthesia and pain in the limbs;
  • Arrhythmic symptoms;
  • Problems with digestive processes;
  • Stone formation in the gallbladder;
  • In women, infertility may develop against the background of hemangioma of the thoracic vertebra.


If the vertebral hemangioma is located in the lumbar vertebra, then this may be indicated by the following manifestations:

  • Pain in the perineum and groin area;
  • Muscular atrophy;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Defecation disorders;
  • Incontinence;
  • Weakness in legs, etc.;
  • In men with a similar location of the tumor, erectile dysfunction may develop.


Diagnostic procedures are usually based on X-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging studies.

Why is education dangerous and its complications?

Even a completely benign hemangioma, localized in the vertebral body, can behave extremely aggressively.

It can lead to a fracture of the spine and subsequent nerve pinching, which always ends in paralysis. At times, vertebral hemangioma provokes shortening of the spine, which causes nerve compression.

As a result, the patient is exhausted by severe pain, limbs weaken, control over the natural processes of bowel and bladder emptying is lost, etc.

Sometimes vertebral hemangioma spreads further than the spine, usually when it is particularly large in size, which is also very dangerous, because it can provoke a compression fracture.

How to treat the disease?

There are many different treatment options available for vertebral hemangioma. It all depends on the size, severity and severity of the tumor.

The main condition is regular observation by specialists. It is worth taking a closer look at the treatment methods for vertebral hemangiomas proposed by modern medicine.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes often help smooth out the symptoms of the tumor process by reducing its severity. For pain, it is effective to use a variety of rubbing solutions, homemade ointments or compresses, etc.

There are many recipes herbal infusions and infusions that must be taken orally. The main thing is that any action of this nature must be agreed upon with a specialist. Then the risk of complications or worsening of the tumor process can be avoided.


If spinal compression leads to unbearable pain, disturbances in urination and defecation, loss of motor activity and other similar complications, then an operation involving removal of the hemangioma is indicated. In addition, this technique is most justified when treating pediatric patients, because it eliminates radioactive exposure to the child.

Surgical intervention is necessary if pronounced neurological disorders are present or there is a tendency for clinical manifestations to increase.

In general, surgery is indicated for tumors of such size that they compress the spinal cord or a vertebral fracture has occurred. The surgical method has disadvantages: the likelihood of severe bleeding and a high risk of cancer recurrence.

Puncture vertebroplasty

This technique is considered the best today and involves the introduction of a peculiar substance into the vertebral body - bone cement, which will return the spinal column to its former anatomical strength.

In addition, this method returns the spine to the function of the main support of the body, which significantly reduces the likelihood of hemangiosal complications and side processes, and also shortens the patient’s recovery time after illness. Used to treat atypical hemangioma and hemangioma in cervical spine spine.


This method of treatment involves introducing into the vessel feeding the tumor a substance that will block it, depriving the hemangioma of the necessary nutrition.

It should be noted that the embolization procedure is not considered by doctors as a highly effective technique, because when the supply vein is blocked, small-vascular structures are formed and a repeat hemangioma is formed.

To be honest, embolization is quite rarely used in practice as a treatment for hemangiomas, since the method is dangerous and technically difficult.


This technique is based on the introduction of 96% ethyl alcohol into the hemangioma, which further promotes sclerosis of the neoplasm.

The result of such treatment is a noticeable decrease in the parameters of the vertebral hemangioma.

Like other methods, alcoholization is dangerous due to the possibility of complications such as:

  1. Necrosis of bone tissue;
  2. Compression-induced vertebral fractures;
  3. Paravertebral abscess processes;
  4. Spinal compression.

Due to the variety of possible complications, alcoholization is not widely used in the treatment of hemangiomas.

Radiation therapy

Radiation treatment is considered the most common among all methods used.

The basis of such therapy is the effect of X-rays on the hemangiosal formation.

As a result, the tumor is destroyed at the cellular level, its further growth is stopped, pain symptoms are suppressed, etc.

But with all its advantages, such a method, unfortunately, is powerless in the later stages of development of the tumor process, when the spine loses its inherent strength.

After appropriate therapy, the patient will undergo postoperative recovery and further rehabilitation, during which the following actions cannot be performed:

  1. Massage treatments;
  2. Manual treatment;
  3. Physical stress;
  4. Traditional treatment;
  5. Intense gymnastic training.

Any suspicious symptom is the reason for a visit to the doctor, this will avoid many adverse consequences.

story about contraindications and methods of treatment for vertebral hemangioma:

Source: http://gidmed.com/onkologiya/lokalizatsiya-opuholej/kosti-i-myagkie-tkani/gemangioma-pozvonochnika.html

Hemangioma of the spine (vertebral bodies): causes, signs, how to treat, whether it needs to be removed

Spinal hemangioma is considered one of the most common vascular tumors of the skeletal system. According to statistics, every tenth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from it.

The majority of patients are women, and average age sick people are 20-30 years old.

It is believed that up to 80% of the fair sex after 40 years of age may suffer from this pathology.

Vertebral hemangioma can be asymptomatic for a long time, detected by chance, but the very first sign of a tumor is usually pain, with which the patient is referred for an X-ray or MRI. The identified hemangioma requires a decision on the need and advisability of surgical treatment. The tumor does not show a tendency to malignancy, but the risk of dangerous complications requires a serious approach to it.

The role of the spine cannot be overestimated. This is the main support for the entire body, internal organs, and the seat of the spinal cord, which allows us to feel pain, temperature, touch, and also perform targeted movements.

Functions of all internal organs obey signals coming to them from the spinal cord.

A neoplasm in a vertebra may not extend beyond its boundaries for a long time and may not affect the spinal cord in any way, but destruction of the vertebral structure, its fragility and instability are fraught with displacement, fracture and compression of very important nerve structures. Usually the lesion is localized in the thoracic (th12) or lumbar (l1-l4) spine, affecting one or several vertebrae.

Causes and types of hemangiomas

Hemangioma is a vascular tumor, which is a tangle of intertwined and altered vessels of various types. Damage to the vertebral bodies is usually observed, but tumor growth is also possible in the cartilaginous layers.

typical location of hemangioma in the spine

Initially, defective vessels of the vertebra form a tumor inside it.

Under the influence of injuries or heavy stress, hemorrhages and thrombosis occur; the spilled blood stimulates osteoclast cells to “cleanse” the damaged area, and then the vacated space is filled with new defective tumor vessels. This process occurs continuously, leading to the growth of the tumor. The size of vertebral hemangioma rarely exceeds 1 cm.

The causes of vertebral hemangiomas can be:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Female;
  • Vertebral injuries.

It has been established that if you have close relatives suffering from vascular tumors of the spine, the risk of hemangioma increases up to five times. This may be due to hereditary failure of the vascular walls, which contributes to neoplastic transformation.

The role of estrogens in tumor formation is evidenced by the more frequent occurrence of pathology in women, who become ill several times more often than men.

In addition, during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, there is an intense increase in the tumor not only due to altered hormonal levels, but also due to the increasing load on the spine.

Injuries and excessive stress can contribute to increased growth of the vascular component and the formation of a tumor. Moreover, if a hemangioma already exists, then repeated mechanical impacts enhance its growth.

examples of spinal hemangioma growth

Depending on the nature of the flow, there are:

  1. Aggressive hemangioma;
  2. Non-aggressive.

An aggressive course is indicated by a rapid increase in the size of the tumor, severe symptoms in the form of compression syndrome, and pathological fractures of the vertebrae. Every tenth detected tumor turns out to be aggressive.

Non-aggressive hemangiomas have a relatively benign course, grow slowly and asymptomatically, and in rare cases of small tumors they may even spontaneously resolve.

