Presentation on the topic "labor adaptation of personnel." Adaptation of an employee to a new workplace, presentation for a lesson on the topic Presentation of adaptation of personnel to new working conditions

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List of used literature

Bazarova, B.L., Eremina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M: UNITY, 2002 Berestneva O.G. Models and algorithms for subject adaptation professional activity to the conditions of the production environment // News of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2009. Organizational personnel management: textbook / ed. A. Ya. Kibanova - M.: INFRA - M, 2005. Personnel management: textbook / general. ed. A. I. Turchinova. – M., 2002. biznes/adaptaciya-personala.html

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Adaptation is the adaptation of an organism, an individual, a team to changing environmental conditions or to its internal changes, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of their existence and functioning. Labor adaptation of personnel is the process of familiarization and adaptation of workers to the content and conditions labor activity, as well as to social environment organizations.

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Labor adaptation of personnel is a mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the gradual inclusion of the employee in the production process in new professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational-administrative, economic, sanitary-hygienic and living conditions of work and rest. Adaptation is the process of introducing an employee to an activity and organization and changing one’s own behavior in accordance with the requirements of the environment, i.e. the process of adaptation to a new environment.

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Psychophysiological adaptation is adaptation to work activity at the level of the worker’s body as a whole, which results in smaller changes in his functional state. Socio-psychological adaptation - adaptation to the immediate social environment in the team, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the work style of managers, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships that have developed in the team. It means the inclusion of the employee in the team as an equal, accepted by all its members.

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Professional adaptation is the active development of a profession, its intricacies, specifics, necessary skills, techniques, and methods of decision-making, to begin with in standard situations. Social adaptation – 1) a constant process of active adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the social environment; 2) the result of this process. Labor adaptation is social process the individual’s mastery of a new work situation, in which the personality and the work environment actively influence each other and are adaptive. Orientation is the practical acquaintance of a new employee with his responsibilities and the requirements that are imposed on him by the organization. and systems.

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Adaptation of personnel in an organization is a necessary element of personnel management. Adaptation of an employee in an organization is a multifaceted process of his adaptation to the content and conditions of work, to the immediate social environment, and improvement of the employee’s business and personal qualities. This is a process that requires both the employee and the team to be mutually active and interested in each other.

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Goals of labor adaptation of personnel according to A.Ya. Kibanov:

reduction of start-up costs. Because while a new employee does not know his workplace well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs; reducing the degree of uncertainty for new employees; reducing labor turnover, because if newcomers feel uncomfortable on new job and unnecessary, then they can react to this by dismissal; saving time for the manager and employees; developing a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction. 1. Personnel management of an organization: textbook / ed. A. Ya. Kibanova. − M.: INFRA - M, 2005.

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Goals and objectives of the career guidance and personnel adaptation management system in the organization

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There are two areas of labor adaptation:

Primary labor adaptation is the introduction into an organization of personnel who do not have experience working in similar organizations. Secondary labor adaptation is the adaptation of employees who have work experience in other organizations. 5.

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Types of personnel adaptation

Denial (rejection of any norms and values); Conformism (full acceptance of all norms and values); Mimicry (observance of auxiliary norms and values, masking the denial of the main ones); Adaptive individualism (full adherence to fundamental norms and values ​​with partial acceptance or denial of auxiliary ones). 5.

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Forms of personnel adaptation

Social adaptation Industrial adaptation Professional adaptation Psychophysiological adaptation Socio-psychological adaptation Organizational adaptation Economic adaptation. 6.

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Types of adaptation and factors influencing it

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    Stages of the personnel adaptation process

    Preparatory stage of adaptation (If an employee has not only special training, but also experience working in similar departments of other companies, the period of his adaptation will be minimal) Information stage of adaptation (Practical acquaintance of the new employee with his responsibilities and requirements that are imposed on him by the organization) Introductory stage of adaptation (employee adaptation to his status, inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues.) Adaptation stage (gradual overcoming of production and interpersonal problems and transition to stable work.)

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    The tasks of an adaptation management specialist according to Kibanov are:

    organization of seminars, courses on various issues adaptation, conducting individual conversations between a manager and mentor and a new employee, intensive short-term courses for managers re-entering their positions. 5..

