Research work on the topic “My great-grandmother is my pride! Life after the war

Our great-grandmother, dear,
Look, the whole family has gathered.
And we, without hiding our feelings,
Congratulations today
Happy birthday to you.
After all, today is everyone’s holiday!
Be happy and healthy
And may your laughter never cease.
Live, don't worry, dear.
We are proud of you for good reason,
My darling, you mischievous one,
We love, we appreciate you.

Oh, my great-grandmother,
Happy Birthday to You.
Be healthy, don't get sick,
Smile more cheerfully.

Don't be a bit sad
Forgive me all the insults.
Remember, my dear,
I love you very much!

My dear great-grandmother, I congratulate you on your birthday. I want to wish you to always remain cheerful and cheerful, kind and sincere, affectionate and caring. May your life be long and happy, may there be many more joyful events and bright family holidays in it.

No, not just a grandmother -
This means that we
Gives so much warmth
How to outshine the sun
Maybe without noticing.
No matter how many years have passed,
For her we are children.
Happy Birthday to You,
The best in the world!

Happy birthday, darling
My great-grandmother
Good health
I wish you.

So that you don't get sick,
So as not to get bored,
Great-grandchildren always
She greeted me with a smile.

Knitted us socks
Baked pies
With us so that you
I was happy.

So that you have a year left
Destiny had
So that your days
You didn't count.

Three generations of children
You were rocking in your arms.
You, the best of all people,
Lives began!

How bright is your gaze,
How tender are the palms -
Three generations of children
They will be remembered for a lifetime.

You're just younger
Live a hundred years, dear!
Three generations of children -
Everyone is congratulating today.

Oh, my great-grandmother,
Happy Birthday to You.
May you be a little gray,
But she’s young at heart!

Stay like this
As before, young.
Bless us all with good health
And give a cheerful laugh!

Dear great-grandmother,
May this birthday
It will bring you health
Good luck, good mood!

We love you very much
We wish now
May you be happy!
You are dear to us.

My dear great-grandmother,
Happy birthday to you.
And the best health,
I wish you the strongest.

Let your heart beat forever
May you live many more years.
May you always be from the blue sky,
Shining bright sunlight!

My dear great-grandmother,
A wonderful, kind person
I wish you goodness and strength
May there be a long glorious age.

Thank you for your concern,
For a warm word, advice,
In health, peace, understanding
Live, dear, for a hundred years.

Great-grandmother, I wish with all my heart
Lots of joy, peace, goodness,
Endless happiness, without edge,
Always be healthy and cheerful!

Don’t be sad, dear, in vain,
Don’t you dare lose your optimism!
Let your smile be clear
Every day for loved ones to shine!

Larionova Tatyana

The life and work path of our close relatives should serve

an example for us, the younger generation, and cause us to have deep respect for them and responsibility for their behavior, studies and life position.



state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary comprehensive school village Vladimirovka m.r. Khvorostyansky Samara region

District scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren

My great-grandmother is my pride

Class GBOU secondary school s. Vladimirovka

Head: Kalyabina Larisa Viktorovna,

teacher primary classes first category

GBOU secondary school s. Vladimirovka

Introduction…………………………………Page 2-3

1. “Everything for the front, everything for victory!”...P.4-5

2. “My great-grandmother is my pride”...P. 6-10

2.1 Childhood, upbringing, studies.

2.2Best in the profession

2.3 Guardian of the family hearth

Conclusion…………………………………Page. 11-12

Sources of literature used……Page. 13

Only those people are resilient,

who remembers his past.

In this past experience,

And at the same time a lesson and a thought.

S. Dangunov.


History is a memory that enriches every new experience with its experience.

generation. In order to make fewer mistakes today, you need to carefully study this experience, since behind the events there are individuals, families, and entire dynasties.

Every person should know the history of his family and be interested in it. Because the history of any family is a piece of the history of our village, city, country.

A worthy example of our family is our great-grandmother Ekaterina Ivanovna Larionova.

Great-grandmother is an example of cheerfulness and hard work in our family.

I love my great-grandmother very much - my great-grandmother is my pride!!!

I was interested in the following questions:

1. What was the fate of my great-grandmother?

2. What contribution did she make to the development and prosperity of our village?

3. What labor successes did she achieve while working on the collective farm?

I decided to conduct a study “My great-grandmother is my pride!”

Relevance of the chosen topic.

The life and work path of our close relatives should serve

an example for us, the younger generation, and cause us to have deep respect for them and responsibility for their behavior, studies and life position.

