What is the kumquat tree and fruit? Dried kumquat: uses, benefits and harms Small Chinese oranges

Kumquat (known as golden orange, fortunella, kincan) is a miniature citrus fruit of a short (up to 4 m) tree, up to 4 cm in diameter, covered with a bright yellow or orange peel, divided inside into segments. It resembles a miniature orange, only more oval in shape.

The taste is more reminiscent of tangerine, has a sourness, and is completely edible.

How are kumquats consumed? How many calories does the fruit contain? Benefits and harms - how does kumquat affect the body?

Chemical composition of kumquat

Kumquat contains many vitamins and nutrients

Kinkan is an infrequent guest on store shelves. But you can meet him in a different state, his the nutritional value. Fresh kumquat has a calorie content of 71 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of 100 g of dried kumquat is slightly lower, 55 kcal. Dried kumquat has the highest calorie content per 100 g - up to 280 kcal.

  • 2 g proteins;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 16 g carbohydrates.

Is it possible with diabetes mellitus afford a kinkan? The glycemic index of kumquat is 35 units: the fruit is recommended for consumption in diabetes.

Useful properties and contraindications

The benefits of kumquat for the body are higher than those of other citrus fruits, because they eat it with the peel, absorbing the entire spectrum of nutrients.

The following properties of kinkan are distinguished:

  • disinfectant;
  • antiviral;
  • cleansing;
  • mucolytic;
  • restorative;
  • diuretic.

To relieve swelling and remove fluid from the body, you can eat and exotic fruit lychee

Kumquat is used in the following cases:

  • Phytoncides contained in the peel and essential oil of kinkan disinfect the air in the room;
  • Regular consumption of this citrus fruit has an effective effect on the body's immune system;
  • Fortunello has long been used to treat coughs: it improves mucus discharge and makes nasal breathing easier. Inhalations with kinkan oil are effective during epidemics of acute respiratory infections and influenza;
  • Kumquat is also effective for metabolism: fat burning is accelerated, the liver and gallbladder are cleansed;
  • Activates brain function, indispensable for mental workers;
  • The usefulness of Fortunello also lies in its ability to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, stabilize cardiovascular activity, and normalize blood pressure;
  • Improves the emotional background: depression, stress, and neuroses are not a problem for people who consume kumquat daily.

How many fruits can you eat per day? The optimal quantity is up to 10 berries.

Can pregnant women eat this fruit? Is kumquat good for pregnancy? The combination of substances in the composition is not dangerous for the developing organism. If you are not allergic, feel free to eat the fruit. It will relieve symptoms of toxicosis: nausea, vomiting, have a positive effect on the general condition of the pregnant woman, and tonic. In addition, essential oil is effective against stretch marks, cellulite and sagging skin.

What are the benefits of berries for women? They are used in many nail, skin, and hair care procedures. Suppresses the development of fungal and bacterial infections.
Benefits for men: consuming 200-300 g of kinkan relieves hangover. In addition, being a natural aphrodisiac, it enhances potency.

Pomelo is an excellent way to improve potency.

Low calorie content and rich composition make kumquat effective for weight loss. When fruits are included in the diet, metabolism accelerates, digestion improves, and excess fluid is removed from the body.

You will learn more about the benefits of kumquat from the video:

Useful properties of dried fruits

What are the benefits of dried kumquat? Already by the fact that it retains all the valuable substances in its composition. In addition, its calorie content is even lower than that of fresh fruit, which means it is more attractive for those losing weight.

On sale you can see fruits of green, yellow, orange and almost red colors. You should buy these with caution: sometimes the color of the fruit is given by a chemical dye, and not by the variety.

What are the beneficial properties of dried green kumquat? It contains more vitamin C and is less allergenic than its brightly colored counterparts. Its taste is slightly more sour.
What are the benefits of yellow kumquat? It contains a large proportion of vitamin A, which is beneficial for vision.
Dried fruit is also filling: the feeling of hunger will disappear for a long time.

