Timeliness of information. How to describe the relevance of a coursework topic correctly Where to look for relevant topics for a coursework

Ensuring timeliness as a critical information requirement poses the greatest challenges for intelligence officers. In information, time is of paramount importance, whereas in research work it usually plays a secondary role. Hence the painful need for the scientist who became an intelligence officer to change his attitude towards the time factor

To ensure timely submission of information, it is necessary to set deadlines for completing work on the task. And this can lead to haste, shallow study of this issue and a decrease in the level of research work, as well as cause a number of other consequences that are unpleasant for the ordinary researcher.
These difficulties can be partially overcome in the following way: In cases where there is little time to prepare information for senior management, there is a temptation to distribute what is available for implementation of this assignment time in such a way that the editorial and control authorities receive enough of it, and the author - the compiler of the document - meets the tight deadlines. For example, if a document needs to be written, edited, and submitted for reproduction within two months, it is often the case that one month is allotted for research work and drafting the document and the same amount for editing.
It would be more correct in this case to distribute the time as follows: seven weeks for research work and two weeks for editing and subsequent reviewing. If an intelligence officer receives an assignment from the area in which he is usually involved, then the study of this issue, the selection of dossiers and the understanding of the problem actually begin long before the order to prepare the corresponding document was received.
Under these conditions, an information service employee does not start work from scratch, but already has a significant part of the necessary material at his disposal. In addition, with rare exceptions, when a task is given unexpectedly, it is usually possible to find out in advance by what date this document will be required, and to do some work in advance important work. This is similar to receiving "advance orders" before a fight.
However, assignments often take many information workers by surprise. Apparently they are worshiping
are given to such a saint as the Anglo-Saxon king Æthelred the Unready. The requirement to comply with the established deadlines should be explained to the compiler of the information document. He must be accustomed to plan work so as to complete it by the deadline, leaving some time for unforeseen delays. A common mistake is that at some specific time,
R n s. 1. Time distribution on a logarithmic ruler scale.
Typically, more work is scheduled to be done than can actually be done. This leads to the so-called “slide rule effect.” Let's say that the work consists of nine parts, each of which requires approximately equal amounts of time. It turns out that it takes more time to complete the first parts of the work, and less and less time is left to complete the subsequent parts. If you depict the progress of such a task graphically, you will get something resembling a slide rule scale (see Fig. 1).
Knowing the importance of completing work on time is partly a matter of habit. It is characteristic of scientists to a very small extent. Journalists never forget about this. Most intelligence information documents are as "transitory" in their significance as an article in a magazine like Foreign Affairs. For example, Mosley’s excellent article “Soviet foreign policy after the death of Stalin" was very interesting and valuable at the time of its writing. However, she quickly loses these qualities as time goes by and the situation changes. If this is clearly communicated to the information service staff so that they fully understand the importance of timely information, we will be better able to overcome their natural resistance to demands for speeding up work.


  1. In the prevention of repeated socially dangerous actions, timely hospitalization in
  2. § 2. Resolution of the issue of the timeliness of delivery of a copy of the indictment (indictment) and the measure of restraint

TIMELINESS, timeliness, plural. no, female (book). distracted noun to timely. Timely assistance. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

timeliness- sharpness, relevance, modernity, relevance, topicality Dictionary of Russian synonyms. timeliness noun, number of synonyms: 5 relevance (13) ... Synonym dictionary

timeliness- TIMELY, oh, oh; menen, menna. Carried out in due time, at the right moment, by the way. Timely help. Promptly (adv.) warn. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

timeliness- (for example, detecting equipment defects, making decisions, etc.) [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN timeliness ...

