Such different human psychotypes. Psychotypes

Psychologists carefully analyze the life and worldview of a person in society. The research of physician Sigmund Freud and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung laid the foundations of popular science, practical psychology, and socionics. In the works of scientists, which are used by modern psychotherapists, types of people are identified according to external signs of temperament, innate characteristics of the human psyche, and the ability to interact with the outside world, which can be used in everyday life.

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    The concept of personality in psychology

    By studying the inner world of a person, psychology classifies the characteristics of the psyche and explains the reasons for behavior.

    The concept of personality includes such components as:

    • character;
    • temperament;
    • manifestations of individuality;
    • emotional indicators;
    • resistance to difficulties;
    • sensitivity to the external environment;
    • model of behavior in life situations.

    Personality Features

    Carl Gustav Jung formulated a famous theory that classifies the characteristics of people into two types: introverts, passionate about their own inner world, and extroverts, whose activity is directed towards the external environment. The theory specifies that a person has inclinations towards one type or another, but is not completely captured by them.

    Jung also identified 4 main functions of the psyche based on rationality and irrationality.

    Rational functions:

    • thinking - analysis of phenomena, awareness of oneself and the environment;
    • feelings - experiences and reactions to what is happening.


    • sensation - world perception based on the senses;
    • intuition is an assessment of the world in the subconscious.

    4 psychotypes by temperament

    An attempt to classify types of people according to external signs of temperament, dividing them into 4 psychotypes, belongs to Hippocrates. The definition principles are relevant and are used in modern psychology and psychiatry. Science defines the concept of temperament as a stable dominant personality quality. It creates the basis of mental activity and influences activity in the external environment.

    Temperament depends on individual functions nervous activity person. Manifests itself in the ability to excite or inhibit brain reactions. The classification is based on the study of the direction of emotions. Features of behavior are important: what and how a person loves, what he is inclined to in life situations; the ability to enter into relationships, coexist and influence others.

    Poor performance nervous system characteristic of a melancholic person; inert, but balanced belongs to the phlegmatic. The choleric person is active and unstable; mobile, but calm - sanguine.

    Key types of temperament:

    • extraversion/introversion;
    • rigidity (hardness, inflexibility)/plasticity (changeability, pliability, ability to adapt);
    • speed of nervous reactions.

    Extroverts include choleric and sanguine people, and introverts include melancholic and phlegmatic people.

    1. 1. Choleric. general characteristics This type is characterized by strong excitability. They are characterized by sharpness, speed and force of movements. They are impulsive and have strong emotions. If a choleric person is absorbed in work, he can give 100%, but it is difficult for him to control himself. The advantage of the choleric type is the ability to cope with non-standard situations and make decisions at a critical moment. In case of disagreement, the choleric person will simply resolve the conflict.
    2. 2. Sanguine. Man adapts to different conditions, finds mutual language with people, loves to be the center of attention. The mood changes quickly and constantly. Changes in sanguine people occur against their will, they understand this, but cannot control themselves. They love to gesticulate and attract attention. You need to rely on this type with caution - sanguine people are impatient and fickle. A task that requires perseverance is not for them. If a sanguine person does not have a clear goal or direction of action, he will not achieve results and will be in constant search.
    3. 3. Phlegmatic person. He is slow, but if he gets down to work, he will do it flawlessly. Phlegmatic people are characterized by smooth movements, leisurely speech, and prudence. They are conservative and do not like innovation. The psychotype has increased self-control and composure. He does not count on other people's help, preferring to rely on himself. Phlegmatic people are taciturn, but you can always rely on them.
    4. 4. Melancholic. Unhurried, sees no reason to rush. If you didn’t have time to complete a task today, you will reschedule it for tomorrow. But it's better if someone does the work for him. He has his head in the clouds, is absorbed in his own thoughts, it is impossible to achieve a quick reaction: actions are inhibited. Melancholic people are shy, have difficulty making contacts and making acquaintances, and do not like noisy companies. If a melancholic person is educated, he is an interesting conversationalist, an efficient worker, and copes with the assigned tasks. But a person of average intelligence is unsure of himself, withdrawn and fearful.

    Pure examples of character are rare. Each person has a mixed type of temperament: choleric-sanguine, choleric-melancholic, phlegmatic-melancholic - that is, they combine the features of several basic psychotypes.

    Types of temperament and their external signs:

    Characteristics of psychotypes/Rate of nervous activity



    Phlegmatic person












    Reaction speed

    Very high

    Very big



    Emotional stability



    Very stable

    Very unstable

    What is socionics

    Professor of psychiatry Karl Leonhard in the 60s of the last century proposed a classification of personality traits based on the commutation of a person and the world, society, social environment. The Leonhard method of determining a psychotype is a test consisting of more than 80 unrelated questions. The more points that require an answer, the more accurately the type is determined.

    The scientist laid the foundation for socionics - the science of interaction between personality and manifestations of the external world. The mechanism for responding to information coming from outside is important. Classifies differences in the characteristics of thinking, behavior, and worldview. Socionics has identified 16 psychotypes. The concepts are used in practical psychology as the basis for diagnostic counseling.

    Socionics classifies personality traits as one of the following characteristics:

    • logician/ethicist - priority to communication/exchange of information, energy;
    • sensory/intuitive - based on facts/intuition;
    • rational/irrational - follows a specific goal/easily changes goal and direction;
    • extrovert/introvert - ready for the flow of external information/concentrates on individual details.

    16 socionic types

    The names of 16 psychotypes in socionics were created using the formulations of Jung’s theory, supplemented by scientists to clarify and describe in detail personal qualities:

    Name of psychotype Characteristics

    LSE: logical-sensory extrovert

    (Administrator, "Strilitz")

    Hardworking, socially adapted, gets things done. Likes orderliness and planning, practical. Sometimes stubborn and quick-tempered, but usually friendly. He likes noisy companies and fun. Shows love and care for loved ones

    LIE: logical-intuitive extrovert (Entrepreneur, “Jack London”)

    Fan of extreme sports and active sports. He is quickly inspired to do new things and takes risks, relying on intuition. Open to new technologies, thinks positively, makes close contacts. Deeply analyzes the inner world and environment

    ESE: ethical-sensory extrovert

    (Enthusiast, "Hugo")

    He puts emotional pressure on his loved ones, but knows how to get along with everyone. Being willing to sacrifice interests for the sake of another can lift your spirits. Strives for achievements, expects approval of personal merits and successes from others

    EIE: ethical-intuitive extrovert

    (Mentor, Hamlet)

    Has expressive facial expressions and eloquence. Being jealous, he constantly doubts his partner’s fidelity. Anticipates events on an intuitive level, prepares for them in advance

    LSI: logical-sensory introvert

    (Inspector, "Maxim Gorky")

    Strives for order and a serious attitude towards work. Analyzes what is happening and assigned tasks from different angles. He starts a new business if he is sure that he is ready to see it through to the end. Realist, they trust him

    LII: logical-intuitive introvert

    (Analyst, Robespierre)

    Separates the important from the unimportant, thinks practically. Independent in work, readily implements new ideas. Relies on intuition when he does not find a clear answer. Avoids noisy companies, has difficulty getting along with people

    ESI: ethical-sensory introvert

    (Keeper, "Dreiser")

    Feels falsehood and pretense, clearly expresses an opinion and defends it. Divides the environment into friends and strangers, protects himself and loved ones. Tends to self-analysis and evaluation of others

    EII: ethical-intuitive introvert

    (Humanist, “Dostoevsky”)

    A talented educator senses the hidden abilities and talents of others and values ​​trust. Strives for self-education; they go to him for advice. Painfully endures aggression and lack of love. Not ready to forgive betrayal

    SLE: sensory-logical extrovert

    (Marshal, "Zhukov")

    He does not know how to obey, he craves to lead. Draws up a specific plan and strategy of action, based on an analysis of what is happening, in order to clearly implement it. The goal is victory at any cost, difficulties and obstacles fuel passion and the desire to win

    ILE: intuitive-logical extrovert

    (The Seeker, Don Quixote)

    A generator of new complex ideas that synthesizes from ready-made components. Cannot stand routine and traditions. Adapts to new working and living conditions

    SEE: sensory-ethical extrovert

    (Politician, "Napoleon")

    Recognizes the possibilities of others to manipulate them. Guides the weak, identifying their pain points. Chooses communication based on his own interests, keeps his distance. Likes to seem like an extraordinary person, but in reality he is not

    IEE: intuitive-ethical extrovert

    (Adviser, Huxley)

    Sensitive, understands people based on intuition and feelings. Prefers creativity, does not tolerate routine and monotony. Gives practical advice in the field of interaction with people, is sociable

    SLI, sensory-logical introvert

    (Master, "Gabin")

    Explores the world through sensations, feels, loves other people, and is prone to empathy. Cannot stand falsehood and insincerity. He enjoys working with his hands and has a technical mind. Fulfills obligations

    IEI: intuitive-ethical introvert

    (Lyricist, “Yesenin”)

    Lyrical, dreamy, with a sense of humor. Treats people with love and understanding, feels them. Doesn't know how to save money, prefers to rest while working. Take diligent care of your appearance

    OR: intuitive-logical introvert

    (Critic, “Balzac”)

    Erudite, has a philosophical mindset. Makes decisions based on careful analysis and weighing. Avoids expressing violent emotions, loves coziness and comfort

    SEI: sensory-ethical introvert

    (Mediator, "Dumas")

    Gets along and gets along with people. Respects their personal space, while protecting his own. Avoids conflict situations. Likes to joke and entertain others. Helps, strives to feel one’s own need, importance in the eyes of others

    Accentuation of characters according to A. Lichko

    Russian psychiatrist A. Lichko gave his definition of a person’s mental characteristics on the basis of character accentuation - an extreme expression of the norm. From observations of adolescents, the scientist identified psychological differences in the strengthening of one or more characteristics. In some cases, they looked like psychological abnormalities, but did not go beyond the norm.

