Sewer hatches. Plastic sewer manholes - types and characteristics Polymer manhole hatch with lid dimensions

The sewer hatch, despite its apparent simplicity, should be chosen extremely carefully. The thing is that it performs a rather important function, simultaneously providing access to the inspection or inspection well and protecting the underground part sewer network from damage.

Below we will tell you what features of this part you should pay attention to first, and which product is better to choose when equipping a drainage line in different conditions.

Design Features


Luke sewer well is a structure that is installed in the upper part of the inspection or inspection shaft.

As mentioned above, this part performs two functions:

  • On the one hand, it prevents unauthorized access to the pipes.
  • On the other hand, using a hatch, we ourselves can go underground to perform diagnostics or repairs.

The hatch design is not complicated:

  • An annular neck is fixed in the well itself - a stationary part.
  • A lid is installed on top, which can be removable or hinged (hinged design).
  • In some cases, two covers are mounted in the neck: a protective one, which is placed on top, and a locking one, equipped with a lock.

Note! Many people wonder why sewer manholes are round and not square. There are quite a few possible answers to this question, but the most plausible would be the following: a round lid, unlike a square one, will not be able to fall into the neck, no matter how you turn it.

So you don’t have to pull out a heavy cast iron “pancake” from a depth of several meters.

This is how the square lid falls into the neck. A similar “trick” won’t work with a round one – it will still get stuck!

  • The outer surface of the lid is made smooth or convex. The use of concave parts is irrational: rainwater will collect in them.

Hatch locks

Typically, the connection between the neck and the lid is equipped with various locks.

Their main function is to prevent spontaneous opening, and - less often - to block the opening of the lid without a special key.

  • The heavy cast iron sewer manhole we are familiar with, as well as some models made of polymer-sand composite, are equipped with side projections that fit into grooves on the neck.
  • A plastic sewer manhole can be produced with a threaded connection between the lid and the well itself.

  • Steel models are equipped with mechanical locks of the flag, bolt or spacer type. However, such structures are rarely used in drainage systems: more often, locking covers are used to equip shafts of communication lines, power transmission lines, etc.

Functional classification

The weight of a sewer hatch depends on two parameters: its dimensions and the type to which it belongs. Today, the most commonly used varieties are made of cast iron, and therefore in the table below we present exactly their characteristics:

Marking Product type Weight, kg Usage
lid frame
R Repair 35 Used for temporary blocking of the neck during road work.
L Easy 30 35 Installed within green spaces, on pedestrian paths, in private households.
T Heavy 50 50 It is used when equipping inspection wells on highways.
TM Heavy trunk 45 50 It is mounted in the neck of wells located on highways with high traffic intensity.

Note! In addition to the type, the marking of sewer manholes, which is applied to the products upon their release, must include the designation utility network, for which the part is intended, year and month of production, etc.

The dimensions of cast iron sewer manholes according to GOST are also strictly fixed. Most often, models with a diameter (over the cover) of 645 or 800 mm are used for equipment of underground networks. However, polymer and steel models may have other dimensions.

Popular varieties

Cast iron

If we understand the basic parameters and typology, let's take a closer look at the classification by materials.

The first place in popularity will naturally be occupied by cast iron hatches:

  • Both necks and lids are produced by injection molding. For the manufacture of cases, material SCh15 and stronger is used, and the covers are cast from cast iron of a grade not lower than SCh45.

Note! The design strength of the structure must exceed 60 tons.

  • In some cases, the joint between the lid and the neck is additionally sealed with a rubber gasket. For this purpose, dense rubber is used, which can remain in a compressed state for a long time without loss of elasticity.
  • The service life of such structures is practically unlimited. In Europe you can find products that have been properly performing their functions for more than a hundred years: in appearance, if they differ from new ones, it is only in the erased edges.
  • Cast iron is characterized by minimal temperature deformation, so the road surface around the neck is not destroyed.

