Sample menu 4. Diet “4 table” - features, nutritional recommendations, menu. Bakery and pasta products


Developed by the Soviet physician-scientist Pevzner, treatment table No. 4 is actively used in the treatment of intestinal diseases accompanied by stool disorders, nausea, vomiting, and colic. The purpose of the diet is to improve digestion, reduce the load on the nutritional organs, and help speed up the patient’s recovery.

Indications for use

Diet No. 4 is positioned as one of the options for treating various digestive disorders. It is prescribed after the following diagnoses are made:

  • Dysentery – infection accompanied by bloody diarrhea.
  • Enterocolitis is inflammation of the large and small intestines.
  • Exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases.
  • Colitis is inflammation of the colon.
  • Typhoid fever is an intestinal bacterial infection with elements of intoxication (poisoning of the body) and fever.
  • Intestinal tuberculosis (the diet is effective only in the first 5-7 days).

General rules

A diet for intestinal disease involves mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing of the intestines. To do this, it is necessary to completely eliminate foods that stimulate the secretory functions of the stomach and enhance the functioning of the gallbladder.

The calorie content of the diet is reduced to 1800-2050 kcal. The preferred heat treatment of products is boiling, stewing, and steaming. General rules diet number 4:

  • Dishes should be served warm in a liquid, pureed or semi-liquid state.
  • You need to eat in small portions. To prevent hunger, food should be taken 4-5 times a day.
  • To prevent dehydration, it is important to maintain a drinking regime - drink 1.5-2 liters of water.
  • Reduce salt intake to 5-8 grams per day. Sugar is allowed, but in limited quantities.

Types of diet No. 4

Treatment table No. 4 consists of several subgroups. Each of them is prescribed at a certain stage of intestinal treatment:

  • Diet 4A is designed to facilitate intestinal function in the acute period of the disease. This diet helps eliminate pain, diarrhea, flatulence and bloating.
  • Diet 4B is prescribed for the treatment of patients with chronic intestinal diseases or pathologies that have progressed to the subacute stage.
  • Diet 4B is a transition table - from dietary principles of nutrition to rational ones. It is prescribed to all patients during the recovery stage. Diet 4B allows for the preparation of dishes by baking or lightly frying.

Authorized Products

When following diet No. 4, you must choose foods that are easy to digest and have astringent properties. The following items should be included in the grocery basket:

  • Bakery products - yesterday's wheat bread made from flour premium, crackers, savory cookies.
  • Lean meats and poultry - beef, chicken (without skin), rabbit, turkey.
  • Dietary fish varieties - hake, bream, cod, carp, perch.
  • Eggs – soft-boiled, omelet.
  • Dairy products – calcined ground cottage cheese, acidophilus milk.
  • Cereals – rice, semolina, oatmeal.
  • Any boiled or grated vegetables.
  • Fruits, sweets, dessert dishes - applesauce, quince, blackcurrant infusions, jelly, jelly.
  • Drinks – tea, coffee, water cocoa, herbal infusions.

Prohibited Products

Use should be limited fatty foods, sweets, baked goods. The following are strictly prohibited:

  • Bakery products – fresh bread, flour products made from butter dough.
  • Fatty meats and poultry - pork, lamb, duck, canned food, sausage, ham, frankfurters, rich broths.
  • All fatty fish, seafood marinades, smoked meats.
  • Dairy products - cream, sour cream, cheese, whole milk.
  • Cereals – millet, pearl barley, pasta, legumes, barley and other crumbly cereals.
  • Sauces, marinades.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, compotes, honey, jam, preserves.
  • Liquids - tea, coffee, cocoa with milk, grape juice, carbonated, alcoholic or sweet drinks.

Menu for the week

To avoid unexpected breakdowns, nutritionists recommend thinking through the menu in advance, writing it on a piece of paper and attaching it to the refrigerator. The diet should be based only on permitted products, in compliance with all the rules of diet No. 4. Sample menu for the first week of treatment:

2nd breakfast

A serving (150 g) of oatmeal with a piece of butter. Any drink.

Soft-boiled egg.

Rice soup (200 ml) with meatballs from minced chicken, 1 toast.

Baked apple.

Chicken soufflé (200 grams), jelly.

Rice porridge with water (200 g), 2 biscuits. Drink.

Fruit pudding (100-150 g).

Onion cream soup, a piece (100 grams) of stewed fish.

Kissel, 2 crackers.

Chopped steam cutlets (100 grams), fruit pudding (100 g).

Semolina in water (150 grams), 80 grams of cottage cheese.

Homemade berry jelly (100 g).

Buckwheat soup with vegetables (200 ml), 2 croutons, 1 fish cutlet.

Kissel, 4 cookies.

Boiled meat (100 grams), buckwheat (100 grams).

Protein steam omelette with tea.

Baked apple.

Fish soup with secondary broth (200 ml), 2 croutons.

Biscuits, rosehip infusion.

Rabbit stewed with vegetables (200 g), tea.

Semolina pudding (120 grams), green tea.

Boiled egg.

Steamed dumplings from minced chicken or turkey (100 g), boiled rice (100 g).

Baked apple.

Liquid buckwheat(100 g), steamed fish (100 g), jelly.

Hercules porridge with a piece of butter (100 g), 80 grams of cottage cheese, tea.

Kissel with dried bread.

Soup with meatballs (200 ml), croutons, steamed minced fish balls (100 g).

Rosehip decoction, biscuits.

Cottage cheese pudding, pear broth, 2 crackers.

One egg omelette, tea with cookies.

Pear souffle.

Beef broth with boiled vegetables (200 ml), crackers, grated buckwheat with meatballs (150 g).

Green tea, 2 cookies.

Rice porridge with butter (150 g), a piece of steamed fish.

For children

For intestinal diseases in children on artificial feeding, you should avoid mixtures that contain lactose. Diet number 4 for older children differs from the table for adults only in the calorie content of dishes and serving sizes:

  • The energy value of a child’s diet must be reduced to 1500-1700 kcal.
  • Before serving the dish, grind through a sieve or grind in a blender.
  • All dishes must be kept at a temperature of up to 45 °C. Cold desserts, sweets, and soda are prohibited.

Diet 4 recipes for every day

Dietary table 4 must be followed from several weeks to months. You can make your diet more varied if you learn how to cook. healthy dishes. Give preference to low-fat soups, viscous porridges, boiled vegetables, baked fruits and berries.

