Participation of the Volgodonsk Special Boarding School “Ascension” in the xxvi international educational forum “Glinsky Readings. Glinsky readings at the Moscow Theological Academy: in memory of St. Prince Vladimir





In order to implement the “Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”,XXVIInternational educational forum "Glinsky Readings" on the territory of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the Moscow Theological Academy (Sergiev Posad). His work took place in the days of memory of the Orthodox teacher and theologian Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov) from July 27 to July 29, 2017 with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Forum participants came from all over Russia and neighboring countries. These were educators at all levels, healthcare, media, cultural figures, the military department, representatives of the clergy, museum and library workers, in short, everyone who cares about the upbringing of children and youth - the future of our country.

Forum topic – “Spiritual and moral foundations of education and upbringing.”

The purpose of the forum is to introduce moral principles and traditional spiritual values ​​into the modern education system.

Information sheet: The readings are calledGlinskaya Hermitage, which occupied special place among Orthodox monasteries and was the center of spiritual enlightenment in Russia. Glinskaya Pustynwidely known not only throughout Russia, but also far beyond its borders, for its patriotic, spiritual, educational, pedagogical, medical, agronomic, publishing, and missionary activities.The last old manwent through the school of monasticism in the Glinsk HermitageSchema-Archimandrite John (Maslov).He is an outstanding teacher, theologian and pastor of the 20th century, who left a great pedagogical and theological legacy.

Our boarding school “Ascension” for children with disabilities musculoskeletal system This is not the first time he has taken part in this forum. I have been participating in the Glinsky readings since 2005. Two years earlier we started developing elective course(based on Orthodox culture) for children with disabilities. At first, only for girls “Home Hearth”, they began to publish a school newspaper of the same name with Orthodox calendar and in general spiritual and moral content.

In the work of Hieromonk Porfiry Levashov “On the education of girls in a truly Christian spirit” it is said: “... mentors and parents themselves must be deeply imbued with the spirit of faith and piety and have high morality. Without this and with better textbooks or rules, the direct goal of Christian education cannot be achieved. There were cases when people alien to faith and morality emerged from the first hotbeds of popular education, and this happened because they had the misfortune of falling under the influence of such minds that did not combine the knowledge of religious truths with internal conviction in them.” We inherited a time when there was no basic knowledge of religious truths. There were no textbooks. It’s good that the ban on religion began to be lifted in general (at that time it was still not everywhere), that the pedagogical forum “Glinsky Readings” began to work. The first books with the stamp “Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation” began to appear. One of them was “Symphony on the work of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk,” written by Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov). “Symphony” and other books were a reward for participation in the all-Russian competition of creative works of teachers “Duty of Service to the Fatherland.” This is how we became acquainted with the heritage of the Glinsky elders. Without wise guidance, which a simple teacher would never be able to navigate due to its inaccessibility, volume and lack of time to study it. Previously, when preparing for classes, there was a great desire to rely on folk wisdom. So the epigraphs of classes and developments were proverbs from the book by V. I. Dahl “Proverbs of the Russian People”, published in 1957. Later, for classes, I began to use concepts from the books “Symphony based on the works of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk” by Schema-Archimandrite Ion (Maslov), “Explanatory Pedagogical Dictionary” by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences N.V. Maslov. (which, in addition to its direct meaning as a dictionary, is also a guide to the Glinsky heritage).

For example, the topic of conscience. V.I. Dahl says: “Conscience has no teeth, but it will bite”, “With his conscience it’s good to live, but bad to die.”

And in the “Symphony” by Schema-Archimandrite John Maslov: “Conscience is the voice of God.”

Another important topic is about bad language. Here I took

- quotes from the Bible:

“The blow of a whip makes scars, and the blow of a tongue crushes bones; many have fallen by the edge of the sword, but not as many as have fallen by the tongue.”(Sirach 28.20.21),

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue...” (Prov. 18.22),

“He who guards his mouth guards his life.” (Proverbs 18.22)

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up rage.” (Proverbs 15.1),

- proverbs from the book V. I. Dalya. The most favorite: “A small tongue moves mountains”, “A tongue is an anchor for the body”, “You can’t escape the tongue. The tongue will reach everywhere”, “The word is not an arrow, but it stings the heart.”

