Writing about protecting nature is the duty of every schoolchild. Protecting nature is the business of each of us. An essay about how important it is to protect nature

Protecting nature is the duty of every person

Look around and see what kind of world we live in. The water is polluted, the fish in the rivers are dying, the air is poisoned, many factories and plants emit toxic gases and harmful substances into the atmosphere. There is very little vegetation in cities: trees are cut down, and free places are being built up with new buildings.

But is this the kind of world we want to live in? Is this the kind of water we want to drink? Is this the air we want to breathe?

Of course not! I believe that you need to correct your mistakes as soon as possible and not make new ones. But it is useless to force other people to do something. Everyone must think and decide for themselves what will be best for him and his loved ones. After all, our inaction can lead to irreversible consequences.

Of course, nature will never be the same as it was many years ago. But we can make the world a better place. Taking care of nature is the duty of every person, and everyone should try to do everything in their power to save the planet.

Maria Dubrovskikh

I believe that every person is obliged to protect nature. We live among her, we use her gifts, and if she is gone, we will also disappear.

But, unfortunately, every day, without even noticing it, we harm nature. We no longer notice when and how we do it. But nature remembers everything. Deep wounds remain on her soul. Huge rainbow spots float across the seas and oceans, poisoning the rich world of marine life. Animals don’t know where to live because we are burning and cutting down forests. Animals can no longer live freely in the forests; they constantly need to hide from poachers. When we pour gasoline and acids onto the ground, we don’t think that the plants are dying. The inhabitants of the soil cannot avoid this fate.

Of course, we can no longer make nature the way the first people who inhabited our planet saw it. But we have the power to prevent the destruction of the Earth. And if each of us takes care of nature, then our children and grandchildren will have a place to live.

Elena Pakharukova

One of the philosophers said: “The road to Civilization is paved with tin cans.” And he was right. A person paves the way to a “bright future”, sparing nothing along the way. He destroys nature: he pollutes forests and seas, rolls grass into asphalt, changes river beds, stops at nothing to enrich himself, for short-term gain. Already now the planet is giving signals of protest against our thoughtless treatment of it. And what will happen next?

Each of us must realize that we are all part of nature, and not its only rulers and masters. What can be done to save what remains? Stop progress? Back to basics? But this is impossible. No, you need to use your whole mind, given to a person to come up with ways to develop civilization that would not destroy all living things. We must learn to live in harmony with nature.

Nastya Karzhavina

People have many responsibilities in the world. For example, we are obliged to go to school, study well, respect elders, and give up our seat on the bus. If I continued this series, I would hardly include our responsibilities to nature. And it would be wrong. We all owe a debt to nature, because it is thanks to her that we exist on this planet. But we cause irreparable harm to nature.

Take coral reefs, for example. They grow extremely slowly: 1 centimeter per 100 years. You can imagine how long it took them to grow, and in a short time people destroyed more than half of the reefs for industrial purposes. People completely exterminated the sea cow population because of its unusually tasty meat. Deforestation is increasing in speed. Man takes from nature what he needs for life, without giving anything in return. Or rather, returning soot, dirt, debris.

We must protect nature, realizing that this is our duty, responsibility, and not a whim.

Alena Saprykina

Tell me people why

Are you ruining yours?

Aren't you sorry at all?

And forests and springs?

Conscience and sadness do not gnaw at you

For the future of the country?

Spring forests are burning.

“Take care” is forgotten.

The beauty of the earth has been ruined.

Sos, people! Help!

Valentina Shabanova

A lot of beautiful places in our region. At any time of the year you can admire the mountains, cheerful birch trees, blooming wild rosemary, and the high and clear sky.

I have a favorite corner - a small river with the gentle name Kamushek. If I go there, it’s for the whole day. When our whole family appears on its shore, we are not in a hurry, we settle down for a long time and thoroughly. We make a fire, barbecue, collect herbs, and sunbathe. There is a lot to do on vacation, you want to breathe and breathe fresh coolness, listen to the rustle of water.

When we get ready to leave, we always clean up even the slightest trash. This is what my parents taught me, and I know it is right. If each of us picks up just a sliver of wood, the earth will become clean and pleasant.