Steamed cutlets in a slow cooker

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 156 kcal.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The steamed cooking method allows you to preserve all the vitamins, minerals and other beneficial ingredients of the food. To make homemade steamed chicken cutlets, take skinless breast or turkey fillet. For spices, give preference to paprika and turmeric.


  • chicken breast – 300 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the breast and grind it together with the onion in a meat grinder.
  2. Add egg, spices, breadcrumbs to the minced meat.
  3. Form patties with wet hands.
  4. Place the pieces on the steam pan.
  5. Pour a glass of water into the multicooker and turn on the “Steam” mode.
  6. Cook the cutlets for 20-25 minutes.

Diet pumpkin soup

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2-3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 22 kcal.
  • Purpose: main dish.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

For dietary soup, you can use any vegetables: pumpkin, carrots, onions, potatoes. If desired, you can use secondary chicken or beef broth as the basis of the dish.


  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • frozen pumpkin – 150 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • water – 500 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan and cover with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Add spices to the broth: turmeric, Bay leaf, a pinch of grated ginger root.
  4. Grind the prepared vegetables in a blender.


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This is a “soft” diet option, the description will help you create a menu therapeutic nutrition on every day.

Therapeutic diet No. 4B is indicated:

  • at the stage of improvement of acute intestinal diseases;
  • during a period of mild exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases;
  • after a sharp exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases;
  • in combination with damage to other digestive organs.

Therapeutic diet No. 4b is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • providing moderate nutrition with moderate disruption of the digestive process;
  • helping to reduce inflammatory processes;
  • normalization of the digestive system.

General characteristics of diet No. 4B:

Therapeutic diet No. 4B is a complete diet in terms of energy value and chemical content, but the amount of protein is slightly increased. It is recommended to consume food boiled in water or steamed in pureed or crushed form. Products that aggravate putrefaction and fermentation in the intestinal area, sharply stimulate the secretion of the stomach and pancreas, the secretion of bile, and irritate the liver are prohibited. Allowed 5-6 meals a day.

Chemical composition of therapeutic diet No. 4B diet:

  • 100-110 g of proteins, 60-65 of which are animal;
  • 80-90 g of fat, most of which is butter;
  • 350-400 g of carbohydrates, 50-70 g of which are sugar;
  • 8-10 g salt;
  • 1.5 liters of liquid.

The diet has a calorie content of 2600-1800 calories.

Yesterday or dried wheat bread made from premium or first grade flour, dry cookies and dry biscuits are allowed. Small portions of baked goods with boiled meat, cottage cheese, jam and apples are allowed to be eaten a couple of times a week, but only if well tolerated.

Wheat bread made from wholemeal flour, rye bread, any fresh bread, butter or puff pastries are prohibited.


It is recommended to consume low-fat soups with meat, fish broth or vegetable broth. Cereals, vermicelli, noodles should be well boiled or pureed, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini - pureed or finely chopped. You can add meatballs and quenelles.

Bean soups and milk soups are prohibited. Borscht, cabbage soup, pickles, beetroot pancakes, and okroshka are not allowed.

Meat and poultry

Low-fat or low-fat varieties and types of meat are allowed for food. Cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, etc. are boiled in water or steamed from beef, turkey, and chicken. Poultry is eaten without skin. Veal, chicken and rabbit meat are boiled in pieces.

Therapeutic diet No. 4B prohibits fatty types and varieties of meat. Duck and goose meat, various sausages, smoked products, and canned food are not allowed.


Consumption of fatty, salted, smoked fish and canned food is prohibited.


It is recommended to add milk, cream, and non-acidic sour cream to dishes. You can eat kefir, acidophilus and other fermented milk drinks. It is allowed to eat fresh cottage cheese, curd paste, steamed and baked puddings, and mild cheese.

It is prohibited to consume milk in its natural form, dairy products with high acidity, spicy and salty cheeses.


The consumption of eggs is limited to 1-2 pieces per day. They can be eaten soft-boiled, as part of steam omelettes, protein omelettes, and other dishes.

Hard-cooked and fried eggs.


Well-boiled porridge from non-prohibited cereals in water, to which you can add 1/3 of milk, is allowed. Oatmeal and buckwheat should be wiped first. Recommended foods include steamed puddings made from pureed porridge, rice and semolina casseroles, and boiled noodles.

Therapeutic diet No. 4B does not allow foods made from legumes, porridge made from pearl barley, wheat, barley and millet.


It is recommended to consume boiled potatoes, carrots, pureed cauliflower, boiled early zucchini and pumpkin, and steamed soufflé of pureed vegetables. Ripe and fresh tomatoes can be eaten in quantities of up to 50-100 g per day.

White cabbage, beets, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, cucumbers, rutabaga, turnips, sorrel, and spinach are prohibited. Mushrooms are not allowed.


It is allowed to eat jellied fish, mild cheese, and sturgeon caviar.

Fruits, sweet

Ripe and sweet fruits, which must first be peeled, are recommended for food. The amount of raw fruits and berries is limited to 100 g per day, and then only if well tolerated. Puréed or pureed baked apples, baked pears, various jelly, compotes with pureed fruits, jellies, mousses. You can also eat snowballs, meringues, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jam and preserves.

The consumption of grapes, apricots, plums, dried fruits, ice cream, chocolate, and cakes is prohibited.

Sauces, spices

Spicy and fatty sauces are prohibited. Consumption of mustard, horseradish and pepper is not allowed.


You can drink tea, coffee, cocoa with water or a mixture of water and milk. Rose hip decoctions are recommended. Decoctions from wheat bran. Apple, cherry, tangerine, orange, and strawberry juices should first be diluted in half with water, preferably hot.

Consumption of grape, plum, apricot juices, kvass, and fruit drinks is prohibited.


All other fats are prohibited.

Example of a therapeutic diet menu No. 4B

For the first breakfast steamed omelette, semolina porridge with milk, tea.

For second breakfast you can bake apples.

Dinner< состоит из мясного бульона с яичными хлопьями, мясных кнелей на пару, морковного пюре, киселя.

Afternoon snack limited to rosehip decoction.

For dinner You can also eat boiled fish with mashed potatoes, rice pudding with fruit gravy and tea.

The therapeutic diet, number four, is intended for people with a diseased intestine. Products are selected that have minimal mechanical and chemical effects on the condition of the intestines. Fermentation processes in it should be reduced as much as possible. Typically, this diet is prescribed to people who not only have intestinal disease, but also have accompanying diarrhea.

