Ficus microcarpa: care at home. Ficus microcarpa care at home Tips for propagating ficus microcarpa at home

An unusual way of forming in the form of a miniature tree in the spirit of “bonsai” with a thickened stem is a feature that the ficus microcarpa has. In its normal state it is very similar to the popular Ficus Benjamin. Caring for ficus microcarpa at home involves not only creating favorable conditions for growth, but also maintaining the neat shape of the tree.

The leaves are neat and miniature. Unlike the classic ficus, there is no elongated spine at the tips of the leaves. The bark is thin, smooth, and can be damaged if handled carelessly. Translated, the name means “small-fruited ficus.” The name ficus ginseng, or ficus "ginseng" is often found. It was so nicknamed for the resemblance of the thick, bizarre stem to the ginseng root.

The ficus stem is a thickened, massive root. The unusual shape of the bushes is not natural feature. They are made this way by specialists using a special forming technology.

During flowering, it forms syconia - specific inflorescences that resemble berries. At home, flowering cannot be achieved even if ideal conditions for growth are created. Flowers do not carry a decorative load - the appearance of the plant does not suffer from their absence.

Interesting! In nature it is an evergreen shrub that grows up to 25 meters! Its homeland is East Asia. Sometimes it is called the “strangler” for its ability to wrap its long aerial roots around neighboring trees.

Formation secrets

Ficus microcarpa is grown using a special technology aimed at forming intricately curved thick roots. The ficus itself is easy to shape, but creating characteristic appearance It takes several years for the tree to grow. Approximately the formation process is as follows.

  • Ficus is grown by sowing seeds or from cuttings. At first he looks normal. A root is formed underground - thick, powerful, branched. To enhance root growth and slow down the growth of green mass, the plant is fertilized with hormonal preparations. Plant growth occurs at a certain level of temperature and humidity.
  • Once the root reaches the desired size, it is dug up. The ficus trunk is completely cut off (only a small stump remains), the root is cleared of soil and washed.
  • The root is planted in a pot, burying only its very tips into the soil. The main part of the root remains outside - above the soil level. The peel gradually becomes coarser and turns into bark.
  • Using special chemicals, the growth of branches from the hemp is first stimulated, and then slowed down to maintain the miniature shape of the tree.

Only after this does the ficus appear on store shelves. This method of shaping is an opportunity to quickly get a bonsai-style tree. The real art of bonsai is much more complex and takes more time.

Features of care

Your task is to maintain the original shape of the tree and create favorable conditions for preserving its decorative properties.

  • Lighting. Place in partial shade or shade. They hide them from the sun and don’t place them near radiators in winter. If possible, place it on a north window.
  • Temperature. Increased need for heat. The optimal range is 25-30°C at any time of the year. In winter, remove from cold floors and window sills.
  • Watering. Water frequently in summer, less often in winter. Do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. With a lack of moisture, it drops its leaves and becomes lethargic. Flooding is also not recommended - there is a possibility of root rotting.
  • Humidity. One of important conditions to maintain decorativeness - high humidity. It is recommended to spray daily, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth at least 2 times a week.
  • Feeding. Fertilizers are applied to the soil and foliar feeding is used. Mineral fertilizers are used for spraying in low concentrations. Any product for decorative foliage plants is suitable for application to the soil. The best option is to use specialized fertilizers for bonsai. Fertilizing is carried out after watering.

Advice! The upper part of the roots must be gradually exposed. This will not harm the plant. Surface roots do not serve to obtain nutrition, but to anchor the plant in the soil. They have no root hairs.

Keeping fit

After purchasing a ficus that has already been formed as a bonsai, you need to constantly monitor its shape. Stores use special products called retardants. They slow down the growth of the plant and prevent it from stretching upward. With the end of their action, growth will resume - the leaves will become larger, the branches will stretch upward. If there is a lack of nutrients, the ficus will begin to consume the reserves deposited in the fleshy roots. This will lead to a decrease in their size and compression.

To ensure that ficus microcarpa retains its original appearance, shoots and roots are regularly pruned. Pruning is carried out only in summer! All overgrown branches are cut off, leaving 2 pairs of leaves on them. This is a creative process. You need to focus not only on pruning technology, but also on the overall appearance of the plant. First of all, those shoots that violate the desired shape are cut off. Use a sharp tool for cutting!