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Dried kumquat: beneficial properties

What are the benefits of dried kumquat?
The benefits of dried kumquat are higher than those of fresh or dried kumquat:

  • Only dried fruit contains a special substance that is effective in combating fungal diseases;
  • It is more effective against colds and flu, inflammation. A decoction of dried fruit will strengthen the immune system and tone;
  • Chewing the fruits is good for the gums and throat in case of inflammatory diseases;
  • Compresses help relieve joint pain;
  • Increases vitality, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion.

How much dried kumquat can you eat per day? Due to its high calorie content - no more than 70 g.


In addition to individual intolerance and allergies to fruit, there are a number of other contraindications:

  • With long-term contact with mucous membranes, it has an irritating effect;
  • The fruit should not be consumed by people suffering from diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • It is eaten with caution in case of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • People with low blood pressure should monitor their blood pressure;
  • Its use is not recommended for breastfeeding women, because... there is a possibility of allergies and digestive disorders in the baby. It is better to introduce this fruit into the diet from 3 years of age in stages.

Directions for use and consumption

The low prevalence of the fruit did not affect the breadth of its use. He gained fame in cooking, saturating the human body with useful substances. Didn't bypass him healing properties and cosmetology.

In cooking

You can prepare many dishes from kinkans:

  • Fresh fruit is good in salads - it will give them an exquisite taste, aroma, and most importantly - it will bright decoration dishes;
  • The interesting sweet and sour taste of the fruit is used in preparing sauces for meat and vegetable dishes;
  • Drinks using Fortunello are popular - cocktails, liqueurs, tinctures and even compotes;
  • Kinkan is added as a filler to yoghurts, cottage cheese, and sweet pastries; decorate cakes and desserts with it;
  • Children will definitely love marmalade, candied fruits, and jam made from this fruit.

Kumquat jam is prepared according to the following recipe: equal parts fruit and water, add lemon juice (to taste) and vanillin (optional). The kinkan is first pricked with a fork or toothpick, boiled for 10 minutes, and cooled. Boil in sugar syrup until the fruit is transparent. Place it hot into jars and roll it up.
There are also options for jam made from kinkan halves and fruits cut into circles.

You will learn a detailed recipe for kumquat jam from the video:

The calorie content of kumquat in syrup is 240-250 kcal.
The recipe for candied kumquat fruit (calorie content - 65 kcal) involves preliminary boiling of the fruit to soften the final product. After cooking, the kinkan is dried on parchment paper.

In cosmetology

The small Japanese orange has unique properties in cosmetology:

  • Its juice, when applied daily to the face, will not only prevent the appearance of freckles and age spots, but also get rid of them. The skin will look healthy, tightened, its color will even out;
  • Kinkan essential oil is also beneficial for the face: it has nourishing properties, the skin will become velvety, elastic, dryness and flaking will disappear;
  • Essential oil added to the bath has a relaxing effect and calms the nervous system;
  • A few drops of oil added to shampoo and conditioner will make hair more manageable, nourish it, and prevent breakage;
  • When crushed, dried fruits are used as a scrub.

Orange essential oil has also found wide application in cosmetology.

Having learned what kumquat is and how it is useful, we can conclude that it is necessary to use it. When choosing fresh fruits, pay attention to their density, uniform color, absence of dark spots and rot. It is still rarely found in stores, so The best way to get the fruits - plant such a plant at home. Unpretentious fruit-bearing tree, decorative all year round- An ideal indoor plant.

Similar materials

Kumquat is translated from Chinese as golden orange. Indeed, in appearance it looks like an orange, but the fruit is much smaller and tastes like a sour tangerine. In addition, kumquats are eaten whole with the peel. This is a citrus tropical fruit rich in various vitamins and nutrients. But, like other citrus fruits, it is a strong allergen and can cause a negative reaction.

Kumquats are also called fortunenello, kinkan or Japanese oranges. The benefits and harms of this product are revealed in its rich composition and the possibility of an allergic reaction. To avoid negative consequences, it is important to correctly introduce the product into children’s diets and follow the dosage. In this article we will look at beneficial features and contraindications of kumquat. Let's find out how to eat it, and whether it can be given to a child or eaten at breastfeeding.

