All by myself: star single mothers. Celebrity single mothers and their children Celebrity mothers and their children

The term “single mother” appeared relatively recently, in the 20th century. This is due to the fact that the number of women raising children on their own is steadily growing from year to year. Unfortunately, the statistics for many countries are disappointing. In Russia, about 30 percent of children are born out of wedlock. In the United States, one third of all children are raised without a father by their mothers alone. In Switzerland, 54 percent of all women raise children on their own. The figure is slightly lower in the UK and Finland - 38 and 37 percent respectively.

Star mothers and their children:

The world of show business is no exception. Among famous women There will be those who raise a child relying solely on their own strength. Some celebrities wanted to raise a child exclusively for themselves. Examples of adoption of children from other countries are illustrative. But, despite this, these ladies know the value of true motherhood, and are wonderful mothers and fathers to their children.

Sandra Bullock

This Oscar-winning actress is the mother of Louis Bardot. Sandra adopted her son secretly from everyone in 2010. For a long time, the star and her then-husband Jesse James tried to have a baby, but their plans did not come true. After unsuccessful attempts, the couple decides to adopt a child, and have already decided on a candidate. However, in 2010, a scandal broke out in connection with Jesse James' infidelity, and Sandra filed for divorce. The actress did not give up the idea of ​​having a child. And soon she had the wonderful Louis Bardot. Judging by the pictures, Sandra is always very kind to her son. It is safe to say that she made a wonderful mother.

Sandra Bullock with her son

Charlize Theron

The equally famous Hollywood actress Charlize Theron decided to adopt a child. Charlize is not married, but at her age the star already feels a strong need to have a loving and beloved person. It turned out to be Jackson, the baby adopted by Charlize Theron from South Africa in 2012. Let us remember that the actress herself was born and raised in this country.

Charlize Theron with her son

Kristin Davis

We know this actress for her role as Charlotte York in the series "Sex in big city". Christine has never been married, but still decided to have a child just for herself. Now the star is raising a daughter named Gemma Rose. Recently, Christine admitted that last year, when she was just planning adoption, motherhood seemed like an unbearable burden to her. However, with Over time, she felt blessed from above and the joy of raising a daughter.

Kristin Davis with her daughter

Halle Berry

After divorcing her husband Gabriel Aubry, Holly began raising her daughter Nala on her own. The couple’s relationship had not been gelling for a long time, as a result of which mutual insults and threats rained down. It got to the point that the actress accused her husband of allegedly seducing her little daughter. Now Holly is a single mother. Which, in fact, I’m not the least bit upset about. Soon the actress will have another baby. The Oscar-winning star is on recent months pregnancy.

Halle Berry with her daughter

Christina Aguilera

The singer is raising her three-year-old son Max alone. Christina's marriage fell apart after five years of marriage to Jordan Bratman. However, this did not stop the star from devoting a sufficient amount of time to her offspring. Although Christina is terribly busy with several grandiose US projects at once, she always finds time for Max. What I always talked about in interviews.

Britney Spears

Britney was married to Kevin Federline, a former dancer and current rapper. After the divorce, the singer was left with two sons, Jayden James and Sean Preston. Of course, Britney adores her boys, but at first it was hard for her to be alone due to constant nervous breakdowns. At first, they wanted to deprive the pop princess of custody of her sons, but these threats greatly influenced Britney. Now she is an exemplary mother and, whenever possible, tries to involve boys in her work. Recently, the singer filmed a joint video with Jaden and Sean.

Liv Tyler

Star actress and daughter of famous musician Steve Tyler, Liv is raising her son Milo alone after her divorce in 2009. It should be noted that the star takes her son wherever possible. There is no doubt that the star single mother copes well with her responsibilities.

Marriages are made in heaven but broken up on earth. This is fully applicable to celebrities, who are not immune to mistakes and disappointments. Perhaps it is easier for Hollywood and show business stars, actresses and singers to raise children alone, but judging by the twists and turns and revelations, this is far from the case. ELLE - about star mothers who do without the help of men.