Purpose: - to study the work path of my great-grandmother during the Great Patriotic War, and her contribution to the development of our village.

The main source of information was the story of my great-grandmother, Ekaterina Ivanovna Larionova.


I believe that you should know the history of your ancestors, study your roots

everyone, otherwise we will not be able to build our future without relying on our


Research methods:

- study of literature;

Studying a family photo album, documents;

Conversations with relatives.


1. Study archives, Internet resources, books and other sources in order to

obtaining information about the years of the Great Patriotic War, about our fellow countrymen.

2. Collect information about the biography of the great-grandmother at different stages of her life.

3. Conduct research on the work achievements of my great-grandmother and her

contribution to rural development.

The topic I have chosen is relevant, since in our turbulent and fast-paced times we must look more closely at the past: what can we take from it on the endless road to the future? But our history is about people whose life experience and knowledge should be passed on from generation to generation. The life and work of my great-grandmother is proof of this, and I am proud of it.

1. "Everything for the front, everything for victory!"

Every year we move further and further away from the war era. But time has no power over what people experienced during the war. It was a very difficult time. The Soviet soldier knew how to look boldly into the eyes mortal danger. By his will, his blood, victory was achieved over strong enemy. There are no limits to the greatness of his feat in the name of the Motherland, just as there are no limits to the greatness of the labor feat of the Soviet people.
“Everything for the front, everything for victory!” - this slogan became the main one from the first days of the war for the people who replaced the workers who went to the front. Women and teenagers became the main force on the labor front. Our fellow Volga residents did a lot to defeat Nazi Germany. Many military factories were evacuated from the west of the country to Kuibyshev. Kuibyshev became an important industrial center. Wartime boys stood at their machines for twelve to fourteen hours so that their fathers and brothers would return from the front as quickly as possible.
Young people also worked at the front in the countryside. After all, front-line soldiers and workers needed bread. Schoolchildren helped adults grow and harvest crops. They weeded the crops, cut hay, and harvested vegetables. Women's tractor brigades began to be created in the region. It was necessary to work from dark to dark. During the autumn-winter season, it was necessary to repair equipment. The premises were cold. My feet were frozen to my boots. But it was necessary to work, because people were dying at the front.

Decades have separated us from the harsh days of war. A generation that bore the heavy burden of war is passing away. But the people's memory will preserve the unfading feat, the unheard-of suffering, and the unshakable faith of the people.

In the village of Vladimirovka, too, almost all men, teenagers and many women went to the front. Some of them volunteered. More than 200 people went to the front, and less than half returned. Among the dead who did not return home were two Heroes Soviet Union: Vasily Ivanovich Surkov, who repeated Matrosov’s feat, and Vasily Andreevich Mamistov. For their heroism, monuments were erected on the square in the village of Vladimirovka.

228 guys

They left the village to fight to the death.

228 soldiers

Didn't return home from the war.

I remembered their faces

And sometimes I see in my dreams,

As if that war never happened

Everyone worked in the field. And for me

This is what I would like to tell them:

“Well done for coming alive!

We must both sow and reap in the field...

But they died in a severe battle”...

They all died in a fierce battle,

We must remember them all by name.

They did not spare their lives,

They beat the fascist bastards hard.

We knew: we would not be slaves to the Germans,

And so that trouble does not happen,

We will not forget the feat of the soldiers,

We will always remember them!

The heroism of our fellow villagers served as an example for the younger generation to follow today.

I would also like to talk about the heroism of women who steadfastly endured the hardships of life during the war. After all, on their shoulders lay concern not only for their relatives, but also for those who were left without any support. As mentioned earlier, they had to work very hard physically in order to somehow help their Motherland in difficult times.

2. My great-grandmother is my pride.

I would like to tell you about my great-grandmother,Larionova Ekaterina Ivanovna, which is, cousin HeroSoviet Union Vasily Andreevich Mamistov. And thanks to her strong character, she went through all the hardships and hardships with her head held high.

She was born on December 6, 1924 in a large family, at the age of 8 she went to school, graduated from 8 grades and immediately began working on the farm of the collective farm named after Vasily Surkov. But then great grief came, the Great Patriotic War began. All the young boys and men were taken to the front, and the young girls had to work in the fields. They sowed grain by hand, harvested crops by hand, and repaired tractors themselves. Hands and faces were covered in grease, as the skin was cracking from the wind and frost.