Depending on the extent of the lesion, the hemangioma can be limited only to the vertebral body, the posterior semi-ring, the entire vertebra, and epidural growth over the pia mater is also possible.

The histological structure allows us to distinguish different kinds neoplasms:

  • cavernous hemangioma Capillary– built from small vessels of the capillary type and is usually benign in flow;
  • Cavernous– represented by vascular cavities filled with blood, occurs with intense pain and a high risk of pathological fracture;
  • Mixed.

Manifestations of spinal hemangioma

Symptoms of the tumor depend on its size and location in relation to the vertebral body.

For a long time the tumor proceeds latently, without causing any concern.

An asymptomatic neoplasm is detected accidentally during examinations in connection with injury or other pathology of the spinal column.

The earliest sign of a growing hemangioma is pain, which is initially mild and occurs periodically.

As the tumor grows, the intensity of the pain increases and it becomes unbearable.

Dangerous dimensions tumors (over 1 cm) contribute to the progression of not only pain, but also neurological disorders associated with disruption of the vertebral structure and compression of the spinal cord.

For small tumors, the pain is moderate, most often bothers patients at night or after physical activity, and is localized to the area of ​​the affected vertebra. When spinal cord structures are involved, numbness, paresis and paralysis, and dysfunction of the pelvic organs are possible.

Hemangioma of the thoracic region spine manifests itself:

  1. Pain in the area of ​​the affected vertebra;
  2. Feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  3. Paresis and paralysis (rarely);
  4. Disturbances in heart rhythm, digestive system function, and disorders of the pelvic organs.

When the cervical spine is affected Possible disruption of blood flow in the brain, resulting in headaches, decreased mental performance, insomnia, dizziness, hearing and vision impairment.

Lumbar ranks second in frequency of lesions. With hemangioma of this localization (l1, l2, l3, l4) the following are possible:

  • Pain in the lower back, groin, hips;
  • Numbness in the limbs;
  • Paresis and paralysis of the legs;
  • Dysfunction of the pelvic organs (especially with damage to l3-4).

In adults, in addition to the described neurological symptoms, signs of aggressive hemangioma may include infertility and impotence.

Hemangioma with an aggressive course can provoke very serious complications - compression fractures of the vertebral bodies, compression of the spinal cord and its roots, when paresis, paralysis and dysfunction of internal organs can become persistent and irreversible. To prevent this from happening, if the symptoms described above appear, you should consult a specialist.

Diagnosis of hemangiomas involves:

  1. X-ray examination of the spine in different projections is the simplest, cheapest and most accessible method.
  2. MRI allows you to determine not only the extent of damage to the vertebra, but also the surrounding soft tissues.

spinal hemangioma on a diagnostic image

Treatment of spinal hemangioma

Treatment of spinal hemangioma can be quite difficult due to its unique location.

Simply removing the tumor can lead to vertebral instability, compression fractures, and damage to the spinal cord or its roots.

The choice of a rational treatment method is left to the neurosurgeon after assessing the patient’s condition and tumor characteristics.

Patients who have an asymptomatic small hemangioma may be offered dynamic observation with regular MRI monitoring.

Indications for surgery are:

  • Rapid tumor growth;
  • Damage to more than a third of the vertebra;
  • Aggressive course of the tumor;
  • Development of complications (compression of the spinal cord, its roots, pathological fracture).

Hemangiomas should be treated in specialized neurosurgical departments, and the experience and qualifications of the doctor are of no small importance. Drug treatment It is only symptomatic in nature and is aimed at eliminating pain and inflammation.

Various techniques have been proposed for the treatment of vertebral hemangioma:

  1. Classic tumor removal and resection of a vertebral area;
  2. Alcoholization of neoplasm;
  3. Embolization of tumor vessels;
  4. Radiation therapy;
  5. Percutaneous puncture vertebroplasty.

Removal of the tumor at open access and resection of a vertebral area has been used since the 30s of the last century, but this operation is very dangerous due to serious complications: bleeding from the vessels of the formation, malnutrition of the spinal cord, vertebral fracture.

Due to the risk of such consequences, the intervention is used occasionally and for serious indications, such as compression of the spinal cord or its roots. It is technically impossible to completely remove the tumor during open surgery; the surgeon can only remove the part located epidurally.

If there is no way out and such intervention is necessary, then preference is given to decompression techniques aimed at eliminating compression of the spinal cord structures by the tumor. Surgical treatment is often performed in children when the introduction of a cementing substance can cause vertebral growth arrest and spinal deformation in the future.

Alcoholization of neoplasm involves the introduction of an ethyl alcohol solution into the tumor vessels, while the tumor is reduced due to vascular sclerosis.

The immediate results of alcoholism may be satisfactory, because the tumor will decrease, but reverse side The problem will be depletion of the bone tissue of the vertebra, its destabilization and, as a consequence, a pathological fracture several months after the procedure. This circumstance does not allow the widespread use of alcoholization for spinal hemangioma, although for tumors of other localizations the effect can be good.

Embolization of tumor vessels consists of introducing a special solution, leading to embolism of the neoplasm’s vessels and disruption of its nutrition. The active substance can be injected either directly into the tumor (selective embolization) or into nearby vessels.

In some cases, embolization is technically very difficult and even impossible, and a complication can be an acute circulatory disorder in the spinal cord.

Radiation therapy is one of the classical methods of treatment spinal hemangiomas, it is safer than open surgery to remove the tumor.

This method of treatment could be used in many patients, because radiation is quite effective, but complications such as myelopathy, radiculitis, damage to nerve fibers, and skin reactions do not allow its widespread use.

In addition, a significant dose of radiation is needed to eliminate the tumor. Radiation therapy is contraindicated in children and pregnant women.

Another unsolvable problem with radiation therapy is the violation of the integrity of the vertebra after tumor reduction, which contributes to pathological fractures after treatment. Currently, radiation therapy can be prescribed to elderly patients at high surgical risk.

A real breakthrough in the treatment of vertebral hemangiomas was the use of puncture vertebroplasty, proposed by French doctors.

The essence of the method is to introduce into the vertebra a special cementing substance mixed with barium sulfate (a radiopaque agent) and titanium.

In this case, several goals are achieved at once: the tumor shrinks and stops growing, the vertebral body is stabilized with bone cement and compacted, and the risk of fracture is minimal.

Puncture vertebroplasty is considered the method of choice for vertebral hemangioma, especially in cases of aggressive tumor progression. It is possible as the main method of therapy or as part of a combination treatment.

puncture vertebroplasty - modern “cementation” of hemangioma

To perform the operation, the patient is placed on his stomach, local anesthesia is administered, and the patient is conscious.

A cementing substance is injected into the vertebra damaged by the tumor using a special guide.

A good effect is achieved due to the high density of cement, which eliminates destabilization, fragility and fracture of the vertebra.

If necessary, additional fixation of the vertebrae with screws and decompression of the spinal cord can be performed.

In most patients, after puncture vertebroplasty, the pain syndrome goes away, neurological disorders are eliminated and the usual lifestyle and ability to work are restored.

The postoperative period usually proceeds well; within 2-3 weeks the patient is discharged from the hospital.

Fans of physical therapy should avoid all types of magnetic therapy.

If you have a hemangioma, you cannot massage, since the mechanical effect on the spine can not only cause tumor growth due to increased blood flow, but also provoke such a dangerous complication as a compression fracture, which requires immediate treatment.

It is almost impossible to prevent the growth of spinal hemangioma, especially in predisposed individuals, but it is advisable not to subject the vertebrae to excessive physical stress and to avoid injury.

If the tumor has already been detected, does not progress and does not manifest any symptoms, then observation and an MRI at least once a year are sufficient. For symptomatic and aggressive hemangiomas, the patient will be offered treatment.

