Chinese horoscope OX (Ox). Full characteristics of the sign. Compatibility with other signs. Year of the Ox Modern Chinese horoscope Ox woman

Years of birth of a person according to the Ox sign: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

The Ox is associated with strength, tenacity, reliability, honesty, courage, determination, hard work, calmness and conservatism. Negative sides is stubbornness and impatience.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Ox

People born in the year of the Ox are considered a storehouse of all kinds of virtues. They are hardworking, precise, systematic, balanced. In society they show themselves as loyal, selfless, reliable friends.

They have the gift of speech and are eloquent. But, of course, there are exceptions. And among the representatives of this sign there are also weaklings with a very unenviable set of negative traits - stubborn, vindictive, conservative.

In fact, two types of Bulls can be distinguished: one is very sociable, the other is more reserved. The first is always generous and extravagant, he is the soul of all companies and parties. He is always and everywhere welcome, everywhere he is expected and greeted. In all houses, in society, he has many close friends, acquaintances, admirers.

The second type is often perceived as a person with an inferiority complex, although in reality this is not the case. His strangeness is manifested in the fact that he often “withdraws into himself,” meditates, thinks or philosophizes about the fundamental problems of our life, our existence.

The Ox is a strong personality. No matter what life’s difficulties come his way, they will not break him. He never leaves anything to chance and thinks through his every step in detail. The Ox does not count on the gifts of fate, and achieves everything with his own hard work, honest, skillfully organized work, which enriches not only his pocket, but also his head. And if the Ox sets a goal for himself, know that he will either achieve it or fall with his bones on the way to achieving it. Of course, like all people, he may experience feelings of fatigue and loss. But by nature, this type of people is much more resilient and patient. Therefore, difficulties only strengthen his character. All this makes him a good worker, capable of responsible, patient work. And over time, his fantastic perseverance and efficiency lead him to the position of leader. Bulls move towards their life goals consciously, consistently, purposefully, without fear of any obstacles, obstacles, obstacles. At the same time, as a rule, they move in a very straight line, without using roundabout maneuvers, detours, or detours. Their climb up the career ladder is quite steep, but the ascent does not stop - after all, this is the Ox. He knows well that nothing is given for free, success and satisfaction of the soul are given only by work, work with full dedication.

As bosses and leaders, Bulls are simply magnificent, especially if all their orders and instructions are carried out unquestioningly without resistance or contradiction. But woe to those subordinates who enter into polemics with them and doubt them, for they will quickly feel the heavy hand of the Bull boss. Any case against them is a hopeless, unpromising matter.

People born in the year of the Ox very often look older than their peers due to their penchant for prudence and independence. The Ox, as a rule, has good authority and his words are very significant for the people around him. And it cannot be any other way. The ambitious Ox does not agree to minor roles, and will never adapt to anyone. It is easier for him to leave this society.

The bull is a rather conservative comrade. He finds it difficult to follow an unknown path and does not approve of any innovations. He doesn’t like the momentary trends of today, but everything lasting and real that life can give him, be it nature, family, good things, prosperity in the house or relationships with friends. On the other hand, he completes all the tasks that the Ox undertakes and does them thoroughly and well.

It is very easy to recognize a person born in the year of the Ox: he weighs his every word, his movements are leisurely and precise, and he does not like the unknown. As a rule, he has many friends. The people around him feel his mighty power and are drawn to him. He is not a supporter of noisy companies, but he does not suffer from loneliness either. He has a tenacious, practical mind, knows how to support any topic of conversation and can easily gain the trust of his interlocutor. But it will not be sweet for the one who offends him. When enraged, the Bull is truly terrible and is capable of sweeping away everything in its path. The Ox has a short conversation with ill-wishers or competitors: either a fight to the last breath, or complete neglect. A striking example is Napoleon Bonaparte - the most famous of those born in the year of the Ox.

In love, the Ox, as in life, is, first of all, a practitioner. He never builds sand castles, does not have his head in the clouds, but methodically and persistently achieves his goal, regardless of obstacles. Romanticism is also alien to him. He doesn't understand soap operas and lyrical sentiment. With a person of the opposite sex, he does not like to beat around the bush, play complex games or create a romantic entourage. All this is equally incomprehensible and alien to his straightforward nature. He offers his chosen one “only” reliability and fidelity until the end of his days, and not some sighs in the moonlight on a bench. It also happens that it is difficult for the other half to understand the Ox. Perhaps this is because they devote their strength and feelings not so much to their marriage as to their family, their parental responsibilities. They are very demanding of children, but they surround them with such love and tenderness that are rare.