-sayings of saints and modern theologians:

“It is known that doctors find out whether a person is healthy or sick by examining the tongue; we can say that our words serve as a sure sign of the good or bad dispositions of our soul” (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk).

“Continence of the tongue shows a wise man” (Reverend Abba Isaiah).

“The Word is a visible manifestation of the mind” (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Doctor of Theology N.V. Maslov). - in the “Symphony” by Schema-Archimandrite Ioann Maslov:“Be careful not to use your tongue as a sin,” “The enemy uses our tongue against us,” “The tongue can be the cause of wars and bloodshed.” At the end of two lessons devoted to language, we must determine: “Is my language a friend or an enemy?!” The epigraph of the lesson for the new holiday, National Unity Day, was the following words: “If the flame of patriotism burns brightly in the soul and heart of a Christian, he himself will find ways to show his love for the Fatherland” (N.V. Maslov). A fragment of the lesson for analysis and discussion was taken from the “Symphony” Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov): “Freedom is dearer than anything in the world... All freedom is revered more than this treasure of this world. Neither wealth, nor honor, nor sweet food pleases us, just as we have no freedom. Birds and other animals deign to be free rather than in captivity and eat ready-made food. Everyone has a natural desire and love for freedom. Why is no one so comforted by anything as by freedom? The same thing was discussed in the lesson about the holy blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Modern children do not know the meaning of words such as mercy, grace, complacency, chastity, meekness and many others. Nor do they know true meaning words love. But in order to begin to get acquainted with all these concepts, the teacher himself must navigate this. It is very important for any teacher to determine the goals and objectives of their activities. The goal of a teacher based on Orthodoxy is much broader and deeper than other subject teachers. It is necessary not only to supplement the child’s knowledge with subject concepts, to connect it with historical events, it is necessary to give him moral guidelines. It is necessary to show students that spiritual and moral laws act just as objectively as material and physical ones (for example, the law of universal gravitation), and act regardless of whether a person knows about them or not. These laws have long been formulated and described.

In the book, Ph.D. N.V. Maslov’s “Fundamentals of Russian Pedagogy” - an encyclopedia of the Russian teacher - defines the goal of education as revealing to the student the purpose and meaning of life. Many adults to this day cannot give an intelligible answer about the meaning of life. Children think that this is: study, good job, good car, comfortable apartment, entertainment, family…. In addition to the stated goal, the book also defines ways to achieve it, based on human nature and the experience of the Christian heritage.

Work “Spiritual and moral foundations of education and upbringing” Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. N.V. Maslova - encyclopedia on survival in modern world, a modern person who is far from Christianity, who still wants to become a Christian. In separately published books “Family. Strength, purpose and purpose" and "Anthology on the spiritual and moral education of children and youth", the materials of which are in the above-mentioned work, beautiful illustrations have been selected, which are also the property of Russian culture based on Orthodoxy. After all, most of our compatriots simply do not know about them. Only during lessons can children see not only holy faces, but also simply pious faces. From modern media we are accustomed to seeing glamorous faces, on which the imprints of various vices are often obvious. The literary selection of the anthology - excellent descriptions of the pious life of our ancestors - is an example to follow. In addition, the Russian language is wonderful. All this is a product for human mental activity, food for the soul, exhausted by the pressure of negativity.

This year at the Glinsky Readings forum, questions about the meaning of thoughts, attention, observation and imagination in human life were discussed. Modern man is accustomed to paying attention only to the visible world. That's why most of us don't even pay attention to our thoughts, for example. But our predecessor teachers said that according to the type of seed fed by the earth, there is a plant and a fruit; According to the type of thoughts nourished by the heart, there are life and deeds. In addition, the attention of a modern person also cannot focus on something specific for a long time, which gives superficial concepts about everything. Attention is the guardian of the mind, which must allow some thoughts or, conversely, immediately cut them off. In contrast to attention, absent-mindedness requires constant entertainment. Ultimately, a person loses the purpose and meaning of life.