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    special training courses for mentors, using the method of gradually increasing the complexity of tasks performed by a newcomer, performing one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team, preparing a replacement during personnel rotation; Conducting special role-playing games in the team to unite employees. 1. Personnel management of an organization: textbook / ed. A. Ya. Kibanova. − M.: INFRA - M, 2005.

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    Technology for forming adaptation criteria

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    The main mistakes of employers:

    Too little time is allocated for induction. Induction is too hasty; Information is presented too formally and boringly. Personal communication is replaced by independent reading of the corporate code and other documents; No one notices the presence of new employees; There are no activities to introduce new employees to the team, they are not included in team work; The course is sometimes taught in a too informal manner.

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    Foreign adaptation experience. Japan.

    Company management strives to attract young people directly from school, because the absence of any skills in work indicates innocence, absence of outside influence, readiness to accept the rules of behavior, acceptance in this corporation. Incoming youth undergo a mandatory course of initial training - adaptation. This occurs over a relatively short period of two months. Particular attention in social and professional adaptation in Japanese companies is given to programs for nurturing the corporate culture of the organization, its image, and instilling pride in one’s company and corporation. This is the so-called “corporate spirit” of a company or company. It is brought up through the system of introducing the employee to the affairs of the company, to its atmosphere, tasks and mission.

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    Foreign adaptation experience. USA.

    In-depth employee adaptation programs are used in medium and large US firms. Both HR managers and line managers participate in the process of conducting them. In small enterprises, the adaptation program is carried out by a practical manager, sometimes with the inclusion of a trade union employee, and a variety of programs are used - from programs that provide mainly oral information to formalized procedures that link oral presentations with written and graphic instructions. Formal onboarding programs often use equipment, slides, and photographs.

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    Foreign adaptation experience. Germany.

    In Germany, there is an “Enterprise Legal Regime Act”, which requires the employer to familiarize the new employee with the working conditions and the future scope of his activity, as well as introduce him to future work colleagues. The employee must know the working hours and conditions and his responsibilities. Interviews are used for this. Beginner to get acquainted with the rules and procedures. He receives guidance from seniors and others.

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    Russian experience.

    As the experience of domestic organizations has shown, the country pays insufficient attention to the problem of career guidance and personnel adaptation. Unfortunately, management workers do not fully understand the importance of career guidance and adaptation as methods of regulating the supply of labor in an organization. In addition, now the management link at the national economic and industry levels is weakened in organizational and methodological terms, which has led to the formation of many management bodies in the region (career guidance and employment centers, career guidance offices in schools, special educational institutions, and organizations) without sufficient regulation of their powers. Narrow departmentalism counters the development of direct connections between career guidance and adaptation management bodies. And this does not allow us to eliminate organizational shortcomings in the practice of career guidance and adaptation, deepening them at each subsequent level of management.

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    Creating a constructive program for personnel adaptation at an enterprise is a rather complex task, but the solution of such important issues and issues for the enterprise as the employee’s entry into the work team, into its informal structure and the feeling of being a member of the team depends on it. When using a well-developed adaptation system, a person who has recently joined the organization feels more comfortable in a new place, and management receives maximum benefit from him in his work. Adaptation is a mutual process: a person adapts to an organization that is new to him, and the organization adapts to a person who is new to it. And the future productivity of both the new employee and his colleagues largely depends on how smoothly this process goes.

    Personnel adaptation

    Personnel adaptation is one of the most important areas of personnel work. Adaptation is the process of adapting or changing an employee’s own behavior in new professional, social or economic working conditions at an enterprise (organization).

    Adaptation is one of the components of personnel management. In order to overcome emerging difficulties, as well as increase the efficiency of the adaptation process, companies are creating a personnel adaptation system. This system includes a set of measures that allow an employee to reach the required level of productivity with minimal losses for himself and for the company.

    The presence of an adaptation system gives the company the following advantages: Increasing the employee’s work efficiency, accelerating the process of the employee reaching the required level of productivity; Establishing or maintaining positive relationships within a team; Preventing serious mistakes that new employees might make; Reducing the time spent by experienced workers on assisting a new employee in the process of performing his job duties; Minimizing staff turnover.

