Alexey Yagudin: “Children appeared, and we had no time to sort things out. Liza Yagudina in the Infiniti project “The Main Achievement” Daughter of Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina Liza

Alexey Konstantinovich Yagudin - famous figure skater Russian Federation. Who might never have become a star by winning the Olympics. Since he got into big-time sports completely by accident and clearly had no intention of staying in it.

Alexey Yagudin has long been considered a true legend among fans of this winter sport; absolutely all beginning skaters look up to him. At the same time, the guy claims that it is easy to achieve everything that he can do. You just have to train long and hard, and also believe in your own strength.

By the way, Alexey managed not only to achieve heights in sports, but also turned out to be caring husband and the father of two beautiful daughters.

Many fans try to figure out what physical parameters their idol has, including his height, weight, age. How old is Alexei Yagudin is not a difficult question, since it is possible to find the date of birth of an athlete on the Internet.

Moreover, Alexey was born in 1980, so he has already celebrated his thirty-eighth birthday. Alexey Yagudin: the photos in his youth and now are almost identical, since the skater is not so old that wrinkles appear on his face, especially since the guy knows how to keep himself in excellent shape.

According to the zodiac circle, Yagudin received the sign of the dreamy, impressionable, changeable, resourceful, intelligent and slightly eccentric Pisces.

The eastern horoscope endowed the skater not only with the sign of the Monkey, but also with dexterity, cunning, punctuality, resourcefulness, and flexibility of mind.

Alexey's height is one meter and eighty centimeters, and he weighs seventy kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Alexey Yagudin

The biography and personal life of Alexei Yagudin is a query that can often be found in Internet search engines. Little Lesha was born in the northern capital of the USSR; he was a sickly and weak boy. That’s why I went to the skating rink when I was four years old to boost my immunity and improve my health.

The father - Konstantin Yagudin - left only the name in the metric of the future champion; the guy himself had never seen him. Because he disappeared almost immediately after his birth, moving to Germany.

Mother - Zoya Yagudina - for a long time worked at the Institute of Informatics and Computer Science, managing to take care of the health and development of her only son.

It turned out that in sports Alyosha can achieve high altitudes, although he did not take figure skating seriously for a long time. The boy dreamed of becoming a truck or bus driver, but at the age of thirteen he managed to win fourth place at the World Junior Championships, and at fifteen he won gold at this tournament.

At the same time, he managed to win awards at several other prestigious competitions, and also studied at school with excellent marks. However, he graduated from school with a silver medal because of one B, although he was best in the exact sciences.

Yagudin entered state academy physical education named after Lesgaft in his hometown. Since 1998, the guy moved to Tatyana Tarasova and within a year he managed to win 11 out of thirteen tournaments.

He was able to win the Olympic Games, become world champion four times, and European champion three times. Yagudin ended his career in 2003 because he received hip injuries and performed only on painkillers. Even though four years later he had surgery to replace hip joint, he was unable to get on the ice.

After Alexey returned home from the States, he began to often appear on television in the programs “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, “Bolero”, and became the host of the new season “Ice Age”. Children". Since 2008, he has starred in the films “President’s Vacation”, “Hot Ice”, and ice performances “Lights” big city", "The Story of Adventures", "Hearts of Four".

Yagudin’s personal life is not too stormy and filled with novels, since only his relationship with the ex-soloist of the “Factory” group Sasha Savelyeva was confirmed. The young people met on the Ice Age show, but soon they began to quarrel over trifles and soon broke up.

However, Alexey called Elena Berezhnaya his first love, to whom he was going to propose at the age of nineteen. At the same time, the skater resolutely refused the ring purchased by the guy, and the guy gave it to the beauty from Japan.

Soon a common-law wife appeared in the guy’s life. But rumors that Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina have broken up continue to excite fans of the couple, who are not going to separate.

Family and children of Alexei Yagudin

The family and children of Alexei Yagudin are his support and hope, something for which he is ready to give up his career and do anything. At the same time, the guy’s family was incomplete; he survived his father’s betrayal, but received in return loving relatives, whose support led to sporting heights.

A special place in the guy’s life was played by his beloved mother, who not only took him into the world of figure skating, but also strictly controlled that he performed all the elements, forcing him to repeat one jump several dozen times. It was his mother’s exactingness that helped Alexey overcome natural laziness and develop determination.

In addition to his mother, the boy was looked after by his grandmother, who picked up Lesha from school, gave him sandwiches and sent him to the ice palace, and also did homework with him and took care of him.

Papa Yagudina was replaced by his maternal grandfather, with whom he played sports and did all the men's things. At the same time, the whole family was housed not in a comfortable, but in an ordinary communal apartment.

Alexey has two children, they were born from one of his most beloved women, and the eldest is illegitimate, because Tanya and Lesha got married only after her birth.

The girls were born with a slight age difference, so they are very friendly and love to spend time together, although Alexey tries to pay his attention to each princess in turn. At the same time, the guy constantly said that he did not want to have a son, because he simply did not know what to do with the heir, and girls were closer to him.

Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Elizaveta Yagudina

The daughter of Alexei Yagudin, Elizaveta Yagudina, was born in 2009; her mother was figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina, with whom the young man lived in a civil marriage. The baby is growing athletic and active, she is constantly on the move, so we have to direct her energy in a peaceful direction.

Lisa lived in France with her parents and is fluent in two languages. At the same time, the girl attended French kindergarten, studied in a classical school until the end of the first grade.

