Secrets to successfully growing ficus microcarpa. Ficus microcarpa: description and care at home General characteristics and varieties

They have long become familiar. You will no longer surprise anyone with the variety of species, and there are more than 280 of them, or with the shape and color of the leaves. Nevertheless, interest in these wonderful plants continues to grow year by year, as an art that is not yet very widespread in our country is practiced. Perhaps the interest in ficuses is explained by their attractive appearance and simplicity. Indeed, in nature, these plants grow in tropical, subtropical, and even temperate regions. climatic zones. One of the most attractive and easy to care for is the ficus microcarpa.

Ficus microcarpa: description

Ficus microcarpa, like all representatives of the genus (lat. Ficus), belongs to the family (Moraceae). As part of the family, a monotypic ficus tribe (Ficeae) is formed. Representatives of these species are almost always evergreens.

Like many ficuses, microcarpa is an epiphyte, i.e. it can grow on other plants. It has many aerial roots. The trunk is erect, gray. IN room conditions its height reaches one and a half meters. Dense, dark green leaves have a glossy shine and densely cover the crown. The leaves are attached to the branches by short petioles. Shape: oval, elongated. Up to 10 cm in length, up to 5 cm in width. The root system is very developed. In fact, the roots protruding from the ground and acquiring a bizarre shape are a distinctive feature of this species. This variety gets its name from the appearance of the fruit. It's very small. In Greek the small fruit is "mikros karpos".

Did you know? There is a variegated form of ficus microcarpa. It's called Variegata.

The homeland of this amazing tree is the forests of eastern and southern China, Taiwan, Indonesia and northern Australia.

Care in the first days after purchase

First of all, you need to decide on a place where you can place the tree. To choose it, you need to take into account the properties of microcarp and its vagaries.

Notice right away that the plant does not like to be rearranged from place to place.

Reacts poorly to very bright light, dry air and drafts. So it is best to place the new plant away from the radiators. Rooms with windows facing the north, west and southwest sides are more suitable. It is better to place the Variegata form in rooms with windows facing east and south-east, as it needs brighter lighting.
It is necessary to spray microcarpa from the first day of purchase. Do this two to three times a day. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Check for moisture down to a depth of one centimeter.

After two weeks, the plant can be transplanted into a new, permanent container. Take care of drainage. Its layer should be at least one third of the height of the pot. Expanded clay and foam can be used as drainage. The soil should be nutritious and loose. You can use ready-made soil for ficus trees. It is sold in specialized stores. After transplantation, as with an ordinary ficus microcarpa.

If the plant does lose its leaves, don’t worry. This is his reaction to the change of place.

Did you know? IN wildlife Ficus microcarpa reaches a height of up to twenty-five meters. Some leaves can be up to fifteen centimeters long and up to eight centimeters wide.

Optimal conditions for growing indoors

Ficus microcarpa is quite easy to care for at home. He is not very whimsical, despite. However, it has its own specifics that must be taken into account. First of all, it's lighting and temperature.


Microcarpa prefers shade or diffuse sunlight. Should be protected from direct sunlight. It is better to place it away from windows. Artificial lighting or backlighting can be provided. For this, fluorescent lamps with a power of 15 W and a color temperature of 2800–3800 Kelvin (dawn/sunset) are suitable.


Another feature of ficus microcarpa is that the roots need warmth, as well as the above-ground part. Optimal temperature for life activity and development - from 17 to 24 degrees Celsius. It should be noted that a decrease in temperature is permissible in winter. More low temperature may lead to illness. When the temperature rises above 23 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to provide additional spraying of the plant.

Important! Small-fruited ficus does not really like temperature changes.

How to care for ficus microcarpa

It should be noted that the plant still requires some attention. This type of plant is not limited to just the correct location in the house coupled with lighting. In order for the tree to begin to please the eye, you will have to do a little work. Maintenance is quite simple. Like all plants, microcarpa needs proper watering, and its wonderful roots and branches need proper shaping and pruning. With simple manipulations, the tree will turn into an incredible-looking decoration that pleases the eye.


You need to water abundantly and often. Especially during the period of active growth (spring-summer season). It should be noted that the regularity and abundance of watering depend on the dryness of the air, room temperature and lighting. You need to focus on the plant and the dryness of the soil. The earth ball in the pot should not dry out, however, its excessive moisture can lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. The soil should have time to dry out at a depth of 2-3 centimeters.

There are also requirements for water. It must be soft and left for at least twelve hours. Its temperature when watering should be at room temperature.


