Physics. Jet motion in nature and technology. Cuttlefish do not move as fast as their relatives, squids. Speed ​​of cuttlefish

Cuttlefish do not move as fast as their squid relatives, although they are armed with a jet funnel. They usually swim using fins, but can also use jet propulsion. The fins can act separately, which gives the cuttlefish amazing maneuverability when moving - it can even move sideways. If the cuttlefish moves only in a reactive manner, then it presses its fins to its belly. Often cuttlefish gather in small schools, moving rhythmically and in concert, while simultaneously changing body color. The spectacle is very mesmerizing.

Slide 15 from the presentation "Cephalopods". The size of the archive with the presentation is 719 KB.

Biology 7th grade

summary other presentations

"Bird Facts" - Nervous System. Digestive system. Bird eggs. Bird class. External structure. Interesting Facts. A little about birds. Evolution of birds. Variety of birds. Reproductive system. The meaning of birds in nature. Birds in human life. Circulatory system. Excretory system.

“Features of reproduction of angiosperms” - Method of asexual reproduction. Pollination methods. Cambium in the stem of a woody plant. Double fertilization in angiosperms. Seed. Test. Flower structure. Two sperm. Fertilization. Which method of asexual reproduction is shown in the figure. A trait of angiosperms. Wheat seed. Features of sexual and asexual reproduction. Fill in the missing words. Reproduction of angiosperms.

“Description of mollusks” - Frontal mini-test on the topic “Worms”. Fossil remains of mollusks. Lawn. Types of animals. Excretory organs. Variety of shellfish. Some species do not have a shell. Octopus. Squid. Explain the errors in the statement. Mollusks of the village of Shuiskoye. Characteristic signs shellfish Classification of mollusks. Movement of cephalopods. External structure of mollusks. Gastropods. Variety of shells. Internal structure shellfish

“Bees” - Cells are divided by structure. The role of the bee. Nest of a bee family. Pollen. Treatment with bee venom. Breast. Honey. Body of an adult bee. Swarming. Pair of large lateral compound eyes. Queen bee. Oral apparatus. Bee venom. The bee is a symbol of hard work. Respiratory system. Honey is the juice from the dew of heaven. Bees.

“Food trophic relationships” - Trophic relationships in nature. Select consumers. Types of biotic relationships. Types of relationships. Type of biotic relationships. Consumers. Kelp. Nectar of flowers. Meaning. Ecology lesson. Producers. Trophic chains. Let's live in peace. Ecosystem components. Clover. Food chain. Fun test. Decomposers. Table. Rule. Necessary components of the ecosystem. Detrital food chains. Pairs of organisms.

“Respiratory organs” - The main respiratory organ in aquatic environment. Arachnids. Gills. Reptiles. Respiratory system of amphibians. Trachea. Respiratory system of mammals. Gill slits. Find errors in the text. Birds. Respiratory organs and gas exchange. Lamellar feathery gills. Based on breathing, all living things are divided into two groups. Evolution of the respiratory system. Crustaceans. Plants, fungi and primitive animals. Functions of the respiratory system.

The logic of nature is the most accessible and most useful logic for children.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky(03.03.1823–03.01.1871) - Russian teacher, founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia.


I invite readers of the green pages to look into the fascinating world of biophysics and get to know the main principles of jet propulsion in wildlife. Today on the program: jellyfish cornermouth- the largest jellyfish in the Black Sea, scallops, enterprising rocker dragonfly larva, amazing the squid with its unrivaled jet engine and wonderful illustrations performed by a Soviet biologist and animal artist Kondakov Nikolai Nikolaevich.

A number of animals move in nature using the principle of jet propulsion, for example, jellyfish, scallops, dragonfly larvae, squid, octopus, cuttlefish... Let's get to know some of them better ;-)

The jet method of movement of jellyfish

Jellyfish are one of the most ancient and numerous predators on our planet! The body of a jellyfish is 98% water and is largely composed of hydrated connective tissue - mesoglea functioning like a skeleton. The basis of mesoglea is the protein collagen. The gelatinous and transparent body of the jellyfish is shaped like a bell or an umbrella (a few millimeters in diameter up to 2.5 m). Most jellyfish move in a reactive way, pushing water out of the umbrella cavity.