As a young girl, during the war they were sent to Syzran to dig trenches. With her friends, she worked in the fields on tractors and combines; they transported grain to the Volga region on carts drawn by oxen. The cows, of which there were more than 2,000 on the farms, were milked by hand, many of them helped by their grown children. Poems were written about them:

I remember a troubled time -

June '41.

War is a heavy burden

It fell on the shoulders of the people.

There are only smokehouses in the huts,

Which are full of kids.

Soldiers and old women

They worked from dawn to dusk.

There is a huge field on the collective farm,

How difficult it is to clean it up.

Teenagers don't go to school

All the adults came to help.

Oh, a lot of work on the field!

Will we get it done before winter?

The girls worked heroically

On a collective farm during the war!

She got married early and gave birth to three children: two daughters and a son, who grew up to be worthy people, even though she raised them alone, since her husband left the family when the children were small. For many years of work for the benefit of the prosperity of her collective farm, Larionova E.I. was repeatedly awarded orders of the winner of socialist competition, as well as medals dedicated to the anniversaries of the end of the Great Patriotic War. Every year on May 9, she receives congratulations from the President Russian Federation Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, from the head of the municipal district of Khvorostyansky Makhov Viktor Alekseevich, from the head of the administration of the village of Vladimirovka Demin Alexey Alexandrovich, from schoolchildren, from relatives and friends and many other people.

She is very happy when guests come. He will always treat you to tea and ask how you are doing and how you are feeling.

This year Larionova E.I. turns 90 years old. She raised 3 wonderful children. Now she has 6 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, and in November 2013, her second great-great-granddaughter was born. All her life she worked and cared for her family and friends. I admire her hard work, good nature, patience and resilience. At her age, she still wants, and most importantly, can help her children and grandchildren. She lived for more than 35 years with her daughter-in-law, with whom she has complete mutual understanding. And this makes me very happy, because she will always listen and give advice. Despite her no longer young age, she helps around the house: she cooks cabbage soup, sweeps the floor, knits socks for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and without glasses, since she successfully had two operations on both eyes. It also helps raise poultry and piglets. All her grandchildren and great-grandchildren love her. They like to communicate with her, play, help her with everything. She will never offend you, never scold you for pranks, she will always hug you, reassure you and kiss you.I love her so much.

Each family develops its own traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. In our family it is love, understanding, respect for elders and care for people close to us. We also love in significant dates gather at the great-grandmother's round table big family Larionov, where we sing songs, listen to the singing of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. We are great-grandchildren, we ask our great-grandmother to take out her medals and once again show us her pride. For us, this is a relic and memory of those difficult days. And on weekdays we like to get together and organize a work cleanup: bring water, clear snow, clean the house, etc. Our great-grandmother has such a friendly family!

Can you really tell me about this?

What years did you live in?

What an immeasurable burden

It fell on women's shoulders!..

That morning I said goodbye to you

Your husband, or brother, or son,

And you and your destiny

Left alone.

For you alone - willy-nilly -

But you have to keep up everywhere;

You are alone both at home and in the field,

You are the only one to cry and sing.

You walked, hiding your grief,

The harsh way of labor.

The entire front, from sea to sea,

You fed me with your bread.

You took on everything without fear.

And, as in the saying,

You were both a spinner and a weaver,

She knew how to do it with a needle and a saw.

I chopped, carried, dug-

Can you really re-read everything?


There has never been a war like the Great Patriotic War in Russian history. Not only because it was the most destructive, taking the lives of millions of people, but, above all, because not only adults, but also very young people became real heroes in this war.
In my work, I tried to explore how my great-grandmother lived during the Great Patriotic War. I basically completed my tasks. I studied the available archival materials and recorded the memories of my great-grandmother. The material I studied made an indelible impression on me.
I am happy for my generation, which does not know what war is and what troubles and destruction it brings with it. Comparing the youth of that time and my time, I can say that before they were stronger, more resilient, braver and more purposeful.
No, our people have not forgotten either the war or the Victory - the wounds are too fresh when you touch the memory of the heart. Even 69 years later.

The war has passed, the joy has passed,
But pain calls to people:
Come on people, never
Let's not forget about this!
A.T. Tvardovsky.

I would like to note that the state has finally begun to pay attention to the life difficulties of V.O.V. Veterans. Some, including residents of our village, were provided with financial assistance, both in repairing housing and in purchasing a new one, which they truly deserve.

And it’s a shame that not everyone lived to see this day. After all, every day there are fewer and fewer of them. So let's love and protect our loved ones from all adversity and delight them with our care, successes and achievements in any of our endeavors.

