The composition of gels for intimate hygiene is the best. What is better - soap or gel for intimate hygiene for women? Basic rules of intimate hygiene

Everyone knows that a woman’s health depends on many factors. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene is one of the conditions that a woman must comply with to maintain health.

For many women, pregnancy is a problem. Alas, negative influence environment on women's health often leads to infertility, as well as the proliferation of various diseases that have a significant impact on conceiving a baby.

It is worth noting that the intimate organs of any woman have a rather delicate structure and are also very vulnerable. The uterine cavity is rightfully considered sterile, and any woman knows what its role is during conception.

In the event of infection and microbes entering the uterine cavity, the process of diseases involuntarily begins to develop, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to observe hygiene rules to prevent the formation of various types of diseases.

Hygiene rules

There are several rules of intimate hygiene that a woman should know about:

What is PH balance?

PH balance is a measure of the ratio of acid and alkali.

The proportion is significantly influenced by charged ions, which can be both positive and negative.

The role of ions is to form an acidic and alkaline environment. Acid-base balance is the balance of acid and alkali.

Why do you need intimate hygiene gel?

Doctors insist that any woman needs to wash herself consistently twice a day - morning and evening, respectively, without using any cosmetics and especially soap.

Cosmetic products are allowed for use, but you can wash yourself with various gels and other products no more than twice a week. At other times, it is better to choose clean running water.

We must remember that microorganisms easily penetrate into the mucous membrane of the vagina itself, as well as the adjacent labia. Such components are important for the vaginal environment. They influence the level of acid-base balance, the preservation of which is extremely necessary for a woman’s health.

Moreover, microorganisms help block the proliferation of opportunistic microflora, from which women suffer in the future. In other words, microorganisms are, so to speak, gates that prevent infection from entering and spreading into the vagina.

By washing ourselves with soap every day, we harm ourselves and remove the necessary protective shell. The risk of infection increases significantly and the woman subsequently does not notice how the diseases begin their active development directly in the vagina.

Due to the removal of bacteria that play an important role in a woman’s health, diseases are formed that are not so easy to get rid of. The most common diseases are vaginal dysbiosis and. The diseases are accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate areas.

Gel for intimate hygiene will be an excellent solution for ensuring the necessary hygiene of intimate places. One cannot help but pay attention to the composition of the gels available for sale today.

The composition is based on the following components:

What is better soap or gel?

Of course, soap can cleanse the vagina of all secretions that accumulate in this area, and also helps eliminate odor.

When assessing the benefits of gel and soap, it is still worth choosing a gel designed specifically for intimate hygiene. Why? It is better to leave soap for washing underwear and for other purposes.

After all, the use of such a product contributes not only to the formation of dry skin in intimate places, but also to the destruction of the acid-base balance necessary to protect the vagina from germs and infections. It is better to choose a gel for intimate hygiene.

It is recommended to wash yourself with intimate hygiene gels twice a week, no more. The cause of the development of many diseases in a woman’s body is the neglect to use laundry soap, which destroys the necessary environment for protection against infections and bacteria.

What's good about the gel?

Gel for intimate hygiene has a number of advantages:

Using the gel twice a week will be sufficient for healthy condition women and the ability to maintain a favorable environment in the vagina in order to protect against unfavorable microbes and bacteria.

Features of the composition

What are the compositional features of the gel?

  1. Firstly, the gel does not dry out the skin in an intimate area. This is one of the main advantages.
  2. Secondly, the gel does not wash away the acid-base environment, which protects the vagina from infection and microbes.
  3. Thirdly, the gel contains herbs, relieving a woman of itching, if any.

How to choose a gel for intimate hygiene?

How to choose the right intimate hygiene gel that is suitable for a woman and does not cause irritation after use?

Types of gel for intimate hygiene

Conventionally, gels for intimate hygiene are divided into moisturizing and cleansing. What is the difference and which one is best to choose?


Moisturizing gels for intimate hygiene are necessary when a woman has dry skin around the vagina.

This usually happens with frequent washing with soap. As you know, soap helps dry out the skin.

This type of gel is chosen by women who need to moisturize their skin. Of course, the formula and composition of such a product will be aimed at obtaining hydration.

During application, you can soon notice that the mucous membrane has disappeared.

This is exactly what a woman with such a problem needs to achieve. This type of gel contains primarily lactic acid. You need to pay utmost attention to this when choosing a product. The composition must contain lactic acid if the goal is to purchase an intimate hygiene gel to moisturize the mucous membrane.


Cleansing gels for intimate hygiene are designed to remove from the vagina, as well as secretions produced daily by any woman.