Ficus microcarpa loves wet air. Therefore, the tree needs to be sprayed once or twice daily, depending on the dryness of the air. Otherwise, the plant will look lethargic and become sensitive to, and will not be able to resist. In addition to spraying, the plant will benefit if you regularly wipe its leaves with a soft, damp cloth.

Soil and its fertilization

Microcarpa loves light, fertile soil with a pH level of 5.5 - 7.5. You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to mix turf, peat soil, leaf humus and sand in equal proportions.

Additional fertilizers are needed during the growing season (early spring - late autumn). You can use universal complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants. They are added to water for watering the soil. It is better to apply fertilizer once every two weeks.

If ficus microcarpa is grown in bonsai style, then specialized fertilizers are used.

The tree also responds very well to fertilization through foliar spraying.

Important! To facilitate the process of absorption of nutrients by the plant, fertilizers should be applied only to moist soil.

Pruning and crown formation

In order for the tree to maintain its attractive shape, it also needs to be pruned periodically. It is better to start shaping the crown as early as possible. Ficus is flexible in terms of appearance design, giving the opportunity to let your imagination run wild. Why not an object for lovers of bonsai art?

To obtain a powerful trunk from a young plant, it is recommended to prune it. The direction of the branches is formed using wire. Thick shoots up to twenty centimeters long can also be trimmed. The branches of the crown of the ficus microcarpa achieve strong branches on shoots up to five centimeters.

Rules for transplanting ficus microcarp

Let's touch on how and when it is best to replant ficus microcarpa.
This species is best done every two years. The tree grows very slowly, and in adulthood the trunk practically stops developing. Ficus microcarpa needs replanting more to renew the soil or replace the substrate. This procedure also allows you to examine the condition of the roots located underground. It is better to replant in the spring.

Important! It is better not to replant an adult plant at all, but only to renew the top layer of soil.

The pot for ficus microcarp does not play a special role. It's even better to use the same one that was there. Just clean and wash thoroughly. If you take a new one, make sure that there is a sufficient layer of “old” soil on the roots. Make sure the new pot has drainage holes. Lay drainage (expanded clay or polystyrene foam) in a layer of 2–3 centimeters. Place the tree with soil on the roots and add new soil. Be careful with the fragile roots of the plant.

Important! After transplantficus microcarpaSometimes sheds leaves.This is a consequence of the adaptation process. At the end of the “disease” period, the foliage cover will be restored.

Reproduction methods at home

Ficus microcarpa has several methods:, and. Most often, ficus cuttings and tree layering are used.
Take cut, non-woody branches for cuttings and place them for a day in an opaque container with warm ( room temperature) water. It is important to know how to properly cut ficus for propagation. The branches are cut obliquely, at an angle, retreating about a centimeter from the node. After a day, the water is drained, as there is a lot of juice in it. Ficus microcarpa juice is a very strong allergen. Be careful not to get it on your skin. The cuttings are again placed in fresh warm water with the addition of ash. When the roots appear, the sprouts are transplanted into a container with soil and covered with a transparent container. As soon as the young plant puts out new leaves, the container is removed. Also, cuttings can be planted directly into the ground, immersing the stem of the cutting 3–5 centimeters into the ground. covered with a container. It is necessary to monitor the humidity and spray the plant stems with water. Ficuses take root in this way within a month.
Ficus can also be propagated by seeds. They are available in specialized flower shops. The seeds are pre-soaked for a day in a solution of a growth stimulator. Planted to a depth of half a centimeter, at a distance from each other of at least one and a half to two centimeters. The soil for planting seeds should be light and airy. The basis of the soil mixture should be peat and leaf soil. You will also need a lot of sand. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. After planting the seeds, the soil is thoroughly sprayed with a spray bottle and covered with film or glass. You need to make sure that the soil is always moist every day. Every day, it is advisable to remove the protective film for about fifteen minutes, allow the sprouts and soil to “breathe,” and evaporate excess moisture. When the first leaf appears on the seedlings, each sprout is cropped into a separate container.

Ficus microcarpa got its name because of the appearance of the fruit. The fact is that it is very small and reaches only one centimeter. The small fruit in Greek sounds like mikros karpos, which is where its name comes from. The plant is native to southeast Asia, northern Australia and southern China.

It is noteworthy that wild ficus can be huge and reach a height of 25 meters. Its crown is very fluffy and dense, and small-fruited domestic ficuses are simply dwarfs in comparison. They usually grow no more than one and a half meters, and some species are quite tiny and are grown in bonsai style.

General characteristics and varieties

home external feature ficus microcarp is that its root system is bare and rises above the surface of the soil and takes on the most unusual shapes.

