The name Leo is Orthodox or. Leo - the meaning of the name. Love relationships and family

He was born in 1768 in Oryol province. In his youth, he worked as clerks for trade affairs, traveled a lot around the country, knew many people of completely different classes. At the age of 29, he entered the brethren of Optina Hermitage, and then moved to the Beloberezh Monastery. In 1801, he became a monk with the name Leonid, and was soon ordained as a hierodeacon. Three years later he becomes the abbot of this monastery.

A huge role in his spiritual life was played by his meeting with the spirit-bearing elder Theodore, a disciple of Paisius (Velichkovsky). The elder taught Leonid mental prayer. Four years later, he leaves his position and moves with Father Theodore to the forest, where they wanted to labor in solitude. But the rumor about the two ascetics quickly spread among believers. The people reached out to the righteous.

In 1829, the Monk Leo returned to Optina Pustyn. He began to care for the brethren, healed people, many possessed by demons after the prayers of Fr. Leo received relief. The saint's eldership in Optina Hermitage lasted 12 years. In 1841, he peacefully departed to the Lord.

According to Mendelev

A very nice name. The indicators “good”, “beautiful” and “reliable” stand out sharply, but from the king of beasts there is, perhaps, nothing left in him: Lev is “small”, and Lev is “slow”.

Leo is always kind to people and benevolent, regardless of their rank, position and “need”, but those around him often do not respond in kind: gentleness is mistaken for weakness and provokes a desire to look down on him, to get around him, to “rub” Leo, especially if he is a competitor in achieving success. Leo himself is not very concerned about this - he has managed to get used to it - and only occasionally the accumulated resentment, and not towards any specific person, but towards everyone at once, plunges him into despondency. It does not last long, and soon Leo becomes himself again.

He may be a good worker or specialist, but he is more than a mediocre organizer and does not reach administrative heights, although his intelligence is above average.

He values ​​a calm, measured, well-established life and takes its sharp turns very painfully. He experiences the blows of fate and the troubles of loved ones with difficulty.

Leo's excitability and sexuality are somewhat below average, and his affairs sometimes end peacefully without ever ending in anything. Women more often see him as a reliable friend than as a sexual partner.

Intuition is well developed, but only within a narrow specific area, most often one’s specialty. Reaction is slow: in unexpected situations he may become confused.

Possesses good health, rarely gets sick, is never treated and often lives to a ripe old age.

The color of the name is grass green.

According to Higir

It originates from the Latin word “leo” - lion. He is growing up as a calm and somewhat phlegmatic boy. He does not whine over trifles, and if he is hysterical, it means that he was very offended. He is a bully at school, but he can protect himself and his friends. Enjoys swimming, loves to fish and pick mushrooms.

He is persistent in achieving his goals, very conscientious in his deeds and promises, and thanks to these qualities, over time he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious people and ill-wishers. And this is not surprising: he seems to radiate warmth and kindness, a willingness to always come to the rescue. Leos are especially friendly towards the elderly and the sick, so they often choose the profession of a doctor. They also have such valuable qualities as tolerance and flexibility, the ability to give up what they want. But the restraint of Leo the boss is not unlimited, and after a series of soft, correct and polite comments, he can suddenly burst into anger. His wife should feel the moment when her husband’s patience runs out... It’s not for nothing that Leos value fidelity and kindness most of all in their wives.

They are preoccupied with sexual problems and panic at the slightest setback. The love of love, which is sometimes noted in them teenage years, most often explained by uncertainty in their potency.. Leos are not brawlers, but for some reason they get quite impulsive people as wives. They drink occasionally and rarely become alcoholics. They love to play noisy games with children.

Can count on happy marriage, if his chosen one is called Aurora, Agnia, Anna, Ada, Veda, Victoria, Dina, Olga, Ella. A strong alliance with Agnes or Lydia is very problematic.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: From the Greek Leon, "Lion"

Energy of the name and character: This name speaks for itself; a person who calls himself a lion must either at least slightly correspond to the strength of this image, or his name will take on the character of ridicule. First of all, even during childhood, Leva can become the object of a childish game of teasing, when neighboring children will try to drive him to white heat with their ridicule, so that Leva will chase them a little. However, many parents who give their child such a name prefer to isolate the boy from the harmful influence of the street, in their opinion, and often thereby do Leva a real disservice. In the end, in adult life Leo will still have to deal with those who grew up on the same street, and his absolute ignorance of these people may affect this. For example, they will suddenly seem rude and angry to him, which is why Leo himself may become thoroughly embittered.