    The presence of an adaptation system gives employees the following advantages: Establishing relationships in the team; Quick integration into the work process and acquisition of new skills and knowledge; Reducing anxiety and uncertainty in the face of criticism from management related to the inability to complete assigned tasks as quickly as other employees; Comparison of the employee's expected working conditions with his real activities; Reducing the employee's fear of being fired during the probationary period.

    Types of adaptation Economic Professional Social adaptation Psychological adaptation Sanitary and hygienic Psychophysiological adaptation Organizational and administrative adaptation

    Professional adaptation Improving professional abilities based on additional acquisition of knowledge and skills, the formation of professionally necessary personal qualities, and a positive attitude towards one’s work. Adaptation activities: on-the-job training (mentoring); off-the-job training (seminars, courses); Availability detailed description work, etc.

    Psychophysiological adaptation Mastering the totality of all conditions that have different psychophysiological effects on the employee during work. Such conditions include physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of work, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors (noise, lighting, vibration, etc.). A component of psychophysiological adaptation is climatic adaptation. Its essence lies in the adaptation of the employee to the ecological environment of the enterprise and the region in which it is located (humidity, temperature, time zone, etc.). Adaptation measures: scientific organization of the workplace and work process; industrial gymnastics (for example, eye gymnastics for a computer operator).

    Socio-psychological adaptation Adaptation of the employee to the manager, the team of the department and the organization, the inclusion of the employee in the system of relationships between the team with its traditions, standards of life, and value orientations. The socio-psychological component is cultural and everyday adaptation, which consists of mastering the characteristics of the organization, its way of life, and the traditions of spending free time in a team. Adaptation measures: familiarizing the employee with traditions and standards of life; introduction to colleagues; participation in trainings, role playing games; involvement in implementation social work(for example, preparing a corporate holiday); inviting an employee to participate in non-work activities.

    Organizational and administrative adaptation An employee’s assimilation of the features of the organizational management mechanism, understanding of the place and role of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and organizational structure. An important and specific aspect of organizational and administrative adaptation is the employee’s preparedness to perceive and implement innovations (of a technical or organizational nature). Adaptation activities: familiarization with the history of the organization, clients and partners, key company procedures; explanation of features organizational structure, familiarity with the company's key procedures. Often this information is provided in the form of printed materials (employee manual, regulations, standards) or video materials (film about the organization)

    Economic adaptation Familiarity with the economic mechanism of managing an organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, getting used to new conditions about remuneration of one’s labor and various payments. Adaptation measures: explanation of the features of accrual wages; familiarization with the provisions and standards of the organization’s motivational programs.

    Sanitary and hygienic adaptation The employee masters the requirements of labor, production and technological discipline, labor regulations, sanitary and hygienic standards. Adaptation measures: familiarization with work rules, requirements for organizing the workspace, eating, and smoking breaks.

    The presentation was prepared by: Student of group 10 CJU1 Balashova E.V.

    Personnel adaptation Adaptation is a technique whose main task is the effective involvement of a new employee in the processes occurring in the company Labor adaptation of personnel is the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the gradual inclusion of the employee in the production process in new professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological , economic, organizational, administrative, sanitary and hygienic and living conditions of work and rest. Socio-psychological adaptation is the process of a person’s assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allows him to work as a full member of the team. Professional adaptation is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, necessary for the quality performance of their duties

    Conditions for successful adaptation Active participation of a new employee in the process of entering a new position Planning and preliminary preparation of the adaptation process Availability of a mentor Availability of materials, including those necessary for self-study

    1 - EMPLOYEE REGISTRATION First working day, filling out an internal questionnaire; writing a job application; signing an employment contract and job description; familiarization with local regulations; copying necessary documents; registration of a work book; safety briefing The result of the stage is the official registration of the employee with the implementation of personnel and accounting records. The person in charge is the inspector/HR manager/HR manager.