Now the beauty has moved to Russia, she goes to regular school, studies in depth foreign languages. Lisa is involved in gymnastics and figure skating, but does not want to become a professional figure skater.

Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Michelle Yagudina

The daughter of Alexei Yagudin, Michelle Yagudina, was born in 2015, when her parents had already legalized their family relationships. Little Michelle was born in France, so she can boast of dual citizenship.

At the same time, Alexey agreed on a partner birth, but was unable to attend it because he was performing in the Carmen ice show in Sochi. However, Yagudin announced that he had become a pope for the second time on his Instagram page, and then accepted congratulations for a long time.

Little Michelle is an inquisitive, bright and musical child, and she never ceases to delight her parents with new achievements and it is already becoming clear that she looks like her mother.

Alexei Yagudin's wife - Tatyana Totmyanina

It was no coincidence that Alexei Yagudin’s wife, Tatyana Totmyanina, appeared in his life, since the persistent and self-confident figure skater at that time was in severe depression, since her mother tragically died, and the guy was the first to lend his shoulder.

The young people began to spend a lot of time together, they talked and went to a restaurant or cinema, and then they began to live civil marriage. The birth of the eldest daughter did not change anything; when the couple moved to France, the relationship was never legalized.

The couple entered into a legal marriage only in the winter of 2015, shortly after the birth of their second daughter. The wedding took place not outside the country, but in Krasnoyarsk, where Yagudin and Totyamina were congratulated by the city mayor himself.

Quite often there were rumors that the couple had either already separated or were on the verge of divorce. But neither Alexey nor Tatyana confirms this information, calling it idle gossip of envious people.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexey Yagudin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexey Yagudin have existed for a long time, since only the information that is available on it is relevant, verified and reliable. From the extensive Wikipedia article you can find out detailed facts from childhood, education, family, the beginning and development of a sports career, as well as titles and awards for the entire career.

On the figure skater's profile like this social network, like Instagram, no less than 119,000 fans are subscribed, approximately 99,000 are subscribed to his wife’s profile. For the most part, the page presents high-quality and informative videos from personal and creative archives.

Alexei: Tanya and I are used to living for today; we rarely plan far ahead. But I admit, I often talked about the second child, dreaming that someday we would have another daughter. Tanya responded to this: “Give birth again? Never!” I understand. Lisa, our eldest, was not easy. Tanya had a caesarean section, which means that surgery was also required for the birth of her second child. However, I was sure that time would pass and she would change her mind. Actually, we want three children.

Tatiana: The birth of Lisa is largely my initiative. It was I who started talking about the fact that I wanted a child. Perhaps Lesha dreamed of the same thing, but at first he clearly doubted whether it was too early, whether he was ready to take responsibility. And this is not surprising, he was too young, just a boy! At 25-27 years old, you want to enjoy life, and not raise children. But with Michelle it was a different story. Lisa has grown up

and Lesha wanted another daughter. I was no longer in a hurry. It wasn’t that the birth itself scared me—I experienced fear of a different order. Lisa was born the same year my mother passed away. I left the maternity hospital in complete confusion: how to live? who will help us? I didn’t even want to think about a second child. There is a daughter - and it’s great! But time passed, our friends and acquaintances had their second and third children, and this affected Lesha. Once he told me: “That’s it, we need a second child, period!” We had to combine our work schedules in order to see each other more often. (Laughs.)

Alexei: Yes, at some point I insisted. We were going to give birth in the summer, when there is a break in ice projects and the skaters rest. After all, Tanya skates together with Maxim Marinin, and we had to figure it out so as not to set Maxim up and not deprive him of his job. No matter how hard we tried, it didn’t work out in the summer - our daughter was supposed to be born in November. But... Michelle was born two months earlier. Well, good, otherwise what would I do with three Scorpios?! (Tatyana Totmyanina and eldest daughter, Lisa, according to the zodiac sign Scorpio. - Note "TN".)

Tatyana: at first I didn’t even want to think about a second child. There is one daughter - and great! Photo: Arsen Memetov

— Jokes aside, but premature birth is a big risk. Were you worried?

Alexey: Of course, I was worried. But overall I'm always positive. My fellow skaters even nicknamed me Luck Man, and if, say, we are late for a flight, they say to each other: “Don’t worry, Yagudin is with us, so we’ll make it on time.” And we really make it. For some reason, I am absolutely sure that everything will work out in the best way. Probably, this inner feeling helped Tanya and I survive the first, most difficult months Michelle's life.

- Why was the child born earlier? Tanya, did you work until the last minute? Have you had little rest?

— On the contrary, already in the 12th week I went on maternity leave: all our projects ended at that time. I enjoyed life, walked, did yoga. There were no signs of complications.

Alexei: Tanya was in France with Lisa (the Yagudins have a house not far from Paris. - TN note). And suddenly she tells me via SMS that she doesn’t feel well. The question of where to give birth - there or in Moscow - was not even raised, and although the deadline had not yet come, I asked Tanya to urgently fly home. You never know! I met her at Sheremetyevo, and in the evening I went to Sochi for the performance. By the time it arrived, she had already been admitted to the hospital. I should be next to her, but in our ice show I don’t have a replacement. I felt complete powerlessness, I realized that

I can’t influence the situation in any way, so there was only one thing left to do: drive away bad thoughts and believe that everything would work out. Frankly, I was not aware of how dangerous premature birth is. And Tanya (what a character!), having learned from the doctor that urgent hospitalization was required, got behind the wheel and drove to our country house - to feed the dog and place it somewhere for a while - and only then returned to the hospital.