Beneficial properties of the fruit

This fruit contains a high content of ascorbic acid, vitamins E, P and A, group B. In addition, kumquat contains copper, calcium and potassium, sodium and zinc, phosphorus and iron. Here you will find natural essential oils and pectin substances. This composition has a positive effect on the immune system, strengthens the body and restores strength, making this fruit effective medicine and an antidepressant.

Kumquat has the following beneficial properties:

  • Forms and improves immunity. Effectively resists influenza, acute respiratory infections and;
  • Helps with viral diseases, accelerates recovery and restoration of the body after illness;
  • Fills the body with energy and replenishes the lack of vitamins;
  • Improves the functioning of digestion and nerve cells;
  • Helps eliminate excess calories and stabilize weight;
  • Fights bad mood, apathy and depression, gives strength and vigor. Helps with neuralgic disorders;
  • Increases resistance to stress;
  • Kills harmful bacteria and helps with fungal diseases;
  • Stimulates brain activity, increases alertness and performance;
  • Normalizes material metabolism and improves the secretion of gastric juice;
  • Sun-dried or dried kumquat is a good prevention of ulcers;
  • Relieves inflammation, sore throat, and the first signs of a cold. Helps with coughs and runny nose;
  • Strengthens blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of muscles and the heart. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

This is a dietary and low-calorie fruit that contains only 65 kcal per 100 grams of product. Due to its low calorie content, it allows you to reduce excess weight and quickly restore your figure, which is especially important for a nursing mother after the birth of her baby. How to quickly lose weight after childbirth without harming the baby, see.

Interestingly, kumquats can be eaten whole with the peel, unlike other fruits. Dried slices and crusts have wonderful aroma and antiviral effect. They quickly and effectively eliminate harmful bacteria and fill the space with a pleasant aroma. Therefore, dried kumquat can be placed in the rooms.

Why is kumquat harmful and when can you eat it?

If consumed incorrectly or excessively, this fruit causes stomach diseases, as it irritates the mucous membranes. In addition, it can lead to inflammation of the urinary system. But the main danger lies in the allergenicity of citrus fruits. To avoid problems, it is important to consume the product correctly. Let's find out at what month children and nursing mothers can start eating kumquats.

If the mother and baby do not have food allergies and a tendency to these diseases, digestive and bowel disorders, a breastfeeding woman can eat fruit no earlier than the third month of lactation. Children are not given this product before a year. Optimal age a child is considered 1.5-2 years old.

If you have problems with digestion, you should not eat fruits earlier than six months after the start of breastfeeding. In this case, children are not given kumquat before the age of three. At the same time, the diet of both mother and baby should already include basic and more familiar fruits, including apples and pears, apricots and peaches, bananas, melons and oranges.

How to introduce kumquat into your diet while breastfeeding

For the first time, it is better to eat only the pulp without the peel, despite the fact that the latter is edible. If you introduce the product into complementary foods for your child, grind the pulp to a puree. Take fresh fruit. And before eating kumquats, rinse the fruit thoroughly and remove the seeds from the inside. Try half or one whole teaspoon of chopped pulp or give the same portion to your baby.

Observe the baby's reaction. If symptoms appear within two days after the first test, remove the product from the menu and contact your pediatrician. You can try again to include fruit in complementary foods after one or two months and only after your doctor’s permission. Introduction to the diet of a nursing mother can be repeated after three to four weeks.

If an allergy does not manifest itself, you can gradually increase the dosage and start eating fruit with a crust. But don’t overeat or overfeed your baby! For children 1-3 years old and a nursing mother, half a fetus is enough no more than twice a week. Do not eat unripe or overripe fruits!

Selection and use of kumquat

Choose fruits with smooth and shiny orange skin without rot, cracks or dark spots. Fruits should be moderately soft. Avoid using Japanese oranges that are too soft or too hard. The first ones are overripe, and the second ones are not yet ripe. Before storage, kumquats are thoroughly washed and dried. Store fruit in the refrigerator for no longer than three weeks.