Jellyfish Cornerata(Rhizostomae), order of coelenterate animals of the scyphoid class. Jellyfish ( up to 65 cm in diameter) lacking marginal tentacles. The edges of the mouth are elongated into oral lobes with numerous folds that grow together to form many secondary oral openings. Touching the mouth blades may cause painful burns caused by the action of stinging cells. About 80 species; They live mainly in tropical, less often in temperate seas. In Russia - 2 types: Rhizostoma pulmo common in the Black and Azov Seas, Rhopilema asamushi found in the Sea of ​​Japan.

Jet escape of scallops

Shellfish scallops, usually lying calmly on the bottom, when their main enemy approaches them - a delightfully slow, but extremely insidious predator - starfish- they sharply squeeze the doors of their sink, forcefully pushing water out of it. Thus using jet propulsion principle, they emerge and, continuing to open and close the shell, can swim a considerable distance. If for some reason the scallop does not have time to escape with its jet flight, Starfish wraps her arms around it, opens the shell and eats it...

Scallop(Pecten), a genus of marine invertebrates of the class of bivalve mollusks (Bivalvia). The scallop shell is rounded with a straight hinge edge. Its surface is covered with radial ribs diverging from the top. The shell valves are closed by one strong muscle. Pecten maximus, Flexopecten glaber live in the Black Sea; in the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk – Mizuhopecten yessoensis ( up to 17 cm in diameter).

Rocker dragonfly larva jet pump

Temperament Rocker dragonfly larvae, or eshny(Aeshna sp.) is no less predatory than its winged relatives. She lives for two and sometimes four years in the underwater kingdom, crawling along the rocky bottom, tracking down small aquatic inhabitants, happily including fairly large-sized tadpoles and fry in her diet. In moments of danger, the larva of the rocker dragonfly takes off and swims forward with jerks, driven by the work of the remarkable jet pump. Taking water into the hindgut and then abruptly throwing it out, the larva jumps forward, driven by the recoil force. Thus using jet propulsion principle, the larva of the rocker dragonfly with confident jerks and jerks hides from the threat pursuing it.

Reactive impulses of the nervous “freeway” of squids

In all the above cases (principles of jet propulsion of jellyfish, scallops, rocker dragonfly larvae), shocks and jerks are separated from each other by significant periods of time, therefore high speed of movement is not achieved. To increase the speed of movement, in other words, number of reactive impulses per unit time, necessary increased nerve conduction which stimulate muscle contraction, servicing a living jet engine. Such large conductivity is possible with a large nerve diameter.

It is known that Squids have the largest nerve fibers in the animal world. On average, they reach a diameter of 1 mm - 50 times larger than that of most mammals - and they conduct excitation at a speed 25 m/s. And a three-meter squid dosidicus(it lives off the coast of Chile) the thickness of the nerves is fantastically large - 18 mm. Nerves are thick like ropes! Brain signals - the triggers of contractions - rush along the squid's nervous "freeway" at a speed passenger car90 km/h.

Thanks to squids, research into the vital functions of nerves advanced rapidly at the beginning of the 20th century. "And who knows, writes British naturalist Frank Lane, maybe there are people now who owe the squid the fact that they nervous system is in good condition..."

The speed and maneuverability of the squid is also explained by its excellent hydrodynamic forms animal body, why squid and nicknamed “living torpedo”.

Squid(Teuthoidea), suborder of cephalopods of the order Decapods. The size is usually 0.25-0.5 m, but some species are largest invertebrate animals(squids of the genus Architeuthis reach 18 m, including the length of the tentacles).
The body of squids is elongated, pointed at the back, torpedo-shaped, which determines their high speed of movement as in water ( up to 70 km/h), and in the air (squids can jump out of the water to a height up to 7 m).

Squid Jet Engine

Jet propulsion, now used in torpedoes, aircraft, missiles and space shells, is also characteristic of cephalopods - octopuses, cuttlefish, squids. Of greatest interest to technicians and biophysicists is squid jet engine. Notice how simply, with what minimal use of material, nature solved this complex and still unsurpassed task;-)

In essence, the squid has two fundamentally different engines ( rice. 1a). When moving slowly, it uses a large diamond-shaped fin, which periodically bends in the form of a running wave along the body of the body. The squid uses a jet engine to launch itself quickly.. The basis of this engine is the mantle - muscle tissue. It surrounds the mollusk’s body on all sides, making up almost half the volume of its body, and forms a kind of reservoir - mantle cavity - the “combustion chamber” of a living rocket, into which water is periodically sucked in. The mantle cavity contains gills and internal organs squid ( rice. 1b).