Before the start of the evening performance, she called me and said that she was being taken to the operating room. I can’t describe with what emotions I rode that evening! That same night I flew to Moscow and immediately went to the maternity hospital.

Alexey: I am very attached to Lizka. When she was little, he took full care of her. Tanya was afraid: her daughter was so fragile... Photo: Arsen Memetov

Tatiana: Lesha did not realize the complexity of our situation. Well, I didn’t explain - I didn’t escalate the situation, I wanted him to maintain his characteristic positive attitude. Lesha rushed in when Michelle was already born and she was placed in intensive care, as befits a premature baby. I myself was in the intensive care unit, I was not allowed to get up, and I asked Lesha to go and take a photo of our girl. Five minutes later he returned and said: everything is bad, the child is wrapped in wires from head to toe, covered in tubes... Michelle was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus, and Lesha felt sick there. At the same time, he continued to firmly believe that everything would work out, you just need to be patient. He was so happy about the birth of his daughter that he told everyone about it on almost every corner. On the contrary, I closed myself off: I didn’t want to discuss the child’s health with anyone. The doctors said without concealment that the condition was serious. As soon as I was allowed to walk, I began to visit the children's department every two to three hours. I asked the nurses: “Well, is she breathing on her own?” - “No, he’s not breathing...” And so for six days in a row. Doctors are superstitious people: even when they see an improvement, they don’t talk about it and don’t give hope. Whenever one of Michelle's straws was removed,

I noticed this and rejoiced, considering it a victory. And then, finally, I come to her, and a young nurse from the doorway reports: “Your one is breathing!” I burst into tears... Lesha didn’t know about all this. I sent him photographs of Michelle with notes that everything was fine. Well, how could he help?

The hope that the terrible thing was behind us was strengthened on the 11th day, when the child was transferred to the so-called second stage of rehabilitation - weight gain. Although even then anything could happen at any moment. For another three weeks, my daughter was in the clinic under the strict supervision of doctors, and I was discharged and even went on the ice. We took her quietly, without advertising this event. Lesha performed “Carmen”, after which we went to the hospital at night and brought our daughter home, where every centimeter was disinfected the day before.

Alexey: the other day I turned 36. Finally, I’m just living, thanking fate for having such a wonderful family. Photo: Arsen Memetov

“You probably didn’t leave your child’s side for a minute?”

Tatyana: I am a restless mother, but I immediately assigned Michelle to her room. Lesha and I are against children sleeping with their parents in the same bed and not getting off their hands.

Alexei: When we had Lisa, I made it clear to her that no one was going to respond to her every squeak. If she, well-fed and clean, burst into tears, we did not approach her. Tanya, of course, was eager, but I simply did not let her. As a result, we got an independent child who always knows how to keep himself busy. We did the same with Michelle. At night she lets us sleep.

— How did Lisa react to the fact that now she was not alone with her mom and dad?

Tatyana: When we said that she would soon have a brother or sister, she got excited. She followed me with her tail and kept repeating: “Or maybe

won't appear? Where is the belly? Then she began to torment us with the question of where she would settle. new baby. Isn't it in her room? Because where the second children's room is now, there was a guest room.

Alexei: The first time she saw Michelle was in the hospital. She was not allowed into the room; Lisa had to stand behind the glass and watch Tanya feed the baby. At the same time, she asked me worriedly: “Dad, why does mom look at the baby so tenderly?!” I tried to explain that this was not a stranger’s girl, but hers. Native sister, said: “You will love her too, you will play together, be friends.” I understand that it’s hard to believe when your sister is the size of a loaf. Lisa suffered from jealousy and fell ill the day we brought Michelle home.

- Even so?!

Tatyana: She lay there, turned to the wall, and didn’t talk to us. She just complained: “I can’t get up, my legs can’t move, pet my tummy.” Or offered me to swallow myself...

Tatyana: when Michelle was born, Lisa was jealous. I had to bring her to her senses. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Everything is exactly as described in books on child psychology.

Tatiana: Absolutely! Three days later I had to bring my daughter to her senses. She sternly explained that she would have to come to terms with the fact that life goes on, that Michelle exists and is not going anywhere. Elizaveta Alekseevna digested this news for a month, gradually getting used to it. I can’t say that I’m filled with adoration and wants to kiss my sister or play with her, but he comes up and holds her hands... True, without much fervor.

— How much has your second child changed you?

Tatyana: Sometimes I just stand over my daughter’s crib and am afraid to move away: I think she will feel bad. Lesha drives: they say, get out of here, she has everything

in order. I can't let anyone near her! Within a week I fired three nannies - it seemed to me that they were doing everything wrong. Complete schizophrenia! (Laughs.) Now, if we leave together, my dad, a doctor by training, helps out, I trust him completely. And when I have to go away on business alone, Lesha stays with the child. He is a fearless father. He handled little Lisa better than me: she bathed, swaddled, and fed. I was afraid to take the child in my arms. It seemed that the girl was so fragile that I would inadvertently break something for her. He does a great job with Michelle too.

By the pool in a country house that Alexey built himself. Photo: Arsen Memetov

— Alexey, what turned out to be the most difficult thing about dual fatherhood for you?