Kumquats can be eaten separately, dried, dried or fresh. However, the product is also suitable for preparing fruit salads, snacks and drinks, desserts and baked goods. This fruit makes excellent sauces that effectively complement meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

In addition, kinkans can be put into jams and preserves. They have found use as a base for candied fruits, marmalade and other sweets. An exquisite sauce will help diversify your usual dishes while breastfeeding. To prepare, take:

  • Kumquat – 200 grams;
  • Fresh cranberries – 600 grams;
  • Raisins – 100 grams;
  • Water – 2 glasses;
  • Sugar – 2.5 cups.

Kumquat is an exotic fruit, a member of the Fortunella genus, a relative of orange and lemon. It is also sometimes called kinkan. It resembles an oblong orange the size of a large grape, covered with delicate orange skin. This beautiful, unusual citrus has a low calorie content and is a source of a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. The fruit also has a bright taste and a delicate fresh aroma. However, in some cases, eating kumquat can be harmful to the body.

Beneficial properties of exotic fruit

Kumquat - excellent dietary product for those who want to lose weight. Not only does it have a low calorie content (68 kcal per 100 grams), but it also speeds up the metabolic process, triggering the main mechanism of weight loss, which in this case goes faster and without harm to health. Dried kumquat has a higher calorie content - 284 kcal per 100 grams of fruit.

The fruit is also rich in vitamins and microelements.

  • Kumquat contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc. Natural minerals and trace elements are well absorbed by the body without causing harm to health. The peculiarity of kumquat is that when dried it retains all its valuable properties.
  • Fresh fruits are rich in vitamin C, which benefits people with weakened immune systems, as well as absolutely everyone during the cold season. It is responsible for strengthening the body's defenses against pathogenic microbes. For bacterial, viral, fungal diseases, use kumquat; the beneficial properties of this citrus enhance the effect of traditional treatment.
  • Vitamins A and E are beneficial for visual acuity; prevent the occurrence of problems with the retina of the eyes. These substances also promote the production of collagen, which makes the skin smoother, firmer and more youthful. Vitamin E has the ability to heal wounds, scratches and scars.
  • The substances that make up this bright citrus help to quickly remove lactic acid from the muscles, so it benefits athletes and all people who care about their health. physical fitness. Kumquat fruits also have a very good effect on the heart muscle.
  • Magnesium and B vitamins are essential for nervous system person. It is these substances that help us calmly overcome stress, increase alertness and efficiency, and improve our mood. Kumquat charges the body with energy. This property of the fruit, such as increasing the conductivity of nerve impulses, makes it useful for people with mental work. No wonder this fruit is called “food of the wise”!
  • Calcium, which is part of citrus, not only strengthens bones and joints, it also makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic and cleanses the bloodstream of cholesterol deposits. Regular consumption of kumquat prevents heart problems, headaches, and high blood pressure.
  • Iron is an element actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis. All people need to receive it. Timely replenishment of iron reserves will give you energy and help avoid dizziness and fatigue. This property of kumquat will be especially useful for pregnant women.

What is the harm?

Due to its rich mineral composition, the fruit can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm. Citrus fruits are a very common allergen, so if your body reacts to oranges and lemons, then you should not eat kumquats. Dried fruit can also cause allergies. Due to the large amount of fruit acids, it is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcers, problems with the oral mucosa, and weakened tooth enamel.

How to eat kumquat correctly?

Unprocessed fruits provide the greatest benefits, so it is best to eat fresh fruits. They are eaten with the skin, as it not only contains important microelements, but also gives the citrus taste a fresh sourness. The fruit is also used to decorate various dishes.

Dried (dried) kumquat retains most of the vitamins and beneficial microelements. But you need to prepare the fruit correctly - dry it in the sun or in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Most of the properties of the product that are important for the body are preserved by factory removal of moisture in a dehydrator. Dried kumquat is eaten as a dessert and also added to baked goods, fruit salads and vegetable side dishes.

