Scoliotic posture in a child treatment. Scoliotic posture in children and adults. Scoliotic posture in children treatment

According to medical statistics, the health status of schoolchildren has deteriorated significantly in recent decades. The leading position is occupied by diseases of the eyes and the musculoskeletal system. Among them, poor posture is often diagnosed. Scoliotic posture is a functional lateral curvature of the spine.

Scoliotic, or vicious, posture is a pathology of the spine, accompanied by a frontal (lateral) displacement of the vertebrae. Recognized by the different heights of the forearms and the curvature of the shoulder blades.

Curvature of the spinal axis, which occurs in both children (30%) and adults (60%), can lead to severe complications if not diagnosed in time.

Both external and internal factors influence the formation of vicious posture. Among the main causes of the disease are:

  • Birth injuries (torticollis, muscle hyper/hypotonia);
  • Complications after surgical treatment of the spine;
  • Injuries of the lower extremities;
  • Diseases of bones and joints (osteomyelitis, infectious arthrosis), leading to shortening of the leg;
  • Post-burn scars;
  • Poorly developed muscular system;
  • Serious illnesses internal organs;
  • Infectious and autoimmune damage to the body.

The causes of this pathology in a child include prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position.

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Scoliotic posture differs in several typical manifestations of spinal curvature, depending on the nature and location of the pathology. These include:

  1. A stooped back, manifested by an excessive backward bend of the thoracic spine, is visually determined by drooping shoulders and wing-shaped shoulder blades that are not adjacent to the back.
  2. A round back, characterized by the absence of a lumbar arch, is visualized by the tilt of the head and sunken chest. Balance is maintained by bending the legs at the knee.
  3. A round-concave back is defined by increased curvature of the spine, a weak muscular skeleton and a lack of abdominals. The back looks like a question mark, the legs are bent when moving, the shoulder blades are strongly protruded.
  4. A flat back, expressed by a decrease in the physiological curves of the spinal column, is manifested by an anterior displacement of the chest. Complicated by true scoliosis and osteochondrosis.
  5. A flat-concave back, accompanied by pronounced protrusion of the buttocks and narrowness, is manifested by weakening of the abdominal muscles and uneven tone of the spinal muscles.

Each type of vicious posture with early diagnosis and proper treatment is being corrected.

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How it manifests itself

Scoliotic posture is visible to the naked eye during external examination, even to a non-specialist. The main condition for timely recognition of pathology is constant monitoring of the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

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The manifestation of displacement of body bones can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • Dissymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades;
  • Different lengths of the lower limbs;
  • Changing the position of the pelvis;
  • Shifting the head in the direction opposite to the tilt of the shoulder girdle;
  • Changes in the curvature of the spinal column;
  • Muscle hypertonicity;
  • Visually determined displacement of the vertebrae and chest deformation.

How vividly the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves depends on the stage of spinal deformity. You should consult a doctor at the initial signs of dysfunction in the spinal column.

This disease is recognized as follows: ask the patient to sit up straight or place him on a leveled, rigid plane. All symptoms should disappear, which indicates the functional nature of the disease and distinguishes vicious posture from true scoliosis.

X-rays will help confirm the diagnosis, and computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging will provide a complete clinical picture.

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If the doctor’s medical report states “scoliotic posture,” then mandatory treatment is indicated, which can completely eliminate the manifestations of the disease.

In this case, a combined approach is used and the following is prescribed:

  • Physical therapy complex and massage;
  • Wearing;
  • Control of body position when sitting and standing;
  • Healthy lifestyle;
  • Swimming lessons;
  • and physiotherapy;
  • Getting rid of bad habits.

Treatment can be carried out both in a hospital and at home.

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Constantly monitor your body position when working out at a desk or sitting at a computer. To prevent serious complications (for example, scoliosis), choose a mattress (preferably orthopedic) and a pillow that fixes the correct position of the spine and does not interfere with blood circulation. Support your child's immunity with vitamins.

At home, you can perform a special set of exercises that help eliminate spinal deformity and prevent the disease.

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Children and adults can easily master the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, stretch your limbs. Without moving your torso, raise your head and shoulders. Do 10 approaches. Bend your knees and, exhaling, pull them towards your stomach; inhale and lower your lower limbs. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Walking in place is very effective. Alternately walk on your heels, toes, and outer edges of your feet for half a minute. Standing on all fours, pull your right arm and left leg forward, then vice versa.
  3. Lie on your stomach with your hands under your chin. Slowly raise your head and shoulders, moving your hands to your waist and bending. If you feel the shoulder blades coming together, you are on the right track. It is recommended to repeat 8–10 times.
  4. Lying on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 30–40°. Move your limbs to simulate riding a bicycle. Start with 30 s, gradually increasing the execution time to 3 minutes.
  5. Be in the same position as in the previous exercise. Make swings with straightened legs.
  6. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms straight along your torso. Raise your pelvis to the maximum possible position, holding at the top for several seconds.
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Remember that taking care of correct posture early childhood– a guarantee of a healthy and long life.

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Posture- the usual body position of a standing person. It is formed in the process of physical development and the formation of static-dynamic functions of the child. Features of posture are determined by the position of the head, the belt of the upper extremities, the curves of the spine, the shape of the chest and abdomen, the tilt of the pelvis and the position of the lower extremities. Maintaining posture is ensured by tension in the muscles of the neck, the girdle of the upper limbs, the torso, the girdle of the lower limbs and legs, as well as the elastic properties of the cartilaginous and capsular-ligamentous structures of the spine, pelvis and joints of the lower limbs.

The leading role in assessing the type of posture is given to the characteristics of the curves of the spine. It is known that, simultaneously with the acquisition of the skills of holding the head, sitting and standing, the child gradually develops physiological curves of the spine- kyphosis and lordosis. The wavy shape and the presence of buffer formations in the form of intervertebral discs provide high spring properties of the spine, which protects the internal organs and the central nervous system from excessive shocks.

Features of posture are determined, on the one hand, by the human constitution, on the other, by the active activity of muscles, which is under the control of the central nervous systems s and depends on the mental state. In this regard, posture can partly serve as an indicator of the characteristics of the individual’s psyche.

Posture can change significantly depending on the state of the muscular system. The natural posture of a standing person is one-legged. The posture that a person takes when his torso is held in a straight position without much muscular effort is called habitual posture. When muscle fatigue, decreased attention or muscle tone is noted relaxed resting posture, which is characterized by increased thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. In this case, the chest appears flattened and the abdomen protrudes. The torso is held in an upright position mainly by ligaments and bone structures. However, with active muscle tension, the spine can straighten, the pelvic tilt decreases, this - upright or working posture. Habitual posture occupies an intermediate position between resting (relaxed) posture and straightened (working) posture. It is typical for weakened adolescents unstable posture, which approaches the resting posture, but upon repeated examination differs from it in the changing values ​​of the arcs of thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis, as well as unstable lateral curvatures of the spine. The habitual lateral deviation of the spine (usually to the left) is called asymmetrical defect of posture in the frontal plane. Unlike other lateral curvatures of the spine (scoliosis), it is easily corrected while hanging; there are no signs of vertebral torsion (costal hump, muscle roll on the side of the curved spine).

Poor posture in most cases is caused by:

  • incorrect working posture (including schoolchildren who sit incorrectly at their desks);
  • physical inactivity;
  • weak physical development;
  • congenital hip dislocation;
  • pregnancy;
  • wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • obesity, etc.

Most often, the formation of posture is disrupted during periods of increased growth in children and adolescents. In old age and old age, posture changes due to involutive processes in the intervertebral discs, increased thoracic kyphosis and weakness of the abdominal wall muscles.

Often, during routine examinations before school, or in the first years of education, an orthopedic doctor diagnoses a child with scoliotic posture. Many parents confuse this condition with the development of scoliosis, a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, although these are different conditions.