    2 – INITIAL ACQUAINTANCE First working day Introductory information about the company, procedure and working conditions: history; products/services; management structure (including names of key managers, location of individual divisions); working conditions - work schedule, vacations and days off, benefits for employees; traditions, elements of corporate culture (parking system for personal vehicles, holidays...); code of ethics; basic documents; security procedures, confidentiality of information; setting goals; creating motivation - opportunities for salary growth, advanced training, job growth; office tour; presentation of an employee handbook (newcomer’s guidebook, pilot’s card, etc.). Responsible person - HR manager/training/personnel development manager

    3 - INTERNSHIP Second working day Introductory information about interaction with the company's divisions: a list of departments with which you will have to interact in the process of work; technology of interaction between departments - written or oral form, documents and features of their design, deadlines; possible difficulties of the production process; problem solving mechanisms; precedents. Responsible person - head of the department Third day - up to 2.5 months Work according to the “Employee Work Plan for the Probationary Period”, integration into the company structure. Responsible person - mentor

    Mentor functions Providing detailed information on the content of the work Clarification of tasks Formation of personal and business qualities necessary for an employee Monitoring the work performed by the trainee Assessing knowledge and skills after training Providing assistance in establishing relationships with employees Assistance in orientation in the company premises Encouragement for diligence and first professional achievements Assistance in determining priorities in work and communication Accompaniment to first lunches The result of the internship is the employee’s readiness to perform functional duties and his integration into the department’s work process

    4 – FEEDBACK During the probationary period, one or more meetings are held with new employees in order to receive feedback on the adaptation procedure: to correct the employee’s behavior; additional information; optimization of the mentoring procedure Responsible person - HR manager, mentor

    Reasons that hinder an employee’s adaptation: various values ​​and priorities of the company and the employee; disappointed expectations (non-compliance with requirements); poor relationships with the team; working conditions (office ergonomics, number of tasks) Adaptation period; Probationary period according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - up to 3 months; Professional adaptation - from 1 week. up to 2.5 months Social adaptation - from 1 to 6 months

    Adaptation matrix Stages Activities Responsible person Deadlines Mark of completion Signature of the responsible person Note Assignment for the seminar: Develop an adaptation matrix for a specific position and company. For example, the adaptation matrix for the office manager of the company “Dental Clinic”, or the adaptation matrix for a specialist in the economic department of the Regional Administration. We choose the position and company ourselves...

    Adaptation matrix The essence of the matrix is ​​the answer to 4 questions: 1. Whom are we adapting (categories of employees: ordinary employees, specialists, young employees, line managers, senior managers, employees of remote offices); 2. When we adapt (periods: before going to work, 1st day, 1st week, main period, 3 days before the end of the IS, end of the IS); 3. Who adapts (participants in adaptation: personnel service, mentors, managers); 4. How we adapt (tools and measures for adaptation: welcome training, employee book, newbie kit, etc., etc.).

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    Adaptation is a technique whose main task is to effectively involve a new team member in the processes taking place at the school and prepare a loyal employee on time, with an emphasis on the knowledge and skills necessary for successful work.

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    Types of adaptation: 1. Professional adaptation is associated with the additional acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, as well as the formation of professional important qualities personality. Job satisfaction is significantly related to the level of professional adaptation. 2. Psychophysiological adaptation involves adaptation to a set of conditions that have different psychophysiological effects on the worker: physical and mental stress, level of monotony of work, rhythm of work, convenience of the workplace, noise, lighting, vibration, etc. 3. Socio-psychological adaptation is characterized by the inclusion of the employee in the system of relationships of the team with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations, formal and informal groups, social positions of its individual members. 4. Organizational and administrative adaptation occurs in the process of familiarizing the employee with the features of the organizational management mechanism, the place of his unit and position in the general system of goals and in the organizational structure. The result of such adaptation is the employee’s understanding of his own role in the overall production process, and this in turn increases work motivation. 5. Organizational and economic adaptation involves familiarizing the employee with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and wage conditions. 6. Normative (sanitary and hygienic) adaptation is associated with the development of new requirements of labor, production and technological discipline, labor regulations, requirements for workplace preparation, hygienic and sanitary standards, safety and health requirements, as well as environmental safety of the environment.

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    Adaptation management is a process of actively influencing factors that predetermine the course of its development and help reduce adverse consequences: - subjective characteristics of the employee (gender, age, education, length of service, psychophysiological characteristics); - factors of the production environment, the nature of their influence on the results of adaptation; - when optimizing the adaptation process, one should proceed from the existing capabilities of the organization (in terms of working conditions, flexible working hours, work organization, etc.); - natural limitations in changing employee behavior (development of certain abilities, liberation from bad habits and so on.); - differences between the new and previous place of work, features of the new and former professions, as they can be significant.