    Character types:

    Type Characteristic

    Purposeful, moves according to the plan, neglecting the environment and the interests of loved ones. Achieving the main goal is the basis of life, for the sake of which one is ready to give up one’s own well-being. Tends to work individually, without the need to look at the opinion of the team. Capable of implementing large projects and solving complex issues.


    Neat, thrifty. Reliable, efficient, punctual. Energetic, courageous, purposeful. Loves order in the surrounding world, things and people. A true devoted friend, but not ready to forgive betrayal or betrayal. Intolerant of the mistakes or shortcomings of others; in everyday life he is prone to expressing anger for any reason


    Energetic, generous, cheerful. A convinced optimist, the soul of any company. Prone to adventurism. Loneliness and idleness are not for him. They quickly forget grievances, are friendly and kind to those around them.

    Hyperthyms take unjustified risks due to a superficial attitude towards serious things. They show familiarity and frivolity. Incapable of concentration, perseverance, and routine work. The ability to create the appearance of vigorous activity from scratch helps their career growth. They easily start new projects that interest them until they become overgrown with routine and routine.


    Suspicious, unsure of himself. Constantly worries about life, loved ones, and surroundings. A collector of all kinds of phobias. Responsibility and decision-making are not for him. Performing, reliable and self-critical


    Homebody. A sense of duty, discipline and responsibility are important to him. He is calm, demanding of himself and others, and objective. He is attentive, shows kindness and care for loved ones. Peaceful relationships with people are a priority


    I'm dissatisfied with everything. Vulnerable, touchy, suspicious. Expecting a constant threat from the environment, he is wary of people. Closed The habit of complaining, chewing on stories about difficult life circumstances and making complaints about people creates difficulties in communication. In dire need of friends

    Conformal type

    Depends on people's opinions, preferring everything that is statistically average. He does not enter into conflicts, he always agrees with everything. Friendly, efficient, easy to communicate with

    Unstable type

    Fickle, talkative and curious, quickly loses interest in everything. Lives for today, does not think about the future


    Irritated and dissatisfied. Passive, inattentive. He is constantly worried about making a mistake, so he never takes the initiative. Despite this, he is friendly and does not remember insults. Modest and disciplined


    Demonstration of one's own merits, the desire to be the center of attention is an assistant in achieving what you want at any cost. Thirsts for fame and recognition. Has high self-esteem.

    Playing for the public, intrigue, and hypocrisy constantly accompany him. Despite this, he is a successful organizer. Initiative, persistent, sociable. Realizes himself in creativity

    Labile type

    Subject to sudden mood swings. Sincere, responsive, sensitive. He has developed intuition and senses the mood of those around him. Irritable and short-tempered


    Sociable and cheerful. Understanding personal shortcomings, he does not tolerate criticism from outside. Mood swings ruin relationships with people, but that’s its nature


    Closed, tends to be alone, does not worry about the opinions of others. Communication and making new acquaintances is a difficult task for him. Full of internal contradictions and doubts, in dire need of at least one close friend


    Because of erroneous opinion about the schizoid type as a mental pathology, the personality state is not a disease, but requires special attention. Features of the psyche are visible from early childhood. The child plays alone and is in no hurry to make contact. General and team games are uninteresting, prefers to be alone or in the company of adults. Love to read.

    At school age, a child is not bothered by the opinions of others. Interested in intellectual games, mathematics, literature or physics. The child's feelings are hidden and difficult to understand, since he does not express emotions. Children cannot tolerate tenderness, caresses, early years protect personal space. They are outcasts in adolescence, do not join the company of peers, do not take on the role of leader. Self-esteem fluctuates from feelings of worthlessness to delusions of grandeur.

    Adults of the schizoid type have an established character and temperament. Indifferent outwardly, they are full of internal contradictions. When they love loneliness, they need a loved one.

    Main characteristics of a schizoid:

    • do not seek contacts;
    • prefer privacy;
    • indifferent to the opinions of others;
    • no hobbies, hobbies;
    • complete absence of emotions, external calm;
    • constant social tension.

    Personality archetypes

    One of the methods for assessing mental qualities was the definition of an archetype.

    An archetype is the basis that determines a person’s feelings, thoughts, behavior and needs. Based on this knowledge, the psychotherapist helps to get rid of unwanted complexes and change the course of his life. Jung's archetypes are part of the universal unconscious, a genetic memory given to a person from birth that shapes his worldview.

    6 Archetypes of Carl Jung

    Self- harmonious interaction of the conscious and unconscious in a person as a source of creative energy. The balance of opposing elements of the psyche is normalized. Jung formulated the prototype of the self as a basic, all-encompassing quality, a sign of balance and coexistence of opposites. Many people have not developed this quality and are unaware of its existence.

    A person prefers to wear a mask and meet the expectations of the environment. Representative of the collective psyche. The chosen role helps to communicate with society, determines the choice of profession, attitude towards people, tastes. May suppress individuality.

    Shadow. A manifestation of the unconscious, which is repressed due to social rejection. Thoughts, memories, feelings that are not recognized by a person. According to Jung's theory, the ego's task is to realize the potential of the Shadow for personality development.

    Animus. The masculine component of feminine nature, the ability to express personal opinion and defend it. A positive animus means insight, wise, balanced actions. Negativity encourages recklessness. The animus seeks to influence the world, is expressed in categoricalness and firmness of judgment.

    Anima. Manifestation of the feminine principle in a man: sensual impulses, emotionality, frivolity, love at first sight, romance. Femininity is directed inside a person, towards awareness of feelings and self-awareness. Men under the influence of animus are emotionally unstable, irritable, and impulsive.

    The description of psychotypes makes it possible to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person’s character, to avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings. This is an opportunity to understand the environment and the motives of their behavior in order to coexist harmoniously in the family and society.

We are all very different people. It’s even surprising how it is: why we are so different from each other. For a very long time, psychologists have thought that each of us has something that can reveal our character, show our entire attitude, and turn our personality inside out. Thus, Sigmund Freud put forward his famous theory that the human psyche has a special structure. Following Freud, C. G. Jung was sure that there are certain psychological personalities that can be recognized if everyone is tested. Today we see many characteristics that suit us, tests that test our character. In general, modern psychotherapy is a quite useful thing, but very difficult. Let's together slowly understand what personality types exist.

Human Temperament

Each of us has an inherent temperament, i.e. a property of the psyche that manifests itself in any activity. With the help of it, our personality is established, we have a strong or weak character. By the way, a lot depends on temperament. For example, behavior, activity, energy, ability to work, pace and speed of completing important tasks, emotional background. Also, the following points always relate only to temperament (just in case, so that you do not confuse it with character):

  • primary, appears from birth;
  • manifests itself always and absolutely in any area of ​​life;
  • manifests itself from the earliest years of life;
  • is not able to determine his attitude to the world, i.e. amotivated;
  • in difficult situations it manifests itself quite clearly;
  • shapes character.

In addition, temperament is divided into 4 important types:


People belonging to this temperament are very dynamic, active, strong, strong-willed, extremely sociable, balanced, rarely nervous and susceptible to frustration. As a rule, sanguine people rarely worry and generally try to protect themselves from negative thoughts - life is much easier for them this way. If a strong loss has occurred, an unpleasant situation has occurred, then sanguine people do not dwell on it and find a way out - they distract themselves.