Of course, the purpose of such a product, as well as other gels intended for intimate hygiene, is to maintain the acid-base balance during cleansing.

Cleansing the intimate area of ​​secretions, possibly getting rid of the acid-base environment, is necessary for a woman’s health.

When choosing a hygiene product, it is important to choose something that truly cleanses the intimate area, without getting rid of beneficial microbes that perform a protective function against the development of various diseases.

There are as many cleansing gels as there are moisturizing ones. In most cases, there are gels that simultaneously promote cleansing and moisturizing.

How to understand that the gel is not suitable for you?

Often, of course, there are disappointments after using gels for intimate hygiene.

Contraindications for use

Like any similar cosmetic product, gels intended for intimate hygiene have a number of contraindications, which it is better to inquire about in advance.

Cases in which the use of the gel is contraindicated:

The best gels for intimate hygiene

In the cosmetics market, women have already identified their favorites and know exactly which gels are allowed to be used without causing any harm to health:

  • Intimate Natural intimate hygiene gel from Nivea. This gel is designed specifically for caring for the intimate areas of women. The product contains chamomile, which has a calming function, as well as Bisabolol, whose role is to slow down the development of bacteria. The absence of alcohol in the composition is one of the biggest advantages. The purpose of the gel is to maintain the acid-base balance, as well as moisturize the skin of the intimate area. Gel cost from 230 rub.
  • Gel for intimate hygiene Lactacyd Femina. Lactic acid and whey are the basis of the composition of the Lactacid intimate hygiene gel. The main task of the product, like many other similar ones, is to restore the acid-base balance. The gel helps restore internal microflora, and this is precisely the problem for many girls. Price for these products from 240 to 300 rub.
  • Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel. This product is classified as a cosmetic product with a delicate texture. The product not only helps to gently cleanse the vagina, but also moisturizes and restores the skin in case of irritation and itching. The cost of the product, of course, differs significantly from other similar cosmetic products, but the price-quality ratio really justifies itself. Gel price from 2350 rub. for 200 ml.
  • Gel for intimate hygiene Carefree Sensitive. This gel belongs to the category of gentle gels, the composition of which is not similar to many other cosmetic products. It's about that the product contains sandalwood oil. Agree that not every intimate hygiene gel can contain such a component in the product. In terms of pricing policy, such a product is quite affordable and, moreover, economical in consumption. This is important for women - quality and savings. The product is suitable for particularly sensitive skin. By choosing it, you don’t have to worry that the gel won’t fit or will cause discomfort after its use. Price from 149 rub.
  • Gel for feminine hygiene "Epigen Intim". The product is used for preventive purposes against thrush and various diseases of this kind. Of course, the function of the product is not only to use it as a cosmetic product, but also to prevent diseases that are common today. This gel is prescribed according to the instructions for HPV disease. The advantage is that such products not only perform the function of cleansing and moisturizing, but also prevent diseases. The price of the product is 790 rub.
  • Emulsion for intimate hygiene Cleanic Intimate. An easy-to-use product with a dispenser containing chamomile helps cleanse, moisturize and normalize the acid-base balance. The price is affordable from 70 rub.

Epigen Intim

Doctors' opinion

According to doctors, it is best to choose gels intended for intimate hygiene rather than soap, which dries out the skin and displaces the acid-base environment. Before using any cosmetic product, it is necessary to study the composition in order to avoid an allergic reaction to the components.

To maintain a healthy state of the body as a whole and maintain the required PH level in a woman’s body, it is necessary to use exclusively high-quality intimate hygiene products, as well as follow other rules. Particular attention should be paid to the frequency of washing during critical days.

And here we will talk like women.

I want to talk about gels for intimate hygiene and other products for maintaining women's health. I once heard a question about which intimate hygiene gel is best, and that’s how the basis for this article arose. But in the course of writing it had to be expanded, and we will talk not only about washes.

But first, the question is: is such a gel even necessary? After all, they used to somehow make do with soap? And the most ordinary one. And nothing, they gave birth to children, survived the war.

So, let's look at this issue.

Why do you need intimate hygiene gel?

First, a little theory.

You've probably heard the phrase “acid-base balance”, which is defined in terms of a certain pH value.

pH (from potentia hydrogeni - the strength of hydrogen) is a value that shows the level of acidity of the environment. Conventionally, there are three states of the environment:

  • Neutral
  • Sour
  • Alkaline

And this very pH shows the degree of acidity or alkalinity. The acidity level in the vagina is quite high - pH is approximately 4. And at different periods of life it can fluctuate. For example, it is different for teenage girls and menopausal women.