The prognosis for spinal hemangioma is favorable in most cases.

: hemangiomas in the program “Live Healthy!”

: spinal hemangioma, specialist opinion


Source: http://onkolib.ru/dobrokachestvennye-opuxoli/gemangioma-pozvonochnika/

Spinal hemangioma - tumor size, types, symptoms and treatment

Spinal tumors are not common, but their incidence has increased significantly over the past decade.

According to statistics, vertebral hemangioma occurs most often (the disease is diagnosed in every 10 people in the world).

It is a small benign neoplasm formed in the vertebral body. The risk group consists of athletes and women aged 25-40 years.

What is spinal hemangioma and why is it dangerous?

Let's take a closer look at the nature of angioma.

In essence, a hemangioma in the spine is a collection of blood vessels that appear due to congenital vascular abnormalities.

As a rule, it grows slowly and does not metastasize. More often this type the neoplasm does not manifest itself in any way (in 85% of cases).

To determine why spinal hemangioma is dangerous, you should first study its type and the nature of its symptoms. The main symptom of hemangioma is back pain; in such a situation, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Classification of hemangiomas - types and sizes of tumors

Vertebral hemangioma comes in several types.

Depending on the location of the lesion, the following types are distinguished:

  • Type I The hemangioma is concentrated in the vertebra and completely overcomes it;
  • II type. Only the vertebral body is affected;
  • III type. Located on the back half ring;
  • IV type. It affects 2 areas at once - part of the posterior semi-ring and vertebra;
  • V type Located in the lower part of the spinal column (epidural neoplasms).

Depending on the histological structure, the following tumors are distinguished:

  • Cavernous. It is created by large blood vessels. It occurs with back pain and there is a high probability of a pathological fracture.
  • Capillary. The tumor is formed by small thin-walled vessels and can form on any of the vertebrae.
  • Mixed. It is formed by large and small vessels.

The disease can be localized in different vertebral regions. It is usually classified according to the number of the affected vertebra.

Hemangioma of the thoracic spine occurs to a greater extent (65-70% of all cases), especially hemangioma of the Th12 vertebral body.

In this department, control over the work of important organs occurs, which is why the symptoms are especially pronounced: impaired sensitivity of the limbs, painful attacks in the spinal ridge, disorders of the digestive system.

Hemangioma lumbar region spine is the second most popular type of disease (25-30%).

People who have been diagnosed with a tumor in the lower back are interested in what a hemangioma of the vertebral body one l1, l2, l3, l4 and l5 is.

The numbers indicate which specific vertebra is affected by the tumor. The most common types are hemangioma of the l4 vertebral body and hemangioma of the l2 vertebral body.

A tumor in the cervical region (c6, c7) is rarely observed, but is quite dangerous. With its rapid growth, blood flow may be impaired. Hemangioma of the cervical spine has the following symptoms: dizziness, sleep disturbance, migraine.

Based on the nature of the flow, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Non-aggressive (stable). This type of angioma is the most common. They do not cause discomfort, are asymptomatic, and practically do not increase in size.

    There are cases where such tumors resolved on their own without the intervention of doctors.

  2. Aggressive. Aggressive spinal hemangioma, unlike non-aggressive ones, is growing rapidly.

    It negatively affects the patient’s condition, since it disrupts the integrity of the vertebral structure, compresses the spinal cord and is accompanied by painful sensations. Such tumors are quite rare, occurring in no more than 5% of all cases.

Based on the number of tumors in the spinal column, they are divided into:

  1. Singles. They affect only 1 segment of the spine.
  2. Multiple. The number of neoplasms can reach up to 5 pieces.

    However, multiple spinal hemangiomas are extremely rare.

There are cases when a spinal hemangioma has dangerous dimensions.

Based on tumor size, they are formally divided into 3 groups:

  1. Up to 10 mm. Experts say that angiomas up to 10 mm in size are not dangerous and do not require treatment.
  2. From 10 to 50 mm.

    When a tumor of this size is diagnosed, treatment must begin.

  3. More than 50 mm. They are the most dangerous because they can cause a compression fracture.

    It was noted that tumors of 5-8 cm are found in rare cases.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Spinal hemangioma is most often diagnosed in adults aged 25-40 years. The reasons for the appearance of neoplasms have not yet been fully established, but there are a number of predetermining factors:

  • Genetic predisposition. Scientists have found that heredity is directly related to the disease. The risk of angioma increases significantly if the disease was diagnosed in close relatives;
  • Female. According to statistics, benign tumors of the spinal cord occur several times more often in women than in men. Doctors attribute this to high levels of female hormones in the blood (estrogens);
  • Vascular circulatory insufficiency. It leads to a strong decrease in oxygen in vascular tissues (local hypoxia);
  • Various spinal injuries. They can influence the acceleration of the growth of the vascular component, which leads to tumor formation;
  • Excessive physical activity. Professional athletes whose activities are directly related to lifting heavy weights (for example, in powerlifting) are susceptible to the disease.
  • Bad habits (abuse of alcohol and tobacco products);
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.

The danger of a tumor is that it almost never manifests itself. The disease begins to worry at the moment when the tumor grows rapidly (more than 1 cm).

Spinal hemangioma

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Atypical spinal hemangioma is diagnosed in several ways:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • CT scan.
  • Radiography.

These methods are able to recognize a neoplasm of any location, be it a hemangioma of the thoracic spine or a hemangioma of the lumbosacral spine.

To further study the tumor, angiography is used: a certain substance is injected into the vessels, which makes it possible to determine which vessels form the tumor.

Methods of treating the disease

When diagnosing spinal hemangioma, the question arises, which doctor should I contact? After diagnosis, you should make an appointment with a neurologist for further examination.

He can monitor the condition independently, but if an angioma develops, the neurologist transfers all the information to the neurosurgeon. The specialist analyzes the patient’s condition, location and size of the tumor and, on this basis, determines which method is most appropriate to treat the patient.

Let's analyze how to treat spinal hemangioma in several main ways.

Operative and conservative methods

If the tumor is aggressive, the doctor prescribes treatment.

The operation is indicated only if:

  • the tumor rapidly increases in size;
  • the tumor causes severe discomfort (in the case of the aggressive type);
  • the tumor affects 1/3 of the vertebra;
  • serious complications occur (for example, pathological fracture).

The main disadvantage of surgical intervention is the risk of hemorrhage and relapse of the disease. Let's take a closer look at how to treat spinal hemangioma using more gentle conservative methods.

Name of the technique Description of the technique
Radiation therapy This method involves the effect of radiation on the tumor. The method is safer than open surgery, but has a number of disadvantages: it is contraindicated for pregnant women and children, and is not used in later stages (does not contribute to the integrity of the vertebra).
Vertebroplasty The most common method of treatment. A special substance is injected into the affected area, which not only stops the growth of the tumor, but also strengthens the damaged vertebra. Typically, recovery occurs in short time and without complications.
Embolization A special liquid is injected into the tumor cavity, which blocks its development. It is not a highly effective technique, since relapses often occur.
Alcoholization 96% ethyl alcohol is injected into the angioma. The method is not widely used, since its use can lead to a number of complications: necrosis of bone tissue, spinal compression, compression fractures.

Treatment with folk remedies

A proven method is to treat spinal hemangioma with folk remedies.

For this purpose, tinctures from medicinal herbs m, for example, St. John's wort, wormwood or peony.

For spinal hemangioma, treatment with folk remedies is recommended to be combined with conservative methods to achieve greater effect.


A complication and risk of the disease are fractures, which can occur due to increased stress on the spinal column.