With a jet swimming method the animal sucks water through a wide open mantle gap into the mantle cavity from the boundary layer. The mantle gap is tightly “fastened” with special “cufflinks-buttons” after the “combustion chamber” of a living engine is filled with sea water. The mantle gap is located near the middle of the squid's body, where it is thickest. The force causing the movement of the animal is created by throwing a stream of water through a narrow funnel, which is located on the abdominal surface of the squid. This funnel, or siphon, is "nozzle" of a living jet engine.

The engine “nozzle” is equipped with a special valve and the muscles can turn it. By changing the angle of installation of the funnel-nozzle ( rice. 1c), the squid swims equally well, both forward and backward (if it swims backward, the funnel is extended along the body, and the valve is pressed against its wall and does not interfere with the water stream flowing from the mantle cavity; when the squid needs to move forward, the free end of the funnel elongates somewhat and bends in the vertical plane, its outlet collapses and the valve takes a curved position). Jet shocks and the absorption of water into the mantle cavity follow one after another with elusive speed, and the squid rushes like a rocket in the blue of the ocean.

Squid and its jet engine - Figure 1

1a) squid – a living torpedo; 1b) squid jet engine; 1c) the position of the nozzle and its valve when the squid moves back and forth.

The animal spends a fraction of a second taking water in and pushing it out. By sucking water into the mantle cavity in the aft part of the body during periods of slow movements due to inertia, the squid thereby carries out suction of the boundary layer, thus preventing the flow from stalling during an unsteady flow regime. By increasing the portions of ejected water and increasing the contraction of the mantle, the squid easily increases its speed of movement.

The squid jet engine is very economical, thanks to which he can reach speed 70 km/h; some researchers believe that even 150 km/h!

Engineers have already created engine similar to a squid jet engine: This water cannon, operating using regular gasoline or diesel engine. Why squid jet engine still attracts the attention of engineers and is the object of careful research by biophysicists? To work underwater, it is convenient to have a device that works without access atmospheric air. The creative search of engineers is aimed at creating a design hydrojet engine, similar air-jet

Based on materials from wonderful books:
“Biophysics in physics lessons” Cecilia Bunimovna Katz,
And "Primates of the Sea" Igor Ivanovich Akimushkina

Kondakov Nikolay Nikolaevich (1908–1999) – Soviet biologist, animal artist, Candidate of Biological Sciences. His main contribution to biological science was his drawings of various representatives of the fauna. These illustrations were included in many publications, such as Big Soviet Encyclopedia, Red Book of the USSR, in animal atlases and teaching aids.

Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich (01.05.1929–01.01.1993) – Soviet biologist, writer and popularizer of biology, author of popular science books about animal life. Laureate of the All-Union Society "Knowledge" award. Member of the USSR Writers' Union. The most famous publication of Igor Akimushkin is a six-volume book "Animal world".

The materials in this article will be useful to apply not only in physics lessons And biology, but also in extracurricular activities.
Biophysical material is extremely beneficial for mobilizing the attention of students, for turning abstract formulations into something concrete and close, affecting not only the intellectual, but also the emotional sphere.

§ Katz Ts.B. Biophysics in physics lessons

§ § Akimushkin I.I. Primates of the sea
Moscow: Mysl Publishing House, 1974
§ Tarasov L.V. Physics in nature
Moscow: Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 1988

It will be strange for you to hear that there are quite a few living creatures for which the imaginary “lifting of oneself by the hair” is their usual way of moving in water.

Figure 10. Swimming movement of cuttlefish.

Cuttlefish and, in general, most cephalopods move in water in this way: they take water into the gill cavity through a side slit and a special funnel in front of the body, and then energetically throw out a stream of water through the said funnel; at the same time, according to the law of reaction, they receive a reverse push sufficient to swim quite quickly with the back side of the body forward. The cuttlefish can, however, direct the funnel tube sideways or backwards and, rapidly squeezing water out of it, move in any direction.