As for the minuses, they are as follows:

  • Due to its high mass, installation of a sewer hatch requires the involvement of assistants, and sometimes the use of additional devices.
  • The price of the product is also very significant, which, however, is partially compensated by its service life.
  • But the main thing is that manhole covers are systematically stolen, which makes their installation in an unguarded area irrational.


IN Lately for installation on pedestrian paths and in green areas, instead of cast iron hatches, structures made of plastic and composites are used:

  • A polymer manhole cover is usually made from quartz sand, cement and molten plastic. The mixture is heated to 300 0 C and placed in a special mold under a press.
  • To give the product the desired shade, green, brown or orange pigments are added to the raw material. This allows you to either make the hatch as invisible as possible, or, conversely, draw attention to it to avoid injury.
  • The result is a fairly light (up to 45-50 kg) structure, which, depending on the internal structure, can withstand from 3 to 15 tons.

Note! In the most reliable hatches, a reinforcement frame made of steel rods or metal fiber is laid in the thickness of the polymer.

  • Such parts are quite easy to install with your own hands; they simply open and close. In addition, they are not of interest to “non-ferrous metal hunters”, and the body itself is very vandal-resistant.
  • Other advantages include significant tightness, which is ensured by precise adherence to dimensions during pressing, as well as the fact that in winter the lid does not freeze to the neck even at very low temperatures.

Well, the price of such products is incomparable with cast iron, which is why they have recently been mostly chosen for private construction.

Structures made from other materials

Along with cast and polymer models, you can find other hatches on sale:

  • Plastic (most often polyvinyl chloride). They are produced by the injection molding method, often equipped with composite or steel reinforcement. Thanks to their high elasticity, they cope well with pedestrian loads, but in the cold they become very fragile.
  • Concrete. Such parts are most often used as a temporary plug - during construction or when a metal hatch is stolen. They are discs made of reinforced concrete with one or two brackets used for movement.

  • The main disadvantages of concrete hatches are the almost complete lack of tightness (the lid is difficult to fit tightly to the neck) and unattractive appearance.
  • Steel ones are lighter than cast iron ones, but are less durable. Most often they are equipped with locks and installed in those places where it is necessary to guarantee blocking access of strangers to the sewer system.


A polymer or cast iron sewer hatch must be selected in accordance with the loads that it must experience. Then the drainage system will be reliably protected, and you won’t have to spend money on replacing the part very soon ().

There is square and round. The structure of the underground well itself consists of a round shaft, an inspection room and a lid. Most often, the inspection room and shaft are round in shape in order to provide housing office workers and plumbers with unhindered access. The lid itself prevents the possibility of various substances entering the sewage system. household waste, foreign objects that can provoke emergency situations. In most cases, these lids are round in shape rather than square. This is done in order to prevent the possibility of the structure falling into the system. Also, the presence of a round lid makes the work of housing office employees safer, since there is no chance that it could fall on a worker’s head. The same cannot be said about square installations. A square plastic sewer hatch succumbs to the pressure of motor vehicles and falls into the network, slipping through at an angle. Since the diagonal of a square is greater than any of its sides, and a circle has the same radius.

Sewage hatches are engineering structures and are installed above wells of underground systems of city and storm sewerage systems, water supply, heating and cable lines, and main gas pipelines.

Hatches protect wells and drains from debris, foreign objects, and falling people and animals. Serve to provide free access during maintenance and repair of engineering systems. Ensure safety on highways, city streets, green areas and suburban areas. Designed for access to storage tanks when pumping sewage.

Fig.1. Sewer hatch.


Sewage hatches have a corrugated surface that prevents slipping, providing good traction with the soles of shoes and car tires. The weight of structures mounted on the roadway must be at least 60 kilograms to prevent spontaneous opening when colliding with them Vehicle.