They come in different types depending on the location of the tumor and the intensity of the impact on the back:

  1. Vertebral bodies
  2. Transverse processes of the vertebrae.
  3. Spinous processes.

Along with fractures in hemangioma of the sacral spine, neurological symptoms are noted: paresthesia (numbness of the limbs), paralysis (lack of active movements) and dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

Contraindications for spinal hemangioma

There are a number of contraindications for spinal hemangioma:

  • lifting heavy weights (they can cause a fracture);
  • warming up the affected area (including physiotherapeutic procedures). This can lead to growth of the tumor;
  • manual therapy.

Of great interest is the question of massage when there is a hemangioma in the vertebral body. Let's take a closer look at whether it is possible to do massage for spinal hemangioma.

Any mechanical impact on the spine can not only provoke an increase in the tumor, but also increase the risk of a fracture.

At the same time, there are several special massage techniques that are allowed for angiomas (depending on the size and area of ​​localization). Consult a specialist.

Spinal tumors are not common, but their incidence has increased significantly over the past decade. According to statistics, vertebral hemangioma occurs most often (the disease is diagnosed in every 10 people in the world). It is a small benign neoplasm formed in the vertebral body. The risk group consists of athletes and women aged 25-40 years.

What is spinal hemangioma and why is it dangerous?

Let's take a closer look at the nature of angioma. In essence, a hemangioma in the spine is a collection of blood vessels that appear due to congenital vascular abnormalities. As a rule, it grows slowly and does not metastasize. Most often, this type of neoplasm does not manifest itself in any way (in 85% of cases).

To determine why spinal hemangioma is dangerous, you should first study its type and the nature of its symptoms. The main symptom of hemangioma is back pain; in such a situation, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Classification of hemangiomas - types and sizes of tumors

Vertebral hemangioma comes in several types.

Depending on the location of the lesion, the following types are distinguished:

  • Type I The hemangioma is concentrated in the vertebra and completely overcomes it;
  • II type. Only the vertebral body is affected;
  • III type. Located on the back half ring;
  • IV type. It affects 2 areas at once - part of the posterior semi-ring and vertebra;
  • V type Located in the lower part of the spinal column (epidural neoplasms).
Depending on the histological structure, the following tumors are distinguished:
  • Cavernous. It is created by large blood vessels. It occurs with back pain and there is a high probability of a pathological fracture.
  • Capillary. The tumor is formed by small thin-walled vessels and can form on any of the vertebrae.
  • Mixed. It is formed by large and small vessels.

The disease can be localized in different vertebral regions. It is usually classified according to the number of the affected vertebra.
Hemangioma of the thoracic spine occurs to a greater extent (65-70% of all cases), especially hemangioma of the Th12 vertebral body. In this department, control over the work of important organs occurs, which is why the symptoms are especially pronounced: impaired sensitivity of the limbs, painful attacks in the spinal ridge, disorders of the digestive system.

Hemangioma of the lumbar spine is the second most popular type of disease (25-30%). People who have been diagnosed with a tumor in the lower back are interested in what a hemangioma of the vertebral body one l1, l2, l3, l4 and l5 is. The numbers indicate which specific vertebra is affected by the tumor. The most common types are hemangioma of the l4 vertebral body and hemangioma of the l2 vertebral body.

A tumor in the cervical region (c6, c7) is rarely observed, but is quite dangerous. With its rapid growth, blood flow may be impaired. Hemangioma of the cervical spine has the following symptoms: dizziness, sleep disturbance, migraine.

A benign disease in the sacral region (s1-s5) almost never occurs (less than 5% of cases).

Based on the nature of the flow, the following types are distinguished:
  1. Non-aggressive (stable). This type of angioma is the most common. They do not cause discomfort, are asymptomatic, and practically do not increase in size. There are cases where such tumors resolved on their own without the intervention of doctors.
  2. Aggressive. Aggressive spinal hemangioma, unlike non-aggressive ones, is growing rapidly. It negatively affects the patient’s condition, since it disrupts the integrity of the vertebral structure, compresses the spinal cord and is accompanied by painful sensations. Such tumors are quite rare, occurring in no more than 5% of all cases.
Based on the number of tumors in the spinal column, they are divided into:
  1. Singles. They affect only 1 segment of the spine.
  2. Multiple. The number of neoplasms can reach up to 5 pieces. However, multiple spinal hemangiomas are extremely rare.

There are cases when a spinal hemangioma has dangerous dimensions.

Based on tumor size, they are formally divided into 3 groups:

  1. Up to 10 mm. Experts say that angiomas up to 10 mm in size are not dangerous and do not require treatment.
  2. From 10 to 50 mm. When a tumor of this size is diagnosed, treatment must begin.
  3. More than 50 mm. They are the most dangerous because they can cause a compression fracture. It was noted that tumors of 5-8 cm are found in rare cases.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Spinal hemangioma is most often diagnosed in adults aged 25-40 years. The reasons for the appearance of neoplasms have not yet been fully established, but there are a number of predetermining factors:

The danger of a tumor is that it almost never manifests itself. The disease begins to worry at the moment when the tumor grows rapidly (more than 1 cm).


Video - spinal hemangioma

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Atypical spinal hemangioma is diagnosed in several ways:
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • CT scan.
  • Radiography.

These methods are able to recognize a neoplasm of any location, be it a hemangioma of the thoracic spine or a hemangioma of the lumbosacral spine. To further study the tumor, angiography is used: a certain substance is injected into the vessels, which makes it possible to determine which vessels form the tumor.

Methods of treating the disease

When diagnosing spinal hemangioma, the question arises, which doctor should I contact? After diagnosis, you should make an appointment with a neurologist for further examination. He can monitor the condition independently, but if an angioma develops, the neurologist transfers all the information to the neurosurgeon. The specialist analyzes the patient’s condition, location and size of the tumor and, on this basis, determines which method is most appropriate to treat the patient. Let's analyze how to treat spinal hemangioma in several main ways.

Operative and conservative methods

If the tumor is aggressive, the doctor prescribes treatment.

The operation is indicated only if:

  • the tumor rapidly increases in size;
  • the tumor causes severe discomfort (in the case of the aggressive type);
  • the tumor affects 1/3 of the vertebra;
  • serious complications occur (for example, pathological fracture).

The main disadvantage of surgical intervention is the risk of hemorrhage and relapse of the disease. Let's take a closer look at how to treat spinal hemangioma using more gentle conservative methods.

Name of the technique

Description of the technique

Radiation therapy

This method involves the effect of radiation on the tumor. The method is safer than open surgery, but has a number of disadvantages: it is contraindicated for pregnant women and children, and is not used in later stages (does not contribute to the integrity of the vertebra).


The most common method of treatment. A special substance is injected into the affected area, which not only stops the growth of the tumor, but also strengthens the damaged vertebra. As a rule, recovery occurs in a short time and without complications.


A special liquid is injected into the tumor cavity, which blocks its development. It is not a highly effective technique, since relapses often occur.


96% ethyl alcohol is injected into the angioma. The method is not widely used, since its use can lead to a number of complications: necrosis of bone tissue, spinal compression, compression fractures.

Treatment with folk remedies

A proven method is to treat spinal hemangioma with folk remedies. To do this, use tinctures of medicinal wounds, for example, St. John's wort, wormwood or peony. For spinal hemangioma, treatment with folk remedies is recommended to be combined with conservative methods to achieve greater effect.

Before starting treatment, consult a specialist, as some herbs may cause an allergic reaction.


A complication and risk of the disease are fractures, which can occur due to increased stress on the spinal column.