The activity of human cognitive powers is largely based on information about the outside world and the inner world of a person, which is collected through observation. Therefore, the ability to observe, and at the same time observe correctly, is very important for a person. Then everything that a person observed (saw and felt with other senses) remains in his memory and can be recreated by imagination. That is, the images of observed objects form a person. From all this it follows how important it is for parents and teachers to monitor what impressions feed the child’s memory and imagination. It is very important that now we need to talk about family structure and family values ​​not only to students, but also to their parents. Many of our children are raised by grandmothers or government institutions, and parents travel around the world in search of happiness (even in places isolated from society). But if children are given moral guidelines in time, they may not repeat the fate of their unfortunate parents. For example, girls graduating from among orphans (pupils of the elective “Home”), who were once abandoned by asocial parents, now have two or three children, do not abandon them, but take care of them. The girl, whose mother, while wandering around the dachas, got frostbite and was left without fingers and toes, did not abandon her then, but now she has taken her in and is also taking care of her and her children. It should also be noted that the monastic way of life, which we become acquainted with during the study of the Glinsky heritage, can become a standard for a boarding school, since, despite the status of a secular institution, many similarities remain:

  • Unity of command;
  • Charter;
  • Mentoring;
  • Obedience;
  • Communal organization of life: routine, common meals, common and individual work;
  • Educational activities:
- We continue to work in the all-Russian Internet project on the school press portal. We publish a school newspaper “Rodnichok”, with spiritual and moral content from church calendar, children's creativity, registered in the School Press Register, Laureate of All-Russian competitions. The newspaper is posted both on the school website and on of the Russian school press; - School Christmas readings are held (this year the VIII School Christmas readings were held); Children from other schools have been taking part for two years now; - presentations and slide films on Orthodox topics are created. There is a presentation “The Glinsky Elders are Examples to Follow”; - information about participation in the Glinsky Readings forum is brought to the attention of the Ministry of General and vocational education Rostov region, the teaching staff of a boarding school, is posted on pedagogical websites;

- materials from the Glin readings are used in the preparation of educational events. Two regional conferences were held at our boarding school. Within one there was a section, and the second was entirely devoted to the spiritual and moral education of students. In the fall of 2016, one of the sections of the Dimitriev educational readings (Rostov region) was held on the basis of our boarding school “1917-2017 – losses and gains.” Together with the leader of the “Biserinka” circle, I taught an integrated lesson “New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. Holiday White flower" After the informational part with the presentation, the children continued making daisies from beads, and the guests were given paper daisies.

The broadcast of our work experience is carried out through the media, incl. TV and Internet. In addition, work experience was presented at the International Christmas, Glinsky, Dimitrievsky educational readings(reports).

Publication is carried out regularly methodological developments and classes, articles.

Our boarding school was twice winner in the category of the All-Russian competition of works in the field of pedagogy, work with children and youth under 20 years old “For the moral feat of a teacher.”

The boarding school ran a pilot site for the regional component, for which the course “Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Don” was developed. The work of the innovative project “Education of a Russian citizen, his spiritual and moral foundations of personality through the study of domestic cultural traditions” has also been completed. Now the boarding school has an innovative program “My health is my future”, the subprogram of which is “Spiritual and moral education of children with disabilities, as one of the main conditions for their successful socialization and integration into society.”

Own name Our boarding school received “Ascension” in November 2015. For our children, it will embody both overcoming their illnesses and ascent to the heights of knowledge, but most importantly, it will be ascent to the heavenly world.

Proceedings of the Moscow Pedagogical Academy and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Theology, Professor of the MDA N.V. Maslov, materials of the forums “Glinsky readings are used, first of all, for their own education, as well as in working with wards and colleagues. These are conversations cool watch, creative works, parent meetings, reports, publications.

The following trends can be observed in working with wards:

Children become more restrained, less aggressive, responsibility increases, and compassion develops.

The level of general culture and literacy is increasing.

The culture of communication is improving, the amount of use of profanity is decreasing (in my case, none at all).