Alexey: Almost nothing except global control over the movement of relatives around the world. I draw a graph in a notebook, in which the blue squares are Lisa (she spends a good part of her time in France, where she goes to school), the red ones are Tanya, and the green ones are me. And then there is Michelle, Varya (our dog)... Since Tanya and I are busy in different projects, it’s not easy to calculate everything and book tickets clearly. The wife has other worries. There are also a lot of them: complementary foods, nutrition, vaccinations, Lysina’s allergy... When it turned out that our eldest daughter was covered in a rash from the fur of any animal, things became more busy. A year before she was born, I gave Tanya a Yorkshire terrier, Varya. Luckily for me, this breed has fur that is similar in structure to human hair, and Lisa does not react to it. I can't imagine what I would do if it were a different breed. I adore dogs and have always dreamed of having a lot of them. But during my childhood, my mother and I lived in a communal apartment and could not afford it.

— Alexey, aren’t you afraid that long separations from your parents can traumatize Lisa? After all, she spends a lot of time abroad...

Alexey: There are no separations as such. We are next to Lisa all the time, at least in turns - either me or Tanya. Many people ask us why our daughter is studying in another country. Why not? The 21st century is just around the corner! For Tanya and me, a good education is a priority. It's easier for a smart person to live. Sport is great, but only one in a thousand achieves success in it. Physical education is present in Lisa’s life - skiing, swimming, skating - but as an element of health improvement. To discourage her from taking up figure skating, he repeated to her from the very beginning early childhood: “It’s cold at the skating rink, falling on the ice hurts, bruises remain. And you’re a princess—it’s not nice to walk around with bruises.” Like

It worked. He continues to ride, but without fanaticism. We are thinking of sending her to rhythmic gymnastics and ballet. Let it develop. When Lisa lives in Russia, we send her to her grandmother (my mother) in St. Petersburg for the weekend. They have their own program there: jogging in the morning, the Hermitage, theaters.

Tatiana: In our age of high technology, separations are conditional. For example, when I urgently flew away to give birth, Lisa and I spent three weeks on Skype. They woke up, turned on the screens, had breakfast, talked, I “accompanied” her to school (it didn’t matter that the nanny was actually taking her there), then “met” her, read books. That's how we lived.

Yagudin is a joker and a passionate dog lover. Seeing his wife cooing with Michelle, he copied her behavior by playing with Varya. Photo: Arsen Memetov

— Do you give your child a lot of time to play? Or are you loading to the fullest?

Tatyana: Lisa is at school from half past ten in the morning until five in the evening, and at 20:30 she has curfew. In my opinion, there is enough free time: three and a half hours. Enough to watch cartoons or read a book.

- Only three hours?! Don't you feel sorry for the child?

Tatyana: It’s not a pity. Lesha and I lived in an even stricter schedule, and thanks to the perseverance and tenacity of our mothers, something came of us... It seems to me that Lisa benefits from the fact that on Saturday, her day off, before sitting down to watch cartoons, she writes to copybooks in Russian and French, reads. And then she tells us what she read. This is necessary for the formation of correct speech and literacy. At six years old, she reads fluently in two languages. Is it bad?

Alexei: We don’t know what will happen next, what will happen to the world in general, but as long as there is an opportunity to expand the horizons of children, and our own, we will do it. Not wanting to be left behind by our daughter, we also sat down to study French textbooks. Tanya already understands speech, but it’s more difficult with me, because I know English fairly well and, when necessary, use it. But a sporting interest arose: I want to show Lisa that dad

He's not a fool and will soon catch up with her. I set myself the goal of learning French this summer. Previously, Russian aristocrats spoke fluently in several languages. Why not bring back the tradition? But not to the detriment native language. It’s terrible when our children studying abroad suddenly start speaking broken Russian.

— Alexey, it was said several times that you dreamed of daughters. Is it possible for a man to not want a son?

Alexey: I’m not lying when I say that I am incredibly happy and grateful to Tanya for giving me daughters. I would go crazy if it was a boy. Don't ask me why. Don't know! (With a laugh.) This is apparently a selfish position: I can’t imagine a boy, a little man, running around this house.

Tatiana: When I became pregnant for the second time and Lesha and I went for an ultrasound, he said: “If it turns out that we have a girl, I’ll give you a watch.”

Tatiana: For the first time, Lesha didn’t dream about a daughter as much as he does now. But when we were waiting for Michelle, he even began to panic: “What if he has a son?!” Our house is full of boxes with things for the girl. We collected Lisa's things, hoping that they would be useful. And they immediately came up with names for the girls. But there was a problem with men’s: they didn’t remember a single suitable one.

Tatyana: for the first time Lesha didn’t dream about a daughter as much as he does now. When we were waiting for Michelle, he even began to panic: “What if he has a son?!” Photo: Arsen Memetov

— Alexey, at the very beginning of your life together with Tanya, everything was not easy. Either you were packing your bag and leaving home, then she... Two children and finally getting a stamp in your passport changed the relationship a lot?

Alexey: We really got used to each other for several years, looked for approaches, tried different options for coexistence. Why I one day, out of nowhere, packed up and left, I don’t even remember. It was a long time ago. It’s absolutely clear that I left just like that, not to see someone. It seemed strange to me that everything was too calm and good between us. We got together several times, then separated again.

Tatiana: Mostly I left. Perhaps because she didn’t want Lesha to do it first. I was thinking: how to behave correctly? what's next? Until now, no one has written a book that answers all these questions. And how much easier it would be for everyone.

Alexei: And I had a lot of questions, but no answers. But somehow we managed: on April 9 it will be nine years that we have been together.

Tatiana: Children appeared, and there was less time for unnecessary thoughts. We have absolutely no time to sort things out.

- Tanya, are you now more confident in the man you love?

