Sergei Ryakhovsky: biography, photos, sermons. Be careful - “Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith Sergei Ryakhovsky sermons of the year watch online

Sergei Vasilievich Ryakhovsky born in the village Zagoryanka, Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region, March 18, 1956, the eldest of 10 children of the bishop of the Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith Vasily Vasilyevich Ryakhovsky.

Fourth generation evangelical Christian and clergyman. In 1978 he was ordained to the rank of deacon. In 1985 he became a presbyter, in 1991 - senior presbyter of the Moscow Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith, from 1994 - bishop of the United Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith and since 1995 - national bishop of the Association of Christians of the Evangelical Faith "Church of God", from 1997 to the present - Chief Bishop of the Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals).

In 1975 he graduated from the Moscow Electromechanical College (MEMT). From 1975 to 1977 - service in the ranks Soviet army. In 1982 he graduated from the evening department of the Moscow Energy Institute (MPEI). In 1993 he graduated from the Theological Seminary of the Church of God, Cleveland, USA. In 2005 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Theology.

The structure headed by Bishop S.V. Ryakhovsky Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals) includes more than 3,000 religious associations of Christians of the Evangelical Faith, which makes it the largest centralized religious organization of the Protestant trend in Russia and the second largest parish after the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. There are over 200 confessional institutions of secondary specialized and higher spiritual education operating under the Union churches, in which more than 300,000 people have received education. Under the spiritual guidance of the churches of the Union, about 700 non-profit public and charitable organizations, including over 400 non-profit centers for social rehabilitation and adaptation for alcoholics, drug addicts, people without a fixed place of residence and those released from prison and for people from other risk groups. Every year, about 30,000 people undergo social rehabilitation and adaptation, most of whom return to healthy life in society. ROSKHVE clergy provide spiritual care to orphanages, boarding schools, nursing homes, hospices, and a number of military units, about 400 penal institutions.

In 2002 he was introduced into the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President Russian Federation , which carries out preliminary consideration of issues and preparation of proposals for the President of the Russian Federation regarding interaction with religious associations and improving the spiritual culture of society. Through its work it contributes to strengthening public harmony, achieving mutual understanding, tolerance and mutual respect in matters of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. Since 2011 – member of the Harmonization Commissioninterethnic and interreligious relations under the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation. Since February 2015, member of the Commission for the Improvement of Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

Since December 2015 - member of the Council for Interethnic Relations and Interaction with Religious Associations under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

On the initiative of S.V. Ryakhovsky under the auspices of the Advisory Council of Heads Protestant Churches Russia, of which he is a co-chairman, has created a charitable foundation for promoting the revival of spirituality and spiritual culture “National Morning Prayer”. The main goal of the foundation is the implementation of spiritual, educational, spiritual, charitable and social programs. Since 2002, Bishop Sergei Ryakhovsky has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Morning Prayer Foundation.

With his direct participation such important social projects, as the federal targeted anti-drug program “Train to the Future”,which was integral part federal target program “Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking for 2005-2009”; and also with his support, in 2006, the film forum and festival of social cinema “Time to Live” was established with the aim of having a positive impact on the mentality of youth and the younger generation.

From 2006 to 2017 (for five convocations) – member Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. In 2006-2007 – Member of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the development of civil society and public participation in the implementation of national projects. In 2008-2009 – Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Commission on Health Care. In 2010 – 2014 – Member of the Commission on Citizens’ Security and Interaction with the System of Judicial and Law Enforcement Bodies. Since 2014 – member of the Commission on security and interaction with PSC, as part of his work in this commission, since January 2017 he has headed the working group on the resocialization of persons who are or have been released from places of forced detention.

Also, on the recommendation of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, as part of a delegation formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, S.V. Ryakhovsky spoke in December 2016 at a UN Security Council event where ways to counter the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes were discussed.

As a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, he took an active part in almost all forms of its work: in plenary sessions, public hearings, round tables, visiting meetings, etc., the main goal of which is to promote the interaction of citizens with state authorities and local self-government in order to taking into account the needs and interests of citizens, protecting their rights and freedoms in the formation and implementation of public policy, as well as for the purpose of exercising public control over the activities of government bodies. S.V. Ryakhovsky actively participated in the development of the basic law “On Public Control” and the annual Report of the Public Chamber on the state of civil society in the Russian Federation. As part of the chamber's delegations, S.V. Ryakhovsky constantly took part in establishing contacts with representatives public organizations foreign countries.