The foliage of the plant is slightly elongated and oval in shape, 5-10 centimeters long, the leaves can be 3-5 centimeters wide. Their apex is pointed. The upper part of the leaf is smooth and shiny, with a thin skin. They are alternately attached to the branches using a short petiole. There are several varieties of small-fruited ficus:

Home care rules

In order for the plant to grow well, it requires special care. It is very important to choose a suitable location. Microcarpa does not like to be exposed to direct sunlight, so it is preferable to place it where there is shade or partial shade. It should not be placed on the windowsill near the radiator in winter.

As for the temperature, he likes it warm. He is comfortable in a temperature that is slightly higher than room temperature: approximately 25-30 degrees. Heat is necessary not only for the part that is above the surface of the earth, but also for the root system, so in winter it is not recommended to leave it on the windowsill or place it on the floor.

Ficus requires watering all year round. In the summer they do this more often. It is important to ensure that the earthen coma does not dry out.

If the indoor flower does not have enough moisture, then this can be understood by its external signs:

  • the plant becomes lethargic;
  • leaves begin to fall.

In winter, watering is needed moderate and not too abundant. Excessive moisture can cause the roots to rot and spots to appear on the leaves.

Ficus microcarpa reacts very sensitively to the composition of water, so watering should be done only with water that has already stood for at least 12 hours and its temperature is equal to room temperature.

Air humidity is also very important. This plant requires high humidity - it simply needs it. If the humidity is low, then indoor flower becomes lethargic and more susceptible to various diseases and pest damage. In view of this, it should be sprayed with water daily and the leaves wiped with a damp soft cloth.

Ficus responds positively to fertilizing, so fertilizers can be added to the soil periodically. From time to time it can be sprayed with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers. Special compositions intended for indoor deciduous plants are suitable for the soil.

If the flower is grown in bonsai style, then it is better to use special fertilizers for feeding. It should be remembered that all fertilizing is applied only to moist soil.

Transplantation and propagation

The plant does not require frequent replanting. Ficus microcarpa should be replanted approximately every two years to renew the substrate. There is no need to replant it often, because the trunk grows very slowly and practically does not increase in size. It is better to replant the plant in spring period. In this case, you must remember to place a drainage layer in the pot.

To give the flower a beautiful and neat appearance, it is trimmed. This is how the necessary crown is formed, but this should be done in spring or autumn.

There are three main methods of propagating ficus:

  • cuttings;
  • propagation by layering;
  • seed propagation.

For cuttings, shoots that are not completely woody and cut from the top of the tree are suitable. Then they are placed in water, which should be drained after a day. It will contain a large number of milky juice.

Then the water is changed and the cutting is put back into it. A small amount of ash should be added - this helps avoid rotting. After the roots appear, it is planted in a container and covered with a transparent cap - this is how it must be kept until the first leaves appear.

It should be noted that microcarp juice is a strong allergen, so during such manipulations you should avoid getting it on the skin.

You can try to propagate the plant using layering. In this case, for an adult tree, it is necessary to retreat 55-60 centimeters from the crown. Then you need to cut off the bark from the trunk - a section equal to about 10 centimeters. Wrap the resulting bare area with damp sphagnum moss and film. In about a month, roots should appear in this place. The branch is cut off along with the crown and roots and planted in a separate container.

Ficus microcarpa bonsai can also be grown from seeds, but this method is more complex and time-consuming. Usually the seeds are planted in the spring. The quality of planting material and the conditions in which it was stored are very important. If the storage conditions were not met properly, then they simply lose their viability. Before planting seeds, they need to be stratified, and a drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the container and only then soil should be added.

Possible diseases and pests

Plant diseases are most often caused by improper care. Often insect pests can move from neighboring flowers, especially if they are located close to each other. The most commonly found insects on the plant include aphids and spider mites. In order not to miss their appearance, you should regularly inspect the flower. Pests may be hiding on the undersides of leaves or there may be cobwebs on the stems.

With such an ailment, you can treat the above-ground part of the plant with a soap solution. After this, it is better to transplant the ficus into new soil. If pests reappear, treat with insecticides.

If the plant is watered too much I, then fungal diseases may begin to spread. At the same time, dark or light spots begin to appear on the aboveground part of the root. If this happens, the damaged areas must be removed and the ficus treated with fungicidal agents. Watering should be reduced.

Sometimes the ficus microcarpa sheds its leaves. What to do worries many gardeners. This is observed when an indoor flower is kept in a room that is too cold for it or in a draft. It is necessary to place the ficus in conditions in which it will be comfortable.

