Alien civilizations created man as a kind of worker. Extraterrestrial Civilizations Family relationships in extraterrestrial civilizations

It is quite difficult to surprise a modern person with anything. We are already used to almost everything. Riddles of the great pyramids, secrets Bermuda Triangle, big Foot and the monster of Loch Ness no longer excites the minds of people. Only one sphere still attracts people, brings new sensations, reveals its secrets - space.

Humanity has always been interested in whether life similar to ours exists somewhere else in the Universe, whether intelligent Extraterrestrial Civilizations exist. Every second powerful receivers various types radiation, tuned to receive information from space, are waiting for signals. But space is silent and does not want to give away its secrets. Are we really alone in this endless world?

But, in fact, we don’t want to believe in our loneliness. Could the Creator create such a thing? huge world and populate just one planet? Is this reasonable? Why then are other planets, stars, Galaxies and Universes needed?

The question of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations has occupied and continues to occupy the minds of thousands of scientists and self-taught researchers. There are a huge number of hypotheses, conjectures, assumptions. We will also try to figure out whether extraterrestrial civilizations really exist, and whether contact with them is possible? Moreover, interest in extraterrestrial civilizations, in fact, also turns out to be interest in clarifying the role of earthly humanity in the processes of our Universe.

Now we can already say with confidence - in addition to the planet Earth, in our Universe there are other inhabited planets that are part of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Representatives of these civilizations have the opportunity to communicate with earthlings and convey to them important information about how other worlds work, what problems their inhabitants face and how they can help earthlings.

We are residents of the Earth and are representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. On Earth we are on a kind of business trip. We will talk about its goals in the “Incarnation” section.

QUESTION: Why don't we find signs of the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations?
ANSWER: If we assume that the level of technical progress of extraterrestrial civilizations is very high, and they have the ability to hide their presence using various means, then everything falls into place. For some reason, it’s just too early for us to know about this...
All inhabited planets of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are carefully protected from the curiosity of earthlings. Because earthlings do not need to look for alien intelligence, but to cleanse their energy and undergo karmic lessons.
The defense works in such a way that when passing by spaceship, or the same UFO, you simply won’t see it. And what can we say about earthly telescopes, through which they strive to see life on other planets...

QUESTION: Why do Extraterrestrial Civilizations not seek to inform us of their existence?
ANSWER: Moreover, Extraterrestrial Civilizations are not interested in this. Why? Fear is, to some extent, the engine on Earth. If we know for certain about the continuation of life after life, that all real troubles and problems are tests, exams, then will we be acutely worried, suffer, think, work on ourselves? No. And when in our minds this life is the only one, then all sensations, all events, all questions acquire unprecedented urgency. This is what is required for complete and high-quality cleaning. It is no coincidence that it is said that the soul is purified by suffering.
Therefore, Extraterrestrial Civilizations have no interest in discovering themselves. The Earth, as a training base for these civilizations, will immediately lose its meaning.

QUESTION: What Extraterrestrial Civilizations are currently known?
ANSWER: These are Extraterrestrial Civilizations such as Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya, Alpha Centauri. The division into Extraterrestrial Civilizations is, firstly, territorial, and secondly, despite all the similarities ultimate goal Each Higher Civilization has its own accents, methods, and path of development.
These Extraterrestrial Civilizations are located in the Milky Way galaxy. Life also exists in other Galaxies, there are civilizations there too, but they are far behind in their progress along the Spiritual Path.

QUESTION: What do the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations look like?
ANSWER: The word "civilization" implies an intelligent society. Science fiction films usually use the image of some little green men, creatures with tentacles, etc.
In fact, the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are ordinary people. At the level of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, the same laws of biology, physics and chemistry apply as on Earth. The only difference is in intelligence and level of Consciousness. That is, they are biologically and physically similar to us, but have an expanded consciousness.