A change in posture is a functional deviation from the norm that occurs due to certain influences, while scoliosis is a congenital or acquired throughout life, progressive pathology of the spinal column, without treatment, prone to worsening and requiring surgical correction.

Definition of the concept: scolithic posture

The term vicious (aka scoliotic) posture is called lateral curvature in the area of ​​the spinal column(that is, a certain part of the spine deviates from its flat, straight position to the sides). A similar deformity occurs in the lower thoracic or lumbar region.

Most often, such postural deformation is typical for children of primary school age, which is associated with prolonged static load and incorrect seating during the educational process.

Left unattended, bad posture subsequently acts as a risk factor for the subsequent development of scoliosis, and without correction and training, regular exercise gradually develops into various types of scoliosis.

With early diagnosis of such an anomaly and complete comprehensive treatment, it is possible completely eliminate any postural disorders and make your back straight and even, restore the correct alignment of the spine.

Scoliosis and scoliotic posture: what are the main differences?

First of all, developing scoliotic posture is a pronounced functional problem, abnormal curvature of the spine, deviation in different directions from the axis due to incorrectly distributed tone of the muscles of the back, shoulders and lower back. This - its main difference from scoliosis, which is based on organic causes, there are at least minimal, but already visible changes in the area of ​​the vertebrae, ligaments, cartilaginous and disc lesions.

Against the background of scoliosis, the position of the vertebral bodies relative to the axis of the spine progressively changes, and the deviation in one direction or another is already persistent, there is no dependence on the patient’s position in space and the adoption of certain positions.

Important! Scoliotic posture is detected in children and adults in a standing position; it is eliminated when the body is bent or when lying in a horizontal position. The anomaly is associated with the process of relaxation of the muscles in the back, which leads the spinal column to its original physiological position.

Also, those suffering from scoliotic posture can, through volitional efforts, correct bad posture and straighten their back, but in the presence of true scoliosis, this cannot be done due to the fact that the vertebrae are positioned incorrectly.

A rotation (rotation) of the vertebral bodies around their own axis is formed, which is revealed on x-rays. The spinal column begins to screw into shape spiral staircase, and where the affected area is located, it shifts to one side relative to the above and below the located bodies of adjacent vertebrae.

Another one important feature, distinguishing these two states. With scoliotic posture, there are no serious pathological changes in the pelvic area. Those bones that form the pelvis are located in the anatomically correct position, but with scoliosis they are changed.

At the same time, parents should not treat the presence of scoliotic posture with disdain, not considering it a serious problem for a growing child, because without treatment it threatens to turn into organic changes, which subsequently turns into scoliosis with irreversible changes.

What are the causes of scoliotic posture and spinal deformities?

Poor posture may be based on various adverse factors, both from the external environment and from the body itself.

The most common of them include the following negative influences:

  1. Shortening one of the legs, arising due to congenital defects, infectious, traumatic lesions of bones or joints (arthrosis, arthritis, osteomyelitis), displaced fractures of the reed and tibia.
  2. Scar deformities in the torso or lower extremities, consequences of burns, complications and scars after surgical treatment, which prevent the back from straightening completely.
  3. , as well as the spinal column, back or limbs.
  4. Impaired muscle tone with pathological settings of the lower extremities.
  5. Underdevelopment of the muscular frame, weakness of the ligamentous apparatus due to congenital (for example, Marfan syndrome) or acquired pathologies, prolonged immobilization, immobility at any age.
  6. Severe infectious diseases, autoimmune pathologies, damage to internal organs and metabolic disorders, leading to general asthenia and muscle weakness.

If we talk about acquired forms of scoliotic posture under the influence of external factors, then in children, first of all, it is necessary to highlight long static poses while studying at school. This usually happens when school furniture is selected incorrectly without taking into account the baby’s height. Prolonged sitting creates stereotypes of incorrect posture; the body simply gets used to bending and stooping.

Constant monitoring by parents of the child’s posture and the duration of his sitting in a motionless position is important.

In addition, the training of the back muscles, which keep the back straight, is important.

Variants of vicious posture in a child: what are possible?

Among the functional disorders associated with posture, several options can be distinguished, which depend on the degree of severity, the specific location of the curvature, the degree of severity and external signs.

Experts highlight:

  • Slouched back– this is an excessive arching of the thoracic kyphosis (bulge, hump) against the background of smoothing of the lumbar lordosis (bending forward). At the same time, there is a pronounced drooping of the shoulders and protrusion of the “wing-shaped” shoulder blades, which do not fit tightly to the back.
  • Round back- similar in shape to stoop, but at the same time there is a pronounced hollowing of the chest and flattening of the buttocks. To maintain body balance, the child needs to bend his legs slightly in the area knee joints. There may be difficulty raising your arms up.
  • Round-concave back– this is an increase in all physiological curves of the spine, weakness of the muscular elements of the back and abdominal area. To maintain balance, the child needs to straighten his knees as much as possible. When standing, the shoulders tilt forward with the head, and the stomach sags. If muscle weakness in the anterior abdominal wall is pronounced, ptosis of the internal organs is possible.
  • Flattening of the back– sharp smoothness in all areas of the spinal column and weakening of the muscular frame on the back. In this case, the chest moves anteriorly, and the stomach sags. Against the background of this variant of vicious posture, scoliosis often then forms with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the area of ​​the intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis). Compression fractures in the area of ​​the vertebral bodies may also occur.
  • Flat-concave back– sharp smoothing of the thoracic kyphosis zone with a sharp forward deflection of the lumbar lordosis. The pelvis moves posteriorly, the chest narrows, and the abdominal muscles weaken, which forms a saggy belly.

Any of these types of pathological posture may regress back when identified by a doctor and carried out conservative treatment methods.

For all posture problems, the presence of asymmetry of the shoulder girdle and problems with the shoulder blades, the presence of curvature of the spine only at the level of one segment and only to the side of the straight axis are typical.

Main manifestations and diagnosis of scoliotic posture and spinal deformities

Scoliotic changes in posture are visible to the naked eye during an external examination of the child.

When diagnosing, it is important to pay attention to certain signs of pathology:

  1. Shoulders and shoulder blades stand on different levels relative to each other.
  2. The lower limbs have different lengths.
  3. The position of the pelvis has been changed.
  4. The head moves to the side opposite to the deviation of the shoulder.
  5. The physiological curves in the spinal column have been changed.
  6. Muscle hypertonicity is typical for certain areas of the back.
  7. There are deformities of the chest and displaced vertebrae.

Confirming scoliotic posture will help radiography in two projections– a direct picture is taken, then a side picture, and additionally – in a lying position.

Example: radiography for scoliosis - angles of scoliotic deformity of the spinal column

Also, to distinguish scoliotic deformity from scoliosis, it is necessary to ask the patient to lie down. If all symptoms disappear, this indicates the functional nature of the changes, and distinguishes the anomaly from the presence of true scoliosis.

What is needed to treat (correct) scoliotic posture in a child?

The basis for eliminating scoliotic posture is active conservative measures. Operations for such a problem are not indicated.

It is necessary to carry out massage and successive courses of exercise therapy, practice manual therapy with constant wearing of special posture correctors, bandages, and the use of physiotherapy.

The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be, and without full correction, a transition to scoliosis itself is possible.

Methods for correcting scoliotic posture and preventing true scoliosis:

  • Specially selected corsets or bandages help in fixing the spine in an anatomically correct position with unloading of spastic muscles on the back.
  • Massage helps relieve muscle spasms and improve their tone, blood circulation, and normalize the load on all groups.
  • Massage is used in conjunction with exercise therapy complex in a clinic or special rehabilitation center.
  • At manual therapy the doctor relaxes and stretches tight muscles, eliminates blood flow disturbances and hypertonicity, and puts them in the anatomically correct position.
  • Physiotherapy is selected comprehensively, based on the characteristics of scoliotic posture for regular exercises at home and in a clinic. After doing gymnastics, a relaxing massage is recommended, which improves blood circulation and activates metabolism in the affected area, eliminating pathological muscle spasm.