Its homeland is Southeast Asia. The growth of this plant in nature 20-25 meters. Its peculiarity is a thin, smooth trunk and a lush, dark green crown. Scientific name- Ficus microcarpa.

It got its name because of the miniature fruits that appear on it in the wild. At home, it will not be possible to obtain either flowering or fruits, since there are no conditions for its pollination.

In indoor floriculture it is most often grown in the Bonsai style. This is a miniature tree -in fact, a copy of its Asian relative.

The plant has lanceolate, wide leaves, smooth in texture, on short petioles. The surface of the leaves seems to be rubbed with wax.

When flowering, like all members of the family, it forms spherical, purple, small inflorescences (syconia). They look more like berries.

Benefits and harms

Its leaves purify the air by absorbing harmful substances.

At the same time, it also has harmful properties.

The juice released when cutting shoots can cause allergies and skin irritation. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out all manipulations with gloves.

Home care

When growing this species in Bonsai style, it is given special shape, consisting of a bizarre interweaving of roots. They are located above the pot and look like a sculptural statue, decorated with a thick crown.

But in order to grow such beauty, the gardener will have to follow some rules.

Immediately allocate a place for him where he will be kept permanently. It should be light, but without direct sunlight, protected from drafts.

The first two weeks in the house are a period of adaptation to new conditions. Ficus may shed leaves, but this is not a big deal. It needs to be transplanted from the shipping container, but only after 3 weeks.

Start spraying immediately after purchase, and postpone watering for two days.


In the photo there is a ficus "Microcarpa":

He needs regular transplants. They do this once every two or three years.

There is no need to replant annually, but partial replacement of the soil is recommended. Transfer to a new container is carried out together with the old substrate.

The exception is transplantation after purchase. The substrate in which the plants are sold is not suitable for long-term cultivation and must be completely replaced.

Before the procedure, the plant is not watered to make the roots easier to clean. A layer of drainage is poured into a new container, then soil for the ficus. The mixture can be purchased ready-made, special.

If this is not possible, make it yourself from leaf turf, sand and peat in equal quantities.

To maintain low acidity, charcoal is added to the composition.

Place the tree in the center of the pot or slightly offset it and fill the empty space with soil. Compact it by lightly tapping the container.

The size of the pot should be 3-4 centimeters larger than the previous one. If you do not want the ficus to increase in size, you can not change the dishes, but only replace the soil mixture.

Features of soil composition

The composition is selected depending on age.

    For young people, the soil should be as loose as possible:
  1. Leaf turf - 1 hour.
  2. Sand-1 hour.
  3. Peat – 1 hour.
  4. Wood ash – 0.5 tsp.
    Adults need a denser composition:
  1. Leaf soil - 2 hours.
  2. Sod – 2 hours.
  3. Sand – 1 hour.
  4. Humus – 1 hour.
  5. Wood ash – 0.5 tsp.

How long should it take to water the ficus "Microcarpa"?

Do not allow the soil to dry out; water the ficus regularly. Use soft water at room temperature.

Check the condition of the soil with your finger by sticking it into the pot. Sticky soil means there is no need to water yet.

When watering, the earthen ball should be completely saturated. Water should seep into the pan, then it is drained.

IMPORTANT: Do not over-moisten the soil; this will cause the roots to rot.


The optimal air temperature is 25-30 degrees. Main condition - The temperature cannot be lowered below 16. Moreover, both the air and the soil must be warm. In winter, a ficus can become hypothermic on a windowsill or cold floor and die. To prevent this from happening, do not keep it near cold glass or place it on the floor.

Air humidity

It does not require abundant humidity; maintaining a level of 50-60% is sufficient. However, in hot summer days and in winter, during heating operation, humidity drops to 30-40%.

Frequent spraying, the use of an air humidifier, and decorative fountains help solve the problem.


Fertilizing is a necessary condition for growing.
Fertilize Microcarp from spring to autumn.

You can use a general purpose fertilizer for foliage plants or a special fertilizer for bonsai.

The frequency of the procedure is once every two weeks.

During the dormant period - November-February - it is enough to fertilize once every 30-40 days.

Foliar feeding is useful.

The procedure is combined with spraying once every 2-3 weeks.

The concentration of minerals with this method should be several times less (carefully read the recommendations on the packaging).

ATTENTION: Fertilize only in moist soil so that the roots are not injured and the nutrients are fully absorbed.


Reproduction is carried out in the following ways:


The apical ones are cut off. Semi-lignified shoots. To remove the milky juice, keep it in water for a day. Then they take root in a glass of warm water.

To prevent rotting, a little wood ash is added to the water.