There is an increased interest in spiritual knowledge, a desire to participate in the creation of various creative works, and Olympiads in the defense industry.

The children were repeated winners in various competitions (spiritual and moral areas) at all levels, including international ones.

The Glinsky Readings forum is one of the pure springs of Orthodoxy. In all their works, the Moscow Pedagogical Academy and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. N.V. Maslov did not deviate from the Truth because all their activities are based on the works of the holy fathers. They took upon themselves, according to Archbishop John Shakhovsky, the activities of teachers who will speak the same Truth of the word of God, but in a form that is most understandable to the proper era, given society and people.

Our participation in the Glinsky Readings forum all these years has become possible with the great interest and support of the directorGKOU RO Volgodonsk special boarding school “Ascent” by T.Ya. Belousova, manager of the highest category, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, having government awards, incl. Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Volgodonsk, Rostov region.

On July 29, in Sergiev Posad, participants of the XXV International Educational Forum “Glinsky Readings” will honor the memory of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov).

At 07.00 - 11.00 a funeral liturgy and memorial service will be served in the Intercession Church, at 12.00 - 13.30 at the old cemetery, a memorial service and lithium will be held at the grave of Father John. At 14.00 – 15.00 a memorial dinner will be held in the MDA refectory.

Glinsky readings

From July 27 to 29, the Moscow Theological Academy hosts the XXV International Educational Forum in memory of the continuer of the traditions of the Glinsk Hermitage, the spiritual writer - Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov).

Since this year is associated with the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the forum was dedicated to this event. It is Prince Vladimir who is the founder of the educational traditions of the Russian people, therefore, at the 25th “Glin Readings” the topic of modern education and upbringing is discussed.

Over the past two days, on July 27 and 28, plenary sessions were held in the Assembly Hall of the MDA. Teachers, lecturers high school, scientists and clergy made reports on the patriotic education of children and youth, domestic traditions of pedagogy and shared their experience of using patristic works in their lessons, including the works of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov), recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

According to tradition, the Glinsky Readings were headed by the chairman of the forum, Nikolai Vasilyevich Maslov, who is also the founder of the Readings.

25 years is the result of the work that we do with you. These are dozens of books that have statements - vultures like Russian Orthodox Church, and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. And each of these books is a kind of treasury. We got them without any labor or diligence. Where the Lord has placed a seal, there will be no barriers. And we did not feel these barriers,” said Nikolai Maslov.

Pedagogy of the Holy Fathers

This year, his long-term work “Explanatory Pedagogical Dictionary” was presented at the forum. Spiritual and moral concepts." According to reviews from teachers participating in the forum, the dictionary helps in the educational process. Having become acquainted with it, students in class consciously and thoughtfully write essays on patriotic topics, and in ordinary life they begin to reason and evaluate their actions and actions differently.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Maslov about the “Glinsky Readings” and the “Explanatory Pedagogical Dictionary”:

- “Glinsky Readings” is an educational forum for teachers, which develops approaches for schools, for universities, for advanced training, the spiritual and moral foundations of education and upbringing.

For the 25th time, we have gathered here to discuss the results that we have previously done, as a practice of their implementation in educational processes, and to set new tasks in light of the fact that our state today has a great need for patriotic education, so that schools have the right concepts. Because the dictionaries that we inherited from the previous century do not quite reflect the realities of our lives.

Therefore, we have released a new dictionary - “ Dictionary", where exactly are spiritual and moral concepts. And much more that helps and will help people on the path of correct spiritual and moral education. This is in great demand by society today, and every year, I think, this need will increase, like water, like fresh air.

Because many understood the inconsistency of the teachings as Soviet system, as well as various democratic systems that are used in Europe today, they do not benefit people, they ultimately bring harm to people. And only today Russia has such enormous potential - this is the pedagogy of the holy fathers, which we are successfully translating into modern legislation, so as not to violate the modern law, but to provide the content necessary for the present generation, for the future generation. This is what “Glinsky Readings” do. - said Nikolai Maslov.