Leva’s fate is more favorable when he, as they say, learns about life. Sooner or later, childhood grievances are thoroughly forgotten. It is possible, however, that during his youth Leo will still hear a lot of ridicule regarding his masculine qualities, which may be questioned by his rivals. Here he has two options - either to prove his courage with the help of force and scandals, or to learn to take it calmly. Here it is very important not to forget that injured pride sometimes gives a person very unpleasant character traits. Sometimes it doesn’t even hurt to assert oneself and fight, so that one’s self-esteem receives the necessary satisfaction and gives a person confidence in his abilities.

If Leo manages to gain self-confidence during his youth, then his character will truly correspond to his name, combining poise, good nature, ambition and energy. If not, then all this will be overshadowed by such traits as irritability and suspicion, which make his character intolerable. It may not be noticeable to others, but the family can suffer greatly from these negative qualities.

However, the energy of the name still inclines Leo to some secrecy, so even if he has character problems, most likely this will not affect his career, especially since, excuse the pun, the lion’s share of those around him are very favorably predisposed to bearers of this name.

Secrets of communication: Unfortunately, in a close circle, Leo is often inclined to point out to people their shortcomings, forgetting that he could have been mistaken in his perception. The same often applies to Leo the boss, who is difficult to convince of his good intentions, but can easily be called too picky. However, if you discuss conflict issues with him in some detail and without emotion, then it is quite possible that his nagging will change sign to the opposite. If you have a balanced Leo in front of you, then these questions will not arise at all.

The name's trace in history:

Lev Landau

A typical example of an ambitious, but at the same time cheerful and good-natured Lev is the famous theoretical physicist Lev Landau (1908–1968), the author of a classic course in theoretical physics, with whose name the following story is associated:

“An old and a young Jew are traveling in a compartment. The old one thinks to himself: “This young man is not rich, otherwise he would be traveling in first class. He has made his bed, which means he is going all the way to Berdichev. Judging by his clothes, he is a student, therefore he is traveling along personal matter. What business might there be? young man other than marriage? So, we now have three brides in our city: Sarah - but she is a rich bride, they won’t give her up for him. Rava - but she is homeless, and he will not marry her. So, Raya. It is known that Raya is marrying some Rabinovich..." And old Jew addresses the companion:

- Mr. Rabinovich...

- How do you know me?

- I figured it out.

– Well, now you know what theoretical physics is – this is how Lev Landau usually began his course of lectures.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Leo values ​​lasting love relationships. He is somewhat concerned about his sexual capabilities, and from time to time doubts begin to overcome him. However, as a rule, his fears are unfounded. At the slightest failure, Leo is capable of falling into despair, so he greatly values ​​his partner with whom he has established a harmonious relationship.

For him, sexual intimacy is closely connected with spiritual intimacy; he cannot go to bed with any woman, not everyone is capable of arousing him. He periodically changes partners; a woman’s sexuality is very important to him. Leo does not tolerate cold women; he does not want to make a lot of effort to ignite the flame of passion in her. His erotic caresses are distinguished by sophistication, his loving voluptuousness is very deep, although Leo does not pour out his feelings in hot words, as some other men do. He is a great master of love games, he studies his partner, knows which zones are especially pleasing to her, and does everything possible to make the woman desire him. In general, Leo takes sex very seriously, seeing it not only as a source of joy, but also as a means of maintaining health. His highest goal is to achieve mutual orgasm.

Leo's intimate relationship with his wife is difficult; she often tries to subjugate him, which he will never allow.

Meaning of the name Leo: means "lion". This affects the character and fate of Leo.

Origin of the name Leo: Roman.