Diet 4 for intestinal diseases could be called protein. After all, the amount of carbohydrates and fats is reduced to a critical level, but proteins must be consumed in normal amounts. It is because of this, unlike many therapeutic diets which can be followed for a long time, the fourth diet can only be followed certain time, from 2 to 5 days.

Do's and don'ts

Relatively very careful preparation of dishes is required. All products must either be boiled or steamed and pureed. Products that promote fermentation in the intestines are completely excluded. This is milk, sweets, berries and fruits, any greens, vegetables. Products that stimulate the pancreas are also prohibited. This includes a variety of sauces, seasonings and snacks.

  1. During diet No. 4, a fractional nutrition system is recommended - 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. It is recommended to use soups with low-fat light fish or meat broth. You can add cereals - semolina, buckwheat, rice, etc. The meat in the dish should be boiled and pureed. Soups with pasta, dairy, and strong and fatty broths are prohibited.
  3. The only flour products allowed are crackers made from wheat bread top quality. From meat and poultry - low-fat varieties of veal, beef, chicken, turkey and rabbit. The bird should be cooked without skin, and the tendons and fatty layers should be cut out of the meat. Sausages, frankfurters, canned meat, etc. are prohibited.
  4. During diet No. 4, you can eat no more than two eggs per day. They can be added to any dishes, soft-boiled or steamed into an omelet. It is forbidden to fry eggs, boil them hard, or eat them raw.
  5. Vegetables can be consumed exclusively in the form of decoctions added to soups. Any snacks, spices, condiments, etc. are prohibited.
  6. It is recommended to drink green tea, black coffee and coffee made with water. Adding milk to cocoa or coffee is prohibited. It is also necessary to exclude sugary carbonated drinks from your diet.

Table 4 diet menu for the week

Diet 4 table menu for the week includes a wide list of not prohibited foods, based on which you can create your approximate diet for 7 days and for every day. Below are two sample menu options for one day.

First option:

  • First breakfast - oatmeal (mashed in water), freshly prepared mashed cottage cheese, green tea;
  • Second breakfast - a decoction of dried blueberries;
  • Dinner - meat broth with the addition of semolina, steamed meatballs, rice porridge pureed in water, a glass of jelly;
  • Afternoon snack - warm and unsweetened rose hip decoction;
  • Dinner - steamed omelette, buckwheat porridge pureed in water, green tea;
  • Before bed - a glass of jelly.

Second option:

  • For breakfast, rice cooked in low-fat broth is suitable. Rice cooked in plain water will do. White bread in the form of crackers. Lightly sweetened cocoa made without milk.
  • Kissel and crackers are served for lunch.
  • They have soup for lunch. The broth for it should not be greasy. The main course is steamed cutlets and weak tea.
  • Dinner should be rice pudding, grated. It is steamed. Boiled fish (as an option, meatballs), crackers, rosehip decoction.
  • For the second dinner, a glass of three-day kefir is served.

Usually diet table 4 is prescribed by doctors, but if you know your diagnosis for sure, you can start following such a diet yourself - there will be no harm from it.

In addition, due to the low-calorie nature of this course and its balance, with diet No. 4 you can lose a couple of extra pounds without causing damage to your health, which is why some women use table No. 4 as a course for losing weight.

Diet 4 menus for the week:

Acceptable foods on the diet

The range of foods allowed in diet No. 4 according to Pevzner is not particularly extensive. It includes:

  • of bread products, only white bread crackers are allowed;
  • from fermented milk products, cottage cheese, grated, sour cream with a low percentage of fat content, a little cream are allowed, kefir must be three days old;
  • some eggs, but only as part of other dishes;
  • For soups, use low-fat broth. Barley, rice, barley or semolina are added to the first dish. Meat in soup is only in the form of meatballs;
  • Only lean meat (veal, beef, poultry) and the same fish are welcome. These products are served exclusively steamed or boiled. When preparing minced meat, use rice instead of bread;
  • pasta and cereals are pureed and served semi-liquid;
  • Jelly made from berries and fruits is allowed. You can also make jelly, tea or compote from them.

To take any vitamins, mandatory need to consult a doctor. It is useful to drink a drink made from rose hips or bran.


The dietary fourth table is positioned as a therapeutic food for people complaining of pain in the intestines and stomach, patients with diagnoses: colitis, intestinal disorder, enterocolitis, dysentery. This diet is long-term, so you will have to stick to it even after discharge from the hospital.

Diet 4 for intestinal diseases

The diet and list of products for this table were developed in the thirties of the last century by the doctor Pevzner.

However, the system has not lost its popularity and is still in demand by patients suffering from regular gastrointestinal disorders.

Table number 4 is a special diet, which is initially designed to reduce the processes of decay in the intestines and restore the inner lining of the stomach.


A diet is prescribed for acute or chronic intestinal diseases: colitis and enterocolitis, constipation or diarrhea, digestive disorders, intestinal dysentery and other indications of digestive tract disorder.

The purpose of such nutrition is to reduce the consumption of protein foods, limit the intake of fats and carbohydrates to the minimum normal threshold. Table 4 according to Pevzner is usually divided into subtypes, each of which has its own purpose.

This therapeutic food is prescribed to adults whose intestinal diseases occur with a predominance of fermentation processes, and to patients with severe exacerbations of the disease and diarrhea.

Table 4a is inferior, and its menu and recipes are monotonous, therefore such food is prescribed only for short time– 2-5 days.

The energy composition of consumed meals per day should not exceed 1600 kcal.

Diet 4b

Treatment table 4 marked “b” is prescribed to all patients during the period of exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes in the intestines, which are accompanied by pathologies of the liver, biliary tract, kidneys and pancreas. Table 4b is physiologically complete and is recommended for a long term. Daily allowance the nutritional value dishes should not contain more than 2900 kcal.

Diet 4c

This diet is prescribed in the first week to all patients who have undergone surgery in the stomach or intestinal surgery, as well as people recovering from an acute inflammatory process, as a transition point from the treatment table to the general one. Compared to other subtypes, table 4b is less forgiving. Its energy value is 3140 kcal.

In cases of acute or chronic colitis in children, intestinal dysbiosis or general weakness in the gastrointestinal tract, treatment of the child with dietary nutrition always starts with a fasting diet. In the first few days, the baby is given only tea or medicinal drinks. mineral water based on the age and condition of the child. Only after this is a special diet number 4 prescribed for children.