QUESTION: What is expanded consciousness?
ANSWER: This is the ability to synthesize information, navigate not by superficial data, but by deep ones, realize abilities, operate with energies, and cover many incoming elements at once.
For example, on Earth we have certain ethical standards. Everyone knows that stealing is bad. But representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations do not need such norms. After all, numerous norms on Earth are political and social regulation, not designed for high Consciousness. High Consciousness does not need many norms. It is on Earth that it is necessary to introduce a law that theft is bad, and to determine some kind of punishment for this theft. But for Extraterrestrial Civilizations such a law is not needed. He's absurd. The sin of theft is so obvious there that it does not require reminders or threats of punishment.

QUESTION: That is, there are no criminal codes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?
ANSWER: No. They don't need such codes. However, the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations also have their own principles:
- Don't offend the weak.
- Don't get angry, but be patient.
- Communicate only with those who are pleasant and sincere.
- Do not lie unnecessarily, but there is only one need for lying - to save fate.
- Do no harm.
-- Ask the Teacher's consent.
- Love everything that surrounds you.
QUESTION: These principles are similar to earthly ones...
ANSWER: Yes, that's true. But unlike the Earth, these principles are fulfilled by the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations consciously and everywhere.
Ideally, the basic principle is the same. For residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, God is Truth and Supremacy, and Love is ubiquitous and unconditional.

QUESTION: Are there any descriptions of Extraterrestrial Civilizations in religious sources?
ANSWER: Many religious and esoteric sources contain descriptions of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. For example, the Bible begins with these words: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".
“Heaven” is the Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces, and “earth” is the Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy Dark Forces.
The Bible also contains information about the arrival of representatives of the World Center on Earth. Genesis 6.4: “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong people who have been famous for a long time.”

QUESTION: The Vedas say that above the level of the earth there are planets of demigods or heavenly planets. Who are the demigods?
ANSWER: Demigods are the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Since they have an expanded consciousness and, accordingly, wider capabilities, they are described as demigods.

QUESTION: The Vedic scriptures contain information that time passes more slowly on the higher planets. Approximately the following ratio works: 360 years pass on Earth, and only one year passes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Is this really true?
ANSWER: The whole point is that the flow of time on Earth is set artificially. This is done so that all processes take place not so much deeply as acutely. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is practically no time.

Three levels of the Universe

QUESTION: What levels is our Universe divided into?
ANSWER: Very conditionally, our Universe can be divided into three levels. There are forces of light - the forces of Good. This is the Hierarchy of Light Forces (ISS), and there are dark forces, the forces of Evil. This is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces (ITS). Accordingly, Extraterrestrial Civilizations are divided according to the same principle. The civilizations Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya are all extraterrestrial civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces.
There is also a ground level. This is the level of incarnation planets, purgatories, where a person undergoes purification.
In general, the Hierarchy of Light Forces is the Spiritual world, which is in direct contact with God.
We can find one of the first descriptions of the levels of the Universe in the Vedas. For example, Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS is the guna of ignorance. Purgatory (incarnation planets like Earth) is the guna of passion. Extraterrestrial Civilizations ASC is the mode of goodness.
You can strive from purgatory into the guna of ignorance (Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS) or into the guna of goodness (Extraterrestrial Civilizations ISS). It is in purgatory that the direction of this aspiration is determined. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ASC there is passion, but there is no ignorance. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS passion is manifested, but there is no goodness.

QUESTION: How are the worlds of ITS fundamentally different from the worlds of ISS?
ANSWER: Differences can be found in everything. First of all, the difference is in energies, including the energy of Time. A completely different organization of the psyche, mind, Consciousness. Hence a different ideology. Alien and disgusting. Just imagine: in one picture - filled sunlight blooming garden. This is ISS. Another picture shows the gloomy damp mustiness of a gray-brown basement and a rotting environment. This is ITS.
Life is in full swing both in the ISS and in the ITS. There is a constant struggle (not war!) between the worlds of ISS and ITS for Souls, for Time, for Space, for additional energy capacities.

