January is a prosinets. January - section Famous sayings and signs in January

The Old Slavonic name for January is sechen, which is also what it is called in Ukrainian. And in the modern Belarusian language the name of the month is studzen. The last name does not require explanation, but the section, experts believe, comes from the word “sech” - to cut down the forest. To prepare areas for crops, forests were cut down in winter. There is another explanation: January “cuts” the winter in half.

The gloomy days of December are over, the thaw is over, and real winter has arrived. True, even in January there are mild winters in our area, and the frequency of such winters in each century is very variable. Scientists have calculated that over the past millennium there has been a slow decline in the average annual air temperature in the northern hemisphere. They call these years the Little Ice Age. Since the mid-20th century, scientists have noted warming, which, according to them, “proceeded at an unprecedented rate,” and over a century (by 1998) the average annual temperature increased by one degree. The increase in temperature can be explained by the beginning of the melting of glaciers and the increase in the number of mild winters with thaws in January.

Phenologists classify the entire month of January as the “root winter” subseason. However, people said that no matter what, since the New Year, winter has turned to spring. Another popular name for January is Prosinets. This name refers to the decrease in the number of days with cloudy skies and the more frequent occurrence of clear or partly cloudy days when blue skies are visible. Remember the lines: “Frost and sun! Wonderful day! This is about January. There are only four or five more clear days per month, but this is already noticeable. January is our coldest month of the year. The average air temperature in January in the north of the region, in the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions, is from minus 7.5 to 8.7 degrees. In the central zone and in the south from 9.4 to 10.6 below zero. The coldest January is in the Vladimir region. There, the average monthly temperature is minus 11.2 degrees.

The coldest January in Moscow was recorded in 1940. Then at the meteorological station at the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition the thermometer dropped to minus 43 degrees. This record-breaking frost for Moscow remains in my memory as such an episode. That winter we lived near Moscow, where my mother worked. The school where I studied was in a nearby village on the shore of the Uchinskoye reservoir. Due to severe frost, the school was closed. Glad that I didn’t have to go to school, I dressed warmly and went skiing. But not even half an hour had passed before I was forced to return - and not because I was cold, I was dressed warmly - the skis did not work. The snow was somehow unfamiliar, grainy, like cereal. And the skis refused to roll even down the hill, although before the frost it was our favorite hill. Of course, I heard about special ointments for different types of snow, but I learned to use them much later.

In that year 1940, a record frost for the Central region was recorded in Kalinin (now Tver). There the temperature reached minus 50 degrees. And yet, January is not only frosts, there were also warm Januarys, when the air temperature rose to plus 5-6, and in Pskov and Vladimir even up to 7 degrees. In Moscow, the absolute maximum of plus 6 degrees was recorded in 1976. In almost all regions of the Central region, the coldest period is the third ten days of January. In January, snow cover continues to grow. In the last ten days of the month in the Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Tver regions, its height reaches an average of 19-25 cm. In the Yaroslavl, Moscow and Vladimir regions there is more snow - the snow cover height is 28-35 cm, and in southern regions about 18 cm. In snowy winters, already in the first ten days the height of the snow cover can exceed 40 cm, and in the last ten days - above 50 cm. The record holder is Novgorod, where a snow height of 88 cm was recorded in January. But there have been years when in some areas, including northern ones, there is no snow at all in January.

Midwinter. Everything in the forest is dormant, waiting for spring. Deciduous trees are bare. Pine and spruce trees are covered with fancy snow caps. Only traces of wintering animals enliven the picture of the winter forest, and not the black grouse and hazel grouse flying south. Of the yard birds familiar to our eyes, only sparrows remain to spend the winter with us, while all the rest, including crows and jackdaws, migrate to us from more northern regions.

In January, licensed hunting for ungulates and fur-bearing animals continues. Fans of ice fishing, as a rule, note a decline in biting activity. There are years when the decline in activity is so great that the dead winter begins already in January.

Gardeners and gardeners in our region in January prepare the soil stored in the fall for seedlings and check the seeds for germination. At the end of the month, those who are especially impatient sow seeds of peppers and early tomatoes, so that at the end of April - beginning of May, at the age of about 60 days, they can be planted in greenhouses.

January is the middle of winter, and grain growers are already wondering what spring will be like, what summer will be like. No wonder people say: “After winter comes summer.” It has been noted that “winter warmth means summer cold,” “if it’s dry and cold in winter, it’s dry and hot in summer.” snowy winter- for a long spring and rainy summer. It has been noticed that frosts occur on certain days in January. Thus, frosts at Christmas (01/7), Epiphany (01/19), and Afanasyevsky (01/31) are well known. To find out which grain would produce better next year, before Christmas they stuck spikelets of different grains into a snowdrift along the ravines. The next morning they looked: which spikelet is covered with frost, that grain will be fruitful in the coming year. We have noticed that if on Vasily’s Day (14.01) there is severe frost and light snow - to have a nice summer, and if it is warm and there is no snow - to a cold summer. If on Epiphany (19.01) the weather is clear and cold, it means a dry summer; cloudy and snowy - for a bountiful harvest. If on Emelyan (21.01) the wind is from the south, the summer is threatening. If frost falls on the stacks on Grigory (January 23), expect a damp and cold summer. If Fedoseyev Day (January 24) turns out to be warm, then expect early spring. If the sun shines on Tatiana's day (January 25), it means early arrival of birds. If it’s warm on Anthony the winter-winter (January 30), don’t believe it, it’s only for one day, Afanasyevsky frosts are ahead.

“January is the middle of winter.”

January got its name in honor of the two-faced Roman god of time, doors and gates Janus (Ianuarius), who simultaneously looks into the past and the future. Its ancient symbols are hourglass(time) and staff (path, magic).