Despite positive sides temperament, there is also a minus here: these people are afraid of losing their minds and their normal calm state, stability for them is everything. As for ordinary fear, it is unlikely that sanguine people are generally susceptible to this. If you notice in a group of people a person who constantly talks, jokes, and laughs louder than anyone else, then rest assured that this is a clear sanguine person. And now about the negative traits of temperament:

  • denial of acceptance of monotony;
  • sometimes superficiality of ideas and thoughts appears;
  • due to constant activity, there is often poor attention to important moments;
  • sometimes, sanguine people lack persistence;
  • too often they think first and then act, and vice versa.

Phlegmatic person

A fairly cold-blooded personality type with an ideal nervous system. Such people are often in no hurry and are unlikely to be active, but in reality they manage to do everything, assuming the imperturbable appearance of a winner. You will not see from a phlegmatic person emotions that “flow” over the edge, a stream of endless experiences.

The temperament is so severe and strong that it is impossible to discern any human fear. But there is also weak side: It is easier for a phlegmatic person to agree in a conflict with a person than to stick to his line. They are careful about other people’s feelings, but they treat their own even more carefully. If a phlegmatic person does not have a goal and incentive, then he can easily fall into depression, which, oddly enough, will not be visible on the face, but a whole storm will begin to form inside the person. Negative traits include:

  • low mobility and activity;
  • slow decision making that should be very fast;
  • lack of sociability;
  • constant independence.


Very sociable extroverts. If they feel, then completely and so that everyone knows about it. If they move, it is jerky and abrupt. Here you can observe a quick change in mood, which can become either good or bad again in 5-7 minutes. A choleric person copes with all difficulties very easily, knowing how to properly tune himself. But if the situation gets out of control, then it is unlikely that a person of this temperament will be able to control himself. By the way, choleric people are clear leaders in everything; they manage to lead people, command them and give instructions. These are ardent lovers of arguing and proving that they are right. And if you have offended a choleric person, then be prepared for an outburst of rage and temper. This is such an explosive mixture! And here are the negative traits, of which there are too many (when compared with the positive ones):

  • sharp aggression;
  • erratic behavior;
  • too much impulsiveness;
  • at times, terrible irritability;
  • rare restraint in public;
  • hot temper.


Perhaps the most lethargic temperament, emotionally unstable, with a shattered nervous system. Very often here you can notice panic attacks, fears, inhibition, and inactivity. But there is one amazing plus: melancholic people are always outwardly very calm, even in the most tense situations.

If these people expose themselves to experiences, it is only in the depths of their souls. True, if you constantly “bump” yourself with depression, then your health becomes worse and worse, and it’s not far from the blues. But, despite all this, melancholic people are incredibly sensitive and warm-hearted people who can support a friend at any moment, give him deep and practical advice, having gone through a difficult situation with him. And if negative traits predominate in a given temperament, then it is best to list the positive aspects:

  • incredible display of feelings for others;
  • responsibility and diligence of a serious task;
  • accuracy and punctuality in everything;
  • restraint.

There are no people who have a pure temperament. Very often you can find a “mix”. For example, if you are active, cheerful, but at the same time you think first and speak later, then most likely your temperament is sanguine-choleric. Here you already need to proceed from what kind of person you are. Observe yourself and what you express to determine your true permanent temperament.

Personality types in conflict situations

Life cannot exist without conflicts and disputes that occur day after day. It is simply impossible to avoid a scandal, especially if you are in the midst of it. The reason for the formation of a conflict can be completely different. We are offering to you detailed description conflicting personality types in difficult situations.

Rigid type. People who belong here constantly suspect something and do not trust everyone around them. The worst fear for a rigid type is to be cruelly deceived and literally driven into a corner. That is why prudence is an important trait inherent in these people. Very often, rigidity originates in childhood, when parents scold the child for not doing the required things point by point. If the baby acted incorrectly, then he begins to internally distrust himself, which leads to the formation of a rigid personality type. Sometimes you can meet those whose self-esteem is too high. It is easy to offend a rigid person by saying something unpleasant to him or by sharing your criticism. From here, constant painful touchiness, arrogance, tediousness and distrust of the individual begin to arise.

Unmanaged type. Such people rarely control their actions and almost never plan them. As a rule, an uncontrollable type is characterized by a momentary desire to accomplish something, and if something does not work out, then the person is ready to blame anyone, but not himself. This type is characterized by impulsiveness, lack of rules and norms of behavior, aggressiveness towards criticism and comments, sequence of actions and their clear thoughtfulness. An uncontrollable personality very often falls into aggression, has too much high self-esteem, rarely finds fault with himself, has almost no control over his own “I” and demands full dedication from those around him. The uncontrollable do not listen to anyone, even their own mind is not a decree for them, all actions occur due to circumstances.

Ultra-precise type. This is the most careful pedant of all who can be in the world. This person is ready to do his job carefully, scrupulously, carefully, taking into account every detail. The hyper-precise type are people who like to control everything, and if they don’t like something, then expect complaints and dissatisfaction. By the way, it is annoying pickiness that provokes most conflicts, which not every person can survive. A hyper-precise person sets too strict limits for his subordinates to work with, observing every roughness and imperfection. Very often, these people painfully experience their mistakes and failures, attaching great importance to them. Due to constant disorders, health problems are observed, and a strong nervous imbalance can almost always be observed. By the way, ultra-precise people love to compare the work done with carefully executed examples. They are always trying to be better, to jump over their heads.

Demonstrator type. People who are constantly trying to attract the attention of others, forcing people to think only about them, are real demonstrators. Very often you can meet such people on the first date, when we're talking about about something branched off, and the person constantly changes the topic in order to tell something from his life. The demonstrator always strives to be ahead of the curve, making every effort to ensure that people only look at him. This is far from a modest person, but, on the contrary, a very arrogant and cunning person, constantly caring only about his beloved self. By the way, such people are unlikely to ever admit their guilt when it comes to a conflict, so you won’t expect the demonstrator to understand his mistake in a quarrel.

Holland personality types

One of the important and popular American psychologists, J. Holland, put forward an interesting theory that our successes, promotions, results and much more directly depend on the personality type to which we belong. The fact is that everyone’s behavior is characterized not only by internal characteristics, but also by the influence of the environment. Based on Holland, human personality can be divided into 6 types, which will be discussed below.

  1. Realistic. Very often it is also called “masculine”. This is a rather emotional and emotion-dependent personality type, focused exclusively on the present. Realists deal only with those things that are aimed at specific permanent action. As a rule, this type implies a male type of work: engineer, mechanic, agronomist, physicist, cyberneticist, and so on.
  2. Intellectual. This type is characterized by logic, an analytical mind, unusual judgments, an original character and train of thought. Intellectual tasks in this case are the most favorite thing that brings pleasure. These people are very active, efficient, constantly studying something, introverts, and beautifully tell precise things. Fields of activity such as mathematics, geology or geography are just for intellectuals.
  3. Social. Refers to those who know how to maintain a topic for conversation, to bring any person out of their discomfort zone into a conversation. Communication skills – important quality for social individuals. True, there is a very strong manifestation of sensitivity and emotionality here. Sometimes, this type of people takes other people’s failures and losses so close to their hearts that they feel uneasy - the feeling of empathy is 150% connected. The areas of activity most recommended for social individuals are pedagogy, psychology and medicine.
  4. Standard. This type is also very often called conventional. Such people constantly plan everything, act according to clearly defined stages, cope well with routine boring work and always adhere to mandatory rules. As performers, such people are in great demand, but, unfortunately, they never make leaders. For example, creative projects and drastic decisions are a real disaster for the standard type of personality. This often includes accountants, financiers, commodity experts and economists.
  5. Enterprising. This is perhaps the only type on the list that is aimed at constant leadership and guidance. Enterprising individuals always try to be one step ahead, bending over backwards to ensure that everything is much better for them than for others. Energy, incredible enthusiasm, impulsiveness, activity, clarity and concentration - all these are characteristics of the enterprising type of personality. This, for example, includes mathematicians, physicists, astronomers, journalists, and diplomats. As a rule, such people take criticism in their direction very seriously; you need to be careful in communicating with them.
  6. Artistic. A personality type with incredibly developed intuition and rich imagination. Such people are characterized by a strong manifestation of their emotions and a complex outlook on life. As a rule, artistic individuals always make a balanced and very serious independent decision, think very unusually and are creative in everything. Rules and traditions are something that not a single person of the artistic type follows. Of course, constant creativity, humanities and the call of the heart reign here.

Freud's personality types

Well, who doesn’t know S. Freud? It seems that this man is known to everyone, since even at the university they specially introduce a cultural studies lesson so that students know about this person. Sigmund Freud was the great founder of the psychoanalytic school, he did a lot for humanity, namely for the development of human personality. That is why there are several very important types, which will be discussed further.