The principles of this diet for a child remain unchanged, only the volume of food consumed and their calorie content are reduced. A diet for intestinal disorders in children involves eating small portions up to 6 times a day. Every dish for a child should be prepared using gentle methods. heat treatment products: steamed, stewed or baked.

Diet 4 table - what is possible, what is not

In order not to provoke intestinal upset or exacerbation of the disease, you should remember what foods contribute to this. For therapeutic nutrition, diet 4, the list of foods prohibited for consumption is as follows:

  • cold foods or drinks: water, ice cream, milk;
  • lemonade;
  • any alcohol;
  • drinks containing sugar;
  • honey or sweet foods;
  • products that contain organic acids: cabbage, zucchini and eggplant, sea shellfish;
  • fruits and vegetables with pectins: lingonberries, quince, cranberries, pears, grapes, beets;
  • foods containing coarse fiber: rye bread, pastries, stringy meat, legumes, barley;
  • too salty, hot or spicy foods: acetic acid, mustard, ketchup, coffee.

The following types of products are allowed to be included in dietary table 4 according to Pevzner:

  • Food from the protein group: rabbit meat, veal, chicken or turkey, lean fish, cottage cheese.
  • Cereals: oats, semolina, rice, or buckwheat.
  • Drinks and decoctions from rose hips, black currants, jelly and unsweetened juices.
  • Vegetables boiled or in broth.
  • Eggs, but no more than one per day.
  • baked goods: wheat bread that is not fresh, diet cookies, wheat crackers.

Diet 4 – menu for the week

A gentle diet for enterocolitis, colitis, and other disorders is prescribed for a long period. Therefore, the menu should be complete, and its main goal is to normalize the functioning of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

From technological processes Only four are suitable: boiling, baking, steaming or stewing. You need to cook so that there is enough food for one meal.

It is strictly prohibited to use any fats during cooking, but you are allowed to add a piece butter into already prepared food. An approximate menu of diet 4 for a week can be compiled according to this principle.

Breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
The first day Oatmeal with water, green tea. Whipped cottage cheese without sugar. Fish broth with potatoes. Chicken soufflé. Steam omelette, Dried blueberry decoction.
Second day Rice porridge, 2 pcs. biscuits, tea. Apple puree. Steamed cutlets, vegetable broth. Kissel, 2 crackers. Poached egg, a piece of bread, tea.
Day three Semolina in water, rosehip decoction. Fruit pudding. Soup with rice in weak chicken broth. Yogurt, 2 cookies. Turkey meatballs with sauce, herbal tea.
Day four Buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese. Berry jelly. Semolina soup, with pieces of meat, fish cutlets, porridge. Kissel, biscuits. Meat soufflé, curd pudding, tea.
Day five Steamed omelette, crackers with tea. Baked apple. Buckwheat soup with chicken broth, stewed rabbit. Herbal decoction, cracker. Steamed cutlets, buckwheat.
Day six Semolina pudding, herbal decoction. Milk soufflé. Fish soup with carrots, fish cutlet, buckwheat. Kissel, cookies. Steamed omelette, semolina porridge.
Day seven Ground cottage cheese, weak green tea. Boiled egg. Soup with buckwheat, rice porrige with veal cutlets. Tea with cookies. Semolina with ground meat, tea.



Diet No. 4 for intestinal diseases: menu for every day

Many of us have problems with our intestines these days. This is due to the fact that many of the foods we eat contain many harmful substances that have a negative effect on our body as a whole. Today we will tell you about what diet No. 4 is for intestinal diseases.

Not all foods are healthy

Calculation of calorie content of foods

Intestinal diseases and diet

Consultation with a doctor is required

If you have any diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract, then the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor.

Many people believe that they can diagnose themselves, go to the pharmacy and buy the first medicine they come across that will definitely help them.

But few people know that there are many intestinal diseases, and at the same time it is quite difficult for even a good doctor to say which one you have without examinations and certain tests.

After you see a doctor, he will prescribe the simplest tests for you. Usually, based on the test results, as well as after a special examination and, possibly, additional manipulations such as an ultrasound, you will be told an accurate diagnosis.

Will always come first drug treatment, since the drugs will help you get rid of severe pain, heartburn or problems with stool. No less important is diet, which is equal in importance to medications.

Diet table No. 3.

What is possible? What's not allowed? Indications for na�

Medical nutrition and its basic principles. Let's consider

You can find many different diets on the Internet. However, many leading experts advise that the diet be prescribed to you by your personal physician. The fact is that there are a lot of diets, and each of them is intended for a specific diagnosis. If you choose your own diet, you can instead positive result get negative and only make the situation worse.

If we are talking about intestinal diseases, then it is worth saying that diet No. 4 is considered the most effective. This is the first diet that is usually prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases. With this diet you can significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease and correct use You can help your body heal completely.

What is diet number four?

Gentle diet

Before talking about this diet, it is worth noting in more detail that it is considered quite gentle. It is usually prescribed when simple problems with the intestines.

It is this diet that will help the intestines recover and, if necessary, remove the inflammatory process.

The second thing to note is that with this diet you can get really tasty nutrition even though you eat enough a large number of foods that you shouldn't eat.

Before you go on this diet, you must create a menu for every day. It is best to do this with your doctor, who knows your body exactly and can choose what will truly help you.

If you have a problem with constipation, then he will select products that will help you get rid of this problem.

There are a number of certain foods that are undesirable to eat in such situations, since, on the contrary, they strengthen you.

Recipes with step by step preparation can be found on the Internet. There you can choose the right dish for yourself, as well as explore different variations of its preparation. It is worth noting that many people think that a diet immediately means that the food will be tasteless, but in fact this is not true. You can really cook Tasty food, even while on a strict diet.

Features of diet number four

Counting calories

This type of nutrition should only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The main differences are that such a diet should include no more than two thousand kilocalories per day. You should also know that you need to eat small portions often, about six times a day. Moreover, every day while on this diet, you need to drink about two liters of liquid.

Few people know that this type of nutrition has several subtypes. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor will choose the most suitable type for you.

If the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, then you should choose a diet that does not have a laxative effect. For adults, the diet is considered more strict and does not include such a large number of permitted foods as for children.

The fact is that children's bodies are growing, so there is an urgent need for certain products.