Reproduction methods

Like any ficus, the plant propagates by seeds, cuttings (woody and green), parts of roots and air layering.

  • Seeds. The main difficulty of seed propagation is the difficulty of obtaining seeds. The substrate is a mixture of peat and crushed sphagnum. The seeds are small and hatch only in constant humidity and warmth. They create greenhouse conditions and regularly spray the soil. They dive at the stage of appearance of true leaves.
  • Cuttings. Semi-lignified cuttings with 4-5 leaves are cut. Root in a sand-peat mixture, keep in diffused light under a plastic covering. Roots appear in 30-50 days.
  • Parts of the root. When planting a root cutting, a piece 2.5 cm long should remain above the surface. Keep it under the film. Watering is limited - once a week. The need for watering is determined by the disappearance of condensation from the film. The greenhouse is ventilated every day by opening it for 5-10 minutes. Branches will appear in 2-4 months. The ficus is transferred to normal care conditions after 3-5 leaves appear.
  • Air layering. Choose a healthy woody twig. A blade is used to cut off a strip of bark in a ring shape. Sphagnum is moistened and, if possible, impregnated with growth hormones. Apply it to the prepared area of ​​the branch and wrap it in polyethylene. Sphagnum moisturize regularly. The roots that appear will be clearly visible through the polyethylene. The branch is carefully cut off and the film is removed. Planted together with moss in a small pot.

Advice! Any method of propagation will produce the most common ficus. You can experiment on one of the cuttings. When it grows tall enough, remove 1-2 cm of soil when replanting in spring. At the same time, pinch the tops of all new shoots, leaving 2-3 internodes on them. Repeat this procedure annually. Gradually the root will be outside, and the crown will become small and neat.

Growing difficulties

The plant rarely gets sick. The only common problem is leaf falling.

If green leaves fall off:

  • Change of usual conditions.
  • Sudden temperature changes and drafts.
  • Excessive watering leads to root rot.

If the leaves wither and fall off:

  • Dry soil.
  • Low air humidity.
  • Lack of lighting.
  • Nutritional deficiency.

The problem is solved by adjusting the conditions of detention and observing the rules of care. Ficus is practically not affected by pests. In rare cases, it can become infected from other plants. mealybug, scale insects or thrips.

Ficus microcarpa is an amazing, unusual plant that will become a real decoration for your apartment.

Ginseng, also known as microcarpa or small-fruited ficus, belongs to the Mulberry family.

In Latin it scientific name sounds like Ficus microcarpa ginseng.

IN natural conditions- is an evergreen tree 15-25 meters high with a thick spreading crown, a powerful trunk and huge aerial roots hanging down.

In indoor culture, it is most often grown in the form of a bonsai with a small trunk, but a huge rhizome, shaped like a ginseng root. Not by chance "ginseng" translates as "ginseng".

The tropics and subtropics of Southeast Asia are the tree’s usual habitat.

This representative of the flora is also called “Indian laurel”, “green island” and “Chinese banyan”.

Its dark green leathery leaves are quite large - up to 15 cm in length.

They are oval in shape and have a glossy surface.

Ginseng is a strangler ficus.

Starting life as an epiphyte, as it develops it takes root next to the host tree, entwines it and strangles it, preventing it from developing.

The bizarre rhizome for which the indoor ficus ginseng is famous does not occur in nature.

It is grown on farms using a special technology that is kept secret.

The tree is fed with special preparations and kept in special conditions.

Co. when the root reaches the desired thickness and shape, the plant is transplanted into another container, leaving most of the rhizome on the surface of the soil.

At the same time, the trunk is cut off and new greenery is grown.

Indoor forms with an ordinary trunk are also bred on farms.

In this case, the rhizome is hidden in the ground and the main beauty of the tree is given by the luxurious dense crown.

Home care

Ficus ginseng It is distinguished by its ease of care and endurance.

Following simple rules of care will help it develop well, not get sick and be protected from pest attacks.

Important - The tree trunk is covered with thin gray-brown bark, which, when damaged, releases white milky sap.

It is advisable to avoid such injuries when caring for your “green friend” - wounds on the trunk take a very long time to heal.


The tree prefers diffused light or partial shade.

The ideal place is next to the window, but as far as possible from heating appliances.

Important - It is advisable to decide once and for all on a permanent location for the ficus, because it does not like moving and may shed its leaves in response.