“It’s impossible to be confident in anyone, not even in yourself.” I don’t want to be overly arrogant - they say, I gave birth to Yagudin’s two children and now I can do what I want and twist ropes out of him. Of course not. Of course, mentally we have become closer to each other, but this does not mean that we have stopped caring about the relationship and working on it. Even Olympic figure skating champions fall on the ice if they stop training. The same thing happens in family life: you spit on how you look, what you say, what tone you use, and... love passes.

Alexei: And I am one hundred percent confident in my beloved woman, and in myself. It is clear that anything can happen in life, but I will say this: I feel very good with Tanya, and I am grateful to fate that I have such a wonderful family that we created together. I’m not a fan of compliments, but why be disingenuous: Tanya is a gorgeous woman, and I’m glad that everything is going so well for us. This is largely thanks to Tanya. She worked on herself, broke herself, found the strength to change, become softer, learned to avoid arguments, and so on. Although it is not easy, we have tough characters, otherwise we would not achieve anything in sports. As a result, the Tatyana with me today is not at all the same Tatyana with whom I started dating nine years ago and whom I have known for twenty years. But I also tried, I learned to admit mistakes and apologize. As a result, we stopped quarreling altogether.

Alexey: Tanya is a gorgeous woman, and I’m glad that everything is going so well for us. This is largely due to her. She worked on herself, changed, broke herself... Photo: Arsen Memetov

— Frankly, I was surprised to learn that you got married in February. Why, since everything is fine?

Alexey: So that they no longer ask the question: “Why don’t you get married?!” I'm tired of answering! (Laughs.) But seriously, there is no special reason, everything has its time. Before, it wasn’t that I was against the wedding, I just didn’t see a reason to register the relationship. And now I want it. Tanya was right to never raise this topic. Still, I was really lucky with her! (Laughs.)

- Tanya, do you consider yourself lucky?

Tatyana: Recently I was walking down the street with my children. I’m pushing a stroller, Lisa is jumping next to me, Varya is running. And I was so proud! I think: “How cool I am! I am a mother of two children, but I look great, I have an interesting job, and a wonderful husband. What more can you dream of?!” I have never been more proud of anything than my family. Even an Olympic medal. In the end, it was a collective victory. But Lesha and the children are my own. (Laughs.)

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what clothes celebrities' children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Maceo - the son of actress Halle Berry and actor Olivier Martinez, who recently filed for divorce, and today the heroine of our column is Lisa - the daughter of figure skaters Alexei Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina, who became parents for the second time in early October.

click on the photo to view the gallery:

On November 20, 2009, figure skaters Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina became parents for the first time. Tatyana was brought to one of the Moscow clinics at 8 am, and within an hour and a half the athlete gave birth to a girl. Her height was 47 centimeters, weight - 2720 grams. By family decision, the baby was named Elizabeth.

I already held Lisa in my arms! I visited the ward. I will visit you, although the hospital is currently in quarantine. Thank God, everyone is alive and well, everything is fine! The daughter's name was chosen jointly. There were different options, of course, both Anabel and Nicole, but then they thought - after all, live with that name all your life,

Yagudin told the press, who can definitely be classified as a “crazy” daddy in the best sense of the word. He dotes on his daughter, and she reciprocates his feelings.

The main word is always with dad. It doesn’t matter whether Lesha is right in this situation or not - we will then discuss issues of education in private, but in the presence of Lisa, dad’s word is always law! So there is an opportunity not only to manipulate, but to raise a child. If something goes wrong, for example, I can’t cope with Liza’s pampering, I say: “Daughter, daddy will come and will be very upset by your behavior.” And you know, it works

She told in an interview with HELLO! Totmyanina. Even the character, according to Tatyana, Lisa got from her dad:

Lisa is a girl with a character, and her father’s, which is not easy. She has a sharp tongue, always says something funny, and loves to be the center of attention. But at the same time, fortunately, Lisa is an obedient girl. Quite early I began to understand what was possible and what was not. I can't stand ill-mannered children, so I make sure that Lisa behaves well.

Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina with daughter LisaAlexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina with daughter Lisa

Despite this similarity between her daughter and her father, Yagudin himself does not really want Lisa to follow in his footsteps and take up sports professionally:

Tanya and I are absolutely in agreement on this issue. Let it not be a big sport, let it be physical education. If she wants, we will put her on skates, maybe we will send her to rhythmic gymnastics. Because playing sports improves health and builds character. And professional sports, and this is no secret to anyone, rather ruins your health.

If previously only her parents spoke to the press about Lisa, recently a five-year-old girl gave her first interview on her own:

I dream of becoming an artist because I really love to draw. I can draw anything. I also really like to dance, have fun, walk, brush my teeth and rinse my mouth! And smell the flowers. I skate a little, we go to an indoor skating rink. I work out on my own, not very often, I don’t have a trainer. Mom and Dad don’t ride with me either, because they train a lot. Although dad, it seems, would not want me to be a figure skater. And I like drawing more than skates.

Internet users can see some of Lisa’s drawings on her Instagram page. Yes, you heard right: the girl has her own account, where she (or more precisely, her parents) publish cute photos. The girl can already boast an impressive number of followers who enjoy not only her drawings and travels with her family, but also, of course, her stylish looks.

Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina

Such a positive girl like Lisa can hardly dress dull and boring. She loves bright colors: yellow, green, red, but especially pink in all its shades. Her dresses, sundresses, skirts - mostly tutus - and even hats are painted in this color. Lisa’s hats, by the way, are worthy of special attention. The girl loves to wear them in summer and spring; her wardrobe has absolutely different models- from straw hats to hats with ears. The fact is that the baby loves animals very much, and this love is reflected in her appearance. In addition to hats with ears, she has T-shirts and sweatshirts with prints of cats, dogs and cartoon characters. It’s convenient to walk and travel in such sweatshirts, but for kindergarten in France she wears more formal outfits - cardigans, jackets and suits:

I first went to a Russian kindergarten, and then went to a French one, near Paris. There I learned to speak French and made friends with French girls. Voila! But I don't really like the way it sounds French, Russian is better.

Whether Lisa will want to stay in France when she grows up, time will tell. But this sweet girl is definitely learning French charm faster than many adults!

Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina Lisa Yagudina

Tatyana and Alexey have been together for ten years. For a long time, young people simply did not think about getting officially married. And they were sincerely perplexed why so many people were so concerned about their marital status. To the question of friends and journalists, “Well, when will you go down the aisle?” laughed it off: “Why do you need this?”

They considered each other as spouses even without the notorious stamp. Moreover, Alexey has already proposed to Tatyana. He got down on his knee right in the nightclub, where the guys were celebrating the advent of 2009, gave him a ring and said: “I love you, let’s get married.” “And in the morning I didn’t go back on my words,” Tanya laughs. In general, everything was between them except the stamp in the passport.

The bride's morning was spent at the hotel villa. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

Everything changed early last year, four months after the birth of their youngest daughter, Michelle, during a tour of the Urals and Far East. “It was evening, we worked a show in Novokuznetsk, came to an autograph session. Suddenly Lesha turned to me: “Listen, maybe we can formalize the relationship? Shall we get to the registry office? - says Tatyana. Over the years we lived together, Tanya got to know her beloved very well: if he caught fire, was inspired by some idea, he must be supported. “I was never against getting married, but I really didn’t want all this red tape with documents, pre-wedding hassle and fuss,” explains Totmyanina. “I was lucky: Tanya is a girl with brains and knows that she shouldn’t put pressure on me, but wait. Sooner or later I will do what she wants,” says Alexey.

In two weeks, the skaters were supposed to be on tour in Krasnoyarsk, where many of Alexei’s friends live. It was decided to get married there. Took over the hassle of organizing registration best friend Alexey - Igor Shishkin. “All we had to do was buy wedding rings and think about costumes,” Tanya shares. - One weekend I managed to fly to Moscow to get my youngest daughter vaccinated, and at the same time take Lesha’s suit and buy myself a new dress. I popped into the store for half an hour, and the only one that fit the size was dark blue. Then many people thought this color was black, and I was asked questions about the strange choice. A white evening dress simply wasn’t selling in February!” (Laughs.)

Tatyana: I was at a wedding only two times - and both at my own. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

The future newlyweds chose their wedding rings just as quickly. In Vladivostok, on the way to the skating rink, we stopped at a jewelry store. Future husband said: “We take anything for me - what difference does it make, I won’t wear it anyway.” And I chose the simplest form and inexpensive one. “He wears it for a month, wears it for two, then wears it for three... As a result, he hasn’t taken it off for more than a year,” Tanya laughs. The bride also didn’t bother to split hairs - her and her husband’s rings are similar. “Surely Lesha will say that this doesn’t mean anything, but I’m sure that the ring on his finger is a serious reminder to a man
and women about their status and responsibilities towards their partner.”

Despite the fact that the young people considered visiting the registry office a formality, on the eve of their own wedding they became nervous. Tanya even suggested to Alexey: before it’s too late, maybe we’ll change our minds? “I don’t know why the jitters started. But it’s not for nothing that so many films have been made about runaway brides. We were both worried, and Lesha, a joker and joker in life, was serious. Friends came, even the governor was there Krasnoyarsk Territory Victor Alexandrovich Tolokonsky. Solemn speech by the lady registrar, exchange of rings and dance of the newlyweds. It seemed to us that we were participating in filming and the song was endless! Lesha whispered in his ear: “How much longer will we dance?” And I answered: “Be patient.” I myself felt terribly uncomfortable stomping around on Louboutins,” Tanya shares her impressions. Yagudin picks up: “We looked like little animals behind glass. Everyone is standing around, watching. One friend burst into tears: “Lesha, we lost you!” (Laughs.)

“Mom, throw more smoothly so that dad doesn’t catch it!” - Lisa shouted, fearing to miss the bride’s bouquet. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

When the officialdom was over, the newlyweds and a dozen guests went to dinner at a restaurant. The next day we took to the ice again in the same Krasnoyarsk - the tour continued. Before the performance, the audience was informed that the marital status of Yagudin and Totmyanina had changed.

“I was often asked what changed after we signed. Maybe I feel more confident? How much more confident if we’ve been together for ten years and have two children?!” - says Tanya. To TN’s question when she realized that Alexey was her destiny (they separated several times, testing their feelings), she replied: “It came by itself. Why rush around, change something, if it’s good together and you want to have children from this man? But, I admit, there was a time when I thought that was it, we parted forever. At the very beginning of the novel, in the morning, he suddenly packed his things: “I’m leaving. I feel too good with you." Probably, at that moment he himself did not understand what he needed from a woman. I took a trip to Turkey and left. A day later Lesha called: “I miss you, wait, I’m flying.” In the evening he showed up on the threshold of my room with a backpack on his shoulders.”

Tatyana won the loaf tug. The trophy was immediately eaten. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

“It was very strange and unusual for me that nothing irritates a woman. Tanka doesn’t have a single habit that infuriates me. She and I completely coincided in everything, and both of us have absolutely the same vision of life. If it were different, we would have fled,” explains Alexey.

