Entrance tests to an architectural university. What subjects do you need to take to become an architect?

Currently, the profession of an architect is in great demand. Therefore, many young people who are faced with the question of choosing a type of activity choose this direction.

To be confident in your choice, you need to know the features of the profession, the length of study and the possibility of employment after graduation.

Let's take a closer look at what an architect's job is, what categories of specialists there are, how to get this profession and how much money you can earn.

Who is an architect and what does he do?

An architect is a specialist who designs a building, which includes the development of space-planning solutions and interior design.

The work of an architect is considered independent: the designer is based on the knowledge gained in the process of training and personal professional experience. His imagination is limited only by his own ideas of beauty.

Despite the fact that this profession is classified as technical, it is also creative - after all, the architect creates new projects, many of which become unique. An architect is an artist whose works can be used to determine his authorship.

In the 20th century, the profession was divided into branches:

  1. Urban planning. When designing residential areas, the architect must take into account not only the location of highways, shopping areas, schools and kindergartens, but also prioritize the safety of buildings. This takes into account the terrain, the nature of the soil, the likelihood of earthquakes or floods. Only after studying the safety of the enterprise can you begin designing buildings.
  2. Volumetric design. An architect's responsibilities include designing buildings various types: residential, industrial and public buildings. The project must contain detailed drawings with descriptions.

What an architect should know - personal and professional qualities

A future architect must have a number of qualities that will help in mastering the profession:

  • spatial thinking;
  • creative mind;
  • organization;
  • responsibility;
  • originality and creativity;
  • realism;
  • good taste;
  • communication skills;
  • punctuality and tact.

In addition to personal qualities, it is important to have high-quality professional training. The technician must know and correctly apply:

  • building regulations;
  • computer-aided design systems;
  • methods of design and calculations.

The architect must master the basics of cartography and geodesy, have analytical and mathematical abilities to make correct calculations and draw up drawings.

Professions related to architecture

In order for architectural buildings to attract attention, it is important to work out all the details:

  • for the development of new neighborhoods, the work of an urban environment designer will be useful;
  • A restoration architect will help restore the historical building;
  • To decorate the local area, you should contact a landscape designer, and an interior designer will design the premises.

The narrow specialization of architects and designers allows them to completely immerse themselves in a certain area, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of their activities.

Also, do not forget about such specialties as civil engineer, mason, carpenter, builder and electrician.

The best architectural universities in Russia

When planning to master the profession of an architect, it is important to approach the choice of educational institution responsibly. After all, the knowledge that a future specialist receives depends on the quality of information presentation.

Among the universities in Russia we can highlight:

  1. National Research Moscow State construction university.
  2. Moscow architectural institute.
  3. Moscow State Technical University them. N.E. Bauman.
  4. National research university « graduate School economy".
  5. Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

What subjects do you need to take to become an architect?

To enter the Faculty of Architecture after 11th grade, an applicant must pass the following exams:

  • mathematics (profile);
  • story;
  • Russian language;
  • a creative exam including drafting, drawing and composition.

To study to become an interior or landscape architect, you should take literature instead of mathematics.

How many years to study

For higher education vocational education it will take 5 years, but the learning doesn’t end there, because everyone successful man studies all his life.

After graduation and employment, the architect will certainly take advanced training courses so that not only knowledge in the chosen field of activity grows, but also the level of skill, and therefore the salary.

Where can an architect work?

The work of an architect may be associated with the construction of new objects and complexes, and urban planning.

Good specialists are needed as industrial enterprises, and private construction companies.

In addition, architectural and restoration workshops, furniture showrooms and shops often use the services of specialists.

How much do architects earn?

It is not for nothing that the profession of an architect is very popular among applicants: it can bring not only high income, but also recognition.

Specialists working in private organizations have piecework wages. If the project is successfully completed, the author receives a percentage of the amount. Chief architects can expect up to 6% of the cost of the project.

Ordinary specialists work at a set rate with bonuses. An aspiring architect earns from $800 per month.

The average salary for an experienced employee is $1200-1500. It is worth considering factors that influence the level of wages: city, company and project being developed.

Is the profession of an architect in demand?

It cannot be said that an architect will easily find Good work. There are quite a lot of offers, but not all of them meet expectations.

It is worth noting that It’s easier to find high-paying jobs in big cities- more vacancies from which to choose. And wages in large cities are much higher.