A person, like a white bird, is carried through this life by two strong wings - faith and love. They help us understand the happiness of our existence and experience betrayal and loss.
Life is complex and many-sided. I ask you not to allow anything in correspondence or controversy that could affect the personal dignity and freedom of religion of another person.
On these pages I am Spring. Outside the virtual world my name is Tatyana. I am a rural teacher. I teach at a school in the glorious village of Monastyrshchino, Kimovsky district. Tula region, historically associated with the Battle of Kulikovo. I am 45 years old. Born in the Medynsky district of the Kaluga region. I grew up in the wonderful, small, quiet village of Mikhalchukovo. My dear parents' names were Valentin Dmitrievich and Raisa Mikhailovna. Studied at the famous Myatlevskaya high school, which for many years was headed by a talented teacher and leader Alexander Fedorovich Ivanov. But, born from Kaluga, by vocation I happened to become a Tula resident. I studied at Tula State pedagogical institute at the Faculty of Philology. And again, 20 years later, and in absentia, it was already called a university, and I chose a faculty completely opposite in profile - natural sciences.
Next to me is my husband and three children.
I love my work, children, nature, I think a lot about the geological system of the territory of the Tula region, I love the history of the Tula region. I dedicate a section on the site called “School Waltz” to pedagogy. Very often, the children I teach help me fill out the pages of the site or inspire me to create them.
I have lived my life not without troubles and mistakes. I don't keep stones in my bosom. Life motto: “Happiness is living in this world.” If you know why you live. I live near the village of Sebino, Kimovsky district, Tula region, where the Holy Blessed and Righteous Matrona was born, baptized and lived for some time, whom people call Mother Matrona or Matronushka for her help. The temple of the village of Sebino is very dear to us: here Mother Matrona prayed to God, here our children were baptized and my husband and I were married. I write about this village on the website in articles And section "Sebino"(cm. site menu), and on this topic I receive basic information from readers in the form of letters and calls.
Issues of faith and religion are quite complex and are personal matter person, so everything I write about has some value only from the point of view of history and geography. How educational and informative things are. I do not have a theological education, I was only a student of short pedagogical courses on spiritual and moral education and participated several times in the Glinsky pedagogical readings at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. That’s why I don’t give advice, I don’t have the right to do so.
My personal attitude towards Orthodoxy is that I believe unconditionally. Without fanaticism and exaltation.
I have a rule on the site: I don’t give names or anything else, unless there is special consent from the person who wrote the letter to me, only names and excerpts from letters.
The village where I live is called Sukhanovo. He has his own story.
Mail [email protected] Write. My project is not commercial in nature in any aspect. I do not collect donations, you can make them yourself by coming to Sebino. I just write about what surrounds me.
I wish you all happiness and look forward to seeing you on the site.

Dedicated to the memory of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov)

From July 27 to July 29, 2017, the XXVI International Educational Forum “Glin Readings” was held at the Moscow Theological Academy, traditionally dedicated to the day of memory of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov), a 20th-century ascetic, an elder of the Glinsk Hermitage. He owns basic research on the history of this famous monastery. The book of Father John “Glinsk Hermitage. History of the monastery and its spiritual and educational activities in the 16th-20th centuries.” on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, it is used as teaching aid. Teachers, clergy, military personnel and representatives of other professions take part in the Glinsky Readings.

This year the forum set its theme as “Spiritual and moral foundations of education and upbringing.”

Over the past two days, on July 27 and 28, plenary sessions were held in the MDA assembly hall. Teachers, higher school teachers, scientists and clergy made reports on the spiritual and moral education of children and youth, domestic traditions of pedagogy and shared their experience of using patristic works in their lessons, including the works of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov), recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The reading program included events ranging from prayers and all-night vigils to planning sessions and presentations.

The main meeting of the Glin readings was held by the Chairman of the Commission on Education, Science and Public Morality of the Public Council of the Central Federal District, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Master of Theology Nikolai Vasilyevich Maslov.

