How much does President Vladimir Putin earn per month? How much money does Vladimir Putin earn? Who pays the president

Assessing exactly how much Putin earns is problematic because it is believed that he hides part of his income. But citizens are interested in knowing this information about Putin, in addition to his personal life. In 2017, the head of state filed an open income declaration, from which one can judge at least part of his wealth. Let's take a look at Putin's salary and compare it with the property he officially and unofficially (presumably) owns.

On January 1, 2018, Vladimir Putin signed the latest decree increasing the salaries of some officials, including himself, by 1.04 times. After this, the official salary of the president was 667,347 rubles per month. The president earns about 8 billion rubles a year. Compared to how much heads of other countries earn, this income is considered low.

In a recent interview, Putin admitted that he himself does not know what his salary is. This is explained by the fact that the expenses for maintaining the president are separately allocated from the budget, and Putin can put his salary into bank accounts or buy shares in various organizations, from which he can also receive income.

According to data from the official declaration for 2017, in total Putin received an income of 18,728,268 rubles.

In addition to Putin's salary, it also includes profits from his shares, bank accounts and the sale of land. In 2016, the president’s income was more modest and amounted to only 8.8 million rubles. In total, he earned 38.5 million in the last 6 years.

At the same time, the official status of the president is quite modest. He has:

  1. Bank accounts totaling 13.8 million (in rubles);
  2. Shares of Bank St. Petersburg (230 shares);
  3. Apartment in St. Petersburg (77 sq. m.);
  4. Garage in St. Petersburg (18 sq. m.);
  5. 3 domestic cars (2 Volgas and Niva);
  6. Car trailer.

No more property is registered under Putin. Such a modest fortune does not allow him to be included in the list of the richest people in the world, so many financiers doubt that this list really reflects his real situation.

State benefits

In addition to his salary, the president has a military pension. After resignation, he will also be entitled to an additional pension in the amount of 75% of the salary of the current head of state. Today, such a pension amounts to more than 500 thousand rubles, and Dmitry Medvedev is also entitled to receive it.

Vladimir Putin also has the right to:

  1. Security;
  2. Special communication;
  3. Transport services;
  4. Medical care in special institutions;
  5. Life and health insurance.

After his resignation, the president will have the right to live in one of the state dachas. Now he has been allocated an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​more than 150 square meters for indefinite use. All listed benefits are paid from the country's budget.

Also, the president is inviolable and cannot be held criminally liable, subject to searches, etc.

Who determines the president's salary?

The salary of the Russian President, as well as his official salary, is determined when drawing up the country's budget for the year. The budget is adopted on the basis of the Budget Message drawn up by the President. The finished document is reviewed by the State Duma, then approved by the upper house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - the Federation Council. The approved budget must be signed by the president, who has the right to reject it.

Thus, how much money from the budget will be allocated for which items of expenditure today largely depends on the president. In particular, he independently determines what funds are necessary for his annual maintenance, as well as the maintenance of his administration.

Information about the president’s requests can be found in the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget.”

The budget for 2019 and budget plans for 2020 and 2021 are now publicly available.

What are the expenses for the president?

Separately, the budget provides for the following items of expenditure related to the president:

  1. To organize work;
  2. To the administration;
  3. For business management.

They plan to allocate about 16 billion rubles to organize the work of the head of state this and next year. This includes entertainment expenses for the president, expenses for official business trips, maintenance, transportation, payment for the services of various employees, and the purchase of goods related to ensuring the work process of the president.

About 10 billion rubles have been allocated to ensure the work of the presidential administration. This includes both payment wages employees, as well as payment for various services and goods to ensure the work of the administration.

A little more than 5 billion rubles were allocated for managing the affairs of the head of state, which is quite small compared to 2017, when 106 billion were allocated for the same item of expenditure.

Putin's condition according to unofficial data

Vladimir Putin is the most powerful man in the world. Based on this, the information that he lives on the money he receives per month as a salary, and his property consists of only one apartment and several shares of the St. Petersburg Bank, seems dubious to many. In any case, nothing more than what is listed at the beginning of the article has been officially registered as Putin’s property.

But according to unofficial data, Putin may be the richest man in the world, with a total net worth of about $200 billion. This is almost 2.5 times more than the fortune of Bill Gates, who officially ranks first in the Forbes ranking.

Whether this is actually true cannot yet be confirmed or refuted. What is known is that the organizations supposed to be Putin’s main sources of income strongly deny cooperation with him. Officially, the president is not involved in commercial activities.