From 2007 to 2011 – Member of the Public Council of the Federal Drug Control Service. The activities of the Council were aimed at organizing interaction Federal service on drug control with all forces of society, including public and religious organizations for the successful implementation of anti-drug policy in the country.

From 2007 to the present, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Union of Non-Profit Organizations for Social Activities and Civil Initiatives.

From 2009 to 2011 – member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, participated in work to ensure the interests of citizens in the interaction of public, human rights, religious and other organizations, state authorities and local governments. The Public Council considers concepts, programs, civil and public initiatives in the field of fighting crime, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, and ensuring the security of society and the state. From 2013 to 2016 – member of the Public Council at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Since 2015, he has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Bulletin of the Russian Nation.

He took a direct part in the development of the following federal laws: “On freedom of conscience and religious associations” dated September 26, 1997 No. 125-FZ; “On the transfer to religious organizations of property for religious purposes that is in state or municipal ownership” November 30, 2010 No. 327-FZ; “On Non-Profit Organizations” dated January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ; "About alternative civil service» dated July 25, 2002 No. 113-FZ; “On counteracting extremist activities” dated July 25, 2002 No. 114-FZ. And a number of others.

Bishop S.V. Ryakhovsky is engaged in teaching activities in state and religious educational institutions, including Russian Academy national economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation, at the Russian State Social University, at the Professional Training Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, at the Euro-Asian Theological Seminary of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (Moscow), the Presbyterian Theological Academy (Moscow), other spiritual and secular educational institutions establishments.

Author of the book “The Focus of Life is Christ,” which became a pastoral message to people. According to the bishop, he wrote the book “in order to make readers fall in love with the Lord and turn their eyes to His Word, which is living and active...” The book was published in 2016.

In addition to a large volume of social activities, Bishop Sergei Ryakhovsky carries out pastoral service in the Moscow Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals) “Church of God in Tsaritsyno” (Moscow).

In 1997 he was awarded the anniversary medal of the 850th anniversary of Moscow for his contribution to the dialogue between the state and the Church. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2000, he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree. In 2002 he was awarded a medal on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In 2006, he was awarded the highest civilian award - the gold sign “Public Recognition” for activities promoting the formation of civil society, the strengthening of Russian statehood, and the establishment of high moral values ​​of serving the Motherland. For great services for the benefit of fraternal cooperation and interreligious dialogue of the religious traditions of our country, for a principled civil position on issues of ethno-confessional and cultural revival of the spiritual foundations of the multinational and multi-religious Russian Federation, on March 18, 2011, the Council of Muftis of Russia awarded Sergei Vasilyevich the medal “For Spiritual Unity” . On December 25, 2012, a letter of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation was presented “... for many years of conscientious work and active social activities.” In December 2013, ROSHVE under the leadership of S.V. Ryakhovsky was awarded a Certificate of Honor State Duma Russian Federation "for active social activities." In November 2015, S.V. Ryakhovsky was awarded Medal of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation “For Services to Society”. In March 2016, S.V. Ryakhovsky was awarded Certificate of honor State Duma of the Russian Federation “For significant contribution to the development of legislation of the Russian Federation and in connection with 60-birth anniversary." In May 2017, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation awarded the Order Friendship " for his great contribution to strengthening interethnic and interfaith peace and harmony in society" . In May 2017, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Friendship " for his great contribution to strengthening interethnic and interfaith peace and harmony in society.” In May 2018, he was awarded a letter of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for his active participation in the preparation and conduct of the presidential elections of the Russian Federation.

Married, six children and nine grandchildren.

The press service of the Kuzbass Metropolis, the Missionary Department of the Kemerovo Diocese received an appeal from residents of the city of Belov with a request to clarify the confessional affiliation of the “Church” “New Way”.

People were alarmed by the drive and enterprise of the members of this organization, which they show in Lately in their city. In response, the information and apologetic center of the Kemerovo Epoch

Archive, dealing with issues of this kind, submitted a corresponding certificate.