The singer was married twice - and both times unsuccessfully. In her marriage to Sean Penn, both were bullies, but Madonna was far from being a crazy boyfriend. Being Guy Ritchie's wife turned out to be boring: the creator of boy films in real life turned out to be a rather reserved British gentleman who did not tolerate publicity. “Living with him, I felt like I was behind bars - I couldn’t do what I wanted,” the artist later admitted, adding that she would rather throw herself under a train than get married again. According to Madonna, the main thing in her life from now on is her children.

“Today my tastes and priorities have changed. Children are the love of my life. They are all so different and at the same time seem like one whole to me,” said Madonna, who is raising two natural children, Lourdes and Rocco, and two adopted children, David and Mercy. But it seems that the singer’s pedagogical methods were not very successful: at the end of last year, Rocco refused to return to his mother, wanting to stay with his father, Guy Ritchie, and his new wife. The court, moreover, deprived Madonna of custody of her son, and now the artist, during a break between social events and concerts, is trying to re-establish relations with Rocco.

Halle Berry

The actress has absolutely no luck with men, which she herself has said more than once, albeit in a veiled way. Berry was married three times, in addition, for a long time lived in a civil marriage, but all the relationships on which she relied ended in serious disappointments. Her first husband, athlete David Justice, beat her, her second, musician Eric Benet, cheated on her, which is why Holly tried to commit suicide.

The five-year romance with fashion model Gabriel Aubry was peaceful at first, but when Aubry wanted to gain custody of their common daughter Nala, a war broke out, which the yellow media actively covered on their pages. Then a colleague appeared in Berry’s life, French actor Olivier Martinez, who became her third husband in 2013. The year before, an epic fight broke out between Aubrey and Martinez, which resulted in broken ribs for the first and broken knuckles for the second. It’s difficult to say what this story explains about Olivier Martinez, but the fact is that Halle Berry’s marriage, which brought her a son, Maceo, ended two years later.

The result was disappointment in the idea of ​​living together with someone. “I don't want to be a wife anymore. I no longer need to increase my self-esteem through marriage,” said the actress. For a year now, Berry has been a single mother. However, she doesn’t have to complain about the help of her children’s fathers: both Aubrey and Martinez regularly spend time with Nala and Maceo, and as for alimony, Holly doesn’t need it - moreover, she herself pays Aubrey $20,000 a month.

Sharon Stone

The actress, whose popularity peaked in the mid-90s, has noticeably slowed down her professional activity, focusing on her personal life. In this case - on motherhood.

A difficult divorce from her second husband, journalist Phil Bronstein, ended in great tragedy for Stone: their adopted son Rowan was left with his father by court decision. The ability to see the boy who lives with Bronstein in San Francisco only on weekends did not suit Sharon. And to cope with the loss, the actress adopted two children. In 2005, she became Laird's mother, and a year later Quinn appeared in their home. This was the end of the arrangement of family happiness: two subsequent short affairs with much younger men did not lead to anything. However, Stone does not lose hope. “I would like to meet someone who would love my children, who would be kind and smart,” Sharon said recently.

Katie Holmes

In the summer of 2013, Katie Holmes unexpectedly decided to leave Tom Cruise. A quiet, reserved young woman, Holmes nevertheless came across as someone who knew what she was doing and was confident in herself. She did not make loud statements that she no longer needed a man (and indeed: these statements, as a rule, mean the opposite), but simply settled away from Hollywood, in New York, played in the theater, sometimes acted, but mostly spent time with daughter Suri. Central Park, children's parties, trips without pathos on public transport - Holmes withdrew from publicity, determining what was most important to her. “Having a child made me who I really am,” she says. And she backs her words with deeds: last year Katie Holmes took up directing, making her first film based on the novel “All We Had,” the main character of which is a single mother.

Charlize Theron

A woman with a steely character, Charlize Theron is raising two adopted children and does not consider it necessary to change her life for the sake of anyone else.