Career growth and development prospects

You should not hope that a high-paying job and a good position will immediately await a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture. Before taking on a profitable project, you need to earn a professional reputation, which will subsequently work for you.

First you will have to work in the shadow of your predecessors and gain practical experience. To move up the career ladder, you need to constantly improve your qualifications and skill level. As a reward - large projects or your own profitable business.

Is it worth studying to be an architect - pros and cons

Before deciding on a future profession, it is necessary to study the positive and negative aspects.

The advantages of the profession include:

  • demand in the labor market;
  • high earnings;
  • interesting, creative work.

A good architect can be a hardworking person who is ready for daily painstaking work. A creative mindset and spatial thinking are also important.

Before you go to study to become an architect, it is worth considering that:

  1. To achieve a successful career, you need to work day after day. This specialty is not suitable for those who like easy money. An architect's career begins as an apprentice and goes through all stages of growth.
  2. In order to climb the career ladder, you will have to make a choice: creativity or leadership. If you occupy a high position in a company, you will not have time for the creative process.

The work of an architect is very interesting; it attracts creative people. If you are ready to work day and night to master the skill and create successful projects, then this specialty is for you.

Tell us how you chose your profession? Were there any difficulties? How did you decide to go alone to an unfamiliar city?

I always wanted to do something related to both creativity and the study of exact sciences. Therefore, I started from the fact that my profession should combine art and mathematics. As a result, I am a future architect. It was difficult to decide on the place of study, I chose among three cities: Kazan, Moscow and St. Petersburg (Rita lives in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - edit.). The main thing here is to put everything in order of priorities. Moscow and St. Petersburg were backup options, otherwise you might not be able to get into your dream university? My decision is Kazan, a developing city with great potential: in 2013 it will host the Universiade, and the local construction university is prestigious and is among the top three in Russia. The lack of fear of an unfamiliar city is a merit of the right motivation: I wanted to start a new stage of life with clean slate, with a new city, new people and way of life.

- What subjects did you take the Unified State Exam in, and what was the most difficult thing to prepare for?

To enter the Faculty of Architecture, you only need Unified State Examination results in Russian and mathematics, since they are compulsory, but the teachers at school asked me to choose at least one additional subject. They did not believe that nothing more was needed, except talent, of course. Therefore, I also passed social studies. The result was not bad: 64 points for a subject for which I did not prepare. The remaining exams are creative and are conducted by the university itself: drawing, drafting and composition. In fact, it was not easy to prepare for them. My art education and a year of lessons with a drawing tutor were very useful. I earned about 70 points in each creative exam. Without preparation it would have been even less. IN secondary schools Drawing has not been taught for a long time, but in art you can learn at least the basics, and this knowledge will be enough for admission. It was also difficult to find a good tutor. Other guys took courses at the university for about a year to enroll, but I only had a month to prepare for drawing, drafting and composition, taking into account the university requirements. For these courses I had to fly out early and miss graduation and graduation.

Tell me a little about your future profession. What does an architect do? Where else can you apply your knowledge in your specialty?

I am graduating as an architect-designer. We work with architecture and the urban environment, but this does not prevent us from transferring the acquired knowledge to smaller objects: children's swings, stairs or furniture. The university teaches disciplines related to construction, art and people: strength of materials, structures, drawing, design, coloristics and many others. They are also taught to work in professional computer programs, which is very valuable in the world of high technology, although there is also a lot of drawing and drawing “by hand”.

Many of my classmates manage to combine their studies with other activities. For example, one friend creates design projects for apartments and hands them over to the customer, while another is engaged in parametric modeling and collaborates with the White company. Some students draw portraits to order and make money from it.

- What wishes or advice do you have for architecture applicants?

First, take the time to prepare for your exams. If you are not confident enough in your abilities, then no matter what you give up, you need to sit down and collect yourself: take a deep breath, exhale slowly. I don’t recommend focusing too much on time; it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to complete tasks efficiently if you think about every minute spent. In creative exams the scheme is like this. First, we draw up an action plan based on our capabilities: think about where to start, on which tasks you can earn more points. It’s better to start with building a plan and façade of the drawing, and then proceed as taught, and everything will work out. The main thing is less nerves!