The founder of the Moscow school of orthopedists, Vasily Dmitrievich Chaklin, once said about scoliosis that it is “an old and forever young problem.” Indeed, spinal curvature was first described by Hippocrates, the term was introduced by the ancient Roman physician Galen (scoliosis - curvature), and the pathology manifests itself from a young age.

Characteristics of the pathology

As a person grows, the musculoskeletal system undergoes many changes. With balanced development, bones, ligaments and muscles mature together to form a healthy skeleton and posture.

More often it happens that the muscles develop unevenly, which leads to disorders of the musculoskeletal system (MSS).

The most common pathology is scoliotic posture. This is a curvature of the spine that is not accompanied by structural changes in the vertebrae and can be corrected by the willpower of the person himself.

This is the key difference from scoliosis, in which changes in the structure of the vertebrae are revealed - wedge-shaped deformation and persistent fixation with signs of torsion (rotation around the central axis).

Extensive clinical trials No studies have yet been conducted regarding the prevalence of spinal curvatures. True, in individual regions, schoolchildren were examined and amazing results were obtained. From 40 to 94% of the examined children and adolescents from 7 to 17 years old had anomalies of the musculoskeletal system. There are 7 types of curvatures in total:

  1. Scoliotic posture (≈ 53%).
  2. Stooped back (≈ 13%).
  3. Round back (≈ 10%).
  4. Round-concave back (≈ 9%).
  5. Plano-concave (≈ 7%).
  6. Concave (≈ 4.5%).
  7. Flat (≈ 3.5%).

A certain number of children have a combination of two or more postural abnormalities. However, the undoubted leader among spinal curvatures is rightfully considered scoliotic posture.

Reasons for development

Why scoliotic posture occurs so often among schoolchildren is not fully understood to this day. The main reasons are considered:

  • The occurrence of regular stress on the child’s body (wearing a heavy backpack, briefcase).
  • The commitment of many teachers to the technique of oblique writing.
  • Discrepancy between the height indicators of school furniture and desks.
  • The amount of time schoolchildren spend in a sitting position.
  • Dietary deviations that relate to both the regularity and energy balance of food.
  • Insufficient supply of minerals and vitamins to a young growing body.

These factors themselves can already lead to the formation of scoliotic posture, but one must also take into account the unsatisfactory general physical fitness of modern students.

One of the most important causes of spinal curvature in schoolchildren is low level physical fitness and similar actions accompanying the educational process.

Naturally, the spine will bend if a child walks a certain distance twice a day with a heavy briefcase in his hands or a backpack behind his back. And when he has to sit for 4-5 hours a day at a desk that is either too high or too low for him.

Recently, a lot of attention has also been paid to the issue of nutrition. A lack of minerals (primarily calcium) at the stage of rapid growth of a child’s body can subsequently affect the child’s entire life.

Establishing diagnosis

The wide range of prevalence rates (40–94%) is due to the fact that there is still no clear definition of the concepts of normal and pathological. Some researchers consider a slope of 10–20° to be a physiological indicator, others take a curvature of more than 10° as a pathology.

Now doctors are more inclined to believe that to determine the type and severity of scoliotic posture in a child, a complex indicator should be taken, which includes the following parameters:

  1. A conditional line perpendicular to the surface of the earth drawn through the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra. Characterizes the deviation of the body from the vertical axis.
  2. Paired straight lines, drawn from top to bottom through the acromial (closest to the shoulder) ends of the clavicles and the protrusions on the wings of the ilium. They allow one to judge the horizontal position of the torso and pelvis.
  3. Triangles formed between the waist and arms down.

In order to evaluate these geometric proportions, visual inspection, palpation, digital radiology technology and appropriate software are used. The qualifications of the doctor are also of great importance.

Clinical manifestations

To a certain degree of spinal curvature, they are not present. At what stage symptoms appear is a purely individual indicator. In principle, from 10 to 20° can be asymptomatic.

The main problem is that scoliotic posture can transform into real scoliosis.

On the way to this, the child will begin to be bothered by:

  • Pain in the upper back. May be one-sided. They appear after some time spent in one position and are a consequence of overstrain of individual muscle groups.
  • Discomfort when doing written work.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Dizziness and headaches.
  • Cough that occurs due to displacement of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Leg pain. The reason is uneven load with significant distortions of the back.
  • Digestive and appetite disorders, heartburn.

This is something that the patient himself can notice. But attentive parents should pay attention to such symptoms earlier. Then there is every chance to restore healthy posture and keep your child healthy.

Corrective measures

The plasticity of a child's body is simply amazing. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to restore the normal state of the spine. True, in some cases there may be difficulties associated not with the disease, but with the child’s behavior. It is very difficult for some to get treatment.

Ways to correct posture have two strategically important directions: prevention and treatment. Moreover, the first way is much more profitable: it has a richer supply of measures and requires less effort on the part of the patient. Treatment of scoliotic posture is not an easy task, but it can also be solved.

In both cases, massage and corrective gymnastics (or physical education) are used.


Already for a long time This method is considered the main way to restore posture and deservedly so. Currently, many methods and sets of exercises for children have been developed. Here is a list of the main effects that can be achieved physiotherapy:

  1. Stopping the progression of the pathology.
  2. Stabilization of the spinal column by creating a strong muscle corset.
  3. Formation of the skill of correct physiological posture.
  4. Elimination of the arc of curvature.
  5. Improving external respiration function.
  6. General strengthening effect on the body.

Well-designed complexes adapt to the age characteristics of the child’s body. The following division into groups is recommended: grades 1–4, grades 5–7 and grades 8 to 10.

It is important that the exercises are performed daily, systematically and correctly. This requires some effort on the part of parents.

To strengthen the muscle corset, the complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Extension of arms from emphasis while lying or kneeling. You can use your hands and forearms as support.
  2. Raising the pelvis while kneeling.
  3. Extension of the torso back while lying on the stomach.

Each exercise can be modified (made heavier or lighter). It’s great if classes turn into a game.

To improve the condition of the abdominal muscles, the supine position is widely used:

  1. "Bike".
  2. Raising straightened (difficult) or bent legs (easier).
  3. Repeated transitions to a sitting position and back.

A good effect for the development of the ligamentous apparatus is provided by circular movements of the arms in a standing position, bending the arms to the back of the head and back. We must not forget about the development of balance and coordination of movements, and general strengthening exercises.

Ideally, the complex should be formed for each child individually. It is taken into account physical development, degree of pathology. Some may be recommended to perform the complex with additional weighting. Or, conversely, there are often situations when exercises for children require a reduction in the usual load.

The duration of the lesson should not exceed 30–45 minutes. The frequency of classes per week is determined by the instructor.

To improve the skill of correct posture, it is better to train in front of a mirror. It’s good if it’s possible to introduce mutual control over posture among children studying.


Massage is an integral part of posture correction. To achieve a greater effect, it must be combined with therapeutic exercises.

Therapeutic massage includes four main techniques:

  • Stroking.
  • Trituration.
  • Vibration.
  • Kneading.

By combining and combining these techniques, the massage therapist helps balance the elasticity of the ligaments and improve muscle tone. The effect is that scoliotic posture loses its basis: uneven muscle tension and relative weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.

A skilled approach to this procedure involves the use of different techniques on different parts of the body.

So, on the side of the concavity, where muscle hypertonicity is noted, relaxing or stretching techniques are indicated. On the side of the convexity, where muscle tone is reduced, tonic techniques are used.

Moreover, you cannot limit yourself only to the surface of the back. As practice shows, massage sessions should be carried out at least three times a week.

Nowadays massage techniques that came from the East are becoming very popular. For example - Thai massage, Chinese or Japanese techniques. It is difficult to judge how effective this is.