It is worth noting that the book “Symphony on the works of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk” by Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov) served as the basis for Nikolai Maslov’s work “Spiritual and moral education and upbringing.” Speaking about the relevance of the problem of spiritual and moral education, Nikolai Vasilyevich noted that the formation of correct concepts has always been one of the main goals of education. If the concepts are incorrect, a person’s whole life becomes a delusion. The works of the holy fathers help us restore the old - to give man the opportunity for perfection and salvation. According to the teachers present, the works of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov) and his spiritual heir Nikolai Maslov are very helpful in teaching and working with young people.

Glinsky Readings" is an educational forum for teachers, which develops approaches for schools, universities, advanced training, spiritual and moral foundations of education, and upbringing.

On the last day of the forum, July 29, a memorial service took place at the grave of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov), one of the Glinsk elders.

Organizer of readings - Moscow pedagogical academy(rector - Elena Olegovna Krylova).

Members of the Association of Orthodox Teachers of the Smolensk Region took part in the Glin readings.

Plan for the XXVI International Spiritual and Educational Forum “Glinsky Readings”

08.30-19.00 Registration and accommodation of participants

14.00 Gathering of participants in front of the MDA assembly hall

14.30-16.30 Summing up the seminar in the assembly hall of the MDA

17.00-20.00 All-night vigil

07.30-09.30 Liturgy on St. book Vladimir

08.30-10.30 Registration of forum participants at the MDA

10.30-14.00 Plenary session in the MDA assembly hall

14.00-15.00 Lunch in the MDA refectory

15.00-16.45 Plenary session in the MDA assembly hall

17.00-19.00 Evening service at the Intercession Church of the MDA

Memorial Day of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov)

07.30-11.00 Funeral liturgy and memorial service in the Intercession Church of the MDA

11.00-12.00 Transfer to the Old Cemetery

12.00-13.30 Requiem service and litia at the grave of Schema-Archimandrite John

13.30-14.20 Funeral lunch in the MDA refectory

14.30-16.30 Final plenary meeting (in the MDA assembly hall)

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WITH July 27 to 29, 2015 The XXIV International Educational Forum was held at the Moscow Theological Academy (Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region) "Glinsky readings", dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir.

Subject readings - “Spiritual and moral foundations of education and upbringing.”

Within the framework of the forum, round tables were held dedicated to discussing the problems of spiritual and moral education in primary, secondary, higher and vocational schools, the topic of the moral ideal, teacher training, and the work of libraries, a Plenary session was held.

On the last day of the forum, July 29, a memorial service took place at the grave of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov), one of the Glinsk elders.

Teachers, scientists, clergy, and cultural workers from many regions of Russia, as well as from the CIS countries, took part in the readings.

The organizer of the readings is the Moscow Pedagogical Academy (rector - Elena Olegovna Krylova).

Forum presenter - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Nikolai Vasilievich Maslov.

A delegation of Moscow teachers took part in the Glinsky readings.

Readings Program


Dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of his death
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir

In order to implement the “Strategy for the development of education in Russian Federation for the period until 2025" and the development of educational traditions laid down by Holy Prince Vladimir, the International Educational Forum "GLIN READINGS" is traditionally held on July 27 - 29, 2015 with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and Rosmolodezh.

Forum topic: “Spiritual and moral foundations of education and upbringing”.

Directions of the forum's work

Spiritual, moral and patriotic education of children and youth. Domestic traditions of pedagogy. Education in family and school. The moral potential of the Russian language: the role of the language environment in the education of children and youth. Spiritual and moral component of teacher professional training. Theoretical foundations and practical experience of using the patristic heritage in educational institutions Russia. The works of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov), recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in modern system education.

Sections and round tables

  1. Spiritual and moral education in the family and preschool institutions.
  2. Spiritual and moral education in primary school(grades 1-4).
  3. Spiritual and moral education in secondary school (grades 5-11).
  4. Spiritual and moral education in the regional education system.
  5. Spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth in vocational education institutions.
  6. Moral potential of the Russian language. Language as a means of moral improvement.
  7. Moral ideal. The importance of hagiographic and patristic literature in the spiritual and moral education of younger generations.
  8. Libraries in the spiritual and moral education of children and youth.
  9. Spiritual and moral preparation of a teacher.
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