Referring to open sources in social medianetworks "VKontakte", center employeesreported that the Protestant organization “New Way” has been carrying out religious activities in the city of Belovo since 1998 and is part of the religious movement “Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith” (ROSHVE), the leader of which is S.V. Ryakhovsky.

According to the head of the information and apologetic center of the Kemerovo Eurasia

archy of Evgeniy Udartsev, most citizens have little idea who Sergei Vasilyevich Ryakhovsky is and what life path he passed. In this regard, the expert first suggests turning to the story of his father, “bishop” Vasily Vasilyevich Ryakhovsky, since Sergei Vasilyevich constantly flaunts the figure of his parent. So, inworkEvgeniy Mukhtarov, a member of the Council on Religious Associations at the Yaroslavl City Hall, there are several references to criminal cases initiated by Soviet law enforcement agencies against Vasily Ryakhovsky. It is also noted that the Pentecostal received the term not for belonging to the Protestant religion, but for real illegal deeds.

At the same time, it is known about Sergei Ryakhovsky that, according to Evgeniy Udartsev, he has nothing to do with Russian Pentecostalism.

The famous Russian religious scholar Roman Lunkin in his work “Modern Religious Life in Russia” notes that “brothers in faith accused Ryakhovsky of succumbing to Western “charismatic” influence, following the instructions of American missionaries.”

“In the summer of 1995, the Council of Bishops released S. Ryakhovsky from serving in the United Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith.” Another Sergei Ryakhovsky has begun, representing the charismatic International movement“Church of God”, which has nothing to do with classical Pentecostalism. Therefore, all statements that Sergei Vasilyevich is still a Pentecostal are without foundation,” he writes in hislaborRussian religious expert Evgeny Mukhtarov.

“The simplest criteria for the truth of a cult that calls itself Christian is the place and time of its origin, as well as the presence of continuous legal (that is, true) apostolic succession of the priesthood, the authenticity of the Sacraments. All pseudo-Christian associations do not meet these criteria and therefore reject them. All so-called people do not belong to true Christianity.popular charismatic associations (Pentecostals, neo-Pentecostals, etc.)…

Pseudo-Christian cults, as a rule, hide their negative features from representatives of government agencies, hiding behind external beauty. ... A significant part of these religious associations are closely connected with foreign intelligence services, which have set as their goal the fragmentation of Russia as a state and the split of the single and unifying spiritual and moral space of our peoples. Such sects directly or covertly initiate active false hostile propaganda against our traditions, culture and continuity of generations, against government government structures... Their penetration into educational establishments and places of execution of punishment under the guise of charitable activities,” writes candidate of legal sciences, retired colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, priest Andrei Khvylya-Olinter in his book “Spiritual Security and Spiritual Health of a Person, Family, Society.”

This happens in the Kemerovo region. According to the Kuzbass newspaper, from July 4 to July 6, 2014, the all-Russian anniversary conference “Wind of Change” was held in the KHVEN (Christians of the Evangelical Faith - Neo-Pentecostals) “New Way” church in Belov, which was conducted by a Zambian citizen, pastor Astrakhan religious group Church “Truth” Oberta Chilenga.

At the same time, it is known that in Novokuznetsk the “Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith - Neo-Pentecostals” is supported by the Svoboda charitable foundation. On the official website of the organization, the “Novoiliinskaya Church” is listed among its partners. This foundation represents centers for social rehabilitation of persons released from prison, as well as drug addicts. It is led by Evgeniy Tarasov, who has been convicted several times. According to information from open sources (official website of the fund "Liberty"), the organization is supported by officials of the Novokuznetsk city administration, in particular, the deputy head of the city, Vladimir Berezovsky.

The result of such “close” cooperation between the authorities and similar structures is known firsthand to the employees of the Central Regional Hospital of Novokuznetsk. During the period when Svetlana Chernousova (an active member of the “Novoiliinskaya Church”) worked in the administration of the Novokuznetsk region as the head of the health department, 40 highly qualified specialists were fired from the Central District Hospital and the health department, and followers of this religious teaching were hired in their places, who, instead of treating, actively involved patients in their religious organization.