By purpose

According to their purpose, sewer manholes are divided into the following groups:

  • Inspection rooms are designed to monitor the condition of engineering systems and pipelines. They are installed at turns, branches, and in places where pipeline diameters or slopes change.
  • Storage tanks are used for access to storage tanks when pumping out sewage.
  • Stormwater. Installed on rainwater wells.
  • Inspection hatches are suitable for maintenance internal systems water supply and sewerage. They are mainly produced in rectangular shape. They can be installed in bathrooms or bathrooms in a wall or box, made of plasterboard or siding.

All hatches are designed to protect wells for various purposes. Ensure the safe presence of people, animals and vehicles in areas where utility lines pass.

By shape

The most popular shape of hatches is round. This design looks compact and is easy to use. Doesn't have sharp corners. If necessary, a heavy lid round shape can be rolled for ease of transportation.

Square or rectangular hatches are less common. They are usually installed on storm sewer wells. Available in one side sizes from 300 to 800 mm.

The production of square hatches is not economically profitable, since more raw materials are spent on them than on round hatches of similar sizes.

The rectangular cover is not convenient for transportation, installation or maintenance. It may fall into a well if you accidentally move it diagonally.

2. According to their design, hatches are:

  • standard parameters;
  • with locking mechanisms that prevent entry into the well and theft of products;
  • with recesses in the lid for the possibility of weighting using concrete or polymer fillers;
  • with devices built into the lid for lifting them using lifting equipment.

By application

Utility hatches intended use are divided into two main groups:

  1. Hatches installed on expressways, airfields, transport terminals and production sites, parking areas for tracked vehicles and heavy vehicles. Heavy T-type cast iron products weighing 80-150 kilograms are suitable for these purposes.
  2. Well covers installed on sidewalks, in squares and parks, city yards and private households are marked with the letter “L”. Lightweight hatches are made of polymer, rubber and composite materials and weigh from 15 to 60 kilograms.

Heavy cast iron hatches are much more expensive than their light counterparts.


A variety of compositions are used for the production of sewer manholes.

Cast iron

Until recently, the most common material for the manufacture of hatches was SCh 20 cast iron, which is an alloy of iron with carbon and graphite.

Fig.2. Cast iron hatch.

Cast iron structures are durable, practical and have a long service life. Not afraid of extremely low or high temperatures. Not susceptible to the effects of aggressive deicing agents, fuels and lubricants, salts and acids.

Cast iron hatches can be installed on the roadways of city roads and highways, in unloading terminals and airports, in heavy vehicle parking lots and in places where weight control passes.

It is the weight of the cast iron hatch that prevents children and adults from entering the wells.

Depending on the area of ​​application, cast iron sewer manholes are: light, medium, heavy and super-heavy.

The disadvantages of cast iron hatches include their high price, which is offset by practicality, durability and wear resistance.


Manufactured from thermoplastic polymers using injection molding. To increase the strength characteristics of the products, they are reinforced with fiberglass reinforcement or other compatible materials.

Fig.3. Lightweight plastic hatches.

Plastic models can be installed on lawns and sidewalks where there is no traffic. They are environmentally friendly and durable. Available in different color options. Products with various patterns are produced for use in parks and urban areas. They can imitate natural stone or various decorative items.

Plastic hatches - perfect option for installation in a private house or on a summer cottage.


They are made on the basis of polyester resin, various fillers and dyes. To increase strength they are reinforced with fiberglass. Inexpensive, durable structures are suitable for installation in city yards, parks and pedestrian areas. Withstand loads up to 40 tons. Composite products are more expensive than plastic ones, but much cheaper than cast iron ones. They are easy to use. The lids do not freeze to the neck in winter.

In addition, like all polymer products, they are not in demand among vandals.

Fig.4. Polymer-composite sewer manhole.


Durable and practical hatches are made from a mixture of polymers with the addition of sand and iron oxide.

Often used as polymer raw materials plastic bottles and other synthetic waste, which significantly reduces the cost of products.