Architect(from ancient Greek. αρχι - main , senior and other Greek τέκτων - carpenter, builder) - a specialist who carries out architectural design, including the development of space-planning and interior solutions. Architectural design is the organization of the architectural environment, which includes the design of buildings, including the development of interior and space-planning solutions. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and drawing (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The profession of an architect is closely related to construction, which is why this profession is one of the most ancient. All over the world there are many unique palaces, temples, town halls, residential buildings, bridges built in various architectural styles. From these styles we can determine the era of construction, the morals of city residents, their traditions or wealth. The beauty of a particular building can evoke certain feelings and moods in people. This makes architecture an art in which each architect communicates with the audience through his creations, conveys his mood, his thoughts and ideas.

Each stage of human development is characterized by the emergence of a certain architectural style. Architectural monuments can tell historians no less than preserved parchments or chronicles. The civilizations of antiquity left behind the greatest architectural creations: the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum, and many such examples can be given. Architecture Ancient Rus'(Old Russian architecture) is considered to be the period of Russian art from the time of its formation Kyiv State and before the reforms of Peter I (from the 9th to the 17th centuries).

Technical progress does not stand still; construction technologies are constantly becoming more complex, and with them the profession of an architect. The tasks facing architects are changing, and the competence of a modern specialist is defined more clearly than before. But the main goal remains the same - to obtain an architectural structure that optimally combines safety, rational and efficient use of space, as well as the features of an original and unique design idea.

Types of Professional Architects(in a general sense) depending on the type of activity:

  • architect(in the narrow sense) is engaged in the development of a concept, project documentation and construction drawings (in the architectural part), exercises author's control over the implementation of the project;
  • the chief architect of the project carries out general management of construction processes;
  • architect-urban planner carries out design of urban areas or large complexes, develops urban planning documentation and master plans for settlements;
  • landscape architect is engaged in the creation of projects for laying out parks, gardens, and personal plots
  • chief architect of a city or region- a municipal employee who ensures the development and control over the implementation of regulatory legal acts of local governments in the field of urban planning;
  • restoration architects restore architectural monuments
  • Historians and architectural theorists carry out scientific or teaching activities in the field of architecture.

The profession of an architect is creative and is considered relatively free, that is, the architect is independent in his work and relies only on his personal ideas of beauty. Limitations can only be objective conditions about strength, safety and benefits, as well as the preferences and desires of the customer.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of building codes and regulations (SNiP), GOST;
  • skill of independent development of basic design solutions, necessary working documentation, architectural drawings;
  • knowledge of computer-aided design systems (AutoCad, Autodesk, Graphisoft ArchiCAD);
  • knowledge of design and calculation methods;
  • knowledge of the basics of cartography, geodesy, ecology;
  • the presence of developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • availability of artistic skills in the field of drawing, graphics, composition;
  • presence of mathematical and analytical abilities, design abilities.

Personal qualities

  • Creative skills;
  • developed spatial thinking;
  • responsibility, vigilance;
  • organizational skills;
  • originality, resourcefulness, creativity;
  • realism;
  • sense of harmony, taste and style;
  • observation;
  • good memory;
  • communication skills;
  • punctuality, tact.

Place of work

  • design institutes;
  • research institutes and institutions;
  • architectural and construction companies;
  • design studios and bureaus;
  • architectural workshops, studios;
  • restoration workshops;
  • furniture stores, showrooms;
  • government organizations (territorial departments for architecture and urban planning);
  • educational institutions;
  • architectural monuments;
  • private practice.

Salary and career

Salary as of 02/25/2019

Russia 25000—75000 ₽

Moscow 30000—120000 ₽

A career in the architectural environment usually begins as an assistant to an architect or working on a team of architects. Further, with a strong desire, sufficient experience and talent, it is possible to become a chief architect in about 5-7 years. Also, working as an assistant to an architect, you can soon become, for example, a leading specialist. Often specialists associated with construction (engineers, technologists) come into the architectural profession. After successfully completing advanced training courses, they receive a new specialty.

Currently, there are no low-paid specialties in architecture; qualified specialists receive quite a lot, although it must be understood that employees of government agencies still receive less than specialists from private companies. But in any case, it is not necessary to strive to become a popular architect and chase grandiose buildings, you can work research activities, small architectural forms, teaching. And if architecture is your calling, then you will definitely become successful and will receive good fees, and maybe even receive the Pritzker Prize (analogous to the Nobel Prize, only for achievements in the field of architecture).