They come in different types depending on the location of the tumor and the intensity of the impact on the back:

  1. Vertebral bodies
  2. Transverse processes of the vertebrae.
  3. Spinous processes.

Along with fractures in hemangioma of the sacral spine, neurological symptoms are noted: paresthesia (numbness of the limbs), paralysis (lack of active movements) and dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

Contraindications for spinal hemangioma

There are a number of contraindications for spinal hemangioma:
  • lifting heavy weights (they can cause a fracture);
  • warming up the affected area (including physiotherapeutic procedures). This can lead to growth of the tumor;
  • manual therapy.

Spinal hemangioma is considered one of the most common vascular tumors of the skeletal system. According to statistics, everyone suffers from it tenth inhabitant of the Earth. The majority of patients are women, and the average age of patients is 20-30 years. It is believed that up to 80% of the fair sex after 40 years of age may suffer from this pathology.

Vertebral hemangioma can be asymptomatic for a long time, detected by chance, but the very first sign of a tumor is usually pain, with which the patient is referred for an X-ray or MRI. Identified hemangioma requires resolution of the issue about the need and advisability of surgical treatment. The tumor does not show a tendency to malignancy, however the risk of dangerous complications requires a serious approach.

The role of the spine cannot be overestimated. This is the main support for the entire body, internal organs, and the seat of the spinal cord, which allows us to feel pain, temperature, touch, and also perform targeted movements. The functions of all internal organs are subject to signals coming to them from the spinal cord. A neoplasm in a vertebra may not extend beyond its boundaries for a long time and may not affect the spinal cord in any way, but destruction of the vertebral structure, its fragility and instability are fraught with displacement, fracture and compression of very important nerve structures. Usually the lesion is localized in the thoracic (th12) or lumbar (l1-l4) spine, affecting one or several vertebrae.

Causes and types of hemangiomas

Hemangioma is a vascular tumor, which is a tangle of intertwined and altered vessels of various types. Damage to the vertebral bodies is usually observed, but tumor growth is also possible in the cartilaginous layers.

typical location of hemangioma in the spine

Initially, defective vessels of the vertebra form a tumor inside it. Under the influence of injuries or heavy stress, hemorrhages and thrombosis occur; the spilled blood stimulates osteoclast cells to “cleanse” the damaged area, and then the vacated space is filled with new defective tumor vessels. This process occurs continuously, leading to the growth of the tumor. The size of vertebral hemangioma rarely exceeds 1 cm.

The causes of vertebral hemangiomas can be:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Female;
  • Vertebral injuries.

It has been established that if you have close relatives suffering from vascular tumors of the spine, the risk of hemangioma increases up to five times. This may be due to hereditary failure of the vascular walls, which contributes to neoplastic transformation.

The role of estrogens in tumor formation is evidenced by the more frequent occurrence of pathology in women, who become ill several times more often than men. In addition, during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, there is an intense increase in the tumor not only due to altered hormonal levels, but also due to the increasing load on the spine.

Injuries and excessive stress can contribute to increased growth of the vascular component and the formation of a tumor. Moreover, if a hemangioma already exists, then repeated mechanical impacts enhance its growth.

The thoracic spine (Th12) is most often affected, followed by the lumbar spine. A tumor of the cervical spine is considered one of the most dangerous, as it carries a risk of impaired blood supply to the brain. In the lumbar region, the l1-l4 arches are usually affected, which leads to a variety of neurological disorders.

examples of spinal hemangioma growth

Depending on the nature of the flow, there are:

  1. Aggressive hemangioma;
  2. Non-aggressive.

An aggressive course is indicated by a rapid increase in the size of the tumor, severe symptoms in the form of compression syndrome, and pathological fractures of the vertebrae. Every tenth detected tumor turns out to be aggressive.

Non-aggressive hemangiomas have a relatively benign course, grow slowly and asymptomatically, and in rare cases of small tumors they may even spontaneously resolve.

Depending on the extent of the lesion, the hemangioma can be limited only to the vertebral body, the posterior semi-ring, the entire vertebra, and epidural growth over the pia mater is also possible.

The histological structure allows us to distinguish different types of neoplasms:

The structure, size and location of the hemangioma determine its course, symptoms, treatment approaches and prognosis.

Manifestations of spinal hemangioma

Symptoms of the tumor depend on its size and location in relation to the vertebral body. For a long time, the tumor proceeds hidden, without causing any concern. An asymptomatic neoplasm is detected accidentally during examinations in connection with injury or other pathology of the spinal column.

The earliest sign of a growing hemangioma is pain, which is initially mild and occurs periodically. As the tumor grows, the intensity of the pain increases and it becomes unbearable. Dangerous tumor sizes (over 1 cm) contribute to the progression of not only pain syndrome, but also neurological disorders, associated with disruption of the vertebral structure and compression of the spinal cord.

For small tumors, the pain is moderate, most often bothers patients at night or after physical activity, and is localized to the area of ​​the affected vertebra. When spinal cord structures are involved, numbness, paresis and paralysis, and dysfunction of the pelvic organs are possible.

Hemangioma of the thoracic region spine manifests itself:

  1. Pain in the area of ​​the affected vertebra;
  2. Feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  3. Paresis and paralysis (rarely);
  4. Disturbances in heart rhythm, digestive system function, and disorders of the pelvic organs.

When the cervical spine is affected Possible disruption of blood flow in the brain, resulting in headaches, decreased mental performance, insomnia, dizziness, hearing and vision impairment.

Lumbar ranks second in frequency of lesions. With hemangioma of this localization (l1, l2, l3, l4) the following are possible:

  • Pain in the lower back, groin, hips;
  • Numbness in the limbs;
  • Paresis and paralysis of the legs;
  • Dysfunction of the pelvic organs (especially with damage to l3-4).

In adults, in addition to the described neurological symptoms, signs of aggressive hemangioma may include infertility and impotence.

Hemangioma with an aggressive course can provoke very serious complications - compression fractures of the vertebral bodies, compression of the spinal cord and its roots, when paresis, paralysis and dysfunction of internal organs can become persistent and irreversible. To prevent this from happening, if the symptoms described above appear, you should consult a specialist.

It is important to detect hemangioma in time, before complications and irreversible changes in the spinal cord occur. Examination of patients with back pain in whom hemangioma is suspected requires the participation of a neurologist, neurosurgeon, and vertebrologist.

Diagnosis of hemangiomas involves:

  1. X-ray examination of the spine in different projections is the simplest, cheapest and most accessible method.
  2. MRI allows you to determine not only the extent of damage to the vertebra, but also the surrounding soft tissues.

spinal hemangioma on a diagnostic image

Treatment of spinal hemangioma

Treatment of spinal hemangioma can be significant difficulties due to the peculiar localization. Simply removing the tumor can lead to vertebral instability, compression fractures, and damage to the spinal cord or its roots. The choice of a rational treatment method is left to the neurosurgeon after assessing the patient’s condition and tumor characteristics.

Patients who have an asymptomatic small hemangioma may be offered dynamic observation with regular MRI monitoring.

Indications for surgery are:

  • Rapid tumor growth;
  • Damage to more than a third of the vertebra;
  • Aggressive course of the tumor;
  • Development of complications (compression of the spinal cord, its roots, pathological fracture).

Hemangiomas should be treated in specialized neurosurgical departments, and the experience and qualifications of the doctor are of no small importance. Drug treatment is only symptomatic and is aimed at eliminating pain and inflammation.

Various techniques have been proposed for the treatment of vertebral hemangioma:

  1. Classic tumor removal and resection of a vertebral area;
  2. Alcoholization of neoplasm;
  3. Embolization of tumor vessels;
  4. Radiation therapy;
  5. Percutaneous puncture vertebroplasty.