If we use soap for intimate hygiene (even if), we significantly disrupt the acid-base balance.

And this leads to dysbiosis caused by changes in the internal environment. Some bacteria that are accustomed to living in a fairly acidic environment die. And others are starting to develop. And from here all further troubles arise.

Thus, it becomes clear that the use of intimate hygiene products for women is completely justified and highly desirable. Yes, our grandmothers managed without it. But that doesn't mean we should either.

But not only the pH level is the main indicator when choosing intimate hygiene products. In Thailand it is not indicated at all, but you can often read a phrase that, when translated into Russian, means: normalizes pH levels.

What other tasks can intimate hygiene gel cope with?

Modern “washers” are capable of much! The assortment of Thai stores includes gels for intimate hygiene with whitening, cooling, rejuvenating, tightening, firming, softening and deodorizing effects.

Good gels for intimate hygiene prevent the appearance of thrush when taking antibiotics and even eliminate unpleasant intimate odor. But not everything is so simple, so in this article I decided to expand on the issue of unpleasant intimate odor in women.

Why does the intimate area smell bad?

This question worries many. No matter how good a woman looks, no matter how well-groomed her face, hands and hair are, no matter how expensively she is dressed, no matter how beautiful she is, one small and unpleasant detail can ruin everything...

The “smell of a woman” in the intimate area is an absolutely normal phenomenon inherent in everyone. It is there that natural pheromones are produced, and a healthy woman who follows all the rules of hygiene practically does not feel this smell. But sometimes it happens that there is an unpleasant smell from the vagina, discharge, itching and burning.

The causes of unpleasant odor from the intimate area are very diverse:

By the nature of the odor that appears and the accompanying manifestations, you can roughly determine the root of the problem. Of course, you should not cancel tests and visits to the gynecologist. There are several typical unpleasant odors, each of which signals the presence of a particular problem:

  • Sour odor from the intimate area, the causes of which are most likely a manifestation of thrush. This odor is sometimes identified as “yeasty.” In this case, white discharge of the curd structure is observed. It is usually caused by fungal infections. The disease is most often caused by the bacterium Candida.
  • Fishy smell from the intimate area signals the presence of dysbacteriosis and infection. Sometimes there is also obvious itching and burning when there is a fishy smell from the intimate area. If the causes of herring odor in the intimate area are not treated, the disease can go deeper and manifest itself in the uterus and ovaries. To identify the pathogen and prescribe adequate treatment, an examination with all the necessary tests is necessary.
  • Rotten smell from the intimate area, which may be caused by the activity of the gardnerella bacterium, is often accompanied by a grayish-white discharge. This is also to the gynecologist for tests and treatment.
  • Onion smell of discharge in women it can signal both the presence of dysbiosis and the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. It’s also better not to joke with this, you won’t be able to get by with just washes.
  • Urine-smelling discharge in women, they most often appear in adulthood, the problem is caused by leakage of urine due to weakness of the pelvic muscles and genitourinary system. Wash will not help here either.

If any of the above or abnormal symptoms occur, you should consult a gynecologist. After the tests obtained, the doctor will be able to more accurately identify the cause of the problem. He will also prescribe treatment - perhaps antibiotics to suppress the activity of a particular bacterium.

If the source of the problem is not found, or the prescribed treatment does not give the expected results, as an alternative, you can try the remedies that have received good feedback over years of use.

Let's start with the simplest. If you suspect that you have a reaction to the product you use to wash your underwear, replace it with a more natural one. Here you can recommend or use it, unlike ordinary laundry soap, it leaves a subtle pleasant coconut smell on things.

What folk remedies help get rid of unpleasant intimate odor?

Foam is a more gentle product than gel. Contains lactic acid and milk powder. Extracts include chamomile, royal jelly, manuka honey. This foam just increases the local immunity of the intimate area.

Volume 100 ml. A well-known manufacturer of Mistine cosmetics, familiar to many for its high quality. Compliance with the declared properties of this foam was checked by the manufacturer in a European laboratory.

Contains lactic acid and whey. Extracts - brown algae, Jicama root. This is a specific foam, it is produced only on the Asian market. In addition to the main function, the components in the gel are designed to help brighten the intimate area.

According to manufacturer statistics obtained during testing on the Asian market, 9 out of 10 women noted a whitening effect.

The gel is very economical in consumption, and it was loved by those who used it. As those who left their reviews say, all other products have lost their place on the shelf after using this gel.

GMP certification. Volume 150 ml. Well-known manufacturer, large pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis. There are good reviews.