The most comfortable temperature for this representative of the flora is from 20 to 23 °C.

In the hot season, regular ventilation will be required. At the same time, drafts are very undesirable.

In winter, the temperature column in the room should not fall below 16°C.

Watering and humidity

From spring to autumn, abundant watering is required, but without excessive zeal, and in winter - moderate.

Over-wetting the soil can lead to root rot.

The need for watering is easily determined: drying of the top layer of soil to a depth of about 3 cm is a signal that it is time to moisten the soil.

It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out completely and that the water in the pan does not stagnate.

The tree needs high air humidity.

It will be very grateful for daily spraying in the mornings and evenings.

For this, it is better to take boiled water, otherwise a white coating will remain on the leaves.

Also, the plant will not refuse a warm shower once a month and regular wiping of the leaves with a damp cloth.

It is advisable that during water procedures, as little water as possible gets on the trunk.

To increase humidity, you can use a tray with wet pebbles.

Top dressing

In winter, feeding is reduced to once a month.

Fertilizers should be applied along with watering to moist soil.


The tree blooms with small flowers, which bloom inside a spherical receptacle.

Later they transform into fruits, the so-called syconia, which are shaped like large berries.

At home, the tree rarely becomes covered with flowers, much less bears fruit, since it must be pollinated by small wasps that live only in its homeland.

Crown formation

Ficus microcarpa has very plastic shoots, so its crown can be given any shape.

If you are quite satisfied with the appearance of the purchased specimen, you can preserve it by regularly pinching the tips of the branches.

To form a branched crown, the top of the tree is cut off, leaving no more than 5 cm in length of branches.

An interesting crown shape is obtained if you choose one strong branch growing in any direction and do not interfere with its development.

The direction of the branches is sometimes formed using wire.

To obtain a powerful trunk, it is severely pruned several times.

It is worth saying that along with this procedure, the a large number of leaves, which reduces the plant's need for moisture.


"Indian laurel" needs loose and fertile soil with acidity pH from 5.5 to 7.5.

You can buy a special substrate for ficuses or prepare it yourself from equal parts of coarse sand, peat, turf and leaf soil with the addition of fine charcoal.

Another option for a suitable substrate- sand, humus and clay granules taken in equal parts.

Young specimens are replanted every year or every other year in early spring with a complete replacement of the earth, and adults - once every 2-3 years by transshipment method.

Advice: To maintain a compact shape when replanting, it is recommended to trim one third of the roots.

Care after purchase

In the first two weeks after purchase, the tree often sheds its leaves - in this way it reacts to a change in place of residence.

This is not scary - with regular watering and spraying, the “new growth” will soon adapt and sprout fresh leaves.

To help him get used to new conditions faster, it is useful to spray him with a solution once a week. "Epina."

Advice: If the pet was purchased in transport soil, it is necessary to change it to a new substrate.

But this is done only a couple of weeks after he gets used to it.


In the photo there is a ficus "Ginseng":



In spring, semi-lignified ones are cut from the tops of shoots. cuttings 15 cm long and place them in water for a couple of hours to wash off the milky juice.

Before planting, the substrate is disinfected by calcining it in the oven or freezing it in the refrigerator.

Rooting occurs within 2 months, after which the plants are transplanted into separate pots.

Root cuttings

A piece of root is cut off from an adult specimen and planted in the substrate, leaving 2.5 cm its upper part rises above the ground surface.

With watering once a week and regular ventilation in 3-4 months new shoots can be expected.

After the appearance 4-5 leaves remove the film and place the young bush in a bright, shaded place and provide it with proper care.

Air layering

A ring of bark the width of from 2 to 3 cm.

The incision site is covered with damp sphagnum moss and covered with polyethylene.

After the roots appear in this place, the upper part of the bonsai is cut off along with the new root system and planted in another pot.

This method is used to rejuvenate specimens that have lost their decorative properties.


A rare method, since it is difficult to purchase seeds.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in a substrate consisting of peat and sphagnum moss.

They take quite a long time to germinate "mini-greenhouse" and a constantly moistened substrate.

Important - It should be borne in mind that with any method of propagation the result will be a ficus with a regular trunk and a closed root system.

It is extremely difficult to obtain a powerful external root at home.

As described above, this requires a special growing technology.