Moskvitin Artem, 5 a class

To protect nature is to protect the Motherland. This is very important for me, because by destroying all living things today, we may be left without forests, rivers, and lakes in the future. What could be more terrible!

I think that everything depends on us: both the beauty of the world around us and the abundance of nature. Man himself harms both the forest and nature. By cutting down trees, he leaves animals without shelter and food, polluting rivers and lakes, thoughtlessly poisoning himself and future offspring. Nature is very generous, she gives everything she has. But you can’t just take, you also have to give. And this means that you need to plant as much as possible more trees, bushes, clear forests of rubble, rush to help where fire destroys natural wealth. And one more thing - it is necessary to severely punish those who misbehave in the forests, leave fires burning, and throw any garbage into the river.

I want my city to become the cleanest, greenest in our region!

Belousova Dasha, 5 a class

My homeland is the city of Petrovsk. It is very old, it began to be built in the eighteenth century. I am happy and proud that my city is so ancient.

I don’t know what it was like in those distant times, but now my city simply needs to be treated. From what? It is overgrown with garbage and dirt. When we go out into the forest, it’s sad to see what kind of heaps grow under every tree. Are you afraid to step on the grass in case there is broken glass? Why do people decorate and clean their houses, but litter everything around them? I always think about this terrible question. Is it really so difficult to determine what can be burned and what can be thrown into the trash cans? If we ourselves do not take care of our homeland, who will?

I believe that in the future there will be many parks, flowers, and people smiling at each other in my city.

Tyurikov Igor, 5th grade

Almost every summer our whole family goes to the forest. We go out to relax, sit on the bank, sunbathe, and just get some fresh air. I always don't want to go back. Because there are a lot of impressions from the trip. We are waiting for the next weekend to enjoy our favorite place again.

One autumn we were picking mushrooms in a forest not far from the state farm. I was lucky then. Because my basket was quickly filled with butter. I was not allowed to go far, and I didn’t even try to run away. Imperceptibly she collected and collected. Suddenly I heard some screams and laughter. It was so unpleasant to hear this in the gentle silence of the forest kingdom, but I had to listen. Cursing, squeaking, cackling hurt the ears. Sitting in a small clearing funny company, the music was blaring, beer bottles were flying. Then the motorcycle thundered with a terrible roar. Everyone sat on it and rolled away amid frantic squeals. I went to the place where this company was sitting. Because I saw smoke. It was the paper burning near the stump. It was sad to see what was left of the fun: empty bottles, bags, cigarettes, cans. Some rags, rags, and boxes were lying nearby. These are already long-standing remnants of vacationers. I was very sad; I no longer wanted to pick mushrooms.

Dad's voice made me flinch. We had to return to the car. But I couldn’t take a single step and began to quickly, quickly collect the garbage in one pile. A little bird was looking at me in a tree. I probably thought she was sad too.

Reut Sveta, 5 a class

Baikal is my favorite lake. I think it's not just mine. Baikal is known all over the world. There is no such miracle on earth anymore.

Almost every summer our whole family vacations on Lake Baikal. There were some this year too. And every time I am more and more surprised by him. It would seem that it is the end of July, the water should be warm, like a stove. But nothing like that! It's a shame. I never took a swim because the water was dirty and cold! And the wind! This is someone who never gets tired, neither day nor night. Just like a bad girl, it blows and blows. Drives waves like at a parade.

I watched the seagulls for a long time. They like it a large number of people. They beg, walk importantly along the shore, tear pieces out of each other and at the same time make trouble. It's so funny to see them flying low and low over the water.

Baikal is always different: during the day it is grumpy, inhospitable, cold, and at night it is quiet and obedient, like a little child. But as soon as the sun wakes up, you won’t recognize him: he just grumbles and grumbles.

I noticed that with each visit more and more garbage, broken bushes and trees decorate the shore of Lake Baikal. People, having rested, leave behind such heaps of bottles, bags and cans that you are horrified. After them there might be a flood! Why is this happening?? The most beautiful lake is polluted with impunity. It seems to me that these people have no heart. It's probably made of stone. You can not do it this way. What will remain for descendants?