This company also has an intimate gel “ultra protection”, “refreshing” - with a bunch of plant extracts in the composition, moisturizing and “renewing” with collagen in the composition. These gels are made for the Asian market and differ from those sold in Russia. As a European, the whole line suited me perfectly. A refreshing gel is especially good in the hot climate of Thailand, after which for a long time a pleasant coolness remains in the intimate area.

If you are interested, leave a comment on the article which type of intimate hygiene gel from this company from Thailand you want to try, and I will add it to the range.

Same manufacturer Mistine. Among additional components- extract of the herb Hi Yum, known for its wound-healing and regenerating properties.

Yes Yes! This is the same herb that is included in capsules and natural intimate deodorant. And the best result in solving the problem of unpleasant odor from the intimate area is achieved with an integrated approach.

Manuka honey also contains antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Instead of artificial perfume compositions, here is lavender essential oil, which also has antibacterial properties and strengthens local immunity.

According to buyers of this gel, it helps to cope with unpleasant odors, relieves dryness and itching, and gives a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Some noted a narrowing effect, while others did not. But there are no people left dissatisfied with the gel - everyone recommends it.

Good feedback. Economical, a 200 ml bottle lasts for 2-3 months.

So, let's summarize:

  1. Intimate hygiene gel is not solely a marketing gimmick, and modern woman it is necessary.
  2. There are gels for intimate hygiene that not only cleanse and maintain pH balance, but also have a lot of interesting and useful properties.
  3. It is desirable that the composition contains fewer chemical components and more useful active ingredients of natural origin.

And be healthy!

*The information on our website is translated from Thai by resources that collaborate with doctors and specialists to provide reliable information. However, the content on this site is intended for additional, general educational information only.

The materials on the site are not intended for diagnosis or self-medication in any way and do not replace qualified medical examination and diagnosis.

If you have illness or discomfort, consult your doctor. We are against self-medication, we are for a reasonable approach to healing.

First of all, this is due to the fact that, as a rule, the intimate area has more low level PH – from 3.8 to 4.4 (while the skin average is 5.5). The environment in this zone is more acidic due to the lactobacilli that live there. In order not to disturb the acid-base balance (which is fraught with an increase in the population of pathogenic microbes), it is necessary to use detergents with low PH. That is, ordinary soap and shower gels with a pH of 5.5 and higher are not suitable. After all, if the environment in this area becomes too alkaline, the number of lactobacilli will drop, which can lead to dysbacteriosis with unpleasant consequences in the form of dryness, itching and irritation.
One of the most important components of intimate hygiene products is lactic acid. It has a mild antiseptic effect, while maintaining the same PH necessary for normal flora.
In addition to lactic acid, natural intimate products include plant extracts known for their soothing and antifungal (preventing candidiasis) effects, such as chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, ylang-ylang.

Updated: 09/18/2019 23:36:29

Expert: Ilana Baum

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Intimate hygiene gels appeared on the hygiene products market relatively recently, and with them, consumers came to understand that personal care in different parts body requires a separate approach. In ancient times, women used herbal infusions to care for their genitals. Intimate gels have a similar effect: they not only have a bactericidal effect, but also preserve the natural intimate microflora.

A delicate question: what is special about intimate gels and how to choose the right one?

We all know from childhood that careful care own body helps to avoid certain diseases, and intimate hygiene is not just important - it is necessary. But not every woman knows that care should not only be thorough, but also correct. Many people use regular soap without hesitation. But it can cause a number of problems:

  1. Irritation. The alkali in soap dries out the mucous membranes.
  2. Itching, swelling. Alkali can not only dry out, but also change the microflora of the intimate area, causing irritation and swelling.
  3. Inflammatory process. Through microcracks, pathogenic microbes can enter the body, causing various inflammatory diseases.

This is why it is so important to carefully select the appropriate intimate hygiene product. Intimate gels delicately cleanse the skin and mucous membranes, maintaining an optimal balance of microflora. So, what criteria should you consider when choosing the right intimate gel? Please take into account the following points:

  1. The gel must be “correct” acidity level(as in the vagina - about 4.0) - such a product will not only preserve the optimal intimate microflora, but also strengthen it;
  2. An intimate gel should not contain chemical components– always carefully read the composition indicated on the label;
  3. Presence of herbal antiseptics in the gel(for example, oak bark) will help prevent the possibility of proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  4. Panthenol or aloe extract in the intimate gel will delicately moisturize the skin and heal existing microcracks;

Rating of the best intimate gels

Nomination place Name of product price
Rating of the best intimate gels 1 2,850 RUR
2 853 RUR
3 884 RUR
4 284 RUR
5 255 ₽
6 280 ₽
7 260 ₽
8 393 RUR
9 350 ₽
10 741 RUR
11 164 RUR

SesDermaLaboratories Nanocare Intimate Moisturizing gel (6x5 ml)

A unique product consisting of 6 monodoses designed to restore vaginal microflora and eliminate dryness. A cosmetic product is considered not just a care product, but also a medicinal one. The special composition helps to completely restore the vaginal mucosa. The product is used as a treatment course 2-3 times a week for 6 weeks. Then you should reduce the frequency of use to once a week (if there is such a need = this is decided by your personal gynecologist). The price ranges from 2300-2900 rubles.