Diseases and pests

The tree most often gets sick from improper care.

The following problems may occur:

  1. Green leaves fall - poor lighting, drafts, temperature changes, waterlogging of the soil, change of location.
  2. The leaves first turn yellow and then fall off - insufficient watering, low humidity, poor lighting in winter.
  3. The lower leaves turn yellow - lack of nutrients.
  4. Dark spots appear on the foliage and root rot develops - stagnation of water in the soil.

With proper care, problems disappear: the green pet quickly recovers and grows new leaves.

If a tree is affected by root rot, treatment should be started immediately.

You need to take it out of the flowerpot, remove all the diseased parts of the root and cut off part of the crown so that the “patient” spends all his energy on recovery.

Dangerous enemies:

  1. Spider mite
  2. Shchitovka
  3. Mealybug.

If pests are detected, insecticide treatment is carried out.

For prevention purposes, regular inspection of foliage and proper care are necessary.

Benefits and harms

Ficus microcarpa is not only an interior decoration, but also a very useful plant.

Indoor tree is effective improves the microclimate in the house, purifying the air from harmful substances such as phenol, benzene and trichlorethylene.

In addition, it has numerous healing properties.

Tinctures and preparations made from milky juice and leaves are used to treat mastopathy and various neoplasms.

With the help of ficus you can get rid of wen, warts and bruises.

Also, products from it help with arthritis, osteochondrosis and radiculitis. The tree is not poisonous and completely safe.

Ficus ginseng deserves to live in your home for a long time.

With proper care of the ficus "Ginseng" at home, the tree can not only become an elegant decoration, but also purify the air in the room.

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One of the most spectacular decorative indoor plants is considered to be the miniature bonsai tree Ficus microcarpa.

Caring for it at home is not particularly difficult; the main thing is to follow certain recommendations in growing this representative of the tropical flora.

This plant will decorate any interior, adding a touch of sophistication to it.

Ficus microcarpa. Care immediately after purchase

Ficus microcarpa or ficus small-fruited is an evergreen tree native to the tropical and subtropical forests of Southern China, Southeast Asia, and Northern Australia. This plant got its name due to the small size of the fruits (translated from Greek “mikros” - small and “karpos” - fruit).

In natural habitats it reaches very impressive sizes (up to 25 meters in height) and has a wide and dense crown. Most often it is located on the trunks of other plants, leading the life of an epiphyte. The fact is that numerous aerial roots the flowers are weak and cannot serve as a reliable support.

The leaves are oval, pointed at the ends, smooth, shiny, located on short petioles. The color of the foliage is dark green, the bark is gray. The fruits are small, initially yellow-green, but towards maturity they change color to purple.

Ficus microcarpa, which is cared for according to all the rules, can be easily shaped and the result is an elegant indoor bonsai.

In specialized stores you can purchase both very young plants and more mature indoor trees formed in different styles and forms.

Immediately after purchase, it is necessary to allocate a permanent place, reliably protected from direct sunlight and drafts. This indoor plant does not need bright lighting; on the contrary, it feels much better in partial shade and some distance from the window.

Ficus microcarpa needs fairly high humidity, and therefore it should be sprayed daily, starting from the very first day of its appearance in the apartment.

Also, do not place the plant in rooms with dry air, near heating devices or radiators. Don’t forget to check the soil moisture, this is easy to do - you just need to feel the substrate in the pot at a depth of one phalange of your finger.

In the first 1-2 weeks of being in a new place, the small-fruited ficus may begin to shed its leaves - this is how it reacts to changes in living conditions. Keep spraying and watering the plant regularly and it will soon adapt and produce new leaves.

If the ficus was purchased in a small plastic pot intended for transportation, it will need to be transplanted into a more comfortable container. However, this should be done no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the end of the adaptation period.

Features of growing ficus microcarp


Ficus microcarpa prefers a moderately lit place, away from direct sunlight. Like all types of ficus with dark foliage, it is shade-tolerant and can grow in partial shade.

Having decided on a suitable place for the plant, you need to try to move it as little as possible, since otherwise it may shed its leaves. To stop this process, it is recommended to spray the ficus with a solution of the Epin biostimulator.