The movement of the jellyfish is based on the same thing: by contracting its muscles, it pushes water out from under its bell-shaped body, receiving a push in the opposite direction. A similar technique is used when moving by salps, dragonfly larvae and other aquatic animals. And we still doubted whether it was possible to move like that!

To the stars on a rocket

What could be more tempting than leaving Earth and travel across the vast universe, fly from Earth to the Moon, from planet to planet? How many science fiction novels have been written on this topic! Who hasn’t taken us on an imaginary journey through the heavenly bodies! Voltaire in Micromegas, Jules Verne in A Trip to the Moon and Hector Servadac, Wells in The First Men on the Moon and many of their imitators made the most interesting journeys to the heavenly bodies - of course, in their dreams.

Is there really no way to make this long-standing dream come true? Are all the ingenious projects depicted with such tempting verisimilitude in novels really impossible? In the future we will talk more about fantastic projects of interplanetary travel; Now let’s get acquainted with the real project of such flights, first proposed by our compatriot K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

Is it possible to fly to the moon by plane? Of course not: airplanes and airships move only because they rely on the air, are pushed away from it, and there is no air between the Earth and the Moon. In global space, there is generally no sufficiently dense medium on which an “interplanetary airship” could rely. This means that we need to come up with a device that would be able to move and be controlled without relying on anything.

We are already familiar with a similar projectile in the form of a toy – a rocket. Why not build a huge rocket, with a special room for people, food supplies, air tanks and everything else? Imagine that people in a rocket are carrying with them a large supply of flammable substances and can direct the outflow of explosive gases in any direction. You will receive a real controllable celestial ship on which you can sail in the ocean of cosmic space, fly to the Moon, to the planets... Passengers will be able, by controlling explosions, to increase the speed of this interplanetary airship with the necessary gradualness so that the increase in speed is harmless to them. If they want to descend to some planet, they can, by turning their ship, gradually reduce the speed of the projectile and thereby weaken the fall. Finally, passengers will be able to return to Earth in the same way.

It will be strange for you to hear that there are quite a few living creatures for which the imaginary “lifting of oneself by the hair” is their usual way of moving in water.

Figure 10. Swimming movement of cuttlefish.

Cuttlefish and, in general, most cephalopods move in water in this way: they take water into the gill cavity through a side slit and a special funnel in front of the body, and then energetically throw out a stream of water through the said funnel; at the same time, according to the law of reaction, they receive a reverse push sufficient to swim quite quickly with the back side of the body forward. The cuttlefish can, however, direct the funnel tube sideways or backwards and, rapidly squeezing water out of it, move in any direction.

The movement of the jellyfish is based on the same thing: by contracting its muscles, it pushes water out from under its bell-shaped body, receiving a push in the opposite direction. A similar technique is used when moving by salps, dragonfly larvae and other aquatic animals. And we still doubted whether it was possible to move like that!

To the stars on a rocket

What could be more tempting than leaving the globe and traveling across the vast universe, flying from Earth to the Moon, from planet to planet? How many science fiction novels have been written on this topic! Who hasn’t taken us on an imaginary journey through the heavenly bodies! Voltaire in Micromegas, Jules Verne in A Trip to the Moon and Hector Servadac, Wells in The First Men on the Moon and many of their imitators made the most interesting journeys to the heavenly bodies - of course, in their dreams.

Is there really no way to make this long-standing dream come true? Are all the ingenious projects depicted with such tempting verisimilitude in novels really impossible? In the future we will talk more about fantastic projects of interplanetary travel; Now let’s get acquainted with the real project of such flights, first proposed by our compatriot K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

Is it possible to fly to the moon by plane? Of course not: airplanes and airships move only because they rely on the air, are pushed away from it, and there is no air between the Earth and the Moon. In global space, there is generally no sufficiently dense medium on which an “interplanetary airship” could rely. This means that we need to come up with a device that would be able to move and be controlled without relying on anything.

We are already familiar with a similar projectile in the form of a toy – a rocket. Why not build a huge rocket, with a special room for people, food supplies, air tanks and everything else? Imagine that people in a rocket are carrying with them a large supply of flammable substances; they can direct the outflow of explosive gases in any direction. You will receive a real controllable celestial ship on which you can sail in the ocean of cosmic space, fly to the Moon, to the planets... Passengers will be able, by controlling explosions, to increase the speed of this interplanetary airship with the necessary gradualness so that the increase in speed is harmless to them. If they want to descend to some planet, they can, by turning their ship, gradually reduce the speed of the projectile and thereby weaken the fall. Finally, passengers will be able to return to Earth in the same way.