General assessment of Putin's condition

The first official public assessment of Putin's unofficial condition was given in 2007 by former presidential adviser Belkovsky. Then he voiced the assumption that the minimum Putin has is 40 billion dollars.

He was able to earn this amount of money by allegedly receiving income from the following sources:

  1. Shares in large oil companies (in particular, 37% of Surgutneftegaz securities);
  2. Gazprom shares (4.5% of the total);
  3. Shares of the Gunvor company (information revealed during a US investigation);
  4. Unknown shady business.

In a more recent interview, Belkovsky gave information that Putin’s fortune had increased to 70 billion. According to him, he knows this information from people close to the president. It is difficult to find out whether the expert is exaggerating or not.

According to American financier Bryder, this estimate is greatly underestimated. He believes that through corruption and financial fraud, Putin has amassed a fortune of $200 billion. When attempting to expose these frauds, the expert was expelled from Russia.

Sergei Kolesnikov confirms Bryder's assumptions.

The businessman claims that the oligarchs of the Russian Federation organized a fund for bribes to Russian officials, to which Putin also has access. Putin also allegedly owns shares of his friend, musician Sergei Roldugin.

According to Brailer, Putin can store his funds in secret accounts in Swiss banks and offshore companies. There is another widespread opinion that Putin invests money in real estate, located in particular on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the purchase of valuable things.

What else does the president own?

Putin is credited with owning elite items, some of which officially belong to his friends or Russian organizations. The total cost of such property, according to preliminary estimates, is expressed in millions of dollars.

The ownership of some of these things by the president can be indirectly confirmed. For example, it is known that he has a collection of watches worth at least several hundred thousand dollars. The president appears with them at official events. Just one of these watches costs about 500 thousand dollars. To afford them with his salary, the president would have to work for many years.

Putin is also credited with owning 20 palaces in Russia, some of which he actually spends his time in. The cost of one such palace can reach up to a billion dollars.

Additionally, the president can own an aircraft fleet: a dozen passenger planes and helicopters worth a total of millions of dollars.

The president also has other types of transport at his disposal - yachts worth about 3 billion rubles and luxury cars.

It is difficult to reliably determine whether all or part of this property is the property of the head of the country. Putin himself officially declares that his greatest wealth is the trust of the citizens of the Russian Federation who elected him president. If you trust only official data, this is indeed true.

How much do presidents earn? different countries— in the RBC review

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong - $1.76 million per year

Lee Hsien Loong is the eldest son of Lee Kuan Yew, the former Prime Minister of Singapore, responsible for the rapid growth of the country's economy and an increase in GDP per capita. Hsien Loong continues his father's policies

Swiss President Doris Leuthard - $437 thousand per year

Representative of the Christian Democratic People's Party Doris Leuthard took office as president for the second time in January 2017, and she first led the country in 2010. Leuthard also heads the federal security department environment, transport, energy and communications

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull - $396 thousand per year

Turnbull took over as Prime Minister of Australia following the resignation of Tony Abbott. Previously, he headed the Ministry of Environment and water resources Australia, and later the Department of Communications. The minimum wage in the country is $23 thousand per year

Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel - $255 thousand per year

In 2013, after being elected prime minister, Bettel announced his intentions to legalize same-sex marriage in Luxembourg, as well as to replace religious education in school with secular ethics and cut costs. Xavier Bettel is one of the few politicians who openly declared his homosexuality. In 2015, the Prime Minister married Gautier Destne

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau - $253 thousand per year

Justin Trudeau is a Canadian politician and leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. His father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, is the country's 15th Prime Minister. The minimum wage in Canada depends on the province, but on average it is about $16.8 thousand per year

President of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen - $314 thousand per year

The former leader of the Green Party took over the post of head of Austria in 2016 during a tense presidential election, although until recently everyone was confident of the victory of his rival, Norbert Hofer.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel - $244 thousand per year

Merkel is the first woman to serve as chancellor in German history and has held the position since 2005.

Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel - $239 thousand per year

The 41-year-old lawyer has headed the country's government since the fall of 2014.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven - $235 thousand per year

Social Democrat Stefan Löfven became the country's 43rd prime minister in 2014. Löfven is critical of the country's accession to NATO, believing that "Sweden should be free from military alliances." “We should not join NATO,” he said in an interview with the Sydsvenska Dagbladet newspaper.

President of Guatemala Jimmy Morales - $232 thousand per year

Prensa Libre publication of the head of Guatemala Jimmy Morales as the highest paid leader in Latin America. His monthly income, as the publication notes, is equal to 50 times the minimum wage; in Guatemala it is $393.