Bulls appreciate female beauty and feminine charms. Also, to the sensual pleasures you can also add a warm, cozy home and a friendly, large family.

Strong and persistent, devoted to work and family, the Ox understands the real values ​​of life. Slowly, without being distracted by trifles, he moves forward and is not going to stop until he reaches his goal.

People born in the year of the Ox should avoid professions related to trade and public relations, because he doesn't get along well with people. Also, they should not choose a profession that will force them to travel, because on business trips Oxen lose their balance and health. Best of luck Bk will be able to achieve in agriculture. Loving nature and animals, Bulls are firmly attached to mother earth; they are engaged in farming and gardening, vegetable gardening or animal husbandry, using their peasant experience and skills in all matters.

In addition to agriculture, Bulls love the world of art, sports and physical education. Many found their calling in music and singing, drawing and sculpture. In sports - football and rugby, weightlifting, long-distance running. Many of the Buffaloes are engaged in stock brokerage and stock speculation. But for everyone the best holiday Activities in the garden and vegetable garden are served.

The Year of the Ox corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Bull 1901, 1961

People born in the year of the Metal Ox are self-confident and have an iron will. They are also distinguished by straightforwardness and frankness. They have strong opinions and are not afraid to express them. With enviable persistence and determination they achieve their goals, however, at the same time, they can forget about the thoughts and feelings of others. This Ox has few friends, but they are distinguished by their loyalty. He is always honest, frank and never promises more than he can offer.

Water Bull 1913, 1973

People born in the year of the Water Ox are more far-sighted than other Oxes. They have a tenacious, grasping mind, and well-developed organizational skills. They do their work quickly and are not afraid to let other people in on their plans and intentions. They like to devote most of their time to social activities and know how to get along with both children and adults. They are unusually friendly and self-confident, easily achieving their goals.

Wooden Bull 1925, 1985

People born in the year of the Wooden Ox very quickly gain authority and occupy a leading position in society. They are self-confident and straightforward, and have exceptional willpower. They never beat around the bush, but boldly express their opinions. Representatives of this sign should learn diplomacy and pacifying their impulses. The family plays a primary role for them; they are very devoted and caring towards their loved ones.

Fire Bull 1937

People born in the year of the Fire Ox are very loyal and devoted to their family. They have few friends, but they are real. The Fire Ox is a strong and assertive person. It's hardworking and knowledgeable worker. Often takes a leadership position and achieves high position and material well-being. Disadvantages include the fact that he sticks only to his own opinion and easily loses patience if something doesn’t go the way he would like. The opinions of others are not taken into account.

Earthen Bull 1949

People born in the year of the earth Ox have a calm and balanced character. Friends and family respect them for their honesty and straightforwardness. To achieve their goal, Earth Oxen are ready to work for days, but at the same time they are realistic and soberly assess their capabilities. They have an authoritative opinion, which is always taken into account.

Year of the Ox - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Ox personality

The Ox is a good leader. He often appears reserved, but when necessary, he can be eloquent. The Ox does not tolerate innovations that disturb his peace. He dresses conservatively, and without any imagination. He is smart and thorough. He can become a good surgeon, but he has special abilities agriculture. What you should avoid is trading. Find mutual language It’s a little hard for him with people. Travel and frequent business trips undermine his health and self-confidence.

Negative aspects of the Ox personality

The Bulls have so much inner strength that it seems they can live on a desert island. But their selfish addiction to making a profit undermines their health. Also to negative qualities may include inertia and slowness.

Oxen outwardly seem calm, but in fact, they have a very hot temper. Their anger can be terrible. Therefore, if you communicate with the Ox, do not be stubborn - this can be dangerous. He hates failure in his affairs. With those who interfere with him, he is merciless, and nothing stops him.

Career and money of the Ox sign

People born in the year of the Ox, as a rule, slowly but surely move up the career ladder. A career is not an end in itself for them, and they do not like behind-the-scenes games, intrigues and all sorts of tricks, thanks to which others reach heights. But, Oxen have self-confidence, have untouchable authority, and are hardworking. Thanks to these qualities, they achieve the goals they set.

People born in the year of the Ox value comfort. They don't need expensive furniture, but they do need it to be comfortable and practical. Therefore, their program, at a minimum, includes a cozy home, good quality furniture and a reliable car.