Figure 11. Project of an interplanetary airship, designed like a rocket.

Let us remember how recently aviation made its first timid gains. And now the planes are already flying high in the air, flying over mountains, deserts, continents, and oceans. Maybe “astronavigation” will have the same magnificent blossoming in two or three decades? Then man will break the invisible chains that have chained him to his native planet for so long and rush into the boundless expanse of the universe.

Jet motion in nature and technology is a very common phenomenon. In nature, it occurs when one part of the body is separated from certain speed from some other part. In this case, the reactive force appears without the interaction of this organism with external bodies.

In order to understand what we are talking about, it is best to look at examples. in nature and technology are numerous. We will first talk about how animals use it, and then how it is used in technology.

Jellyfish, dragonfly larvae, plankton and mollusks

Many people, while swimming in the sea, came across jellyfish. In the Black Sea, in any case, there are plenty of them. However, not everyone realized that jellyfish move using jet propulsion. The same method is used by dragonfly larvae, as well as some representatives of marine plankton. The efficiency of invertebrate marine animals that use it is often much higher than that of technical inventions.

Many mollusks move in a way that interests us. Examples include cuttlefish, squid, and octopus. In particular, the scallop clam is able to move forward using a jet of water that is ejected from the shell when its valves are sharply compressed.

And these are just a few examples from the life of the animal world that can be cited to expand on the topic: “Jet propulsion in everyday life, nature and technology.”

How does a cuttlefish move?

The cuttlefish is also very interesting in this regard. Like many cephalopods, it moves in water using the following mechanism. Through a special funnel located in front of the body, as well as through a side slit, the cuttlefish takes water into its gill cavity. Then she vigorously throws it through the funnel. The cuttlefish directs the funnel tube back or to the side. The movement can be carried out in different directions.

The method that the salpa uses

The method that the salpa uses is also curious. This is the name of a sea animal that has a transparent body. When moving, the salpa draws in water using the front opening. The water ends up in a wide cavity, and gills are located diagonally inside it. The hole closes when the salpa takes a large sip of water. Its transverse and longitudinal muscles contract, compressing the entire body of the animal. Water is pushed out through the rear hole. The animal moves forward due to the reaction of the flowing jet.

Squids - "living torpedoes"

The greatest interest is, perhaps, the jet engine that the squid has. This animal is considered the most major representative invertebrates that live at great ocean depths. In jet navigation, squids have achieved real perfection. Even the body of these animals resembles a rocket in its external shape. Or rather, this rocket copies the squid, since it is the squid that has the undisputed primacy in this matter. If it needs to move slowly, the animal uses a large diamond-shaped fin for this, which bends from time to time. If a quick throw is needed, a jet engine comes to the rescue.

The mollusk's body is surrounded on all sides by a mantle - muscle tissue. Almost half of the total volume of the animal’s body is the volume of its cavity. The squid uses the mantle cavity to move by sucking water inside it. Then he sharply throws out the collected stream of water through a narrow nozzle. As a result of this, it pushes backwards at high speed. At the same time, the squid folds all 10 tentacles into a knot above its head in order to acquire a streamlined shape. The nozzle contains a special valve, and the animal's muscles can turn it. Thus, the direction of movement changes.

Impressive squid speed

It must be said that the squid engine is very economical. The speed it is capable of reaching can reach 60-70 km/h. Some researchers even believe that it can reach up to 150 km/h. As you can see, the squid is not called the “living torpedo” for nothing. It can turn in the desired direction, bending its tentacles folded in a bundle down, up, left or right.

How does a squid control movement?

Since the steering wheel is very large compared to the size of the animal itself, only a slight movement of the steering wheel is sufficient for the squid to easily avoid a collision with an obstacle, even moving at maximum speed. If you turn it sharply, the animal will immediately rush into reverse side. The squid bends the end of the funnel back and, as a result, can slide head first. If he bends it to the right, he will be thrown to the left by the jet thrust. However, when it is necessary to swim quickly, the funnel is always located directly between the tentacles. In this case, the animal rushes tail first, like the running of a fast-moving crayfish if it had the agility of a racer.