“I am a single mother with a small son. I had to explain to the child that I have a man, but this is not his father. I openly said that I wanted more children. It is clear that the relationship must become very strong to make such a decision. But that didn’t happen for us,” Theron recently said, commenting on the breakup with Sean Penn. As a result, the actress nevertheless adopted a second baby, but herself. Without Penn. When talking about motherhood, Charlize avoids unnecessary pathos, admitting that caring for children has made her very down-to-earth and realistic.

“I have someone to give my love and care to every day,” she says, categorically refusing to even think about taking on more children. The actress doesn’t even want to get a cat, which her eldest son asks for. However, it is the children who support her and give her strength. “I don’t know how I would have gotten through this filming if I hadn’t had my son’s smile waiting for me in the trailer at the end of each day,” Theron said, recalling working on “Mad Max.”

Britney Spears

Britney Spears with Kevin Federline

Raising a child alone is not an easy task. While everyone has long been accustomed to the phenomenon of a single mother, single fathers have always been rare. Widowers sought to remarry as quickly as possible, and in divorce cases, the court, as a rule, sided with the woman. Men who, by the will of fate, find themselves with a child in their arms and raising him on their own deserve special respect and gratitude.

Alexander Kalyagin

The actor's first wife, Tatyana Korunova, died from cancer, when their daughter Ksenia was not yet five years old. Alexander Kalyagin raised his daughter on his own for many years, brilliantly coping with the role of a single father. Ksanyulka, as he called his daughter, did not need anything.

The second time he decided to get married, realizing that a good relationship had been established between Ksenia and actress Evgenia Glushenko, and his daughter fully approved of the candidacy of his future wife and mother. Now Ksenia Kalyagina lives in America, raising her son Matvey.

Yuri Levitan

For the main voice Soviet Union daughter became main woman in life. The wife of the famous announcer Raisa, having lived with him for 10 years, met another man and went to him. Yuri Levitan insisted that his daughter Natasha stay with him. The three of them lived: the announcer, his daughter Natasha and mother ex-wife, who doted on her son-in-law.

The man didn’t even think about organizing his personal life. Natalya became his queen, beloved and spoiled. He loved her with that same blind love that does not see flaws. Unfortunately, after Levitan passed away, Natalya Yuryevna was killed in her own apartment. The killer turned out to be her own son Boris.

Mark Bernes

The first wife of the famous performer, Paola Linetskaya, died very early, unable to cope with cancer. Mark Bernes was left alone with his daughter Natasha, who by that time was not yet three years old. Only when his daughter was already a schoolgirl did Mark Bernes seriously fall in love.

His second wife was Lily Bodrova, who replaced Natasha’s mother. Mark Bernes later adopted Jean, his wife’s son from his first marriage. Natalya now permanently resides in the USA.

Boris Khmelnitsky

The actor was in love with Marianna Vertinskaya for many years, but their life together did not work out. After a short marriage, the actress left Khmelnitsky, leaving her daughter Dashenka, who was only a few months old, in his care.

He didn’t understand at all why everyone frightened him with difficulties and problems. He enjoyed his fatherhood and was a caring and fair parent. Before last day Throughout his life as an actor, he maintained a touchingly warm relationship with his daughter. Daria became an actress and at the same time received a profession as a designer.

Pyotr Repnin

The famous Mulya from “The Foundling” found himself with a child in his arms when he was already 44 years old, and little Olenka was barely 4 months old. Last wife The actor died very early. And his daughter completely filled his life. However, he himself was also able to completely fill his daughter’s life.

He did not trust his baby to anyone, believing that women would only spoil her. Olga noticed in the future: she speaks with a fatherly intonation, perceives life like a dad. When Olga got married, he himself insisted that she live separately and arrange her personal life. He was an amazing father, but after his daughter’s marriage he did not live long.

Victor Merezhko

The famous director was very happily married to his Tamara, and when she died, he promised the children that they would not have a stepmother. He still keeps his word. Maria and Ivan are grateful to their father for the respect shown to their children’s feelings and for the immense care and attention with which their father surrounded them after their mother left.