Currently, polymer-sand hatches are in greatest demand due to their high technical and operational properties:

  • the service life of polymer-sand hatches ranges from 30 to 50 years;
  • products do not lose their quality at temperatures from -60 to +60 °C;
  • the material is not subject to corrosion, is not susceptible to the action of fuels and lubricants, acids and salt mixtures;
  • easy to use, inexpensive;
  • Available in a wide range of colors and do not fade in the sun.
  • withstand loads from 1.5 to 12.5 tons, depending on the class of the product and their purpose.

If damaged, polymer hatches can be recycled.


Least common. They are heavy, inconvenient to use, and not airtight. They are a reinforced product with hinges for ease of installation. They are used in cases where the well has non-standard dimensions and does not require regular maintenance.

Sometimes concrete covers are installed on top of cast iron ones to prevent theft of cast iron.

Fig.5. Concrete sewer cover.

Rubber hatches

They are made from a mixture of rubber with various fillers, stabilizers and plasticizers. Products do not crack under high loads and extreme temperatures. Suitable for installation directly into hot asphalt. Designed for wells for various purposes located in green and pedestrian areas, sports fields, bicycle paths, courtyard areas with low traffic.

Polymer and rubber hatches are not stolen, unlike cast iron or steel hatches, which can be sold for scrap.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics hatches

Hatch material

Technical and operational characteristics

Design loads (tons)

Withstands temperatures °C

Cover weight (kg)

Service life (years)

Installation locations

Highways, airfields, transport. terminals.

City roads, squares, green and pedestrian areas

Sand polymer

Roads, courtyards, sidewalks, car parking lots.


Courtyards, green areas, sidewalks.

City roads, driveways and sidewalks.

Green areas, pedestrian paths, suburban areas.

Sometimes, hatches made of lightweight steel sheets are used as temporary structures. They are made to individual orders. Steel hatches are inconvenient to use, do not provide airtight protection and quickly rust.

Can be used as an internal cover with locks in telephone sewer wells to prevent cable theft.

GOST and marking

Technical characteristics and requirements for sewer manholes are regulated by GOST 3634-99. This standard applies to covers of wells and chambers of underground networks of storm and city sewerage, water supply, heat supply, communications and gas pipelines.

The properties of telephone sewer manholes are regulated by GOST 8591-76.

Hatches made from modern polymer materials that do not comply with GOST requirements are manufactured according to the customer’s technical specifications or according to technical specifications, developed by the manufacturer.

According to interstate standards, hatches are marked with alphanumeric abbreviations and are divided into the following types:

  • ST (E600) - Extra heavy, designed for loads up to 61 tons. The hatch weighs more than 155 kg. Designed for installation in unloading terminals, airfields, and on expressways.
  • TM (D 400) - Heavy highway. Designed for installation on high-speed roads. Easily tolerate local loads of up to 40 tons. They weigh up to 140 kg.
  • T (250) - Heavy hatches are installed on urban roads with heavy vehicle traffic. The dead weight of heavy hatches can reach 120 kilograms. Designed for loads up to 25 tons.
  • C (B125) Medium sewer structures, for installation in city yards, on sidewalks and lawns. Designed for loads of up to 12.5 tons. The weight of the structure is up to 95 kg.
  • L (A15) Lightweight hatches that can withstand loads of up to 1.5 tons are installed in pedestrian areas where there is no traffic. They weigh 45-60 kg.

To simplify the procedure for selecting sewer manholes, manufacturers use special markings in accordance with the purpose of utilities:

  • K - domestic and industrial sewerage;
  • D - rain and storm drainage;
  • GW - city water supply networks;
  • B - water conduit;
  • TS - heating networks;
  • PG—fire hydrants;
  • MG—trunk gas supply networks;
  • GTS - city telephone networks.

According to State standards, sewer manholes must be equipped with special inscriptions and trademarks or manufacturer's logos.

Fig.6. Storm drain hatch.

Main sizes

Sewer hatches usually have standard sizes corresponding to the dimensions of the wells.