Timeliness- and. distracted noun according to adj. Efremova's timely Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

timeliness- timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness, timeliness (Source: “Full accented ... ... Forms of words

timeliness- timeliness, and... Russian spelling dictionary

timeliness- see timely; And; and. Prove the timeliness of something... Dictionary of many expressions

timeliness of accounting information- Relevant property of accounting information, one of the qualitative characteristics of reporting. Information cannot be relevant if it is not timely, that is, it must be suitable for decision making before it loses its ability to influence... ... Technical Translator's Guide

timely delivery of goods (luggage)- Characteristics of a transport service that determines the arrival of cargo (luggage) at the final destination in accordance with the terms established by the contract or the announced schedule. [GOST R 51006 96] [GOST R 52297 2004] Topics of transport services... ... Technical Translator's Guide


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Justification of the relevance of the chosen topic is a key point in the success of a student’s scientific project and one of the GOST requirements for the content and design of the coursework. Even if for the author the relevance of the work to the moment is obvious, it will not be possible to do without a convincing, laconic explanation. According to generally accepted standards, in the introduction, along with indicating goals and objectives, it is necessary to determine the feasibility of work in modern realities.

What is the relevance of coursework

“Importance, materiality and significance for solving the problems and challenges of the present time; vitality, urgency, topicality, modernity, poignancy” - this is how the Big Explanatory Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language interprets the essence of the concept of “relevance”.

Based on this expanded and detailed definition by linguists, formulating the timeliness of consideration of the issue raised in the coursework will not cause significant difficulties. To the author, studying at higher education educational institution of any direction, in order to correctly state the relevance of the course work, it is necessary to provide a reasoned and brief explanation of what attracted his attention to the subject of study and why there is a need for research.

How to determine the relevance of coursework:

  • list which aspects of the topic have not been fully studied or have not been considered at all;
  • identify the factors under the influence of which the analyzed situation developed, for example:
    • achieving scientific or technological progress;
    • expansion of the factual base;
    • development of new research tools and methods;
    • changed economic, social, political, environmental, climatic or other conditions;
    • shortcomings or incompleteness of previous research;
  • justify the pragmatic significance and prospects of the calculations proposed in the monograph;
  • predict the possibility and effectiveness of practical application of results or conclusions.

Scope of description and its place in the structure of the work

An explanation of the relevance of the coursework precedes the disclosure of its goals and objectives in the introduction. The design standard requires an average of 6-10 sentences, or about half a page. It is important to formulate thoughts clearly and in a fairly concise format, to succinctly and convincingly present the arguments so that the reviewer, after reading, has no doubts about the practical or theoretical significance of the work, the seriousness and weight of the problems identified and the effectiveness of the proposed ways to overcome them.

In some cases, the size can be increased to one and a half sheets. For example, if, to confirm its relevance, it is necessary to inform about the degree of development of a topic using a brief literature review in order to lead to the conclusion that the subject has not been fully studied or that there is a lack of materials in a certain area and the need for further study of the topic.

Writing algorithm

A step-by-step plan will help you quickly and accurately create a description:

The first and last paragraphs can be swapped without compromising information content and persuasiveness.

The arguments usually used are:

  • discrepancy between theoretical calculations and the realities of practical activity;
  • the emergence of demand for recommendations on putting theory into practice or using technological innovations;
  • attracting public attention to the state of the scientific field or problem;
  • the need for synthesis or generalization of domestic and world experience;
  • social order;
  • testing hypotheses put forward but not tested by scientists;
  • specificity of regional conditions.

Suitable for correspondence students:

  • deepening the knowledge base in the discipline;
  • application of the collected material in professional activities;
  • systematization of acquired knowledge.


The novelty of work on a well-developed topic lies in the use of innovative or experimental techniques that are different from those used in previous studies.


Checklist on how to check the correctness of the description of the relevance of the course work:


How to do it right

1. Incorrect placement At the beginning of the “Maintenance” section, before the goals and objectives.
2. Deviation from standard volume standards Minimum - 4 sentences, maximum - 1.5 pages.
3. Weak argumentation The information must be reliable and up-to-date. Simply listing numbers and facts is not enough to make the justification clear: the data must be presented in such a way as to demonstrate awareness of the issue and interest in improvement current state subject of research.
4. Lack of consistency with the main body If, during writing, changes were made to the semantic content of the main section, partial or large-scale global revision of the content of the description of relevance may be necessary.
5. Low uniqueness Each university sets its own acceptable limits and recommends its preferred verification services. Usually the indicator is not lower than 70% for popular programs that detect plagiarism.