Diminutive form: Leva, Lenya, Levushka, Levunya, Levusya.

What does the name Leo mean: The name Leo probably comes from the Roman family nickname Leo. Another meaning is “king of beasts.” This man is the embodiment of generosity and diplomacy! Leo rewards those who are loyal to him, good attitude, but he is very demanding, and does not keep “extra” people around him. Since childhood, a child with this name Leo is accustomed to achieving everything on his own; he may even refuse the help of others if he considers that this harms his reputation.

Angel Day and Patron Saints: Leo celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • March 5 (February 20) - St. Leo, Bishop of Catania, healed the sick with the power of prayer. To shame a pagan sorcerer, he once stood with him on a burning fire: the sorcerer burned, but the saint remained unharmed (8th century).
  • December 20 (7) - St. Martyr Leo was destroyed for the faith of Christ.

Signs: On Leo Katansky, March 5, you cannot look at falling stars, otherwise you will be peaceful: perform miracles, tormented by visions.

Meaning of a boy's name

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Leo?

Early childhood: Leo is a calm, reasonable boy, it is difficult to anger him. He is not capricious, does not manipulate his parents, like many children, and can spend hours studying with himself without distracting adults from their work. However, Leo has vulnerable soul, which makes itself felt to others already in very early childhood - if someone seriously hurts Leo’s feelings, for example, speaks disrespectfully about his parents, the boy is capable of becoming very upset and crying for a long time and inconsolably away from prying eyes.

Little Leva has very contradictory properties: the one with the name is brave, but is afraid, for example, of water or the dark, he is tireless, but also lazy, kind, generous, but can be selfish and cruel. Parents should know that they will not achieve anything with prohibitions and punishments, especially humiliating ones. By indulging Leo's many desires, mom and dad will become a domestic tyrant and will do him a disservice - in adult life, not everyone is given the power to command.

Teenager: At school, Leva also shows contrasts. Studying is easy for him, he knows exactly what he wants to become in adulthood. At the same time, Leo is prone to laziness. It is better to immediately instill in him hard work and perseverance. His relationships with peers are quite successful. He is respected and loved by his classmates.

Adult: Leo usually has an enviable career. Professional qualities such as determination, perseverance, and confidence in his own abilities help him in this. He definitely achieves the goal he has set for himself; minor failures are not able to break his spirit.

In relationships with others, Leo often shows his spiritual qualities: kindness, justice, the desire to protect the weak and undeservedly offended, tolerance for other people's shortcomings. However, those people who abuse Leo's trust and kindness will be unlucky - he is capable of getting angry and severely punishing the cunning person.

Character of the name Leo

Positive features: The Leo guy looks good, elegant and free in movements, likes himself, cares about style and refined manners. At will, he becomes the center of attention and knows how to be polite and hospitable. The Leo guy seems balanced to everyone, although he consists of hidden contradictions. Leo is tolerant of people's shortcomings, flexible and diplomatic, but all this is for the time being. It is better not to anger Leo; his wife and subordinates should always remember this.

Negative features: Secretiveness, capriciousness, selfishness, laziness. No one knows what he will do in this or that case and how to deal with him. A man with this name, without any reason, sometimes gives his friendship and love, sometimes deprives them. Leva is brave to the point of recklessness: danger intoxicates him like wine! He is also reckless in love, and this especially attracts women to him.

Name Leo in love and marriage

Does love promise happiness? From early youth, Leo is loving. The young man experiences great attraction to the opposite sex and often falls in love. Leo likes the fair sex of different nature and appearance. Often his friends are amazed at his lack of a certain taste in the female sex.

Leva gives great importance sex and will never allow a woman to dictate in intimate relationships. In love - a little concerned about his sexual capabilities, values ​​strong love relationships. He sees sex not only as a source of joy, but also as a means to maintain health.

An adult Leo is preoccupied with sexual problems, and the slightest failure terrifies him. Leva does not change women, she values ​​strong love relationships. For him, sexual intimacy is necessarily connected with spiritual intimacy. Leos marry more than once: very often they come across unfaithful wives.