  1. Oral type. Such people are very dependent on those around them, on the atmosphere that forms around them. Very often, oral personalities have a passive attitude towards the world around them, since if it weren’t for the support and approval of friends and acquaintances, they could completely fade away. But it is not all that bad. There are also good-natured optimists here who love to believe people. In addition, the oral type of personality very often rushes to extremes: either insanely generous or very greedy.
  2. Anal type. Stubbornness, stinginess in words, too much self-obsessed neatness and constant punctuality - all this is an anal type of personality. These people love to plan their actions and further trips, think through everything down to the smallest detail, do not tolerate chaos in their thoughts and hate disorder. At times, anal personalities are extremely cruel in their decisions towards other people, and sometimes even overly impulsive and prone to panic.
  3. Phallic type. Decisive, purposeful, persistent, assertive, self-confident people who really love their job and are constantly improving for this. Many are not averse to boasting, but this only happens if phallic individuals are confident in their actions. This includes a love of flirting and coquetry, a constant desire to be the center of attention.
  4. Genital type. Sigmund Freud considers this type of personality to be the most ideal, since this person is not afraid of anything and boldly looks into the face of those who are taller than him. Activity, constant care for oneself and loved ones, the spirit of company, hard work, an open life position - all this is the genital type. It’s even difficult to determine here negative sides personality, the type is so ideal.

Personality in socionics

Probably, while communicating with people, you have noticed that you are much more comfortable with some than with others. Some people talk to you in a very difficult way, while others, on the contrary, open up and conduct a good-natured dialogue. It’s unlikely that at this moment you thought that there are as many as 16 (!) types of personalities in socionics in the world. So, let’s figure out together what groups people are divided into in order to learn more about what kind of person is in front of you.

Balzac. An interlocutor who has a crazy sense of humor and sometimes even makes dark jokes. At the same time, he is ready to bring everyone around him to tears and immediately cheer him up. Unfortunately, such people are overly lazy and are unlikely to complete all the work with special care.

Gaben. This includes those who know how to hide behind masks and not show their true emotions. The coldness, inaccessibility, closedness, isolation, and inner world of these individuals, overflowing with experiences, will always be with them only. It seems that a person is in constant balance, peace, even in some kind of laziness, but all this, in fact, is not so. Such people simply try to hold on as best they can, although they are on their own.

Hamlet. Absolutely any problem in the lives of these people becomes a matter of universal importance. Almost always, these individuals describe their lives in terrible colors, become poor and do not see anything good in development. But the Hamlets are very good advisers and sympathetic friends.

Huxley. A person who knows how to cheer up in the most difficult moments of life, sociable, very cheerful, the real soul of any company, active and restless. Huxley does not always do what he is given, because at first he grabs work, believing that he will do everything, but in the end he does not manage to do anything.

Hugo. An overly emotional personality, capable of withstanding any pressure and intensity of passions. Active, hardworking and very dedicated type.

Jack London. Very often these individuals are in some kind of disheveled state, and their gait always gives them away. Jack London is a huge hard worker, constantly overwhelmed with things to do and never gives up on them. Any difficulties along the way are not an obstacle or even a hindrance to overcome them. The person is very positive, romantic and determined.

Don Quixote. Brave personalities, incredibly strong-willed people. Logic and infallibility in one’s actions are well developed here. Don Quixote will make a wonderful detective or the leader of an entire company. Very competent people who show sincere and not feigned emotions.

Dostoevsky. People here have huge and rich inner worlds, with a range of vivid sensations and experiences. True, Dostoevsky is unlikely to show his soul to everyone, except to his circle of close people. An excellent listener, able to empathize with his friends, calm and quiet.

Dreiser. A real psychologist who skillfully knows how to adapt to other people. Dreiser will never show weakness in front of others, even if he feels very bad internally. Sometimes such people blow you away with their composure in making decisions. Also, Dreisers hate time and can’t stand waiting.

Dumas. Caring, attentive, sharp-tongued individuals. They avoid relationships with the opposite sex for fear of getting burned. These individuals would rather wait it out and think about the same thing three hundred times before they go to “death.”

Yesenin. Dreamy, incredibly romantic, unusual, creative and very creative personalities. Yesenin is ready to suffer together with his interlocutor if he feels very bad. These people are avid dreamers in life, wanting to live in harmony with the world, balanced and versatile.

Zhukov. Such people always have only their own opinion on everything. Here there is often complete negativity and irritation if there are clues. A categorical type, a real tyrant, but, extremely, a caring family man.

Maksim Gorky. An idealist in everything, even in the smallest detail. A person is constantly focused on results, sometimes even going too far in this regard. A kind, sympathetic type who hides the storms in his soul. Such people are often very afraid of offending their loved ones.

Napoleon. Mobile, active people who constantly strive for their goals. Very often Napoleon becomes a role model, an idol for someone. They are real leaders in the company, and also brilliant people, because they always do everything right.

Robespierre. This is a person who is 100% a fan of his work. Individuals are not interested in anything at all in this life except their favorite hobby.

Stirlitz. Excellent memory, insanely developed logic, sober thoughts and impeccable executive functions. True, there are also disadvantages: a cold reaction to some things, an inability to be polite.

Personality types in psychology

  1. Narcissistic. The attitude and approval of these people is very important from others. There is a clear idealization of one’s life here, since narcissistic individuals have a complete disdainful attitude towards others. Success, power, ideal love and beauty are all just fantasies. Also, these people can take advantage of people whenever they want.
  2. Schizoid. These individuals often withdraw into themselves, are rarely open and cannot find a common language with people. But here one can often see a love of philosophy, knowledge healthy image life and a great affection for animals.
  3. Paranoid. Here there is a combination of fear and shame, suspicion and mistrust. Paranoid individuals are very sensitive to their failures, grumpy and selfish.
  4. Obsessive-compulsive. These people often doubt themselves and worry about others. They are also incredible perfectionists, so they are ready to fight for every little thing. Pedantry, stubbornness and even rigidity are all obsessive-compulsive types.
  5. Hysterical. People love to do everything for show, exaggerating their victories several times over. Personalities love to be the center of attention and constantly emphasize their sexuality.
  6. Psychopathic. Callousness towards the feelings of others, composure, only pursuing one’s own interests - all this is a psychopathic personality type. They do not know how to admit their mistakes and generally learn at least some lessons from them.
  7. Depressive-manic. These individuals will consult with someone, even if the decision is too easy and simple. They are easy to manipulate, as they will always be FOR any idea or proposal. They are constantly afraid of being alone.
  8. Masochistic. Individuals are constantly preoccupied, anxious and have a strong sense of tension. If there are no guarantees for communication and relationships, then it is unlikely that masochistic individuals will start and start anything.

Psychological personality types according to K. G. Jung

Carl Gustav Jung is another one great person, whose ideas about psychology and the study of personalities still excite contemporaries. Here it is best to highlight only the 2 most important types, which many have probably already heard about.

  1. Extroverted type. People have an interest in the world, in the events that take place, and there is a desire to make new acquaintances and friends. High interest to objects, unknown moments and constant risk - all this is inherent in extroverts. Very often, the type of these individuals can be called “hysterical,” since it is this quality that helps them to be the center of attention and at least somehow attract attention.
  2. Introverted type. Here comes an orientation towards the inner world. People try to stay away, especially when the situation is extremely difficult, and communication generally occurs only if it is necessary and beneficial. Selfish and antisocial type. Very often, an introvert falls into some kind of depression, which he does not want to share with anyone, so as not to show his “insides” and weaknesses.

You see how much you can learn about human psychology. It would seem that there is some type of personality, but there is so much in it. Moreover, it is impossible not to agree with what is written. Pay attention to yourself and be sure to observe yourself. You cannot mark yourself as a pure type, this does not happen. But you will find out exactly what your temperament, character is, and what you are capable of in relationships and friendships.

To date, several thousand classifications have been developed according to personality type in psychology, differing in the level of internal consistency and classification grounds. At the same time, the boundaries between psychological types in any classification are quite blurred. In each, under certain circumstances, one can see manifestations of one or another psychotype. However, careful observation of a person reveals a characteristic way of reacting emotionally and thinking in most life situations. These individual characteristics are of interest to psychologists.

The problem of personality typology was raised by Carl Jung back in 1921 in his work “Psychological Types.” Differentiation of people according to psychological type the Swiss psychiatrist explained the fundamental theoretical disagreements of many prominent scientists. For example, Jung explained Sigmund Freud’s desire to look for the reasons for human behavior in the unconscious by the psychoanalyst’s introversion. Alfred Adler's attempts to consider the development of the psyche in the social context of his extraversion.

Despite the fact that it is easier for a person to perform activities characteristic of his psychotype, the scientific division into psychological personality types does not imply negative labels, does not impose restrictions on freedom of choice, and does not prohibit development in any desired direction.

