What business should a woman open at 50 years old? Starting a business after forty: six great success stories. Novelty is good

If you think it's too late for you to start something that you lack brains, health, money and something else to start new life- then this article is for you! In it, I collected dozens of success stories of people who are over 50, 60 or more years old, and who have achieved great results in life, in business, in art and sports, science, etc. These people are from big cities and small villages, from other countries and our compatriots, contemporaries and people who no longer exist.

« If you think that you are capable of something, or you think that you are not capable of it, you are right in both cases! - Henry Ford. (It’s all in our head, friends! :)

With the development of the Internet, the number of opportunities has increased astronomically. Never before in the history of mankind has it been so easy and cheap to start something new. All that is required of a person is to do what he loves and believe in himself!

😎 Hello everyone! Timur Mazaev is with you, akaMoneyPapa - Family finance expert.

Personal story

My personal heroes are my parents! Simple Soviet engineers who started life from scratch several times, changing countries and cultures, but never giving up. Having higher education, experience as a manager, the title of inventor of the USSR, my father did not disdain work in difficult times and worked as a loader, taxi driver, market seller, etc. Mom, at the age of 45, changed her profession and turned from an engineer to an accountant.

Parents moved to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, with $5,000 in my pocket and no home. For $1,500 they bought me a computer, which “fed” me for many years (I wrote and sold accounting programs throughout my student years). There was a time when their only source of income was the little money that I, a student, managed to earn. There was a time when they ate mushrooms found in the nearest forest belt))). They've been through a lot.

And they never, never, never lost heart, They didn’t blame anyone for anything, they always held on to each other and their children, they were (and are) always positive, they always smiled and found great happiness in small trifles and joys. They were not afraid to start life over again. And now, closer to 70, they are ready for serious changes on all fronts that are happening in our family. God bless you, my dear ones!

Quotes on the topic

“People who fail to motivate themselves will settle for mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents.” – Andrew Carnegie

Everyone knows the story of Colonel Sanders, who created the KFC brand after 60 years

Hollywood is not a dream, but a reality

Sylvia has gone through a difficult path, which included a few orders from friends and a serious illness - however, all this is left behind, and now 82-year-old Sylvia is the main supplier of cakes for world-class celebrities, loves her job and creates without days off; Each cake is decorated with her signature logo - an image of her round glasses with black frames.

Always on the top

Rock the dance floor? Easily!

"Tornado in a Turban"

Beat cancer by dancing

Michelangelo began work on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel when he was already 61 years old (work on the Sistine Chapel lasted five years). He became the chief architect of St. Peter's Cathedral at the age of 71.

"Diana and Actaeon"


It's never too late to change your life and start from scratch! However, success does not fall on your head and may require several years of work, and strength and health after 50-60-70 may be significantly less than at a young age! Therefore, it is so important to do what you love so as not to notice physical and moral fatigue. All the people from this article are the same people as us, made from the same “stuff”, no smarter and no more stupid than us. This means that everything is possible! The main thing is not to rush (despite your age) and move at your own pace, breaking big goals into small, “edible” steps!

Call to action

2. Download the Goal Setting Matrix, which I use - and try to come up with and write down your (new and old) goals into steps that can be completed. Read articles about goal setting.

3. For those who want to find new job — download for free Sample Resume + Cheat Sheet “10 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions with Examples of (Correct) Answers.”

It will be useful!


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👋 And I wish you well-being in finances, family and in life!
Timur Mazaev was with you, aka MoneyPapa - an expert on family finances.

According to statistics, the majority of aspiring entrepreneurs are young people between 20 and 40 years old. And this is quite understandable, since young people want everything at once, they are more prone to risks, more mobile and open to new things.

However, oddly enough, many people start their own business after 50 years of age. This is explained by the fact that retirement is approaching, the size of which does not allow one to hope for prosperity.

In addition, the children have already grown up, there is a lot of free time and, finally, you can do what you had no time to do in your youth.

Start a business at 50 years old.