In family relationships, Leo will look for the kindness and tenderness of his wife. At the same time, he himself will demonstrate in every possible way his care for her and the desire to protect her from life’s adversities. Leo especially values ​​fidelity, kindness, and patience in his wife. Her sensuality and sexuality are also important to him. But for some reason, his chosen one most often turns out to be an impulsive person.

Leo is very attached to his own children, from birth he loves to spend a lot of time with them, playing outdoor games. Leos take the illnesses and misfortunes of their children hard.

Leo is not into alcohol. She enjoys receiving guests and loves going to the theater and concerts. Thanks to his personal qualities, over time he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious people and ill-wishers.

Leo is a committed person, persistent in achieving his goal, friendly, always ready to help, especially the elderly and sick. The Leo man has flexibility and tolerance, knows how to refuse what he wants, but you should not abuse his restraint: after several comments and warnings he is quite capable of flaring up. It is better for his wife and subordinates to learn to grasp the edge of his long-suffering.

Compatibility with female names

Ideal name compatibility:

  • Lev and Anna
  • Lev and Victoria
  • Lev and Olga
  • Lev and Irina
  • Leo and Claudia
  • Lev and Tamara
  • Lev and Polina
  • Lev and Eleanor

Failed name compatibility:

  • Leo and Lydia
  • Lev and Marina
  • Lev and Oksana
  • Lev and Olesya

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Leo has a critical mind, a broad outlook, an excellent reaction to events, imagination, and intuition. He always knows what he wants, and most importantly, what he doesn’t want. He is attracted only by prestigious educational establishments, professions. High intuition and an extraordinary gift of insight set him apart from others; he even sometimes amuses himself with playing prophet, and when the predictions come true, the glory of his intelligence and insight is further strengthened. Leva always plays with fate a little.

Business and career: The Leo guy is proud in everything that concerns personal success and well-being. He does not like restrictions in the family; responsibilities depress him, despite the fact that he always obeys his duty. Selfish, but not stingy. Generosity is of particular importance to him, sharing everything.

A guy more often chooses the profession of a doctor, radiologist, or ophthalmologist. He can become an aircraft designer, a radio and television technician, a military man, a journalist, or a writer. Leva can be a tailor or a ladies' hairdresser; he is always a brilliant and fashionable master. He is honest, has organizational skills, authority, but in unexpected situations he can get confused.

Health and energy named after

Health and talents named after Leo: The meaning of the name Leo from a medical point of view. Leo is the owner good health. He rarely gets sick and retains his strength into old age. And all because he is trying to lead healthy image life, which implies the absence of bad habits.

Horoscope named Leo

Leo-Aries: an open, passionate, proud person. He needs to feel the admiration of others, especially women. He likes women who are bright and temperamental, who will constantly praise him and give him compliments.

Leo-Taurus: a strong and unusually magnetic personality. His charm literally attracts women, and Leo-Taurus uses it perfectly for his own purposes. He is extremely authoritarian, considers his partner to be his property and does not allow objections.

Leo-Gemini: a vain person with an unusually flexible disposition. Vanity pushes him to constantly gain authority, and it doesn’t even matter that this authority will be “cheap.” Leo-Gemini easily adapts to people, while perfectly hiding their true feelings.

Leo-Cancer: a noble and loyal person. He strives to please everyone, in which he is very successful. But if a woman truly captivates him, then Leo-Cancer will throw away games and flirting and become a caring and devoted partner.

Leo-Leo: such an amazing combination of sign and name speaks for itself. This is a bright, self-confident, proud and powerful personality. He is endowed with a natural ability to subjugate people; in the area of ​​feelings he turns into a dictator. His passion is blinding, his authority is unquestionable, so it’s not easy to get along with him.

Leo-Virgo: a contradictory nature, fickle, prone to all sorts of doubts and hesitations. He is not confident in himself; it takes him a lot of time and effort to make a decision. In love, Leo-Virgo is looking for a certain fairy-tale ideal, a dream woman of whom he could be proud.