The name of the month, figuratively speaking, means “door to the year” (the Latin word for “door” is ianua). European names for January include its Saxon designation Wulf-monath(“wolf month”) and the name given by Charlemagne - Wintarmanoth(“winter, cold month”). In the Old Russian calendar (before the establishment of Christianity) the month was called Prosinets. Now they have given this explanation: “In January the sky has a special blue hue, that’s why it’s called prosinets. This special color of the sky is associated with the position of the sun in the sky, meteor showers and the reflective properties of cooled air masses.” There are also other names in folk month books: Perezimye, Lyutovey, Treskun, Lomonos, Studich - all of them are associated with January frosts and cold weather. Other name Szechenie it is explained in different ways: that January cuts through time and marks the beginning of the next year, that in January the forest is cut down for the construction of houses.

January is a month of hope, expectation of a speedy renewal. The solar wheel has already turned and every day its light becomes brighter. These are the days of the reborn Sun and the days of the element of Air, which is patronized by the god Stribog. According to Ayurveda, this is a time of cold dryness (Vata), so in the diet you should pay attention to warm drinks (herbal infusions, berry infusions, dried fruit infusions), and liquid soups. Citrus fruits and juices from them will be cold, so weakened people and children after illness should use them extremely sparingly... For women, these are days of housekeeping and caring for livestock. For men, it’s time to cut down trees for construction.

January is a month of omens, legends and riddles, rituals and fortune telling. Our ancestors carefully monitored the January weather and made signs for the future: “January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter, the grandfather of spring”, “When in January there is March, be afraid in March - January”, “If there are frequent snowstorms in January, in July - frequent rains”, “If the echo goes far in January, the frosts will get stronger”, “If there are a lot of frequent and long icicles- the harvest will be good in the fall”, “A woodpecker knocked on a tree in January - there will be early spring”, “January is on the threshold - days have arrived for the chicken jump”, “Wolves howl near your home - it’s going to be frosty”, “The titmouse starts squeaking in the morning - wait light frost”, “Firewood burns with a bang - to frost”, “Noisy winter forest- expect a thaw”, “Before a strong frost there are two dull reddish circles around the moon”, “Cold Januarys in a row almost never happen again”, “Dry January - the peasant is rich; gray January means trouble for the grain”, “If January is cold, July will be dry and hot: don’t wait for mushrooms until autumn”, “In January there will be snow - the grain will arrive.”

Next, I will give by day the surviving signs, rituals and customs according to folk Orthodox calendar(which bears very little resemblance to the mournful and sad Christian one) is what I managed to collect and at least somehow put together for daily use. It is possible that much in this text is mixed up and confusing (for example, the dates of the new and old styles often overlap). Much remains to be remembered and restored, but for many things there is a hint in this calendar - you just need to be able to see it through the veil of time. Honor and praise to the people who, through the years of hard times and wars, have preserved so much of their heritage. This calendar is still waiting for its young researchers to be organized. Whoever can do it, let him do better.

1st of January - New Year, Ilya Muromets, Prov. IN New Year's Eve they wondered and predicted fate for the coming year: “What happened is for the whole year.” It was not customary to engage in hard and dirty work in order to next year was not difficult: “What the first day is like, so is the whole year.” "New Year - a turn towards spring." It was believed that: “The longer it stays in the house Christmas tree, the happier the new year will be.” We always tried to spend this night at home, with friends and family. They were sure to cook and welcome and treat any guest.

According to the old style - Day of Great Peace. Ancient day of Veles. In all classes they glorified the god Rod and all relatives. Beginning of the Week of Forefathers, Parents' Days. It must be said that this week of remembrance and communication with ancestors, according to different sources and in different years, began and lasted differently - from December 25 to January 6, sometimes it began from December 31 to January 7, or lasted from January 2 to January 11. This is explained by the fact that modern holidays are assigned to calendar dates. However, previously many of them were mobile, as they were associated with astrological calculations (for example, the position of the Sun, certain planets, or with a specific lunar day). The science of star reading was forgotten for a long time, now the time has come to re-establish the connection between folk customs and holidays with the rhythms of the Cosmos. Then many of them will again become annually changing in terms of dates, but will acquire the proper strength and significance.

On this day, warriors bowed to their Native Land and remembered the exploits of its defenders. For them, New Year's Eve is the beginning of Perun's winter days.

Noticed the weather:“If there are a lot of stars in the sky on New Year’s Day, there will be a lot of berries, a good harvest of peas and lentils.” “On the New Year, severe frost and light snow mean a harvest of grain, and if it’s warm and there’s no snow, it means a bad harvest.” They carried out the ritual “Walking of the Sowers”, ritual sowing - so that the whole year would be fertile and grain-bearing.

January 2 - Ignatius the God-Bearer, apple day. On this day they bowed to the house, talked with Domovov and gave him a treat for his good service. On this day it was possible to agree with him about some kind of “task”, “work” for the year. All other household spirits who help a person in the household were also revered. Russian Christians served prayers to Ignatius the God-Bearer, believing that it was he who protected the house from any misfortune, and carried icons around the village (echoes of dual faith). In the garden they shake apples for a better harvest. fruit trees, they said: “Apple blush” - apparently this is an appeal to Veles or to Mokoshi (“apple goddess”).

The ancient Russian week of memory of the Forefathers, Parents' Days, is underway. A saying has been preserved: “By Christmas, relatives in the next world fall asleep, and by Spring, they wake up.” They took treats to their ancestors into the forest, under coniferous trees. Sometimes they brought pine branches to decorate the red corner. Old Russian folk customs explain why the calendar shift of the beginning of the year took root in Rus', unlike many church holidays. By the way, Peter I did not cancel Kolyada or any other folk holiday...

January 3 - Peter-half-feed (i.e. half feed). On this day, all supplies in the house for the winter were checked and accounted for. There should have been half of the supplies left to last until the beginning of summer. The girls sat at home all day - swept the house and told fortunes about the grooms (always silently), cooked jelly from oatmeal and wheat flour and baked pancakes, making a wish.