When there is no need to rush, cuttlefish and squid swim, undulating with their fins. Miniature waves run across them from front to back. Squid and cuttlefish glide gracefully. They only push themselves from time to time with a stream of water that shoots out from under their mantle. The individual shocks that the mollusk receives during the eruption of jets of water are clearly visible at such moments.

Flying squid

Some cephalopods are capable of accelerating up to 55 km/h. It seems that no one has made direct measurements, but we can give such a figure based on the range and speed of flying squids. It turns out that there are such people. The Stenoteuthis squid is the best pilot of all mollusks. English sailors call it a flying squid (flying squid). This animal, the photo of which is presented above, is small in size, about the size of a herring. It chases fish so quickly that it often jumps out of the water, skimming like an arrow over its surface. He also uses this trick when he is in danger from predators - mackerel and tuna. Having developed maximum jet thrust in the water, the squid launches into the air and then flies more than 50 meters above the waves. When it flies, it is so high that frequent flying squids end up on the decks of ships. A height of 4-5 meters is by no means a record for them. Sometimes flying squids fly even higher.

Dr. Rees, a mollusk researcher from Great Britain, in his scientific article described a representative of these animals, whose body length was only 16 cm. However, he was able to fly a fair distance through the air, after which he landed on the bridge of a yacht. And the height of this bridge was almost 7 meters!

There are times when a ship is attacked by many flying squids at once. Trebius Niger, an ancient writer, once told a sad story about a ship that seemed unable to withstand the weight of these sea animals and sank. Interestingly, squids are able to take off even without acceleration.

Flying octopuses

Octopuses also have the ability to fly. Jean Verani, a French naturalist, watched one of them speed up in his aquarium and then suddenly jump out of the water. The animal described an arc of about 5 meters in the air and then plopped down into the aquarium. The octopus, gaining the speed necessary for the jump, moved not only thanks to jet thrust. It also paddled with its tentacles. Octopuses are baggy, so they swim worse than squids, but at critical moments these animals can give a head start to the best sprinters. California Aquarium workers wanted to take a photo of an octopus attacking a crab. However, the octopus, rushing at its prey, developed such a speed that the photographs, even when using a special mode, turned out to be blurred. This means that the throw lasted only a fraction of a second!

However, octopuses usually swim quite slowly. Scientist Joseph Seinl, who studied the migrations of octopuses, found that the octopus, whose size is 0.5 m, swims at an average speed of about 15 km/h. Each jet of water that he throws out of the funnel moves him forward (more precisely, backward, since he swims backwards) by about 2-2.5 m.

"Squirting cucumber"

Reactive movement in nature and technology can be considered using examples from the plant world to illustrate it. One of the most famous is the ripened fruits of the so-called They bounce off the stalk at the slightest touch. Then, from the resulting hole, a special sticky liquid containing the seeds is ejected with great force. The cucumber itself flies in the opposite direction at a distance of up to 12 m.

Law of conservation of momentum

You should definitely talk about it when considering jet motion in nature and technology. Knowledge allows us to change, in particular, our own speed of movement if we are in open space. For example, you are sitting in a boat and you have several stones with you. If you throw them in a certain direction, the boat will move in the opposite direction. This law also applies in outer space. However, for this purpose they use

What other examples of jet propulsion can be noted in nature and technology? The law of conservation of momentum is illustrated very well using the example of a gun.

As you know, a shot from it is always accompanied by recoil. Let's say the weight of the bullet was equal to the weight of the gun. In this case, they would fly apart at the same speed. Recoil occurs because a reactive force is created, since there is a thrown mass. Thanks to this force, movement is ensured both in airless space and in the air. The greater the speed and mass of the flowing gases, the greater the recoil force that our shoulder feels. Accordingly, the stronger the reaction of the gun, the higher the reaction force.

Dreams of flying into space

Jet propulsion in nature and technology has been a source of new ideas for scientists for many years. For many centuries, humanity has dreamed of flying into space. The use of jet propulsion in nature and technology, it must be assumed, has by no means exhausted itself.