If you are already familiar with the diet, then you should also learn how to prepare food. The cooking process is considered very important. If you have intestinal diseases, it is strictly forbidden to fry food in oil.

Your table 1 should consist only of those products that you have steamed or boiled.

If you rely on the opinion of experts, then it is worth saying that it is best to cook food using a double boiler.

The fact is that if you cook vegetables or meat, most of the vitamins that are part of these products will remain in the water.

If you cook food using steam, about eighty percent of the nutrients will remain in the food and therefore enter your body. Also, method number 1 is considered to be cooking using a grill.

In fact, it is very healthy and quite tasty. If diet No. 2 is relevant for you, then this method of preparing foods will also suit you.

Do's and don'ts: rule number 1

Avoid pancakes and hash browns

If you have problems in the small intestine area, then you should read the entire list of allowed foods very carefully.

  1. Meat. If we are talking about intestinal problems, it is worth noting that only lean varieties of meat are allowed. Poultry meat is considered the most ideal. You need to eat it if you have a colon disease, only a couple of times a week.
  2. Eggs. Despite the fact that eggs are considered very healthy, you should eat no more than one per day. It's best if you eat only the yolks. Preparation is also very important. Option 1 is an omelette that is steamed. You can also boil an egg in a “bag”. Other cooking methods are prohibited.
  3. Dairy products. We all think that everyone can eat dairy products in any quantity. It's a delusion. You can only eat cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content. You can only use yogurt and milk as auxiliary element, that is, cook puddings or other dishes using these products;
  4. Bakery products. Diet number four allows you to eat wheat bread. You can also eat butter cookies and use wheat flour for cooking. It is strictly forbidden to eat pancakes and pancakes.


Diet No. 4, table No. 4

Diet No. 4, table No. 4 should be used for chronic intestinal diseases with severe diarrhea (diarrhea), for acute enterocolitis, chronic colitis during an exacerbation, after surgery on the intestines, for typhoid fever and tuberculosis.

The goal of diet No. 4 is to eliminate inflammation, fermentation and putrefactive reactions in the intestines to food, thereby normalizing intestinal functions

Features of diet No. 4

The diet is characterized by low calorie content, low fat, carbohydrates and protein levels. Mechanical, thermal, and chemical irritants pose a danger to the gastrointestinal tract, so they are excluded. With diet No. 4, foods that increase the processes of rotting and fermentation, as well as hot and cold foods, are not allowed. We reduce the number of meals to six times.

Diet No. 4 and its chemical composition

Animal proteins up to 80 grams

Fat up to 70 grams

Carbohydrates up to 250 grams

Sodium chloride up to 10 grams

Liquids up to 2 liters

White bread up to 200 grams

Mashed freshly prepared cottage cheese

Low-fat sour cream

Soft-boiled and omelet eggs

Meat broth on rice, semolina, barley, oatmeal with the addition of meatballs, egg flakes

Beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit (steamed or boiled)

Meat products (cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, minced meat with rice)

Meat aspic

Lean fish, steamed

Fish products (cutlets, quenelles)

Chopped buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, cooked in water or broth

Vegetable decoctions

Butter (add directly to food)

Blueberry jelly from bird cherry, pear, dogwood, quince

Jelly made from blueberries, bird cherry, pear, dogwood, quince

Rosehip decoction, blueberry, bran

Apples, pre-grated

Teas (black, green)

Coffee black

Cocoa prepared with water

Berry and fruit juices, with added water (grapes, apricots, plums are excluded)

Sugar in moderation

Diet No. 4 excluded foods

Vegetable soup with pasta

Milk soup

Soup with fatty broths

Bread is not first grade

Fat meat

Fatty fish

Meat in a piece


Fish roe

Canned fish

Salty fish

Whole milk

Raw and fried eggs, hard-boiled

Millet, barley, pearl barley



Fresh fruits and berries

Coffee with milk

Dried fruits and compotes


Cocoa with milk

Cold drinks with gas

Diet No. 4, table No. 4 menu for one day

Breakfast one: crushed buckwheat porridge with butter, fish cutlet, black coffee

Breakfast two: grated apple

Lunch: meat broth on rice, with chicken meatballs, bread crumbs, cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, green tea

Afternoon snack: blueberry jelly; cocoa prepared with water

Dinner: egg omelet, rosehip broth

Night intake: kefir

Diet No. 4, table No. 4 is the best option to normalize the microflora of your body and curb the recalcitrant intestines, forgetting forever about fermentation and putrefactive processes.

More articles on this topic:

1. Diet No. 3, table No. 3 for constipation

2. Diet No. 2 for chronic gastritis


Diet 4 for intestinal diseases: indications, advice, diet

Diet 4 for intestinal diseases is considered quite strict and gentle in all respects, but despite this, you can create a varied and tasty diet even as part of a dietary diet. The technique allows you to eliminate fermentation, flatulence and irritation in the intestines.

Indications and purpose

The Pevzner diet is prescribed for intestinal diseases accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, as well as colitis and pronounced dysbacteriosis, which are chronic.

Nutrition limits the entry of chemical irritants into the body, and also recommends food that does not cause thermal and mechanical irritation to the intestinal walls.

General diet

For irritable bowel syndrome with flatulence, general treatment table No. 4 is prescribed. The goal of the technique is to reduce inflammatory processes in the walls of the mucous membranes, which is achieved through maximum thermal and mechanical treatment.

Cooking food for the patient is done only by boiling, mashing and steaming. You need to eat fractionally, 5-6 times every few hours.

  • Flour products. Wheat bread crackers, yesterday's bread.
  • First meal. They are prepared in low-fat broths made from meat and fish, with the addition of mucous infusions. Such decoctions are prepared from pearl barley, rice and semolina porridge. The meat should be pureed, without fat and veins.
  • Meat. Lean varieties of beef, turkey, veal, which are served in the form of cutlets, meatballs, and boiled soufflés.
  • Fish. Fresh fish of low-fat varieties, boiled or steamed, served in any form.
  • Milk products. Unleavened varieties of cottage cheese, calcined cottage cheese, are served ground. Butter only when added to dishes.
  • Eggs. No more than two per day, soft-boiled or steamed omelette.
  • Vegetables. Exclusively their decoctions added to first courses.
  • Cereals. Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, served ground.
  • Beverages. Green tea, black coffee and cocoa without milk.

It is necessary to exclude fatty broths, milk, legumes, carbonated drinks, snacks, millet, smoked meats, canned fish and meat. After a week, the patient is transferred to a more refined version of the diet.