But candied fruit will no longer bring you any benefit, since all the necessary substances are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures. A large amount of sugar in fruits prepared in this way does not promote weight loss and is harmful to health.

Kumquat is healthy and delicious fruit with low calorie content, which will diversify your diet, help you lose weight and nourish your body with vitamins and other necessary substances.

IN Lately Among the usual fruits, unusual fruits appear on supermarket shelves. Many of them look so exotic that it is completely unclear how to eat them. One such guest from far abroad is the kumquat - many will be interested to know what it is.

The fruit is considered a representative of citrus fruits from the rutaceae family and the genus Fortunella. It grows on evergreen trees with a rounded crown, mainly on plantations in the southern part of China. It is also grown in the Middle East, Japan and the American South. Kumquat blooms with beautiful white flowers that smell of lime and reaches small sizes. Therefore, it can often be found in apartments as an ornamental plant. Over time, the trees growing on the windowsill even begin to bear fruit.

Kumquat fruits are deep orange in color, small (up to 2.5 cm in diameter), oval, consisting of 4–7 segments. Outwardly, they resemble an orange, but differ from it in their unusual shape and small size.

The pulp is similar in taste to tangerine, but has a more pronounced sourness. It is noteworthy that the thin peel is also edible and has a sweet, slightly tart taste with a hint of bitterness. Only the seeds of the fruit are not eaten, as they are very bitter. In the literature there are other names for the fruit - kincan or fortunella. In Chinese, kumquat means “golden apple.”

What and how to eat fruit with

Edible fruits are good both raw with the peel and processed. They make delicious jams, preserves, marmalade, candied fruits and even liqueurs. Effective on festive table dishes decorated with kumquat slices look like. This unusual fruit is added to baked meat or fish, in salads, sweet and sour sauces, and is used to prepare sweet dishes, juices, compotes, and confitures.

The Chinese grind kumquats with sugar, place them in a glass container and store them in the refrigerator all year round. The product is used for colds and respiratory infections, helps get rid of runny nose and sore throat.

When choosing a kumquat, pay attention to appearance peel. It should be a rich orange color, without dents, cracks or other visible damage. The fruit itself should be elastic, but not soft and not too hard.

Calorie content and composition

Kumquat is considered a low-calorie product, since 100 g of pulp contains only 71 kcal. However, although the fruits are dietary, their excessive consumption can lead to weight gain. The fact is that 100 g of the product contains a large number of carbohydrates - up to 9.1 g, as well as some protein - 1.9 g, dietary fiber - 6.5 g, fat - 0.9 g, about 80 g of water and 0.5 g of ash.

The composition contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, sugars, vitamins A, group B, E, ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium.

Useful properties of kumquat

Fresh fruits have the following effects on the body:

  • antimicrobial;
  • restorative;
  • cleansing;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • protect against diseases of the heart, blood vessels, joints;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • relieve vitamin deficiency;
  • improve emotional state.

Thanks to the large amount of vitamins, Fortunella is considered very useful. Its regular use strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to viral, fungal and bacterial infections. The acids contained in the juice of the fruit stimulate digestion and the production of gastrointestinal juice, increase appetite, and improve metabolism. Kumquat is a good preventative against the development of stomach ulcers and duodenum. As an antioxidant, it removes toxic substances from the body in a short time. Therefore, it is useful to eat it after a feast with a large intake of fatty foods and alcohol. The fruit helps to cope with a hangover much faster and neutralizes bad breath.

Benefits of essential oils

Kumquat essential oils are widely used in aromatherapy as brain stimulants. It is because of them that since ancient times the fruit has been considered the food of the sages. The bright, rich citrus aroma gives strength, restores vigor, relieves depression, and relieves fatigue. Esters are indicated for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and mental stress. Oils are used in cosmetology. They are included in masks and fruit peels for problem skin. In combination with other components, they effectively eliminate inflammation, disinfect, and cure comedones and acne. Rubbing creams and lotions with kumquat oil into the skin eliminates stretch marks and stretch marks after childbirth, age spots, and cellulite.