Every person wants to have their own home. Moreover, it is desirable that this housing be safe, comfortable, and beautiful both inside and outside. In addition, for city residents it is very important that streets and houses are located intelligently (that is, as convenient as possible for living large quantity of people). The architect who many applicants want to become knows how to do this.

Every person wants to have their own home. Moreover, it is desirable that this housing be safe, comfortable, and beautiful both inside and outside. In addition, for city residents it is very important that streets and houses are located reasonably (that is, as convenient as possible for a large number of people to live). The architect who many applicants want to become knows how to do this.

The popularity of this profession is easily explained. Firstly, it is classified as prestigious, secondly, it opens up great opportunities for self-realization, and thirdly, it allows you to achieve financial independence. But not everyone can become an architect, since this profession, like many others, has its own specific characteristics, which we will talk about today.

Who is an architect?

A specialist who carries out architectural design and development of three-dimensional plans of buildings, interior spaces and facades. Also, quite often, the responsibilities of an architect include calculating the reliability of building structures.

The name of the profession comes from the Greek αρχι- (chief) and τέκτων (builder), and the very first known modern science the architect was Imhotep (III century BC), under whose leadership the construction of the Pyramid of Djoser was carried out. However, this is not the only contender for primacy in this field of activity. According to Holy Scripture, the first architects were Bezaleel and Aholiab (the builders of the Tabernacle).

Today, architects almost never personally control all stages of construction, since there are other qualified specialists for this. Under the direct supervision of the architect, only the design stage remains, on which the safety, reliability, convenience and beauty of the buildings being erected depend. By the way, the profession of an architect itself has several directions: architect-urban planner, architect-restorer, landscape architect, etc.

It is not difficult to guess that the main task of the architect is to find the most optimal design solutions taking into account the terrain, the safety of buildings and the rational use of space. Among job responsibilities We can highlight the design of the facility, the development of project documentation, visualization of future buildings and the development of design projects.

What personal qualities should an architect have?

Architect's profession located at the intersection of two diametrically opposed professions: artist and engineer. Accordingly, an architect must have personal qualities that allow him to combine creative inclinations and the ability to make sober mathematical calculations. Among these qualities are:

  • well-developed spatial thinking;
  • excellent artistic taste and a general sense of harmony and style;
  • excellent visual memory and observation skills;
  • ability to draw;
  • Analytical mind;
  • creativity;
  • punctuality;
  • perseverance;
  • communication skills;
  • organizational skills;
  • stress resistance;
  • erudition;
  • rationality.

Advantages of being an architect

Humanity has always experienced and will continue to experience the need to build new houses and cities. This means that the profession of an architect will always be in demand, and a young specialist will be able to find a job relatively easily. However, this is not the only thing that attracts a huge number of applicants who want to become architects. Those who are determined to enroll Department of Architecture know that the profession of an architect guarantees them:

  • promising career prospects - with talent and great ability to work, in just 5-7 years a young specialist can overcome the path from assistant to chief architect.
  • high earnings - today almost all specialists in the field of architecture receive quite decent wages(from 25 to 100 thousand rubles).
  • the opportunity to realize their ambitious plans - many talented architects were able to achieve world fame, which allows them to dictate the fashion for a particular style in architecture.

Disadvantages of being an architect

Architect's work, like any other profession, has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. And the most obvious disadvantage is that despite good career prospects, it will not be possible to achieve dramatic success. On the way to the top of the career ladder young specialist you will have to go through all the stages - from apprentice to leading specialist.

Another disadvantage of this profession can be considered a rather complex learning process, during which students not only have to pore over numerous and varied drawings, but also undergo practical training at a construction site (most often as a simple laborer).

Many specialists also cite the need to embody the wishes of customers, which do not always evoke positive emotions, among the disadvantages of their profession. Therefore, sometimes architects have to spend a lot of time and nerves trying to convince the customer and prove to him that his desires are irrational.

About six months ago, I wrote an article for a small magazine on the topic of architectural education. I sent it and forgot it, so I don’t know it future fate, actually, not particularly interesting. After a while, I admit that this is far from the best material for an applicant, but maybe someone will need it. And for professionals - it’s for the sake of idle interest. I ask you in advance not to blame me for mistakes and blunders.