  1. Asthenic (ectomorph) with narrow bones, undeveloped muscles and an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat layer. The corresponding type of temperament is cerebrotonic. Prefers thinking to direct action, and is constrained in social contacts. When problems arise, he withdraws into himself. Predisposition to schizophrenia.
  2. Athletic (mesomorph) - the owner of a developed skeleton and muscles. Type of psychology - somatonic - purposeful, persistent, energetic, risk-taking, somewhat tough in communication. When hitting problematic situation resorts to active decisive actions in search of a solution. Predisposed to epilepsy.
  3. Picnic (endomorph) with a tendency to obesity and accumulation of fat mainly in the torso. Visceronic temperament - good-natured, open, social, inclined to seek physical comfort and enjoy food. In critical situations, he tends to seek help from those around him. Predisposed to depression.

Leonhard's typology

German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard identified 6 types of people in psychology according to temperament.

  1. Hyperthymic temperament: elevated mood, thirst for activity, disorganization, dislike of strict boundaries and restrictions.
  2. Dysthymic: depressed mood predominates. Tends to be solitary, slow. Stands out for his serious ethical position.
  3. Cyclothymic - characterized by periodic changes in mood: when elevated, it develops vigorous activity, when decreased, performance drops sharply.
  4. Anxious and suspicious - fearful, efficient, worried about failures for a long time.
  5. Emotive - soft-hearted, compassionate type.
  6. Affective - exalted temperament: characterized by a wide range and severity of emotional reactions. He easily becomes delighted for minor reasons, and just as easily falls into despair at the slightest failure.

Leonhard also considered 4 types of people based on the psychology of accentuation. Accentuation of character is the expression of certain psychological traits, as a result of which a person becomes vulnerable to certain psychogenic influences. When accentuation is pronounced, the same type of difficulties and conflicts with others arise. In advanced cases, psychology considers these types of people as a deviation from the norm - psychopathy, which prevents them from adapting to society.

If a person has pronounced psychological problems, for example, fears, phobias, panic attacks, addiction, etc., he needs the help of a qualified specialist, for example, psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

The main features of accentuated personalities:

  • demonstrative type - a tendency towards posing, artistry, the desire to rise in the eyes of others, which leads to deceit and embellishment of information about oneself;
  • pedantic - rigidity, slowness, indecisiveness, accuracy;
  • stuck - rancor, a tendency to “get stuck” for a long time on certain thoughts and feelings, especially when it comes to hurt pride, suspicion, jealousy;
  • excitable type - impetuosity, impulsiveness, intolerance, immunity to criticism.

Personality types: psychology of conflicts

Researchers have noted manifestations of various types of personalities in the psychology of a person caught in a conflict situation.

  1. Demonstrative. Emotionally superficial psychotype. He does not avoid conflicts; when sorting out relationships, he admires his suffering and perseverance. To get your way from such a person, you need to express your point of view in such a way that you get the impression that this is his brilliant idea, and you are just supporting it. To soften the mood of a demonstrative psychotype, do not skimp on compliments.
  2. Rigid. He has high self-esteem, is suspicious and overly critical of others. He fears that he may be treated unfairly. To neutralize the conflict, it is advisable to use the organization’s charter and previously established rules. If the rigid type does not have a specific status, you need to provide it.
  3. Ungovernable. Impulsive, unnecessary, non-self-critical. When problems arise, I am ready to blame anyone but myself. Maybe provocatively. When a conflict arises with such a person, it is important not to show the reaction that he is seeking - to hide fear or irritation.
  4. Ultra-precise. Places increased demands on both himself and others. Therefore, others often feel that their work has become the object of his petty quibbles. Such a person should not be given control over others - he will run away. It is advisable to give assignments with a focus on the subject, for example, the person responsible for the office.
  5. Conflict-free. Indecisive, often fluctuates in his assessment of the situation. He is afraid to take responsibility for decisions made and to openly express his point of view. Can change his mind under the influence of another person. When talking with this type of personality, you can rely on the opinion of authorities or the majority, and demonstrate a desire to come to a compromise.

Psychotypes should not be divided into good and bad. Nature rarely makes mistakes. Each type of personality is indispensable in its field. It is important to learn to accept the psychological characteristics of others and help them find a place in which they can express themselves at their best.

They say there is a scale of psychotypes. How can you find out how your own child is growing up in order to help him fight his negative traits? Zinaida K., Gomel.

The classification of accentuations was developed by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard in 1968. Based on his works and the research of Russian psychiatrist Pyotr Gannushkin, Soviet psychiatrist, Honored Scientist Andrei Lichko created his own personality typology.


Traits of this psychotype rarely appear in childhood; the guys are focused on one thing, serious, preoccupied, striving to achieve what they want at any cost.

High degree of determination. Such teenagers subordinate their lives to achieving a goal (quite large-scale), while being able to neglect the interests of others. They are ready to sacrifice well-being, give up entertainment, comfort and other joys common to children.

High energy; independence; independence; reliability in cooperation when goals coincide with the aspirations of the people with whom they work.

Repulsive traits: irritability, anger, if something or someone gets in the way of the goal; weak sensitivity to other people's grief; authoritarianism.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: extremely ambitious in big things, not in small things.

When making contact, they often suppress their interlocutor, are overly categorical in their judgments, and can hurt others with their words. They don’t notice their own conflict.
Completely unsentimental, friendship is viewed as a continuation of a common great cause. Friends are only comrades.

Attitude to study and work. Only those subjects that are needed now or will be needed in the future are carefully studied. To do this, they can go to the library, additional classes, buy a lot of books, read during breaks. And everything else in school is of no value.
The greatest success is achieved in individual creative work. Unsurpassed generators of big ideas and non-standard approaches to solving complex problems.


WITH preschool age Children predisposed to this type are thrifty with clothes and toys. They react sharply to those who try to take possession of their property; From the first school years they show increased accuracy.

Love of order, desire to maintain what has already been established, conservatism; high energy (students willingly engage in physical education, run, speak loudly, organize everyone around them, and with their activity often disturb others). In extreme situations, teenagers become brave and even reckless; in everyday life they show anger, explosiveness, and pickiness.

Attractive character traits: thoroughness, accuracy, diligence, thrift (often turning into pedantry), reliability (they always keep promises), punctuality (in order not to be late, they will set 2 alarm clocks and also ask their parents to wake them up), attentiveness to health.

: insensitivity to the grief of others, excessive irritability due to noticed disorder, carelessness of others or violation of rules.

The “weak link” of the psychotype: They cannot tolerate disobedience and violently rebel against infringement of their own interests.

Features of communication and friendship. They do not make casual acquaintances; they prefer to communicate with childhood friends and schoolmates. If they consider someone a friend, then they fulfill all the obligations that friendship imposes. Betrayal, either in friendship or in love, will never be forgiven.

Attitude to study and work. They are goal-oriented, complete all homework, do not skip classes, and are usually excellent students. Growing up, they perform best in work related to maintaining order, rules and regulations adopted by someone else (for example, a financier, lawyer, teacher, military man, etc.).


Those belonging to this psychotype have been distinguished since childhood by their noisiness, sociability, and courage; prone to mischief. They lack a sense of distance in relationships with adults.

Dominant character traits: high spirits, extroversion, joy from communication, good health and blooming appearance.

Attractive character traits: energy, optimism, generosity, desire to help people, initiative, talkativeness, cheerfulness; the mood is almost independent of what is happening around.

Superficiality, inability to concentrate on a specific task or thought, constant desire to do something more interesting in this moment, jumping from one thing to another (such guys sign up for several clubs or sections at once, but don’t go to any one for more than 1-2 months), disorganization, familiarity, frivolity, readiness
at unrestrained risk.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: cannot tolerate a monotonous environment, monotonous work that requires painstakingness or a sharp limitation of communication; they are oppressed by loneliness and forced idleness.

Features of communication and friendship. They always act as merry fellows and jokers. Their home is a meeting place for friends and acquaintances, where anyone can come and stay as long as they like. They are always drawn to the company and strive for leadership among their peers. They can easily find themselves in an unfavorable environment and are prone to adventures.
They are not capable of deep affection. They are characterized by love for their neighbor (and not for all humanity); rush to help without hesitation. In friendship they are kind and unforgiving. Having offended someone, they quickly forget about it and will be sincerely happy the next time they meet; if necessary, they will apologize for the offense caused and do something nice.

Attitude to study and work. Schoolchildren of this psychotype would achieve significant success if they were not so frivolous and could concentrate on one subject. All subjects are easy for them, but the knowledge they receive at school is superficial and often unsystematic. They are constantly late for classes and skip classes (especially those classes in which they are bored and have no opportunity to express themselves). Easily catch up: for example, before test work or they won’t sleep for one night during the exam and will learn almost everything.

Capable of achieving success in any business. At first, everything goes well for them, achievements appear, but if routine work begins, it becomes uninteresting, the activity ceases to be new, then they are ready to quit at the first opportunity and switch to something else.