Dried kumquat

Dried kumquats cut into pieces can be found on store shelves as often as fresh ones. Moreover, the content of vitamins in it does not decrease at all. On the contrary, the concentration of active substances increases due to fermentation during drying, and the beneficial properties of the product only increase. Its calorie content also increases to 283 kcal per 100 g.

From dried fruits prepare various drinks - compotes, tinctures. When heated, dried peels release large amounts of essential oils. For flu and colds, it can be spread around the apartment in warm places (for example, on heating radiators) to disinfect the room.

Chinese women pour warm water (but not boiling water) over dried fruits, leave for several hours and wash with the resulting lotion every morning. It is believed that the procedure helps maintain the freshness and youth of the face, improves skin tone, and smoothes out shallow premature wrinkles.

Dried kumquat

You can dry whole fruits in the sun or in a dehydrator. The properties of dried kumquat are not much different from fresh fruit. Due to the high content of vitamin A, the product is especially useful for people with poor vision and eye diseases. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the skin, protects against negative impact ultraviolet rays.

Unprocessed and properly dried kumquat does not look very attractive and has a dull color. It smells like lime with a slight hint of mint.

Rich orange, red or green fruits like the ones in the picture are chemically processed and can be hazardous to your health.

Dried and dried kumquat can be stored in a tightly sealed glass container for no more than a year.

Medicinal tincture

To prevent cardiovascular pathologies, prepare a tincture with honey and vodka. This combination of ingredients perfectly cleanses blood vessels and protects against the formation of cholesterol plaques. Dried fruits with cuts on the sides are placed in a jar, 50 g of peeled and chopped ginger root, 0.5 liters of honey and 0.5 liters of vodka. Cover the container with a lid, shake well and put in the refrigerator to infuse for 3 months. For the purpose of general strengthening of the body, the drug is taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. lie To get rid of an obsessive cough, 100 ml of tincture is heated and drunk at night.

Contraindications for use and possible harm

The effect of kumquat on the body is more pronounced when compared with the usual citrus fruits. Therefore, when introducing a treat, it is advisable to limit yourself to 1–2 pieces, and then observe the reaction.

The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance. People with allergies to citrus fruits should not eat it, as it can provoke severe reactions- urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic juice. Fortunella is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Any citrus fruits during these periods can cause the development of allergies in a child. However, on the advice of a doctor, you can eat it little by little in the first trimester of pregnancy to combat nausea due to toxicosis.

People with increased acidity stomach, it is also better not to include kumquat in the menu, as it may cause heartburn. Abuse of fruit for kidney diseases often leads to exacerbation. In diabetes, it can increase blood sugar levels. If fresh fruits are considered dietary, then dried and sun-dried fruits are very high in calories. Therefore, they should not be eaten if you are obese.

Despite the undeniable health benefits, kumquat is used more for preparing delicacies than for treating diseases. And this is not surprising, because the fruits have a unique taste and aroma. And thanks to the interesting combination of sour pulp and sweet peel, everyone likes them. However, one should not forget that after heat treatment Most of the beneficial properties of the fruit are lost.

Botanical name: Kumquat or Kinkan. Belongs to the Kumquat genus, Rutaceae family. It is classified into the subgenus Fortunella, which includes 6 species of kumquat.

Homeland of the kumquat: Southeast Asia.

Lighting: bright, diffused.

The soil: light, nutritious, fertile, containing leaf humus, turf, vermiculite and coarse sand.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 4.5 m.

Average life expectancy: 40 years.

Landing: seeds, cuttings, layering, grafting.

Kumquat plant: what is it?