The diameters of the hatches should allow maintenance personnel to easily enter the well to carry out repair work and maintenance networks.

For sewer manholes, heavy, medium or light manholes are usually used.

Common dimensions of hatch bodies with covers:

  • body 720 × 60 with cover 600 × 25;
  • body 750 × 90 with lid 690 × 55;
  • body 750 × 100 with lid 690 × 50;
  • body 800 × 110 with lid 700 × 70.

Square hatches usually come in dimensions of 640 x 640 mm, with the cover size being 600 x 600 mm.

Fig.7. Heating main hatch.

Criterias of choice

When choosing hatches you need to consider climatic conditions terrain, purpose of engineering systems running in the well, location of hatches, possible maximum loads.

  1. For unguarded open areas, it is better to choose hatches equipped with locking devices. This will help avoid theft of products and protect the well from unauthorized entry.
  2. In parks, recreation areas and in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings, it is better to install composite and rubber structures that have good noise insulation properties.
  3. Covers intended for installation on the roadway must weigh at least 50 kilograms so that they do not move during heavy traffic.

On the territory of private households and summer cottages, you should not use expensive and bulky cast iron hatches. Polymer or composite hatches will withstand one-time loads from trucks or cars.

Manhole covers for sewer wells should not slam or make sharp sounds when impacted. The front surfaces must have a relief rough texture and have good grip on car tires and shoe soles.

Popular brand

Sewer hatches from the German company ACO are ideal for Russian conditions.

They are distinguished by reliability, practicality and solid appearance.

ACO covers are made of anti-corrosion cast iron alloys with high wear resistance and resistance to aggressive reagents, petroleum products, wastewater. The unique material allows you to create products with a high tensile strength. Neck frames can be made of plastic concrete or cast iron.

Fig.8. Sewer hatchACO.

The advantages of ASO products are the presence of anti-vandal fastenings with which the covers are attached to the necks of the structures.

Locks protect against unauthorized entry and prevent lid theft.

The ACO brand presents round and square sewer manholes for various purposes, with blind covers or with storm inlet openings.

ACO company developed modern technology installation of sewer manholes in asphalt using the Bituplan system. The advantage of this method is the installation of hatches without the use of mortar. With this method, the load is distributed evenly across all elements of the system. The hatches are installed exactly at the same level with the asphalt surface, which prevents shocks when hitting the structure.

Thanks to the presence of sealing inserts made of elastic materials, silent passage of vehicles through the hatches is ensured.

A plastic sewer hatch is necessary to protect the sewage system from waste and debris, as well as to prevent possible damage and theft. One of the most common materials for the manufacture of such hatches is polymer.

The described products represent one of the important parts of the drainage structure. They are capable of withstanding an impressive load, sometimes up to 20 tons. With the help of such hatches it is possible to reduce the slipping of cars on the roads. Such products are installed in the garden plots of cottages, private houses and dachas, as well as on pedestrian sidewalks and in garden and park areas.

In the production process, a polymer-sand mixture is used. But special additives help improve the characteristics of the product. This includes water resistance, as well as long service life and frost resistance. And the appearance deserves attention. If cast iron products are unsightly and are presented in a traditional color, then polymer ones look more attractive and can have different shades, which allows the hatch to fit into the exterior.


A plastic sewer hatch usually has standard dimensions. This is due to the fact that the parameters of the wells are standard. The diameter of the hatch together with the frame is 80 cm. Its hole, like the lid, has a diameter of 62 cm. This is enough for a worker to get into the well to carry out technical work.

For underground wells, light, medium and heavy products are usually used. The size of their body is indicated by two parameters: diameter and height. When studying the dimensions, you should also pay attention to the size of the lid; it is also limited by diameter and height. Square polymer sewer manholes can bear up to 2 tons. The diameter and height of their body are 640x640 mm. As for the size of the lid, it is 600x600 mm.