Another reason that people start a business at 50 years old is because they have some capital that they want to invest before inflation eats it up.

Start a business at 50 years old.

All these reasons play their role in organizing their own business by mature people. But the main role, of course, is played by the desire for self-realization.

Start a business at 50 years old.

After all, with age, people already know how to set priorities and know exactly what they really want.

Start a business at 50 years old.

How successful are late starts?

Everything again depends on the set of knowledge and skills of the novice entrepreneur, on his experience accumulated earlier.

1) The most successful people are have gained experience working in commercial structures.

Start a business at 50 years old.

Those who come from commercial structures already know what risks arise when doing business; are able to calculate not only income, but also expenses; soberly weigh their options.

Start a business at 50 years old.

2) Another successful category of people, those starting a business at 50 years old are middle and senior managers power structures. Extensive connections acquired over the years of work allow us not only to see the development potential, but also to solve many issues with the help of acquaintances.

3) It is more difficult for those who have worked in the public sector all their lives in secondary positions. However, among them there are successful businessmen who achieved success due to high motivation and practical skills acquired during their work.

What needs to be done to start your own business at age 50 or later?

1) First of all, evaluate your potential, reconsider your skills and knowledge, understand what you really want to do in order to realize yourself fully. Only self-employment that brings satisfaction can lead to success. It is impossible to build your own successful business by doing something you are not passionate about.

2) In addition, you need to estimate the amount of capital that can be invested in the business. without bringing yourself to complete ruin. After all, your own business always carries risks, so you need to be prepared to part with some part of the money, considering it as tuition fees.

Start a business at 50 years old.

Start a business at 50 years old.

You just need to treat it as a non-repayable investment in your business.

3) And you also need to enlist the support of family members.. It is difficult to achieve success if, instead of support, you receive reproaches for wasting time and money.

Examples of other people's successful endeavors should keep us optimistic and confident in the success of our business. And then everything will definitely work out.

Start a business at 50 years old.

Start a business at 50 years old.

In retirement, former realtor Richard Pawlowski decided to pay more attention to his physical condition. Since childhood, he loved riding a bicycle and began to move mainly on this type of transport. The idea for the business came naturally. Pawlowski suggested attaching mobile billboards to bicycles. “This is a big and fun business. Just imagine: I get paid $250 a day just to attach an advertisement to my bike,” the entrepreneur tells the story of his company Bike Billboards.

Over time, prices increased, and he began to charge up to $500 for mobile advertising. He was approached by a variety of advertisers: from pizzerias to global retailers like IKEA. The business is now 10 years old, and Pawlowski is 71 years old. He began to have competitors all over America. Once the market leader, Bike Billboards lost ground due to Pawlowski's illness. Now the entrepreneur is going to sell the business or find a partner, but still speaks of the company as the fruit of his labor and love.

RANEPA experts whose developments are often used by the government
Russian Federation, several scenarios for raising the retirement age in the country. The most likely is to increase it to 63 years for men and 60 years for women. In the same time .

So what should those who are already over 40 but under 60 do? The solution could be to run your own business. In the West, people over 50 are one of the most active entrepreneurial audiences. People gained experience and formed start-up capital and are willing to take risks. A good example serves the UK, where about 20% of company owners are people over 55. Moreover we're talking about not only about those who have grown old in the CEO’s chair, but also about startups. For example, 43% of all UK residents who started their own business in 2015 are people over 50. And this despite the fact that such workers make up less than a third of UK company employees.

A similar trend is observed in the United States. If in 1997 people aged 55 to 64 years old made up only 15% of business owners, then in 2016 this figure was already 24%. A Gallup poll of more than 14 thousand people in the United States in 2015 (of which 2 thousand respondents were over 55 years old) found that older generations are more entrepreneurial than those born after the 1980s: 12% Baby boomers said they were ready to start their own business in the next 12 months versus 5% of millennials.

