Weather in Vietnam throughout the year. Weather in Vietnam throughout the year The hottest month in Vietnam

Vietnam is a country with a diverse landscape. It is washed by the South China Sea, which extends for 3,000 kilometers.

A huge number of different cultural monuments and historical values, some of them are even included in the lists of world historical and cultural heritage, are in Vietnam. There are also excellent waterfalls and rivers, lakes and primeval forests, stunning beaches with the purest white sand and crystal clear sea ​​water.

Climate and recreation at Vietnamese resorts

South Vietnam with the flowing Mekong River and the lands in its basin, in the form of the country's largest breadbasket, is not of great interest for tourism. The country's territory is mainly occupied by vegetable gardens, rice fields and orchards. There are not many tourist places here, only Ho Chi Minh City– for entertainment and shopping, where you can spend time sightseeing and traveling through the hidden holes of Vietnamese soldiers and the Mekong Delta.

In the Hoa Binh province of Vietnam there is a beautiful valley called Vinh Tien, which is a healing balneological resort with hot mineral springs.

Northern Vietnam, which is located on the border with China, starts from the mountains on the border itself and ends bacbo bay. The most the best place for relaxation is Ha Long Bay, which contains 1,600 islands with caves and scenic spots.

In the south of Vietnam in winter it is very hot, somewhere around +25 ° C, in the north at the same time it will be ten degrees colder. In December and January – the most low temperatures, which reach +1°С. It is best to relax in the south of Vietnam, where the temperature is not lower than +20°C, and in April it reaches the highest high temperature+37°С. From May to October there is a huge amount of precipitation ranging from 1000-2700 millimeters. In winter in the south of the country the probability rainy weather much less than in the north. The time for typhoons occurs at the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Resorts in Vietnam are mainly famous for their numerous beaches and warm, crystal clear sea.

A beautiful country with healing resorts, where you can relax with your family and friends. In the beach capital of Nha Trang, you can have a great time, noisy and fun, or calm and quiet - depending on everyone. Cote d'Azur with white sandy beaches, tropical islands and green hills. Mud baths, first-class spa treatments and diving. In the middle of the city center there are ancient Cham towers, which many centuries ago added their own unique touch to the general mood of Nha Trang fun.

Weather in January. average temperature air temperature is +15°С and this is in Hanoi, and in the mountainous Shapa +3°С…+5°С. The water temperature in the South China Sea reaches +15°C...+18°C, since January is a transition month from the wet season to the dry season.

The price of tours at this time will range from 25,000 rubles to 55,000 rubles, depending on the chosen vacation.

Weather in February. The air temperature in northern Vietnam is +10°C. The amount of precipitation is small, about 50-60 mm. February is considered the dry season, and by the end of February the air warms up to +27°C. In southern Vietnam from +18°C to +32°C. On average in Vietnam the thermometer shows +20°С…+25°С.

Water temperature +16°С…+19°С in northern Vietnam. In the south +25°С…+28°С. On average - +20°С…+23°С. The winds at this time are weak and will allow you to sunbathe properly on the beach.

The price of tours at this time depends on the level of the hotel and vacation from 30,000 to 55,000 rubles.

Vietnam in spring

Weather in March. This month is warm and clear, with dry, hot days very often. The air temperature in March is +23°C...+28°C in central Vietnam, +17°C in northern Vietnam, as the dry season begins, because there is practically no rain. In the south of the country +32°C.

On Cat Ba Island and Halong Bay, the beach season begins by the end of the month; the water temperature is +22°C. The air warms up to +22°С…+26°С. In central Vietnam, the sea water temperature reaches +24°С ... +25°С. In the south of the country there is practically no rain, and the sea temperature is +27°С…+29°С. The price of tours will depend on the level of vacation you choose and vary from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Weather in April. This last month dry season, so almost all resort towns are very hot. Due to the wet season, the air temperature in the north of the country reaches +23°C. In the south of the country +23°С…+28°С is stable and there is very little rain. In the middle part it is +25°С…+30°С and the minimum amount of water falls.

April is the beginning of the swimming season in Vietnam, the water temperature is +23°C in Halong Bay. The weather becomes more stable, the air warms up to +28°C. In the south the sea heats up to +25°С…+28°С. In the middle zone it is about +25°С. There is very little rain in the middle part of the country at this time.

The price of tours will rise slightly as the “high season” begins. A trip for two will cost about 30,000-70,000 rubles based on seven days.

Weather in May. May in Vietnam is the beginning of the wet season, but in the very center it is quite dry. Towards the end of the month, the amount of precipitation usually increases, as everything depends on weather conditions. The air temperature in Ha Long Bay is +25°С…+33°С. Sunny and pleasant weather in the southern part of the country is +25°C...+35°C, and in the middle zone +30°C.

The water temperature in Halong Bay is +26°C. In the southern part +27°С. Sea water in central Vietnam is +27°C. The number of days with rain is about 15.

The price of tours will rise due to the flow of tourists, so it is better to book a hotel or hotel in advance. A trip for two will cost on average from 35,000 to 85,000 rubles, depending on the level of relaxation.

More information about weather and prices in Vietnam in May.