Preventing the development of scoliotic posture is still easier than treating it. To do this, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Choose comfortable clothes for your child that will not restrict his movements.
  • The bed should be flat and moderately soft.
  • Let the pillow be low.

  • You should not limit your child’s physical activity. Especially at school age, when he has to spend significant time sitting in class.
  • The workplace should be well lit.
  • IN primary school It is better to choose a backpack for carrying textbooks.
  • If a briefcase is used, explain that it should be worn alternately in the right and left hands.
  • Continue to develop correct posture at home: align yourself in front of the mirror several times a day. Let the child stand against the wall, touching it with the back of his head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels, and try, fixing this position, to take at least one step.
  • It is useful to organize a fasting hour in the middle of the day, when you can lie on your stomach or back.
  • Teach neck relaxation techniques. You need to put your hands on the back of your head, take a deep breath and hold your breath for 7-10 seconds. 5-6 breaths are taken in one approach.
  • Get used to daily self-massage of the feet, hands and ears. One minute for each zone is enough.
  • Provide your child with an adequate and balanced diet with sufficient calcium and vitamins.

Furniture for studying and homework should be comfortable, suitable for height and arm length.

You can check this way: sit the child at the table, straighten his back and press it against the back of the chair. The elbow rests on the table. If in this position the ring finger touches the outer corner of the eye, then the furniture is selected correctly.

It is very important to limit the child from significant physical activity, especially those associated with carrying heavy objects and turning under load.

And always, if you have any suspicions about the correctness of your posture, seek medical help. Timely treatment of the spine protects the child from many health problems in adulthood.

Classic scoliosis in a child is manifested by curvature of the spinal axis in the frontal plane (to the side). This deformity does not disappear when changing body position, unlike scoliotic posture.

Persistent lateral curvature of the spinal axis is observed in approximately 30 percent of our population (3 out of 10 people). During school years, the prevalence of true scoliosis is slightly lower - 10%.

Among adults, scoliotic posture is observed even more often - in 6 out of 10 people. If we take an average class of 20 students, then only 3-4 children have a physiological location of the spinal column. Of the two classes, at least one of the students has kyphoscoliotic posture (increased thoracic kyphosis with its rotation to the side).

Features of kyphoscoliotic posture:

  • Curvature instability (disappears in a horizontal position);
  • Eliminates after conservative treatment;
  • Rarely leads to compression syndrome (pinched nerve fibers);
  • The radiograph shows deviation of the spinous processes from the vertical axis;
  • Externally, the head is tilted, the shoulders are located unevenly, the shoulder blades are separated, the nipples of the mammary glands are located at different heights.

The most reliable sign for distinguishing true scoliosis from scoliotic posture is the twisting of the spine along the axis (rotation) in the first case. In this case, on an x-ray you can see how the vertebrae are arranged in the form of a vertical ladder. As a result, when a person bends forward with scoliosis, one can observe protrusion of the ribs forward on the side of the scoliotic curve.

All organs in the human body work mutually and harmoniously. Scoliosis posture leads to displacement of the bony skeleton of the body, therefore other external signs are observed in pathology:

  • Shortening of the limb on one side and enlargement on the other. The symptom is caused by damage to the joints of the lower limb, which bears the maximum load in adults. In children, the symptom occurs due to curvature of the knee joints with an asymmetrical position of the body axis;
  • Displacement of the pelvis with a change in its angle of inclination. The ilium is elevated on the side of the curvature, since the spine is firmly fixed to the pelvic bones;
  • Rotation of the lumbar vertebrae in the lateral plane and the opposite displacement in the thoracic region in a child is observed with pronounced curvature. In adults almost always;
  • The shoulder girdle is more inclined on the side of the curvature;
  • The head is shifted to the side opposite to the tilt of the shoulder girdle;
  • Reduction of thoracic kyphosis in comparison with lumbar lordosis by up to 3 degrees (with scoliotic or kyphoscoliotic posture). If the thoracic convexity posteriorly in a child is reduced more significantly, scoliosis can be assumed;
  • An increase in muscle tone on the side of the arc of curvature can lead to pinched nerves only if the pathology is severe.

The external symptoms of scoliotic posture are so specific that it is not a problem for a specialist to diagnose the disease during an external examination of the child.

Treatment of postural disorders in children involves a combined approach, taking into account the following methods:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Wearing orthopedic corsets;
  • Relief of secondary symptoms;
  • Monitoring correct sitting and standing;
  • Eliminating bad habits.

There are some specific features of the treatment of scoliotic curves in children. They suggest:

  1. Normalization of the position of the head, neck, shoulder girdle, elimination of relative shortening of the limbs. For this purpose, classes are used on specific devices for curvature correction. Such exercise machines consist of a ladder with crossbars and hinges at the top. The crossbars are secured at the bottom with a special tie. As a result of using the equipment, vibrations during flexion-extension movements are eliminated. The inclined plane of the exercise bench creates a proportional load on the muscular corset of the child’s back;
  2. Exercises to eliminate hypertonicity of skeletal muscles are prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination of the condition of the spinal column. With a scoliotic curve, some muscle groups are in a state of persistent contraction, while others are relaxed. To maintain the spinal axis in the correct position, they must function synchronously;
  3. Correction of changes in lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis is most optimal using a support ladder. It is used when performing therapeutic exercises.

Exercises to eliminate sideways curvature of the spine using exercise machines:

  • Place your feet on the stairs. Place a pillow under your lower back. Grab the bar located at chest level with your hands. Try to swing the ladder. This exercise will strengthen the back muscles, since the vibrations of the machine are transmitted to the muscle corset;
  • To eliminate curvature, we recommend performing traction on a Swedish ladder. To do this, take the starting position as in the previous exercise. When extending, grab the bar, which is at its maximum height so that the gluteal region is slightly elevated above the floor. Hold the position for 5 minutes and return to the bench;
  • Lying down stretching is beneficial for the back. inclined plane. Lie on the machine with the seat elevated and grab the bar overhead. Pull your body down while keeping your arms up. You should not stretch too hard, as this may cause pain.

Thus, scoliotic posture, unlike true scoliosis, can be effectively treated with the right approach. The main thing is to prevent it from entering an irreversible state with persistent lateral curvature of the spinal column.

The meaning of posture

  • Posture serves as an indicator physical culture and human health. After all, the position of the body when moving significantly affects the effectiveness of actions. For example, it is difficult to imagine effective and beautiful motor action in a stooped person. His movements are often clumsy and can lead to injury.
  • Maintaining correct posture is a reliable and effective method of preventing the occurrence of such pathologies of modern civilization as spinal osteochondrosis and back pain.
  • Posture is body language that indicates how a person feels in relation to other people, to himself and his life. This is part of a person’s individuality and an expression of his inner position. Posture can even serve as a component of a career. This business card a person, allowing you to accurately recognize an acquaintance without seeing his face.

Posture tasks

1. The main purpose of posture is to protect musculoskeletal system a person from overload and injury due to optimal muscle balance and alignment of body segments.
2. Posture performs a utilitarian task. With an optimal arrangement of body parts, the implementation of complex and simple movements does not cause any particular problems, since the range of motion of all joints is maximum.
3. Posture is an indicator of a person’s mental characteristics. The influence of posture on the process of human personality formation has been scientifically proven. A person with good, correct posture has more self-confidence and attracts the attention of others more.

Formation of posture

Stage 1
Young children do not yet have posture as such - they do not have physiological curves of the spine, and their vertical posture is unstable. But as the child grows, his motor stereotype begins to form, and the first elements of segmental alignment appear at primary school age. However, in children aged 6-9 years, posture is still unstable. They often have excessive deflection in lumbar region spine, protruding shoulder blades and protruding belly. For this age, such signs are normal.

Stage 2
The most important period of life for the formation of posture is the age from 8 to 17 years. Even the slightest deviations in the development of posture during this period can lead to deformities of the limbs and spine. It is at this age that future pathologies of the joints and spinal column are laid down. And at this same age, measures to educate posture will be most effective.