Recently, employees of the Novokuznetsk Svoboda Foundation have intensified their work in secondary schools. Parents of students are concerned that right within the walls of schools their children are being involved in religious activities, negative impact on the psyche of minors. Thus, in 2014, the Freedom Foundation held various events in schools in Novokuznetsk: at Lyceum No. 34 (director Sergei Maltsev), high school No. 37 (director Larisa Apanaeva), boarding school No. 68 (director Natalya Bortnikova), orphanage No. 74 (director Natalya Lobykina) and orphanage No. 95 (director Galina Eponeshnikova).

At the same time, as noted by the head of the information and apologetic center of the Kemerovo diocese, Evgeny Udartsev, the main direction of work of Pentecostals and neo-Pentecostals in the region is establishing contacts with government officials under the auspices of various social initiatives (for example, under the guise of rehabilitation of drug addicts, former prisoners and assistance to the poor). Their main goal, as a rule, is to expand influence in Kuzbass and promote the ideology of their religious movement.

In this regard, it reportsnewspaper"Kuzbass", the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region demanded that the heads of cities and districts, heads of territorial education departments take measures to prevent representatives of these organizations from entering educational institutions area and their use of methods of hidden influence on the psyche, including hypnotic suggestion.

Taking into account the above, the information and apologetic center of the Kemerovo diocese recommended that residents of Kuzbass avoid communication with representatives of the “New Way” church and, in general, with people who identify themselves with the “Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith.”

The Great Council of the Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals) was held in Moscow. Considering the enormous role of Protestants in the socio-religious life of our country, we can say with confidence that the Council became a significant event for our country. This is confirmed by the arrival of about 500 clergy from different regions and the participation of high-ranking official guests and representatives of all traditional faiths.

Sergei Vasilyevich, the practice of holding Councils is well known in Christianity, but has not yet become traditional for other evangelical unions. What, in your opinion, was the most important thing at this Council?

We talk about mission for the world and mission for the church, realizing that today the church is in many ways in need of renewal. We heard very interesting, rich and vibrant speeches, sermons and remarks from the participants of the Council, from which it is clear to all of us that we touched a nerve and touched upon the most important challenges that the church faces today.

At the same time, we not only touched upon these challenges and were afraid of it ourselves, but we are ready to move to solve them and we have enormous potential for this.

Any Council must be substantive. It seems to me that this Council was very relevant and specific. We did not say any philosophical things, but spoke based on the practice that we already have.

- What is the main message of the Council?

Today, a government representative from the Tyumen region said very clearly: “My dears, do you really think that all Tatars are Muslims, and Russians are Orthodox?” Of course not. This is a huge field for evangelism. We are very focused on the external mission, but it needs to be done. China is waiting for us, India is waiting for us, something or someone else is waiting for us, but above all, Russia is waiting for us. For me this is a principled position. And so, the main message is to deploy this power of the evangelical movement to our own people. So that our churches are without walls, so that we do not limit ourselves only to intra-church life, but go beyond these walls to the people.

In our church, where I am the senior pastor, the main things that are relevant are the priesthood and Christians in the world. Get professions, become experts in your field and, most importantly, go where you work, be with these people. Make friends with them, they need you. We preach it, we declare it, we teach it.

Many official guests from government bodies, representatives of civil society and traditional faiths were invited to the ceremonial part of the Council, many of whom spoke to the Council members. What were they talking about?

It is noteworthy that the speeches of our esteemed VIP guests, representatives of all major Russian faiths: Russian Orthodox Church, Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, Abrahamic religions, government officials, journalism, medicine, etc. coincided with the vector of development of the evangelical movement.

For example, my friend Pavel Gusev, the head of journalists in the city of Moscow and the owner of the large publication Moskovsky Komsomolets, saw in us the strength for the spiritual, moral, economic, social and civil awakening of our country. This sounded very strong in his speech.

We are public and known and we must use this publicity as an opportunity to influence the most important social, economic, civil, spiritual and religious processes in our society.

Sergey Kireev, Living Faith Media


There is an important thing in our lives, and it is very important that this main thing remains the main thing. What is the most important thing?