Leo-Libra: a person who is strong and gentle at the same time. This is a rather dangerous Don Juan who knows how to conquer women and find a separate approach to each. Leo's compliments are perfect, his manners impeccable; for him, winning a woman's heart is a way of self-affirmation. You should be careful when communicating with him.

Leo-Scorpio: an ambitious, hot-tempered and proud personality. He needs to be first in everything. In love, Leo-Scorpio is simply unbearable; he must dominate his partner, demanding that she look the way he likes, without accepting any objections.

Leo-Sagittarius: friendly, frank, fair person. He has many friends, he loves parties and visiting guests. With such sociability, Leo-Sagittarius is often carried away by different women, in love he is passionate to the point of madness, but is flighty - his feelings are fickle and superficial. Don't expect loyalty from him.

Leo-Capricorn: incredibly stubborn personality. It is unrealistic to turn him away from his intended goal; his actions are carefully planned, his words are thoughtful. He besieges a woman for a long time, trying to find out her life ideals and find out her character. Leo Capricorn usually makes a devoted and caring partner.

Leo-Aquarius: an original personality, endowed with an irresistible craving for freedom and independence. In life, he relies on himself, is extremely demanding and sometimes selfish. In love, Leo-Aquarius takes more than he gives, often hurting the feelings of his beloved without realizing it.

Leo-Pisces: a very impressionable person. He has a wild imagination, which often paints the images of those around him as completely far from the true ones. He has a particularly developed tendency to idealize his partner and at the same time demand that she change her character in accordance with his idea of ​​the ideal.

Numerological horoscope named Leo

Leo is directly influenced by the number 1.

One is the number of an individualist, the number of a natural leader, a man of action. Leo is a multifaceted, gifted, original personality. He is not afraid of difficulties, obstacles, is always ready to lead, and is prone to self-sacrifice. Sometimes Leo looks selfish, but he has a generous soul. If he is sincerely attached to a person, he will go through fire and water for him.

Leo talismans

  • Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • Leo color - gold
  • Auspicious tree - cedar
  • Treasured plant - rose hips
  • Patron - Leo
  • Lviv talisman stone - diamond

Fate of the name Leo

  1. Lev V. Izmailov is known for his embassy to China. On November 18, 1720, he solemnly entered Beijing and ten days later received an audience with Bogdykhan Kan-Hi.
  2. Lev S. Bakst (1866-1924) - painter, graphic artist, theater decorator, was a member of the World of Art association. One of the largest paintings in size is “Ancient Horror” (1908).
  3. Leo the Mathematician (9th century Byzantine educator)
  4. Leo the Deacon ((before 950 - ca. 1000) Byzantine writer)
  5. Leo Tolstoy (count, great Russian writer, classic of world literature)
  6. Lev Yashin (famous football player, goalkeeper)
  7. Lev Landau (outstanding Soviet physicist, academician, Nobel Prize laureate)
  8. Lev Leshchenko (popular singer, National artist Russia)
  9. Lev Durov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  10. Lev Gumilyov (historian-ethnologist, poet, translator from Persian, founder of the passionary theory of ethnogenesis)
  11. Leon Trotsky (activist communist movement, ideologist of Trotskyism)
  12. Lev Kulidzhanov (film director)
  13. Lev Oshanin (Russian Soviet poet)
  14. Lev Borisov (Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia)
  15. Lev Lopatin (Russian philosopher, psychologist)

Name translation

Translation to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In Czech it is translated as Lev, in Spanish: Leo, in French: Lion, in English: Lion, in Belarusian: Лъв, in Mongolian: Arslan.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Leo
  • Genitive case: Leo
  • Dative case: Lev
  • Accusative case: Leo
  • Instrumental case: Leo
  • Prepositional case: Lev

The main traits of Leo are concentration and foresight. He is distinguished by his spiritual gentleness, gentle and phlegmatic.

Translated from Greek, "Leon" means "lion".

Origin of the name Leo:

The name Leo comes from the Greek "leon" or the Latin "leo" and goes back to the noblest of animals, the king of beasts.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Leo:

WITH early childhood Leos are distinguished by their phlegmatic nature and regal calm. It is difficult to anger them, they cry less often than other children and are almost never capricious. The Leo baby especially needs parental love and affection and loves communication with his mother and father. It is difficult to offend him, but, being upset, he cries for a long time and inconsolably. Balanced, rarely a bully, but he responds to teasing immediately and does not allow himself or his friends to be offended. He studies smoothly, without ups, but also without downs.