Stage 3
A person acquires stable posture at high school age. The final formation of posture coincides with the cessation of growth of skeletal bones - i.e. from about 18 to 23 years old. The maturation of the nervous system and the formation of a stable motor stereotype are associated with this same period. At this age, the final formation of the curves of the spine, arch of the foot, and alignment of the lower extremities occurs.

Maintaining a correct, well-balanced posture is achieved through its constant correction using precisely dosed tensions of numerous muscles. Therefore, success in the formation of correct posture is achieved, first of all, by strengthening the muscular system and its versatile physical training.

Components of poor posture

Physical component

Modern people spend most of their time sitting: working, resting, studying, waiting, eating. The sitting position, which is the most convenient for performing many tasks, as well as learning, is a serious test for the musculoskeletal system. After all, most often your posture suffers when you are in this position!

Maintaining a sitting position for a long time causes back pain and various diseases. Mass schooling also has a downside: posture disorders are now detected in 40-80% of children. In 3-10% of them, the disorders develop into various curvatures of the spine - most often into the so-called school scoliosis.

With the development of our civilization, the content, methods and organization of human labor have changed. A new mass profession has appeared - office workers, whose number is this moment makes up more than half of the total working population. Prolonged sitting in a sitting position when working at a computer, with clients or documents, causes an increase in the number of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system among the adult population. The number of such diseases is constantly growing, they are getting younger – and this trend is likely to continue in the near future.

Psychological component

A person’s body and thoughts are inextricably linked - changes in one entail changes in the other, and vice versa. We are able to regulate muscle tension by influencing our thoughts, and changes in body position can lead to changes in our emotional state. Particular attention should be paid to adolescence. Boys and girls often deform their posture under the influence of various psycho-emotional factors - they push both shoulders forward and hunch over. As a result, over time, a restructuring of muscle groups begins, and a pathological posture begins to form. And it, in turn, contributes to the fixation of these psycho-emotional disorders and the development of neuroses in the future.

The first signs of poor posture

Meaning correct formation posture is especially high in childhood, during the period of growth of skeletal bones. Pathological but habitual body positions quickly cause deformations of the spine, pelvis, chest, lower extremities, down to the feet. Flat feet and scoliotic disease are extreme manifestations of such improper loading. An important biological law is realized: function determines form.

The first signs of poor posture in a child:

  • complaints of pain in the chest, back, spine;
  • fast fatiguability, weakness;
  • attention disorder.

Parents may also notice that their child has begun to stoop, his spine looks asymmetrical, and his shoulder blades are at different heights. Sometimes there may be asymmetry of the waist, or even walking sideways, difficulty bending, etc.

Reasons to consult a doctor are:

  • the child complains of pain in the chest or back;
  • pain when walking;
  • foot pain;
  • asymmetry of the spine, changes in its bends, obvious curvatures;
  • stooping while sitting;
  • different leg lengths when lying on your stomach;
  • high incidence of colds.

Posture is normal

Traditionally, posture is assessed by the state of the natural curves of the spinal column. The S-shaped spine serves as a kind of shock absorber that absorbs axial loads in the direction from top to bottom.

Normally, the spine has 4 curves:
1. In the cervical region there is a forward bend (cervical lordosis).
2. In the thoracic region there is a backward bend (thoracic kyphosis).
3. In the lumbar region there is a forward bend (lumbar lordosis).
4. In the sacrococcygeal region there is a backward bend (sacral kyphosis).

It is due to these natural bends that the spine's resistance to axial loads increases. Under excessive and sudden impacts, the spinal column seems to “compress” into an S-shape, thereby protecting the ligaments and discs from injury, and then straightens out like a spring.

Types of posture

Select 5 various types posture:
1. Normal.
2. Round back.
3. Flat back.
4. Flat-concave back.
5. Concave-round back.

Round back or stooping is due to excessive severity of thoracic kyphosis. In the event that it is very strong and even affects part of the lumbar region, such a back is called totally round.

For flat back characterized by smoothing of all physiological curves of the spine, a decrease in the angle of inclination of the pelvis and flattening of the chest. With this type of posture, the shock-absorbing function of the spinal column is greatly impaired. A flat back is often combined with lateral curvatures of the spine - scoliosis.

Flat-concave back characterized by increased only lumbar lordosis.

At round-concave (saddle-shaped) back lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis are simultaneously overexpressed.

Causes of poor posture


The causes of poor posture can be classified according to different criteria. Many of the factors overlap, and sometimes simultaneously belong to both one and other categories.

The causes of poor posture are divided into external and internal, as well as congenital and acquired.

External causes of poor posture imply disturbances in a person’s lifestyle. First of all, this is an incorrect daily routine, in which insufficient time is allocated for sleep. Physical inactivity also plays an important role - i.e. insufficient physical activity. The amount of muscle work is insufficient, and the muscles become weak and flabby over time. And weakened abdominal and back muscles, unable to hold the body in the correct position for a long time, cause poor posture.

Internal causes of poor posture are, most often, some chronic diseases:

  • congenital different lengths of the legs, due to which distortions of the spine occur;
  • rickets;
  • radiculitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hearing and vision defects - to compensate for them, a person takes incorrect positions.

Congenital causes of poor posture include pathologies of intrauterine development, which lead to disruption of the formation of vertebrae, their wedge-shaped shape, the formation of additional vertebrae, etc.

Acquired causes of poor posture:

  • injuries, for example, fractures of vertebral bones;
  • various pathologies such as rickets, tuberculosis, polio or radiculitis;
  • features of a person’s professional activity, in particular, working in a sitting position with a bowed head.

Causes of posture disorders in childhood

  • First of all, this is a decrease in motor activity. Low physical activity causes weakening of the muscle frame and its inability to maintain the correct position of the body in space.
  • Eating disorders. The lack of organic and mineral substances that develops with an unbalanced diet negatively affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system. The main problem in the nutrition of modern children is the lack of sufficient amounts of calcium salts necessary for the proper development of ligaments and bone tissue. This leads to damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the spinal column and, as a consequence, to the development of postural disorders.
  • Poor organization of work and play space - for example, chairs or tables that are too high, not enough desk space, etc. During long-term activities (drawing, doing homework, working on the computer) in the wrong conditions, the child’s posture deteriorates significantly, and over time this static stereotype is reinforced.
  • Violation of the time of alternation of work and rest in schoolchildren. Recently, the increase in school loads has played an important role in the increase in the number of children suffering from postural disorders. After all, the main posture during school activities is a long sitting position, which contributes to the development of incorrect posture.

Causes of postural disorders in adults

Poor posture in an adult is most often a manifestation of concomitant pathology in diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • This symptom is characteristic of degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory processes in the spine and adjacent tissues - for example, with osteochondrosis, radiculitis and intervertebral disc herniation. In such cases, the so-called “anti-pain” scoliosis develops. The patient, in order to reduce pain, himself takes an incorrect, crooked posture, which over time necessarily affects his posture.
  • An increase in kyphotic curves is characteristic of osteoporosis. With this disease, the vertebrae can acquire a wedge-shaped shape as a result of frequent pathological fractures, which provokes the development of stoop of varying degrees.
  • Severe pain in various parts of the back and the development of kyphosis, manifested by stooping, often occurs with tumor processes in the spine.

And of course, as we have already said, the cause of postural disorders can be professional activity, in which a person constantly remains in one position.

Incorrect posture not only degrades the aesthetics of the human body. It can also adversely affect the functioning of the body as a whole, disrupting the functioning of the heart, liver, lungs, stomach and intestines.

Mechanical damage to the spine as a cause of postural disorders

Often, various types of injuries, displacements of individual vertebrae, dislocations and subluxations that occur as a result of mechanical impact on the spine are accompanied by a whole range of symptoms, one of which is poor posture. But, in most cases, changes in posture are a delayed manifestation of such injuries, developing over time. These changes may be due to physical impairments the integrity of the vertebrae or the entire spinal column, for example, in case of major fractures.