After surgery

On the first day after intestinal surgery, you should not take anything other than water. During the postoperative period, patients experience pain and bloating, so nutrition is aimed at eliminating these symptoms. The result of the diet should be complete normalization of stool, which is not accompanied by pain and flatulence.

  • What you can do: bran, blueberries, steamed fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese and low-fat cheese, rice and oat porridge without oil, flax-seed, mashed boiled potatoes, green tea.
  • What not to do: sour fruits and berries, cabbage, smoked meats, marinades, pickles, hot seasonings and sauces, ice cream, semi-finished products and by-products, alcohol, baked goods, nuts, mushrooms, legumes, borscht, chocolate, tomatoes.

The diet lasts 3 weeks, during which meals are divided into smaller portions. The first three days - 8 times a day, the next four days - 6 times, the last two weeks - 5 times.

In the first period after surgery, food should be liquid or with a jelly-like consistency. The temperature of the food served should not be more than 45 degrees.

In the next period, you can serve ground food and slightly increase the portions. At the last stage, the temperature of the food remains the same, but the requirements for mechanical processing of products are not as strict.


The disease is characterized by inhibition of the intestinal microflora, while bacteria that harm the mucous membranes actively multiply.

In case of intestinal dysbiosis, the menu is compiled in such a way as to provide a nutrient medium for one’s own microflora and reduce the processes of inflammation and decay. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. In case of diarrhea, it will replenish water loss in the body, and in case of constipation, it will help to liquefy stool.

Smoked meats, marinades, spicy foods, garlic, alcohol, and anything fried are prohibited.

Food should be chewed thoroughly. Every day there should be a first course on the menu, but the temperature should be room temperature - everything cold and hot is also prohibited. For intestinal dysbiosis in adults, you can create a menu based on permitted and prohibited dishes from the general diet given above.

The natural microflora of the body reproduces well if you provide it with a nutrient medium. This environment will be cereals and vegetables. They will enhance peristalsis, relieve constipation, and remove waste and toxins.

If dysbiosis is not accompanied by pain and constant flatulence, there should be dairy products.

Candidiasis and inflammation

Candidiasis is the result of the active proliferation of fungal colonies and bacteria, therefore for complete treatment you will need not only medications, but nutrition that will deprive the bacteria of the necessary nutrient medium.

There are three basic rules of nutrition for candidiasis that will help get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

  1. Avoid sweets completely. Fast carbohydrates are the most optimal food for fungal colonies. By excluding sweets, sugar and sugar substitutes from your diet, you deprive the fungus of the opportunity to reproduce.
  2. Avoid synthetics. Antibiotics, hormones, steroids and chemical additives should be avoided as they stimulate bacterial growth.
  3. Domestic meat and poultry – the best choice for nutrition during the anti-candidiasis diet.

You should also exclude fried, canned and fermentable foods that are included in the general diet. With severe inflammation of the intestines, the patient suffers from diarrhea and vomiting, so in the first two days you can only drink water or weak, slightly sweetened tea.

Low-fat varieties of cottage cheese, grated rice porridge, and cutlets made from lean veal meat will be useful in the future. Grated ones will also be beneficial oatmeal and apples. Dishes are prepared in weak, preferably secondary, broths. Cold or hot drinks can be an irritant, so the temperature of drinks and dishes should be gentle.


In case of ulcerative colitis, food is served only boiled or steamed, as well as pureed. The contents of first courses, including vegetables and cereals, must be chopped and ground.

Synthetic additives, offal, semi-finished products, hot spices and fatty foods are prohibited. You should eat food at least five times a day, the weight of one meal should be in the range of 200-300 g.

In case of chronic colitis, the intake of carbohydrates and fats is limited, the diet is predominantly protein. Dishes are prepared by boiling, preferably steaming. It is recommended to eat carrots and beets, prunes, dried apricots and dates, after soaking them and chewing them thoroughly.


A similar diet is prescribed to patients with intestinal diverticulosis. It is better to give preference to pureed soups, as well as foods rich in fiber - vegetables, fruits, except raspberries, strawberries, grapes. Raw persimmons, oranges and apples will be beneficial, as will fermented milk products.


Diet “Table No. 4” for children

Therapeutic table or diet No. 4 according to Pevzner is a fairly frequently prescribed type of nutritional therapy.. Doctors use it to treat many chronic diseases of the digestive system in children. Following the main principles of such therapeutic nutrition allows you to achieve stable remission and prevent exacerbations of many diseases.

This therapeutic food is specially designed to treat exacerbations of many diseases of the digestive system:

  • Exacerbations of chronic intestinal diseases. These include various enteritis, colitis, gastroenterocolitis.
  • It is used in complex therapy for intestinal tuberculosis, dysentery, and typhoid fever. Can be used after surgical interventions on the intestine.
  • After infectious inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • With intestinal dysbiosis, resulting from the proliferation of infectious microorganisms.
  • For irritable bowel syndrome, as well as for constipation and diarrhea.

A medical nutrition system consisting of several tables was created by the famous scientist I. Pevzner. It should be noted that it has existed for more than a hundred years. This system is quite successfully used in the treatment of many chronic diseases in children.

Diet No. 4 prohibits the consumption of fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods. They can damage the intestinal wall and increase pain. All pickled foods with a high content of spices and vinegar should also be excluded.

Food is prescribed 4-5 times a day. For babies of the first year of life - up to six times throughout the day. All dishes must be prepared using gentle methods.

Before eating, the dish must be cooled to a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Giving your child too hot tea or soup is prohibited! The consistency of the dishes should be liquid or puree. In the first days of an exacerbation, only pureed dishes are allowed. For babies under one year old, food should be ground through a sieve. For older children, you can already use a blender.

The following foods should be completely excluded from the child’s diet:

  • All canned food and marinated products, including sauerkraut.
  • Freshly baked products, as well as baked goods. They are also contraindicated for pancreatitis.
  • Soups, cooked in strong meat or chicken broth, as well as dairy.
  • Meat and poultry with fat: pork, lamb, duck.
  • Deli meats and sausages. This also includes sausages, sausages and all other semi-finished meat products.
  • Whole cow's milk, cheese, sour cream. Fatty fermented milk products. Adding them to the diet is possible only when the inflammatory process subsides.
  • Scrambled eggs or eggs, with hard boiled.
  • Pork lard and fat. Margarine.
  • All spices and seasonings. Ketchup, spicy tomato sauce, mayonnaise.
  • Coffee and cocoa, as well as all sweet sodas.