Despite the sonorous name, due to his soft character, Leo is not the best leader, although he can be a good organizer. He prefers to be somewhere in the middle between a boss and a performer, and works equally well with people and technology. As part of his specialty, he develops a well-developed business intuition and relies on it. Likes to work in one area and in it, as a rule, is persistent and ambitious.

Leo treats people kindly and with interest, is trusting and rarely expects betrayal. He has a hard time with quarrels and scandals; it is difficult for him to believe that someone treated him dishonestly. He is not offended, verbose and sincerely apologizes if he has offended himself. Tries to smooth out conflicts. Leos always expect good things from people and often fall into prolonged melancholy if their expectations are not met.

By nature, Leo lacks self-confidence and the ability to “roar,” however, he is quite capable of developing these qualities in himself, especially if he has reason to believe that “the game is worth the candle.” Disappointed in life, Leo is overweight and taciturn, loses interest in communication and becomes grumpy.

Leo experiences other people's troubles very keenly, is empathic and tends to sympathize with the weak. In helping, he is unselfish and sincere; Leo, who is sensitive and acutely sensitive to the misfortune of others, is well suited to humanitarian professions. He is not arrogant and does not attach importance to hierarchy; he seeks friendship primarily with bright and open people. Sometimes he is drawn to spectacular brawlers, which rarely ends well for Leo - sudden mental shocks lead him to illness and depression.

In love relationships, he often chooses women who are showy, sharp and impetuous, complete opposites to him. Relationships with them, as a rule, do not last long and, instead of extreme sensations, are fraught with serious mental turmoil for Leo. In bed, Leo is calm, deeply unsure of himself and always needs encouragement and support. Leo's ideal darling is a soft and sensual woman, close to his character. Leo is happily married to Olga, Claudia, Anna, Victoria and Ella, but relationship problems are likely to arise with Marina, Oksana and Lydia.

Leo's families with a suitable partner are always strong and friendly, and he values ​​relationships very much. He himself does not cheat, but his wife’s betrayal causes him serious heartache. He is gentle and undemanding with children, loves to spend time with them and is always interested in their affairs.

Leos born in summer are confident and energetic, “spring” and “autumn” ones are friendly, persistent and intelligent, and “winter” ones are vain and can be tyrannical.

It sounds nice male name personifies justice, sublimity, and even some heroism, therefore the meaning of the name Leo fully corresponds to its translation from Latin or Greek - king of beasts.

From an early age, little Levushka creates the impression of a certain phlegmatic nature, but this is not at all the case, he contemplates with his gaze, characteristic only for a child, the adults and children around him, draws his own conclusions, and, if necessary, shows his character in all its glory. And then he appears before us as a true bastion of justice, because he is always ready to protect the weak, sometimes only with a verbal skirmish, but more often with his fists.

Because of his ostentatious slowness, a baby can become an object of ridicule for his peers, and therefore it is very important for parents to create conditions for the boy in which he will come into maximum contact with other children, and not attach importance to cruel jokes.

In another scenario, when parents fence Leva off from the surrounding reality, locking him in four walls, the guy can grow up unsociable, touchy, and vindictive, since the interpretation of this name implies some isolation and retention of negative emotions inside.


In the love sphere, Leo often displays a fear of failure. This means that he attaches great importance to sex as a full-fledged activity with foreplay, experiments, and games. But as soon as he suffers the slightest defeat, all confidence disappears, and the guy begins to panic.

Because of the fear of failure, he often does not bring the budding relationship to its logical conclusion, but remains just a friend, but many girls value this in him - after all, not everyone can be used as a vest for tears and a personal psychologist.

For him, sexuality and the experience of his partner are of great importance; he does not accept coldness towards himself, and will respond in full to a passionate and loving woman. He cannot be called a monogamist; often he simply breaks up peacefully with his previous girlfriend in order to start a relationship with a new one.