There was no talk of gathering guests in Moscow and having a lot of fun and celebrating the official registration of the marriage. The Yagudins' eldest daughter, Lisa, was in France at that time (the girl is studying there), and the youngest, Michelle, was only four months old at that time. “We didn’t even tell Lisa that we got married. What’s the point if she didn’t know that we weren’t officially scheduled at all?” - the spouses recall. Perhaps Elizabeth would not have known about this fact of the biography of her beloved parents if not for Urgant.

After both Tanya and Alexey posted posts with wedding rings on the social network, they were invited to participate in “Evening Urgant”. “I took the girls and flew to Sochi, where the program was filmed at that time. Lesha had to get there by the start of the broadcast; he was flying from some event. But the airport is not accepting bad weather. An hour before the start of filming, a call: “Just don’t kill me! The plane landed at Mineralnye Vody, I don’t have time, I can handle it alone.” I am shocked. My husband is responsible for the conversational genre in our family, not me. What should I do? And then it turns out that Averbukh is resting nearby. I call and ask you to come and support. So they went on air as a “family”: me with two children and Ilya. Our Lisa learned from Urgant that mom and dad got married. And... it began! For a couple of days she withdrew into herself and thought deeply about something. Then I started drawing non-stop brides and grooms in veils. Then came the turn of questions: “Where can I find a husband and how can I understand that it’s him?” At that time, a classmate was courting Lisa, giving her candy and taking her hand. She probably tried him on for the role of a husband,” Tanya laughs.

In the swimming pool of the Regnum Carya Golf & Spa Resort. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

The parents explained to the girl in a way that she could understand what it means to fall in love, how it is when you can’t eat or drink without a person - you miss it so much. One fine day, Elizaveta Alekseevna struck her parents on the spot. “Mom, I thought about it and decided that, perhaps, I’ll marry dad.” Tanya reminded that he was actually already busy. The answer was: “When you die, dad and I will live.” And she quickly asked her father: “Daddy, can I bring you some water?”

In the swimming pool of the Regnum Carya Golf & Spa Resort. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

Tanya and Alexey laughed heartily. “This is really funny! At the age of seven, the issue of death is relevant. I remember how, when I was little, I woke up at night and cried from the realization that someday my parents would be gone and I too would be gone. Therefore, I took Liza’s words adequately. And I was glad that it means we are raising a child correctly if he adores his dad. What could be more beautiful than the mutual love and affection of a father and daughter?” - Tatiana explains.

In the swimming pool of the Regnum Carya Golf & Spa Resort. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

TN correspondents witnessed Alexey’s very tender relationship with both daughters. Yagudin is an amazing father. Spending time with girls, fooling around on playgrounds, messing around is a joy for him, Tanya doesn’t even need to ask. When she went for spa treatments, Alexey either swam races in the pool with his eldest daughter, or, taking the youngest, rode her around the hotel in a buggy, or went with both of them to the children's playground. “I won’t say that I’m an awesome father. But when Lizka was brought from the maternity hospital, Tanya was confused: “She is so small, I’m afraid to touch her. Wash her and change her clothes.” There was nothing left to do but immediately get involved in the process,” recalls Alexey. By the way, he dreamed of daughters and now enjoys fatherhood. “I guess I'm thinking outside the box. All men want sons, I don’t. And no one can understand me: how is it not to dream of continuing the family name. And I don’t give a damn whether the Yagudins will remain in the world after me or not.”

Tatyana: Lesha is different in public and at home. In front of strangers, he improvises and laughs. When we're alone, he's much calmer. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

During a vacation in Turkey, when Lisa was feeding her dad cherries after dinner, Lesha suddenly came up with the idea... to get married again! Arrange a celebration for the closest people - for her and Tanya’s children, inviting Lisa and Michelle to play the role of “girlfriends”. “At one time I lived and trained in America and flew on vacation to the neighboring Dominican Republic and the Bahamas. And there are a lot of weddings held on the beach, and I found myself thinking that I would like to do something similar.” TN correspondents gladly took part in the celebration.

The couple liked the beach wedding so much that they are not averse to getting married again. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

The bride's morning began with sunbathing (there is no sweltering heat in Turkey this season), and the groom's morning began with a swim in a private heated pool (the Yagudins lived in a hotel villa). Tanya decided to be a “real” bride and went to the hairdresser. I wanted my hair to lie in a “wave”, but the hairdresser overdid it and twisted the curls
so that Tatyana did not recognize herself. This did not spoil her mood at all: Tanya has been able to do her own makeup and hairstyle since her youth.

Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

While she was primping herself in front of the mirror in the living room, Alexey, taking his youngest daughter, took her for a walk in an electric car. Lisa stayed with her mother. She didn’t move away from the veil, hid, spun around, looking in the mirror - did it suit her face? The girl was aware that the newlyweds were exchanging rings, so she asked her parents if new rings would appear. Although Tanya was against trusting a child with something as valuable as wedding rings, Lesha took off his, asked Tanya to follow his example, and placed it on a silver tray decorated with rose petals. “Lisa, you are responsible for our rings with your mother,” he said deliberately sternly. Elizaveta Alekseevna nodded in agreement. Later, during the ring exchange ceremony, the girl herself served them to the newlyweds.

On the hotel golf course. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

When the bride was ready to leave, Alexey appeared on the threshold of the room: “Wow! I love it when you wear a dress and heels. But the veil doesn’t excite me at all, to be honest. But it’s very nice to see my wife in such a feminine and sexy outfit once again.”