QUESTION: Is it possible for residents to migrate from Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ISS to Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ITS?
ANSWER: Yes, such a transition is possible. Unfortunately, according to the latest data, there are more people leaving for ITS. This served as a signal that certain measures needed to be taken.

based on materials from the book: O.N. Kazatsky, M.R. Yeritsyan - "Life after life. Knowledge of the 21st century".

Today, one of the most popular topics in ufology is the theory of paleocontact, during which some alien civilizations created man as a kind of worker mining gold for the needs of the “masters.” Vladimir Degtyarev, a researcher, writer, and author of the “Protolanguage” series of books, offered his “interpretation of events.”

– Vladimir Nikolaevich, is humanity really a product of an alien gene experiment?

– One thing can be said for sure - the current species of humanity is not a product of evolutionary development. So Darwinism, taught for many decades in schools and universities around the world, can be considered a pseudoscience. I believe that homo sapiens was created alien creatures“in its own image and likeness” for about 400,000 years. Moreover, it is necessary to emphasize here that aliens, called “gods” by ancient people, appeared on our planet long before the “assembly” of man, so people should rather be called “aliens.”

– Who were our creators?

– They can be imagined as “civilizing gods.” This biological species outwardly very similar to us, only more technologically advanced. They appeared on the planet Ki (from Sumerian - Earth) many millions of years ago. In my works, I rely specifically on Sumerian cosmogony, as well as on Egyptian, Yucatan and Indian sources. According to my research, before us there were already certain entities on Earth created by aliens. Many people know the collection of Peruvian Ica stones collected by Dr. Cabrera. They depict people in company with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Two versions arise: either modern man lived 65 million years ago (the “date” of the extinction of dinosaurs), or giant reptiles stayed on Earth until the Late Paleolithic, and it is to this period that stones from South America.

– Did the “civilizing gods” really create dinosaurs?

- Certainly! That is, dinosaurs and whales, baobab trees and apple trees, potatoes and grapes, cows, horses, sheep, and other animal and plant entities are mostly genetically modified creations of ancient generations of “aliens.” Therefore, I say: people are a product of genetic engineering of aliens. They first created Earth from the large water planet Tiamat, which orbited between Mars and Jupiter. And then they themselves appeared on our “ball”.

– For what purpose did they conduct the experiment to create man?

– For them it was not an experiment at all, as I believe, but an urgent need. Today we can only talk about the last period of the Earth’s existence, described in ancient texts, and this is approximately 400 thousand years. At first there were only three “gods” on our planet. These are the famous Anunnaki, referred to in Sumerian texts as Enlil, Ninlil and Enki. Since the aliens categorically did not want to work, they had to create “younger gods,” called in archaic literature by the cacophonous word “igigi.”

The newly created workers mined metals, including gold, produced food and, in general, everything that was needed for the life of “shift workers” from the planet Nibiru, the homeland of the Anunnaki. Hard work, despite all the “divine” machinery, obviously tired of the “juniors”, and they simply rebelled. Then the decision came to replace the “juniors” with biological copies – people.

- But about gold. Why did the aliens need so much precious metal?

– Energy! Due to the possession of its sources, numerous military conflicts occur today. There is a version that from the gold mined on Earth, the “gods” made a kind of cocoon for their home planet, consisting of the smallest plates, in order to preserve planetary heat, since Nibiru is moving very far from the Sun - the period of its revolution around the luminary is about 3,600 Earth years. I am inclined to a different interpretation: the civilizers of the Earth used the yellow metal in the same way as we use oil, gas, coal and uranium - as a source of energy.

– How did this happen purely technically? How did you get energy from metal?

– Today, gold is used in electronic devices, televisions, and computers, albeit in microscopic doses. In the past, when radio tubes dominated, in the USSR up to twenty tons of gold were spent annually on their production. It ensured a constant speed of low currents, which means stability in the transmission of information. In Tehuacan, Mexico, a pyramid was recently discovered, at the base of which was placed a powerful capacitor - two thick layers of exceptionally pure mica. A certain “representative of the official authorities” was engaged in dismantling the structure (under the guise of restoration).