The Ox does not waste money on trifles. He will not give his beloved flowers every day and take her to expensive restaurants, but he will buy her a more practical and necessary gift.

Life periods of the Ox

People born in the year of the Ox become independent very early. Already from childhood, their strength of character and assertiveness are visible. In childhood, they are peaceful, calm, even very cute, as long as they are not touched or drilled. The Bull's childhood and youth pass without any special stories. At school, they show more interest in practical issues, appreciate the world of art, especially music and singing, and do not miss the opportunity to go to an exhibition or concert hall.

Difficulties for the Ox may lie in wait for him in marriage if he gets a companion who does not value family as much as he does. Romances on the side are possible.

Old age for Bulls is most often calm. They easily cope with all the difficulties that they encounter.

An Ox born in winter is generally happier than an Ox born in summer. He has to work less.

Stones: topaz, sapphire, ruby, diamond, tiger's eye, aquamarine.

Plants: anemone, sweet pea, violet, cornflower.

Best time of day: from 1 to 3 am.

Time of year: spring.

Colors: yellow, blue.

Born 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009

Chinese name for Ox: Nude
Second sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Time of day ruled by the Ox: 1:00 - 3:00
Corresponding Western Zodiac sign:
Element: Water
Polarity: Negative

Positive traits:
Bulls diligent, teachable, methodical, virtuous, precise, loyal and very resilient.

Negative qualities:
Bull stubborn, easily upset, conservative and can be quite selfish.

The main features of the Ox:

Anyone who has ever watched a herd of bulls trudge calmly across an open plain cannot fail to be struck by their natural majesty. Harnessed to a yoke, no other animal can drag such a heavy load for as long as an ox.

No wonder that Bulls, with their ability to overcome any resistance and, as if by their very presence, to inspire confidence in others, take their rightful place on the world stage. To those born under this sign destined to be great and make his mark as a leader. Being conservative. Bull does not value innovations and ingenious mechanisms: modern world not for him. Trying to understand Bull- a thankless and unproductive task. Any attempt to bring this most closed of all creatures closer can only succeed if you force him to swallow his tongue. And the more you try, the more it moves away. But because he is born a leader, he never admits to himself or others any fears or insecurities. As you'd expect, arrogant and ambitious Bull can't stand it when someone contradicts him, especially if someone else does it Bull.

Thus, people born under the sign of the Ox, diligent and patient, ambitious and love their home. You like to work hard and, step by step, reach the top. Whatever you undertake, you feel great responsibility. Sometimes you can be very introverted and prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself. You have a small circle of friends, but they remain faithful to you. You enjoy peaceful, comfortable surroundings and will most often remain calm unless angered. Then you can turn into a monster towards the one who "offended you. The most dangerous animals in the world are not lions or tigers - they are bulls.

Thanks to your reliability and punctuality, you achieve success in everything you undertake - provided that you are allowed to complete your tasks yourself. You can go far in politics or farming, as in any field where specialized knowledge is vital. Also, if you are born with a knack for creativity, you can become an artist. Your life will be interesting, but full of tasks waiting to be solved. Bull born in spring, will be very happy, he will have fewer worries than someone born in summer or autumn. To the Winter Ox it would be easy too, but he would have to be careful not to end up with a steak on the dinner table.

You are diligent, positive and always ready to help. But you tend to call the shots and can be quite stubborn and authoritarian. Many may find it difficult to work with you because you are rigid and not always cooperative.

Fate (luck)
You appreciate the little things in life, but you experience a feeling of extreme satisfaction when you see your work bring results. You work hard and success is sure to await you.

You take care of what you have and what your previous efforts have created. What you do can bring you great wealth and fame; even what you learned as a child can bear fruit.

You love to work together when necessary, but you are quite good at influencing situations. You like to work alone, but you enjoy being in a senior role because it gives you complete control. You like to see and know what is happening around you.

Social life
You get along well with the people you choose to deal with. You can be very shy and withdrawn when you find yourself around people you don't know very well.

You are smart and observant and always see different opportunities around you. Given your positive attitude and strong character, you will be able to make money well.

You are very romantic by nature and enjoy being with someone you love and care about. You know how to get someone to pay attention to you, and people appreciate your positive nature and your consistency.

Many Bulls find that their parents were not too keen to connect their lives. Relationships can be quite tense and difficult at times.