Despite Leva’s wonderful and accommodating character, he often gets married to a woman who strives to subjugate the “king of beasts”, and he under no circumstances accepts such an attitude. Sometimes there is a tense situation in his family, but the meaning of the name Leo is such that he has excellent communication skills and tolerance, and therefore everything goes smoothly, and the very next day the spouses forget the cause of the conflict.

Leva attaches great importance to the loyalty and honesty of his other half; he cannot imagine without sincerity family relations. This means that kindness is important to him, which, very opportunely, fits the characteristics of the name Leo.

In raising children, he will lose all his feigned seriousness - he simply adores kids, and will play with them and amuse them until they themselves get tired of it. It is precisely because of his ability to adapt to a playful mood that he will be simply a wonderful father, about whom children will remember only the best, because he will give them the most unforgettable moments in life.

Business and career

Beginning labor activity, he always adheres to his principles, so he is extremely honest, punctual, and keeps his promises at all costs. He also has all the makings of an excellent organizer, which means that holding a management position is not a rare occurrence for such people.

When interacting with his subordinates, he is very restrained and patient, and will always give a “second chance” to an employee who has erred. But this trait of his must not be abused, because his balance is the reason for a long struggle with himself, and in the end this can result in an outright conflict, after which the subordinate is unlikely to stay in his place.

Origin of the name Leo

There are analogues of the name Leo both in ancient Greek and in Latin, so we can only guess where this word came from and where it originated. It is not difficult to guess its meaning, because the science of etymology gives an exact translation of this name - lion, king of beasts, from the Latin Leo, or from the Greek Leon.

This name has a very rich history, just look at the deed of Bishop Leo of Katansky, who healed the most terrible diseases with the power of prayer. As proof of the infidelity of paganism, he, together with a pagan sorcerer, whose name no one remembers, stood in a blazing fire, and even his clothes were not damaged, while the executed man burned to the ground.

Characteristics of the name Leo

Almost the most interesting secret of the name Leo is his excellent intuition, which has a fairly selective effect. That is, in everyday life it is completely turned off, but when he is doing what he loves, intuition makes itself felt with cases bordering on the fantastic.

Leva’s incredible balance has both pros and cons. Such a character, when he forgives a lot, “releases the brakes,” tries not to get angry, of course evokes respect, but all the negative feelings, accumulating in the soul for a long time, suddenly explode, and then there is a terrible conflict situation, with a showdown , overt aggression and even assault cannot be avoided.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Diamond.
  • Name day - March 3, 5.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Leo.

Famous people

  • Lev Leshchenko – Russian crooner, People's Artist of the RSFSR, operetta actor and music teacher.
  • Lev Durov is a director, teacher, theater and film actor, known to any resident of the former USSR.
  • Lev Yashin is a famous Russian and Soviet football player, the best goalkeeper according to the public.

Different languages

The origin of the name Leo cannot be attributed to a single region, and therefore its translation sounds different in different languages. You can find consonant words, let’s say how it is translated into European languages ​​- Leo, Lio, Leon, Lyon. And not quite similar sounds - Lionello, Lieo and even Neluccio.

In Chinese it will sound like Lefu, and written using hieroglyphs - 列夫. The meaning of the name Leo in Japanese is the same as in Russian - king of beasts, and it is written レフ, and sounds like Refu.

Name forms

Leva attaches great importance to affection and warmth in her direction, and the diminutive declension of this name sounds like Lyovushka, Lyovonka. You can affectionately call him Levochka, Levunya. If you want to please his pride, then you can use sonorous foreign derivatives - Leon or Leo.

In short, but not officially, it can be called Levka, or the shorter one - Levik. Quite shortened, but no less attractive - Leva, Lenya, Leka, or simply Lee, although full name does not always correspond to their energy. Declensions are the same as the usual noun of the Russian language - lion, although there will be slightly different variations in declension when using an incomplete word.

Most a famous person with that name church calendar- Pope Leo I, and there are plenty of other people named this way in Orthodoxy, so at baptism the baby will be given the same name as at birth.

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