In addition, chronic pain in the spine, occurring after a period of acute injury, can cause the “anti-pain” change in posture discussed above. A person reflexively tries to reduce muscle pressure on damaged structures in order to avoid pain. Over time, this position becomes habitual, the distribution of load on the muscles changes and poor posture develops.

Osteochondrosis of the spine as a cause of postural disorders

Enough common cause The appearance of pathological posture may be due to osteochondrosis of the spine. This pathology develops in the area of ​​damage to the intervertebral discs, when they become inflamed or deformed. Also, when osteochondrosis occurs, increased deposition of calcium salts in the joints of the spinal column is of great importance. At the same time, the joint apparatus of the spine loses its mobility, and this, in turn, causes pinching and compression of the nerve fibers emerging from the spinal cord. This symptom complex leads to pain and, as a consequence, to poor posture.

Scoliosis and scoliotic posture

Scoliosis and scoliotic posture are completely different concepts that should not be confused. Despite the external similarity of their manifestations - asymmetry of the contours of the waist, the height of the shoulder blades and shoulders - they have significant fundamental differences.

Scoliotic posture

Scoliotic posture is a lateral deviation of the spine in only one part and in one plane – the frontal one. Such curvatures of the spine are functional and cannot be considered as an independent pathology.

The causes of such violations can be many factors. The most common ones are listed below:

  • true shortening of one lower limb as a result of trauma, osteomyelitis, etc.;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • consequences of birth injuries;
  • deforming scars on the back.

The most common cause of scoliotic posture is the unresolved consequences of birth injuries: myotonic syndrome and torticollis.

The clinical manifestations of this disease are indeed very similar to scoliosis:

  • visible curvature of the spine, often in the lumbar or lower thoracic region;
  • asymmetrical height of the shoulder blades and shoulders - on the convex side the shoulder is higher, and on the concavity side it is lower;
  • different sizes of waist triangles, but maintaining an even position of the pelvis.

However, if the patient stretches out and stands up straight, or lies down on a hard, flat surface, all these symptoms disappear. This symptom is due to the fact that at this stage of the disease there are still no persistent structural changes in the vertebrae, intervertebral joints and discs. Curvature of the spinal column is caused only by weakness or overstrain of the back muscles.

That is why it is so important to notice the appearance of the first symptoms in time, at the very beginning of the development of pathology, when the structures of the spine are not yet damaged. In this case, therapy for scoliotic posture is quite simple - a special set of physical exercises, a course of manual therapy and normalization of the rest and work regime. But if no measures are taken in time, scoliotic posture will quickly develop into a serious disease - scoliosis.

Scoliotic disease

Scoliosis (scoliotic disease) is a fixed lateral curvature of the spine. It should be considered as an independent pathology of the spinal column.

Prevalence of scoliosis
Girls suffer from this pathology more often than boys. The first clinical signs, as a rule, begin to appear at about 6-7 years of age, and tend to constantly progress until the growth of skeletal bones is completed. The peak of scoliosis activity occurs at the age of 12-15 years. The faster a child grows, the faster the rate of progression of scoliosis. However, it is quite difficult to predict in advance the frequency of occurrence of disorders in each individual patient. This is judged mainly in retrospect. Statistically, the average progression of scoliosis is approximately 5 degrees per year.

Causes of scoliosis
Scoliosis is quite often the result of inattention to one’s own health, non-compliance with working conditions and poor lifestyle. Prolonged sitting or standing in an incorrect position, which causes overstrain of certain muscle groups of the spine, improper lifting of weights, and improper bending cause muscle spasms, which become habitual over time. Subsequently, he begins to gradually change his normal posture. Spasmed muscles pull the bone structures of the spine to the left or right, causing them to take an incorrect position. In addition, such “distortions” in posture and disturbances in the anatomy of the spinal column stimulate the appearance of pain caused by muscle overstrain and compression of the nerve pathways.

In some cases, scoliosis may be a congenital disorder. Particularly dangerous is the manifestation of such congenital disease in childhood. The spinal ligamentous-muscular system in children is not yet developed enough to withstand pressure for a long time, and the structures of the spine are still pliable and flexible. All this together causes a very rapid development of scoliotic changes.

Internal mechanisms of scoliosis development
Violation of the location of the intervertebral discs leads to their deformation and poor blood supply. Because of this, the entire vertebral row is curved, shifted, and bone changes begin to form in the vertebrae. In addition to linear curvature of the spinal column in the frontal plane, this disease is almost always accompanied by torsion of the vertebrae.

The disease most often begins in childhood and affects the growth zones of the spine. The consequence of this is the occurrence of growth asymmetry and an even more pronounced curvature of the back.

Clinical manifestations of scoliosis
The clinical picture of scoliosis includes:

  • visual defects and violations of body symmetry;
  • backache;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • headache;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • feeling of numbness in the back;
  • mobility restrictions;
  • in severe cases – disturbances of movement and sensitivity;
  • dysfunction of the lungs and heart;
  • sometimes – the occurrence of an intervertebral hernia, which can only be treated surgically.

Diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis
In most cases, diagnosing scoliosis is not particularly difficult. Very often, pathological curvatures of the spine to the left or right are visible to the naked eye. To clarify the extent of the changes that have occurred, radiography is sufficient.

True scoliosis is very difficult to treat - it’s not for nothing that it is sometimes called the “orthopedic cross.” It is especially difficult to treat scoliosis if it develops in adulthood. And if it occurs in a child, with timely diagnosis, these changes can be corrected quite easily. Constant wearing of an orthopedic corset and measures for the harmonious development of the muscular frame quickly return the spine to its normal position. In older patients, the same procedures need to be carried out much longer. In especially severe cases, it is even necessary to resort to surgical interventions.

Treatment of scoliosis is a much longer and more complex process than correction of scoliotic posture. In addition, a person suffering from scoliosis has a much lower chance of full recovery. That's why early diagnosis poor posture, and their timely correction, will serve as the key to the health of your back and the whole body as a whole.

Kyphosis and kyphotic posture

Pathological kyphosis is an excessive curvature of the spinal column towards the back. The thoracic spine should normally curve posteriorly, but in cases where this curve has a pathologically pronounced curvature, a diagnosis of “kyphosis” is made. Clinically, this pathology manifests itself as “round back” syndrome. With relatively little severity, it has the appearance of a stoop, and in more complex cases it is characterized by the formation of a hump.
The following types of pathological kyphosis are distinguished:

  • congenital – caused by a violation of the development of the anterior parts of the vertebral bodies;
  • genotypic – hereditary, which is characterized by an identical form in parents and children in several generations;
  • compression – caused by compression fractures of the bodies of one or more vertebrae;
  • mobile – arising due to weakness of the back muscles and habitual incorrect body position;
  • rickets - developing in children with rickets in the second half of life, due to weakness of ligaments and muscles, as well as insufficient hardness of the vertebral bodies;
  • senile – kyphosis of the thoracic spine in elderly people, which is caused by age-related changes in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae, as well as weakening of the muscular system;
  • total - arcuate kyphosis of the entire spinal column, which is observed, for example, with болезни БеС...терева, or normally in children in the first months of life;
  • tuberculous – occurring with tuberculous spondylitis due to destruction and compression of the vertebral bodies;
  • angular - in which the convexity has the appearance of an angle, with its apex facing posteriorly.

Kyphotic posture occurs with a round, stooped back, caused by a strong curvature of the thoracic spine.
This type of posture disorder is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • tilting the head forward;
  • the shoulders are also drawn forward and down due to shortening of the pectoral muscles, which further rounds the back;
  • reflex protrusion of the abdomen;
  • bent knees;
  • narrowing of the chest.