In Russia, we were unable to find studies of the entrepreneurial activity of people of retirement and pre-retirement age - there are few elderly startupers in the country. But we found not only those who have been in business for a long time but are still launching new projects, but also 70-year-old “newbies”.

Vladimir Khoroshevsky

Teacher for artificial intelligence

Vladimir Khoroshevsky, 71 years old, search service scientific works Semantic Hub

Vladimir Khoroshevsky is a Russian scientist who has devoted most of his life to research and development in the field of artificial intelligence. He worked as an expert at the Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Foundation basic research and the Russian Science Foundation, wrote hundreds of scientific articles and taught at leading universities around the world. And in 2015, the scientist became a startup founder and now holds the position of technical director at Semantic Hub.

Khoroshevsky met the future CEO of the company, Irina Efimenko, 15 years ago, when she was still a graduate student at Moscow State University. They worked together on the creation of natural language processing systems in one of the Russian companies, and then in the Center for Information and Analytical Systems of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Three years ago, colleagues had the idea to set off on “autonomous voyages” and form their own team to transform the experience of developing high-tech technologies into business. At the same time, they met the third founder, Vitaly Nedelsky, who also dreamed of creating a company in the field of high technology. “We needed a fusion of young impudence and experience. We have it. The kids, the students, pulled themselves up,” says Khoroshevsky. The team of 20 people included like-minded colleagues and students passionate about artificial intelligence.

At first, the team took on all proposals related to the analysis of promising scientific and technological trends using big data. But after completing several custom projects, it became clear that we had to work in completely different subject areas. "We soon realized - wide range different subject areas with strict restrictions on the time of project implementation will lead to the fact that we will know nothing about everything,” says Khoroshevsky.

Therefore, at the end of 2016, the company’s founders decided to focus on pharmaceuticals. The services offered by Semantic Hub are based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing techniques to assess the potential of new medicines. The Semantic Hub intelligent system collects and analyzes hundreds of thousands of documents: scientific articles, descriptions of results clinical trials, patents, opinions of doctors and patients. Then, based on the results of the analysis of primary information, reports are generated that record the risk factors and competitive advantages of the drugs proposed for development. Research is ordered by medical and pharmaceutical companies. According to Khoroshevsky, such analysis reduces the risk of failure, because people can manually study in depth no more than 1% of documents on a topic.

The partners do not disclose financial indicators; the average bill for research is €100 thousand. In 2017, the startup was included in the top thirty of the international accelerator Grants4Apps in Berlin. And in August I raised 24 million rubles. from IIDF (according to SPARK, the IIDF share is 13.87%), private investors Valentin Doronichev and Vladimir Preobrazhensky. Khoroshevsky's share is not disclosed, but it is known that he owns a minority stake in the company.

“As a startuper, I feel completely normal and calm. I’ve been teaching for over 30 years and communicate with young people all the time,” says Khoroshevsky. According to the 71-year-old scientist, this is his first business startup; before that, he was involved only in scientific projects. He is attracted to a new business by two aspects: an interesting, knowledge-intensive task and the opportunity to bring the idea to implementation.

“I'm interested in all this. I spend most of my time on development and self-education. After all, if you don’t go forward, then you go back. I try to keep my brain in good shape,” explains Khoroshevsky.

Oleg Zagvozdkin

Closer to the body

Oleg Zagvozdkin, 55 years old, brand “Danila - Russian kosovorotki”

In his youth, Oleg Zagvozdkin traveled half the world as a sailor - he was in Europe, China, Japan, Singapore and other countries. Even then, he noticed that national clothing plays a big role in the lives of many peoples. “In Arab countries, Scotland, Germany, people wear national costumes at significant moments for them. But Russians, unfortunately, have almost lost this tradition,” he says. In the early 1990s, Zagvozdkin returned to land, started a family in Vladivostok and opened a furniture production business, and two years later he moved to his homeland, Yekaterinburg.