January 4 - Anastasia the Pattern Maker. Christians prayed to Saint Anastasia for successful deliverance; she was considered the patroness of pregnant women. At the same time, in all the villages they revered Mothers in labor and goddesses who help pregnant women. On this day, a towel was embroidered, which was considered a talisman and helped during childbirth.

January 5 - Nifont, Fedul. On this day they prayed to Niphon, who was revered as the protector of people, livestock and poultry from the intrigues and obsessions of evil spirits. They began to clean the houses for Christian Christmas, ventilated all the rooms, cleaned and washed the windows in the dressing rooms. They baked Lenten flatbreads, wrapped them in a linen towel and carried them to the barn to feed to the domestic animals. Poultry was given good lighted grain on this day. They made sure to give treats to the household serving spirits - Domovoy, Konyushenny, Dvorovoy, Bannik and others.

This is the ancient Russian day of Stribog and Veles. They revered the cleansing principle of Stribog-Air and his winds. Noticed how windy it was.

Noticed the weather:“The wind blew on Fedula - towards the harvest ».

January 6 - Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve). The houses were thoroughly cleaned in the morning that day. They observed strict fasting until the first evening star. Clean tablecloths were placed on the tables. The main dishes on the table in the evening were sochivo and kutia. Folk names: Christmas Eve-Kuteynik, Holy Evening. They took out from the reserves a special kvass - Suryanitsa, which had been prepared since the summer. Christian and ancient Russian customs (preparations for Kolyada) were closely intertwined in Russian villages, which extremely irritated many church ministers. On this night, the cattle were fed abundantly, and sometimes ritual figurines of animals were baked from wheat dough for Christmas - for fertility in the house. It was believed that “You can’t leave the house on Holy Evening - evil spirits are walking around.” Before Christmas, the trees in the garden are tied with straw so that they give birth well. On this day and forever, many rituals related to the veneration of the god Rod and Rozhanitsa were held; each region preserved something of its own. Sometimes this holiday was called “winter Radogoshch (Rodogoshch)”, a winter commemoration of ancestors.

Noticed the weather:“If the sky is starry on Christmas Eve and at Christmas, there will be a rich offspring of livestock and many berries”, “As rich as opka (frost) is on the trees, such will be the color on the bread”, “If the paths are black, there will be a harvest for buckwheat.”

January 7 - Christmas. Christians begin the three-day holiday of the Nativity of Christ. The common people called these days the holidays of the Family and Rozhanitsa, sometimes even the Great Kolyada. The memory of the more ancient holiday of the entire host of Heavenly Gods and the veneration of Svarog, the “Grandfather of the Universe,” have been preserved. The beginning of Christmas time, fortune-telling, legends, spells that will last until Epiphany (until January 19). Arranged festive table, on which there were 12 dishes (how many days do Christmastide last, so many months in modern year, so many main constellations, so many years in a simple cosmic cycle). The livestock was fed abundantly. They burned bonfires - “warmed their ancestors.” Games with dressing up and dressing up began.

Noticed the weather:“There will be a snowstorm at Christmas - there will be a good swarm of bees.” “At Christmas, opoka (frost) is the harvest for bread; the sky is starry - the harvest for peas”, “If the path is good at Christmas - to the buckwheat harvest”, “Snowy weather - good bread”, “If there are drops at Christmas - neither cucumbers nor millet will be harvested”.

Warriors had their own customs and rituals of this day. Even in the church on this day, the custom of remembering “the deliverance of the state from the invasion of the Gauls (French) and with them twenty languages” was preserved; in churches the memory of the fallen soldiers in 1812 was honored.

January 8 - Babi Feast, Cathedral of the Virgin Mary. On this day, the Mother of God (the feminine principle) is glorified, and in her person - all the female helper goddesses: Mother Makosh, Zhiva, Rozhana and others. Ancient holiday of Rozhanitsa. The beginning of “women’s Christmastide” and fortune telling. People still call this day “Babi porridge” - a holiday for women in labor and midwives. It was customary for mothers with children to visit with a gift and congratulate their midwife, who helped during childbirth. From this day on, the main girls' fortune telling about grooms, marriage and women's destiny begins, which lasts all Christmastide.

Noticed the weather:“If this day is clear, then the millet will grow.”

January 9 - Stepanov's works, Stefan's day. They said about this day: “Stepan is amusing the stakes” - the owner cut out stakes and placed them in the corners of the yard and in the chicken coop to protect himself from the evil spirits that played pranks during Christmas time. It is still believed that on Kolyada and Kupala the worlds of Rev and Navi come closer together, that the souls of ancestors and Navi take part in festivities and walk among people... On this day, shepherds were hired. “On Stepanov’s Day, horses are watered through silver.”

After the holidays, youth parties began again.

January 10 - Household Day. On the eve of this day, stakes were driven into the ground on Krasnaya Gorka (that is, on the best elevated place) near the village, and on this day each member of the household tied his own piece of paper to the stake and made a wish. Christmastide and youth celebrations continue - a time to meet guests and have fun socializing. However, on this day a lot of household and household chores were done: “Feel free to put off the holiday, but not for an hour.”

January 11 - Scary evening. This name appeared because Christians believed that evil spirits would rage in the evening of this day. It was customary to spend a family evening telling fairy tales, riddles, legends and family antiquities. In the old days, it was sometimes called “Grandfather’s Day.” On this day, children had to be at home before dawn, since with darkness the evil spirits gain strength.

The week of memory of the Ancestors ends (Parents' week, which was previously calculated according to the lunar calendar in 9-10 days), our world of Reveal and the worlds of Navi begin to diverge again. And many of the spirits, entities of the worlds of Light and Dark Navi make themselves known with farewell signs; they cease to be visible to the common man. The next rapprochement of our worlds will only take place during the Kupala days.