Most comfortable temperature for small-fruited ficus it is 17-23 degrees Celsius. It is important to ensure that the plant does not experience sudden temperature fluctuations, otherwise it may lose most of its foliage. In addition, the cause of leaf fall can be a lack of moisture, the use of cold water for watering, drafts. Ficus microcarpa, the care of which requires certain knowledge, is a rather whimsical flower, and when growing it you need to be patient.


Small-fruited ficus needs daily spraying, 1-2 times a day, depending on the dryness of the air in the room where the plant is located. When moistening it, it is necessary to ensure that the main part of the water falls on the foliage and not on the trunk. It is also recommended to regularly wipe the bonsai leaves with a damp cloth.


Like most representatives of tropical flora, ficus microcarpa loves moisture. However, excessive soil moisture is detrimental to the flower: its roots can rot and the plant itself will die.

It is recommended to use soft, well-settled water for irrigation (at least 12 hours), room temperature. In the spring-summer period, the flower requires more active watering, and in winter - more moderate, while always ensuring that the earthen lump in the pot does not dry out and the water does not stagnate in the pan.

It is not difficult to track the frequency of watering: between waterings the soil should have time to dry to a depth of at least 2-3 cm.

Feeding and replanting

Top dressing

You need to start feeding the plant from early spring to mid-canopy. For these purposes, you can use either a universal organic or mineral fertilizer or a special fertilizer for bonsai. It needs to be applied to the soil that is still damp after watering, once every two weeks.

In the period from November to February, it is enough to feed ficus microcarpa once a month, and the dose of fertilizer should be half as much as usual.

The plant also responds well to foliar feeding, when a small amount of suitable fertilizer is added to the water for spraying the leaves.


A mixture of equal parts of sand, clay granules and picking soil is suitable as a substrate for ficus microcarp. You can also purchase special soil in the store intended for ficus plants.


It is recommended to replant the plant once every 2-3 years, in the spring. There is no need for annual replanting, since the trunk of the small-fruited ficus grows very slowly. However, it is recommended to periodically update the substrate, otherwise the flower will begin to hurt.

Don't worry if the plant begins to shed its leaves after replanting - this is a normal process. After an adaptation period, the foliage will recover.

During transplantation you need to be very careful, trying not to damage the roots. You need to transfer the ficus into a new pot together with the old lump of earth, pouring new substrate into required quantity. The pot must have holes for water drainage, and at its bottom there must be drainage 2-3 cm high.

Formation of small-fruited ficus

Due to the fact that the trunk of Ficus microcarpa is capable of intensively growing in width, and its shoots are very laminated, the plant can easily be shaped to suit any taste.

To obtain a powerful trunk, it is recommended to prune young plants repeatedly and heavily. Also, when the trunk is shortened, a large number of leaves are removed, which significantly reduces the ficus’ need for moisture.

The direction of the branches can be formed using wire. If they grow too thick, then when the shoots are up to 20 cm long, they can be pruned.

If strong branches form on shoots up to 5 cm, you can remove the top - this way you will get a branched crown of your bonsai.

Ficus microcarpa - care and possible difficulties

The appearance of dark spots on the leaves and rotting of the roots indicates excessive watering.

With a lack of moisture, the plant noticeably weakens and begins to shed its leaves.

Also, drafts, sudden changes in temperature, lack of light and watering with cold water can cause foliage loss.

Infection of a plant with spider mites indicates that the air humidity in the room where the ficus microcarpa grows is too low. Caring for it in this case should be aimed at eliminating the cause of infection and controlling pests of indoor plants.

Ficus microcarpa got its name because of the appearance of the fruit. The fact is that it is very small and reaches only one centimeter. The small fruit in Greek sounds like mikros karpos, which is where its name comes from. The plant is native to southeast Asia, northern Australia and southern China.

It is noteworthy that wild ficus can be huge and reach a height of 25 meters. Its crown is very fluffy and dense, and small-fruited domestic ficuses are simply dwarfs in comparison. They usually grow no more than one and a half meters, and some species are quite tiny and are grown in bonsai style.

General characteristics and varieties

home external feature ficus microcarp is that its root system is bare and rises above the surface of the soil and takes on the most unusual shapes.