Gospel of Matthew 9:35-37
35. And Jesus went through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
36. Seeing the crowds of people, He had compassion on them because they were exhausted and scattered, like sheep without a shepherd.
37. Then He said to His disciples: The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
38. Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

As then, so now, the Lord needs workers, those who do the work of God. Today God is raising up those who are laborers of God's harvest. God knows the need of every person, but Scripture is clear: “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” There is a certain secret of prayer and petition. Prayer is a very important component of the life of a Christian. The Scripture says, “You do not receive because you do not ask.” So, God knows our need, but to get the answer to our need, we need to pray. God knows the needs of each of us, but He says, “Tell me what you want.” The Lord has an “answer mechanism” called prayer. When we begin to pray, action occurs. It is not at all necessary that God must give us what we ask of Him. Even the answer “no” is also an answer. And here the main thing is not to confuse the main thing - what is the main thing in your life? What is the main goal in your life?

We are saved today only because someone made evangelism, preaching, mission, testimony the main thing in their life. Someone removed the secondary things and made the mission, or evangelism, the main thing. But what is really important in our lives? There is something that unites us all, why we became Christians. To do this, let us remember what Paul wrote to the Corinthians, and this is precisely the motivation for our entire life, inner strength our lives, what motivates us in all our actions, including evangelism and missionary work.

1 Corinthians 15:9
9. For I am the least of the Apostles, and am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

Paul emphasizes his imperfections in the past and his perfection now. And then he talks about the main thing, about what completely changed his life, about what really made him an apostle, this is this. without which we would not be Christians...

1 Corinthians 15:10 (a)
10. But by the grace of God I am what I am...

What is the dynamics of our whole life, makes us Christians - this is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grace has shaped us into who we are. We are all saved by grace.

What is grace?
According to the definition of one of the dictionaries, grace is the power sent down to a person from above to fulfill the will of God. There are rare moments when God allows you to be at peace, when several days of your life will fit the description of the proverb “Peace and quiet, and God’s grace.”

According to another dictionary, grace is a gift for a person from God, given solely by the grace of the Lord, without any merit on the part of the person and intended for his salvation, sanctification and growth in grace.

Grace is translated from Hebrew and Greek as “undeserved mercy.” Grace is intended for us to complete our path of salvation, sanctification and growth in grace.

The Greek word "charisma" consists of two parts, where "charis" is grace, "ma" is action, and in general means "grace in action."

Christian grace is always an action, a kindling of fire, a light to the world, the salt of the earth, a letter read by all people. This message gets through, i.e. has an end consumer.

1 Corinthians 15:10
10. But by the grace of God I am what I am; and His grace in me was not in vain, but I labored more than all of them: not I, however, but the grace of God that was with me...

Grace has one more side or facet - it is not vain, which means it is not in vain. This is my work in this grace, my service and dedication. Next, Paul says the main thing, how not to be proud, how not to be arrogant: “... but I have labored more than all of them: not I, however, but the grace of God that is with me” (1 Corinthians 15:10). Here Paul completes the circle: it came from God to him, and through him it returns to God. It is very important for us to understand from everything Paul said that the grace that God has given us is a working one.

In Scripture we find the expression “grace upon grace.” What is this? It's about increasing grace, increasing grace that lifts me to the heights of heaven. She doesn’t allow me to calm down and stop there, she’s growing. And this grace is reflected on everyone around me: on my distant and near, even on my enemies, because I begin to love them.

Let's see how the evangelist Matthew testifies to how Jesus increased grace in his disciples. Let us remember the definition of grace: this is the power of God, which is sent down to us so that we can fulfill the will of God. The disciples had already received the first level of grace when their names were written in the book of life (they received eternal life - salvation). Then Jesus saw that they were ready for the next step, and decided to increase grace on them: to send them in twos. Grace works in such an interesting way: when it multiplies, you are no longer alone. You are saved alone, but with the increase of grace you already need partners. And so…

Matthew 10:1
1. And having called His twelve disciples, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal every disease and every disease.

Grace has one law: it does not increase unless you begin to work for the Lord. Many, having received salvation themselves, sit and cherish their grace. In order for it to grow, we must begin to work for the Lord, go out and preach the gospel. And then all the signs that accompanied the Lord will accompany you. Another law of grace is that it is impossible for a person to save himself, but with God everything is possible.

When grace increases, even your desires change, because grace increases and you no longer want to do the things you did before. But at the same time, sometimes we have one question: “What will happen to me for living righteously and holy?” Peter plucked up courage and asked this question.

Matthew 19:27
27. Then Peter answered and said to Him: Behold, we have left everything and followed You; what will happen to us?

By this time, the disciples had already cast out demons, healed the sick, etc. and now they are wondering what will happen to them now for all this!