Previously driven stakes were brought into the courtyard of the house from Krasnaya Gorka, and straw taken from the house and coals from the stove were piled on them. A fire was lit, in which, according to legend, all the troubles and illnesses of the past year were burned. They thanked the gods and ancestors for the festivities.

Today it is World Thanksgiving Day.

January 12 - Anisya the Winter, Anisya the Stomach. “By Anisya’s day the cold has descended,” “Don’t ask Anisya for warmth,” “Winter Anisya covers her face with a scarf.” On this day, special fortune-telling was carried out about how frosty the weather would be until the end of winter.

Winter day of the god Perun. This is a military holiday, warriors walk the “Perun Way”, conduct their rituals (women and small children were not allowed to attend them).

January 13 - Vasiliev evening, Malanya, Shchedrukha. People sometimes call it “Vasil’s Carol”. On this day, the merciful goddess Zhelya and the generous Makosh and her daughter Lada were revered. This evening there were lavish feasts with a hearty evening meal. They definitely cooked and baked ritual cookies - animals and birds (for various needs and rituals). It was the day of the ancient feminine principle. The day following it was dedicated to the masculine principle. It was customary to treat wanderers and the poor on this day. A random person who came in was always invited to the table. They watched the winds and used them to tell fortunes (“Stribozhy Day”).

Noticed the weather:“If the wind blows from the south on Vasily, the year will be “fat”, prosperous; from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish; from the east - to the harvest of fruits, vegetables and berries.” “If the sky is starry, it will be a year of grain and berries.” “The blizzard promises a large harvest of nuts.” “If there is ice on the windows, the bees will have honey.” “Fog before the New Year (old style) - for the harvest.” “If it’s warm and without snow, it means crop failure and illness.”

It was believed that “witches steal a month from Vasily so that he does not illuminate their night walks with unclean spirits.”

January 14 - Vasilyev's Day, Vasily Svinyatnik. Holiday of Ovsen and Veles (patron of the human race, livestock and prosperity). Together with them, they remembered the Progenitor Rod (apparently, earlier there was a more ancient holiday of honoring the Rod and the elder gods of the Universe). According to the old style, the New Year begins, and on the first day of the year it is customary to wish each other goodness, fertility, wealth and peace. Oats were scattered in the house as a sign of prosperity, grain was placed in icons and idols, and songs were sung in praise of the future harvest. They prepared ritual porridges and dairy foods. Gardeners went to shake the apple trees at midnight for harvest.

Noticed the weather:“Soft snow on the New Year - for the harvest of vegetables and bread”, “Wind on this day - for the harvest of nuts.” “Severe frost means a good harvest.” "Vasil's night star - summer is berry." “Many stars - many peas and berries.”

January 15 - Sylvester Day, Chicken Holiday. People said: “Saint Sylvester drives the feverish sisters 77 miles away.” On this day, grandmothers-midwives or healers-herbalists performed a ritual of washing away fevers in houses - to protect the inhabitants of the house from fever. Sylvester was considered the patron of peasant feathered farming. Housewives fumigated chicken coops to protect chickens from all sorts of misfortunes.

January 16 - Gordey and Malachi. It was believed that on Gordeyev's day one should not boast - Gordeyev will take it away. Only on this day did healers heal those suffering from melancholy (“the sick”).

On this day, peasants performed rituals associated with the protection of nursing cows. For example, they tied a prayer candle over the gate to protect the cow from the evil spirits living around the house. Porridge cooked in milk (oatmeal, bread or flour), cooled right in the pot, and the loaf was carried to the cow. The cow shed was fanned with brooms, ventilated and talked into. They set out treats for Dvorovoy and Konyushenny to take care of the cattle. The cattle were brought out to “respect the winter” - this is what the people called the ritual “reverence to the Sun”.

January 17 - Zosima-Pchelnik, Feklistov Day. “Saint Feklist is a fortune teller.” They noticed the stars and continued fortune-telling (including using the constellations), which were the most bizarre on this day. On this day, the amulet plant thistle was glorified: it was believed that thistle healed bodily and heartache, drives away the whole winter evil spirits from home and people, protects livestock from misfortunes.

Noticed the weather:“If there is a lot of snow on the trees, bees will swarm well.”

January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve. “Hungry Kutya”, the main and last night of Christmas fortune-telling (and the most dangerous). At midnight we went for healing water and began to swim in the ice hole. In houses at midnight, stoves were lit with prayers and rituals, and fire songs were sung. The snow collected on Epiphany evening was used to heal various ailments, and was collected for baths and whitening of canvases.

In the Urals, old people say that in ancient times the Slavs celebrated the wedding of Lada and Perun on this day, that is, the unity of the elements of Water (feminine Yin) and the elements of Fire (masculine Yang). The combination of Water and Fire was popularly called the all-healing and scorching “ice fire.” It was believed that at the moment of such a connection (the intercourse of Lada and Perun), the magical Alatyr-color, the Color of illumination and Heavenly perfection, was born from the icy flame. It is often depicted in a pattern as an eight-petalled rose and is called the flower of Lada the Mother of God or Perun’s flower.

Noticed the weather:“If the stars are shining on Epiphany evening, then many lambs will be born,” “If there is a blizzard, snow, or drifting snow, there will be a harvest, especially buckwheat,” “If there is little snow on the trees, don’t expect any mushrooms or berries in the summer.”

January 19 - Epiphany, Epiphany, Vodokreshchi. It is still believed that on this day the baptism (purification and strengthening) of the flesh and spirit of a person occurs with earthly water and heavenly fire. For the whole day, starting from midnight, people perform ablutions in rivers or other natural bodies of water, as a pleasing sacrifice to the Gods of heaven. Nowadays, water blessing is carried out both in churches and in open fonts. Holy water taken from a living spring or a river, or prayed, enchanted water from a temple is used to illuminate houses and treat diseases of people and animals. On this day, most people lost their connection (washed off during ablution) with the world of Navi, which was in the past holidays. Therefore, for many people, any ablution on this day will be beneficial.