The foliage of the plant is slightly elongated and oval in shape, 5-10 centimeters long, the leaves can be 3-5 centimeters wide. Their apex is pointed. The upper part of the leaf is smooth and shiny, with a thin skin. They are alternately attached to the branches using a short petiole. There are several varieties of small-fruited ficus:

Home care rules

In order for the plant to grow well, it requires special care. It is very important to choose a suitable location. Microcarpa does not like to be exposed to direct sunlight, so it is preferable to place it where there is shade or partial shade. It should not be placed on the windowsill near the radiator in winter.

As for the temperature, he likes it warm. He is comfortable in a temperature that is slightly higher than room temperature: approximately 25-30 degrees. Heat is necessary not only for the part that is above the surface of the earth, but also for the root system, so in winter it is not recommended to leave it on the windowsill or place it on the floor.

Ficus requires watering all year round. In the summer they do this more often. It is important to ensure that the earthen coma does not dry out.

If the indoor flower does not have enough moisture, then this can be understood by its external signs:

  • the plant becomes lethargic;
  • leaves begin to fall.

In winter, watering is needed moderate and not too abundant. Excessive moisture can cause the roots to rot and spots to appear on the leaves.

Ficus microcarpa reacts very sensitively to the composition of water, so watering should be done only with water that has already stood for at least 12 hours and its temperature is equal to room temperature.

Air humidity is also very important. This plant requires high humidity - it simply needs it. If the humidity is low, then indoor flower becomes lethargic and more susceptible to various diseases and pest damage. In view of this, it should be sprayed with water daily and the leaves wiped with a damp soft cloth.

Ficus responds positively to fertilizing, so fertilizers can be added to the soil periodically. From time to time it can be sprayed with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers. Special compositions intended for indoor deciduous plants are suitable for the soil.

If the flower is grown in bonsai style, then it is better to use special fertilizers for feeding. It should be remembered that all fertilizing is applied only to moist soil.

Transplantation and propagation

The plant does not require frequent replanting. Ficus microcarpa should be replanted approximately every two years to renew the substrate. There is no need to replant it often, because the trunk grows very slowly and practically does not increase in size. It is better to replant the plant in spring period. In this case, you must remember to place a drainage layer in the pot.

To give the flower a beautiful and neat appearance, it is trimmed. This is how the necessary crown is formed, but this should be done in spring or autumn.

There are three main methods of propagating ficus:

  • cuttings;
  • propagation by layering;
  • seed propagation.

For cuttings, shoots that are not completely woody and cut from the top of the tree are suitable. Then they are placed in water, which should be drained after a day. It will contain a large amount of milky juice.

Then the water is changed and the cutting is put back into it. A small amount of ash should be added - this helps avoid rotting. After the roots appear, it is planted in a container and covered with a transparent cap - this is how it must be kept until the first leaves appear.

It should be noted that microcarp juice is a strong allergen, so during such manipulations you should avoid getting it on the skin.

You can try to propagate the plant using layering. In this case, for an adult tree, it is necessary to retreat 55-60 centimeters from the crown. Then you need to cut off the bark from the trunk - a section equal to about 10 centimeters. Wrap the resulting bare area with damp sphagnum moss and film. In about a month, roots should appear in this place. The branch is cut off along with the crown and roots and planted in a separate container.

Ficus microcarpa bonsai can also be grown from seeds, but this method is more complex and time-consuming. Usually the seeds are planted in the spring. The quality of planting material and the conditions in which it was stored are very important. If the storage conditions were not met properly, then they simply lose their viability. Before planting seeds, they need to be stratified, and a drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the container and only then soil should be added.

Possible diseases and pests

Plant diseases are most often caused by improper care. Often insect pests can move from neighboring flowers, especially if they are located close to each other. The most commonly found insects on the plant include aphids and spider mites. In order not to miss their appearance, you should regularly inspect the flower. Pests may be hiding on the undersides of leaves or there may be cobwebs on the stems.

With such an ailment, you can treat the above-ground part of the plant with a soap solution. After this, it is better to transplant the ficus into new soil. If pests reappear, treat with insecticides.

If the plant is watered too much I, then fungal diseases may begin to spread. At the same time, dark or light spots begin to appear on the aboveground part of the root. If this happens, the damaged areas must be removed and the ficus treated with fungicidal agents. Watering should be reduced.

Sometimes the ficus microcarpa sheds its leaves. What to do worries many gardeners. This is observed when an indoor flower is kept in a room that is too cold for it or in a draft. It is necessary to place the ficus in conditions in which it will be comfortable.