Yuri Moroz

The director's wife Marina Levtova died tragically when their daughter Dasha was 16 years old. Yuri Moroz had to face a double problem, when the pain of losing his mother is superimposed on the problems of the transition period of a teenager, and then the whole world seems just black. Yuri Moroz behaved very competently. He spent all his time with his daughter free time, helped her and supported her in everything, trying to save the girl from depression. In order not to be separated even during working hours, the director began to film his daughter in his films. Now Daria is a professional actress, happily married, raising a daughter.

Konstantin Khabensky

After Anastasia, the wife of Konstantin Khabensky, died of cancer, he was left alone with his son. But, of course, his grandmothers came to his aid, trying to make life as easy as possible for both of them.

Despite the fact that Khabensky worked very hard, he managed to exert the right influence on Ivan. The actor did not feel sorry for the boy, but taught him to treat with understanding those who need help, and involved his son in holding charity performances and concerts in favor of children with cancer.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan

The actor remained a single father of two children with a living wife. Donara Pilosyan ended up in a psychiatric clinic, from which she never left until the end of her days. Frunzik Mkrtchyan’s relationship with his children was difficult, but he tried as best he could to provide them with a decent life, while at the same time paying for the stay of his wife and then his son Vazgen in the hospital. I also didn’t have much intimacy with my daughter Nune.

Dmitry Shepelev

The presenter stayed with two year old child in her arms after the death of her wife Zhanna Friske, who had been battling cancer for several years. Despite all the difficulties, Dmitry takes Plato’s upbringing very responsibly and does not allow anyone to interfere in his and his son’s life.

Leonid Bronevoy

The actor's daughter Valentina was not there yet four years, when her mother, actress Valentina Blinova, died. Leonid Bronevoy tried to raise his daughter and provide for his family at the same time, although at first it was unusually difficult for him. When he could not find work in the theater, trying to find at least some source of income, he even played dominoes for money. He married a second time after finishing school and his daughter entering college.

Our heroes became single fathers by the will of fate, but today there are men who consciously go to raise children on their own. Philip Kirkorov and Sergei Lazarev took advantage of this to have children.

7 Russian single mothers Women who constantly appear on television and on the pages of newspapers and magazines often raise their children without any support.

Renata Litvinova

The Russian cinema star is raising a daughter, Ulyana, from her second marriage. Now the 12-year-old girl is studying at a French school in Paris, because, according to her mother, she was completely unhappy in the Russian school, the excessive academic load deprived her of her childhood. Renata divorced Ulyana's father, businessman Leonid Dobrovsky, in 2006 and does not intend to enter into a new marriage.

Svetlana Sorokina

Journalist Svetlana Sorokina became a mother at the age of 46, taking a ten-month-old girl, Tonya, into her baby's home. Now Tonya is almost 10 years old, and her mother is completely helpless due to the fact that she is raising a child without a father.

Ekaterina Volkova

Actress Ekaterina Volkova is a real mother with many children, albeit a single mother. Her daughter from her first husband Valeria is already almost 20 years old, and the children born in her marriage to Eduard Limonov - Bogdan and Alexandra - are five and four years old. Now Ekaterina is raising her children alone, believing that these days women have become stronger and more independent than many men, and she doesn’t want to become a nanny for her husband either. Being a mother is her main role, as Volkova claims. Difficult, but loved. The role she chose for herself.

Yulia Volkova

Julia is growing up 8-year-old Victoria, whom she gave birth to at the age of 19 from her ex-bodyguard Pavel Sidorov, and 5-year-old Samir from Parviz Yasinov. The former “tattoo” practically does not maintain relations with the fathers of her children. She believes that they are not ready for responsibility. But he is not going to forbid them to communicate - only this will not happen before the children themselves come to see their dad. In the meantime, her mother helps her raise her son and daughter - she is the “commander in chief” in the house while Yulia is on tour or filming.