Noticed the weather:“The starry night on Epiphany means a harvest for peas and berries,” “On Epiphany at noon, blue clouds mean a harvest,” “If there is a snowstorm on this day, there will be one at Maslenitsa,” “If there is fog, there will be a lot of bread.” “If there are snow flakes on Epiphany, it’s cloudy - for the harvest; a clear day means crop failure.” “If the ice hole is full of water, the spill will be big, and the year will be fruitful.” “Clear and cold weather means a dry summer.” “Blizzard on Epiphany - abundant swarming of bees.” "If they stand Epiphany frosts“Spring will be early and abundant.”

January 20 - Ivan Brazhny (Brazhny Day), Perezimye. In the days from Christmas to Maslenitsa, the bride's viewing began, the groom's parents sent matchmakers to the bride. On this day, they “washed down” the girl’s happiness (that is, they performed rituals associated with enchanted water; now the memory of water and its protective properties have again become generally known), and the next day they “washed down” the boy’s happiness. The beginning of winter peasant weddings.

“Perezimye gives the news of spring”

January 21 - Emelyan-whirlwind, Emelyan-perezimniki, Winter Vasilisa.“Emelya’s shallows are your week.” Throughout the week they told stories on the long winter evenings. These days were dedicated to the oldest relatives in the family. On this day, it was customary to invite godfathers and godfathers to visit and treat them so that the children would be healthy (under their protection). The day was considered favorable for treating fever.

Noticed the weather:"If there are strong winds from the south - to a terrible summer.”

January 22 - Philip. On this day we definitely went to the bathhouse. Housewives washed the house, did laundry, and tidied up what was left after the holidays. On this day it was customary to listen to old people's tales and old stories. If they lived separately, we went to visit them. The Poles call this day “Grandfather’s Day” in the modern calendar.

Noticed the weather:“If it’s clear on Philip, there will be a good harvest in the summer.”

January 23 - Gregory the Summer Guide. They monitored the weather and noted from the frost what kind of summer it would be: rainy or dry.

Noticed the weather:“If there is frost on the haystacks, then the summer will be wet”, “Stacks in frost - a rainy summer”, “If there is frost on the trees - a wet year”, “Trees in frost - the sky will be blue”, “If there is frost all day long, that summer will be stormy, young rye will begin to bloom in the very rain.” “For Gregory, the wind comes from the south - for a menacing summer.”

January 24 - Fedosey-vesnyak. We also monitored the weather and made forecasts for the future: Noticed the weather:“Fedosevo’s warmth is like early spring”, “Warm Fedosey will not respond well in summer”, “If Fedosey is frosty, you will sow spring crops late.”

January 25 - Tatiana Kreschenskaya, Tatiana's Day. Based on the weather of this day, they judged the future summer and expected the harvest:

Noticed the weather:“If it’s frosty on Tatyana’s day and the sky is clear, it’s a sign of harvest,” “If Tatyana’s day is a warm snowstorm, it’s a sign of drought and crop failure,” “If it’s snowing on that day, then the summer will be rainy,” “Snow on Tatyana is a rainy summer,” "Early sun - early birds."

On this day they glorified the Sun: the housewife baked a large loaf, which was divided among all household members.

The winter days of Perun were ending for the military class, and preparations for spring service and campaigns began.

January 26 - Erema. They said about this day: “Yeryoma is on the stove, and the cat is in the stove.” They monitored the cat’s behavior and used it to predict the future weather, for example: “If a cat rolls on the floor, it means warmth.”

The first chickadee singing on this day heralds early spring.

January 27 - Nina. They carried out rituals to protect livestock. On this day, it was customary to glorify and especially care for domestic animals.

Noticed the weather:“If the night is starry on Pavel - to the flax harvest”, “If there is wind on Pavel - the year will be damp”, “If ice patterns in the form of rye ears appear on the windows with curls downwards, and not sticking up - to the harvest.”

January 29 - Peter the half-fed. They checked and accounted for supplies in the hay barns and barns: “Peter the half-feed should leave half of the bread and winter feed,” “Peter the half-feed divides the winter into two parts.” The condition of livestock and feed was checked.

January 30 - Anton-perezimnik, Antonina. It was believed that on this day winter passed the middle. Koloboks were baked, symbolizing the Sun and sunny days, which were beginning to roll towards spring.

Noticed the weather:“Anton, Antonina - half of winter.” “If the air is clear on Anton, there will be a dry year,” “Perezimnik will reassure, warm, and then deceive - it will cover everything with frost.”

January 31 - Athanasius the Clematis, Kirill. The Afanasyevsky frosts began: “On Afanasyev, take care of your nose,” “Afanasy and Kirilo are grabbed by the snout.” The night of this day was considered dangerous, since “evil spirits” remained on earth (who for some reason could not or did not want to leave after the Carol days to their worlds of Dark Navi). Chimneys in houses were charmed so that dark entities could not penetrate through them at night.

Noticed the weather:“If there is a blizzard and blizzard - for a long spring, and at noon the sun - for early spring”, “If there is a blizzard - there will be a blizzard on Maslenitsa”, “If the sunset is clear and it is frosty - there will be further frosts.” “At noon the sun is early spring.”

Ancient Slavic calendar. Month names and explanations

Slavic calendar or monthly calendar. A month consists of twelve months, which make up a complete year, year or year. The names of the months were not simply invented and were not borrowed from other peoples and foreign languages. All names come from events and phenomena that are characteristic of a particular time of year.

It is worth knowing that in ancient times the calendar was solar. It consisted of four seasons, each of which celebrated the festival of the Sun: two solstices and two equinoxes. Later in Rus' they introduced moon calendar, which depends on the changing phases of the moon. Because of this, the calendar dates were moved, resulting in a new style ahead of the old one by 13 days.