The many faces and amazing ficuses - graceful plants from the Mulberry family, of which there are more than 280 species in nature. They predominantly grow in subtropical, temperate and tropical climate. Ficus plants occupy a leading position among indoor plants in terms of the number of varieties. Ficus microcarpa bonsai And ficus microcarpa ginseng- one of the most common forms that gardeners give to this unpretentious plant for decorating rooms.


Ficus microcarpa, like other representatives of the genus Ficus (lat. Ficus), belongs to the mulberry family (Moraceae). The composition of the family forms a monovarietal tribe of ficus (Ficeae).

Most representatives of this species always remain evergreens.

Microcarpa, like many ficus plants, is an epiphyte, that is, it can grow on another plant.

It has a large number of aerial roots and a gray erect trunk. At home it grows up to 1.5 m in height.

The dark green dense leaves have a glossy shine and densely cover the crown. The leaves are attached to the branches using short petioles. They have an elongated, oval shape and reach 5 cm in width and 10 cm in length.

Ficus has a very highly developed root system. A distinctive feature of this species is the roots protruding from the ground, which take on bizarre shapes. This variety got its name because of the appearance of the fruits - they are very small in size. Translated from Greek, "mikros karpos" means "small fruit".

The birthplace of this amazing plant are the forests of southern and eastern China, Indonesia, northern Australia and Taiwan.

Care immediately after purchase

First, we need to decide on the place where our tree will be placed. When choosing, you should take into account the properties and vagaries of microcarp.

It is immediately worth noting that the plant does not like rearrangements from one place to another.

Ficus moklame does not respond well to drafts, dry air and very bright light. Therefore, the new plant should be located as far as possible from heating radiators. Rooms with windows facing southwest, west and north are best suited.

Ficus with Variegata form It is best to place it in a room with east and south-east windows, since such a plant needs brighter light.

Microcarp needs to be sprayed from the very first day of purchase, especially ficus moklama, ginseng and bonsai. It is best to do this 2-3 times a day. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out. Check the moisture content of the substrate often by dipping your finger into the soil to a depth of one centimeter.

A couple of weeks after purchase, the plant should be transplant into a newer and more permanent container. Do not forget to take care of drainage, the layer of which should be at least 1/3 of the height of the pot. For drainage, you can use foam or expanded clay. The soil in the substrate should be loose and nutritious. Ready-made soil for ficus plants is perfect, which you can buy in specialized flower shops. Care after transplantation is carried out in the same way as for a regular microcarp plant.

If the ficus ginseng or moklame has dropped its leaves, then there is no need to worry about it. Most likely, this is simply a reaction to a change of “place of residence.”

View of roots and trunk- the first thing that attracts attention. The roots have the ability to thicken and become bare, taking a shape like oval barrels. The branches are thin and have small dark green leaves. The surface of the leaves is shiny, as if it has been polished.

Ficus moklama may seem rough and unsightly to some, but in most cases the plant is in great demand in flower shops. To give the ficus an attractive appearance, you should not only provide the plant with proper care at home, but also constantly shape its crown. Ficus can be shaped:

  • bonsai style tree
  • bush

In order for its crown to be lush, moderately branched and healthy, it is necessary to regularly trim the branches. Here are a few important rules that should be followed:

  1. Use only disinfected and sharp objects (scissors, knife).
  2. Cut off the tops that protrude from the main line of the crown.
  3. Make the cut along an oblique line, not straight.
  4. Cut off tops can be used for further rooting.

Making a bonsai from a ficus at home is quite difficult, but not at all impossible. When forming a bonsai, two conditions must be met:

  1. The plant must be at least 20 cm tall.
  2. Ficus should be planted in a wide, but not very deep flowerpot.

Bonsai formation stages:

  1. We trim the crown of the plant so that its appearance is flatter.
  2. We hang small weights on the branches using threads to give the plant a suitable appearance. This must be done so that the branches fall parallel to the ground.
  3. We keep the load in this state for about two weeks, after which we remove it.

Ficus branches, during the period of their formation in this way, can shed leaves. This is not a sign of illness or improper care, but only adaptation to a new situation.

To give the plant an even more colorful appearance, it is worth transferring the ficus into a square-shaped pot, the style of which will be characteristic of bonsai.