  • absolutely natural composition;
  • suitable for use during menopause;
  • solution to the problem of vaginal dryness.


  • not detected.

STYX, 250 ml

It’s not for nothing that the Austrian-made intimate gel made it into our rating of the best. Unlike other products presented in the rating, STYX is suitable for delicate cleansing of the skin of the entire body, including intimate areas. Intimate gel is a medicinal product and delicately eliminates peeling, inflammation, and itching. The price ranges from 1200-1500 rubles.


  • suitable for both women and men;
  • can be used for the whole body;
  • ideal for use after hair removal;
  • the composition includes several essential oils (orange, ylang-ylang, coconut), known for their regenerative properties.


  • does not normalize pH.

The intimate product is sold exclusively in pharmacies, which immediately speaks in its favor. The product is recommended by gynecologists for daily use in order to normalize the level of intimate microflora. The price ranges from 800-1000 rubles.


  • suitable for the treatment of thrush;
  • does not contain soap, fragrances or sulfates;
  • suitable for repeated use throughout the day;
  • can be used during pregnancy.


  • not detected.

Kora, 400 ml

A domestically produced product was also able to “break into” our rating. Consumers fell in love with this intimate gel due to its good qualities at a fairly affordable price. The gel delicately cleanses the intimate area without causing unpleasant irritation or dryness. The price ranges from 250-400 rubles.


  • contains components that soften hard water;
  • contains lactic acid – brings the pH level back to normal.


  • contains sulfates (for foaming) - always pay attention to how strongly the gel foams;
  • contains preservatives;
  • not very convenient packaging.

Lactacyd Femina, 200 ml

It’s not for nothing that this worthy representative of the line of intimate hygiene gels is included in our rating. The Lactacyd company has been known for its products for many years. Most consumers note the delicate action of the product, the absence of a pronounced aroma and pleasant texture. By the way, lactic acid in the composition of the product can become an allergen for some, since not every female body reacts to this substance in the same way. The price ranges from 140-280 rubles.


  • contains lactic acid (actively maintains normal pH levels);
  • does not contain soap;
  • no contraindication for children.


  • contains sulfates.

Ivomed Intimate Bikini Care, 250 ml

This intimate gel, like STYX, is universal - it is perfect for both ladies and the stronger sex. The price ranges from 250-350 rubles.


  • absolutely natural composition (that is, the absence of any fragrances, sulfates, dyes and parabens);
  • suitable for sensitive skin in the intimate area;
  • suitable for daily use;
  • normalizes pH in the intimate area.


  • not detected.

SebaMed, 200 ml

The “modest” German representative of our rating, who Lately began to “tread on the heels” of the much-loved Lactacyd. The product is presented in an affordable price category and at the same time provides delicate, effective care for the intimate area. The price ranges from 250-350 rubles.


  • does not contain sulfates, soap and dyes;
  • Suitable for sensitive/problem skin;


  • not detected.

Provag, 30 ml

Polish medicinal product, which is effective in combating bacterial/fungal diseases of the genital organs, and is also ideal for maintaining the optimal pH level of the intimate area. Do not rinse off the product after application. The price ranges from 350-450 rubles.


  • suitable for children;
  • excellent prevention during the period of taking antibiotics, for diabetes, after childbirth;
  • maintains normal microflora levels.

The issue of hygiene of intimate areas is a particularly delicate one. Unfortunately, not many girls and women understand that the most basic knowledge in this area and careful care will help avoid various diseases, characteristic of women's health. If a woman does not have the opportunity to discuss this issue with a doctor or friends, she can first take some steps on her own.

Thus, various intimate hygiene products are widely represented on the Russian market in 2020. If previously women had to use their traditional care products for this purpose - soaps and shower gels, which disrupted the normal microflora, and felt discomfort, now the situation has changed. Modern developments have appeared quite a long time ago - gels, creams, wet wipes, and foams suitable for delicate care of sensitive areas of the body. They gently and carefully cleanse the skin, avoid irritation, do not cause dryness and, on the contrary, provide hydration and a feeling of comfort. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether an intimate gel is needed is definitely affirmative.