January (Siechen, Prosinets). The name Prosinets, as researchers believe, comes from the fact that this month added more light, and the blue sky appears more and more often. The reason is that in January there is a turning point in winter, which divides the winter into two parts. In our time, Prosinets is the first month of the year; in ancient times it was the eleventh, since the New Year was celebrated in March (from 21 to 22 - the spring equinox).

February (Lyuten, Snezhen). The name Snezhen comes from the onset of snowy times. Blizzards and snowfalls were common this month. For the same reason, it was called Luten (fierce snowstorms).

March (Berezen, Berezozol, Kapelnik). The names Berezen and Berezozol come from the fact that in March birch trees begin to fill with sap, and in March they produce their first buds. Drip - due to the fact that the first drops occur in this month, the snow begins to melt. March was the first month in ancient Rus'. With the arrival of spring, the resurrection of nature and the beginning of a new summer were celebrated (in ancient times the Year was called Summer).

April (Color). The first trees, the first flowers begin to bloom, spring awakens.

May (Traven). Herbal, Herbal, herbal - from the riot of growing grasses that, after winter, reached towards the Sun, and everything around became bright green.

June (Kresen, Cherven, Izok). The ancient Slavs called “izok” grasshoppers, of which there were a large number this month. Kresnik, Kresen come from an ancient word meaning Fire. Cherven - from fruits and berries that were filled with red (red - scarlet). In addition, in some areas June was called the month of many colors.

July (Lipen, Stradnik, Groznik). The time of linden blossoms, hard work in the fields and strong thunderstorms. Lipen was considered the last in the summer month among the Slavs. After Perun's Day (20 Lipen), autumn began.

August (Serpen, Zhniven). These names do not need to be deciphered. It is clear that in this month the bread is removed with the help of a sickle, the harvest is harvested and the harvest time comes. In some places this month was called Zarev, because animals roared in August.

September (Veresen, Khmuren, Ruin). The name Ruyin comes from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer. The sky begins to gloom more and more often, it rains, summer finally turns into autumn, from these phenomena September received the name Khmuren. Another name - Veresen - comes from the fact that at this time the heather begins to bloom.

October (Leaf Fall, Pazdernik, Gryaznik, Wedding Party). A fall autumn leaves, bad weather, rain, omnipresent dirt. Weddings were also celebrated at this time, so, among other things, it was also called the wedding man, the time for weddings.

November (Gruden). The name gruden comes from piles of earth frozen with snow. Piles, the chest path is a winter, frozen road.

December (Cold, Studen). Frost and cold. The coldest month of the year.

IN Ancient Rome The New Year was celebrated not on January 1, but on March 1. Therefore, March was considered the first month. As a result of the calendar reform carried out in Ancient Rome at the direction of Julius Caesar, 45 BC. began not on March 1, as was previously customary, but on January 1. Perhaps that is why January received its name in honor of the ancient Roman god of all beginnings - Janus. Among the ancient Slavs, the names of the months are closely associated with natural phenomena and peasant work. IN Ancient Rus' January was called “cutting” - the time of deforestation. Another name for the month is Prosinets. It indicates the resurgent sun, as the days in January begin to noticeably increase (clear up).

The ancient Roman calendar was divided into ten months and consisted of 304 days. There were no January and February in it. They appeared later. February originally contained 28 days. It was the only month of the year with an even number of days, since, according to the beliefs of the ancients, only an odd number could bring happiness. In 46 BC. A four-year cycle of time calculation was introduced. He consisted of them three years 365 days and one leap day - lasting 366. February received an additional day. In Ancient Rus', February was called fierce and lute because of the severe frosts.

This month received its name from the ancient Romans in honor of the god of war, Mars, who was also revered as the patron of agriculture and cattle breeding. In Ancient Rus' they called it berezozol - evil for birches, since in this month they burned birches for coal. He is also a sap (a reminder of birch sap), a protalnik, spring.

The name of this month goes back to the Latin verb aperire - “to open”, since this month the buds on the trees open, or to the word apricus - “warmed by the sun”. In Ancient Rus', this month was called pollen - after the beginning of flowering of plants. We still have a name similar to this - kviten.

According to one version, last month The Romans called spring May in honor of the ancient Italian goddess Maia, to whom sacrifices were made on the first day of May so that she would give the earth a good harvest by autumn. Among the Romans, she is the goddess of fertility, the spring renewal of the earth. Hence May is the month of flowers and love. In May, the earth puts on its best attire. This is immortalized in the Old Slavonic name of the month - grass, pollen, summer.

In 44 BC. was renamed in honor of the Roman statesman Julius Caesar, who was born in this month (the earlier name was “quintilis”). Its first name in Ancient Rus' is Lipets, since the linden blossoms at this time. In addition, July is popularly called senostav, roaster.

September. In Ancient Rome, September was originally the seventh month of the year and accordingly was called september from the Latin “septem”, “septimus”. After the calendar form of Julius Caesar, September became the ninth month, but did not change its name. In the old days in Rus', September was called veresne, spring - after the flowering of honey-bearing heather.

October. Before the reform of the ancient Roman calendar, October was the eighth month and was called October (from the Latin "octo" - eight). After the reform, the month took tenth place in the year, but remained with the old name, as many people still call it. In Rus', October was called Fall of the Leaves, golden autumn, leaf blower; from ancient times it was considered a wedding season - at this time weddings took place - after the completion of field work.
November. The ancient Romans considered November the tenth month of the year and called it november (from the Latin “novem” - nine). Its Old Russian name is breast or gruzden. These words are derived from the word pile - frozen rut on the road, frozen hummocky dirt, hummocks. November also has other nicknames: snowfall, leaf fall, half-winter, solstice.
December. In Ancient Rome, the month remained tenth in the calendar for a long time and received its name from the Latin word “desember”, that is, tenth. Its ancient Slavic name is jelly: it chills the earth all winter. Other ancient name– frowning: the sky is frowning more and more often.