He took out the mica and sold it. She used ordinary capacitors. Then archaeologists came to the pyramid, discovered fragments and sent them for examination. The result was surprising: microparticles of a gold alloy of very high purity were identified on the studied samples. The yellow metal served as a spacer between the layers of mica in a huge and powerful capacitor. This “construction” was charged with the energy that is quite sufficient in the atmosphere. Well, all the precious metal “mined” from the pyramid, of course, floated away in an unknown direction.

– What function did this capacitor perform?

– Apparently, it was a power source for numerous alien electrical appliances. The giant porphyry and granite blocks used in the cyclopean masonry of their buildings had to be cut with something, laid by some kind of machine. All this requires colossal energy. And this is only a small part of the life activity of the “gods”. In addition, the pyramid could be part of some large transmitting and receiving system. Surely there were exchanges of information between the earthly colony and the metropolis on Nibiru. A sort of satellite dish, to put it simply. That is, the pyramid was a fairly universal technical object.

– What texts and artifacts are your “golden” theory based on?

– Today, four “Mayan Codes” have been preserved (one - partially), which contain information on the “golden question”. There are descriptions of “divine” gold mining in Mesopotamian clay tablets. Quite a lot of written and material information has been preserved, but it mostly concerns our time, the Fifth Civilization, which is approximately 12-14 thousand years old (after the Flood).

A huge array of artifacts is hidden from prying eyes on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, in the Ural mountains, and in Siberia in general, but this is a separate topic that describes the former, antediluvian world. There you can find visual confirmation of my conclusion that the “gods” were interested in the precious metal, first of all, as a source of energy.

– Why was gold mining stopped by the “gods”, or is it still going on?

– This question interests many researchers. According to written sources, gold mining ceased many millennia ago. And only then did it become the metal of kings, and then of common people. Before this, gold was prohibited for everyday use; it participated only in altar tribute to the gods. This is clearly seen in the example of ancient burials " important people", in which gold is necessarily present, in one form or another. High-ranking deceased people “hoped” to receive preferences from higher beings after death. Why production stopped is an even more complex question. Perhaps, over the millennia, sufficient “warehouse reserves” have been accumulated, or maybe the Earth and primitive human beings simply got bored with representatives of high intelligence?

Interviewed by Dmitry SOKOLOV

Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius

It is located in the constellation Canis Major. This is the leading, self-generated and oldest Extraterrestrial Civilization. An amazing coincidence, because Sirius is the brightest star visible from Earth.

QUESTION: What is a “spontaneous civilization”? Is it possible for something to arise on its own?

ANSWER: In fact, everything is the Creation of the Lord. This means that the Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius is a derivative of the Creativity of God, and not of other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. That is, this is a civilization that was formed in the process of spiritual evolution. From a stone to a highly organized intelligent being - a person. There are Extraterrestrial Civilizations that “split off” from the older civilization. For example, Daya is an Extraterrestrial Civilization that spun off from Dessa.

In technical terms, Sirius was ahead of all other Extraterrestrial Civilizations of our Universe by many centuries. This is a very pragmatic, tough and disciplined Extraterrestrial Civilization.

QUESTION: How is the toughness of the Sirians manifested?

ANSWER: Rigidity is manifested only in relation to one’s incarnate earthlings for their own benefit, as well as in relation to the organization of civilization itself. This refers to the social plan. But at the same time they strictly distinguish between external and internal. There must be order in the external. And this order: planning, discipline and control - ensures dynamics, movement, growth due, first of all, to the ordering of energies, balancing of energies, and implementation. And the inner world is soulfulness and spirituality, which must be treated with care and discernment.

For Sirians, 80 percent is spent on planning and calculation, and they leave 20 percent of their feelings for their personal affairs, for a narrow circle of interests.

QUESTION: Many beliefs and traditions ancient world were brought to Earth by Extraterrestrial Civilizations as the foundation for the development of culture. Was Sirius involved in this?