Noisy and overactive, they often create the appearance of productive activity (they willingly and eagerly get down to business, plan a lot of events, hold meetings, etc.), which helps to build a career.


This psychotype is visible from early childhood. Cute baby at large quantities adults strangers without any embarrassment, he recites poems, sings songs, demonstrates his talents and outfits. The main thing for him is admiring spectators. If guests sat down at the table and forgot about it, it will certainly attract attention again. If unsuccessful, he will knock over a glass on the tablecloth or break a saucer.

Dominant character traits: demonstrativeness; the desire to constantly be the center of attention, sometimes at any cost; thirst for constant admiration or surprise, veneration, worship.

: perseverance, initiative, sociability, dedication, resourcefulness, activity, pronounced organizational skills, independence and willingness to take leadership (although after a burst of energy, the listed qualities quickly fizzle out).

Repulsive character traits: a tendency to intrigue and demagoguery, hypocrisy, cockiness, recklessness, thoughtless risks (but only in the presence of spectators), boasting of non-existent successes, taking into account only one’s own desires, inflated self-esteem, touchiness.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: inability to bear blows to egocentrism, exposure of fictions.

Features of communication and friendship. They constantly need numerous viewers. In principle, this is the main form of their life (in public and for people). But, as a rule, they communicate only with those who express their admiration and idolize their abilities and talent. Very often selective, strive to be friends with famous people to be in the shadow of their glory, or with those who lose to them, in order to shade themselves even more.

Attitude to study and work. Often this is just a reason for communication, an opportunity to express yourself among people. They go to school for fun. To attract attention, they study not just well, but better than anyone else, surprising teachers with their abilities in various subjects.
In principle, these are gifted, talented people who are easily given professions related to artistic creativity. They work best
outside the team and mandatory framework.


Since school years, such children love to play alone, are not attracted to classmates, avoid noisy fun, preferring the company of older children. In adolescence, isolation and isolation, and an inability to empathize with others are striking.

Dominant character trait: introversion. This is a pronounced mental type, constantly analyzing the surrounding reality.

Attractive character traits: seriousness, restlessness, taciturnity, stability of interests and constancy of activities. As a rule, these are talented, smart and unpretentious schoolchildren. Productive, they can work on their ideas for a long time, but do not push through them, do not implement them.

Repulsive character traits: isolation, coldness, rationality. Such children have little energy and are inactive.
with intense work - both physical and intellectual. Emotionally cold. Their egoism is unconscious.
At the same time, they are vulnerable, because they are proud. They do not tolerate criticism of their system.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: They cannot tolerate situations in which it is necessary to establish informal emotional contacts, and the violent intrusion of strangers into their inner world.

Features of communication and friendship. Very selective; people are hardly noticed, like many things in the material world. But they still need communication that is deep and meaningful. The circle of people with whom they come into contact is limited (as a rule, they are older).
They are characterized by self-sufficiency in the sphere of relationships; they can communicate with themselves or with one person. A friend is one who understands their characteristics well and does not pay attention to oddities, isolation and other negative character traits.

Attitude to study and work. They are capable and talented, but require an individual approach, since they have a special vision of the world, their own point of view on ordinary phenomena and objects, unlike others. They know how to study a lot, but not systematically, because it is difficult to fulfill generally accepted requirements, and not according to the scheme they themselves invented.
When they see that a teacher evaluates the result of work, and not formal compliance with mandatory rules, they show all their talent. If the teacher and parents require children of this psychotype to solve problems in a strictly defined way (as explained in class), then they will fall behind, despite the fact that they are quite capable of solving the same problems in several original ways. This applies not only to mathematics, but also to other academic subjects.
Most often, such guys make excellent scientists, for example mathematicians or theoretical physicists.


Along with some timidity and timidity, such children have a tendency to reason and have intellectual interests that are beyond their age. From a young age they suffer from various phobias - fear of strangers, new objects, darkness, being alone at home, etc.

Dominant character traits: uncertainty and anxious suspiciousness, fear for one’s future and loved ones.

Attractive character traits: accuracy, seriousness, conscientiousness, prudence, self-criticism, even mood, loyalty to promises, reliability.

Repulsive character traits: indecisiveness, a certain formalism, a tendency to long discussions, soul-searching. There may be fears regarding an unlikely future, based on the principle “no matter what happens” (hence the belief in omens).
Another form of protection against constant fears is conscious formalism and pedantry, which are based on the idea that if everything is carefully thought out in advance, foreseen and then acted without deviating a single step from the planned plan, then troubles can be avoided.
Such teenagers find it difficult to make decisions; they constantly doubt: have they taken everything into account? But if they dare, they begin to act immediately, because they are afraid that they will change their mind.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: fear of responsibility.

Features of communication and friendship. They are shy, self-conscious, and do not like to make new contacts. They have few friends, but this friendship lasts forever. They remember the smallest details of the relationship and are sincerely grateful for your attention.

Attitude to study and work. They are able to study without raising their heads, showing determination, perseverance and perseverance for a long time, because they are afraid of upsetting their loved ones and teachers with low grades. The result obtained is checked against reference books, dictionaries, and encyclopedias; They'll call a friend and ask him.

These are the ideal subordinates: They will complete any work carefully, accurately and on time, if the task is specific and there are instructions clearly regulating the procedure for its implementation. Such people like a quiet profession, for example, a librarian, accountant, or laboratory assistant.


From the first steps, these guys are fearful, afraid of loneliness, darkness, animals, especially dogs. They avoid active and noisy peers, but are sociable with those they are accustomed to; They love to play with kids: they feel confident and calm. They are very attached to their family and friends, these are “home children”: they try not to leave their native walls, they do not like to visit, much less travel somewhere far away (for example, to another city, even if their beloved grandmother lives there).

Dominant character traits: increased sensitivity, impressionability. Children are timid and shy, especially among strangers and in unusual surroundings. They see many shortcomings in themselves.

Attractive character traits: kindness, calmness, attentiveness to people, sense of duty, high internal discipline, responsibility, conscientiousness, self-criticism, increased demands on oneself. They strive to overcome their weaknesses.

Repulsive character traits: suspiciousness, fearfulness, isolation, a tendency to self-flagellation and self-humiliation, confusion in difficult situations, increased sensitivity and conflict on this basis.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: They cannot tolerate ridicule or suspicion from others of unseemly actions or unfriendly attitudes.

Features of communication and friendship. They contact with a narrow circle of people who arouse their sympathy. They avoid meeting and communicating with the lively and restless in every possible way. They prefer to share experiences and sensations with old friends.

Attitude to study and work. They study because they do not want to upset their relatives and teachers. They are embarrassed to answer at the board, they are afraid that they will be called an upstart. With a friendly attitude from teachers, they show excellent results.
For them, work is something secondary; the main thing is warm and kind relationships with colleagues and the support of their manager. They can be executive and dedicated secretaries, assistants, etc.


They don’t show much joy and are offended by everyone, especially their parents. There is an expression of dissatisfaction on their faces, frustration because they did not do it the way they wanted.

Dominant character trait: always in minor.

Attractive character traits: conscientiousness, a sharp critical view of the world. They strive to be at home more often, to create comfort and warmth, thereby avoiding unnecessary worries.

Repulsive character traits: touchiness, vulnerability, despondency, a tendency to look for illness in oneself, almost no interests and hobbies. Fast fatiguability.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: open disagreement with a different perception of reality.

Features of communication and friendship. Often and for a long time they are offended by others and friends, although they urgently need communication, so that they have someone to complain about life, about the fact that they were not understood or appreciated. I like to talk about the difficult circumstances in which I found myself. The advice of your interlocutor will be answered with a lot of arguments why nothing can be changed and it will only get worse.

It is difficult to be friends with such children: in any person they see possible reason worsening your mood.

Attitude to study and work. They prove themselves by memorizing the material well and carefully completing assignments, but they are not particularly interested in the depth and content itself. They study for fear of a bad grade. Citing illness, they may skip classes, most often in physical education, labor training and other subjects, the teachers of which do not make allowances for a bad mood.

It happens that they complain about people, circumstances, and ask to be given another task. But everything repeats itself: shortcomings, negative aspects in the organization of production or traits in others - a whole uprising in the soul. It's hard to do one thing all the time.


This type is quite common. Children agree with everything that their immediate environment offers, but as soon as they fall under the influence of another group, they change their attitude towards the same things to the opposite. They lose their personal attitude towards the world - judgments and assessments will coincide with the opinions of those with whom they communicate at the moment. Moreover, they do not stand out, do not impose their opinions, representing the masses who agree with the leader.

Dominant character traits: excessive adaptability to the environment, almost complete dependence on family and company. Life flows under the motto: “Think like everyone else, do like everyone else, and so that everything is like everyone else.” This extends to clothing style, behavior, and views on important issues. These teenagers become attached to their peer group and unconditionally accept its value system without criticism.