The most important thing is that I realized that everything goes down in history: people’s suffering, devastation, hunger. Our generation has the opportunity to touch the war in the memories of living witnesses of that time. Today, next to the veterans, we are their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And the connection between generations will never be interrupted. This is what I wanted to show in my work.

Sources of literature used

Internet resources;

The book “Hvorostyansky native land”;

The book “I sing to my native village”;

Poems by Borisova A.A.

Vorontsova Ksenia Ivanovna My great-grandmother Ksenia Ivanovna was an honored teacher of the RSFSR. My great-grandmother Ksenia Ivanovna was an honored teacher of the RSFSR. She was born in 1899 and began working as a primary school teacher at the age of 17. She was born in 1899 and began working as a primary school teacher at the age of 17. She lived to be 85 years old and worked at school for 43 years. She lived to be 85 years old and worked at school for 43 years.

Orders In 1944, Ksenia Ivanovna was awarded the Order of Lenin; she had already worked at the school for 28 years. In 1944, Ksenia Ivanovna was awarded the Order of Lenin; she had already worked at the school for 28 years. In 1948 she was awarded the title of Honored Teacher of the RSFSR. In 1948 she was awarded the title of Honored Teacher of the RSFSR. Then the second Order of Lenin (1949) and the medal named after. K.D. Ushinsky. Then the second Order of Lenin (1949) and the medal named after. K.D. Ushinsky.

Printed publications Her works were published: Her works were published: Written works on speech development (1940), My experience in school (1950), My experience in school (1950), How I work on myself, Experience in 1st grade , Teacher's Notes Teacher's Notes and others and others

Work at school 12 In 1912, the school building was built according to the design of architect A.D. Kryachkov as a two-year men's school. In 1923, the school was transformed into high school 12. Located on Serebrennikovskaya street, 10 (former Aleksandrovskaya street), stop. Factory "SINAR".

It has been a difficult but joyful journey, and if they ask me what I, a primary school teacher, have done, I will answer simply: I have raised hundreds of skilled and honest Soviet people. My teaching work - 43 years of continuous work - is a true service to the people and the state. It has been a difficult but joyful journey, and if they ask me what I, a primary school teacher, have done, I will answer simply: I raised hundreds of skillful and honest Soviet people. My teaching work - 43 years of continuous work - is a true service to the people and the state. Vorontsova K.I.

MAOU "Urenskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Urensky municipal district

Nizhny Novgorod region

Research on the topic of:

“My great-grandmother is my pride!”

MAOU "Urenskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Supervisor: Barkhatova E.A.,

primary school teacher

MAOU "Urenskaya Secondary School No. 2"

G. Uren, 2018


1. Relevance of the topic.

2. Object of study.

3. Purpose and objectives of the study.

4. Hypothesis.

5. Research methods.

Main part:

1. The Great Patriotic War in the life of Maria Vasilievna Tikhovodova.

2. Life after the war.

3. Grandmother's happiness.

4.My great-grandmother is my pride!



Only those people are resilient,

who remembers his past. This past contains experience, and at the same time a lesson and a thought.

S. Dangunov.


History is a memory that enriches each new generation with its experience. In order to make fewer mistakes today, you need to carefully study this experience, since behind the events there are individuals, families, and entire dynasties.

Every person should know the history of his family and be interested in it. Because the history of any family is a piece of the history of our city and country.

A worthy example of our family is our great-grandmother Maria Vasilievna Tikhovodova. Great-grandmother is an example of cheerfulness and hard work in our family.

I love my great-grandmother very much - my great-grandmother is my pride!!!

I was very interested in the question, what was the fate of my great-grandmother?

I decided to conduct a study “My great-grandmother is my pride!”

Relevance of the work:

Every person should know the history of their ancestors, the people living next to us. Without the past there is no present, and without the present there will be no future. We children can learn a lot from our ancestors and learn about the historical past.

Object of study: biographical information of the great-grandmother.

Target: learn the life story of my great-grandmother.


    Collect information about the biography of the great-grandmother at different stages of her life.

    Record the memories of your great-grandmother and other relatives.

Hypothesis: I believe that everyone should know the history of their ancestors, study their roots, otherwise we will not be able to build our future without relying on our past.