Sosnin Dima, 5 a class

Fires are a terrible enemy of the forest. From his anger everything dies, burns to the ground. Summer is approaching, and again trouble awaits our taiga, glades and meadows.

Last year we went to the river. We have a favorite place on the shore, where we are drawn to. Not far from the water there was a beautiful, slender birch tree. I always hug her like an old friend. I'll snuggle up to her and listen to her voice.

I remember she complained about her life. I never thought that trees could talk, but now I know. I noticed that my friend’s entire trunk below was black. Birch complained that only in winter she lives quietly and calmly, people forget about her, but in summer it is very difficult. Bonfires cause especially terrible pain. The lower branches have long since burned out. In the spring they cut it with a sharp knife White dress, they mercilessly chop down branches and break off buds. It was sad to hear this story. I pressed my palms against the birch tree and saw the birch tree cry. How I wanted to take her home to my front garden. But this could not be done.

People, I ask you, be kinder, don’t destroy trees, they cry too.

Lukyanova Alena. 5 a class

Today we constantly hear and read about the environment, since its condition determines whether humanity will exist. Ecology, by studying the interconnection of living beings in the world, can tell us how to effectively use and conserve our resources.

For many centuries, unfavorable influences environment per person were associated with natural disasters (earthquakes, forest fires, floods) or epidemics. Humanity has learned to successfully combat many of these factors, for example, infectious diseases(smallpox, cholera, plague, etc.).

In connection with population growth and modernization of the economy, the so-called anthropogenic factors associated with its activities are becoming increasingly important for humanity. Since the second half of the 20th century, during the era of industrialization, humanity has not thought about environmental problems. The creation of a huge number of metallurgical, engineering, chemical and other industries allowed us to enter an era of sharp growth in consumption, which inevitably led to poisoning and pollution fresh water, the World Ocean, atmosphere, violation of the green cover of the Earth, destruction of the fertile layer of soil, extermination of animals and birds. As a result, the world finds itself in the grip of a so-called environmental crisis.

Many scientists believe that the problem of environmental protection arose not as a result of population growth or increased production, but as a consequence of changes that have occurred in the nature of agricultural and industrial production. Natural fabrics (cotton, wool) are replaced by synthetic ones, wood and steel are replaced by plastics, soap by detergents. In agricultural production, the limited capabilities of the soil are compensated by fertilizers. In each of these cases new technology requires less labor, it is economically beneficial, but causes damage to the environment.

The chemical industry is currently developing much faster than any other, and in to the greatest extent determines scientific and technological progress, it is not for nothing that our time is called the century of polymers. A huge number and varieties of synthetic polymers currently produced, unlike natural ones, do not have enzymes that decompose them and in this sense, synthetic compounds are not biologically destroyed. The same can be said about any synthetic materials that are burned after consumption, thereby, unfortunately, also increasing air pollution.

In the 21st century, several billion tons of fuel are produced and burned on the planet annually, which consumes thousands of times more oxygen than the breathing of all humanity. The growing population of the Earth consumes oxygen mainly not so much for its breathing, but as a result of the rapid development of industry and transport. Experts have calculated that a car spends the same amount of oxygen over 1000 km as one person needs in a year. The exhaust from internal combustion engines contains carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, soot, benzopyrene and lead compounds. Yes, one a car annually absorbs an average of more than 4 tons of oxygen from the atmosphere, emitting about 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and almost 200 kg of various hydrocarbon compounds. It is in the development of motor transport and associated air pollution from exhaust gases that many scientists see as the main reason for the increase in mortality from lung cancer.

From everyday life we ​​know that without water, none of the known forms of life is completely possible. The human body consists of 80% water; to maintain its life, it must receive about 3 liters of water per day - in the form of drinks and with food. Throughout his life, a person deals with water every day from morning to night - he uses it for cooking, drinking and simply washing his face. It is estimated that a modern large city consumes 300-600 liters of water per person per day. As a result of rapid population growth globe and the rapid development of industry, the problem of supplying humanity with clean fresh water has today become almost the number one global problem.

2017 By Presidential Decree Russian Federation V.V. Putin declared the year of ecology. At the end of December 2016, in his speech, he spoke about measures taken by the state to protect the environment. Particular attention was paid to the effective implementation of waste-free technologies operating in the closed loops, i.e. when waste is not released into the atmosphere or water basins, but is reused.