It completely excludes the introduction of allergenic products into the menu. Compliance with a hypoallergenic diet is also indicated for children with frequent exacerbations of diathesis or intestinal dysbiosis.

By chemical composition Diet No. 4 should include:

  • Up to 60-70% proteins, predominantly of animal origin. This amounts to approximately 70-80 g per day.
  • Up to 60-70 g of healthy fats.
  • 220-240 g carbohydrates, Of these, glucose accounts for up to 50 g.
  • Table salt - 7-8 g per day.
  • Water and other drinks - at least 1.5-1.8 liters per day.

Daily calorie content is 1550-1750 kcal.

Treatment table No. 4 includes several options:

  • 4A. It is used for diseases associated with intolerance to cereal products, chronic pancreatitis with steatorrhea, and various colitis. This option excludes all cereal products. There is a strong emphasis on protein foods and calcium. All baked goods made from flour, buckwheat and oatmeal are prohibited.
  • 4B. Prescribed after the exacerbation of the disease has subsided. At this time, the intestines should begin to recover. This option is often used for exacerbation of liver and gallbladder diseases. The diet at such a table is already expanding. Crackers, boiled pasta, jam and preserves, boiled and pureed vegetables are allowed ( cauliflower and carrots).
  • 4B. It is a transitional option from 4B to a regular table. It is usually prescribed for 1-2 weeks (to consolidate the results obtained). Can be used during the recovery period of treatment of chronic intestinal diseases.

When choosing recipes for your child, remember that food should be varied and nutritious.. There is no need to include the same foods in the diet every day, arguing that the baby is on a diet! It is only a systematization of products, the use of which will contribute to a rapid recovery.

Every week, compiling sample menu, try to alternate meat products.

Let's consider what dishes you should choose to feed your baby.

Breakfast: Boiled slimy flakes. Perfect fit oat groats. Unsweetened jelly.

Breakfast No. 2: Mashed apple.

Dinner: Vegetable broth with chicken meatballs. Non-acidic berry juice.

Afternoon snack: Dry biscuits with a glass of tea.

Dinner: Poached fish meatballs with boiled rice on the side. Lingonberry juice.

Breakfast: Boiled buckwheat flakes. Compote of dried apricots.

Breakfast No. 2: Pear pudding.

Dinner: Puree cauliflower soup. Blueberry juice.

Afternoon snack: Rice biscuits with tea.

Dinner: Vegetable puree and steamed fish dumplings. Sea buckthorn fruit drink.

Breakfast: Mashed rolled oats with dried fruits. Berry juice.

Breakfast No. 2: Banana souffle.

Dinner: Rice soup with fish. Oatmeal jelly.

Afternoon snack: Crackers with tea.

Dinner: Braised chicken meatballs with steamed rice flakes. Tea.

Breakfast: Rice pudding with dried apricots. Compote with raisins.

Breakfast No. 2: Baked plums.

Dinner: Uha. A decoction of raisins and dried apricots.

Afternoon snack: Biscuit crackers with tea.

Dinner: Steamed beef dumplings with vegetable puree. Berry juice.

Breakfast: Cereal pudding. Kissel.

Breakfast No. 2: Pear souffle.

Dinner: Broth with vegetables, wheat biscuits. Berry juice.

Afternoon snack: Crackers and tea.

Dinner: Hake soufflé with vegetables.

Breakfast: Pear balls. Morse.

Breakfast No. 2: Banana.

Dinner: Chicken broth with well-cooked oatmeal. Seasonal fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: Biscuits with tea.

Dinner: Stewed fish quenelles with boiled rice.

Breakfast: Steamed rice casserole. Warm sea buckthorn juice.

Breakfast No. 2: Baked pear.

Dinner: Turkey meatballs with rice cereal.

Afternoon snack: Biscuits with tea.

Dinner: Meatballs with rice. Compote of dried apricots.

  • Take 100 g dry round rice. Rinse well. Pour in two glasses of water and cook until the cereal is completely softened. Cool. Add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and one egg. Stir.
  • Rinse dried fruits thoroughly. Check that there are no rotten or old fruits among them. Dry them with a paper towel. Grind the dried fruits. This can be done through a meat grinder or blender. Mix dried fruits with rice mixture.
  • Grease a baking dish with butter. Spoon the rice mixture into the pan. Bake it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees (for 15 minutes). Cool. Serve with any fruit puree.

Take one ripe pear and one apple. Wash the fruits, remove skins and stems. Place them on parchment and bake in an oven preheated to 150-160 degrees until completely soft. Cool and grind through a sieve. Add some sugar or powdered sugar. This will be a good alternative to store-bought puree from jars. This food goes well with puddings or boiled porridge.

The purpose of such a diet for various diseases intestines helps normalize its functioning and relieve inflammation.

For information about healthy and unhealthy foods for a child, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Therapeutic nutrition for intestinal diseases helps reduce the inflammatory process and normalizes motility. Diet No. 4 is recommended for patients with chronic and acute intestinal pathologies, accompanied by severe pain and bloating.

It should be taken into account that due to the inflammatory process, the process is disrupted. And diarrhea leads to an acute lack of microelements (potassium, calcium, iron). Therefore, when creating a menu, the following products are selected:

  • replenishing the loss of microelements;
  • delaying peristalsis;
  • reducing the intensity of fermentation and putrefactive processes.

You should choose your dishes carefully. There are foods that are prohibited for patients with intestinal diseases, as they increase unpleasant symptoms and contribute to the development of the pathological process.


You should not eat choleretic foods that stimulate the production of gastric juice. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, exclude from the diet:

Milk increases pain and flatulence. It is allowed to be used in small quantities exclusively for cooking.

Reduce fat intake. It should be borne in mind that butter, lard and other solid fats have a laxative effect. Patients with diarrhea manage to eat up to 100 g of fat daily, without harm to the body. The daily dose is divided into 5-6 times. They are consumed in a mixture with other products (as a dressing for porridge).

Patients with diarrhea should not even eat certain cereals:

  • millet;
  • pearl barley;
  • barley

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, and it promotes putrefactive and fermentative processes in the intestines. Therefore they are not recommended.

The list of permitted dishes includes a limited number of products that have been properly processed and prepared beforehand.