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    The system of work to ensure employee adaptation to the conditions of the organization includes: creating conditions for efficient work adapter, developing a new employee’s positive attitude towards the organization and realism in expectations, job satisfaction, reducing the employee’s anxiety and uncertainty by analyzing personnel potential and personnel needs; assessment and selection of candidates for vacant positions; tracking the professional and socio-psychological adaptation of workers; stimulating employee activity.

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    The goal of the adaptation program is to create conditions for the adapter to work effectively in the shortest possible time by accelerating the process of his entry into position, developing in the new employee a positive attitude towards the organization and realism in expectations, job satisfaction, reducing the employee’s anxiety and uncertainty.

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    The adaptation program consists of 2 blocks - general and individual, and contains the following points: General: 1. Initial familiarization of the employee with the activity educational institution. So, what can be considered the first stage of adaptation? Some sources call the initial period a preliminary offer or the interview process, because it is during this period that the future employee first becomes acquainted with the structure, organization of the educational process, his functional responsibilities, work schedule, and the specifics of working in educational institution(dress code, schedule, etc.). At this stage, the newcomer should be familiarized with the structure and organization of the school. For this purpose, a creative group of teachers created a special booklet “Guide to Preschool School 82” - a guideline that indicates all departments, principles of successful work, accepted norms and rules, list of employees, work schedules, etc. This information booklet was intended to inspire the newly hired employee to achieve high goals and was handed to each newly hired employee during the procedure for introducing the employee to the team. Then, in general terms, the new employee was told about the working conditions, more specifically - about wages, bonuses, requirements, regime, procedure management, sanctions. This allows the hired employee to draw up a plan for his future activities.

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    2. Introducing a new member of the work team to his immediate superior and administration. The school director conducts a personal conversation in which he talks about the team, its traditions and customs, work standards, and relationships. The Deputy Director for HR Introduces the newly hired employee to job description, conducts introductory and initial training. The deputy for methodological work introduces the structure of the work, methodological recommendations, determines the MO for an employee according to his professional profile. . The administration determines consultation days for a newcomer in the first week of work. 3. Introducing an employee to the team. At the administrative meeting, the director introduces the new employee to the team, gives general information: name and age, work experience, professional achievements, as well as functional responsibilities in the workplace, which made it possible to avoid unauthorized transfer of someone else’s responsibilities to a new employee. In turn, the newcomer presents his resume.

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    Special: 1. Definition of a mentor. An organized process for adapting a new employee to a company is usually implemented through mentoring. For most employees, this is a way of self-realization or increasing authority. Methods of motivating such personnel are non-material - recognition of merit, moral support, expression of gratitude. By order of the school, a mentor is appointed from among the most experienced and non-conflict employees of the institution. The functions of the mentor were to teach the newcomer the basic functions in the workplace, the procedure for responding to incoming information, and the specifics of his position. The common cause of the team, which is associated with the presence of team building skills in the manager. In this case, mentoring will be a task that requires team coordination. 2. Solving organizational issues This item included a tour of the school education institution, familiarization with other functional departments and their activities, organization of the workspace, and familiarization of the newcomer with the programs.

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    3. Introduction to the position. The introduction to the position is carried out by the mentor. It introduces methods of work, requirements, deadlines, and reporting procedures. During the adaptation process, the mentor teaches the new employee professional competence - special knowledge about his rights and responsibilities in order to ensure effective activities institutions. Induction into the position begins on the first or second day after the newcomer arrives at the institution. When carrying out activities aimed at accelerating the adaptation of new employees, feedback plays an important role, i.e. collecting information about the adaptation process and assessing indicators of its level and duration. According to research, these indicators are conventionally divided into objective and subjective. Objective indicators include indicators that characterize the effectiveness of work activity and the active participation of new employees in its various areas. In addition, we can consider objective indicators of certain types of adaptation - professional (compliance of qualifications with the requirements of professional activity), socio-psychological (the degree of compliance of an individual’s behavior with the norms established in a given team), psychophysiological (for example, the degree of fatigue), etc. Subjective indicators characterize employee satisfaction with the job as a whole and its individual aspects. They are divided similarly to objective ones in accordance with the types of adaptation and are determined by the employee’s own assessment of: his attitude to the profession and qualifications; relations with the team of employees, with management; well-being, conditions and severity of work; understanding the role of individual tasks in solving the overall problems of the organization. “As a result, a person gets the feeling that they were waiting for him, preparing for his arrival. This allows you to reduce the psychological fear of failure, avoid mistakes at first, and form a positive attitude towards new responsibilities and the environment...” In order to have sustainable feedback and timely elimination of errors, it is recommended that the newcomer inform the administration about the results of the past day, problems, questions, comments and observations. Such daily dialogues are conducted during the first week; subsequently, their frequency is reduced to weekly communication and as needed.