Attractive character traits: friendliness, diligence, discipline, complaisance. They will not be a source of conflict or discord.
They listen to the guys’ stories about “exploits”, agree with proposals from leaders, willingly participate in “adventures”, but then they can repent. They lack their own courage and determination.
If the micro-team seems significant and has a positive orientation, then together with it they can achieve serious success, for example, by studying in some section.

Repulsive character traits: lack of independence, almost complete lack of criticality towards oneself and the immediate environment.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: They cannot tolerate drastic changes or disruption of life patterns.

Features of communication and friendship. They easily establish contacts with people and at the same time imitate leaders. Friendly relationships are fickle and depend on the current situation. They do not strive to excel among friends and do not show interest in making new acquaintances.

Attitude to study and work. If everyone around them studies well, then they will make an effort to keep up with their friends. The attitude towards work also depends on the mood of the team; are able to demonstrate diligence, diligence, creativity and ingenuity, and carry out everything that is assigned. Or they may shirk or do work formally if there are slackers nearby.


From childhood they are disobedient, restless, climb everywhere, but at the same time they are afraid of punishment and easily obey their peers.

Dominant character traits: complete inconstancy of manifestations, dependence on any person who is nearby at that moment. Easily influenced.

Attractive character traits: sociability, openness, helpfulness, goodwill, speed of switching in business and communication.
Often, outwardly, such teenagers are obedient, ready to fulfill the requests of adults, but their desires quickly disappear; very soon they forget about their word or are lazy, they come up with a lot of reasons why they cannot do what they promised.

Repulsive character traits: craving for empty pastime and entertainment, talkativeness, agreement, irresponsibility.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: neglect, lack of control.

Features of communication and friendship. Non-conflicting. Their contacts are pointless. They can be part of several groups at once, adopting the rules and style of behavior of each team. Tend to live for today; They sit for hours in front of the TV, listening to music. They act as assistants to leaders.

Attitude to study and work. Under the influence of another hobby, they may begin to study well or abandon their studies, which will inevitably lead to large gaps in knowledge. Further studies become more difficult.
Their knowledge is unsystematic, their attention is unstable, and during lessons they are often distracted from work for a long time. Homework is done
Such people do not make good specialists.


Since childhood bad dream, appetite, often capricious, afraid of everything. Sensitive to loud sounds, bright light; they quickly tire of even a small number of people; strive for solitude.

Dominant character traits: increased fatigue, irritability.

Attractive Character Traits: accuracy, discipline, modesty, complaisance, diligence, friendliness, forgivingness.

Repulsive character traits: moodiness, self-doubt, lethargy, forgetfulness.
Such teenagers are timid, shy, have low self-esteem, and cannot stand up for themselves. They experience great anxiety when external circumstances change, stereotypes are broken, because their psychological defense mechanism is getting used to things
and way of life.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: sudden affective outbursts due to severe fatigue and irritability.

Features of communication and friendship. They do not strive for close relationships due to uncertainty and do not show initiative. The circle of friends is limited.

Attitude to study and work. Low self-esteem often gets in the way. Constant doubts, feelings of anxiety and fear of making a mistake prevent you from working normally in class or answering at the board, even when the material has been learned. Work is tiring and does not bring joy or relief. Heavy and tense causes irritation. They need periodic rest or alternation of different types of activities.


They often catch colds. They are capable of getting upset because of an unflattering word, an unfriendly look, or a broken toy. Pleasant words, a new suit or book, good news quickly lift your spirits and give a cheerful tone to the conversation, but at any moment another “trouble” can change everything.

Dominant character trait: extreme mood swings from insignificant reasons. State of mind determines everything: appetite, sleep, general well-being, desire to communicate, learn, performance.

Attractive character traits: good nature, sensitivity, affection, sincerity, responsiveness (during periods of high spirits). Loyalty to those with whom you are good relations who is loved and cared for. Moreover, this attachment remains, even if the mood has changed.

Repulsive character traits: irritability, short temper, pugnacity, weakened self-control. During a normal conversation, they can flare up and say something impudent and offensive.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: emotional rejection significant people, loss of loved ones or separation from those to whom you are attached.

Features of communication and friendship. It all depends on my mood. If you are happy and satisfied with life, then you establish contacts with great desire; if you are upset and not satisfied, then they are minimal.
They have developed intuition and easily determine a “good” and a “bad” person when choosing a friend. They prefer to be friends with those who, during periods of low mood, know how to distract, console, tell something interesting, when attacked by others - to protect, and in moments of emotional upsurge - to share wild joy and fun. Capable of loyal friendship.

Attitude to study and work. Characterized by extreme variability; They react unpredictably to remarks and requests from the teacher or parents: in response to a remark they are able to laugh and joyfully begin to correct the mistake, but tears, irritation, and reluctance to obey the legitimate demands of the teacher are quite possible.
Knowledge is superficial and unsystematic, because such teenagers do not manage themselves and cannot be controlled by adults.
They switch gears, forget about their bad mood, if the work interests them, doesn’t get boring, and captivates them.


These schoolchildren are no different from their peers, but from time to time they are unusually noisy, mischievous, and are constantly doing something. Then they become calm and controlled again. Adolescents experience periodic phases of mood swings, the duration of which ranges from several days to a week or more.

Dominant character trait: cyclical changes emotional background (high mood disappears, emotional decline puzzles everyone).

Attractive character traits: initiative, cheerfulness, sociability, when the soul is good.

Repulsive character traits: inconsistency, imbalance, indifference, outbursts of irritability, excessive touchiness and pickiness
to others. If you are overcome by sadness, then everything falls out of your hands; What was easy yesterday requires incredible effort today.
During a recession, it is more difficult to live, study, and communicate. Companies are annoying, risk, adventure, entertainment are losing their appeal. They become “homebodies” for a while.
Mistakes and minor troubles are very difficult to experience on pessimistic days. Just yesterday they won the tournament, but today the game isn’t going well, the coach is unhappy... It’s depressing, they don’t recognize their body, they don’t understand their irritation, they don’t want to see their loved ones.
They respond to remarks and remarks with dissatisfaction, although deep down they are very worried about these sudden changes. There is no feeling of hopelessness; they are confident that after some time everything will be fine again. You just need to survive the recession period.

“Weak link” of the psychotype: emotional rejection from significant people, a radical breakdown of life stereotypes.

Features of communication and friendship. Relationships with people are cyclical: the desire for communication, new acquaintances, reckless prowess are replaced by isolation, reluctance to talk even with parents
and close friends (“I’m so tired of you all”). They are truly friends with those who understand this inevitability of change in relationships and are not offended and forgive outbursts of irritability and resentment.

Attitude to study and work. Periods of active work in the classroom and at home are followed by stages when complete indifference to anything sets in.
In work, everything works out and works out as long as it’s interesting; as soon as the mood drops, they are dissatisfied with everything that is offered to them.

Based on the degree of severity, two types of character accentuations can be distinguished, which is necessary to know for an individual approach to raising a child, when choosing career guidance, and forms of personal and family psychotherapy:
obvious accentuation is an extreme variant of the norm. Character traits are expressed throughout life;
hidden accentuation is a common variant of the norm. Some special character traits appear mainly during psychological trauma.

These 2 types can transform into each other, which is influenced by family education, social environment, professional activity, physical health. In contrast to “pure” types, mixed forms of character accentuation are much more common.

Natalya Grigorieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of BSMU, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Sci. 

The human psyche is least inclined to “fall into pieces.” In it, like in an attic, everything is scattered in disarray. Nevertheless, psychologists do not give up attempts to carry out an inventory of property in our “attics”. That's why they come up with Various types personalities. What they came up with is of course arbitrary, but it still gives some orientation. That’s what I want to introduce to you.
Carl Jung divided people into two types - extroverts and introverts. Extrovert - means living an “outside” life (extra - outside of something). Such a person is flighty, not prone to reflection, analysis, loving communication and life’s pleasures.
An introvert (intro - inside something) is a person who lives “within himself”, does not need constant “feeding” from the outside world, and is prone to loneliness, philosophizing, collecting, and order.
Not only Jung, but most of us divide people into two types. Only the criteria are different, more down-to-earth: friend - foe, smart - fool, son of a bitch - son of a bitch, but not a son of a bitch. And Venichka Erofeev, the author of the cult work “Moscow - Cockerels,” divided people into those to whom he would pour and those to whom he would not pour. Everyone, undoubtedly, has their own point of view on their location in one or another “camp” and this point of view, of course, is absolutely correct and cannot be doubted. After all, we are polite people, aren’t we? And politeness is the ability to hide how highly we value ourselves and how insignificant others seem to us.