- who the profession is suitable for;

The profession of an architect covers such a wide field of activity that almost anyone can find themselves in it. The issue of motivation for mastering this profession is important here. In a nutshell, I will describe the motivations with which you should go into architecture and with which you should not. No. 1 - creative ambitions; without them there is nothing to do in architecture. There must be a desire to constantly create something new, and the best. The desire to be famous (or popular) is very important. If you look at the foreign “stars” of architecture: Norman Foster, Santiago Calatrava, Frank Gerry - they are all public people. What is important is not only the desire to create, but also to tell the whole world about it. Another motivation is the desire to be a well-rounded person. The profession of an architect is at the intersection of an engineer and an artist. The desire to “know everything” will greatly help the future specialist.

Now here's something that can really get in the way. First, looking for the “easy way”. In architecture, 5% is talent, and the rest is work. This is indeed a very difficult specialty. Before my eyes, people fainted from overwork and developed chronic diseases while studying. There were even deaths. We must be prepared for this and not be afraid. Secondly, the desire to earn a lot of money, and if possible immediately. A good architect matures slowly, like wine. In the beginning, it is very cheap, but after years of work it becomes expensive. This also needs to be realized. There will be big earnings, but the path to them is quite long. Thirdly, excessive sensitivity will greatly interfere with the profession. The amount of criticism always exceeds the amount of praise. Especially at the beginning of the journey. You have to be able to take everything calmly. Every good architect has heard many times about where his hands grow from, what straw he has in his head, and that he will never become an architect. Such statements should not be taken to heart.

Based on the above, I think it will not be difficult to create a portrait of a person who is suitable for this profession and try it on yourself.

- short review universities;

Choosing a university to receive an architectural education is, of course, important, but not critical. The specificity of studying to become an architect is such that even in an average university, according to the general opinion, you can get an excellent architectural education. The main thing is the teachers of creative specialties who will meet on the student’s path. The programs of universities and architectural faculties are approximately similar. The only big plus prestigious universities like Moscow Architectural Institute, for example, there is a greater chance of meeting an excellent teacher.

It is best not to force the preparation for a creative competition. Each university has its own very strict requirements for drawing and drafting. The best option is preparatory courses or private lessons with teachers from the university where you plan to enroll. A competent teacher will prepare a person “from scratch” to passing the exam in a year or a year and a half. Oddly enough, but it’s good if the applicant has never studied drawing anywhere before. It’s easier for a teacher to immediately set up the correct technique than to correct “school mistakes.” There is no need to prepare much in advance for the creative exam. It’s better to take a year, but with great intensity, so that the future student “gets in shape” for the exam and is not too tired from years of preparation.

In my opinion, the biggest mistake is trying to enter one university for several years. Years of preparation for admission to even the best architectural university will not provide any knowledge in architecture. We must always remember that the goal is to become an architect, and not to enter the Moscow Architectural Institute or Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. To achieve this goal, you need to move forward: enroll in another university; to the same university, but for evening or correspondence courses; do not discard the option of getting the average special education. Preparing for admission is “treading water”, and studying in a professional educational institution- the path to a profession that may be more thorny than expected.

- how your studies are going;

When I studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute, there was a saying: “It’s much more difficult to drop out of the institute than to get in.” There is some truth in this. One can, of course, talk a lot about the fact that studying is difficult, there are conflicts with teachers, but getting an architectural education is extremely interesting, regardless of whether the student is a “physicist or a lyricist.” It's all about the same intersection between an engineer and an artist. All subjects can be “roughly” divided into 3 types: creative, engineering and general education. Traditionally, students take creative subjects - project, drawing; from time to time appear on engineering - structures, strength of materials, architectural physics; Very rarely do they remember general education subjects - philosophy, sociology. This is a bad tradition. There are no random items in the program. All the knowledge that the institute gives will be useful in the profession, but in one case it is obvious - design, structures, materials science; but not in the other.

Let me give you a small example. I attended philosophy classes 2-3 times per semester. I explained this to myself by saying that knowledge of Kant and Hegel would not be useful to me in architectural practice. I received my C grade in the test and was pleased. Years later, in graduate school, I took a course in “philosophy of science.” Only there I saw how deep the philosophical roots are in architecture and working in modern architecture without knowledge of philosophy is simply impossible. I had to spend time reading textbooks and tearing my hair out of frustration at not attending classes at the institute.