Vietnam in summer

Weather in June. June is considered a hot and at the same time humid month and the air temperature in the northern provinces is +28°C...+32°C. Hot and even stuffy weather. Different regions of the country have completely different air temperatures. In contrast to the location of the area, the air warms up on average from +28°С…+32°С. The light rain season has begun and precipitation reaches approximately 300 mm. In average Vietnam, clear and hot days are +26°С… +31°С. In the southern region +27°С…+30°С.

The water temperature in the middle region is +29°C, in the southern region from +27°C to +30°C.

The price of tours will be more relaxed than in previous months, and you can relax for a week together for 100,000 rubles.

Weather in July. The air temperature in summer warms up to maximum temperature+32°С. But thanks to the high humidity, you hardly feel the sultry heat.

The water temperature warms up from +27°C to +30°C, depending on the region.

The price of tours will remain the same and a trip for two will cost 55,000–100,000 rubles, depending on the vacation you choose.

Weather in August. It is a hot month and there are short but heavy rains. At this time, Phu Quoc Island is considered the most unvisited tourist destination. It rains there very often - more than 20 days a month. The average air temperature is +25°С…+32°С. In Nyanchag there is minimal rainfall and this month the air warms up to +24°C...+30°C, sea water up to +28°C. The water temperature in the salt sea is on average +29°C.

The price of tours will range from 55,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles for two, depending on the level of the selected hotel.

Vietnam in autumn

Weather in September. Very hot and humid season. Only in the northern part of the country is the level of precipitation gradually decreasing. In the south there is a lot of rain, but, in general, it is short and practically does not interfere with vacationers. The average air temperature is +23°C. Hanoi and surrounding provinces are becoming a couple of degrees warmer. The rainy season is also subsiding here. Water temperature in the Ha Long area is +26°С…+29°С. The air warms up to +25°С…+30°С.

The price of tours at this time will drop slightly, and a trip for two will cost from 55,000 to 90,000 rubles.

Weather in October. This month is very hot and the wet season ends. The middle part of the country experiences hurricanes, storms and floods. The average air temperature reaches +23°С…+28°С in the northern region. The average air temperature is +26°C during the day.

The water temperature is +26°C, the sea stabilizes and maintains its temperature for a long time.

The price of tours will decrease due to the small flow of tourists and a married couple will be able to purchase a seven-day tour for 60,000 rubles if they relax modestly.

Vietnam in October.

Weather in November. The air temperature is becoming more autumnal, the weather is approaching winter, there are typhoons in the central part of Vietnam, and a hot and dry season in the south. In the northern region it sometimes rains, but most of the time the weather is clear. The average air temperature is +15°С…+22°С, swimming in the sea is no longer possible, the beach season is closed.

Water temperature +23°C, depending on rainfall and air temperature.

The price of tours for each operator can be different and a seven-day trip for two can cost from 50,000 to 90,000 rubles.

More information about weather, temperature and prices in Vietnam in November.

Vietnam weather and prices by month for 2019

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
January+15 +7 +15 from 25,000 rub.
February+18 +10 +19 from 30,000 rub.
March+18 +11 +22 from 30,000 rub.
April+23 +13 +23 from 30,000 rub.
May+25 +15 +26 from 35,000 rub.
June+29 +21 +27 from 100,000 rub.
July+32 +23 +27 from 55,000 rub.
August+29 +23 +29 from 55,000 rub.
September+25 +20 +26 from 55,000 rub.
October+26 +19 +26 from 60,000 rub.
November+19 +14 +23 from 50,000 rub.
December+17 +10 +20 from 55,000 rub.

Are you planning a holiday in Vietnam?

Thanks to this article, you will choose the most suitable resort in any month of the year, and you will also know what time of year it is better to avoid visiting Vietnam.

We will tell you:

  • What will the weather be like in Vietnam by month: a detailed table with water and air temperatures.
  • We will describe in detail the weather conditions in each specific month: when is the rainy season and when is the typhoon season.
  • Which Vietnamese resort to choose depending on the season.

You can swim in the resorts of Vietnam all year round.

Let's take a look at the weather conditions here at different times of the year:

MonthTemperatureTour prices
January24...30°C / 22...26°C24°Cfrom 93,000 ₽
February25...31°C / 22...27°C25°Cfrom 107,000 ₽
March26...32°C / 24...28°C27°Cfrom 93,000 ₽
April27...33°C / 25...29°C28°Cfrom 78,000 ₽
May29...32°C / 25...28°C29°Cfrom 82,000 ₽
June30...33°C / 25...27°C29°Cfrom 80,000 ₽
July30...33°C / 25...27°C29°Cfrom 77,000 ₽
August30...32°C / 25...27°C28°Cfrom 75,000 ₽
September28...30°C / 23...25°C28°Cfrom 73,000 ₽
October26...28°C / 19...24°C26°Cfrom 70,000 ₽
November27...30°C / 23...25°C27°Cfrom 81,000 ₽
December24...30°C / 22...26°C24°Cfrom 98,000 ₽

However, it is worth considering that temperature is only one of the criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing a resort for your holiday. Rain, wind and cloudy days can ruin your holiday even in the most expensive hotels.

3 important tips!