Research methods:

Studying materials from the family archive of M.V. Tikhovodova;

Conversations with great-grandmother and members of her family;

Media studies;

Main part

Everything we know about a woman is best summed up in the word “mercy.” There are other words - sister, wife, friend and the highest - MOTHER. A woman gives life, a woman protects life, a woman and life are synonymous. A woman has to become a hard worker, and sometimes do backbreaking “male” work, in order to contribute with her labor to the common cause. Their work is inscribed in golden letters in the heroic chronicle of the history of our Motherland. A woman is the most fragile creature on earth, but they stood up to defend their Motherland, a bright future, on an equal basis with men.

The Great Patriotic War in the life of Maria Vasilievna Tikhovodova.

My great-grandmother Maria Vasilyevna Tikhovodova turned 95 years old on April 22, 2018. Judging by the years lived, this is a lot, but judging by the life lived, giving birth to and raising seven children, this is not enough.

She is the widow of a participant in the Great Patriotic War, my great-grandfather Sergei Efimovich Tikhovodov, who died in 1997 at the age of 75, who made a significant contribution to the name of our Victory over Nazi Germany. His military labor was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Soldier's Order of Glory 1st degree and the medal "For Courage". And in life, the great-grandfather was, according to the grandmother’s stories, a modest worker - a hard worker and a loving father and husband.

Great-grandmother was born in the village of Kholkino, Urensky district, into the family of a middle peasant. They had their own farm, a horse. According to my grandmother’s recollections, their family was friendly and hard-working. There was enough work for everyone; in especially productive years, when there was not enough time and energy, the great-grandmother’s father hired day laborers and paid them for their work in flour, grain, and potatoes. We were one of the last to join the collective farm. The outbreak of war in 1941 disrupted their entire way of life. Three brothers went to the front. My grandmother's father died, and she was left with her mother and two younger brothers. It was a difficult time. In order to somehow survive, they even had to exchange clothes for food, walking many kilometers. And the war had been going on for more than a year. Great-grandmother then turned 18 years old. And one winter day, a messenger handed my grandmother a summons from the military registration and enlistment office and sent her to a sniper training course. She studied this science together with other girls for three months, who organized it in the building of the House of Culture in Uren. Grandmother remembers how they were taught to shoot from small-caliber and sniper rifles. But the matter did not reach the front due to family circumstances. I had to work on the labor front. Grandmother was assigned to logging. Their three friends, three young, inexperienced girls, felled the forest with a hand saw, and hauled the forest by hand. There were also casualties. Grandmother sometimes brings to life pictures of the past, which bring tears to her eyes and aches her heart. The clothes were bad, felt boots were filled with snow, and there was nowhere to dry them - they lived in barracks, slept on bunks, and there was one stove for everyone. Moreover, they were hungry, but they endured it and did not complain, because it was even worse for those at the front.

Can you really tell me about this?

What years did you live in?

What an immeasurable burden

It fell on women's shoulders!..

Life after the war.

The war that claimed millions of human lives and broke millions of destinies has ended. The elder brother Nikolai, who died near Vyazma, did not return from the war. Grandmother continued to work in the timber cooperative, which was transferred to the village of Usta. Due to the hard work, my grandmother’s legs began to hurt and she was given a trip to the Caucasus to a sanatorium. Grandmother still remembers the places where M.Yu. Lermontov, the great Russian poet, visited.

In 1946 he came from the front future husband great-grandmothers and my great-grandfather Sergei Efimovich Tikhovodov. The great-grandmother remembers how they met: the grandfather came from the war, wounded, to work in their brigade. And the grandmother took turns getting bread from the village. Petrovo in the village. Sharanga, we returned after midnight - it was scary. One day my grandfather became a travel companion for my grandmother. They talked the whole way, and grandma immediately realized that it was not scary to go into fire or water with him. So in 1948 the grandfather wooed the grandmother and they began to establish their family life. At first they lived in a common barracks, and then the house was rebuilt, in which their children were born one by one: Valentina, Alexander, Victor, Claudia, Vladimir, Anna and Nikolai. There were also Vera and Kolenka, but they died in childhood. Grandmother no longer worked, but ran her hectic household. My grandfather worked and fed his large family. Grandmother spent the money she earned sparingly and performed all organizational functions in the family. You need to hire a team to build a yard - grandma, get lumber - again grandma, put shoes on the children, dress them, send them to school - again grandma. This “restless” streak is still evident in her.

Grandmother's happiness.

To the question: how did the great-grandmother decide to give birth to so many children in the difficult, hungry post-war period, she answers that she and her husband were lucky. After all, he went through the whole war, saw so many deaths, and death followed on his heels for so many years that he knew the value of life and was not afraid of difficulties. Great-grandfather loved children very much, worked day and night to get everyone on their feet, and taught the children to work. All the children of my great-grandmother and great-grandfather grew up independent, and they were not ashamed of any of the seven. The grandmother tried to raise her children to be friendly, decent, sympathetic, and kind. And she succeeded. The children grew up and the great-grandmother sent someone off to the army every year, some to go to study, and some to get a job. Grandmother tried to help everyone make their way in life.