The importance of environmental protection in the Chechen Republic is very great. Two military campaigns brought our republic to an environmental disaster at the beginning of the 21st century. The entire biosphere was destroyed. By 1999, industrial oil refining had gradually died out in the republic, replaced by widespread illegal refining in homemade straight-run plants. They produced substandard gasoline, thereby causing great harm to the environment, human health, as well as equipment that uses such motor fuel.

Cities and villages were destroyed, all infrastructure was destroyed, and waterways were seriously polluted. In a word, the environmental situation in our republic was in a sad state, but, as time has shown, every difficult situation has its own savior. The first President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov (Dala g1azot kobal doyla ts'unnan), laid the foundation for the restoration of the ecological system in our republic. Continuing the path of his father, the current Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov, from his very first steps as head of the region, became concerned with environmental problems. He contributed to the adoption of " Law on environmental protection in the Chechen Republic”, which regulates relations in the sphere of interaction between society and nature.

Thanks to Ramzan Akhmatovich, nature reserves, micro-reserves, natural monuments, plantations have been created and are being created medicinal plants, National parks, recreation areas, wastewater treatment plants Wastewater. In various regions of the republic, specially protected areas, nature reserves, botanical gardens, and zoos have been created to preserve flora and fauna.

The Parliament of the Republic resolved the issue of creating school student teams for growing vegetables, fruits, etc., which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly food products and lays the foundation for environmental education of the younger generation.

It is especially important to note that the regional leadership effectively monitors compliance with environmental standards in the production of food products. Evidence of this is the demonstration of food and agricultural products of our republic at the annual VDNKh exhibitions in Moscow, where they were repeatedly awarded prizes.

In the year of ecology in our republic, new projects “Our Yard”, “Local House of Culture”, “Parks of Small Towns” were planned and implemented. The development plan for 500 courtyard areas in Grozny as part of the “Our Yard” project includes landscaping of courtyard areas.

Under the leadership of Ramzan Akhmatovich, a lot has been done in the field of ecology, not only this year, but also over the past 12 years. Subbotniks are often held to clean water and the banks of reservoirs, and plant greenery in parks and streets. Residents of the republic, in turn, actively participate in all activities related to improving the environment.

Every person must clearly understand that the preservation, protection and increase of natural resources, the protection of the biosphere for the benefit of future generations is a common task, the sacred duty of each of us. We should not, as Jacques-Yves Cousteau said, threaten nature, but, on the contrary, help it, then we will have fresh air, clean water and organic food.

Taking care of the cleanliness of the environment, you and I, with the help of the Almighty, will have the most environmentally safe region in Russia, rich in centenarians, as in old times.

May Allah help us!


This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!
In order to implement the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2017 No. 1283-r, the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2017.
22.09.2017 ABKHAZIA. In the foothills and mountains there is heavy snow. . According to weather forecasters, on Friday the weather on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia will be in the zone of influence atmospheric fronts Mediterranean and North Atlantic cyclones.
IA Checheninfo
09.02.2020 ABKHAZIA. Atmosphere pressure– unstable. Sukhum. February 7. Apsnypress.
IA Checheninfo
09.02.2020 Alibaeva Gulyaisha Askatovna – teacher of chemistry and biology

MBOU "Allaberdinskaya Secondary School" of the Tyulgansky district of the Orenburg region"

Lesson topic: Nature conservation is everyone's duty!

Lesson objectives:

Formation of skills and abilities to work with various sources of information, familiarization with environmental protection methods, study chemical reactions, which underlie the purification of gaseous emissions, waste and recycled water, fostering respect for nature, and developing creative, environmentally oriented thinking.

Lesson type: Lesson - conference


Over the past decades, it has become obvious that humans have oversaturated nature with pollutants. According to calculations, their intake from anthropogenic sources is tens or even thousands of times greater than from natural sources. An acute problem arises - to protect the environment and human health. We need to listen to representatives of various professions and discuss pressing environmental issues.