  • The best time for a holiday is from November to April, and winter is considered the hottest season.
  • But in the summer there is a rainy season and high humidity, but the cost of tours is significantly reduced, and you can buy a ticket “for pennies.”
  • It is also worth considering the typhoon season, which lasts from late summer to October. At this time, you should be very careful when choosing a resort.

Vietnam stretches for 2000 km along the coast, and therefore the whole country is divided into 3 climatic zones - Southern, Central and Northern.

In this regard, even in the rainy season, throughout Vietnam you can find a suitable resort for relaxation, and even more than one!

Read on to learn more about what the weather is like in each specific month, as well as where it is best to relax at this time.

Weather in Vietnam in winter

Winter in Vietnam is the hottest season!

The climate becomes dry and comfortable, the sea is warm, and the desire to meet New Year in an exotic place in a swimsuit is growing every year.

Winter is also a good time to go on excursions.

In winter, the air and water temperatures in different parts of the country differ significantly. Therefore, you should take the choice of a resort very seriously and study the climatic conditions.

  • In winter it is worth choosing resorts in the southern part of the country: the air temperature here is +25...+28°C, the sea is well warmed up to +25°C, and there is practically no precipitation. All this creates ideal conditions for a beach holiday. We advise you to choose resorts from December to February - on the islands of Con Dao and Phu Quoc, as well as Phan Thiet and Mui Ne. But in the most popular resort among Russian tourists, Nha Trang, at this time it is windy and damp, and the temperature is slightly below +23...+25°C. However, prices here are lower.
  • North of Vietnam not at all suitable for relaxation, too cold and strong winds. The temperature drops to +13...15°С, and in the mountains there may even be snow and +2°С.
  • In the central part The country has too choppy seas and strong waves, so swimming is not allowed. In addition, it rains often.

The south of the country is ideal for a winter holiday. We recommend choosing the resorts of Con Dao, Phu Quoc, Phan Thiet or Mui Ne.

Vietnam in December

Which resort should you choose?

  • Phu Quoc is famous for its beautiful beaches and developed infrastructure. Water sports enthusiasts will be interested here; the place is perfect for surfing. Sunny weather and lack of precipitation make this place ideal for relaxation.
  • Phan Thiet is the hottest place in December! This is the best time to visit this resort; at this time, the air temperature is +33°C, the water temperature is +25°C, there is no precipitation.
  • Ho Chi Minh City is a large metropolis with warm sunny weather and a large number of shopping centers and entertainment.
  • In Nha Trang the temperature is lower, but the holiday will be more budget-friendly. Lots of entertainment will not let you get bored. There is little precipitation, most often occurring in the afternoon.

Vietnam in January

A huge number of tourists come here in January to celebrate the New Year; at this time, New Year festivals take place and a festive atmosphere reigns at all resorts.

Which resort should you choose?

  • The resorts of Phu Quoc and Phan Thiet will delight you with sunny weather, lack of precipitation and wind. You can go to wild picturesque beaches and enjoy nature.
  • Vung Tau - it is very warm here up to + 31C, but windy
  • Ho Chi Minh City is quite hot here, but there is no sea here, the resort is not suitable for a beach holiday. Rather, it will be of interest to lovers of shopping and entertainment.
  • In the resort of Nha Trang, precipitation has stopped, but the temperature is still lower than in other resorts
  • In Hanoi, it is cloudy and cool, the temperature here is only +13...+19°C, there is no precipitation. People come here to see the sights.

Vietnam in February

The driest month throughout the country. In February they celebrate the founding of the Communist Party, so this is a great opportunity to check out the local festivals.

Which resort should you choose?

  • The resorts of Phu Quoc and Phan Thiet still occupy leading positions, but holidays here are usually more expensive. Hotels here different levels, there are also comfortable bungalows.
  • At the Nha Trang resort, the air and water are already quite warm, so February is the best time to relax here. A developed infrastructure, a large number of entertainments and excursions make a holiday here interesting. A great place to relax with children.
  • In Hanoi it also warms up to +20°C during the day

Weather in Vietnam in spring

Southern resorts remain the most popular in the spring.

There are comfortable conditions here, warm sea and no rain. You can sunbathe and swim all day, go diving or surfing, and in the evening go for a walk around the city and taste local delicacies.

It is also becoming warmer in the central resorts of the country. At the beginning of spring, southern resorts are better suited for a beach holiday, but starting in April you can swim in the North - the sea will already be well warmed up.

If the intense heat in the Southern resorts is too tiring for you, go to the North - in April there are festivals with boat races and colorful processions. The beginning of spring is a great time for excursions.

Vietnam in March

March is also peak season! Tropical heat sets in in the southern and central regions of the country. A great time for beach and sports holidays, as well as for families with children.

Which resort should you choose?

  • Phu Quoc Island - it is very hot here during the day +32˚C, and warm at night +22˚C. Famous for its clean and comfortable beaches. The resort is quite young, so there are no large shopping and entertainment centers here; a nightlife lover will be bored here. But here there is National Park and Pearl Farm.
  • Phan Thiet - here the best developed infrastructure and hotels with a European level of service. The beach stretches for 22 km and is the largest in the country. The temperature rises to +34C
  • In Nha Trang at this time you can have a great rest - during the day the air warms up to +30˚C, at night the temperature is +21˚C, the water is heated to +25˚C.
  • On the exotic Cat Ba Island and in the picturesque Halong Bay, the beach season begins at the end of the month, the water warms up to 22C

At the end of the month, be sure to visit Halong Bay - there are more than 3,000 picturesque islands!