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    4. Consolidation. Consolidation began with 2–3 weeks of work. At this time, the mentor moves away from the new employee, stimulating him to work independently and autonomously. The results of this work are constantly taken into account so that the effectiveness of adaptation can be assessed in the future. The mentor and administration noted any manifestations of socialization, activity, initiative and reactivity. 5. Assessing the effectiveness of adaptation. The natural conclusion of the adaptation period should be an assessment of its effectiveness. At this stage, the results of employee adaptation are assessed - both from the point of view of the effectiveness of its completion by the employee and the effectiveness of its implementation by mentors. It is carried out as a self-analysis of the employee (employee adaptation questionnaire) and based on the results of the questionnaire “General assessment of the employee’s adaptation by the mentor.”

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    Adaptation activities focused on the main types of industrial adaptation Types (aspects) of adaptation Adaptation activities Professional adaptation on-the-job training (mentoring); off-the-job training (seminars, courses); availability of a detailed job description, etc. Psychophysiological adaptation - scientific organization of the workplace and work process; industrial gymnastics (for example, eye gymnastics for specialists working with computers) Social and psychological adaptation familiarizing the employee with traditions and standards of life; introduction to colleagues; participation in trainings, role-playing games; involvement in public work (for example, preparing a holiday); inviting the employee to participate in non-work activities; Organizational and administrative adaptation; familiarization with the history of the organization; clarification of the features of the organizational structure; familiarization with the key procedures of the company. Often this information is provided in the form of printed materials (employee manual, regulations, standards) or video materials (film about the organization) Economic adaptation clarification of the features of payroll; familiarization with the regulations, standards on the motivational programs of the organization Sanitary and hygienic adaptation - familiarization with the rules of the work schedule, requirements for the organization of the workspace, food intake, etc.

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    Employee adaptation questionnaire 1. How long does it take for you to adapt to your new job? (underline as necessary) Up to 1 working week Up to 3 working weeks Up to 1 month Not yet completed 2. What did you find most difficult during this period (underline as appropriate) Professional responsibilities Joining a team Working conditions Other 3. Why do you think this turned out to be difficult for you? 4. Have you solved the problems that arose? If so, how? If not, why not? 5. In what cases (when) did difficult situations arise most often? 6. How long did you need help from colleagues in your work? (underline as necessary) Up to 1 working week Up to 3 working weeks Up to 1 month More will be required after adaptation 7. At what period of your activity did you feel that you had mastered professional skills? (underline as necessary) Up to 1 working week Up to 3 working weeks Up to 1 month Haven’t mastered it yet 8. What do you think would especially help during the adaptation period? 9. Do you have conflicts? From time to time Rarely Not with the manager With any of the colleagues

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    10. Please rate your interest in further advancement within the team, professional growth: Very interesting So far difficult to assess Not very interesting 11. To what extent are you satisfied with the following factors in our institution? 12. Have you often had to change jobs? Never 1-2 times 3-4 times more than 5 times 9. Do you have conflicts? From time to time Rarely Do not With the manager With any of my colleagues Name of the production factor Satisfied Difficult to answer Dissatisfied Content of the work Position held Compliance of the work with the specialty Compliance of qualifications with the job Compliance of the nature of the work with my abilities and inclinations Availability of prospects for job advancement Possibility of advanced training Presence of a high degree of responsibility for the result of work Awareness about the affairs of the team Living conditions of work Organization of work Working hours Help and support of the manager Relationship with the immediate supervisor Relationships with colleagues