Today, the great-grandmother already has 18 grandchildren and 44 great-grandchildren. “This is my happiness,” Grandma Masha herself says. At 95 years old, my grandmother knows all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren by name, recognizes everyone and knows what to talk about with everyone. Grandmother remembers the birthdays of her sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and tries to give everyone small gifts. And it’s not so much about her wonderful memory, but about the blood and emotional kinship that has not been lost in our family. And great-grandmother Masha is the elder of our large family. My great-grandmother's selfless work is a great example for me. Grandma always says that the Lord created her for life, that’s why she didn’t end up in the war. Grandmother is a deeply religious person; grandmother prays fervently for each of her children, and now for each grandson and great-grandchild. She starts every day with prayer.

My great-grandmother is my pride!

The great-grandmother’s house is always full of guests: neighbors, grandchildren, children. She has an amazing gift of communication with different people. There is also a tradition in our family: Victory Day on May 9, all our numerous relatives gather at our great-grandmother’s and remember our great-grandfather and just communicate. Again, everything revolves around our great-grandmother and she is the core in our huge family.

The great-grandmother is a very interesting conversationalist, interested in politics, culture, and events in the area. She is very sociable and straightforward, always speaks the truth. Many of her friends and neighbors are dozens of years younger than her, but she also finds peace with them. mutual language.

Peering into a sweet, kind, dear face, dotted with wrinkles, but this makes it even more dear and close. Listening to stories about what happened life path, I am proud that in my life I have a worthy example of decency, humanity, hard work and honesty, which I can and should look up to - my great-grandmother Maria Vasilievna Tikhovodova. Kindness, hospitality, and willingness to help in any way are her hallmarks. I am very proud that I have such a great-grandmother.


There is no more wonderful great-grandmother!

It's good to be with you.

And dance, and dance,

Tell a bedtime story.

Maybe you're from a fairy tale yourself,

You give light, warmth and affection.

Be always, always happy

Both cheerful and beautiful.

I wish my beloved great-grandmother good health so that she lives and pleases us with her longevity! And I will always remember and be proud of my great-great-grandmother, and learn from her love for the Motherland, courage, perseverance, and hard work.


1. Newspaper materials about my great-grandmother.

2. Interview with great-grandmother.

3. Family album.


The Great Patriotic War affected every family. Some had fathers and brothers going to the front, while others had mothers and children working in factories in the rear. It was difficult for everyone, and everyone understood that war is the greatest sorrow, because it divides people.
I know about the war only from books and stories of veterans, but I would like to tell you about my great-grandmother, who made her small but very necessary contribution to the Victory.

My great-grandmother, Vasenina Galina Timofeevna, was born in the city of Omsk on November 17, 1923. She was eighteen when the war began. Galina completed nursing courses and got a job at the Omsk military hospital. She had to work three shifts, sometimes the girl was not able to run home.

Galina treated her work with love. She cared for the wounded: she gave injections, made bandages, spoon-fed those who could not eat themselves, washed bandages and linen. But this was not the only way Galina helped the wounded. By nature, the girl was a very open, cheerful person, and she shared joy and sorrow with the wounded: when she reads a letter that came to a front-line soldier from home, when she herself writes an answer from the words of a soldier, and when she just has a heartfelt conversation and supports someone. Galina had a good voice and often sang songs for the soldiers, but the wounded especially loved to listen to the poems that the girl read.

Galina felt sorry for the wounded, so she tried to help them. The girl had enough kindness and warmth for everyone. The soldiers loved and respected her and affectionately called her nurse.
Many probably remember this pretty girl with brown hair, fragile, short, but so strong in spirit. Yes, yes, exactly strong. After all, on the shoulders of the nurses lay a great responsibility for the health of the soldiers, who, after the hospital, returned to duty again to beat the Nazis.

Thus, throughout the war, Galina fulfilled her duty - helping the wounded get back on their feet. And this is a lot...

Now my great-grandmother lives in Omsk and often comes to visit us. I think that God will grant her health and longevity for her kindness, hard work and patience. I love my great-grandmother and am very proud of her! And I want to wish everyone a peaceful sky and bright sun, green forests and flowering meadows. May there never be war!

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