Vietnam in April

In April, you can swim not only in the south, but also in the north of the country, which means the choice of resorts expands significantly! In addition, you can enjoy beach and water sports, diving and surfing. There is very little rain and most often it falls at night, so it does not interfere with relaxation on the beach at all. This is the last month of the dry season.

In April, Victory Day is celebrated in Vietnam - we recommend that you definitely attend this colorful event!

Which resort should you choose?

  • Phu Quoc Island is suitable for lovers of quality and relaxing holidays
  • Ho Chi Minh City and Phan Thiet are hot, with an average daytime temperature of +35C. It's worth considering this if you don't like extreme heat.
  • Nha Trang remains one of the most popular destinations in April. It's not so hot here, and prices are lower. Big choice hotels and entertainment programs will make the holiday interesting for both young people and families with children. In addition, the resort is located in a picturesque bay, there are diving centers and you can go windsurfing.
  • You can safely go shopping or excursions to the capital of Vietnam - the city of Hanoi, during the day it is + 27C, and at night + 22C

Vietnam in May

The wet season begins in the south. But in the center the peak of the dry season will come. If you have planned excursions, don't be afraid of the rain! They won’t bother you at all, because they usually go at night, and during the day no more than an hour.

Which resort should you choose?

  • The Nha Trang resort has beautiful weather +32°C during the day and almost no precipitation
  • It's still warm in Fukuoka, but the showers are a little dampening the holiday. It's getting too humid
  • Hanoi is hot at +31°C during the day and +25°C at night

Summer is low season in Vietnam, the influx of tourists decreases significantly.

And all because this period marks the peak of the wet season.

  • In the South and North of the country It rains constantly even during the day, there is very high humidity and stuffy.
  • In the central part more comfortable conditions, it’s dry there, there’s no precipitation at all, and the evenings are cool. The air temperature is +30C during the day, and the water is heated to + 28C.

At the end of August, tropical downpours reach the central regions of the country and last at least 2 hours a day.

At the end of summer, typhoon season begins, which pose a real threat to life! The safest place at this time is in the south of the country, but the central part is most susceptible to destruction. It is best to avoid traveling altogether and wait out the typhoon season at home.

Vietnam in June

It is most comfortable to relax at this time in the central regions of the country; there is almost no precipitation here. The weather is warm, although the difference between day and night temperatures is already becoming noticeable.

At this time, Vietnam celebrates the “Hi Zha Zha” holiday, during which sacrifices are made to the spirits, and you can also watch the bull races. It is worth noting that Asian culture and religion are very different from European ones and can sometimes seem cruel.

Which resort should you choose?

  • Da Nang - a feature of the resort is that there is a port part of the city, where there are many shops and shopping centers, but the water is dirty for swimming. And there is a clean and quiet area for beach recreation, which is separated from the city port by the Han River.
  • Nha Trang is one of the most popular holiday destinations, there is a beautiful picturesque bay and excellent equipped beaches
  • Hue - here you can not only relax on the beach, but also take excursions
  • Hoi An is a museum town where ancient houses and temples have been preserved

Vietnam in July

July is the last opportunity to enjoy a vacation without heavy rains and dangerous typhoons. Daytime temperatures at this time of year reach their maximum. Choose resorts in the central part of the country.

Which resort should you choose?

  • Da Nang is perfect for a quiet and relaxing holiday.
  • Nha Trang is located in one of the most picturesque bays in the world, there are hotels of different levels, comfortable beaches and a lot of entertainment. Suitable for both youth recreation and recreation with children.
  • Hue is beautiful beach holiday and interesting excursions. The city is divided into two parts - the old one, in which many buildings and the fortress wall have been preserved, and the new one - where the infrastructure is well developed, there are many hotels and restaurants.
  • Hoi An has a gorgeous beach, and you can also see rice fields and ancient Chinese-style temples

Vietnam in August

Heavy tropical downpours are now covering the entire country, and the hot and humid climate making the conditions for relaxation no longer comfortable. In addition, at the end of summer the typhoon season begins, which is extremely dangerous for life; at this time, the south of the country is considered the safest place.

Which resort should you choose?

  • Da Nang and Hue should not be chosen for a holiday in August, they are the ones that are primarily hit by typhoons
  • Phu Quoc is also not suitable for relaxation at this time, the rains here do not stop
  • There is much less rain and hot weather in Nha Trang
  • In the capital Hanoi you will find many excursions and activities

Capricious autumn is the most unfavorable time for a holiday in this Asian country.

Strong winds and heavy rains, high waves, floods and typhoons... We advise you to think carefully before going on vacation in the fall. Better yet, postpone your trip until winter!

In the southern and central regions it rains every day, but in the north of the country they are beginning to gradually recede. In all regions it is hot up to +30°C and very humid. In November, temperatures drop noticeably and beach holidays are possible only in the south of the country.

If you do go on vacation, choose the safest and quietest areas. The colorful Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam is definitely worth a visit!

Vietnam in September

In the northern resorts, the rainy season is ending, intermittent rain continues in the south, but in the center there are heavy downpours, hurricanes and floods are possible.