After the roots appear, the cutting is planted in a pot under a transparent cap until the leaves appear.

Growing cuttings

Layers can be grown on a specimen obtained by cuttings.

This method is not acceptable for propagating Microcarp with a characteristic appearance.

To obtain cuttings, retreat 50-60 cm from the crown, cut off the bark from the trunk (10-12 cm) and wrap the cut with moistened moss and film.

In this place, roots will form in a month. Then the crown is cut off and planted in a separate container.

Sowing seeds

Only by seed can a specimen with a sculpted root characteristic of the species be grown.

Propagation by seeds is carried out in the spring. First of all, you should purchase high-quality planting material from point of sale where conditions have been created for storing goods.

If the seeds were stored incorrectly, they will not sprout.

Sowing of moistened and stratified seeds is carried out in a flat container. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom, then a layer of soil.

The surface is compacted, moistened, and seeds are laid out on it.

Then the crops are sprinkled with a small layer of sand and covered with glass or transparent film.

To germinate, crops require sufficient light and warmth. (22-250C).

Depending on the quality and conditions of the material sprouts will appear in 2-4 weeks. In the phase of two true leaves, the shoots dive.

During growing, regular spraying is carried out.

New specimens are planted in separate containers no earlier than 60 days after picking.

Ficus "Microcarpa": how to form a crown?

Regular pruning is a necessary condition for obtaining a beautiful ficus. It is carried out in spring or autumn, at the beginning or end of the growing season, respectively.

In order for the tree trunk to be strong, young plants need to be pruned often and heavily. When pruning, many leaves are removed.

Branches can be formed by directing them in the desired direction using wire.

Shoots are shortened when their length is more than 20 centimeters. To obtain a branched crown, shoots longer than five centimeters are pinched.

This will promote the growth of the lower buds and the crown will become lush.

In order for Microcarp to develop decorative thickened roots, a specimen grown from seeds must be pruned.

In this case, the trunk is cut off to the root collar, leave a stump 2-3 centimeters long.

The roots are washed and divided, then each is planted so that the main part is above the soil level.

Stimulants are used to produce foliage.

On large roots it is possible to graft cuttings to obtain a spectacular crown with a complex shape.

Diseases and pests

If not properly cared for, ficus can suffer from the following problems:

Dark spots on leaves - a consequence of waterlogging.

Fusarium - rotting of roots. At the same time, they darken, become hollow inside, and soft. The reason is wet and cold soil.

Dropping leaves - dryness and high air temperature, insufficient watering.

The appearance of a white coating. White cobwebs on the leaves - infection with spider mites. In this case, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of alcohol or laundry soap and treat with an insecticide.

Dots and spots on the leaves are the appearance of aphids. Its reproduction is helped by over-dried and too warm air. You can destroy aphids by bathing the plant in a soap or tobacco solution.

ADVICE. To prevent pests, keep the leaves clean by wiping them regularly.

Why do the leaves of the ficus "Microcarpa" fall off? What to do?

Yellowing of leaves can occur for various reasons.

Natural death. In this case, the phenomenon is isolated and there is no need to fight it.

Change of conditions of detention. If the green leaves of the ficus “Microcarpa” fall off, it means that the plant experienced stress during rearrangement or replanting.

Move the plant to its original place and do not move it unless absolutely necessary.

Incorrect soil or utensils. The soil could have been contaminated, and during transplantation the virus got into the roots of the plant.

Treat it with fungicides. The cause could also be a pot that is too spacious.

Lack or excess of lighting. A window that is too dark or direct sunlight on the ficus can cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Freezing of roots. In winter, when keeping a ficus on a window or a cold floor, the soil temperature drops sharply, and the ficus freezes. Do not keep it near cold glass.

If you grow ficus on the floor. For the winter, place felt, polystyrene foam or several layers of newspapers under the pot.

The appearance of pests. Insects that settle on leaves and stems suck the juices from the tissues and they die.

Carefully examine your pet with a magnifying glass, as the pests are very small and difficult to notice with the naked eye.

From the experience of flower growers

Do not water the ficus immediately after transplantation - let it adapt for a couple of days.

When spraying and watering, do not get on the trunk - this will cause it to rot.

In winter, make sure that the leaves do not touch the ice glass, otherwise local frostbite will occur.

When ventilating, the ficus should not be exposed to a stream of cold air.

Hot air from batteries is also harmful to it.

Ficus Microcarpa is an ideal indoor plant. Caring for it is easy, and when correct pruning you can create a beautiful, original tree that will serve as an original detail of the apartment’s interior.