Nowadays, we are increasingly talking about the greenhouse effect. Its essence is that layers of air enriched with carbon dioxide transmit solar radiation (ultraviolet rays) well and at the same time retain the Earth's thermal radiation (infrared waves), which leads to an increase in temperature in the lower layers of the atmosphere. Over the past 100 years, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased 1.2 times. Due to the absorption of thermal radiation by the molecules of this substance, the average annual temperature in the Northern Hemisphere increased by 0.2 - 0.6º C. Calculations show that doubling the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere will lead to an increase in temperature on the planet by an average of 2 -3º C.

As a result, the water level will rise by 4–8 m, and some areas of land will be flooded. Glaciers will begin to melt. The circulation of the waters of the World Ocean will change. Permafrost zones will turn into peatlands, releasing new portions of carbon dioxide and methane (the second greenhouse gas).


Green plants absorb carbon dioxide, which is why it is so important to protect forests. In 1915, Peter I issued a decree on fines for unauthorized cutting of forests: for oak - 15 rubles, for other trees - 10 rubles. In addition to the fine, the chopper was also threatened with a whip.


The composition of the atmosphere has been constant over the past ten thousand years. In air, which is a mixture of gases, only 1% should be impurities: inert gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide. But as a result of human activity, the air is polluted. The main pollutants are ammonia NH 3 hydrogen sulfide H 2 S, carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide SO 2, sulfuric anhydride SO 3, hydrocyanic acid HCN, nitric acid HNO 3, phosphoric acid H 3 PO 4.

What are the main sources of formation of these substances?

The main one is fuel combustion. Every day the world burns 3 billion tons of coal, 2 billion tons of oil, 800 billion m 3 of natural gas. This consumes 15 billion tons of oxygen. When 1 ton of fuel is burned in a car engine, 12 -24 kg of nitrogen oxides, 0.3 - 5 kg of ammonia and hydrocarbons and 40 - 50 kg of carbon oxides are formed. After takeoff, a jet plane leaves a plume equal in volume to the exhaust gases of 7 thousand cars. Sulfur oxide (IV) is formed during the roasting of sulfide ores:

2ZnS + 3O 2 =2Zn O +2 S O 2

Millions of tons of sulfur and nitrogen oxides dissolve in rainwater, forming acid rain, which acidifies the soil and increases the corrosion of metals. If sulfur oxides emitted into the atmosphere were evenly distributed over the entire landmass of our planet and returned to it as precipitation in the form of sulfuric acid, then over the course of a year each square kilometer of land would receive 300 kg of sulfuric acid. In large industrial cities there is thick fog, toxic due to the presence of poisonous gases. Smog appears as a result of the oxidation of nitrogen oxide (II) formed in automobile engines to nitrogen oxide (IV):

2NO + O 2 =2 NO 2

This gas decomposes under the influence of sunlight:

NO 2 = NO + O

Atomic oxygen reacts with oxygen in the air to form ozone. Atomic oxygen and ozone react with unburned hydrocarbons, forming toxic substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.

GCOS inspector: For many large cities, the problem of air and water pollution remains serious. In a city with a population of 1 million people, the following is consumed per day: oxygen - 31,500 tons, water - 625,000 tons, fuel - 9,500 tons, food - 2,000 tons. This generates waste: carbon dioxide - 28500 t, waste water – 500000 t, carbon monoxide (II) – 450 t, dust – 150 t, solid household waste– 800000 m3. The result of the rapid development of road transport is an increase in the concentration of lead in the air and soil. In some large cities, people inhale from 16 to 60 mg of lead per day, with a third being adsorbed in the body. In addition, it should be added that each car produces 10 kg of rubber dust per year, and over 1000 km it consumes as much oxygen as its driver does in a year.


We receive many letters from readers asking us to tell them if it is possible to somehow improve the situation, what has been done and is being done today to protect the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere?

Chemist - technologist:

The optimal measure to protect the atmosphere from harmful emissions is the rational organization of new production processes and the improvement of existing ones. The maximum reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere can be achieved through the use of closed, cyclic processes, waste-free technologies, improvement of devices, installations, mechanisms, and the transition to new energy sources.

Air pools become cleaner when replacing solid fuel with gaseous fuel.


What measures are being taken to protect the air basin?