But if the structure is capable of supporting up to 1 ton, then its dimensions can be 720 x 600 mm, which is true for the body, and 600x25 mm (diameter and height of the lid). On sale you can find another type of lightweight hatches that can withstand the weight of a car up to 2 tons. In this case, the dimensions of the case will be slightly larger, they are 75x90 mm. But in the case of the lid, the parameters reach 690x55 mm.

By purchasing light and medium hatches up to 5 and 15 tons, respectively, you become the owner of products with the following dimensions: 750x90 mm and 750x100 mm (body size), 690x55 mm and 690x50 mm (cover size). If you are interested in the size of polymer sewer manholes, then you should also pay attention to a product that can withstand up to 25 tons. Its dimensions are the largest and are equal to 800x110 mm (case size), 700x70 mm (lid size). Light hatches are installed with a recess ranging from 25 to 45 mm, while medium and heavy hatches are installed to a depth of 60 and 85 mm, respectively.

Dimensions of hatches with low load levels

If you are a private consumer, then most likely you will choose a small garden or green light hatch. In the first case, we are talking about a product that corresponds to load class A15. The surface can bear a weight of up to 1500 kg. The mass of such a product is 11 kg, it is ready to serve for about 50 years. The dimensions of such a small hatch are 540x540x80 mm.

By purchasing a green plastic lightweight hatch, you become the owner of a product with the same load class. The weight of the structure is 10 kg; the same load can be applied to its surface as in the case described above. Such a hatch is used for public gardens, parks and areas of local areas. The product is ready to last up to 20 years, and its dimensions are 750 x 750 x 80 mm.

Polymer sewer hatches with a lock are also on sale. These locking products belong to the same load class, their weight is 46 kg, but they are intended for park areas and pedestrian roads. The service life remains the same, but the dimensions change slightly: 780x789x110 mm. Polymer hatches are good because they fit perfectly into the interior of suburban areas. This is due to the appearance of the products, which can have a variety of colors, including:

  • green;
  • brown;
  • grey;
  • black.


Among the main technical characteristics, the weight of the product should be highlighted. It was discussed above. Next you need to take into account the load class. This determines how much mass the surface of the structure can bear. This factor quite often plays a decisive role in the choice.

Polymer sewer hatches (GOST 3634-99) are designated by different letters that determine their purpose. For example, if you see the letter L in the marking, this means that this is a lightweight device with a rated load of 1.5 tons. Such products cannot be placed on the roadway.

But heavy structures and medium hatches are installed in driveways and parking lots. They can withstand loads of up to 25 tons. All characteristics are specified in state standards. In practice, you will be able to understand that cast iron hatches are also available for sale; their diameter can vary from 380 to 810 mm. As for plastic ones, this parameter starts from 315 mm, and the final value is 1 m.

Under certain conditions, it becomes necessary to install a rectangular hatch; one side of such a product is 300 mm. This value then increases in increments of 50 mm. But as for the maximum indicator, it reaches 800 mm.

Main types of hatches based on material of manufacture

Sewage hatches made of cast iron, plastic, polymer and plastic are presented for sale in a wide range. As for cast iron products, they have increased strength and a long service life, which reaches 100 years. In most cases, such products are installed in areas with increased load on the structure, which includes roads and access roads. But in private areas such hatches are almost impossible to find, because there are no high demands on the strength of the products. In addition, such options are sometimes not so affordable.

Plastic hatches have become more popular because they have many advantages. Among others, affordable price, as well as wide the lineup and a rich range of colors. The weight of such structures is insignificant, so they are very easy to install. The most suitable option for private households will be plastic hatches. But plastic structures are also good because they are not of interest to scrap metal collectors. The material does not rust, does not fade in the sun and remains resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. These characteristics are characteristic of plastic hatches due to the fact that heat-resistant pigments and additives are added to the ingredients during the manufacturing process.