There Zagvozdkin took up social and political work: he headed the Sverdlovsk branch of the movement of Sergei Kiriyenko “ New power"(part of the coalition of the "Union of Right Forces"), was the head of the party's election headquarters, organized elections in Yekaterinburg. Then he worked as a political strategist and GR specialist. “At some point, I looked around and realized that almost everyone I knew was involved in business, earning money, but what about me? - recalls Zagvozdkin. — I decided that it was time to find something I liked that would bring stable income" It was then that the long-standing idea of ​​reviving the love for national Russian clothing surfaced.

He studied books that told about the life of Russian peasants, and found detailed description traditional men's shirt - kosovorotka. It turned out that several artisans in the Urals are already sewing them. “But I would never wear what they were selling,” says the entrepreneur. “I decided to make the blouse fashionable, modern—so that you wouldn’t be ashamed to go out in public wearing it.”

In 2008, Zagvozdkin found a sewing shop in Yekaterinburg that made men's shirts, and ordered the first batch of linen shirts - about 150 pieces. To attract attention to the new product, he himself began to walk around the city in a kosovorotka. “A lot of people stopped and asked what it was,” I said. They were surprised and praised,” recalls Zagvozdkin.

He gave half of the batch to souvenir shops, and decided to sell the other half himself. I ordered a metal structure from local craftsmen - a portable counter on which to display goods - and went with the shirts to the arms exhibition in Nizhny Tagil. “There are a lot of foreigners there, I look into their eyes, lure them in - they come up, look, but don’t buy. And then it dawned on me - why should they wear my national clothes if they have their own?” But compatriots bought shirts for trips to the bathhouse and stylized weddings.

The entrepreneur returned to Yekaterinburg and set up his stall on the main pedestrian street of the city. At the same time, he came up with the brand “Danila - Russian braids,” which he registered with Rospatent. Kosovorotki sold out well - 200-250 rubles were sold per month at prices ranging from 1 thousand to 2.5 thousand rubles. The businessman’s profit ranged from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. per month.

For seven years, Zagvozdkin was engaged in kosovorotkas in parallel with social and political activities, and in 2017 he decided to devote himself entirely to business. He has written a business plan to develop the brand and is actively looking for investors. “I don’t have time to trade - every day I have meetings with potential partners, defending the project,” says the entrepreneur. “The national clothing market is promising and is still free, and with the help of investment support I plan to take a significant part of it.” He wants to raise funds for development through crowdfunding - a project called “Your Shirt Closer to Your Body” will appear on the Boomstarter platform in the next month.

The entrepreneur plans to sell the Danila franchise to the regions. The package will include a collapsible counter that can be transported in the trunk passenger car and install at fairs, a sign and a starter set of kosovorotki. “I want to attract young beginners and peers who will be able to promote my brand throughout the country and make money from it themselves,” explains Oleg Zagvozdkin.

Boris Smorodov

Waddle - don't roll

Boris Smorodov, 69 years old, handmade “Russian felt boots”

Boris Smorodov turned traditional unsightly shoes into fashion accessory. Now the felters at his factory “Russian Valenki” produce 6 thousand pairs of shoes a year. The annual revenue of the project, according to RBC estimates, is about 12 million rubles. per month.

In 1992, Smorodov bought a dry-cleaning and dyeing factory in his hometown of Vyshny Volochek (Tver Region). "IN Soviet time the factory flourished, but during perestroika there were no more orders, all clothing collection points gradually closed, says Boris Smorodov. “The boiler room was taken away from us, we had to work in outerwear.” To pay bills and wages to workers, they sold whatever they needed - vegetables, manufactured goods, made soap, there was even a car wash. After two years of such work, Smorodov realized that it was time to change something. A local mechanic gave him the idea and suggested that he start producing felt boots.

In Vyshny Volochyok there was already a large factory for the machine production of felt boots. To compete with a major player, Smorodov decided to felt felt boots by hand. He gathered four locals and took them for training to the village of Firovo, where at that time there was a workshop for the production of hand-made felt boots. “Every day I drove them 60 km in my car - I dropped them off in the morning and picked them up in the evening. It took eight years to develop the fishery. Well, what normal person would study a craft for so long? Young people need everything at once,” says Boris Smorodov. All this time, his factory continued to trade and operate as a dry cleaner.