Which resort should you choose?

  • In Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and Nha Trang during the day +32...+33°С, at night +24°С, sea water +27°С.
  • In Ha Long during the day +25...+30°С
  • Hanoi is warm up to +25°C and there is no precipitation

Vietnam in October

October is considered the most unfavorable month to visit the country. The weather is deteriorating significantly, it is becoming cooler in all regions, there are heavy downpours every day, there are often storms at sea, which can lead to flooding of some areas, and raging typhoons pose a real danger. In Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An this is the most wet month, humidity reaches a maximum level of up to 80%

  • Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, a fairly developed resort
  • Halong is a picturesque bay with several hundred islands and budget holidays in 2-3* hotels
  • Sapa - here you can see waterfalls, rice fields and mountains.

Vietnam in November

The weather in the north of Vietnam is dry and clear, although it is quite cool - during the day it is only +15...+20°C. Typhoons continue in the center. It is best to go to the south of the country - in Nha Trang it is cloudy, but warm and the sea is muddy. On the island of Fukuoka the sea is calm +27°C, clear during the day +32°C, at night +23°C.

Which resort should you choose?

  • Phu Quoc - the island has excellent white sand beaches and a rich entertainment program
  • Phan Thiet - there is no nightlife here, the holiday will be quiet and relaxing
  • In Nha Trang, here you can not only relax on the beach and go on excursions, but also improve your body health in spa centers

Climate and weather in Vietnam by month

In the middle of winter, the weather in Vietnam is quite suitable for a resort holiday, although temperature indicators January the lowest of the year: during the day +23...+28 °C, and sea water is heated only to +23...+24 °C.

In February relax comfortably on the islands and south coast Vietnam, enjoying the beaches and sea. On the island of Phu Quoc during the day it is about +31 °C, at night it is fresh, +21 °C.

At the beginning of spring, Vietnam experiences wonderful weather. On March the peak of the dry, but not yet hot season; A in April Halong joins the resort destinations. The water temperature in Vietnam resorts rises from 26 °C in March to 29 °C in May.

In June The weather in Vietnam is no longer as comfortable as in spring. For travel, it is better to choose routes in the central regions of the country and the southeast, where at +34 °C the breezes are a little refreshing. It is worth considering that most of the country is humid and stuffy.

Due to high humidity in Vietnam in July and August The heat is hard to bear, and heavy rains are added to the unfavorable factors - the country is in the midst of the rainy season.

September- rainy month in all regions of Vietnam. During the day on the coast it is +32…+33 °С, on the islands it is about +30 °С, at night it is about +23…+25 °С.

In October the heat subsides, the winds increase and the likelihood of typhoons arises. In the central regions, it rains almost every day; about 250 mm of precipitation falls per month.

In November The weather in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City is unpredictable in terms of sudden precipitation. It is much more comfortable to stay in Nha Trang and Phan Thiet at this time, where it is almost always sunny and very warm, about +26...+32 °C during the day.

December The weather in Nha Trang is rainy, and at this time the main resort of the country is Phan Thiet, especially Mui Ne, where it is +33 °C during the day, +22 °C at night, and it rarely rains at the beginning of winter.

IN last years Russians are increasingly choosing Asian countries for their holidays. Vietnam may be your ideal vacation destination, but when planning your trip, you also need to consider the weather at the time of your stay. Temperature, humidity and rainfall may vary depending on the time of year and province.

Resorts in Vietnam stretch from its northern to southern parts, so the weather can vary greatly at the same time. If you are going on a trip to Vietnam, it is better to look at the air and water temperatures in advance, as well as the amount of precipitation in Vietnam by month.

Climate of Vietnam

The country can be divided into – South, North, Central Coast and Central Coast Vietnam. Each has its own climate characteristics.

Northern part

In the North there are subtropics, which promises high levels of humidity and significant precipitation in the summer and relatively cool weather due to the wind in the winter. The first two months of the year in the northern provinces there is usually light rain, but from mid-summer to the end of September there are real tropical downpours - strong and prolonged.

Note! During the period from mid-summer to early September, 4/5 of the annual precipitation falls.

If you are not prepared for cool weather during your winter holiday, then it is better to avoid visiting the northern provinces. At the very beginning of the year, on the plains the temperature still reaches 20°, and in the mountains it can be below 0°.

Interesting fact! At the beginning of 2016, all news feeds were covered by the message that there was snowfall in the north of the country - about 10 centimeters of precipitation in the provinces of Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Lai Chau, Lang Son.

Hanoi and its surrounding areas are worth visiting either in spring or autumn.

Central Vietnam

The center is located in the tropical climatic zone. Largest quantity rains - in October and November, which is more typical for the foothills. In winter, the temperature stays at around 20°. Here is the resort of Dalat, called by its admirers “Vietnamese Switzerland” for its comfortable climate and fresh air, saturated with the smell of flowers and pine needles. IN summer months It’s not particularly hot here either, the thermometer confidently stays at 20-24°.


The weather in the south is pleasant all 12 months, which is explained by the influence of the subequatorial climate. The difference between winter and summer is the slight difference in temperature. It rains in the summer, capturing the off-season, but not constantly, but only a couple of hours a day. Due to the warm climate, moisture immediately evaporates. October in the south marks the beginning of the dry season. In winter, this part of the country is an ideal holiday destination.