This is a holiday dedicated to the month, which on the 9th day after Kolyada transfers the Sun-Sivoyar to Other, so that the new Sun-God may reign in the world. In honor of the Month of Veles, dumplings, a ritual dish of the New Year, are prepared. Boys and unmarried young men sow at home, marking the birth of a new life, while a ritual prayer is said:

I sow sow and sow. Happy New Year. Sow and be born live-wheat, live-wheat, all arable land. For happiness, good health, much for the Master, the hostess, and the entire White World!

New Year is the holiday of the birth of a new month or the holiday of Vasily. It's ancient Slavic name associated with the month and Varna Vesey, that is, peasants who, according to Ori mythology, were formed from the womb of the first man - the World. This is where the words “whole” (village), “all” come from.

The ritual dish of the New Year is dumplings. Ears of the month

For 1 kg of dough you need: 600 g flour, 3 eggs, 40 g melted butter, 250 g sugar, 10 g salt. Types of filling: stewed cabbage, cottage cheese mashed with yolk, butter and sugar, boiled potatoes with fried onions and mushrooms (per 100 g of dough - 110-115 g of filling).

Pour milk into the sifted flour, add eggs, salt, sugar, pour in the melted butter(you can use fresh milk) and knead the dough of medium thickness. Roll out the prepared dough into a layer 1-1.5 mm thick. Using a glass, cut out circles. Place the filling on each circle and pinch the edges of the dumpling to form a month. Prepared dumplings are placed in a large number of salted boiling water and cook for 5-6 minutes until they float to the surface. Fry in oil with onions, pour it over the prepared dumplings and serve. Pour sour cream into a separate bowl.

It should also be noted that on New Year’s Day the yard is plowed with a plow - the owner of the house symbolically walks around the house with a plow. This symbolizes the descent of Divine power onto the earth and its fertilization for the new birth of the harvest. Before Christmas, the “old sun” seemed to have died, and on the ninth day (January 1) it set off in a moon boat along the river (the passage of time is “year”) to Paradise, that is, a funeral took place (Hore - God of the month among the Slavs, Charon - carrier of the dead across the river of death among the Greeks). We can consider the time when the boat went to Eternity as a reference. According to our Slavic custom, the funeral was accompanied by sowing for “eternal life,” because a funeral is not death, but a transition to another life. Therefore, on New Year's Day, people sow their homes for Wealth and Goodness, despite the fact that it is winter outside.


The boys go home to sow seeds before sunrise. They put mixtures of grains (rye, wheat, peas, millet, etc.) into a bag or mitten and in each house they shower the owner and the house with these grains, saying:

For happiness, for health, for a new summer;

Give birth, O God, rye-wheat, and all arable land;

Good afternoon, Happy New Year and be healthy;

I sow, weed, I sow, I congratulate you on the New Year;

Sow, be born rye-wheat and all arable land.

Happy New Year and be healthy!

The chief sower is invited to sit down, saying:

“Sit down with us and sit, so that everything sits well with us: the chickens, and the geese, and the ducks, and the swarms, and the elders.”

During sowing, girls and boys catch grains and guess from them: if the number of grains turns out to be in pairs, then there will be a wedding this year, and vice versa. The grain that was sown is carefully collected by the owners and stored until sowing, and then thrown into the ground with other seeds. Some of them are also given to chickens to help them lay eggs better.

The owners themselves go to wish the local sorcerer a Happy New Year and, instead of mixed grain, bring him a bag of buckwheat, oats, wheat, etc. Returning from the temple, the owner fumes the house with thyme, and then the family sits down to dinner.

If children sow at dawn, then after the service adults also do this when visiting friends. friend. At the same time, there was one difference - they do not sow the house with grain, but sprinkle it on the owners, saying:

Sow, be born rye-wheat, all arable land,

For happiness, for health, for the New Year,

To give birth better than last year

Hemp to the ceiling, and flax to the knee,

So that you, the grandchildren of Dazhbozhy, don’t have a headache.

Be healthy. Happy New Year. God grant!

During the New Year's day, groups of young people walk around the village in disguise. Among them there must be Vasily, Melanka, grandfather, woman, etc. They take with them a goat, a horse, a plow or ralo, a sickle and a stick. Entering the yard, they do the New Year's sowing: they plow and sow the snow, and then drag it. Having entered the house, they perform a variety of playful actions: they sprinkle water on those gathered, paint the chimney, smear household items with clay, “talk” to the stove, sweep the floor “inside out,” make “quarrels” and “peace settlements,” and in the end they demand refreshments. The purpose of these actions is to deceive evil forces and attract Wealth to the house.

Holy evening. Hungry Kutia

On the eve of the Blessing of the Waters, Christmas Eve is celebrated - Hungry Kutya. Just like on Bogataya Kutya, only Lenten dishes are prepared, but in smaller quantities.

In the evening, a service is held in the temples and the “evening water” is blessed, which is also considered useful against any misfortune. Returning from the temple, the owner takes a bunch of ears of corn or medicinal herbs and sprinkles the house with sacred water.

On the eve of the Blessing of the Waters, one must remain in strict fasting; a hungry kutia is being prepared.

During this period, the Sun is closest to the Earth and begins to rage and fill with youthful strength. At this moment it influences the water - Dana, filling it with divine power. Therefore, the Blessing of Waters is also called Yar-Dana. In the morning, people go to reservoirs to stock up on holy water for the whole year, which at this time has miraculous healing powers. On a river or pond, an equilateral cross or a circle-hole is cut out of ice, which symbolize the Sun. Next to the cross there is a throne made of ice entwined with pine branches - the so-called “heavenly gate”.