By 2002, he finally managed to start producing felt boots. One fuller made no more than three pairs of shoes per shift—this could not compare with factory volumes. They took it for quality. “Our felt boots last for many years and can withstand cold temperatures up to 60 degrees, they are not eaten by moths,” the entrepreneur boasts. The main buyers were residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg: the factory is located on the highway connecting the two capitals. According to Smorodov’s calculations, 40 thousand cars pass by every day.

Gradually they switched from standard plain felt boots to decorative ones. “It is clear that Muscovites will not wear felt boots with galoshes, as is customary here. They began to attach rubber soles to them, embroider patterns by hand, attach rhinestones and appliqués,” says Boris Smorodov. He recently mastered the technique of photo printing and now accepts corporate orders for felt boots with company logos.

Travel agencies have become interested in “Russian felt boots” - now buses with foreign and Russian tourists constantly come to Vyshny Volochek. Smorodov realized that it was time to expand, and in 2012 he built a second floor above the factory, where he set up a museum and a store. “I often go abroad and see how local manufacturers work there: first, a group of tourists are shown how glass figures are blown in Venice or carpets are woven in Tunisia, and then they are taken to a store where a person buys these handmade things. And I decided to do something similar,” says Boris Smorodov.

Now he has two stores: one at the factory and one in the center of Volochok - for local residents who buy felt boots for daily wear. Orders are also placed through the online store with an English version. “Nobody taught me how to use the Internet. Life forced me,” says Boris Smorodov. ​Soon “Russian felt boots” will also be available for purchase in Switzerland and the USA: Smorodov has already concluded agreements with two residents of these countries who plan to open stores of Tver felt boots abroad.

Vadim Shemarov

Vadim Shemarov, 55 years old, customer search service in social networks “Shikari”

When Vadim Shemarov studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at ChSU named after. Ulyanov (Cheboksary), programming was taught as an elective - one or two semesters during the entire period of study. But this was enough for the student to get involved - he was sure that programming would be in demand in the future. And I was right.

My career began with distribution work in a design bureau in my native Cheboksary. And in 1989, Shemarov and his partners registered the first cooperative. We supplied computers and developed software for them ourselves. There were also large clients, for example the local branch of Sberbank and republican hospitals, who ordered the automation of business processes and the development of electronic queuing systems. And the most unusual order came from the USA - a programmer was developing software for compiling crime reports for the New York prosecutor's office.

Meanwhile, new programming languages ​​appeared and technologies developed. Shemarov says that he had to learn by doing. Colleagues took out books, instructions for computers, passed printouts from hand to hand. English language. IN Lately Shemarov is usually involved as a manager or technical director for various IT projects.

At the same time, he tried himself as an investor. For example, in 2011, he bought out an accounting company from Ainur Abdulnasyrov, the founder of the language learning service LinguaLeo. He says that he spent only a few tens of thousands of rubles. At that time, the authorities took taxi drivers seriously and demanded that they register as individual entrepreneurs. Shemarov hoped that he would fill the niche of accounting support for newly-minted individual entrepreneurs. But a year later I realized that the calculation was not justified, and resold the company with a small markup.

In 2016, while working on their next order, Shemarov and his colleagues Dmitry Afutin and Vyacheslav Sateev had to extract a lot of information from social networks. Afutin noticed among everyday and social posts posts with calls for help: people asking for advice on a tutor, builder or lawyer. Shemarov notes that before people We looked for thematic sites, studied forums and freelance exchanges: “Now we are used to solving problems without leaving social networks. They throw out a call and wait for the performers to answer them or for one of their friends to advise them.” For many companies, such posts are valuable - in fact, they are potential clients who are ready to buy services here and now. Therefore, Afutin had the idea to monitor social media and using neural networks to divide requests into professional categories and sell information to companies by subscription, he invited Sateev to found a new project, and Shemarov became the third partner.