Matthew 19:28 (a)
28. Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me are in regeneration...

“Re-being” is eternity, that is, the future. We all follow the Lord into eternity, so our heart and our soul are not attached to what God gives us here to make it easier for us to follow. God is not against everything that you have surrounded yourself with here, but you just have to remember that we are going into eternity!

Matthew 19:28-30
28. Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you also will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
29. And whoever leaves houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.
30. But many who are first will be last, and those who are last will be first.

In our relationships with each other we stumble in the flesh. The new level of God's grace is to build relationships with people not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit.

Jesus sacrificed Himself for us to become our Savior. Therefore it is written that He became a sacrifice for our sins. Do you think Jesus was forced to go to the cross and become a sacrifice? No, He voluntarily gave Himself for us! Because the power of grace and love acted in him.

From the Bible we learn that people sacrificed something worthless and evil to God. The book of Malachi describes how God reacts to this...

Malachi 1:8
8. And when you sacrifice a blind thing, is it not bad? or when you bring the lame and the sick, is this not bad? Offer this to your prince; Will he be pleased with you and will he accept you favorably? says the Lord of hosts.

It is important that the main thing always remains the main thing, so that grace always remains grace. Sacrifice is the best thing we can offer to God.

Romans 12:1
1. I therefore beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, [for] your reasonable service...

Often grace fails to multiply in our lives because we misunderstand sacrifice. We think that a victim is something hunted down. But we are not a victim (in the worldly sense), we are people of grace. In the understanding of Holy Scripture, we present ourselves as a sacrifice to God for our reasonable service.

If we give everything to God, then, although we are offended, we are not offended... But if we are offended, we constantly feel like a persecuted victim, then we cannot bring it to God - this is a worthless sacrifice.

2 Corinthians 4:8
8. We are oppressed on every side, but not straitened; We are in desperate circumstances, but we do not despair...

You are oppressed, but you are not oppressed - this is the syndrome of a real sacrifice that we make to the Lord, which is pleasing to Him.

2 Corinthians 4:9-11
9. We are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are cast down, but we do not perish.
10. We always carry in our body the death of the Lord Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
11. For we who are alive are continually being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our mortal flesh...

We do not lose heart, and although our outer man smolders, but the inner one is renewed. We have the choice to live by grace or become a strange victim. Don’t act like a hunted victim, this is the wrong meaning for the word “victim”. You are pleasing, holy, pure, pleasing to the Lord, soul, spirit and body. This all serves Him to be with Him in eternity!

Hebrews 13:14-16
14. For we do not have a permanent city here, but we are looking for the future.
15. Therefore through Him let us continually offer to God the sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips glorifying His name.
16. Do not forget also charity and sociability, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

You are a man of grace and at the same time a sacrifice that will satisfy God. Not sacrifice with the worst meaning of the word, but with the Divine meaning of this word. A sacrifice to which one day the Lord will say: “How pleasing to Me is the fragrance of what you bring to me in your sacrificial service.”

We are not a victim in the worldly understanding, in the understanding that everyone does not love us, this is not the main thing. It is important that you are the person whose faith, grace and absolute obedience to the will of God has made you a sacrifice that will satisfy God.

Sergei Vasilievich Ryakhovsky is the chairman of ROSHVE, doctor of theology, a faithful servant of the church and simply a wonderful person. He is the senior pastor of the Christian Church in Tsaritsyno. His sermons, kind and sincere, are remembered for a long time by everyone present.

Faith grows stronger in trials

Sergei Ryakhovsky was born on March 18, 1956 in the village. Zagoryanka of the Moscow region in a family of believers. In those years, such people were persecuted by the state, many were convicted. This also affected Sergei’s family. His father, Vasily Vasilyevich, returned from prison in 1955 and became one of the founders of the KhVE communities in the Moscow region. Meetings of believers were often held in the Ryakhovskys' house. In those conditions it was tantamount to a sentence. He did not keep himself waiting - in 1961, Vasily Vasilyevich was sentenced to a new term.