Finally, the whole family loaded into the electric car, Alexey got behind the wheel, and the procession moved towards the beach. On a shady pine alley with an artificial waterfall, he stopped and said: “Here we will get married. Tanya, take the bride’s bouquet.” It turned out that the newlywed was in for a surprise! Early in the morning, Yagudin ordered fresh flowers to be brought to the waterfall and the area decorated with them. The essence of the custom was explained to Lisa: whoever catches the bride’s bouquet will then get married. “Mom, throw it straighter so that dad doesn’t catch it,” the child asked. Of course, soon Lisa was clutching flowers to her chest. And then, sighing, she handed them to her father: “Here, take it, go give it to your woman!” Alexey picked up his eldest daughter in his arms and spun her around in a dance. The girl burst into happy laughter.

Alexey: Tanya is a strong woman, but she makes concessions and puts her “I” in the background. The main thing is family and peace. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

Michelle calmly watched the wedding bustle, sitting in the arms of the nanny. The TN correspondent made a heartfelt speech, imitating the registry office registrar, the newlyweds exchanged rings, tore off a piece of a freshly baked loaf, explaining to Lisa: whoever gets the larger slice is the head of the family. “Midnight struck and the groom turned into a bun,” Alexey joked. The young people had to fight for the symbol of dominance in the family. Lisa and Alexei pulled the loaf in one direction, Tanya in the other. And yet she won - she got a decent chunk of it! All three laughed together and began to eat the bread on both cheeks. “I don’t remember when we allowed ourselves to eat white bread,” noted the fragile Tanya. “Skaters spend their entire lives on a strict diet.”

Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

Jokes aside, but in fact the head of the family is Alexey: no one dares to contradict him. As soon as Yagudin strictly addresses his daughters by name, both instantly become meek. Responsibilities in the family of Olympic champions are divided equally. Alexey is responsible for connections with the outside world (purchase real estate, arrange the logistics of numerous movements around the world, decide whether to participate in advertising photo shoots, etc.), and Tatyana is responsible for the “weather in the house” ( appearance households, their health, education, home comfort). We found out from Tanya how income is divided in the family of champions. “What Leshino has is ours, and what I earn is for my entertainment, so as not to bother my husband in vain,” said Tatyana. “The main thing for me is not to know the prices. So let them spend the money on whatever they want. I don’t really care what to wear or what class to fly,” comments Yagudin.
The fact that the Olympic champion is exquisitely dressed is thanks to Tanya. She even took stylist courses to correctly select a wardrobe for the whole family.

At the hotel's fish restaurant. Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

TN correspondents spent several days in the company of the star couple and never saw the spouses irritated by anything. “During rest, this is generally excluded. On tour, when both are exhausted from performances, we can talk in a raised voice. But I can’t even remember the last time we quarreled,” says Tanya. Before our eyes, Alexey accidentally sat down on his iPad and crushed the glass of the screen. Not a single muscle moved on Tanya’s face, although this was her recent gift to her beloved husband.

Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

“Without mutual respect, a strong family is impossible. We are for showing children by example how to behave and how to cope with negative emotions,” says Tatyana. The spouses believe that a good union is also impossible without giving each other freedom. “Lesha, in addition to figure skating, has a lot of different events, he constantly flies somewhere. When I’m not working, I spend time with my children. Accordingly, we are often with him not only in different cities, but even in different countries. And this allows you to get bored, put your thoughts and yourself in order and accept your husband into the family with open arms. Am I jealous? No, because it's stupid. If you have already caught a person by the hand, then decide whether you are ready to close your eyes to it or not. And wind up with suspicions... Why?! And you know, I’m sure that there is nothing that cannot be forgiven for your loved one.”

Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

When asked to name the qualities for which they are ready to kill each other, both think about it. Tanya is the first to answer: “He’s getting ready at the last second! I say that when it's just the two of us, running to the departing steps of the plane is wonderful and fun. But when we have a basket, a cardboard box, five suitcases, two children and a dog, it’s terrible! Everything else about my husband suits me. He is beautiful". Lesha shrugs. “I already said that I married ideal woman? - Yagudin smiles. - Tanya is very strong, but she makes concessions and seeks an approach to me. He puts his “I” in the background, the main thing is family and peace. She managed to create absolutely comfortable conditions. Look: we spend 24 hours a day together on vacation, and we live here in the villa almost all the time. I don’t want to run to the sea and swim alone, because Tanya won’t go: she doesn’t know how to swim. For us, the ideal holiday is for the four of us to stay at home.”

Photo: Lyuba Shemetova

The next day the Yagudins flew home. Lisa and her nanny were the first to go to the airport - the girl is running out of academic year at a French school. Later Tanya, Alexey and Michelle flew to Moscow. According to the “good” tradition, we left back to back and arrived late for the flight, when check-in had already been completed. “Our athletes call me a man of luck. Somehow, everything always turns out well,” Alexey explained to us, pushing a laughing Michelle on a suitcase. Tanya, waiting for the customs officers to decide whether to let latecomers on board or not, just looked at them with a smile. In the end, everything ended well, the family reached their Moscow home on time.

On July 1, the Olympic champions will begin training in Sochi for the new ice show “Romeo and Juliet,” where Tatyana will play the main role. When the number was being typed up, Tanya secretly told us that Alexey, having seen this bright wedding photo shoot, told her: “Let's get married again? And we’ll put on a magnificent show?”

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