Useful video about caring for the ficus “Microcarpa” at home:

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Bonsai is the art of growing miniature trees. This philosophy originated in the 8th-10th centuries in China. In Europe, art has always aroused great interest, and nowadays it is also very popular. In ficus microcarpa natural conditions Fruits form, but in an apartment it almost never blooms. The peculiarity of this species is its partially exposed root system, which forms interesting shapes.


Ficus microcarp is native to the Japanese Islands, Northern Australia, Southeast China, Indonesia, Taiwan, and the Philippines. It grows in coastal forests, on river banks, sometimes in the mountains and deep in the thicket of the forest.

There are several varieties of this type:

  • var. crassifolia;
  • oluangpiensis;
  • fuyuensis;
  • nitida;
  • pusillifolia.

Popular varieties:

  • “Green Gem” – densely leafy plant crown;
  • “Westland” - leaf blades grow up to 11 cm in length and 5 cm in width;
  • “Moklam” – leaves are small, dark green, rounded;
  • "Variegata" - the leaves of the plant have a variegated color.

It is believed that ficus trees protect home comfort and help maintain stable relationships. These plants purify indoor air.

There is an opinion that bonsai was brought to Japan by Buddhist monks in the 6th century. The niches of houses were decorated with such trees. According to one legend, the emperor ordered the creation of a miniature empire with rivers, mountains, houses and trees. His subjects came up with miniature trees to carry out the order.

How to care for ficus microcarpa at home?

The plant is light-loving, but under bright rays its leaves lose color, so it is better to place the tree in partial shade.

The soil substrate should be moderately moist. Before watering the plant, make sure the earthen ball is dry. If excess moisture occurs, leaves will begin to fall. Ficus microcarpa leaves should be sprayed with cool boiled water.

In summer, the tree can be kept outdoors; in winter, indoors the temperature must be maintained in the range of +18…+24 degrees.

In order for a beautiful tree to form, you need to trim the tops of the shoots in the spring and summer.

IN winter time Ficus microcarpa is placed near a window or additionally illuminated with lamps.

Leaves turn yellow and fall off: what to do?

The reason for this phenomenon may be insufficient watering. This phenomenon can also be caused by dry air and insufficient lighting, especially in winter. These need to be eliminated possible reasons. If it is not possible to provide the tree with additional lighting, you need to wait until spring - then new leaves should appear. If the leaves turn yellow little by little, it is possible that care has been compromised and the ficus microcarpa is experiencing a lack of nutrients. He needs to be fed.

Crown formation and pruning

When forming the crown of a tree, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • removal of the apical bud stimulates the growth of lateral buds, a lush bush is formed;
  • If pruning is done in the spring, a lush crown will form.

The main shoot is pruned at a height of 10-15 cm. The growth of axillary shoots is activated; they are pinched when they reach 10 cm. To ensure that the shoots develop evenly, the plant is turned to the sun in different directions.

The plant is pruned in the spring. Achieve the following goals:

  • the plant rejuvenates due to the growth of new shoots;
  • the tree takes on the required shape;
  • branching begins in the right place;
  • the direction of branch growth changes.

For sanitary purposes, pruning is done at any time of the year. Trim the plant 2-3 weeks before transplanting into a new container. Weak and sickly plants do not undergo formative pruning.

How to transplant?

After purchase, the plant adapts for 2-3 weeks, and then it is transplanted into another container. To plant ficus microcarp, a special substrate is purchased.

As a rule, the tree is replanted every 2-3 years in the spring. The substrate needs to be updated periodically. Plants are planted using the transshipment method so as not to damage root system. The container must have holes to remove excess moisture. A layer of drainage 2-3 cm high is poured onto the bottom of the flowerpot.

How to propagate Ficus microcarpa?

There are the following methods of propagation of this plant:

  1. Cuttings - produced from late January to September. You can use apical, semi-lignified shoots. They are kept in water at room temperature until roots appear. Then they are transplanted into a pot under a film, which is removed after the leaves appear.
  2. Air layering. Leaves are removed from a long shoot in a selected location, the bark is peeled off in this area, treated with Kornevin, wrapped in moistened moss, and then covered with film. When roots appear, the shoot is cut off, the film is removed, and the shoot along with the moss is planted in the substrate.
  3. Root suckers. They cut off part of the root, keep it in water for a couple of hours, then plant it in the soil substrate, leaving 3 cm on the surface. Cover the top with film, regularly water and ventilate. After the leaves appear, the film is removed.

Diseases and pests: treatment methods

The plant can become sick due to inappropriate care or improper maintenance. Most often, ficus microcarpa is affected by aphids and spider mites. They appear as small black dots or thin cobwebs on branches. Home care involves treating the tree with a soapy solution. If this is not enough, then the ficus is replanted or an insecticide solution is used.