Changes in the anatomical structure of the chest over time lead to decreased mobility of the ribs, impaired movement of the intercostal muscles and limitation of the respiratory function of the lungs.

This disease is diagnosed when there are deformations of the chest in the direction from the chest to the back, visible to the naked eye. To confirm the diagnosis, X-rays are used, which also make it possible to determine the severity of the pathology. The treatment regimen for kyphosis is almost completely identical to that for scoliosis.

Kyphoscoliosis is a combined disorder of posture, which is characterized by increased physiological kyphosis in the thoracic region, coupled with curvature of the spine to the left or right (scoliosis).

Lordosis and lordotic posture

An increase in the physiological curvature of the spine (usually in the lumbar region) is called pathological lordosis. Its development leads to the appearance of lordotic posture. There are primary and secondary lordosis.

Primary lordosis is caused by pathologies of the spine: malformations, tumors or inflammatory processes. In addition, it can be caused by contractures of the iliopsoas muscle or spasms of the back muscles.
Secondary lordosis is usually one of the manifestations of congenital, or acquired as a result of injury, hip dislocation, flexion contractures, or pathological fixation of the hip joint in an incorrect position. When the hip joint is dislocated, the vertical position of the body causes the center of gravity to shift forward, and to maintain balance the patient bends the torso at the waist. Another factor in the development of lordosis can be excess body weight, in particular, an increase in fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Clinically, lordosis and lordotic posture are manifested by the following signs:

  • the head is pushed forward;
  • flat chest, turning into a protruding stomach;
  • the shoulders are shifted anteriorly;
  • legs spread at the knee joints;
  • the lower back has a “sunken” appearance;
  • metabolic disorders are observed;
  • deterioration of the general condition of the body;
  • fast fatiguability.

The combination of these symptoms causes overstrain of the spine, stretching of its muscular-ligamentous apparatus, which is accompanied by pain and limited mobility. Over time, the progression of this disease begins to affect the normal functioning of the lungs, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

With this type of posture, the loads caused by the weight of the human body do not fall on the bodies of the vertebral bones, as should be normal, but only on their arches. Such a violation of load distribution leads to the occurrence of diseases such as spondylolysis (destruction and fracture of the vertebral arches) and spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement with spinal deformity). Therefore, patients with lordotic posture should be under constant medical supervision, undergo periodic courses of treatment and use special orthopedic devices. In addition, such patients need to limit physical activity, avoid heavy lifting and prolonged standing.

Flat feet as a cause of postural disorders

Flat feet is the flattening of the arch of the foot, in which it becomes flatter, which is associated with a violation of its shock-absorbing functions. The arch of the foot “absorbs” inertial loads when walking and running, which can reach up to 200% of body weight. This pathology indirectly causes the development of postural disorders and, conversely, postural disorders can lead to flat feet.

How does this happen?
With flat feet, the center of gravity of the body shifts backward, and in order to maintain balance, a person reflexively leans forward a little. A vicious circle arises, in addition, due to leaning forward, stooping begins to develop.

A characteristic manifestation of flat feet is rapid fatigue of the legs. With this pathology, the knees suffer greatly, since most of the load falls on them. In addition, the load on the spine increases, because the body needs to somehow compensate for the shocks and jolts of running and walking.

The main signs of flat feet:

  • shoes worn down and worn on the inside;
  • very rapid fatigue of the legs when walking and standing in an upright position;
  • pain and heaviness in the legs, cramps and swelling of the legs at the end of the day;
  • swelling in the ankle area;
  • increasing the size of the foot in width.

How to determine poor posture in a child?

To check the child's posture, you need to carefully examine his back, undressing the child down to his swimming trunks. Ask him to stand in his usual position, distributing the load on both legs, and lean forward a little. Your knees should be straight, your heels together and your toes apart. The chin should be pressed to the chest, and the hands should be joined in front of you.

When viewed from the back, the spine should look straight and the spinous processes should form a straight line. Even slight curvatures indicate deviations from the norm.
Correct posture is indicated not only by a straight spine. It is also defined:

  • the same level of shoulder height, angles of the shoulder blades, nipples;
  • equal depth of the waist triangles - the corners formed by the freely lowered arm and the notch of the waist;
  • symmetry of the reliefs of the lumbar region and chest when bending forward.

The physiological curves of the spine when viewed from the side should be expressed evenly and correspond approximately to the thickness of the child’s palm.

Treatment of postural disorders

In the treatment of postural disorders, 4 main methods are used:
1. Specialized gymnastics and physical exercises.
2. Massages and manual therapy.
3. The use of orthopedic corsets.
4. Surgical interventions.

Conservative treatment of postural disorders produces a pronounced effect only during the period of spinal growth. At later stages it is very difficult to do anything. It’s good if a child is interested in sports, but not all types of sports can be beneficial for existing spinal curvatures.

Some sports involve significant stress on the spine: high jumping, weightlifting, track and field throwing, wrestling. Playing tennis, badminton or golf involves sharp turns of the body. Boxing, fencing, tennis and other “asymmetrical” sports may not be suitable for weak trunk and back muscles. Riding a bicycle with a low handlebar position helps to create a round back. To prevent it, it is necessary to perform compensatory exercises that train the back extensor muscles. Football, hockey and gymnastics can pose a risk to a curved spine from falls, pushes and impacts.

A good effect in treating poor posture is achieved by combining special corrective exercises with swimming. It is best to swim breaststroke on the front or on the back. With this technique, the movements of the legs and arms are performed symmetrically and simultaneously. Doctors also recommend running on soft ground - for example, on sand, cycling, walking in the forest, skiing without using poles, or while pushing off with them.

Prevention of postural disorders

The main principle of maintaining correct posture is prevention. The experience of orthopedic specialists convinces us that the main role in the formation and maintenance of correct posture belongs to education and systematic physical exercise.

Useful skills are easily developed in childhood, so you need to start developing correct posture before school:

  • Tables and chairs must be appropriate in height for the child.
  • Children need to be taught to stand, sit correctly and not slouch while walking from the age of 4.
  • Moderate cold rubdowns will not only strengthen the child’s body, but also help increase muscle tone.
  • An important role is played by proper nutrition with a sufficient content of all necessary substances - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements.

With the start of the school period, parents should pay special attention to creating a favorable working environment in the room for the child. After all, it is in his room that the child spends enough time a large number of time, doing school homework, reading, playing on the computer, etc. First of all, you should make sure that the child is sitting comfortably. To do this, you need to choose furniture that suits his height. The check in this case is quite simple: the surface of the table should be 2-3 cm higher than the elbow of the sitting child, and the seat of the chair should be located at the level of the knee joint.

Workplace organization
Rational organization of the workplace will help the child save time and ensure high performance. Before starting classes, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and remove unnecessary things so that they do not distract or interfere with the child. It is more convenient to place a notebook, a book and everything that is needed at the moment right in front of you, in the middle of the table. What may be needed in the process (pencil, ruler, blank paper, etc.) should be placed on the left, and items that are no longer needed (notebooks with completed assignments, drafts, etc.) should be placed on the right, or removed altogether.

To prevent postural disorders, it is also necessary to pay attention to the correct position of the table and its sufficient lighting while writing and reading. If the child is right-handed, then natural light from the window should fall from the left. In the left corner of the table you need to place a table lamp, the optimal power of which should be 75 W. The normal distance from the eyes to a notebook or book is 30–35 cm.

Maintaining correct body position when working
It is also very important to ensure that the correct posture is maintained, especially during the writing process, since it is this that causes the greatest fatigue, especially in primary schoolchildren. The child begins to unconsciously look for support for the body and head, and lean his chest on the edge of the table. This causes breathing and circulation difficulties and, of course, leads to postural defects. Since body position suffers most severely with oblique handwriting, it is necessary to teach the child to write with a slight inclination of letters (10–15 o).
Alternation of work and rest
It is very important for schoolchildren to alternate mental work with periods of rest. In elementary grades, it is advisable to arrange short ten-minute breaks every half hour with simple physical exercise and mandatory eye exercises. This quickly restores children's performance.