Seasons in Vietnam

Nature and attractions can delight tourists all year round, but it is necessary to carefully consider places and times for relaxation in order to avoid unpleasant embarrassments with the weather.

Hot season in Vietnam

The beginning of the period is December, the end is in spring. This time is also called the “high” season; it is ideal for beach holidays and swimming. That is why during the New Year holidays many Russians and Europeans prefer to leave their native snow-covered expanses and go towards the sea waves and white sand. Tourists usually flock to resorts in the south, where temperatures reach 30°.

Rain season

The amount of precipitation, as already mentioned, is directly related to zonation. If in the north and south it rains mainly from April to November, then in the center - from December to April. The following features are typical for the rainy season:

  • high humidity;
  • short-term daily precipitation;
  • gusty wind.

The south at this time maintains a temperature maximum of 27°, with more cloudy and cool days.

On a note! The shortest rainy season is on the island of Phu Quoc; tourists vacation there almost all year round.

The center is characterized by colder weather -15-20°; due to the high level of humidity, things do not dry out. Swimming during this period is not recommended, as it is very big waves; Red flags are hung on the beaches, warning of the dangers of being in the water.

Note! The wet season in the central part is the time of typhoons. They usually occur in November-December. The beaches are a little dirty, as the sea brings garbage during high tides, it is constantly stormy, and the waves grow in height. During these months there are no excursions to the islands or fishing.

The north experiences a wet season, as already mentioned, from April to November. The thermometer ranges from +10° to +20°.

Cool season

In the southeast, the so-called “cool” season is considered to be the period from December to March. At this time you can see many surfers on the coast. They flock here to ride the waves off the east coast. It is also convenient to learn how to stand on the board (there are no obstacles in the form of reefs and rocks).

Rainfall in Vietnam by month and region

Nha Trang

Phu Quoc

Weather in Vietnam by month - weather table

Weather in Vietnam by month
Month Hanoi (North) Da Nang (Center) Saigon (South)
Tempo (C) Precipitation (mm) Temp(C) Precipitation (mm) Tempo (C) Precipitation (mm)
January 17 18 22 101 27 15
February 18 28 22 31 28 4
March 20 38 24 12 29 13
April 24 81 27 18 30 42
May 28 197 29 47 29 221
June 30 238 30 42 29 331
July 30 322 30 99 28 314
August 29 343 28 117 28 268
September 28 252 26 447 27 334
October 26 98 24 530 27 268
November 22 42 22 221 27 114
December 19 21 21 208 27 56

Weather in Vietnam from November to March

Now let's talk in more detail about the characteristics of the climate in winter in different regions of the country.

Weather in November

In the last autumn month In the north there are light rains, but they are sometimes replaced by clear weather. The average temperature in this area is 20°, the water warms up to 22-23°. In some northern provinces, tourists even swim (this mostly applies to Ha Tinh and Nghe An), but it is most comfortable during this period sightseeing tourism– Vacationers can fully enjoy the beauty of Ha Long Bay.

The high season begins in the south of the country, but it can sometimes be overshadowed by typhoons coming from the coast of the Philippines. The average precipitation in November is 50 mm, humidity can reach 74%. Light rains occur 3-5 days a month. The air temperature is about 20-25°, the maximum temperature is –35°.

And the center is at the mercy of typhoons. Up to 600 mm of precipitation falls in mountainous area- even more. The water and air temperature is 24-25°. The water is quite muddy and there are often waves.

Weather in December

In the north of the country, the temperature is fixed at 15-20°, in mountainous areas – slightly lower. There is little rain here in December.

The wet season continues in the central part. The average rainfall here in December is 300 mm. The greatest amount of rain occurs at the beginning of the month. The thermometer stays at 21-26°, the water is also warm – about 24°.

The southern part of the country is an ideal place for a holiday in December. The dry season is coming into its own. The maximum air temperature is 27°, water is 25°.

Weather in January

For the northern provinces, the month is considered the coldest. The sea is quite cold, and there are frosts in the mountains. Temperatures can reach 15°; in the mountains it drops another 5-10 degrees. Here November is considered to be the high season months.

In the south it is quite warm, during the day the temperature rises to 30°, the water - up to 26°. Air humidity can reach 73%. January is considered one of the sunniest months of the year. The south is great for celebrating the New Year.

In the central provinces, November is the so-called off-season period. Average precipitation is 200 mm. The water temperature remains at 24, the air temperature at 25.

Weather in February

The north comes to life a little, the temperature begins to rise noticeably. The amount of precipitation decreases to 60 mm. At the end of the month, the temperature can already reach 27°, sometimes a cold front can come and lower it by 7-10 degrees.

The central part is subject to the influence of the dry season, as a result, minimal rainfall and warm weather. Temperature values ​​– 20-25°, water – 24°.

In the south in February it is very warm and there is little rain. On the coast the maximum temperature is 32°, in the foothills it is 10-12 degrees lower. The water warms up to 26°.

Weather in March

By the end of the month, warming sets in in the north, there is little rain (no more than 60 mm), there are only 2 or 3 cloudy days in March. The average temperature is 20°. During this period, tourists usually engage in trekking in suitable terrain.