But, of course, the most important subject- Architectural Engineering. Essentially, all other subjects in the program serve to advance the student in that subject. Many of my colleagues remember the institute project as a “golden time”. This is because the architect’s imagination is not limited by anything. There are no economic demands, no boring customers, no uncompromising subcontractors. This best opportunity show your creative potential. It is no coincidence that when applying for a job, they often ask for institute papers. When working on a club, museum, fire station, you need to understand that this is most likely the only project on this topic for you. It’s better not to waste time and effort on the project. This is when the potential for growth in the profession is laid. The main architects and "stars" of architecture start with interesting creative projects.

- logic of a professional’s career;

Now the vast majority of students begin working in their 2nd or 3rd year. I think it's good, but only in moderation. Part-time work helps in mastering architectural programs, gives a first idea of ​​architectural practice and psychologically prepares for future work. But don’t forget that No. 1 is still studying. It is better to take work during this period not very seriously - simply as an opportunity to practice. It is possible to engage only in studies, but judging by practice, even if career growth begins for such students, it is with a great delay.

I have already written that the field of activity of an architect is very large. It is important to tune yourself to the place in architecture where a person will feel most harmonious. Choose your niche. It is not at all necessary to strive to become a successful and popular architect. Chasing large objects. A good layout designer can earn much more than a chief architect. You can engage in research, teaching, small architectural forms - anything you want, if it’s “yours”. Be successful in this area and earn quite a lot. Nowadays there are no low-paid specialties in architecture, and a good specialist receives a high salary. But at the same time, it is very difficult to “make a fortune” by doing only architecture.

An architect's career can develop in absolutely any direction, but successful development requires constant work on oneself. First of all - self-education; active participation in public architectural life: attending lectures, seminars, exhibitions.

- workdays, interaction with engineers;

The specificity of the architect's profession is such that in order to implement creative ideas it is always necessary to attract additional specialists - engineers, designers. The nature of the work can most clearly be seen using an example. Let's take the most common architectural order - an individual residential building (in in simple language- cottage). The architect receives the order and begins work with sketches. Makes layouts, facades and coordinates them with the customer. Then comes the architectural project - drawings of plans, facades, sketches in relief, general specifications. This, it seems, is where the architect’s work ends, but it is impossible to build a house according to an architectural design. We need construction drawings and engineering systems designs. This is exactly the job of engineers. A competent architect knows the basics of engineering specialties and provides in advance in the architectural project the possibility of implementing certain systems. It is best to work on a project in conjunction with designers and engineers, or at least consult at the architectural design stage. Even after completing all related projects, the architect's work may continue. It's about on designer's supervision of construction. At large sites, appropriate documentation is maintained; at small sites, a person arrives with drawings and a tape measure and walks around the construction site with a smart look. Often, the final decisions on the choice of finishing materials, design of windows and fences are made already during construction, when the architecture is not on paper, but can be “touched”. In any case, visiting a construction site is very useful for understanding the entire process of creating architecture. When designing and constructing large facilities, everything becomes more complicated, but the essence remains the same.

The work process can take place in completely different ways: you can sit at work from 9 to 6; you can work in a flexible schedule; travel to sites, approval organizations, and subcontractors; work from home as a private architect - as you prefer. In architectural work, in my opinion, the most important thing is the result, good architecture, but how it turned out is not so important. You can draw “on your knee” in 5 minutes, or you can sit in front of the monitor for months.

- the situation in the profession today, trends.

Today Russian architecture is experiencing a deep crisis. This is recognized by both professionals and ordinary people who are not indifferent to what is happening in the country. By crisis I mean the following: the architecture of the majority of large projects under construction is simply ugly (just compare what is being built all over the world and what we have), objects of architectural heritage are treacherously destroyed, the change of generations is very difficult (especially among university teachers).

The professional environment is also in crisis. Design institutes, as shown Last year, unprofitable. Good positions in large organizations go to relatives or acquaintances, and it is very difficult even for a great architect to break through the orderly ranks of “their” people. It’s also hard in private workshops. There is a lot of competition there and not always fair. It is possible to work as a private architect, but the market for private architects is so flooded with non-professionals that it is very difficult to rise even a little from this swamp. Nowadays in architectural work, if you don’t have relatives or high patrons, you have to achieve everything “with sweat and blood.”

Fortunately, any crisis ends sooner or later. In my opinion, a new generation of young architects is capable of “raising” Russian architecture. There are all the prerequisites for this: information on modern foreign architecture is available, associations of young architects are emerging, there are opportunities for training and internships abroad. I believe that our Kenzo Tange and Richard Rogers will grow up from the generation that is just about to enter the architectural institute.

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