Removal of the tumor using an open approach and resection of a vertebral area has been used since the 30s of the last century, but this operation is very dangerous due to serious complications: bleeding from the vessels of the formation, malnutrition of the spinal cord, vertebral fracture. Due to the risk of such consequences, the intervention is used occasionally and for serious indications, such as compression of the spinal cord or its roots. It is technically impossible to completely remove the tumor during open surgery; the surgeon can only remove the part located epidurally.

If there is no way out and such intervention is necessary, then preference is given to decompression techniques aimed at eliminating compression of the spinal cord structures by the tumor. Surgical treatment is often performed in children when the introduction of a cementing substance can cause vertebral growth arrest and spinal deformation in the future.

Alcoholization of neoplasm involves the introduction of an ethyl alcohol solution into the tumor vessels, while the tumor is reduced due to vascular sclerosis. The immediate results of alcoholization may be satisfactory, because the tumor will decrease, but the other side of the coin will be depletion of the bone tissue of the vertebra, its destabilization and, as a consequence, a pathological fracture several months after the procedure. This circumstance does not allow the widespread use of alcoholization for spinal hemangioma, although for tumors of other localizations the effect can be good.

Embolization of tumor vessels consists of introducing a special solution, leading to embolism of the neoplasm’s vessels and disruption of its nutrition. The active substance can be injected either directly into the tumor (selective embolization) or into nearby vessels. The disadvantage of this treatment can be considered a relapse due to the preservation of small vessels feeding the hemangioma, as well as a violation of the structure of the vertebra. In some cases, embolization is technically very difficult and even impossible, and a complication can be an acute circulatory disorder in the spinal cord.

Radiation therapy is one of the classical methods of treatment spinal hemangiomas, it is safer than open surgery to remove the tumor. This method of treatment could be used in many patients, because radiation is quite effective, but complications such as myelopathy, radiculitis, damage to nerve fibers, and skin reactions do not allow its widespread use. In addition, a significant dose of radiation is needed to eliminate the tumor. Radiation therapy is contraindicated in children and pregnant women. Another unsolvable problem with radiation therapy is the violation of the integrity of the vertebra after tumor reduction, which contributes to pathological fractures after treatment. Currently, radiation therapy can be prescribed to elderly patients at high surgical risk.

A real breakthrough in the treatment of vertebral hemangiomas was the use of puncture vertebroplasty, proposed by French doctors. The essence of the method is to introduce into the vertebra a special cementing substance mixed with barium sulfate (a radiopaque agent) and titanium. In this case, several goals are achieved at once: the tumor shrinks and stops growing, the vertebral body is stabilized with bone cement and compacted, and the risk of fracture is minimal. Puncture vertebroplasty is considered the method of choice for vertebral hemangioma, especially in cases of aggressive tumor progression. It is possible as the main method of therapy or as part of a combination treatment.

puncture vertebroplasty – modern “cementation” of hemangioma

To perform the operation, the patient is placed on his stomach, local anesthesia is administered, and the patient is conscious. A cementing substance is injected into the vertebra damaged by the tumor using a special guide. A good effect is achieved due to the high density of cement, which eliminates destabilization, fragility and fracture of the vertebra.

If necessary, additional fixation of the vertebrae with screws and decompression of the spinal cord can be performed. In most patients, after puncture vertebroplasty, the pain syndrome goes away, neurological disorders are eliminated and the usual lifestyle and ability to work are restored. The postoperative period usually proceeds well; within 2-3 weeks the patient is discharged from the hospital.

It is worth remembering that there are contraindications to certain types of treatment in patients with diagnosed hemangioma. Thus, vitamins and drugs that stimulate the immune system should not be used, as they can provoke an increase in tumor growth. Physical activity should be avoided during your visit gym and in everyday life, lifting weights. Solariums, tanning in the sun, and all kinds of warming procedures (baths, sauna) are contraindicated.

Fans of physical therapy should avoid all types of magnetic therapy. If you have a hemangioma, you cannot massage, since the mechanical effect on the spine can not only cause tumor growth due to increased blood flow, but also provoke such a dangerous complication as a compression fracture, which requires immediate treatment.

It is almost impossible to prevent the growth of spinal hemangioma, especially in susceptible individuals, but it is advisable not to subject the vertebrae to excessive physical stress and avoid injury. If the tumor has already been detected, does not progress and does not manifest any symptoms, then observation and an MRI at least once a year are sufficient. For symptomatic and aggressive hemangiomas, the patient will be offered treatment. The prognosis for spinal hemangioma is favorable in most cases.

Video: hemangiomas in the program “Live Healthy!”

Video: spinal hemangioma, expert opinion

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the OnkoLib.ru resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment in this moment they don't turn out to be.

What is it - hemangioma of the vertebral bodies, interests many patients, especially those who have been diagnosed with this disease. It refers to benign vascular neoplasms. Hemangiomas are not prone to very rapid growth, do not form metastases and do not turn into malignant tumors.

Feature of the disease

To determine the specific course of the disease, you need to know vertebral body hemangioma - what it is and how exactly it manifests itself. This is, first of all, a tumor. It refers to vascular formations and can be observed anywhere in the body where blood vessels are located. In particular, hemangiomas of the liver and brain are isolated.

In the spine, the tumor is localized in the bone substance, in the vertebral body. It is often discovered completely by accident during a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan.


What does hemangioma of the vertebral body mean, and what are the causes of its occurrence, only a qualified doctor can accurately answer. So far, it has not been possible to determine the main factors in the occurrence of this pathological process. There is an assumption that the development of the disease is facilitated by genetic predisposition, the patient’s age and injury.

This neoplasm can occur at absolutely any age. However, women aged 30-40 years are most susceptible to this disease. In children, tumors form very rarely. Hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies of the thoracic spine are often observed and they affect one vertebra, but can cover several elements at once.

Main symptoms

Signs of hemangioma in the vertebral body appear very rarely. Among the main symptoms of the presence of a benign neoplasm is the presence of pain. In this case, the painful sensations gradually increase and the attacks become more intense.

Traumatic damage to nearby nerve endings provokes numbness and limited mobility of the limbs. Sometimes the progression of the disease is accompanied by pathological cracks or fractures of the vertebrae.

Hemangioma of the thoracic vertebral body occurs predominantly in patients aged 40-60 years. At the initial stage, the pathology is painless. The disease is diagnosed completely by accident during a comprehensive examination of the condition of the spinal tissues. Some patients initially note discomfort in the back and a tingling sensation in the limbs.

In later stages, the symptoms become increasingly intensified, and in this case, intense back pain is observed, which gradually spreads to other parts of the body. In addition, there is limited mobility due to muscle spasm. As the pathological process worsens, even fractures may occur at rest.

Classification of the disease

You definitely need to know what it is - hemangioma of the vertebral bodies, and how exactly the disease is classified. Depending on the histological structure, it is divided into types such as:

  • cavernous;
  • capillary;
  • mixed.

Basically, cavernous tumors are localized in the cervical region of the spine, and capillary tumors are localized in the thoracic and lumbar regions. Depending on the degree of damage to the vertebral bodies, hemangiomas are divided into several various types, on which the complexity of the pathological process largely depends. In addition, such tumors are divided according to the intensity of symptoms.

The disease can be localized in different parts of the spine. It is classified according to the number of vertebrae affected. Often observed in the thoracic spine, hemangioma of the Th12 vertebral body is especially common. In this area, the functioning of important organs is controlled. In view of this, the symptoms are quite pronounced and the following are observed:

  • impaired sensitivity of the limbs;
  • indigestion;
  • painful attacks in the back.

The second most common is considered a benign neoplasm of the lumbar region. People who have been diagnosed with this disease are interested in what is hemangioma of the vertebral body L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5. The numbers indicate which vertebra was affected by the tumor. Most often, patients are diagnosed with hemangioma of the L3 vertebral body.