Dana Borisova

TV presenter Dana Borisova is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of her five-year-old daughter Polina, including her personal life. Some time after a difficult breakup with the girl’s father, Maxim Aksenov, she began to build a new relationship - with businessman Andrey. But Polina didn’t like her boyfriend, and she asked not to bring him home anymore. Andrei considered this child’s behavior to be whims, but for Dana, her daughter’s peace of mind turned out to be more valuable, and the couple separated. However, just recently Dana got a new boyfriend - and this time everything is going towards the fact that Paulie will have a new dad.

Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya is raising her son Miron exclusively on her own. The boy's father, married businessman Mamikhan Malsagov, does not provide her with any support. They broke off the relationship when the question arose - to go to the pregnant Malinovskaya or stay with his wife and children. According to Masha, she did not want to destroy someone else’s family. The absence of her beloved man nearby does not bother her much - she is only upset by the fact that he does not participate in her son’s life at all.

Malinovskaya is even proud of her status as a single mother, because raising a child alone requires a lot of courage, strength and health, and not every woman is capable of this.

Zhanna Epple

Actress Zhanna Epple was left alone with two children in 2005 after 17 years civil marriage with Ilya Frez (son of film director Ilya Frez). Now her eldest son Potap is 22 years old, and his brother Efim is 12 years old. The boys have grown up independent, can do everything around the house themselves and take care of their mother as the only woman in the family.

Zhanna now tries not to mix her personal life with her role as a mother, and is building new relationships in the format of a “guest marriage”, without planning to have a new husband.

In modern realities, women are forced to be independent. True, often the male sex does not get along with strong ladies and leaves their chosen ones, despite the children they have in common. Today, both average people and celebrities from Russia raise their children on their own. The editors have compiled a list of stars - single mothers.

Valeria Gai Germanika

There are many star single mothers in Russian show business. For example, the director, whom the viewer knows from the films “School” and “Everyone will die, but I will stay,” is raising two daughters. Octavia was born married to, and Severina’s father is.

Renata Litvinova

In her second marriage she gave birth to a daughter. The actress divorced Leonid Dobrovsky and left her beloved child for herself. Now the child of a cinema star is traveling around Europe. It is known that the artist did everything to ensure that her daughter had the best education and a happy childhood.

Ekaterina Volkova

None of her divorces broke her. The actress was officially married three times and once lived with her chosen one in. After these unsuccessful unions, the artist was left with children, in whom Volkova dotes. Today, the star mother and her children live a happy, full life without a man in the house.

Yulia Volkova

At the age of 19, she gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, and a few years later, her son Samir was born. The ex-vocalist of the group "" does not maintain relations with the fathers of her children, raising her beloved children on her own. It is known that during the tour Samir and Victoria stay with the performer’s mother.

Masha Malinovskaya

By personal example he proves that if you want to, you can raise a child on your own. The father of the artist’s son is not involved in his upbringing today. This does not bother Malinovskaya at all, who is used to coping with difficulties without outside help. The son of a TV presenter is her outlet and meaning of life.

Alena Shishkova

And the rapper broke up a few months after the birth of their daughter Alice. The couple’s relationship was not legalized, so the model could not demand anything from the performer. It is worth noting that the artist, unlike the majority, did not abandon the child and today is actively involved in upbringing.

Alika Smekhova

Among the stars are single mothers, who gave birth to her second son Makar without a husband. It is known that the actress’s ex-husband, 2 weeks before the divorce, demanded that Smekhova sign a paper confirming that she had no material claims against him. Alika did this and today supports herself and her children on her own.

Irina Saltykova

She didn’t give up after the divorce. In order to provide herself and her daughter Alisa with everything they needed, the famous singer, having separated from her husband, moved with her child to her mother and rented out her comfortable apartment. It is known that in 2018, Alice periodically helps her mother create musical material.

Back in 2003, the journalist named her Antonina. It is known that shortly before this, Svetlana divorced her second husband. In conversations with media representatives, Sorokina has repeatedly said that she consciously became a single mother and does not regret her decision at all.

10 single mothers of Russian show business
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