The microflora of the intimate area consists mainly of lactobacilli. They are producers of lactic acid, which maintains the acid-base balance at an optimal level. Thanks to this, harmful microorganisms quickly die and do not have a chance to multiply in such an environment. Changes in pH levels can disrupt the balance of microflora and lead to negative consequences due to the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

Infections and inflammatory diseases lead to abdominal pain, irritation, burning, itching, swelling, and unpleasant discharge. They are caused by stress, poor diet, clothing made from synthetic fabrics, taking medications, and hormonal problems. To identify the cause, you need to seek help from a specialist and not self-medicate.

However, outside of acute inflammatory processes, especially if you belong to a risk group, it is recommended to use at least a self-selected product for intimate hygiene, which will have a special composition that does not disturb the pH balance. Also, by preventing the proliferation of pathogenic organisms, the intimate gel also eliminates the unpleasant odor that they generate during their life processes. But such drugs have no therapeutic effect.

Benefits of intimate hygiene products

Their pH values ​​range from 3.8 to 4.6, which is close to the standard pH level of the human body.

Intimate gels, creams, foams and similar products contain antiseptic components - extracts from medicinal plants, which successfully fight inflammation and fungi, provide an antibacterial and soothing effect.

Lactobacilli are added to some products to help improve the condition of the vaginal mucous membranes. D-panthenol may also be present, which has a healing effect on tissue.

Of course, with such a spectrum useful qualities Ordinary, often chlorinated, water does not, the quality of which in large cities leaves much to be desired.

How to use it correctly

You should avoid products that contain perfume. It can cause allergies and irritation due to hypersensitivity or individual intolerance. It will be a plus if the chosen product is labeled by the manufacturer as hypoallergenic. The fewer fragrances, dyes and similar elements, the more environmentally friendly the product.

The product foams with warm water and is applied with light movements to intimate areas, after which it is washed off. Cleansed skin should be blotted dry, preferably with a cotton towel.

It is recommended to take a shower with special products 2-3 times a day. If you do this more often, it is better to limit yourself to plain water.

There is also a children's gel or cream, which is recommended to be used about once a week, since more frequent use will dry out the mucous membrane.

Contraindications for intimate hygiene products

Products for intimate areas are quite neutral, but sometimes they should not be used:

  1. Postoperative period. The soap in the composition will irritate the damaged areas. They should be treated with an antiseptic until they heal. This also applies to the period after childbirth, especially if there were tears and stitches;
  2. Allergic reactions and intolerances. There are thousands of different allergic reactions to certain components.

Therefore, if you suspect you have an allergy, you should carefully read the composition. The most common causes of the reaction are lactobacilli (which produce lactose) and plant extracts.

Average price for intimate hygiene products

How much does intimate hygiene product cost? It is worth saying that the cost can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, volume, and components in the composition.

The best manufacturers are Lactacyd Femina, Sesderma, SebaMed, Epigen, TianDe. There are also more budget ones - Nivea, Cafry, Vagisan, DeoIntim. You can also find very inexpensive ones - at a price of 30-40 rubles per 100 ml, but doubts arise about them. Both its quality and the ingredients involved in the composition depend on how much the product costs.

It is impossible to say for sure which company is better to buy the product, since everything is very individual and the characteristics of the products differ greatly in purpose. What is praised by some may cause painful and unpleasant sensations of use by others. Therefore, the “trial and error” method is perhaps the only option to find your ideal intimate hygiene product.

The popularity of the products does not guarantee that the products presented will suit you, but they were selected taking into account reviews from real customers who have used these products.

Which company is better to choose a product?

This question also cannot be given a definite answer. The product should be chosen based on information about the composition, the state of your health, individual preferences and a number of other factors - everyone has their own selection criteria.

In general, all intimate hygiene products have rather limited functionality - and provide either a cleansing or moisturizing effect. You can start from which of these properties is preferable in your situation.

Moisturizing gels and creams are recommended for women during a period of their lives such as menopause. Young women can also use them, for example, during pregnancy, in case of candidiasis, colpitis or taking contraceptive medications, which are usually accompanied by severe drying of the mucous membrane.

Cleansing gels contain active ingredients, like other washing and cleaning products, and, in addition, a rich antibacterial complex. It is recommended to use them during menstruation and during active physical activity.