Brothers and sisters
You support relatively a good relationship with your siblings, as long as they manage to respect your space, and try not to be overbearing.

People born in the year Bull, They treat children with tenderness, they like to be responsible for them. You can have many children and they will love you dearly.

You love to travel and especially enjoy the unspoilt nature of the countryside. You love trees and greenery and never turn down the opportunity to visit exotic places you've never been before.

You are a strong person, distinguished by good health - exactly those qualities that are characteristic of Bull. If you are driving healthy image life, illness will bypass you and wonderful years await you ahead that will bring you success.

Your investments are well thought out and planned and rarely cause you any problems. Considering your precise instincts in everything related to business and the significance of your efforts, it can be said that your projects can make you very rich.

You are hardworking. As long as you have the ability to do a good job and run the show, you often don't care whether it makes you money or not. Life can be hard at times, but with your endurance you will always overcome difficulties.

Life has a lot to offer you, and yet you must show more love and consideration to those around you. If you don't face new challenges, life may seem boring to you.

" Bull -

Years of the sign: : 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009,2021.
Lucky numbers: : 8.
Equivalent zodiac sign:: Capricorn.
Color: green, gold, red.
Sign element: Water.
Yin Yang:: Yin.
Sign compatibility:

  • good with Rooster;
  • average with Rat, Snake;
  • bad with Bull, Horse or Tiger.

According to the Chinese horoscope, people born in the year of the Ox are courageous, realistic and creative individuals who work in their field with stubbornness, perseverance and patience. In ancient times, this zodiac was credited with a special connection with the cosmos. Since the Paleolithic era, rock paintings have come to us with large bulls and bison, personifying male power and strength.

Personality characteristics

Chinese astrologers distinguish 2 types of Ox - closed and shy and more sociable. The latter type of personality is always the center of attention at parties and in any group. Close friends and comrades, employees and business partners welcome him everywhere. The First Ox often philosophizes about life principles and problems. He:
  • silent;
  • patient;
  • balanced;
  • unnoticeable;
  • methodical;
  • accurate.
Underneath the somewhat rustic appearance of the Ox lies the sharp mind of a creator and philosopher. The main source of success for such a person is the gift of inspiring trust in oneself. Many Oxen love solitude and loneliness, they are often called hypocrites and criticized. Without losing heart, this zodiac sign plows and by adulthood reaches enormous heights and deserves respect in society. Bulls are distinguished by decency, honesty and loyalty. They share their knowledge and discoveries with friends without fear.

These are straightforward people, caring and morally stable, but there are also negative traits. The Ox representative sometimes happens:

  • boring;
  • materialist;
  • stubborn;
  • slow;
  • hot-tempered;
  • intolerant.
Oxen prefer comfort and coziness in life and like to feel safe. They are distinguished by strong immunity, high psychological stability, endurance and performance. They rarely complain about health problems. You should not disappoint and betray the Ox, so as not to feel his destructive anger and rage.

Ox Woman

Representatives of the weak half of humanity, born in the year of the Ox, love to work quietly, are somewhat prim and modest, but are more open in communication than many other signs. First of all, you should make friends with them in order to earn trust and count on deeper feelings and affection. This faithful friends and ladies you can rely on in difficult situations.

Oxen women prefer secluded recreation in nature, love to read and spend quiet time free time. For them, the city crowd is a nightmare from which they want to run away. Such individuals rarely visit discos and noisy nightclubs. Only selected men can experience the vibrant sexuality of the Ox lady. Outwardly, she is very cold and contradictory, but if you get closer, hidden character traits and a rich imagination are revealed.

Ox Man

The Ox man embodies stability and perseverance. These qualities are intertwined with balance and focus. Such individuals may devote their lives to achieving certain career goals.

They manage to earn good money thanks to their own stubbornness and hard work. Sometimes men of this sign behave too modestly in companies, but they show concern for friends and relatives, and at important moments they show themselves to be decisive and purposeful individuals.

Oxen are attached to family and relatives. They make excellent husbands and caring fathers. This zodiac sign tries to maintain peace around and avoid conflicts, but you shouldn’t sit on his head, as you can run into excessive severity and unbridled anger. Although later the Bulls cool down, but for a long time may harbor a grudge.

Idleness and useless talk only irritate the Ox. He doesn't like frivolous and stupid people. Many guys born in eastern year Bull, have “golden hands” and are excellent at managing the house, working in the garden, and honing their valuable skills in any craft. They have excellent hearing. Representatives of this zodiac are often found among musicians and creative personalities.