ANSWER: Yes, of course. An example is the cult of Osiris in Ancient Egypt. Constellation Canis Major

QUESTION: Are there representatives of Sirius on earth?

ANSWER: Representatives of Sirius on Earth are the yellow race (Mongoloids) and the red race. But such a division existed at the very beginning of the settlement of the Earth. Now peoples have mixed, and there is no longer a strict division by race.

The Baltic states, India, Japan, France, Spain, Brazil are the sphere of interests and influence of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius. Although this influence is no longer as clear as it was before. In connection with the development of transport, communications, and the erasing of borders between countries, this division into spheres of influence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations on Earth is gradually erased.

Religious teachings on Earth are Eastern religions.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion

This is a very famous Extraterrestrial Civilization. She, like Sirius, is mentioned in many esoteric sources. Located in the constellation of the same name.

Orion is also a self-generated Extraterrestrial Civilization. For Orion, strength has great importance: body strength, the ability to physically influence and influence.

“A hand full of strength can do more than a whole bag full of laws” - this is the credo of this Extraterrestrial Civilization. “Power techniques” are very important for them.

Help in creating something for the Orions is equivalent to help in destruction. Orions are not tormented by ethical and philosophical questions. Orion is a fulfiller of orders in exchange for the services he needs. Methods of execution are dictated by the situation, and not by the norms imposed by the public of the Universe. Orion does not take politics and diplomacy well. Prefers forceful methods: ultimatum, stubbornness, insistence on one’s own.

At the same time, Orions are smart and spiritually developed people. Orion simply adapts better than any other Extraterrestrial Civilization to unexpected conditions. By the way, Orion has the strongest medicine. The Orions solved the problem of disease and body change.

QUESTION: How does the spirituality of the Orions combine with their aggressiveness?

ANSWER: When we're talking about about aggression in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, there is no need to attribute this aggression to that which is known on Earth under this concept. Strict obedience to rules is also aggression.

Orion is a strong and dynamic civilization. This means that incarnate Orions, in the conditions of rough vibrations of the Earth, acquire not only dynamism, but also aggressiveness. This is why many terrorist organizations often pretend to be Islamic, although they are not.

Orion prefers not soft methods of persuasion and “recruitment”, but hard, forceful ones. In this way, Orion supports the force strategy and saves time. And Orion has become more active recently.

There is also such a moment. All extraterrestrial civilizations are going through stages of formation and growth. Orion is currently going through a growth crisis. After the crisis has passed, it will be possible to talk about Orion as a full-fledged Extraterrestrial Civilization of the Hierarchy of Light Forces. So far, Orion is only a “candidate”. Constellation Orion

QUESTION: Which countries are under the supervision of Orion?

ANSWER: These are countries where Islam is the main religion. China can also be included here. Representatives of this Extraterrestrial Civilization on Earth are the Negroid race and Arabs.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Dessa

Dessa is an Extraterrestrial Civilization born of Sirius. Located in the constellation Cygnus.

Dessa is characterized by community, unity, brotherhood, but not equality. Everything is based on Love for yourself and your neighbor. This is a civilization of cheerful, loving and quite problematic people.

Dessits (inhabitants of Dessa) are distinguished by their emotionality and sensitivity. This is an impulsive, rapidly experiencing civilization. In her touchiness she is quite vindictive, but in her sympathy she is sacrificial. Therefore, there are some difficulties in interpersonal relationships. They also have certain contradictions between their heart and mind. At the same time, they have very careful attitude to nature and a complete lack of pragmatism. This is the most soulful Extraterrestrial Civilization.

QUESTION: And probably the most emotional?

ANSWER: Desits have 50 percent emotions, and the rest is planning and calculation. First they will shed tears, and then they will count.

QUESTION: Which countries does Dessa oversee?

ANSWER: Representatives of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Dessa on Earth are a white race. Dessa's influence is strong in Russia and the Caucasus.