The microcarp plant blooms, but this process does not bring any aesthetics. The flowers are small, collected in a small inflorescence, which has a diameter of no more than 2 cm. These inflorescences are called syconia. Indoor plant belongs to the category of decorative deciduous trees, so its main beauty lies precisely in this.

Optimal growing conditions

Caring for ficus is very simple at home. The plant, despite its exotic nature, is very unpretentious. However, it still has its own specifics that should be taken into account. Mainly temperature and lighting.


Ficus needs warmth both for the above-ground part of the plant and for the root system. Optimal temperature for proper development and maintenance of vital functions is within 17-24°C. It should be taken into account that in winter a drop in temperature is permissible. Too much low temperature air or soil may cause various diseases. At temperatures above 23°C, the plant should be provided with additional watering and spraying.


Areas with shading or diffuse sunlight best suited for microcarp. The plant must be protected from direct sunlight. It is best to place the flower pot away from the windows. Artificial lighting or illumination also takes place. To do this, you can use fluorescent lamps with a power of 15 W and a temperature (color) from 2800° to 3800° Kelvin (dawn/sunset).


It should be noted that the plant does not require any special attention. However, caring for this species is not limited to the correct location of the pot with the plant and the necessary lighting. To make the tree pleasing to the eye, you will have to work hard. Maintenance is quite simple. Like all other plants, ficus must be properly watered, and wonderful branches and stems must be constantly formed through pruning. With simple manipulations, the tree can be transformed into an incredible-looking decoration that will please the eyes of your guests and household members.


Ficus should be watered frequently and abundantly, especially in the spring-summer season, that is, during the period of active plant growth. It is worth noting that the abundance and regularity of watering directly depend on lighting, room temperature and air dryness.

When watering, you should focus on the condition of the plant and the dryness of the soil. You should monitor the moisture content of the soil in the pot, however, you should not over-water the ficus microcarpa, as this can cause root rot, which often leads to the death of the plant. The substrate must have time to dry before the next watering. Soil moisture is checked at a depth of 2-3 cm.

Water for irrigation must also meet certain requirements. It should sit for at least 12 hours and be soft. The temperature when watering should be no cooler than room temperature.


Humid air is a priority for ficus microcarp, so the tree should be sprayed 1-2 times a day, depending on air humidity. If there is insufficient spraying, the ficus will become sensitive to various diseases, will look lethargic, and will lose the ability to resist pests. In addition to spraying, the plant will benefit from regularly wiping its leaves with a damp cloth.

Soil and fertilizer

Fertile soil with an acidity level of 5.5-7.5 on the pH scale - a favorite for microcarp. It’s easy to prepare the soil yourself. To do this, mix sand, leaf humus, peat and turf soil in equal proportions. During the growing season, it is recommended to apply additional fertilizers (from early spring to late autumn). Complex universal fertilizers or fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are ideal. They must be added to the water when watering the soil. Fertilizer should be applied every couple of weeks.

When growing ficus microcarpa in bonsai style, specialized fertilizers are used.

You can also apply fertilizers by spraying the foliage - the tree responds well to this.

Crown formation and pruning

In order for the plant to maintain the attractiveness of its shape, it must be trimmed periodically. You should start shaping the crown as early as possible. In terms of changing its appearance, ficus is very malleable, which allows your imagination to run wild.

To get a powerful trunk from a young tree, it needs to be trimmed more often. Using wire it is necessary to shape the direction of the branches. Thick shoots, whose length is no more than 20 cm, can also be pruned. By pruning strong branches, you can achieve branching of the ficus crown.

Transfer rules

Let's touch on when and how best to repot a microcarp plant.

This variety should replant every couple of years. The tree grows quite slowly, and the trunk almost stops developing in adulthood. For ficus, replanting is mainly aimed at replacing the substrate and renewing the soil. This procedure will also allow the grower to look at the condition of the root system, which was previously underground.

It is better to replant in the spring. The size of the pot for ficus microcarpa does not play a special role. It is even best to use the same container that was previously, but it should be thoroughly cleaned and washed. If you decide to take a new pot, then be sure to make sure that a small layer of “old” soil remains on the roots of the plant. Be sure to make sure that the new container has holes for draining water.

Don't forget to install drainage from polystyrene foam or expanded clay with a layer of 2-3 cm. Place the ficus with soil on the roots in place and add fresh soil. You should be extremely careful with the fragile root system of the plant.

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