It is warm in the center, precipitation is within 100 mm, the period is characterized by short rains. The thermometer stays at 27°, water temperatures are slightly lower.

The south of Vietnam is still experiencing high season. The sea is even warmer than on land, by 2-3 degrees (30° and 27°, respectively). The time is perfect for sunbathing.

Weather in Vietnam from April to October

What is the weather like in the country in the off-season and summer months?

Weather in April

In the north of the country, precipitation is reduced to a minimum, temperatures range from 24 to 30°. It begins to rain in the provinces bordering China.

The central region is also dry and warm. The amount of precipitation is 30-50 mm. Temperature indicators of water and air are about 25-28°. April is a great time to visit national parks as there is no risk of getting wet.

The southern provinces are also quite dry. The water is very warm - up to 28°, air temperature - up to 23°. Overall, a great time to vacation in the south.

Weather in May

The wet season is coming to the north. Throughout May, the amount of rain gradually increases, it is equal to 200 mm. Sunny and rainy days divide the power in half. The temperature reaches 31°, quite hot. In the first half of May the weather is quite comfortable for relaxation.

Last spring month is the highest point of the dry season in the center. It is hot and very sunny here, it rains extremely rarely. The temperature is in the range of 26-31°, the water temperature is 27°.

In the southern provinces there is a wet season. The amount of precipitation increases sharply and humidity rises to 80%. The thermometer shows 25-35°, the water warms up to 27 degrees.

Weather in June

The northern part of the country has been experiencing the low season for the second month. There are more rainy and cloudy days than sunny days. The amount of precipitation reaches 250 mm, which is not much compared to the other two months, but a beach holiday is no longer comfortable. Temperatures reach values ​​up to 32°.

The central provinces are still in the dry season, hot and sunny. There is little rain, no more than 100 mm. Beach season is in full swing.

June in the south is considered the rainiest month, with precipitation reaching 340 mm. Air and water temperature – 27-30°.

Weather in July

In the northern part there is a large amount of rain, about 350 mm. However, the number of sunny and cloudy days is equal. The air temperature is maximum compared to the average values ​​of other months and reaches 33°. There is high humidity.

It is also hot in the central regions, the air temperature remains at maximum levels. The water warms up to 27-28°. There is little precipitation - only 110 mm, usually short-term rains.

In the southern provinces, July is the middle of the rainy season with precipitation levels of 300 mm. The temperature is several degrees lower than in the center and north.

Weather in August

The dry season has already arrived in some northern regions, but there are still heavy rains at the end of summer. The precipitation level remains at around 400 mm. There are more cloudy days than clear and sunny days. The air temperature can reach 30°.

In the center of the country there is also a transition period between the high and low seasons. It rains infrequently, the air and water warm up to 28-29°.

For southern regions August is the peak of the wet season. The amount of precipitation per month is 250 mm. The water temperature is 28°.

Weather in September

Throughout the country, the thermometer shows approximately the same values ​​– 31-33°; in mountainous areas it is 5-7 degrees less. The sea warms up to 30 degrees.

The amount of precipitation depends on the region: in the northern provinces the wet season is coming to an end, and in the southern provinces it is at its peak; in the central part it is just beginning. The central part may be affected by typhoons.

Weather in October

The weather in the north is quite conducive to relaxation; compared to September, the amount of precipitation is halved. The temperature is fixed at 24-27 degrees.

It is cloudy and raining in the central provinces. Humidity is about 80%, precipitation is 600 mm. Air and water warm up to 28-28 degrees. The surf is very strong in October.

The south is still under cyclone control and is hot and rainy. The average temperature is 29-30°. Storms are quite rare, so southern regions in October can be an excellent option for a vacation.

Weather in Vietnam now

IN different parts The weather in Vietnam can be very different and thanks to online informers you can quickly find out what the weather will be like in a particular region at the moment.

Well, have you decided?

Vietnam today is a very attractive holiday destination. However, before booking plane tickets and hotel reservations, be sure to look at the calendar and choose the right destination for your trip. Then your vacation will not be spoiled by cloudy days and tropical rains, but will be more fruitful.

A country you can visit at any time of the year. If you want to spend time on the beach or traveling around the country, choose north or south depending on the season - and you will get the vacation you are looking for.

Features of the climate in the regions of the country

Conditionally climate map The country can be divided into three zones: southern, northern and eastern.

North characterizes a subtropical climate under the rule of monsoons. The rainy season begins at the end of April and ends by the beginning of October.

Summer here is extremely rainy, but hot, and in winter it is damp and also cool. In the mountains at this time there are frosts, and sometimes snow falls.

central District is also affected by the monsoons. January here is considered quite cool, but the temperature plus twenty degrees It is unlikely to frighten tourists from Russia, who know very well the value of real winter. October and November are the peak of the rainy season in the center of the country, and its time frame is from late July to January.

Southern climate Vietnam - tropical, soft. Northern winds do not penetrate here, the temperature is very even throughout all seasons. In the Mekong Delta it average is 26 degrees.

Best time to relax

Vietnam – hospitable state with exotic nature and numerous man-made ones.

The beginning of the best time Visits for tourists occur in winter: you can swim and sunbathe. The peak season is from December to early April.