Upon taking office, former comedian Morales donated 60% of his first presidential salary to charity, fulfilling his campaign promise to give half of his income to those in need.

Russian President Vladimir Putin - about $153 thousand per year

In 2016 income Russian President amounted to 8 million 858 thousand rubles. (about $153 thousand)

US President Donald Trump - $1 per year

Donald Trump refused the presidential salary of $400 thousand immediately after his election as head of the United States. “By law, I still have to make at least a dollar a year, so let it be a dollar,” he said on CBS.

It's no secret that any officials are servants of the people. Alas, in Lately If this phrase is used, it is only in a figurative sense - since “servants of the people” regularly shock these same people with their undeclared super-profits, amaze them with sexist views, reward them with extremely unflattering epithets - and are not always deprived of their positions for this. To understand that this is not an exaggeration, it is enough to recall the sensational quotes from Olga Glatskikh, Sergei Tsivilev, Natalya Sokolova, Leonid Slutsky and other government officials who made insulting remarks about Russians, who assured them that “the state owes them nothing,” and that they only receive “parasites and drunks.”

And while such “servants of the people” are on everyone’s lips, and social tension is heightened with every word they say and with every new villa, yacht or watch worth millions of dollars that they find, many forget about another important servant of the people - namely, President of the Russian Federation. But in fact, the president is the bearer of certain job responsibilities and the de facto head of the executive branch, whose decrees directly influence the direction in which the government moves and spends. And since the performance of any functions must be paid, the president also receives a salary. Let's find out what it will be like in 2020!

It is not the first year that the President of the Russian Federation himself determines the amount of his salary.

Who sets the salary of the President of the Russian Federation?

While the salaries of ordinary Russians regularly change, “pulling up” following the rise in the bar, the salary of the head of state also changes. True, its size is determined not by legislation, which is uniform for all citizens, but exclusively by decrees issued by the president himself. It was with this decree that in 2014 the head of the Russian Federation raised his salary 2.65 times, reaching 7 million 654 thousand rubles per year.

At the same time, some sources reported that the president does not set his own salary at all - on the contrary, his salary is approved by the State Duma as a separate line in the federal budget. However, the 2014 state budget did not contain any data on the presidential salary (but it did have a number of expenditure items describing the financing of the Presidential Administration). One way or another, the substantial increase in wages in 2014 did not escape the attention of citizens, because their own salaries did not increase by 2.65 times.

Expressing solidarity with the people, already in 2015, Vladimir Putin issued a new decree: in economically difficult times for the country, the salaries of several high-ranking officials were cut by 10%. This affected the president himself, the chairman of the government, the prosecutor general, the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the head of the Central Election Commission, as well as deputy prime ministers and ministers. But even here there was some confusion with the numbers! Official sources report that between 2014 and 2015, the president’s salary increased from 7.654 million rubles to 8.891 million, and then (in 2016) fell to 8.858 million.

It was during this period that a ten percent reduction in the presidential salary was supposed to come into force. But what do the numbers tell us? At a minimum, that the salary of the head of the Russian Federation decreased by only 33 thousand rubles (8.891 – 8.858 = 0.033). If you calculate what percentage of the previous salary this amount is, it turns out that the presidential salary decreased not by the promised 10%, but by only... 0.37%! But the “discount” should have been not 33 thousand rubles, but 889 thousand (10% of 8.89 million).

The salary miracles continued in 2017, when Vladimir Putin extended the decree on a 10% “discount” for another 12 months. However, according to official data, his income not only did not decrease, but also... increased by 10 million rubles, already amounting to 18.728 million. How so?! The explanation turned out to be simple - sources reported that the salary of the head of the Russian Federation did not increase in 2017, and the sudden ten-million dollar increase was formed due to the sale of land that was previously owned by the president.

Various sources claim that the current salary of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is from 140 to 150 thousand dollars per year

What will be the salary of the President of Russia in 2020?

So, what is the answer to the main question of this article? Alas, it is simply impossible to predict what income the head of state will receive in 2020. Although the ten percent “discount” that cuts the salaries of the president, prime minister, ministers and other heads of the state apparatus will most likely be extended into 2020, it is not a fact that in reality this will affect Vladimir Putin’s earnings. And if it does, the difference may not be 10%, but a fraction of a percent. And in this case, we should not forget that salary is not the only source of presidential income, because there is also a pension and allowance.