The project was called "Shikari". Partners started without investment, investing their time and experience. Now the service analyzes 24 categories of requests by type of activity, processes more than 10 million messages per day. Over two years, 20 thousand customers used it, of which 500 became regular subscribers (the basic tariff is 900 rubles per month). The entrepreneur does not disclose revenue; he says that monthly growth is 10-25%. He emphasizes that the project has reached self-sufficiency and allows ten employees to be paid, but the partners spend all the profits on the development of the project.

Irina Shevich

See the prospects

Irina Shevich, 56 years old, consultations for ophthalmologists “Opti-class”

Irina Shevich, a history teacher by profession, found her life’s work thanks to family troubles. When her child was four years old, it turned out that the girl could only see the first line of the vision test table. On the way to get medicine, my husband came across the book “Improving vision without glasses.” During the three days that the examination took place, Shevich read the book and began training her daughter’s vision on her own in parallel with traditional treatment. After three weeks, the girl began to see a few more lines - this was a breakthrough. And after eight months, the severity was restored to one.

Irina Shevich’s husband is a military man, so the family traveled around the country, and Irina herself began to advise numerous parents she knew on vision training methods. It soon became clear that she needed to get a specialized education, so she left her husband and three children for a month to take an ophthalmic nursing course in Alma-Ata. In the end, the family moved to Moscow, and Shevich got a job as a nurse at the Research Institute of GB named after. Helmholtz, worked in optical stores and laser correction centers. The longer she studied, the more she came to the conclusion that visual gymnastics, of which she was an adept at the start, was not suitable for everyone, and that she still couldn’t do without glasses.

Since 2006, Shevich worked for a company that distributed medical frames, glasses and contact lenses. After five years, I got pretty tired of working in an office. “It got boring. There weren’t enough challenges and overcoming,” admits Shevich. At first, she tried to come to an agreement with the management: she offered to expand her responsibilities - they refused, she received an MBA in absentia - the knowledge was not useful in the office. Therefore, in 2011, when Shevich was 50 years old, she decided to open her own business.

First of all, Shevich applied to participate in the international exhibition of spectacle optics under her Opti-Class brand. I created a website, printed advertising brochures and began selling what I did best - webinars for optometrists and optometrists, seminars and master classes. Shevich trains future employees of optical stores to select glasses and lenses for patients, train vision, etc.; The company also offers advanced training courses for existing optometrists.

Irina Shevich registered an LLC and received a license to operate educational activities. But after nine months, it turned out that the license did not give the right to issue medical specialist certificates to students - they had to register the Private Educational Institution of Further Education "Institute of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining."

I had to figure out all the bureaucratic intricacies on my own. Shevich admits that developing a business without investments was not easy - the company is growing more slowly than we would like. Only by 2018, the entrepreneur recruited a team of four people and began to attract famous Russian and foreign experts to give lectures on the portal distance learning. Revenue for last year amounted to 3 million rubles, profitability - 60%.

“My parents still don’t understand what I do and why I had to leave my hired job. And the children are proud and also try themselves in business,” says Irina Shevich.

10 - Ideas for your first business - after 50 years of life

In the next few years, the first wave of those born in the post-war period will begin to enter the country. With the retirement of this generation, the number of elderly is expected to increase sharply. These are those who were born between 1946 and 1964 and who will be 65 years old in 2011. The elderly will become a formidable market that businesses can no longer ignore.

In the United States alone, the elderly population is expected to increase by 17 percent, And will reach 43.4 million.in 2011. WITH 2011 By 2030 year, population in age 65 and older is expected will grow by 75 percent up to more than 69 million people! During between 2030 and 2050, the growth rate is projected to increase by 14 percent, and the number of elderly people is expected to increase will increase approximately up to 79 million Human.