The religious doctrine on Earth is Christianity. Constellation Cygnus

Extraterrestrial Civilization Daiya

The Extraterrestrial Civilization Daya is located in the constellation Ursa Major. Daya is a civilization born by Dessa a long time ago. So long ago that the connection with the “parents” has been lost, but there is goodwill and a friendly attitude. This is a powerful and beautiful civilization.

The people of Daya are a strong and intelligent people, but they are stubborn. Dayans are endowed with sufficient pragmatism and are inclined towards politics. The representatives of this civilization on Earth are Jews.

The religious doctrine on Earth is Judaism. The main idea is the suppression of the Ego through a narrowly limited community, chosenness. In a narrowly limited community, that is, in a relatively small team, a person more clearly demonstrates the features of his individuality, and this in turn means that it is easier to work with those manifestations that negatively affect the evolution of the species. What is manifested is already material for work. Until the flaw is discovered, there is nothing to work with. And in a large team these shortcomings are hidden. That is why we are talking about a narrowly limited community, for example a clan. Constellation Ursa Major

Extraterrestrial Civilization Alpha Centauri

To be more precise, this is not an Extraterrestrial Civilization, but a populated planetary administrative system that unites the governments and scientific institutions of all Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Ideas of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: What ideas are there in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Any thinking space, and our Universe is such, cannot exist without an idea. As soon as the idea disappears, spiritual evolution stops, and after some time the reverse process begins - spiritual degradation. You can observe a similar stop on Earth. The technical revolution replaces the Spirit.

The material world is a crossroads of ideas. Each Extraterrestrial Civilization has its own priorities, its own methodology for translating ideas into reality.

More specifically, prioritization can be shown using the example of an approach to medicine. Sirius: improving medical technology. Growing new cells, new organs, cloning. Renewal of the body by replacing old with new, sick with healthy. Dessa: search and elimination of the causes of painful changes in the functioning of the body, due to the harmonious development of the Spirit and body. Orion: from the very birth of a person, preventing illness and changes. Routine, diet, exercises aimed at improving the body.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” - this is Orion. “A healthy mind is a healthy body” - this is Dessa. “High technology - health” is Sirius.

On Earth, Sirius’s idea of ​​health was sublimated into the saying: “If we had money, we’ll buy health.”

QUESTION: Are residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations also engaged in self-improvement and their spiritual growth, just like earthlings?

ANSWER: Yes, of course. They also believe that true growth is possible only with a full and deep awareness of one’s “I”, which is achieved only through the accumulation of experience in each individual.

However, as on Earth, representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are not alien to both materialism and pragmatism.

Daya, however, has a different approach. Daya is a proponent of collective intelligence. Daya does not accept the infinity of the “I”, immortality, and accordingly she is little concerned about medical and physiological improvements.

It is necessary to distinguish between the Soul and individuality. The soul is immortal, but individuality can be mortal. Upon contact with the monad, individuality is destroyed, only the Soul remains.

Daya is focused specifically on the Soul, and not on individuality. Whereas other Extraterrestrial Civilizations are more inclined to combine the immortality of individuality in constant development, and development of the Soul.

QUESTION: Is there a priority idea in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The universal idea or, so to speak, the meaning of life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is the improvement of the material world and the evolution of consciousness. Such evolution as selection acts in the Lord’s Plan as a mechanism for improvement already Spiritual World. Thanks to this evolution, it becomes possible to build new worlds.

Extraterrestrial Civilizations are already at the level of evolution of consciousness and Spirit, and on planets such as Earth, the evolution of matter is still ongoing.

The physical world is given as an arena of experience, thanks to which the hidden Divine powers of man are developed so that through suffering, joy and all kinds of trials he achieves the goal: to become a self-conscious spiritual center acting in accordance with the world law, otherwise - with the will of God.

Are there other civilizations in the Galaxy? This question has always interested and will interest humanity. Every time a person looks into the starry night sky and sees billions of stars, he imagines other worlds and planets. Do they really exist? Or is the Sun the only one of the hundred billion stars in the Galaxy that is accompanied by a planet inhabited by creatures capable of thinking?