When compiling the menu, individual tolerance of dishes is taken into account. Eggs do not cause side effects, while others complain of increased pain and diarrhea. This is due to the fact that the protein contains sulfur-containing amino acids that are broken down under the influence of. Hydrogen sulfide is formed, and decay processes intensify.

The source of vitamins are homogenized purees, jelly, juices diluted with water (1:1) from:

  • cherries;
  • strawberries;
  • cranberries;
  • raspberries;
  • pears;
  • quinces.

On the first day, 50 ml of juice is allowed, daily increase its consumption to 150 ml.

Authorized products Prohibited Products
  • white bread crackers
  • slimy soups (with vermicelli, noodles, boiled cereals);
  • jelly, jelly, weak compotes from non-acidic berries, fruits (except melons, watermelons, apricots, plums);
  • eggs (if well tolerated);
  • vegetable puree (potato, carrot, zucchini);
  • boiled porridge (semolina, rice, buckwheat);
  • low-fat calcined cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk products (with acidity below 90 according to Turner)
  • lean meat (beef, veal, rabbit, chicken);
  • fish (carp, pike perch, pike, perch, bream, cod, pollock).
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • salty;
  • spicy;
  • roast;
  • smoked;
  • canned food (except for homogenized vegetable and fruit purees recommended for baby food);
  • crumbly porridges (especially barley, oatmeal, pearl barley);
  • black bread;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • fermented milk (acidity above 90 according to Turner);
  • very sweet dishes, with a combination of organic acids (sweet compotes from apples, gooseberries, sea buckthorn, etc.);
  • dried fruits (especially prunes);
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty meats and fish.

Before consumption, the meat is thoroughly cleaned of connective tissue and chopped. When making minced meat, it is passed through a meat grinder with a fine mesh 3-4 times. It is used to make boiled cutlets, dumplings, and soufflés.

To prepare soups, use low-fat broth. If it is poorly tolerated by patients, it is replaced with a decoction of vegetables and cereals. Meatballs made from lean meats are added to the soup. Or the meat is ground in a blender.

Porridges are prepared in water. It is permissible to add 1/3 of the milk during cooking.

The skin must be removed from the fish.

Diet Basics

Diet No. 4 is prescribed to patients with intestinal diseases that occur with pronounced symptoms. Therefore, it provides restrictions:

  • consumption of carbohydrates and fats;
  • mechanical and chemical irritants;
  • dishes that enhance putrefactive and fermentation processes;
  • table salt;
  • stimulants for the secretion of bile and gastric juice;
  • substances that irritate the liver.

The temperature of cold dishes should be at least 15 °C, hot - no more than 65 °C. All products are carefully crushed and ground. Fried foods are strictly prohibited. All dishes are steamed, boiled, stewed.

Diet No. 4 is incomplete; it reduces the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates consumed. The total calorie content of the products is no more than 2100 kcal. Amount of substances consumed:

  • proteins – 100 g;
  • fat – 70 g;
  • carbohydrates –250 g;
  • liquids – 1.5–2 l.

Don't overload gastrointestinal tract. The entire daily diet is divided into 5-6 times.

Sample menu for the week

Days Breakfast 2nd breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Day 1Protein omelet.Cranberry jelly.Vegetable broth soup with boiled vermicelli.Calcined cottage cheese.Mashed potatoes (liquid).
Day 2Rice porridge ground in meat broth.Cahors jelly.Soup in low-fat broth with chicken quenelles.Meringues.Liquid buckwheat porridge, grated.
Day 3Semolina porridge, rosehip or blueberry decoction.Raspberry, cranberry or strawberry jelly.Rice soup with meatballs.Soft-boiled egg.Meat, steam soufflé.
Day 4Rice porrige.Fruit puree.Fish soup, boiled fish, tea.Cottage cheese casseroleMashed potatoes with steam cutlets.
Day 5*Boiled vermicelli with grated, hard, mild cheese.Galette cookies.Meat puree soup.Kissel.Rice porridge, jellied fish.
Day 6Boiled eggs (in a bag), tea.Fruit jelly or Cahors jelly.Buckwheat soup with meatballs.Ryazhenka, cheesecake with cottage cheese.Mashed potatoes, fish cutlets, steamed.
Day 7Buckwheat porridge, compoteCottage cheese with sour cream, strawberries or raspberries.Rice soup with chicken.Jelly.Vermicelli, jellied meat.

Diet No. 4 is physiologically inferior. If you adhere to it for more than 5 days, then a nutritional deficiency will be added to existing diseases and the functioning of the stomach will be disrupted. From day 5, the diet is expanded, the patient is transferred to treatment table No. 4b.

They drink weak tea, cocoa brewed in water, and diluted juices. For inflammatory processes in the intestines, raspberry juice is recommended - it has an antibacterial effect. Decoctions are prepared from rose hips and blueberries (the berries are pre-dried). If tolerance is normal, drink kefir and fermented baked milk.

You can consume up to 10 g of butter per day. They are seasoned with porridge. No more than 200 g of baked goods per day is allowed. The first days you can eat dried white bread, soaked in soup or broth. From the fifth day, biscuits and dried biscuits are added to the diet. Once a week you can have a meat pie, cheesecake with cottage cheese.

In patients with, even in a mild stage, digestion processes are disrupted. Some foods cause increased pain and diarrhea. Over time, a deficiency of vitamins and microelements develops. Patients are recommended:

  1. . It records the time of food intake, its type, and quantity. This will help identify food intolerance and the connection between food and clinical manifestations of the disease.
  2. If you are losing a lot of weight, you should increase the amount of protein consumed to 130 g per day. B vitamins are prescribed.
  3. To prevent anemia resulting from impaired absorption of iron in the intestines, foods high in iron (meat) are recommended. Iron preparations are administered parenterally. Oral intake provokes exacerbation of diarrhea.
  4. To prevent calcium deficiency, patients consume calcined, non-acidic, low-fat cottage cheese. From the fifth day, mild, unsalted hard cheeses (“Yaroslavsky”, “Russian”, “Gollandsky”) are allowed.
  5. Potassium, although a widespread element, is found in foods high in fiber. To normalize its metabolism, reduce its losses through vomiting and diarrhea. It is possible to urgently compensate for its deficiency with intravenous administration of potassium supplements.

When following diet No. 4, you need to take care of the liver. Stagnation of bile should be prevented (this is achieved fractional meals), reduce the secretion of bile acids, as they increase intestinal motility (exclude the consumption of choleretic products).

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