A powerful means of combating air pollution - sealing technological equipment. Large solid dust particles are removed mechanically in settling dust collection chambers, gas washing followed by filtration. Fine solid and liquid aerosols are retained by electric precipitators. Gases are purified using the absorption method - individual components are absorbed by a solvent. Some pollutants are removed by adsorbing on activated carbon or other adsorbents.


We are asked in a letter: “Is it possible to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?”


You can install installations for separating liquid air - at 57 C, carbon dioxide freezes out. The second method is the separate separation of carbon dioxide from a mixture of gases using artificial semi-permeable membranes.


I've been close to cement plant. The smoke screen enveloped the plant so tightly that it was almost invisible.

Chemist - technologist:

Now they have begun to use dust removal of exhaust gases using the electrical method and in cyclone devices. The technology of cement production has also changed - the firing of raw materials is carried out in tubular rotary kilns or in fluidized bed kilns.


Schoolchildren sent an interesting letter: “We read that approximately 6 million tons of oil and oil products have been spilled on the surface of the World Ocean, which cover the surface of the water with a thin film. This disrupts the gas and thermal regime of the seas and oceans, which leads to the death of plankton, fish and birds. What is the role of chemistry in keeping the oceans clean?”


We propose to equip tankers and ships with an emergency system containing a polymer substance. In the event of a ship being holed, turning on such a system will create a foam shell. The addition of surfactants accelerates coagulation and sedimentation of substances. You can use hydrogen peroxide or enzymes that work as catalysts, accelerating self-purification reactions.


The most common method of treating wastewater containing organic contaminants is biochemical treatment. Its essence lies in the destruction of organic and some inorganic substances with the help of microorganisms that use them for their vital functions. As a result, organic compounds are converted into water, carbon monoxide (IV), sulfides and sulfates.

GCOS Inspector.

To objectively characterize the state of a particular environment, special criteria have been developed, for example, maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of pollutants. So in reservoirs for sanitary purposes, the maximum permissible concentration (in mg) of zinc and cobalt is 1.0, copper, nickel, titanium, gasoline is 0.1, iron is 0.5, oil and petroleum products is 0.3. In atmospheric air settlements MPC (mg/m 3) of dust and sulfur oxide (IV) - 0.5, soot - 0.15, carbon monoxide (II) - 3. The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service systematically monitors water quality in the entire water supply system.


Our readers also ask the following questions: “What are the sources of soil pollution?”, “What is being done to preserve soils?” There are known cases of poisoning by plants growing on contaminated soils.

Soil scientist

To increase the amount of land in economic circulation, the following methods are used to improve them: hydraulic engineering (irrigation - drainage), chemical and agrobiological (liming, gypsum, deep plowing), agroforestry (protective forest plantations, agrotechnical methods of combating soil erosion), as well as cultural - technical (general cultivation)

GCOS inspector.

In the most developed countries of the world, 400 - 600 kg of waste per capita is generated annually, and taking into account mining and processing factories - 4-6 tons. Huge amounts of solid household waste litter the territories, removing them from economic circulation.


The current practice of solving the problem of solid waste disposal through incineration and burial is no longer acceptable. A new approach to solving this problem has emerged - comprehensive processing of solid waste at waste processing plants. The capacity of such plants is 100 thousand tons. In biothermal towers, compost is produced through an aerobic process. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals are extracted using magnetic separators.


I would like to know about research on neutralizing soils around oil wells and gas stations.


Experts have created a bank of bacteria from the subclass of lipophages that feed exclusively on hydrocarbons. They are able to very quickly neutralize spilled oil - oxidize it to harmless compounds. Currently, microorganisms have been discovered that destroy plastic packaging and bottles.


Rivers of mud flow from poultry and pig farms. Their harm is due to the high concentration of nitrogen compounds, mainly ammonia.


Every large livestock farm must have a waste treatment and disposal system. Fuel oils and biogas can be produced from manure. As a result, methane is produced, which is used for heating the premises.

Teacher's word.

Today you help protect the environment, and tomorrow you can become responsible specialists. All employees chemical industry must be well prepared chemically. If you want to be real defenders of nature, acquire knowledge, skills, and develop the necessary personality qualities today. Please note: nature loves the kind.

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