Baby Ox

Baby born in the year of the Ox, with early childhood exhibits typical features of this sign:
  • seriousness and thoughtfulness;
  • stubbornness;
  • determination;
  • inclination towards natural sciences.
Oxen children have loyal friends, often make things with their own hands, and love to read books. In general, they are very obedient and it is very easy to motivate them to do something positive.


The main element of this zodiac sign is Water, so close attention should be paid to the work of the kidneys and genitourinary system. Fluid is also associated with the ears, which is why Bulls often suffer from ear infections and hearing problems.

Modest and shy representatives of the Chinese oriental sign should learn to express their emotions, especially negative ones, so as not to fall into depression. In general, the Ox is not offended by health, especially if a person leads a healthy lifestyle and monitors his own health.


A sense of responsibility prevails throughout the life of the Ox. This zodiac sign strives for success and financial well-being, and therefore endures difficult times, showing determination, fortitude and psychological stability. There are many representatives of this sign among managers, leaders, entrepreneurs and media personalities.

The Ox always takes on difficult tasks and is not afraid of problems and obstacles. The career of such a person usually goes up. In work and career, Ox representatives are distinguished by their high ability to work and productivity. They make decisions themselves, and not under pressure.

Not every Ox is persistent and sociable, but both management and ordinary employees listen to his point of view. Having received real power, the Ox treats it responsibly. Often men of this sign are overly conservative and do not strive to introduce something new. This can negatively impact your career growth and prospects.

Some Oxen tend to stand apart from the work team and appear withdrawn and cold. They do not like to talk too much and try to earn respect by being attentive and helpful.


Almost every Ox strives for wealth and prosperity. He closely monitors his expenses and tries in every possible way to improve his financial position, as well as help relatives and fully provide for the family. The Ox plans the family budget carefully and carefully, tries not to take on debt and pays its bills immediately.

Representatives of the Ox sign spend little on entertainment. These are not spenders, but they are not misers either. To feel calm and protected, they try to put money aside “for a rainy day” and ensure a peaceful old age.

The Ox often invests in long-term projects, buys securities, real estate and chooses savings programs, that is, he prefers proven methods of obtaining stable profits. Thanks to a meticulous and careful approach to financial matters, Bulls manage to accumulate enough money to live in abundance.

Love and family

A variety of bright novels are characteristic of the Ox at a young age. Due to their stubborn nature, sometimes a representative of the sign has problems communicating with the opposite sex. A man sometimes has difficulty controlling negative emotions, so it is important to learn how to build long-term relationships without conflicts.

Romanticism and lyricism are not inherent in the Bull. He is disgusted by short-term romances, and the representative of the sign prefers long-term and stable relationships, in which he shows care and reliability. He takes mistakes in relationships to heart and worries for a long time after separation.

Some Oxen, after a love disappointment, do not strive to start a relationship again and pursue a career, preferring solitude and loneliness. Oxen women are less emotional and build stable relationships, although sometimes they like to receive compliments from admirers.

To achieve harmony in relationships, Oxen should be less restrained and withdrawn, open up to people and enjoy life. This sometimes takes time, which is why couples in which there is a representative of the sign break up without having built mutual warm feelings.