By that time the family had 5 children. But Antonina Ivanovna, Sergei Vasilyevich’s mother, was a faithful Christian and a reliable support for her husband. Bishop Ryakhovsky Sergei Vasilyevich remembers with special warmth and admiration the strong faith of his parents. The times were difficult, “sectarians” were not hired for work, and they were treated with open hatred at school and on the street. The persecution continued, and meetings of believers were held underground. But despite everything, Sergei Ryakhovsky knew that he would definitely preach the Word of God. As Sergei Vasilyevich himself says, he could not imagine any other life at that time. The example of his father and mother always stood before the eyes of the young man.

Education and work

Despite the fact that Sergei Vasilyevich is a zealous Christian and is actively involved in missionary activities, in 1975 he graduated from an electromechanical technical school in Moscow. During these years, a memorable meeting took place. Once on the train he took the Bible out of his briefcase and read. A man of about forty, sitting opposite, asked Sergei Vasilyevich if he understood what he was reading about. To which Ryakhovsky, then still very young, passionately replied that he not only understood, but could also teach. The fellow traveler introduced himself: “Let’s get acquainted. Father Alexander Men." As Sergei Vasilyevich recalls, he was simply dumbfounded, because this name was a legend then.

After technical school, Sergei Ryakhovsky went to serve in the ranks of the Soviet Army - from 1975 to 1977. In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute, where he studied in the evening department. According to Sergei Vasilyevich, he completed courses at several higher educational institutions- engineering, technical and medical. In addition to serving the church, he also worked in secular work. Over the years, he had to change many jobs.

Path of Service

Until 1986, secret meetings had to be held. The church was literally underground back then. Many ministers were in dungeons. But Sergei Vasilyevich never doubted for a moment that the chosen path was the right one, so he never hid his views from anyone. In 1987, Sergei Ryakhovsky was ordained to the rank of deacon, 7 years later he was already a presbyter, and in 1991 - senior presbyter of the Moscow Church of the Holy Spirit.

In 1994 he was ordained a bishop and since 1995 he has been the national bishop of the Association of the Christian Church of God "Church of God". Then he studied at the Biblical Institute - from 1985 to 1990, and completed his postgraduate studies at the seminary. In 1993 he became a master, and in 2005 - a doctor of theology. Sergei Vasilievich is engaged in teaching activities and carries out pastoral service in the Church of the Christian Church in the city of Tsaritsyno. His sermons are edifying and also provide encouragement and support to believers.

Words of Edification

Ryakhovsky Sergei Vasilievich delivers sermons not only in the “Church of God”, of which he is the senior pastor. He takes part in many Christian conferences and events. He teaches at many spiritual training centers and Bible schools. His sermons are broadcast on Christian television channels, and you can watch and listen to them via the Internet. The depth of his words can be judged by the steady growth of the religious community.

As the Bible says, the word is the seed. And how effective it is can be concluded from the fruits it bears. More than 400 thousand people received in secondary and higher institutions, operating within the framework of ROSHVE. Currently, there are over 200 religious organizations and about 400 rehabilitation centers, where 40 thousand people took the course, many of whom returned to a full and healthy life in society. During the time led by Sergei Ryakhovsky, the church constantly accepts new members of the flock into its fold.

Sergei Vasilievich chooses topics that are relevant to the church for his sermons. Strengthens believers by teaching them to follow the doctrines and principles found in the Bible. Particular attention is paid to issues of raising children and family values.


Sergei Vasilievich himself is a wonderful family man. Nina Anatolyevna, Sergei Vasilyevich’s wife, speaks very warmly of him. She says that being the wife of such a man is not easy, but it is an honor. When they got married (in 1977), he promised to support his wife. And, according to Nina Anatolyevna, her husband still helps her with everything. The family has six children - five sons and one daughter. All offspring serve in the church.

Ryakhovsky Sergey Vasilievich - religious figure

He is a member of the board established in 1991. The organization provides everyone Holy Scripture, promotes the translation of the Bible into the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, and is engaged in charitable activities.

Sergei Vasilyevich is co-chairman of the Council of Protestant Churches. This organization has existed since 2005. The main task is coordinated solutions to problems facing unions and associations of Protestant churches.

Chairman of ROSHVE (Pentecostals) Sergei Ryakhovsky is the bishop of a centralized organization founded in 1995. It unites religious groups and institutions of various directions of Christian religion operating in Russia.

Social activity

Sergei Ryakhovsky is a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. He invariably participates in all forms of work (meetings, hearings, etc.).

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