Compared to cast iron, plastic hatches are very light. And you can even install them on the lawn, where it will merge with the green mass of grass. Polymer-sand hatches are resistant to temperature changes, so they can be used in any climate zone. Their operating range is limited to -50 to +50 °C.

Why else should you choose a polymer sunroof?

The polymer sewer hatch, the characteristics of which are described in the article and should be studied by you before purchasing such a product, does not make a ringing sound when a car hits it. This is especially true for residential areas. Plastic hatches are also installed at gas stations. This is due to the fact that they do not spark when opening and closing, as well as when vehicles drive over their surface.

Cost of hatches

You now know the dimensions of polymer sewer manholes, but consumers are also interested in the cost. You can purchase a lightweight product with a slight height for 380 rubles. a piece. The weight of the lid and ring is 25 kg. But a lightweight high sewer manhole already costs 580 rubles, its weight together with the lid and ring will be 45 kg.

Price for medium and reinforced hatches

The average product with a lid and ring included will weigh 52 kg, and its price is 650 rubles. The dimensions of polymer sewer manholes were mentioned in the article. Now you know what parameters a heavy product has. Additionally, it is only worth noting the weight, it is 57 kg, while you will have to pay 800 rubles for such a hatch. The reinforced polymer heavy hatch already costs 950 rubles, and its weight is 60 kg.

Installation features

A polymer sewer hatch, the price of which is sometimes much lower than its cast iron counterpart, can be installed independently. The only difference in the installation of other hatches is that the polymer cover will have much less weight, which makes installation easier. Before starting work, it is necessary to install a ring, which is also called a shell. It is placed on the cover of an underground well.

Work methodology

There must be a support ring between the well cover and the hatch. It will reduce the load on the slab several times. You can use rings instead brickwork however, over time it may break down, causing the lid to fail.

A polymer sewer hatch, the price of which is acceptable for most consumers, is installed according to a specific algorithm. At the first stage, it involves leveling the ring horizontally using a level. This will distribute the load evenly. The structure should not be located on a slope, as this may cause subsidence and destruction of the device.

Final works

To fill the ring from the outside, it is necessary to use concrete mortar, which is located around the perimeter. After laying it, you must leave the mixture until completely dry. Next, you can begin installing the installation into the ring. The upper part is lubricated with grease and lithol, which will ensure easy opening of the device even at subzero temperatures.


Since the sizes of polymer sewer manholes are standard, you can replace one product with another. This indicates interchangeability. Modern polymer-based lids can be installed in a metal case. The material will be able to withstand high loads. As an additional advantage, it is waterproof. After installing a polymer sewer hatch, you can forget about its existence. It will last quite a long time, because the inner surface of the lid is reinforced with stiffening ribs.

Any communications system (sewage, utility and cable networks) has a manhole, which must be closed to prevent people and animals from falling into it, foreign objects from falling into it, odors from spreading, destruction and theft. Sewage hatches vary in variety depending on the area of ​​use, installation location and operating conditions.

Materials for the manufacture of sewer covers, product sizes

The design of all hatches is similar - a support ring (shell), which is directly mounted on the neck of the inspection shaft, and a cover that performs protective functions.

The purpose of the material, the degree of strength and tightness, and the cost of the hatch depend on the type of material:

  • Cast iron. The most durable and durable, but also the most expensive material. Products made from it are installed in areas with increased load (roads, access roads), the service life is up to 100 years.
  • Polymer. The optimal option in terms of performance characteristics and cost for installation in pedestrian areas, green areas, and private households.
  • Concrete. They are rarely used, as a rule, in the case of non-standard sizes of the neck of the sewer well. The main disadvantages are low tightness and large mass.

Most hatches are made with a round cross-section; rectangular (square) products are also produced for the corresponding shafts. It is rare to find triangular, oval and other exotic shapes. Round models are easier to install, practically do not sag relative to the initial installation level, and they are completely prevented from falling to the bottom of the shaft.