Since the President is the authority state power, then its maintenance is also financed from the pockets of taxpayers. And if in 2004 the amount of monetary allowance was 2.4 million rubles, then 10 years later (in 2014) it almost doubled and amounted to 4 million rubles. It would be logical to assume that even now the president’s salary continues to grow every year, compensating for the effect of the “discount”. As for Vladimir Putin’s military pension, its size has not been disclosed.

How much do presidents of other countries earn?

Vladimir Shevchenko (ex-head of the protocol service of the President of Russia) claims that the salary of the President of the Russian Federation is formed based on what salaries are assigned to the Prime Minister, members State Duma and the Federation Council. At the same time, no one is supposedly equal to the earnings of the presidents of other countries - after all, according to Shevchenko, “ We can’t compete with other leaders - they have very large salaries, they are two to three times more“. There is also some truth in this statement, although not too much.

Journalistic research shows that although the President of the Russian Federation does not claim to be the highest paid head of state in the world, the gap between his salary and the salary of an ordinary Russian is simply colossal (and by the standards of some European countries– truly shocking). This is because, in terms of the purchasing power of its citizens, Russia is recognized as one of the poorest countries in Europe. In such conditions, the president’s salary exceeds the Russian average by 18 times, and the minimum wage by 77 times.

Many presidents, in times of crisis, lower their salaries or refuse them altogether, as the head of the United States, Donald Trump, did.

At the same time, the fastest growing economy in the world shows completely different figures - the President of China receives several times less than the President of Russia ($20,500 per year, which at the current exchange rate is only 1.292 million rubles), and the ratio of the presidential salary to the minimum wage of the population is not 1: 77, and only 1:10. But the President of Finland can boast of a salary comparable to that of Vladimir Putin ($146,700 per year). But the minimum wage in Finland makes it one of the wealthiest countries in the world and is $2,000 (versus about $300 in Russia).

As for the generous 10% “discount” with which Vladimir Putin tried to ease the burden on the federal budget, in this case too Russia is far from in first place. Thus, the head of the United States - the notorious Donald Trump - completely refused a monthly allowance of 400 thousand dollars, assigning himself a purely symbolic salary: 1 dollar per year. And although Russia, judging by the purchasing power of its citizens, is sliding deeper into the abyss, it does not seem that in 2020 the President of the Russian Federation will decide on such a gesture and radically cut his salary.

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not like to talk about his income

President Putin's salary

When Russian President Vladimir Putin is asked questions about his salary, he tries to laugh it off.

“To be honest, I don’t even know my salary, they just bring it in, and I add it up and send it to my account. I don’t even count,” he explained in 2014

According to official data, in 2016, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin earned 8 million 858 thousand rubles. Directly in 2015, Putin’s income amounted to 8.9 million rubles. The politician's monthly salary is about 750 thousand rubles.

Photo of Russian President Vladimir Putin

As stated in the declaration of the head of state, he owns:

  • land plot (1.5 thousand square meters);
  • two apartments (77 and 53.7 square meters);
  • garage (18 square meters);
  • garage space (18 square meters);
  • rare "Volga";
  • SUV "Niva";
  • Skif trailer.

Putin's monthly salary is about 750 thousand rubles

It is also worth noting the fact that the Chairman of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, earned 8 million 586 thousand rubles in 2016. The Prime Minister also included in his income statement:

  • apartment (367.8 square meters);
  • GAZ-20 and GAZ-21 cars;
  • rented land plot (4.7 thousand square meters).

Photo by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Putin's salary and bonus

The presidential funding system consists of two levels. The first person of the state is considered an individual and a sole government body. The amount of monetary support is determined by a separate line in the law “On the Federal Budget”.

In 2016, Putin earned 8.96 million rubles

There is also a provision dedicated to ensuring the activities of the president of the country. It's about about representation costs.

Pension of the President of Russia

The issue of the pension of the country's first person is regulated by the provisions of the law “On guarantees for the President of the Russian Federation who has ceased to exercise his powers and members of his family.” The monthly lifetime allowance of the head of state is 75% of the monthly remuneration.

The size of the salary of the President of the Russian Federation is regulated by the law “On the Federal Budget”

The first person of the country is assigned the following social guarantees:

  • payment of lifetime allowance in the amount of 75% of the monthly remuneration;
  • in the event of the death of the ex-president, members of his family are entitled to a monthly benefit in the amount of six times the minimum old-age pension;
  • lifelong state protection;
  • state dacha;
  • free use of government communications;
  • the right to medical care and life insurance;
  • staff content.