If the irrigation regime is not followed and excessive waterlogging occurs, the plant is affected by fungal infections. In this case, sanitary pruning is carried out, the tree is treated with a fungicide solution and the intensity of watering is reduced.

Grow a unique bonsai in your home, this is an incredibly exciting process. Take proper care of the plant, devote enough time to it, provide the required care, and it will definitely please you with its beautiful appearance and positive emotions.

The many-sided and amazing ficuses are graceful plants from the Mulberry family, of which there are more than 280 species in nature. They predominantly grow in subtropical, temperate and tropical climate. Ficus plants occupy a leading position among indoor plants in terms of the number of varieties. Ficus microcarpa bonsai And ficus microcarpa ginseng- some of the most common forms that flower growers give to this unpretentious plant for decorating rooms.


Ficus microcarpa, like other representatives of the genus Ficus (lat. Ficus), belongs to the mulberry family (Moraceae). The composition of the family forms a monovarietal tribe of ficus (Ficeae).

Most representatives of this species always remain evergreens.

Microcarpa, like many ficus plants, is an epiphyte, that is, it can grow on another plant.

It has a large number of aerial roots and a gray erect trunk. At home it grows up to 1.5 m in height.

The dark green dense leaves have a glossy shine and densely cover the crown. The leaves are attached to the branches using short petioles. They have an elongated, oval shape and reach 5 cm in width and 10 cm in length.

Ficus has a very developed root system. A distinctive feature of this species is the roots protruding from the ground, which take on bizarre shapes. This variety got its name because of the appearance of the fruits - they are very small in size. Translated from Greek, "mikros karpos" means "small fruit".

The birthplace of this amazing plant are the forests of southern and eastern China, Indonesia, northern Australia and Taiwan.

Care immediately after purchase

First, we need to decide on the place where our tree will be placed. When choosing, you should take into account the properties and vagaries of microcarp.

It is immediately worth noting that the plant does not like rearrangements from one place to another.

Ficus moklame does not respond well to drafts, dry air and very bright light. Therefore, the new plant should be located as far as possible from heating radiators. Rooms with windows facing southwest, west and north are best suited.

Ficus with Variegata form It is best to place it in a room with east and south-east windows, since such a plant needs brighter light.

Microcarp needs to be sprayed from the very first day of purchase, especially ficus moklama, ginseng and bonsai. It is best to do this 2-3 times a day. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out. Check the moisture content of the substrate often by dipping your finger into the soil to a depth of one centimeter.

A couple of weeks after purchase, the plant should be transplant into a newer and more permanent container. Do not forget to take care of drainage, the layer of which should be at least 1/3 of the height of the pot. For drainage, you can use foam or expanded clay. The soil in the substrate should be loose and nutritious. Ready-made soil for ficus plants is perfect, which you can buy in specialized flower shops. Care after transplantation is carried out in the same way as for a regular microcarp plant.

If the ficus ginseng or moklame has dropped its leaves, then there is no need to worry about it. Most likely, this is simply a reaction to a change of “place of residence.”

View of roots and trunk- the first thing that attracts attention. The roots have the ability to thicken and become bare, taking a shape like oval barrels. The branches are thin and have small dark green leaves. The surface of the leaves is shiny, as if it has been polished.

Ficus moklama may seem rough and unsightly to some, but in most cases the plant is in great demand in flower shops. To give the ficus an attractive appearance, you should not only provide the plant proper care at home, but also to constantly shape its crown. Ficus can be shaped:

  • bonsai style tree
  • bush

In order for its crown to be lush, moderately branched and healthy, it is necessary to regularly trim the branches. Here are a few important rules that should be followed:

  1. Use only disinfected and sharp objects (scissors, knife).
  2. Cut off the tops that protrude from the main line of the crown.
  3. Make the cut along an oblique line, not straight.
  4. Cut off tops can be used for further rooting.

Making a bonsai from a ficus at home is quite difficult, but not at all impossible. When forming a bonsai, two conditions must be met:

  1. The plant must be at least 20 cm tall.
  2. Ficus should be planted in a wide, but not very deep flowerpot.

Bonsai formation stages:

  1. We trim the crown of the plant so that its appearance is flatter.
  2. We hang small weights on the branches using threads to give the plant a suitable appearance. This must be done so that the branches fall parallel to the ground.
  3. We keep the load in this state for about two weeks, after which we remove it.

Ficus branches, during the period of their formation in this way, can shed leaves. This is not a sign of illness or improper care, but only adaptation to a new situation.