The development of correct posture is somewhat similar to the development of a conditioned motor reflex, which must be reinforced from time to time with an unconditional one - praise or encouragement. Such a conditioned stimulus for the child can be reminders and comments from teachers and parents, but first of all, the child’s own understanding of the need to maintain the correct body position.

Scoliosis is a disease that has existed since ancient times. This disease appears after improper regular loads on one or another part of the spine. For example, after a long stay in the same position in water, when static muscle overload develops. In addition, scoliosis can be congenital, and even if the child’s parents do not have scoliosis, this does not mean that it will not appear in the future baby, since malnutrition during pregnancy can provoke the development of this disease in the baby.

The seriousness of the disease is indicated by problems arising from the curvature of the spine. Deformation of the spine leads to a change in the normal ratio of parts of the body: one shoulder becomes higher than the other, the shoulder blades are not at the same level and begin to protrude significantly, asymmetry of the mammary glands appears, the pelvis is distorted with lumbar scoliosis, even to the point of deviation of the body to the side. In addition to all of the above, scoliosis causes dysfunction of the lungs, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and can also lead to intestinal dysfunction. The spine, curving, contributes to the displacement or compression of internal organs. The consequences of scoliosis can be headaches, sore throats, impaired vision and hearing, hypertension, pain in the shoulder blades, back, lower back, and joints. In children, scoliosis can cause enuresis, stuttering, and neurosis.

You need to constantly monitor your posture. Many people believe that the back should be absolutely straight, like a string. In fact, this is a misconception: slight bends of the spine are acceptable and even useful, because in this way the spine softens shocks when running, walking, as well as shocks when jumping. If there are still deviations from the norm, you need to determine as early as possible whether it is poor posture or a serious disease such as scoliosis.
What is the difference between scoliosis and poor posture? With scoliosis, there is a lateral curvature of the spinal column, affecting muscle and bone tissue. In case of poor posture, only an increase in muscle tone on one side is diagnosed. There are no pathological changes in the muscle and skeletal structures. Today, scoliosis is very common; this disease is diagnosed in 20 percent of children and adolescents. The greatest risk of developing this disease is observed between the ages of 10 and 14 years. The skeleton has not yet fully formed, the child’s workload is quite large: working in classes at a school desk, doing homework, and now children spend a huge amount of time on the computer and most often do not pay attention to their position and posture.

Only a surgeon can cope with the disease. He will determine the extent of the disease. If a doctor has diagnosed your child with scoliosis, there is no reason to panic. Like any disease, scoliosis is treatable. The same principle applies here as everywhere else: the main thing is not to launch. If the disease is established, depending on its severity, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for your child. Of course, it is easier to prevent any problem than to fight it. This statement applies primarily to our health.

It is possible to prevent the development of scoliosis in a child. The main thing is to do it on time. Most best view prevention of scoliosis - swimming. During swimming, the spine receives an even load on all muscle groups, forming the torso and cores of the body. In addition to swimming, there are special gymnastics that help strengthen the back muscles and eliminate spinal curvature. Today, this is the only way to treat scoliosis at home.

Also, an equally important area for the prevention of scoliosis is the presence of a complete diet; the diet should contain a sufficient amount of dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits - natural sources of calcium and vitamins. At the same time, the food must be natural and of high quality. Using pharmacy vitamins, you will not achieve good results, but will only make things worse. A good nutritious breakfast, e.g. oatmeal cottage cheese, a hearty lunch rich in carbohydrates, snacks during the day with fresh fruit and a healthy light dinner - this is the teenager’s diet. Oatmeal diets should be forgotten at this stage of life. Unless, of course, you are overweight, which, in turn, also has a detrimental effect on the condition of his spine. Of course, if the problem is significant, scoliosis treatment should be entrusted to specialists. However, we hope that following our advice will help you avoid the problem or solve it at an early stage. Even the slightest violation of posture can cause a lot of health problems in the future: for example, headaches, blurred vision. Problems may arise in personal life, since a curved back often becomes a complex that leads to codeness.

What is the difference between scoliosis and poor posture?

Scoliosis is a disease that has existed since ancient times. This disease appears after improper regular loads on one or another part of the spine. For example, after a long stay in the same position, when static muscle overload develops. In addition, scoliosis can be congenital, and even if the child’s parents do not have scoliosis, this does not mean that the unborn baby will not develop it, since malnutrition during pregnancy can provoke the development of this disease in the baby.

The seriousness of the disease is indicated by problems arising from the curvature of the spine. Deformation of the spine leads to a change in the normal ratio of parts of the body: one shoulder becomes higher than the other, the shoulder blades are not at the same level and begin to protrude significantly, asymmetry of the mammary glands appears, the pelvis is distorted with lumbar scoliosis, up to the deviation of the body to the side. In addition to all of the above, scoliosis causes dysfunction of the lungs, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and can also lead to disruption of intestinal function. The spine, curving, contributes to the displacement or compression of internal organs. The consequences of scoliosis can be headaches, sore throats, impaired vision and hearing, hypertension, pain in the shoulder blades, back, lower back, and joints. In children, scoliosis can cause enuresis, stuttering, and neurosis.

You need to constantly monitor your posture. Many people believe that the back should be absolutely straight, like a string. In fact, this is a misconception: slight bends of the spine are acceptable and even useful, because in this way the spine softens shocks when running, walking, as well as shocks when jumping. If there are still deviations from the norm, then it is necessary to determine as early as possible whether it is a violation of posture or such a formidable disease as scoliosis.

What is the difference between scoliosis and poor posture? With scoliosis, there is a lateral curvature of the spinal column, affecting both muscle and bone tissue. If posture is impaired, only an increase in muscle tone on one side is diagnosed. No pathological changes in muscle and bone structures are observed. Today, scoliosis is very common; this disease is diagnosed in 20 percent of children and adolescents. The greatest risk of developing this disease is observed between the ages of 10-14 years. The skeleton has not yet had time to fully form, and the child’s workload is quite large: working in class at a school desk, doing homework, and besides, now children spend a huge amount of time at the computer and most often do not monitor their position and posture.

Only a surgeon can cope with the disease. He will determine the extent of the disease. If a doctor has diagnosed your child with scoliosis, this is not a reason to panic. Like any disease, scoliosis is treatable. The same principle applies here as everywhere else: the main thing is not to launch. If the disease is established, then depending on its severity, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for your child. Of course, it is easier to prevent any problem than to fight it. And this statement applies primarily to our health.

It is possible to prevent the development of scoliosis in a child. The main thing is to do it on time. The best form of scoliosis prevention is swimming. During swimming, the spine receives an even load on all muscle groups, forms the torso and the skeleton of the body. In addition to swimming, there are special gymnastics that help strengthen the back muscles and eliminate curvature of the spine. Today, this is the only way to treat scoliosis at home.

Also, an equally important area for the prevention of scoliosis is the presence of a nutritious diet; the diet should contain a sufficient amount of dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits - natural sources of calcium and vitamins. At the same time, food must be natural and of high quality. Using pharmacy vitamins, you will not achieve good results, but will only make things worse. A good nutritious breakfast, for example, oatmeal and cottage cheese, a hearty lunch rich in carbohydrates, snacks during the day with fresh fruit and a healthy light dinner - this is the diet of a teenager. You need to forget about all kinds of diets at this stage of life. Unless, of course, you are overweight, which, in turn, also has a detrimental effect on the condition of his spine. Of course, if the problem is significant, the treatment of scoliosis should be entrusted to specialists. However, we hope that following our advice will help you avoid the problem or solve it in the early stages. Even the slightest violation of posture can cause a lot of health problems in the future: for example, headaches, blurred vision. Yes, and problems may arise in your personal life, since a curved back often becomes a complex that leads to loneliness.

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