And it all started with a dream. Science fiction writers several centuries ago offered us various means of how to achieve this desired goal. In the 17th century, Cyrano de Bergerac, a French writer, created a story about a flight to the moon. His hero reached the Earth's satellite using an iron cart. He constantly threw a strong magnet over this structure. The carriage, attracted to him, rose higher and higher above the Earth. Eventually she reached the moon. Another famous character, Baron Munchausen, climbed to the moon using a bean stalk.

Of course, at that time little was known about how the use of jet propulsion in nature and technology could make life easier. But the flight of fancy certainly opened up new horizons.

On the way to an outstanding discovery

In China at the end of the 1st millennium AD. e. invented jet propulsion to power rockets. The latter were simply bamboo tubes that were filled with gunpowder. These rockets were launched for fun. The jet engine was used in one of the first automobile designs. This idea belonged to Newton.

N.I. also thought about how jet motion arises in nature and technology. Kibalchich. This is a Russian revolutionary, the author of the first jet project aircraft, which is designed for human flight. The revolutionary, unfortunately, was executed on April 3, 1881. Kibalchich was accused of participating in the assassination attempt on Alexander II. Already in prison, while awaiting execution of the death sentence, he continued to study such an interesting phenomenon as jet motion in nature and technology, which occurs when part of an object is separated. As a result of these researches, he developed his project. Kibalchich wrote that this idea supports him in his position. He is ready to calmly face his death, knowing that such an important discovery will not die with him.

Implementation of the idea of ​​space flight

The manifestation of jet propulsion in nature and technology continued to be studied by K. E. Tsiolkovsky (his photo is presented above). Back at the beginning of the 20th century, this great Russian scientist proposed the idea of ​​​​using rockets for space flights. His article on this issue appeared in 1903. It presented a mathematical equation that became the most important for astronautics. It is known in our time as the “Tsiolkovsky formula”. This equation described the motion of a body having variable mass. In his further works, he presented a diagram of a rocket engine powered by liquid fuel. Tsiolkovsky, studying the use of jet propulsion in nature and technology, developed a multi-stage rocket design. He also came up with the idea of ​​​​the possibility of creating entire space cities in low-Earth orbit. These are the discoveries the scientist came to while studying jet propulsion in nature and technology. Rockets, as Tsiolkovsky showed, are the only devices that can overcome a rocket. He defined it as a mechanism with a jet engine that uses the fuel and oxidizer located on it. This device transforms the chemical energy of the fuel, which becomes the kinetic energy of the gas jet. The rocket itself begins to move in the opposite direction.

Finally, scientists, having studied the reactive movement of bodies in nature and technology, moved on to practice. A large-scale task lay ahead to realize the long-standing dream of humanity. And a group of Soviet scientists, led by Academician S.P. Korolev, coped with it. She realized Tsiolkovsky's idea. The first artificial satellite of our planet was launched in the USSR on October 4, 1957. Naturally, a rocket was used.

Yu. A. Gagarin (pictured above) was the man who had the honor of being the first to fly in outer space. This important event for the world took place on April 12, 1961. Gagarin flew around the entire globe on the Vostok satellite. The USSR was the first state whose rockets reached the Moon, flew around it and photographed the side invisible from Earth. In addition, it was the Russians who visited Venus for the first time. They brought scientific instruments to the surface of this planet. American astronaut Neil Armstrong is the first person to walk on the surface of the Moon. He landed on it on July 20, 1969. In 1986, Vega 1 and Vega 2 (ships belonging to the USSR) explored at close range Halley's Comet, which approaches the Sun only once every 76 years. Space exploration continues...

As you can see, physics is a very important and useful science. Jet propulsion in nature and technology is just one of the interesting issues that are discussed in it. And the achievements of this science are very, very significant.

How jet propulsion is used in nature and technology these days

In physics, particularly important discoveries have been made in the last few centuries. While nature remains virtually unchanged, technology is developing at a rapid pace. Nowadays, the principle of jet propulsion is widely used not only by various animals and plants, but also in astronautics and aviation. In outer space there is no medium that a body could use to interact in order to change the magnitude and direction of its speed. That is why only rockets can be used to fly in airless space.

Today, jet propulsion is actively used in everyday life, nature and technology. It is no longer a mystery as it used to be. However, humanity should not stop there. New horizons are ahead. I would like to believe that the jet movement in nature and technology, briefly described in the article, will inspire someone to make new discoveries.

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