A lot of work has been devoted to this issue and a lot of research has been conducted. Scientists from many countries are studying this topic, which has been troubling representatives of various fields of science for centuries. The most modern systems for tracking. The data these systems receive is stored in a single database that is larger than some of the world's largest libraries. However, technical development this moment not enough to say anything concrete. It is likely that there are fewer planets than expected. It is also likely that the evolution of life into intelligent forms is impossible on them. But there is also a possibility that developed life forms still exist.

Even the most ancient philosophers spoke about the plurality of worlds and about planets around other suns. So, one of the first to discuss this topic was Giordano Bruno. Ancient manuscripts preserve the statement of the famous Greek thinker Metrodorus of Chios that it is absurd to believe that planet Earth is the only world that is inhabited. In his opinion, this is the same as if only one sprout sprouted in a field sown with grain. Therefore, back in the 4th century BC, people asked similar questions.

However, the first attempt to scientifically approach the assessment of the possible number of habitable worlds in the Galaxy and the number of planets that sheltered intelligent beings is considered to be the famous Drake formula, which appeared in 1960. Drake's formula has many components, reflecting the proportion of stars that have planetary systems. The share of worlds that are quite suitable for the origin of life. The proportion of planets that fall into the zone suitable for life, and so on. The result of these calculations should be the number of intelligent civilizations existing in the Galaxy with which there is a potential opportunity to establish communication.

Over the past years, all these factors have been revised several times, as researchers have gained new knowledge about the Universe. As a result, the number of sufficiently developed civilizations that exist in the same period of time as us was approximately from 0.05 to 5000. Taking into account the distances and the huge choice of places for targeting radio telescopes, it can be argued that even if there are about five thousand, then the chance of establishing contact with them is very small. So is life really that small in space?

This is not entirely true. Recent work provides many reasons for optimism. Duncan is not the only one talking about this. Suffice it to recall the sensational forecast of such a famous astronomer as Seth Shostak, or the “life-giving” calculations of the American researcher Michael Meyer. But so far it has been possible to establish contact with foreign civilizations only in science fiction films and books.

The question of searching for other civilizations occupies the minds of thousands of researchers and scientists. There are many assumptions, conjectures and hypotheses. At present, there are no experimental facts that would unambiguously confirm the hypothesis of the existence of aliens. But in the future such facts may appear. Now, theoretical considerations regarding the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations are such that they can neither fully confirm the hypothesis of their existence nor refute it completely. Probably, what is clear is that on the planets of the Galaxy intelligent life is a rare phenomenon for biological reasons. However, this statement is not reliable, but only close to certain.

Meanwhile, there is an opinion that several times extraterrestrial civilizations tried to come into contact with the inhabitants of the Earth. In the archives of paranormal investigators there are many interesting stories, regarding this topic. For example, in 1929, an ordinary radio tuned to a wavelength of seventy-five meters picked up signals from “aliens.” For quite a long time, someone named Nikomo read the text alternately on different languages on behalf of the Coalition Observer Squad to the inhabitants of the Earth. In particular, Nicomo said that in the area of ​​our galaxy cluster there is a gravitational cyclone that can destroy life on all planets. He called on people to join a coalition so they could help.

Something similar happened in Great Britain in 1977. In an area of ​​120 square kilometers, the image suddenly disappeared from television screens, and an unknown mysterious voice claimed that he was a representative of another civilization and that humanity had chosen the wrong path of development. The voice also said that humanity must destroy the instruments of evil, since there is very little time left. The police actively tried to find whoever said this, but subsequently no one was found.

And there are many such examples. Numerous facts of the appearance of UFOs in the sky, interviews with scientists, cosmonauts, ufologists and pilots give reason to believe that other civilizations do exist. However, there is no scientific evidence for this. Modern science unable to either refute the existence of an alien civilization or prove it.

edited news RammkindeR - 20-07-2012, 22:01

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