Benign neoplasms in the cervical spine are quite rare, but they are much more dangerous than all other types. With its intensive growth, circulatory problems may occur. Hemangioma of the cervical region has the following symptoms:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • severe headaches.

Hemangioma of the S1 vertebral body is almost never observed. Depending on the nature of its course, this disease can be aggressive or non-aggressive. The non-aggressive form is observed quite often. It does not cause any discomfort, is practically asymptomatic, and the hemangioma practically does not increase in size. There are cases where such neoplasms resolve on their own, without surgical intervention.

The aggressive form of the disease is characterized by the fact that the tumor grows rapidly. It causes significant discomfort to the patient, as it disrupts the integrity of the vertebral structure, puts pressure on the spinal cord and provokes pain. The aggressive form of the disease is quite rare.

Depending on the number of tumors, they can be single or multiple. There are cases when the hemangioma of the vertebral body has very dangerous dimensions. If their size is less than 10 mm, then they are not dangerous and do not require any special treatment. When diagnosing a tumor up to 50 mm in size, a course of therapy must be carried out. And if the size of hemangiomas of the vertebral body is more than 50 mm, then they can provoke compression fractures.

Carrying out diagnostics

What is vertebral body hemangioma and how can the disease be diagnosed is of interest to many patients. It can be identified in several different ways, in particular, such as:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • radiography;
  • CT scan.

All these techniques help to recognize benign neoplasms of absolutely any location. For a more thorough examination of the tumor, angiography is performed, which implies that a certain substance is injected into the vessels, which helps to determine which of them formed the tumor.

Features of treatment

Treatment of vertebral body hemangioma involves the use of several techniques that are used in combination. If the tumor is small and does not manifest itself in any way, then no special treatment is required. The doctor conducts periodic observation and examination. If a benign neoplasm begins to increase in size, the patient is referred to a neurosurgeon. He will examine the patient and determine whether treatment is necessary.

Treatment of hemangioma of the spinal body can be carried out in several different ways. When choosing a specific treatment method, the location of the tumor, its size, and the patient’s health condition are taken into account. In the presence of hemangioma, physiotherapeutic procedures are strictly contraindicated, as they can cause active tumor growth. To eliminate neoplasms, the following methods are used:

  • radiation therapy;
  • embolization;
  • alcoholism;
  • open surgical interventions;
  • vertebroplasty;
  • combined techniques.

Radiation therapy is very often used. Under the influence of radioactive radiation, small hemangioma of the vertebral body stops growing and pain disappears. However, if the vertebra has very severe damage and becomes very fragile, then this technique is not suitable. Until recently, the method of alcoholization was used, namely, the effect of alcohol on the hemangioma. However, such treatment becomes the main cause of complications. That is why the use of such a technique was abandoned.

Previously, the method of artificial thrombosis was used, but it did not justify itself. In addition, embolization is not currently used, since this method provokes frequent relapses and complications. Embolization involves the introduction of a special solution, mainly polyvinyl alcohol, into the cavity of the geangioma. The solution helps eliminate excessive development of benign tumors and get rid of painful sensations.

IN Lately Doctors often prescribe puncture vertebroplasty. This technique is the most effective and also the least traumatic. During surgery, hemangiomas of the vertebral bodies are completely filled with bone cement. It helps stabilize the vertebrae and prevents the tumor from actively developing. In addition, it allows you to strengthen the vertebral body.

Surgical intervention is resorted to very rarely, only if the hemangioma of the thoracic vertebral body is accompanied by intense pain or the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted. In addition, usually only part of the tumor is removed, and then radiation is applied.

Thanks to complex therapy, it is possible to achieve positive result and slow down the progression of the disease.

Conservative techniques

Until recently, conservative treatment of hemangioma of the thoracic vertebral body involved radiation therapy. High-energy X-rays help stabilize tumor growth and, in some cases, reduce its size.

But recent medical studies have proven the low level of effectiveness of radiation therapy in the presence of vascular pathologies. The modern approach to therapy is watchful waiting. If the patient makes absolutely no complaints, then doctors simply monitor his condition.

Experts recommend that patients with the presence of such benign neoplasms periodically undergo preventive examinations. When conducting such a diagnosis, the doctor determines the size and location of the tumor. You need to undergo such a study every year.

Surgical intervention

Among the indications for surgical intervention, factors such as rapid growth of the tumor, as well as an increase in tumor size to approximately 50-60% of the vertebral body, should be highlighted. Percutaneous vertebroplasty continues to be performed in modern medical centers. This operation is considered in the best possible way treatment of benign neoplasms of the spinal column.

The essence of the surgical intervention is that special bone cement is injected into the vertebral cavity. The patient is under local anesthesia. The skin and vertebral body are pierced with a puncture needle, and then liquid material is introduced into the cavity of the benign neoplasm, which crystallizes after some time.

Many people immediately feel significant relief after such an operation. They experience a reduction in the intensity of pain and the frequency of pain attacks. Over time, the pain completely disappears and the person returns to his usual lifestyle.

Traditional methods

A proven method is the use of traditional methods for treating hemangioma. For this purpose, the use of tinctures of medicinal herbs, for example, wormwood, St. John's wort, and peony, is indicated. In the presence of spinal hemangioma, treatment with folk remedies and methods are recommended to be combined with conservative therapy to achieve the maximum possible result. Before starting therapy, you should consult a specialist, as an allergic reaction may occur after using some herbs.


Vertebral hemangioma is a benign neoplasm with a fairly positive prognosis. If the disease is detected in the initial stages, a person can live more than 5 years after treatment. At later stages, the prognosis is not so comforting, and not all patients manage to live to the 5-year mark. Deaths are associated with complications after surgery.

Danger of hemangioma

If the patient refuses to undergo surgery, the consequences can be quite dire. Subsequent growth of the tumor is dangerous because there is a possibility of its rupture, which is accompanied by severe internal bleeding. In this case, in the absence of competent timely treatment, the death of the patient may occur.

Reaching a significant size, a benign neoplasm can provoke intense pain. This manifestation can be eliminated by regularly taking painkillers. If the tumor grows rapidly, it can put pressure on the vertebrae, which leads to their fracture. Treatment of such a complication is carried out exclusively by surgery. The patient urgently undergoes vertebroplasty.

It is worth noting that hemangioma does not metastasize, as it is a benign neoplasm. However, this tumor is constantly growing, which is very dangerous for the patient’s condition. If it is located inside the spongy bone tissue, it can lead to bone destruction.

Hemangioma grows very slowly, but it leads to gradual destruction of the bone. As a result of this, the vertebral body becomes very fragile, hollow and loses its strength and resistance to stress. This can cause fractures of the vertebral bodies, which cause excessive compression. In addition, injury to the spinal cord may occur due to the resulting pieces of bone when they are displaced.

Compression of the spinal cord can occur without fractures, in particular, if the hemangioma begins to compress the meninges, causing tension in the nerve fibers.

It is also important to consider the size of the tumor. If a benign neoplasm is up to 1 cm in size, then its danger is insignificant; if the size exceeds this, the risk of complications increases. However, it is necessary to take into account many various factors Therefore, diagnosis and treatment should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Possible complications

The main complication of hemangioma is considered to be fractures that occur due to excessive stress on the spinal column. They can be of several types, depending on the location of the tumor and the intensity of the impact on the back area. In particular, fractures can be:

  • vertebral bodies;
  • spinous processes;
  • transverse processes.

In addition to the doctor’s fractures, with hemangioma localized in the sacral spine, neurological symptoms are observed, in particular numbness of the limbs, paralysis, as well as dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

As a result of rupture of hemangioma tissue, internal bleeding may occur. Compression of the spinal cord can negatively affect the functioning of many organs and systems.