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    Questionnaire “General assessment of an employee’s adaptation by a mentor” Mentor (full name, position) ________________________ Date _____________ Adapter (full name, position)_________________________________ Recommend (underline as necessary): Extension of the adaptation period Dismissal due to inadequacy of the position held Criterion General assessment Comments Learning ability (the ability to absorb and apply maximum knowledge in the shortest possible time) Work planning (prioritization of work, order in documents, attention to detail) Volume of work (amount of completed and ongoing work, regardless of quality) Quality (thoroughness and accuracy in performance of work, regardless of the quantity) Responsibility (fulfillment of duties on time with a minimum of control) Initiative (talking about problems, offers solutions) Independence (does not need strict control from a manager) Conflict tolerance (constructive perception of criticism, the ability to tactfully discuss an unpleasant issue) Discipline ( compliance with internal labor regulations and deadlines for completing work) Relationships with others (easily makes contact, knows how to establish horizontal and vertical connections) Interest in work (sees prospects, opportunities for implementation, he likes the content of the work) Final assessment of the employee Final assessment of the department

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    Adaptation is a process that seriously affects the efficiency of a modern institution. A person is able to adapt to any conditions; another question is what efforts will be required from him. And if you provide help at a turning point for him, associated with changes in life, then gratitude will not be long in coming in the form of productive work for the benefit of the image of the institution.

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    Personnel adaptation is one of the most important areas of personnel work. Adaptation is the process of adapting or changing an employee’s own behavior in new professional, social or economic working conditions at an enterprise (organization).

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    Adaptation is one of the components of personnel management. In order to overcome emerging difficulties, as well as increase the efficiency of the adaptation process, companies are creating a personnel adaptation system. This system includes a set of measures that allow an employee to reach the required level of productivity with minimal losses for himself and for the company.

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    The presence of an adaptation system gives the company the following advantages: Increasing the employee’s work efficiency, accelerating the process of the employee reaching the required level of productivity; Establishing or maintaining positive relationships within a team; Preventing serious mistakes that new employees might make; Reducing the time spent by experienced workers on assisting a new employee in the process of performing his job duties; Minimizing staff turnover.

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    The presence of an adaptation system gives employees the following advantages: Establishing relationships in the team; Quick integration into the work process and acquisition of new skills and knowledge; Reducing anxiety and uncertainty in the face of criticism from management related to the inability to complete assigned tasks as quickly as other employees; Comparison of the employee’s expected working conditions with his actual activities; Reducing the employee's fear of being fired during the probationary period.

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    Types of adaptation Economic Professional Social adaptation Psychological adaptation Sanitary and hygienic Psychophysiological adaptation Organizational and administrative adaptation

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    Professional adaptation Improving professional abilities based on additional acquisition of knowledge and skills, the formation of professionally necessary personal qualities, and a positive attitude towards one’s work. Adaptation activities: on-the-job training (mentoring); off-the-job training (seminars, courses); availability of a detailed job description, etc.

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    Psychophysiological adaptation Mastering the totality of all conditions that have different psychophysiological effects on the employee during work. Such conditions include physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of work, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors (noise, lighting, vibration, etc.). A component of psychophysiological adaptation is climatic adaptation. Its essence lies in the adaptation of the employee to the ecological environment of the enterprise and the region in which it is located (humidity, temperature, time zone, etc.). Adaptation measures: scientific organization of the workplace and work process; industrial gymnastics (for example, eye gymnastics for a computer operator).

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    Socio-psychological adaptation Adaptation of the employee to the manager, the team of the department and the organization, the inclusion of the employee in the system of relationships between the team with its traditions, standards of life, and value orientations. The socio-psychological component is cultural and everyday adaptation, which consists of mastering the characteristics of the organization, its way of life, and the traditions of spending free time in a team. Adaptation measures: familiarizing the employee with traditions and standards of life; introduction to colleagues; participation in trainings, role-playing games; involvement in public work (for example, preparing a corporate holiday); inviting an employee to participate in non-work activities.

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    Organizational and administrative adaptation An employee’s assimilation of the features of the organizational management mechanism, understanding of the place and role of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and organizational structure. An important and specific aspect of organizational and administrative adaptation is the employee’s preparedness to perceive and implement innovations (of a technical or organizational nature). Adaptation activities: familiarization with the history of the organization, clients and partners, key company procedures; clarification of the features of the organizational structure, familiarization with the key procedures of the company. Often this information is provided in the form of printed materials (employee manual, regulations, standards) or video materials (film about the organization)

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