Ox Compatibility

  • Ox + Rat. The wonderful character of the Rat may appeal to the Ox. They usually have stable positive relationships. The Ox supports the partner in every possible way and makes up for the lack of his own emotionality.
  • Bull + Bull. It is sometimes not easy for both representatives of the same sign to get along. Everyone strives to defend their point of view and shows stubbornness. Sometimes they lack mutual understanding.
  • Ox + Tiger. The Tiger strives for a rich and noisy life, which the Bulls do not like. Not everything in the relationship of such a couple goes smoothly due to contradictions in characters. Although the energy of the Tiger sometimes goes well with the pragmatism and apathy of the Ox.
  • Ox + Rabbit. The friendly, peaceful and quiet Rabbit gets along well with the balanced Ox. Both signs are characterized by calmness and a desire to have a stable relationship.
  • Ox + Dragon. These signs have little in common, although the Dragon will certainly delight the Ox with its emotional character and directness. The fire sign is quick-tempered and, like the representative of the Ox sign, has a persistent and stubborn character.
  • Ox + Snake. The thoughtful and calm Snake is very similar in character to the Ox. They will live comfortably and pleasantly together. Such couples are stable and support each other in everything.
  • Bull + Horse. In such a tandem, quarrels can often occur due to common character traits. Both have a powerful character, and their relationship is contradictory, although with mutual sympathy it can last for many years.
  • Ox + Goat. Sometimes there is no mutual understanding in such a couple. Difficult relationships will improve if you show patience and attention to each other.
  • Ox + Monkey. Monkeys are respected by many zodiac signs, including Oxen. The relationship in such a couple is not very passionate, but rather based on thoughtful benefits. The Monkey has a strong personality and arouses the admiration of his partner.
  • Bull + Dog. The virtues and special traits of the Dog are ideally combined with the practicality and stubbornness of the Ox. For mutual understanding, both partners should restrain their emotions.
  • Bull + Pig. The welcoming and friendly Pig attracts representatives of the Ox sign. The relationship in such a couple is warm and good, based on trust and love.
  • Ox + Rooster. The Rooster is able to perfectly motivate the Ox. Their relationship is full of surprises, but more pleasant than negative. The union is quite favorable for marriage and love.

Celebrities born in the year of the Ox

The following people were born under this eastern zodiac sign: Napoleon Bonaparte, Princess Diana, H.H. Andersen, Vladimir Vysotsky, Richard Gere, Jim Carrey, Margaret Thatcher, Charlie Chaplin, Adolf Hitler, Dante Alighieri, Van Gogh, Anna Akhmatova.

Chinese astrology most accurately characterizes the Ox zodiac sign. These individuals have a persistent and courageous character and are able to come to the aid not only of loved ones, but also strangers. It is important to know their disadvantages in order to build harmonious relationships.

Metal Bull

Water Ox

Wood Bull

Fire Bull

Earth Bull

Metal Bull

Water Ox

Wood Bull

Fire Bull

Earth Bull

Metal Bull

Water Ox

Ox - female principle of yin, sign of the second triangle, element of Earth

The Ox (Ox, Buffalo) embodies external solidity, independence, consistency and the desire for order. He is attached to his habits, conservative and pragmatic. The Ox is very persistent, tenacious and stubborn, so it succeeds where others retreat. Practical and cautious, not inclined to change his principles and change. The Ox is endowed with enormous fortitude and is often physically resilient. He is hardworking, knows how and loves to ensure the well-being of the whole family. The Ox is angry, can suddenly lose his temper, and is difficult to suggest and manipulate. Synonymous with reliability and consistency.

Spring and summer representatives of the Ox sign are real workaholics, while autumn and winter Oxes are distinguished by their penchant for laziness and earthly pleasures.

Positive qualities of the sign

A born leader, a responsible leader who cares about the welfare of his subordinates and people dependent on him. The Ox is patient and hardworking. The main quality of character is reliability. Consistently and strategically achieves his goals. Has well-developed logical thinking. He is not prone to impulsive choices, rather slow in making decisions, and approaches any matter thoroughly.

Negative qualities of the sign

The Ox is stubborn and too conservative, dogmatic and authoritarian, does not recognize other authorities except himself, due to stubbornness and ambition. He may have stricter demands on close people and give more to strangers than to his family. In love, the Ox can be too cruel and touchy, selfish and full of prejudices.

Good in the year of the Ox master a new specialty, work hard, increase your own capital, both in knowledge and economically. This period is good for building a family home and traveling around your home country. A marriage entered into this year will be long and happy and will bring prosperity and prosperity to the spouses. Possible adverse natural phenomena, you can’t overexert yourself. This is a good period for the Ox, Monkey, Rooster and Horse. A difficult year for the Tiger, Snake, Goat and Dog. Neutral year for the Rat, Dragon, Pig and Rabbit.

Celebrities of this sign

Ivan Sechenov, Ivan Krylov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Alexey Arakcheev, Jawaharlal Nehru, Alexander Pokryshkin, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov, Hans Christian Andersen, Johann Sebastian Bach, Napoleon Bonaparte, Margaret Thatcher, Princess Diana, Walt Disney, Vincent Van Gogh . Actors: Charlie Chaplin, Dustin Hoffman, Anthony Hopkins, Jane Fonda, Eddie Murphy, Jessica Lange, Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep, Adrien Brody, Sergei Bezrukov, Keira Knightley, Danila Kozlovsky, Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Ox

The Water Ox is distinguished by tenderness, caring towards a loved one, surrounds the lives of loved ones with comfort, and is not indifferent to beauty. Helps the disadvantaged, philanthropist and philanthropist. Doesn't like to talk about love, but does noble deeds. An exalted romantic, a persistent admirer, a reliable protector of the family who will ensure a comfortable and comfortable existence.