Examples of relevance

  1. Reliance on insufficient knowledge and practical value.

The relevance of the course work was determined by the significant increase observed since the beginning of the century in the array of data accumulated by ergonomics on the interaction of humans, machines and environment. The following are several examples of articles in authoritative specialized journals, dissertations, etc. The factual base requires comprehension, analysis and structuring in line with the actively developing young science of ergonomic anthropology and a new approach to assessing the role of people in ergatic complexes. The work provides recommendations for implementation in automated systems management and safety of stations, dispatch services of stations, airports, the latest information obtained in the course of domestic and foreign research.

  1. Emphasizing economic rationale.

According to Rosstat, which analyzed the state of production assets Russian Federation, by the end of 2016, the depreciation of fixed strategic assets reached 75%. Therefore, the question of increasing the efficiency of operation of currently available funds has become acute. The work proposes methods for maximizing the capacity of enterprises, aimed at intensifying capital productivity, increasing productivity and significantly reducing production costs. Their implementation will lead to increased profitability and improvement of the country's economy.

Where to look for current topics for coursework

Typically, coursework topics are developed within the framework of the curriculum by departments, approved by subject-module commissions and offered to students to choose from. They do not always seem interesting to future specialists, therefore, based on their scientific priorities and inclinations, every university student has the right to propose their own original topic, motivating its expediency.

There will be no difficulties in justifying the relevance if you choose for development one of the areas indicated on the website of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation in the “Fundamental Scientific Research” section. The resource provides information about priority areas of research in various fields: from history, psychology and philology to nanotechnology and mechanical engineering. The work will certainly be relevant if it reveals the facets of the topic in a new or more specific way, eliminates existing gaps in its study, or offers non-standard methods for solving problems.

An example of student wisdom is the consistent writing of term papers on one topic, delving into the subject or expanding the boundaries of the object. In this case, by the time you graduate from university, you will have accumulated extensive material for your diploma.

The ability to choose a topic that is significant for our time and formulate the relevance of the course work characterizes the student as a mature scientific specialist and a trained professional.

http://www.ras.ru/ - http://www.ras.ru/scientificactivity/sciencefields.aspx current topics at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

A written task that is assigned to all students of higher or secondary specialized educational institutions to complete within a specified time frame and in accordance with certain requirements. One of the important requirements that this scientific work must meet is the relevance of the course work.

The relevance of the coursework is the most important part of the coursework, which helps to reveal the need to study the topic chosen by the student. It should answer the question: “Why do you need to research a topic?”

The student must determine whether the chosen topic is really relevant long before starting to write the course work. If the chosen topic is not relevant, then doing this work is practically meaningless.

The relevance of the coursework must be justified in detail. The student needs to show whether the topic he has chosen is really in demand by modern industry, science, or local production. If the topic of the course work is not valuable, then writing it will not help the student become a better professional on his chosen path.

In order for the discussion of the topic of the relevance of the coursework to be successful, it is necessary to show how this research can help improve the current situation in that area of ​​development modern society, which would be directly or indirectly related to the topic of the examination paper.

Instructions for writing coursework relevance

The relevance of the topic of the course work should be considered at the very beginning of the examination text, in its introduction. It must be remembered that you first need to justify the significance of the topic and only after that its main goals and objectives. Particularly valued in this part of the work is the student’s personal opinion and his vision of the importance of the issues he is researching. Because if a student manages to have a good understanding of the features of the material he is studying, then revealing the theoretical or practical aspects should also not cause any particular difficulties for him.

In order for the justification of the relevance of the course work to be successful, the author must skillfully explain what determines the goals of his research specifically in the current period of time.

First of all, it is worth paying the attention of the supervisor to the degree of study of the chosen topic for the examination work in a particular area at the moment. The student must highlight which aspects have not yet been sufficiently studied, and how this gap can be filled. Such logical reasoning will be a solid foundation for further personal growth on your chosen path.