Salaries of leaders of other countries

Photo by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is considered one of the richest politicians among world leaders. He earns approximately $17.6 million per year. Hsien Loong is the eldest son of the city-state's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew.

It is also worth mentioning the President of Switzerland, Doris Lotyhard, who receives about 437 thousand dollars a year.

Photo by Swiss President Doris Lauthard

As for the President of the United States of America, his salary is 400 thousand dollars a year. The head of state can manage the account for personal expenses ($50 thousand). In addition, he has access to a travel fund (worth $100,000). He can spend about 19 thousand dollars on entertainment.

Photo of US President Donald Trump

In 2016, entrepreneur Donald Trump won the US elections, whose financial fortune is estimated by analysts at $3.7 billion. At the same time, the politician announced that in his new post he would receive only one dollar a year.

“I think by law I should get one dollar, so I’ll get one dollar,” Trump said.

In addition to political news and aspects social life users are interested and private life representatives of the management apparatus. Where their children live, in Russia or abroad, where they received their education, what their wives do, as well as the main question that interests ordinary Russian citizens: income. It is no secret that the earnings of the ruling senior apparatus are not small, but the exact amount of income and the amount of taxes paid is not so much. open information. Despite the fact that all government employees must submit income declarations, as is known, the income of many officials is often hidden from the eyes of users, since numerous real estate, cars and dachas are registered in the name of their wives, children and other close relatives. Situations with offshore companies are also not uncommon, which often erupt into entire global scandals.

Of course, I would like to believe that in Russia everything is clean and transparent, everyone pays taxes, officials live on their legal salaries, and laws are not written to regulate businesses owned by representatives of the state apparatus. However, recently there have been more and more scandals related to illegal income in the country, everyone is talking about corruption, even in not so high and profitable places.

Putin's official salary

It is clear that the income of the people ruling the country consists not only of official salaries, but is also calculated in all sorts of shares, dividends from profits and businesses owned by officials. Of course, if you look at the income statements of government officials, only part of their real income is reflected there. And this is the situation not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

For those who are interested in the salary of the President of the Russian Federation, it is worth saying that in general, such a separate category as “salary” does not exist for this position. That is, nowhere in the documents will you find a column where it will be written that Putin’s salary V.V. – “n” rubles. Remuneration of the head of state - separate category. And the point here is not even whether taxes are deducted from his salary to the pension insurance fund and income tax, but who exactly regulates the amount that the President will receive?

If you want to know what Putin's salary is, or especially what Putin's salary is per month, we have bad news for you. Article No. 129 of the Labor Code regulates the salaries of elected dignitaries, that is, the highest officials of the state, but does not apply to the President, so in fact it turns out that the head of state has no salary.

The President is a body of power, even if it is a sole one, but on the other hand, it is still a person who must also not work for free, so the budget includes a line such as “the maintenance of the President,” this is what is called the official salary of the President of the Russian Federation.

How much does Putin earn per month?

In addition to the category that can be regarded as Putin’s official salary, the budget also includes funds for various costs that are necessary for the functioning of the post of head of state. The amount is not broken down by month, but is allocated for the year at once, but you can calculate how much Putin receives per month on your own. In total, if we consider the prices for last year, then about 1 million rubles are spent on the maintenance of the President (salary), and about 8 million on the functioning of the position. In total, the President can manage money in the amount of about 9 million per year.

This means that when asked what the Russian President’s salary is per month, you can calculate:

9,000,000.00 rubles /12 months = 750,000.00. President Putin received this amount for his expenses in 2017 every month. Putin’s salary per month in rubles in 2018 is slightly different from last year, however, in the law establishing the remuneration of the head of state there is no exact amount, only an increase factor, which, by the way, does not apply to all officials.

Every year, the amount of support for the head of state is reviewed and the amount is included in the budget. At the same time, the directions for spending money are practically unlimited.

Putin's fortune according to Forbes is 200 billion

Everyone understands that in addition to the main income as President, Vladimir Putin has many other incomes, but it is difficult to answer exactly how much Vladimir Putin earns, since the amount of his fortune changes from year to year. For example, according to official data, in 2016 Putin’s income amounted to 8 million rubles, and in 2017 it was twice as much – 18 million. Vladimir Vladimirovich has 13 million rubles in his bank accounts, and his declaration states that he has practically no real estate.

This is how our officials live for Russians, although Putin’s fortune, according to Forbes, is 200 billion, and not at all rubles. At the end of last year, the magazine included the head of the Russian Federation among the ten richest people in the world. Most likely, no one in Russia even knows how much money Putin really has, and this is depressing. Article found on

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