Today is not too late to take advantage of all the benefits of this fast-growing market segment.
will change the business landscape. Patterns of consumption practices will change over time due to this factor at different stages of life. The needs of older people are very different from the needs of middle-aged and young people. Older people tend to purchase a wider variety of items than younger people, and they are also less likely to borrow money.

Massive shifts are already visible in investment business, many of which respond to changing lives and tastes of older people. We will see a gradual shift from purchases such as a new family home and cars to increased spending on rent and services. Although consumption of durable goods is expected to rise, it will increasingly dominate household appliances and furniture shopping.

The post-war generation has different characteristics from any previous groups of that time:

  • They are richer, have more savings and have more disposable income than their parents
  • They are healthier, more active and more fitness-oriented
  • They want to remain independent, and the vast majority of older people now want to remain in their own homes rather than live in nursing homes
  • Older people want to continue working after retirement.

Here are some suggested 10 ideas for your first business - after 50 years of life

One of the possibilities is work related to the Internet. The number of elderly people is growing rapidly every year. As we know, this category of the population will now have quite a lot of free time. They have a strong need to communicate with their families and relatives, who often live far away from them.

Many of them, especially those who are not computer literate, feel overwhelmed when they come into contact with a world that seems so complex to them - .
As their mobility becomes more limited, the convenience offered by online stores will be quite attractive to them.
In fact, research individuals from 50 years old and more showed that respondents from 50 years old and above, spend on average on the Internet up to 16.2 hours, and 75 percent there are respondents online shopping.

Using this premise that the older generation is not averse to resorting to new technology, you can direct them to special ones, where you post information already adapted for them related to the Internet, terminology, an extensive set of links, troubleshooting, consultations through chat programs, virtual store for special devices and items for pensioners.

You can develop content site, which is dedicated to various problems in life, such as medical information, fraud and scam, investing information... Start-up costs for such a business can range from $5,000 to $25,000 (depending on the cost of creating a website), but you can earn income from advertising and selling products. Receive commissions on every sale of goods - flowers, long distance calls, medical products, software, etc.

Fitness clubs, fitness organizations and even the Olympics are now seeing a surge in members over 50 years of age. The whole concept of aging is changing: elderly people are now actively taking part in sports and recreational activities to keep them in good health physical fitness- and be psychologically younger. Definitely, older people now refuse to be lonely and helpless. Even travel agency websites today offer services for this group of the population. active and extreme recreation, such as sea kayaking or climbing in Ecuador.

There are several ways to identify this growing group of health-conscious seniors. You can open your own Fitness Club where you can offer fitness programs for older people. You can convert a large room in your home, or rent a large gym as a workout room for your elderly clients.

You can also organize a group and be a leader in working with sick and disabled people in nursing homes, meeting in residential areas. You must learn the most productive methods of functional and restorative activities for very old people and groups with physical disabilities.

If you're not afraid, you can start a club and offer extreme sports tours for different age groups. Experts even say that the focus on such sporting events will only increase as the post-war generation retires. Your target market for this type of business includes high-income individuals such as managers, managers And company owners, which are also very athletic.

Kindergarten for the elderly
The operating principle of this business, which is already becoming increasingly popular in the West today, is day care for the elderly in specially adapted places. This service is very useful for children or guardians of elderly parents who do not have the opportunity to care for them during the day because they are at work.

You can start this type of business if you have the appropriate qualifications. Your task will be to organize such groups, as well as conduct (In the evening they will be returned home to their families) any events for them.
You can involve people of various professions in your work, with medical education, drivers, teachers, cooks, fitness instructors...

Other business ideas for your first business - after 50 years of life

  • Employment services for older people to help those who still want to work, at least part-time.
  • Nursing, social work.
  • Financial advisor for senior clients, estate planning and investments, long-term care financing, or housing options.
  • Driver for elderly people who need to get around the city.
  • Assistant, provides assistance to elderly people living in their own home and running a large household.
  • Cooking, grocery shopping, paying a bill, caring, or just talking
  • Pet care while owners are away
  • Publishing magazines or newsletters for the elderly population

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Photo: wikipedia.org

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