It would also be useful to mention the relationship between the topic under consideration and the current situation in the country in this area. Then, you need to focus on how this research and its implementation can contribute to the development of both the specific object with which the topic of the work was connected, and the entire country as a whole.

It is necessary to pay attention to the extent to which the relevance of the course topic is related to:

  • the state of scientific development;
  • the emergence of the latest teaching methods and other additional information directly related to the topic of research

Also, it should be clarified:

  • the extent to which the chosen topic relates to identified shortcomings in previously conducted research;
  • whether the topic is driven by a desire to take advantage of the latest research methods;
  • is there a need to conduct this study due to changes in economic conditions, etc.

After reviewing the rationale, the teacher checking the completed coursework must make sure that the student’s choice is actually useful and relevant. Depending on the subject being studied, the chosen topic and the wishes of the teacher, the volume can range from 7-8 sentences to 2 pages.

There are times when even the most detailed study of instructions on how to correctly write a term paper does not bring the desired result.

In such a situation, it may be useful to consider examples correct description the relevance of the work, use them as a visual aid, and then determine the relevance of the topic of your work by analogy.

Examples of writing coursework relevance

As a rule, for most firms and companies, tasks that help increase the level of capital productivity and use available assets with greater efficiency are relevant. The relevance of the research conducted in this area can be described as follows:

Example 1

“The fortunes of manufacturing companies are closely linked to the results economic activity any organization. By maximizing production capacity utilization, it is quite possible to achieve a significant increase in capital productivity, productivity levels and a gradual reduction in production costs. This, in turn, will lead to increased profitability of the enterprise.

In accordance with the data presented by the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the State of Economic Assets of the Russian Federation, at the moment, the depreciation of the most important assets is about 80%. In this regard, the search for methods to improve the efficiency of using available funds remains relevant. It is extremely necessary for the development of individual enterprises and the normalization of the economic condition of the entire country as a whole.”

Example 2

“The trend towards an increase in the number of crimes and deaths of police officers during the performance of their official duty, noted over the past decades in Russia, indicates the need to increase the level of both physical and psychological training of police officers, to find more effective methods education and training of new employees. Members of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation have repeatedly spoken about the existence of such a problem.

The reality of the prospect of increasing the level of professionalism and psychological training of police officers can be determined solely on the basis of a scientific concept. It should be emphasized that today the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have such a concept.”

Typical mistakes when writing relevance

Many students believe that the introduction to the course work and the description of its relevance is the most difficult part of the entire exam paper. And teachers shrug their shoulders in bewilderment: what’s so difficult about the requirements for describing relevance?

Let's look at the most common mistakes:

Mistake #1. The volume or structure of the relevance of the course work does not meet the standard. Remember the main advice when describing the relevance of your course work: the introduction should be written according to a template. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. It is worth remembering that the relevance of the work should be discussed in the introduction to the coursework, immediately before the description of its tasks and goals. The volume of this part of the course work should not exceed 2 pages.

Mistake #2. The level of uniqueness of this part of the work does not meet the required level. As discussed above, describing relevance particularly values ​​the student's personal opinion and perspective on the importance of the issues being explored. If most of this part of the work was taken from the Internet or educational literature, personal understanding of this issue is out of the question.

Mistake #3. The description is not sufficiently reasoned. In order for the description of the relevance of the course work to satisfy the teacher, it must be based on current reliable information in the field being studied. But it is not enough to rewrite just some facts and figures. Understanding the essence of the issue will help the student to use the information received in such a way that the teacher sees his deep interest in improving the current state of affairs in this industry.

Mistake #4. The description of relevance is not consistent with the main body of the work. It often happens that the supervisor encourages the student to make significant changes to the main part of the coursework. For this reason, the introduction to the work, including a description of its relevance, may require complete or partial revision.

Methodological apparatus scientific research

Relevance topics means that put in research tasks and problems are of significant importance for the relevant branch of science and/or practical activity and currently require an early solution.