Green Wood Bull

It differs from other representatives of its sign in its restraint in expressing emotions and feelings. More than others, they strive to occupy an influential position in society. Prefers order and routine to extreme situations and impulsiveness. Not susceptible to suggestion or manipulation. The Wood Ox hesitates for a long time before making any decision, and therefore needs support from loved ones in important life situations.

Yellow Earth Ox

The Earth Ox best demonstrates the capabilities of this sign. Hard work, optimism, generosity and brilliant logic allow the Earth Ox to achieve high social status, regardless of personal starting capital. A good athlete, has physical endurance. He is true to his commitments. Not too passionate, but a faithful lover who can surprise with his endurance.

White Metal Ox

A distinctive feature of the Metal Ox is a freer and more open manner of expressing their feelings in love. Metal gives the leisurely pragmatic sign a dose of activity and a readiness for moderate experiments. He adapts to new conditions more easily than others. Strong character and will help to overcome any difficulties in the marathon of life. It’s not boring with him, he is able to go beyond routine and everyday life.

Red Fire Bull

The most passionate of all representatives of this sign. A tireless lover, a born high-flying leader, decisive and irresistible. The Fire Ox is too straightforward in expressing his feelings and categorical in his opinions. Being an ideal family man, he will not forgive you for cheating. In the house he often behaves like a dictator who provides well for his family, but demands strict adherence to rules and order.

Find out what kind of people are born in the year of the Ox - the sign will tell you a lot!

Ox's lucky colors: red and gold. These colors always have something special and useful for Bulls if they have to resolve important issues of an official or financial nature

Ox: lucky stone- talisman - onyx. A necklace or ring made of onyx allows Oxen to act effectively in any area

Ox lucky numbers: 8

Who suits the Ox, the most best signs for Ox: Rat, Rooster, Bull, Rabbit, Snake, Dog

Those who are not suitable for the Ox are the most bad signs for Ox: Goat, Horse

What zodiac sign does the Ox correspond to?
This is the most reliable sign in the Chinese Zodiac, thanks to which the world still turns. The eastern horoscope describes the Ox as a very hardworking and responsible person; in China, the sign is a symbol of prosperity earned by honest labor. Despite the fact that he is very modest and hates self-promotion, over time he becomes an indisputable authority for others. According to the eastern horoscope, the Ox hates deception and lies, he has an innate gift to extinguish negative emotions and disputes in his environment. For these people, the words “morality” or “ethics” are never empty, meaningless phrases.

If a person was born in the year of the Ox, the sign of the Chinese horoscope promises him a difficult childhood and youth. They can occur in some kind of need - both materially and emotionally. But over time, representatives of the Ox sign are increasingly pleased with the manifestations of Fortune’s benevolence. And sometimes in old age they even become very rich people, creators, founders of family, “clan” wealth.

If we're talking about about the Ox-woman, the description will be incomplete without mentioning the fact that she is simply an ideal housewife. He can cook deliciously, masterfully decorate the interior and do garden design. Such ladies highly value traditions and family values. For Oxen women, love is, first of all, a wedding ring on the finger and a common future under one roof. They are always looking for true love until the grave, so they study their partners for a long time and carefully before they hear serious statements from their lips.

Women and especially men of this sign are not romantics; languid sighs in the light of the Moon are alien to them. Love Bulls by eastern horoscope they prove it practically: they prepare delicious dinners every day from their favorite dishes or build a common beautiful house. And it’s unlikely that they will constantly write love SMS and other messages, because they consider it a waste of time. If a person is an Ox according to the Chinese horoscope, their personality characteristics include an absolute rejection of betrayal, which they do not forgive. But what drives them even more crazy is the thoughtless wastefulness of their partners - love and business.

Chinese astrology characterizes representatives of the Ox sign as one of the best parents in the horoscope. As children, they themselves often experienced a lack of interest on the part of their parents and therefore do not want their children to experience the same. These people easily achieve a difficult harmony between indulgence and demandingness. It happens that thanks to wise upbringing, heartfelt care and love, the children of Oxen mothers and fathers achieve outstanding success in life.

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