The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, divided people into three types - psora, sycosis and syphilis. These are response options similar to psoriasis, gonorrhea and syphilis. A very original psychological classification. But I cited it not as an anecdote (I have respect for Hahnemann), but as an example of the fact that there are such, at first glance, strange approaches. Who is interested in learning how “gonorrhea” reacts to various life situations - rummage through the homeopathic literature.

Options for dividing people into four types. Here, undoubtedly, the most worthy is the Hippocratic classification, although, strictly speaking, this is a classification not of psychological types, but of temperaments. It has many similarities with the classification of I.P. Pavlov, but since Hippocrates published his work a couple of thousand years earlier, the copyright most likely belongs to him.
I will not describe in detail the difference between choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic, since I assume that you know it. In general something like this:

Of the options for dividing people into many psychological types, the most interesting is the classification of Karl Leonhard. Leonhard introduces the concept of “accentuated personality”. Accentuations are psychological characteristics that give a person his individual traits. According to a German psychiatrist, half the population of any country consists of accentuated individuals, and the other half is a standard type of people. But the “standard type” also has certain individual traits, only they are not clearly expressed.
Leonhard also considers all possible combinations of character traits and temperament. Let's simplify. Let’s discard the specific terminology and translate everything into understandable language (may experts forgive me for such a free interpretation).

The demonstrative, hysterical type is an “artist.”

The core of such a person’s personality is ostentation. He is called demonstrative because he loves to demonstrate himself, as if to present himself to the public.
Hysteria is a psychological concept that has nothing to do with hysterics and breaking dishes in the kitchen. Hysteroids (that is, “artists” in life, not necessarily by profession) prefer bright, tasteful clothes, they are characterized by mannered behavior, he (she) loves when others pay attention to him (her). These people are lively, interesting, bright, talkative, with a good imagination, but deceitful - it costs them nothing to get out of any situation with the help of a quickly invented fable. Self-praise and self-pity are characteristic. Everything about them is exaggerated. As children, they try to be the center of attention of adults and peers, for which they constantly commit various ridiculous acts. However, any child is hysterical to one degree or another.
Such people are characterized by recklessness - they often make rash decisions, for which they later have to pay. Sometimes they make demonstrative attempts at suicide, which never, unless by accident, end in real suicide.
“Artists” see themselves not as they really are, but as they would like to see themselves. You cannot rely on them - they will promise and forget. They avoid difficulties, often by escaping into illness. “Exhaustion of the nervous system,” “weak heart” with a normal cardiogram, migraines, phobias and other psychosomatic disorders are their inseparable companions.

Pedantic personalities

Everything is clear here. A pedantic person performs any work scrupulously, without missing a single detail, often “drowns” in these details and therefore cannot complete what he started. He's never late. The house is in complete order, everything is on its shelf, everything is in order, not a speck of dust anywhere. The folder neatly contains medical reports, cardiograms from thirty years ago, morning and evening blood pressure readings, and the daily presence or absence of stool is recorded. If you need to take medications, not only the hours of administration are observed, but also the minutes.
I would prefer to have my car repaired by a pedant (do such auto mechanics exist?). The pedantic doctor endlessly sends the patient for all necessary and unnecessary tests, knows perfectly and follows all the indications and contraindications for prescribing medications. A pedant accountant (by the way, only a pedant can be an accountant) will clearly explain to the director how, following imaginable and inconceivable instructions, he will have to bring the enterprise to bankruptcy.
Is being a pedant good or bad? Such a criterion does not apply here. Is it raining - is it good or bad?

Stuck Personalities(in psychiatric terminology, paranoid or paranoid orientation).

But this is more likely bad than good (although there is no friend in taste and color). Translated into everyday language - vindictive people. What comes to the fore is the persistence of grievances, suspicions, and obvious and imaginary injustices committed against them. If a “not stuck” person, having been offended by someone, “sulks” the next day, and the next day forgets about the insult, then the “stuck” person the next day, and a week later, and a month later, when remembering the “injustice”, internally reacts with such with the same force as in the beginning, mentally scrolling through various plans for “revenge”, conducting legal proceedings for years.
These people are extremely suspicious, they are sure that at work “behind their back” a certain group of employees is weaving intrigues against them. They are definitely jealous. Any action of the spouse is interpreted by them as “proof of infidelity” - the wife came home from work half an hour late - “probably chatted with this bald guy”, someone on the phone “got to the wrong place” - “bald, bastard, checking if I’m at home.”
Or maybe “if he’s not jealous, it means he doesn’t love”? Maybe so, but then “if he doesn’t hit, it means he doesn’t love.” In taste and color, you know, there is no bald person.

Excitable Personalities
Not exactly a good term, but Leonhard couldn’t come up with a better one.

As a rule, these are quite primitive people with an athletic build and a sports-gangster appearance. Tolerance is alien to them. In conflict situations, it doesn’t even occur to them that the dispute can be resolved without fists. And they enter into conflicts over the most trifling reasons, sometimes deliberately looking for a victim (using the “let me smoke” method). Professionally, these people find themselves either in security or among those from whom they need to protect something.

(hypomaniacal, “fast” type, choleric).

He is constantly on the move. Thoughts instantly replace each other, new ideas appear before the old ones have time to be forgotten. Such people go to bed late and wake up early. They take on a hundred things at once, but since everything quickly gets boring, they rarely finish anything. They constantly need to run for something, go somewhere, help someone, call, promise, remember the promise but not keep it. They disappear for days, eat little, a lot of people are involved in their “activity” - everyone is looking for them and rarely can find them, eternal financial debts, unpredictable sexual encounters (they can’t date one person for a long time - it gets boring quickly). Such people don’t say, “What’s new? “Yes, everything is as before.” For them, so many events happen in a week that others would not experience in a year.
In general, these are interesting people, everyone is drawn to them, they are the “life of the party”, possessing an excellent command of words and a sense of humor.

Distimik(in psychiatric terminology, a subdepressive person, and in everyday terminology, a pessimist).

If you try to express in one phrase what such a person says, it will sound: “Everything is bad.” If some event can be interpreted in two ways, both from the good and the bad side, a pessimist will definitely find only a negative connotation in it. (“It’s raining, does that mean there will be a good harvest? No, everything will be flooded with water and nothing will grow”). If something can only be interpreted as good (my daughter finally entered university), a pessimist again interprets it only as bad (“what will they teach her there - just drink and smoke?”). If a pessimist has a great family, then for him this may mean “I’m bothering them all, I’m taking up so much of their time, they’re spending so much money on me”), if it’s an excellent job, then “well, it was broadcast on the radio that the miners are on strike, that means school teachers, including me, will be laid off, and the money will be given to the miners”). A pessimist is in a constant feeling and expectation of unhappiness, and the interpretation of everything that happens is based on this expectation.
These are very difficult people for those around them, especially for close relatives who are forced to endure the black energy of depression. It is almost impossible to convince such a person of anything. In severe cases, an attempt to persuade is interpreted as a “confirmation” of the fact that “I am a superfluous person” and real, and not demonstrative (like a hysteric) suicide is just around the corner.
Affectively labile temperament

This is the so-called cycloid.

Cycloids are characterized by alternating “fast” psychological phases (hypomaniacal) and depressive (“pessimistic”) phases.
For most of us, it is natural to alternate between good and bad moods, depression and optimism, happiness and unhappiness. The difference between cycloids and all others is that, firstly, these poles are clearly expressed, and secondly, they have clearly defined boundaries.

Exalted type

Close to hysteroid. Less artistry, more impressionability and emotional extremes. They say about such people - “either from happiness in seventh heaven, or severe grief.” There is no middle ground. Extremely naive. They perceive everything with wide open eyes, “Oh, this is so unusual and interesting!!! Fantastic!!!". They believe in UFOs and “boomers,” and “melt” from compliments, taking them “at face value.” They remain little children all their lives.

Anxious (fearful) individuals

In childhood, people of this orientation tend to be afraid of something all the time - dogs, teachers, older children, the dark, thunderstorms. Peers quickly recognize them and turn them into objects of ridicule and bullying.
For adults, the picture is somewhat different - fear fades into the background, and indecision, self-doubt, timidity, and humility come to the fore. They are not able to defend their position in a dispute, they are not able to be persistent. They have a developed “inferiority complex.” They worry about others and themselves, and are concerned about their health.
Among such people greatest number hypochondriacs - it seems to them that they are sick with some hidden illness that no one can identify.

Emotive Personalities

What psychological type are you? This is probably the question that a psychologist or psychotherapist will ask you if you come to see him.
What will he do next? It depends on his specialization. What I will now describe in no way pretends to be a comprehensive and detailed presentation of the methods of psychotherapy. The goal is to show that psychotherapy is not just “close your eyes... you feel good... open your eyes... you're healthy”, but something more extensive and interesting.

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