Rating of the best creams and gels for intimate hygiene

When you do not have the opportunity to ask advice from a friend or your attending gynecologist, but you are wondering “how to choose a gel for intimate hygiene?”, You can make a choice based on the rating of quality products according to the Yandex.Market service. This will help reduce the number of options when answering the question of which products are best to buy.

The most popular models will be presented below. They belong to different price categories, which makes them accessible to any woman.

The gel is a cleansing gel. In terms of composition, there is something to complain about; it is not completely natural. However, the pH level of the product is optimal; it contains lactic acid.

Volume – 150 ml.

Price – 950 rubles.

Epigen "Gel for daily intimate hygiene"


  • Suitable even for children from 1 year of age;
  • Mothers speak positively about the results of use;
  • Effectively copes with harmful microorganisms;
  • Thick consistency;
  • Economically used;
  • Recommended by gynecologists.


  • High price;
  • Controversial composition of the gel;
  • There are contraindications, they are used as prescribed by a doctor.

Belita "Intimate care cream"

The cream from a Belarusian manufacturer contains aphrodisiacs, aloe extract, and essential oils– patchouli, rosemary, ylang-ylang, as well as moisturizing and soothing components.

Volume – 30 ml.

Price – 50 rubles.

Belita "Intimate care cream"


  • Affordable price;
  • Many positive customer reviews;
  • Gives a feeling of freshness;
  • Has a pleasant aroma;
  • Convenient to take on trips due to its volume;
  • Economically used.


  • The presence of alcohol among the ingredients;
  • It is not suitable for everyone; cases of itching, burning and allergies have been reported.

A cleansing product with a pine scent that helps keep mucous membranes in their natural state. The composition contains an antiseptic – tea tree oil. Optimal pH balance is ensured due to the presence of lactic acid in the gel cream.

Cost – 250 rubles.

Volume - 300 ml.

Green Mama “Gel-cream for intimate hygiene”


  • Good composition;
  • Pleasant light aroma;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odor;
  • Economically used;
  • Powerful antiseptic and bactericidal effect.


  • The composition contains Sodium Laureth Sulfate - harmful sulfates;
  • There have been cases of intolerance to the drug, from itching to swelling.

Product from the Organic Kitchen brand, which produces jars for all occasions. They attract attention due to their availability and, as a rule, natural composition. This gel is a moisturizer containing lactic acid, caring components and soft surfactants. The optimal pH balance of the gel is about 4.

Volume – 100 ml.

Price – 80 rubles.

Organic shop “Gentle gel for intimate hygiene Lotus Flower”


  • Convenient to take with you due to its small volume;
  • Foams well;
  • Economically used;
  • Reduces irritation and well moisturizes and soothes the skin.


  • There is no protective membrane against opening;
  • There is a fragrance, a sharp masculine smell;
  • Not all ingredients specified by the manufacturer are present in the composition.

The product is from the Russian manufacturer “Savonry”, which is known for producing truly natural products. It has a dual purpose - cleansing and moisturizing. The key ingredients of the product are lactic acid, oils - peach, aloe, wheat germ, sesame, plant extracts - string, chamomile, and vitamin B5.

Volume – 200 ml.

Cost – 220 rubles.

Savonry “Cream-gel for intimate hygiene”


  • There is protection against opening;
  • Convenient pump dispenser;
  • Economical consumption - the stated volume is enough for 3 months;
  • Optimal creamy consistency;
  • Pleasant, almost imperceptible smell;
  • Free from SLS and parabens;
  • Soft surfactants in the detergent base;
  • Foams well and washes off;
  • Suitable for daily use and does not cause dryness.


  • Not all components declared by the manufacturer are of plant origin.

This soap is designed to cleanse the mucous membranes of intimate areas. Recommended for sensitive skin - it soothes and relieves irritation thanks to the action of sage extract in the composition. An ingredient such as allantoin moisturizes the delicate skin of the intimate area.

Volume – 370 ml.

Cost – 110 rubles.

Green pharmacy "Gentle intimate soap Sage"


  • Large amount of product;
  • Availability;
  • Does not dry out the skin;
  • Can be used daily.


  • Smells a bit chemical;
  • It is not used economically due to the inconvenient dispenser;
  • There is no lactic acid in the composition.

This product from the Russian manufacturer “Compliment” is intended to restore the normal pH level of intimate areas. Relieves irritation, dryness, itching, burning and others unpleasant symptoms, accompanying pH disturbances. Does an excellent job of moisturizing the vaginal mucosa. There is lactic acid and plant extracts of calendula, chamomile, aloe vera in the composition.

Volume – 250 ml.

Price – 150 rubles.