To give the plant an even more colorful appearance, it is worth transferring the ficus into a square-shaped pot, the style of which will be characteristic of bonsai.

The microcarp plant blooms, but this process does not bring any aesthetics. The flowers are small, collected in a small inflorescence, which has a diameter of no more than 2 cm. These inflorescences are called syconia. Indoor plant belongs to the category of decorative deciduous trees, so its main beauty lies precisely in this.

Optimal growing conditions

Caring for ficus is very simple at home. The plant, despite its exotic nature, is very unpretentious. However, it still has its own specifics that should be taken into account. Mainly temperature and lighting.


Ficus needs warmth both for the above-ground part of the plant and for the root system. The optimal temperature for proper development and maintenance of life is between 17-24°C. It should be taken into account that in winter a drop in temperature is permissible. Too low air or soil temperatures can lead to various diseases. At temperatures above 23°C, the plant should be provided with additional watering and spraying.


Areas with shading or diffuse sunlight best suited for microcarp. The plant must be protected from direct sunlight. It is best to place the flower pot away from the windows. Artificial lighting or illumination also takes place. To do this, you can use fluorescent lamps with a power of 15 W and a temperature (color) from 2800° to 3800° Kelvin (dawn/sunset).


It should be noted that the plant does not require any special attention. However, caring for this species is not limited to the correct location of the pot with the plant and the necessary lighting. To make the tree pleasing to the eye, you will have to work hard. Maintenance is quite simple. Like all other plants, ficus must be properly watered, and wonderful branches and stems must be constantly formed through pruning. With simple manipulations, the tree can be transformed into an incredible-looking decoration that will please the eyes of your guests and household members.


Ficus should be watered frequently and abundantly, especially in the spring-summer season, that is, during the period of active plant growth. It is worth noting that the abundance and regularity of watering directly depend on lighting, room temperature and air dryness.

When watering, you should focus on the condition of the plant and the dryness of the soil. You should monitor the moisture content of the soil in the pot, however, you should not over-water the ficus microcarpa, as this can cause root rot, which often leads to the death of the plant. The substrate must have time to dry before the next watering. Soil moisture is checked at a depth of 2-3 cm.

Water for irrigation must also meet certain requirements. It should sit for at least 12 hours and be soft. The temperature when watering should be no cooler than room temperature.


Humid air is a priority for ficus microcarp, so the tree should be sprayed 1-2 times a day, depending on air humidity. If there is insufficient spraying, the ficus will become sensitive to various diseases, will look lethargic, and will lose the ability to resist pests. In addition to spraying, the plant will benefit from regularly wiping its leaves with a damp cloth.

Soil and fertilizer

Fertile soil with an acidity level of 5.5-7.5 on the pH scale - a favorite for microcarp. It’s easy to prepare the soil yourself. To do this, mix sand, leaf humus, peat and turf soil in equal proportions. During the growing season, it is recommended to apply additional fertilizers (from early spring to late autumn). Complex universal fertilizers or fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are ideal. They must be added to the water when watering the soil. Fertilizer should be applied every couple of weeks.

When growing ficus microcarpa in bonsai style, specialized fertilizers are used.

You can also apply fertilizers by spraying the foliage - the tree responds well to this.

Crown formation and pruning

In order for the plant to maintain the attractiveness of its shape, it must be trimmed periodically. You should start shaping the crown as early as possible. In terms of changing its appearance, ficus is very malleable, which allows your imagination to run wild.

To get a powerful trunk from a young tree, it needs to be trimmed more often. Using wire it is necessary to shape the direction of the branches. Thick shoots, whose length is no more than 20 cm, can also be pruned. By pruning strong branches, you can achieve branching of the ficus crown.

Transfer rules

Let's touch on when and how best to repot a microcarp plant.

This variety should replant every couple of years. The tree grows quite slowly, and the trunk almost stops developing in adulthood. For ficus, replanting is mainly aimed at replacing the substrate and renewing the soil. This procedure will also allow the grower to look at the condition of the root system, which was previously underground.

It is better to replant in the spring. The size of the pot for ficus microcarpa does not play a special role. It is even best to use the same container that was previously, but it should be thoroughly cleaned and washed. If you decide to take a new pot, then be sure to make sure that a small layer of “old” soil remains on the roots of the plant. Be sure to make sure that the new container has holes for draining water.

Don't forget to install drainage from polystyrene foam or expanded clay with a layer of 2-3 cm. Place the ficus with soil on the roots in place and add fresh soil. You should be extremely careful with the fragile root system of the plant.

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