Magi and priests consecrate Yar-Dan water. People, having taken consecrated water, wash their eyes so that they can see well, their ears so that they can hear well (and only good words), their forehead so that their head can be wise, and at home they wipe their body so that they can be as healthy as water. The brave souls swim in the ice hole, knowing that they will not get sick for a whole year and will be blessed.

The water collected at the Blessing of Waters is used for various diseases - they wash sore spots, sprinkle houses and households. In every house throughout the year, under the images there had to be a bottle of consecrated water, which, if consecrated according to all the rules, could stand for a whole year without spoiling.

On a river or pond, an equilateral cross or a circle-hole is cut out of ice, which symbolizes the Sun. Next to the cross there is a throne, also made of ice and entwined with pine branches - the so-called “heavenly gate”.

From the church where the service took place, people carry banners and flags. After the service on the river, the pigeons they brought with them are released, and the hunters salute with their guns. People draw water from the ice hole carefully so as not to fall. Having collected consecrated water, people wash their eyes here so that they can see well, their ears so that they can hear well (and only good words), their forehead so that their head can be wise, and at home they wipe their body so that they can be as healthy as water. The brave souls swim in the ice hole, knowing that they will not get sick for a whole year and will be blessed.

Prayer for God's grace Said before diving into the hole

The path of the Orthodox Faith-Veda

I believe in the Most High Family - the One and Many-Faced God, the source of all that exists and bears, which is an Eternal treasure for all Gods.

I know that the Universe is a Genus, and all the many-named Gods are united in it.

I believe in the trinity of existence of Rule, Reveal and Navi, and that Rule is the Truth, and it was retold to the Fathers Our forefathers.

I know that Prava is with us, and we are not afraid of Navi, for Navi has no power against us.

I believe in unity with the Native Gods, because Dajbozh’s grandchildren we are the favorites of the Gods. And the Gods keep their right hands on our rallies.

I know that life in the Great Family is eternal, and we must take care of the eternal, walking the paths of Rule.

I believe in the power and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us, leading us to good through our Guides.

I know that strength lies in the unity of the Slavic-Orian Clans, and that we will become glorious by glorifying the Native Gods.

Glory to the Most High Family, Gods and Ancestors!

Dana- Goddess of Water, Mother Voditsa, the primordial water Dyva, cosmic water, manifests itself in reality in all bodies of water and
rivers, the feminine principle of the world. Dana is young Lada, she comes to us along with fire and light during the birth of the Universe by the Goddess Lada. It is the basis of physical health and beauty. The Gods bequeathed water to sanctify Dana - this is the wife of Dazhdbog and his opposite. Dana and Dazhdbog are Lelya and Polel, children of the Great Mother Lada. We know that water is also multi-manifest and, like the Sun-Dazhdbog, resides in four states throughout the year. The wedding of Dana and Dazhdbog is celebrated by the Gods and the whole world on Kupala.

The tree of the Goddess Dana is the linden tree, the day for glorification is January 6, as well as every Friday. They glorify Dana near healing springs, before they are cleaned and decorated with ribbons, images are sharpened and idols are placed. There should always be vessels at springs and wells so that the traveler can drink. The water of Dana not only cleanses and sanctifies, hence it is called right, living and dead, it also washes the evergreen tree of Rod. Dana is often called by young girls, trying to find a loved one, they also call her at Glorifications, so that she can purify and sanctify their bodies and souls.

Dana is mentioned in ancient folk choruses: “Oh Dana, Dana,” “Shidi-ridi, Dana.” The name of the Goddess of Water is also indicated by the names of many of our rivers: Don, Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, Desna, Dvina. The goddess Dana was also revered by the Celts and Indo-Aryans. Hindus still have temples dedicated to the goddess Danu (at lakes Batur and Bratan in Indonesia), who is considered the embodiment of primeval waters.

Prayer-Praise to Dana

Dana the Maiden, Holy Water! You flow with milky rivers and fertile rains, you saturate the Earth, you please the Sun, you release rays from behind the cold clouds. The ant grass grows tall, the spring wheat grows rich. We sing Glory to You with all our Family, we let the loaf of bread flow into the holy river. Receive him, Dana, a week early from the Orthodox Family, from the Life-Manifested World. Your holy water, Young Dana, Your happy water, Our beautiful Virgin. They did not seethe with floods, hail, or dark waters, but only with rich rains and murmuring streams, from which the harvests grow and our bins are filled with bread. Bless, Dana, show us your will. Glory to Mother Dana!

Ritual dish - crucian carp or just river fish

Fish on this day is considered a direct manifestation of the Almighty, therefore all Slavs, regardless of the level of spiritual dedication, use it to sanctify their body and unity with God.

2 large crucian carp, 1 onion, 6-8 salted or pickled mushrooms, a pinch of salt and ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Clean the crucian carp, gut it, remove the gills, but do not cut off the heads. Rinse well in cold water, blot dry. Then rub with salt, sprinkle with pepper and stuff with chopped mushrooms and fried onions.

Place the fish in a deep, generously greased sunflower oil frying pan Lubricate the crucian carp with oil too. Bake in a stove or oven at average temperature until done, carefully turning occasionally.


A kind of transitional day between entertainment and everyday chores is the dedication, which falls on the second day after the Blessing of the Waters. On this day, they take bread and salt out of the house, which lie in Pokutya from Bogata Kutya, and, breaking it into pieces, feed the animals. They do the same with hay.

On this day the Christmas holidays come to an end. People don’t work, they gather for the last vespers, where they say goodbye to Christmastide.

The beginning of the week, when it is customary to guess the future, the middle of the calendar winter - the conditional plunge of the world into darkness, Nav - where the past and the future intersect. Fortune-telling rituals based on the weather, birds and animals are carried out. This week you should pay attention to your spiritual life, think about your purpose and its best fulfillment.

Fortune telling for the future, the Magi's appeal to the Other World. The Magi perform the holy sacraments. The holiday is held only by Spiritual Guides.

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