In the presence of spinal hemangioma, there are a number of contraindications, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • lifting weights;
  • overheating of the affected area;
  • performing manual therapy.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to do massage if they have a hemangioma. It is worth noting that absolutely any mechanical impact on the affected area can provoke not only an increase in the tumor, but also increase the risk of a fracture. There are several specific massage techniques allowed for angiomas, it all depends on the size and location of the tumor.

Spinal hemangioma is a benign tumor that is quite easy to treat, and the rehabilitation period most often passes without complications.

In this article we will talk about spinal hemangioma, what it is and its treatment, consider the causes and symptoms of the disease, diagnosis.

Reference. Spinal hemangioma is a benign formation that is located inside the vessels in the vertebral body. This is a plexus of capillaries and large blood vessels that forms blood cavities.

Hemangioma never progresses to the stage of cancer, despite the fact that it is a tumor. It only slowly increases in size over time.

Most often, hemangiomas occur in the thoracic region. They differ from other diseases in that they do not cause back pain or any other unpleasant symptoms.

Such vascular tumors can be congenital or acquired. Women are five times more likely to develop this disease than men. However, such a tumor can occur in anyone.

Video - Doctor about hemangioma

Causes of hemangioma

Spinal hemangioma occurs due to improper growth and subsequent plexus of blood vessels passing throughout the entire vertebral body. Doctors, despite many years of experience in studying and treating this disease, cannot find the exact cause of this disease.

Spinal hemangioma has not been studied well enough for doctors to understand what exactly causes it to arise.

Doctors only make assumptions that genetic predisposition, as well as external factors (for example, prolonged exposure to the sun) contribute to the active development of hemangioma.


In 85% of cases of hemangioma detection, people did not feel any symptoms of the disease at all. Usually, treatment for such a benign tumor is not required, since it does not cause any harm or concern to the human body. But sometimes there are cases when the tumor greatly increases in size. This causes the tissues and nerve roots surrounding the spine to become compressed, causing pain. Therefore, the tumor must be constantly monitored. To do this, doctors prescribe magnetic resonance therapy once or twice a year.

Excessive growth of hemangioma leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs. Also, as a result of the development of a tumor, the strength of the vertebra may decrease, since its integral structure is destroyed. This leads to the fact that in the future only a small load will be enough to one day cause a fracture of the vertebral body.

When irritation of the nerve roots or compression in the spinal cord occurs, a person begins to experience:

  • pain;
  • weakened state;
  • partial loss of sensation in the arms and legs;
  • paralysis;
  • digestive problems;
  • gallstones;
  • problems with urination;
  • Heart arythmy.

Also, due to hemangioma, women can develop infertility, and men can develop impotence.

Hemangioma in the cervical region is the most dangerous due to the fact that there is an artery that provides blood flow to the brain. Even a small size of hemangioma will be enough for a person to experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness and headaches;
  • sleep problems;
  • deterioration of the organs of vision and hearing;
  • stroke;
  • tingling sensations and weakness in the arms and legs;
  • decreased sensitivity in the arms and legs;
  • atrophy of the arm muscles.

Who should I turn to for help?

To begin with, it is better to contact a neurologist or traumatologist. Both of these doctors can help you evaluate your spine and make the correct diagnosis.

After finding out the patient’s medical history, the doctor will prescribe an examination.

Having received the results of examinations that confirm the presence of hemangioma, the neurologist will refer the patient for a consultation with a neurosurgeon. This is the only doctor who has the right to prescribe a suitable course of treatment.

If you want to know in more detail, as well as the rules for choosing a specialist, you can read an article about this on our portal.

How to detect spinal hemangioma?

Typically, spinal hemangioma is discovered completely by accident. For example, when a patient undergoes an annual X-ray, doctors find a tumor.

Diagnosing hemangioma is quite simple

In medical practice, there are several ways to diagnose hemangioma:

  • radiography;
  • CT scan;

On a tomogram, a hemangioma looks like a round light spot.

The doctor, after examining the tomogram, decides whether to remove the hemangioma or simply continue observation. If its size is more than one centimeter, then the doctor will decide to immediately begin a course of treatment to prevent tumor growth.

Hemangiomas begin to pose the greatest danger when their size is five centimeters or more. In this case, tumors can cause compression of the vertebra.

In MRI or CT images, the doctor must distinguish a hemangioma from a hemangiolipoma. They agree that both are benign tumors, but the hemangioma consists of blood vessels, and the hemangiolipoma also contains adipose tissue. To accurately determine the disease, it is necessary to conduct an additional histological examination of the biopsy material.

How to treat spinal hemangioma?

Hemangioma can be cured without surgery

There are several ways to treat this disease. The doctor selects the best option, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient and the nature of the tumor.

In modern medicine, the following methods of treating spinal hemangioma are used:

Type of treatmentDescriptionPhoto
Surgical interventionDuring the operation, the neurosurgeon removes the damaged part of the vertebra and the soft tissue of the tumor from the patient, who is under general anesthesia. When they are removed, heavy bleeding may occur. There is a small chance that the patient may experience a recurrence of spinal hemangioma.
SclerotherapyDuring this operation, a specialist injects sclerosing agents into one of the blood vessels. This causes aseptic inflammation and thrombosis of the vessels surrounding the tumor, followed by sclerosis, atrophy and desolation of the vessels of the tumor itself.
EmbolizationAn endovascular surgeon pierces the artery that feeds the tumor and inserts a special catheter into it. He then covers it with special particles called emboli. They block blood flow to the tumor. The downside is that the tumor may find a new source of nutrition, and the disease will continue to develop.
Puncture vertebroplastyThe neurosurgeon injects radiopaque bone cement into the patient's vertebra, which is under local anesthesia. As it hardens, it releases heat, which destroys the hemangioma. To date, this method of treatment is the most effective.

Surgery is usually the best treatment for hemangioma.

What is prohibited to do with spinal hemangioma?

A person suffering from this disease should be very careful and carefully control their actions so as not to harm their health.

  • It is not recommended to treat spinal hemangioma with traditional medicine. They can have a detrimental effect on a vertebra already damaged by the tumor.
  • Patients with hemangioma should approach the issue of physiotherapeutic treatment and massage with caution. If the size of the tumor is about one centimeter, then back massage is allowed provided that no pressure is applied to the damaged vertebra. If the symptoms of the disease are aggressive, if the tumor covers the entire vertebra and continues to spread further, then performing a massage will ultimately lead to injury to the spine or loss of mobility.
  • Physical activity with extensive hemangioma is strictly contraindicated. They can cause a spinal fracture.
  • Warming the affected area of ​​the spine is prohibited. Compresses or ointments that have a warming effect can only temporarily reduce pain, but this can cause tumor growth.

Consequences of the disease

As the tumor grows, the patient may experience:

  • paralysis;
  • internal bleeding due to rupture of the soft tissue of the tumor;
  • vertebral injury;
  • impaired mobility due to the pressure of the hemangioma on the nerve endings;
  • dysfunction of internal organs, as well as their diseases;
  • compression of the spinal cord, which disrupts the functioning of the entire body.

If you want to find out the causes of the occurrence, and also consider alternative treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

If a patient discovers the first symptoms of a hemangioma in his body, he should immediately contact a specialist to receive qualified help. Pain in the spine can be a sign of the development of not only such a relatively harmless tumor, but also malignant types.

Spinal hemangioma is considered a relatively peaceful disease, which, if it has no basis for development, does not interfere with life to an ordinary person. It is important to follow several rules that will help ensure that the body’s condition does not worsen.

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