Compliment “Cream soap for intimate hygiene”


  • Availability;
  • Economically consumed thanks to the dispenser;
  • There are no harmful components in the composition - SLS and parabens;
  • Delicate, pleasant creamy consistency;
  • Floral aroma.


  • May dry out skin if used daily;
  • Excess of synthetic fragrances and fragrances.

A gel from a German manufacturer, which can be found both in pharmacies and in Fix-Price stores. Its pH is 3.8, since the gel is designed specifically for girls with a slightly acidic balance. Contains natural ingredients– D-panthenol, plant extracts, alpha-bisabolol. They effectively reduce inflammation and help normalize the balance of the intimate area.

Volume – 200 ml.

Cost – 50-350 rubles.

Sebamed "Gel for feminine intimate hygiene"


  • Contains no soap or alkali;
  • No dyes;
  • Optimal consistency;
  • Foams well and is economical to use;
  • Light, unobtrusive aroma;
  • Does not cause dryness or irritation;
  • Can be found at an affordable price.


  • The composition contains common surfactants;
  • The price in pharmacies and supermarkets is greatly inflated.

The product from the famous cosmetics manufacturer Nivea is intended for delicate intimate areas. Thanks to aloe vera, it perfectly moisturizes the skin. Lactic acid in the composition maintains the level of acid-base balance and gives a feeling of cleanliness throughout the day. D-panthenol promotes healing of damaged areas.

Volume – 250 ml.

Cost – 210 rubles.

Nivea "Sensitive intimate hygiene gel"


  • The manufacturer does not use alkali or dyes;
  • Approved by gynecologists and tested by dermatologists;
  • Does not cause dryness with frequent use;
    Very gentle product;
  • Foams well and washes off the skin.


  • The composition contains components that may contain toxic impurities, the manufacturer does not claim to remove them.
  • Insufficiently concentrated, therefore not economically consumed;
  • The bottle cap is difficult to close.

Designed for pregnant women, women who have recently given birth and even infants. The foam contains many plant components - green tea, string and yarrow. There are components necessary during this delicate period of a woman’s life - hyaluronic acid, silver ions, prebiotics, which provide an antibacterial effect and normalization of the acid-base balance of the vagina. The product soothes the mucous membranes, moisturizes well and eliminates discomfort typical during pregnancy.

Volume – 150 ml.

Cost – 250 rubles.

Mama Comfort “Aerated foam for intimate hygiene”


  • Affordable price;
  • Lots of positive reviews;
  • Long lasting feeling of freshness;
  • There are no harmful components, soap or dyes;
  • Pleasant to use;
  • Good bottle and economical consumption;
  • Pleasant unobtrusive aroma;
  • Can be used both during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • Suitable for children from the first days of life, does not cause irritation;
  • Does an excellent job of cleaning.


  • Were not found.

A gentle gel from the Japanese cosmetics manufacturer Shokubutsu is produced in Thailand. A distinctive feature of the product is its hypoallergenicity. Suitable for very sensitive skin. 99% of the components in its composition are extracted from herbs growing in Japan. The product perfectly removes unpleasant odors and gives you a feeling of cleanliness and freshness for the whole day. Aloe vera extract fights irritation and saturates it with micronutrients.

Volume – 150 ml.

Cost – 300 rubles.

Shokubutsu “Intimate hygiene gel with curara and aloe vera”


  • Suitable for everyday use;
  • High quality and natural ingredients;
  • Light, inexpressive aroma;
  • There is a protective film against opening;
  • Convenient to take on trips;
  • Very economical to use.


  • The composition contains SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate, which is a cheap surfactant used in industry for foaming.

A product from a Belgian manufacturer with a pH value of 5.2 is intended for women with particularly sensitive skin. Cotton extract in the composition makes care delicate and gentle. Lactic acid nourishes the mucous membranes and maintains the normal pH balance of the intimate area. The gel does not contain fragrances, which prevents skin irritation.

Volume – 200 ml.

Cost – 300 rubles.

Lactacyd "Sensitive Intimate Hygiene Product"


  • Approved by obstetricians and gynecologists;
  • No dyes;
  • It washes off well and foams;
  • Slowly consumed;
  • Does not dry the skin;
  • Maintains microflora balance.


  • Were not found.

So, we got acquainted with the most popular intimate hygiene products. You can choose a product from those presented or any other, based on your preferences and individual characteristics.

The main thing is to remember that a modern woman is recommended to have a separate product for the intimate area in her arsenal of care products. Gynecologists especially emphasize that ordinary soap increases the acidity of the microflora of intimate areas and can cause a lot of negative sensations, such as itching, irritation, discomfort and dryness.

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