Rationale relevance topics are presented in the introduction of the work and consists in arguing the need to carry out research on the chosen topic. At the same time, the main attention is paid to unresolved problems and little-studied issues.

At the first stage the general state of affairs in the subject area should be analyzed research. Provide facts or statistical data, results of known scientific or practical achievements, regulatory documents (if any) or other arguments that confirm the importance and necessity of carrying out research on the chosen topic. Explain what determines timeliness research, i.e. why this topic should be researched now.

At the second stage it is necessary to establish and describe the existing contradiction - to identify inconsistency, discrepancy between any opposites within a single object, discrepancy between the desired and the actual, discrepancy between the known and the unknown.

At the third stage Based on the established contradiction, it is necessary to formulate an unresolved or not fully resolved problem in theory and/or practice. In the scientific sense, a problem is a question or a holistic set of questions that arises during the study of something, the solution of which is of practical or theoretical interest. When justifying relevance the identified problem is presented at a substantive level in a brief form. Its specific formulation is given when presenting the solution in the main part of the work. The problem statement determines what needs to be done.

At the fourth stage conclusions need to be drawn about relevance Topics research.

Relevance topic involves its connection with degree of study and scientific development.

Degree of study and scientific development of the topic represents short review and a generalized analysis of known scientific achievements in the chosen field. It lists all significant publications related to the topic research, it is noted what issues are currently disclosed on the problem research, and what remains undisclosed, the general direction of the author’s own research is determined. The review should be based on articles from scientific journals and scientific monographs, incl. on foreign language. Description degree of study and scientific elaboration ends with the resulting conclusion that this particular topic has not yet been disclosed or has been partially disclosed and has not received proper coverage in the specialized literature, and therefore needs further development. Thus, the place of one’s own research in a specific field of knowledge is determined.

Main information blocks and the sequence of their presentation when justifying relevance topics and descriptions the degree of its study and scientific development are shown in Fig. 2.1.

Rice. 2.1. The main information blocks and the sequence of their presentation when justifying the relevance of the topic and describing the degree of its study and scientific development

When justifying relevance and description It is recommended to use standard lexico-syntactic constructions given in Table 2.1

Table 2.1. Lexico-syntactic constructions recommended for use in justification relevance research topics and descriptions the degree of its degree of study and scientific development
Group Examples
Lexico-syntactic constructions recommended for use in justification relevance Topics research · Lack of proven methods (approaches, concepts)... hinders effective decision-making in the field of...., which determines the need for development (preparation, implementation)..... · Analysis of practical experience in carrying out IT projects... revealed the presence of such problems , how....This determines the feasibility of developing (preparation, carrying out)... · Numerous studies... have shown that one of the main problems in the field... is...., therefore it is necessary.... · The need to create (preparation, development).... is due to the lack of.... · When carrying out IT projects.... There are a number of difficulties, therefore... · The identified problem... has not yet been resolved. · Relevance The research topic is determined by the following factors: 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... · The need to conduct research on the chosen topic is due to…. · To solve the problem... it is necessary... which determines relevance research topics
Lexico-syntactic constructions recommended for use in the description degree of study and scientific development of the topic · Fundamental scientific developments in the field of... are presented by the works of the authors... · Issues... are covered in detail in the works of the authors... · In the works of.... it is noted (justified) that... · In the works... issues... are considered without taking into account... · In the works... it is indicated that..., thus, one can conclude... · When solving the problem... the authors... come to general conclusions.... · According questions... there are different opinions. The author…..believes that… At the same time, the author…. notes that... · In the works of the authors... approaches to solving the problem are considered... Issues... receive little attention. · Considering the problem..., the authors do not address the issues... · In scientific works And practical recommendations questions (problems)… have not been reflected, so there is a need for preparation (development, creation)… · Currently, questions…. little covered in theoretical research and/or practical development, which determines the need for research in the field...

Examples of typical mistakes made by students when justifying relevance Topics research and description degree of its study, are given in table 2.2.

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