Sewage hatches are available in a wide range of sizes, which makes it easy to choose the right product:

  • cast iron round– from 380 to 810 mm;
  • polymer round– from 315 to 1000 mm;
  • square– length of one edge from 300 mm to 800 mm in increments of 50 mm.

Advantages and types of polymer sewer covers

The basis for the manufacture of polymer hatches is a polymer-sand mixture. Introduction various additives allows you to obtain a protective device with the desired performance properties. Due to a number of advantages, this type of sewer hatches has become the most popular:

  • high permissible mechanical load (up to 25 tons);
  • high-precision pressing method ensures excellent tightness;
  • Several colors allow the equipment to fit organically into any landscape;
  • long service life (20–50 years);
  • ease of transportation and installation - one person can handle the installation;
  • interchangeability of parts in case of damage - lid sizes are standardized;
  • operating temperature from -50 to +50 degrees;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • do not rust or fade;
  • do not emit a metallic ringing sound and do not spark when a car collides;
  • low cost compared to cast iron analogues.

The whole variety of hatch models is classified according to several criteria.

Classification by purpose

Marking in the form of a letter designation is applied to the sewer cover:

  • water wells- "IN";
  • sewerage- "TO";
  • rain wells– “D”;
  • heating network– “TS”;
  • gas network– “GS”;
  • main roads– “TM”;
  • city ​​cable network– “GKS”;
  • city ​​telephone network- "GTS".

By load class

Depending on the maximum permissible load, products made of polymer material are divided into:

  • light garden (L)– 1.5 t;
  • light sewer (L) – 3 t;
  • medium sewer (C)– 7.5 t;
  • heavy sewer (T)– 15t;
  • heavy main sewer (TM)– 25 t.

By the appearance of the castle

The locking mechanism serves to prevent theft and accidental opening of the sewer cover and happens:

  • spacer;
  • flag;
  • threaded


The choice of manholes for sewerage is carried out taking into account its type, rated load and other indicators that are regulated by GOST-3634-99.

Name Class Weight, kg Common sizes (diameter/height), mm Installation location
Lightweight and compact A15 1,5 11 - 25 540*80; Gardens, green areas, sidewalks
Easy A15 5,0 52 750*90 Parks, parking lots, pedestrian areas
Average B125 12,5 57 750*100 Streets with moderate traffic
Heavy C250 25 60 800*110 Roads with heavy traffic
Heavy trunk D400 40 140 810*120 Highways
Super heavy E600 60 155 810*150 Territories industrial enterprises, transport terminals
Super heavy F900 90 174 785*160 Airfields, seaports

Features of installing sewer covers

Installation of a cast iron and polymer sewer hatch is carried out according to the same scheme. The difference is that the installation of a lighter polymer product will be done by one person.

Work order:

  • Gain access to the well neck. If necessary, remove the top soil in such a way that after installation the hatch does not protrude above the surface of the area. Recommended depth levels: 24–45 mm for light, 60 mm for medium, 85 and below for heavy models.
  • Install a concrete support ring K60 or KTs01, which will reduce the load-bearing load on the slab. You can build brickwork, but it will not be durable enough. Over time, under the influence of precipitation, the bricks will begin to collapse, which will lead to deformation and failure of the entire structure.
  • Install the shell without allowing a slope - this can lead to sagging of the hatch during operation. If necessary, install a sealant. Check with a level, secure firmly - the presence of grooves for fastening greatly simplifies this stage.
  • Build formwork around the shell and fill it with concrete mortar. Allow to dry completely for 2-7 days.
  • Lubricate the working surface of the ring with grease or lithol - this will prevent freezing at sub-zero temperatures.
  • Place the cover on the hatch, check the opening, and lock it.

If the product does not fit well into the landscape, it can be disguised with decorative elements in the form of a boulder stone, stump, sign, statue or flower bed. This is not only an original exterior solution, but also additional protection. At the same time, the area should not be overloaded - access to the inspection well should be easy at any time of the year.

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