May – end of October due to high rainfall not so popular, but they are attracted by lower prices for services, and this “plus” can seriously change the picture of popularity.

You can visit the country as a tourist at any time of the year; it is only important to choose the route wisely so that the weather conditions of a particular region do not disrupt your plans.

Rain season

Rainy season in Vietnam lasts up to six months, but never passes simultaneously throughout the entire country. This allows tourists to choose those resorts where they will not need an umbrella or a raincoat.

By the way, even the rains aren't that bad, as it seems. For example, at the most popular resorts in the south they do not overshadow your holiday: they run mainly at night, and during the day they are very short - half an hour to forty minutes. This time can be spent in a cafe or in a hotel. And you won’t have to sit for long - the heat and sun will replace the refreshing downpour.

The only “but”: in the center and north of Vietnam the weather is dominated by monsoons. They raise high waves, and holidays at sea can become unsafe.

That is why beach lovers are better off choosing the southern direction.

Rainy season in Nha Trang in the following video:

Air and water temperature in winter

Winter holidays in Vietnamese resorts comfortable and not very expensive. The weather at the most popular Vietnamese resorts is largely determined by the activity of the monsoon. It comes from the northeast, and thanks to it, when it rains in the north of the country, it is dry in the south and the sun shines brightly.

If guests of the country, in addition to the beach and sea, need some kind of experience, they can take part in the event taking place here. Fragrant Pagoda Festival. The festival lasts two months, so there is always the opportunity to choose the most interesting event taking place within its framework.

Photos and description of spring on the coast

Southern resorts are the most popular not only in winter, but also in spring. The air and water temperatures are almost the same. You can sunbathe, swim, and play beach sports.

The tourism industry of Vietnam offers many interesting excursions, which are organized in the central and northern regions of the country - where the beach season has not yet fully come into its own.

Summer vacation

main feature Vietnamese summer weather: it rains all over the country and only in the center is it dry, even a little rain is a very rare occurrence. In the central part of Vietnam, typhoons are common, and the evenings are cool.

  1. IN June Tourists feel most comfortable in the center and southeast of the country. There is less precipitation here than in other regions. It’s warm, although you can already feel a significant difference between the heat of the day and the coolness of the night. Judge for yourself: during the day – 33, at night – 24. The water temperature is from 28 to 29 degrees.
  2. The southwest and south are captured by the rains; combined with the heat, this creates not the most favorable conditions for relaxation: it’s stuffy.

  3. IN July The thermometer indicates 33 degrees during the daytime, and drops to 27 at night. The water in the sea is 28 degrees. It's hot almost everywhere. For recreation, they choose places where there is less rain - for example, the central part of the country. And on the northern coast it is damp and hot. In the south, on the island of Phu Quoc there are tropical showers.
  4. IN August the rains are approaching central regions countries. But these rains, fortunately, are very short, and they do not have the power to interfere with the rest of tourists. Still hot. Water temperature is 28 - 29 degrees, air temperature - 33 (daytime) and 24 (at night).

The whims of autumn

Autumn brings with it strong wind, typhoons. But the rains are beginning to gradually recede, although so far only in the north. In all regions it is hot, up to plus thirty degrees. The most favorable conditions for relaxation at this time of year are on the island of Phu Quoc.

  1. IN September It’s warm in both the center and the south. During the day it is 32, and at night – 23 degrees. There is a lot of rain, especially in the north, but the central region is quite calm in terms of rain, and potential tourists focus their attention on it. Experts also recommend visiting the southeast of Vietnam, where it is especially comfortable in September.
  2. Tourists can expect an unforgettable experience from the Mid-Autumn Festival. At the center of the holiday is a beautiful legend about a hero who flew to the moon.

  3. October considered least suitable for travel to Vietnam. Incessant rains, strong winds, typhoons. Water temperature from 27 to 28, atmospheric air 30 - 33 (day) and 23 - 24 (night).

    The north comes first in popularity of resorts: there is little rain, swimming season in full swing, the sea is warmed up to 25 degrees. There is no sweltering heat.

  4. weather in November: the south again becomes the most popular: sea water is heated to 27 degrees. Air temperature is 32 (daytime) and 23 (at night). The rainy season is ending. The beaches are filled with sun.
  5. But in the central regions there is still a lot of precipitation. In addition, typhoons are possible here, so beach holidays are a big question mark.

Tropical fruits

One of main features of the holiday in Vietnam - an opportunity to try tropical fruits. Some of them appear on tables all year round(bananas, coconuts, pineapples, papaya, guava), but there are also seasonal fruits, therefore, if your goal is to enjoy lychee or mangosteen, carefully study the “fruit calendar”:

  • winter treats: pitahaya (called dragon fruit), grapes, longan, oranges, durian, coimito (star apple), sapodilla, lime;
  • spring fruits: pitahaya, longan, durian, pomelo, tropical plum, mango, jackfruit, lychee, rambutan, avocado, mangosteen, herring;
  • ​in the summer it's: pitahaya, pomelo, sapodilla, longan, avocado, durian, herring, citron, rambutan, cherimoya, persimmon;
  • ​autumn: pitahaya, longan, persimmon, durian, melon, pomelo, sapodilla, rambutan, citron, cherimoya.

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