Kumquat is a low, evergreen shrub with a compact, spherical, dense crown, reaching 2.5-4.5 m in height. The leaves are oblong-elliptical, green, entire. The flowers are bisexual, white-pink, fragrant. They bloom in July-August. Flowering lasts 5-7 days. After 2-3 weeks the tree may bloom again. The fruits are elongated oval or round, golden yellow or bright orange in color, up to 5 cm long, up to 4 cm wide, and externally resemble miniature oranges. The pulp is juicy, aromatic, tastes sweet or slightly sour, consists of 4-7 lobes. There are 2-5 seeds inside. The skin is thin, smooth, edible, sweetish, spicy. Kumquat fruits taste like tangerines. They ripen in December-January. Fruiting is abundant, annual.

Where does kumquat grow?

What a kumquat is is well known in Southeast Asia, Japan, China, and the Middle East, where this crop occupies large plantations and also grows wild.

In Europe the fruit is called “Japanese orange”, in China and Japan “golden orange”.

Kinkan loves sunlight, grows well in hot conditions, humid climate. The most comfortable air temperature for its development is 25-30 °C. However, in extreme heat and lack of moisture, the plant sheds its leaves.

A photo of a kumquat proves that its miniature, yellowish fruits are very similar to citrus:

Photo gallery

Citrus fruit kumquat

Kumquat: what is it and how do you eat it? Kumquat is a fruit that is consumed fresh and is also widely used in cooking. Fresh miniature fruits decorate various hot and cold dishes, add to salads and cocktails. In addition, they are used to make spicy sweet and sour sauces that are used to season meat and vegetables.

The “golden apple” goes well with pork, chicken, and fish. It is also used in making desserts. Added to curd puddings and yoghurts.

Sweet and sour, aromatic juice with a pleasant refreshing taste is obtained from the fruits; jelly, jam, and candied fruits are made.

Before use, the fruit is cut into thin slices. Fruits with sweet pulp are eaten raw, while fruits with sour pulp are processed.

The calorie content of 100 g of fresh kumquat is 70 kcal. This is twice the calorie content. This amount of calories in citrus is explained by the high level of sugar in the pulp.

100 g of dried fruit contains 250 kcal. Dried - 50 kcal.

“Japanese orange” consists of 60% pulp, 30% peel and seeds. It contains 80% liquid and 20% dry matter. Kinkan is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals, contains essential oils, pectins, proteins, fats, fiber, and ash.

In countries where kumquat grows, the plant replaces many medications. Used in medicine to combat colds, bacteria and microbes. Used to treat dry cough. Kinkana essential oils are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It has been noticed that when consuming this fruit, the mood improves and depression disappears. In addition, kumquat citrus relieves hangovers, so it is consumed after festive feasts.

Below are more photos of the kumquat fruit - parts of the plant:

Photo gallery

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. It should be smooth, rich yellow color, moderately soft to the touch, without any damage or stains. Excessive softness indicates that the kinkan is overripe and has begun to deteriorate. Hardness indicates his immaturity.

Store the fruit in a cool place for 3 weeks. IN freezer its beneficial properties last for 6 months.

The kumquat tree is grown as a fruit and ornamental crop. A miniature plant with a compact crown is suitable for creating a bonsai. Branches with small fruits are used in floristry when making bouquets.

At home, the bush reaches up to 1.5 m.

Kumquat varieties and colors: orange, green and red

The following varieties of kumquat are grown in culture:“Hong Kong”, “Malay”, “Nagami”, “Nordmann”, “Marumi”, “Meiwa”, “Fukushi”, “Orangequat Nippon”, “Varied”, “Limequat”.

The color of the kumquat and the taste of its pulp depend on the variety.

"Nagami"- a variety imported in 1846 from China. It is one of the most common kumquats in the world. The crown of the tree of this variety is compact, symmetrical, and abundantly strewn with fruits during the fruiting period. The fruits are oval in shape, their length is about 2.5-3 cm. The pulp is sweet and tart. Nagami is an orange kumquat that is eaten with its sweet, fleshy skin. Fruits well in regions with warm climates. Blooms 2 times a year. The first flowering occurs in June, the second at the end of August. In warm climates it blooms and bears fruit profusely. The fruits hang on the tree all year round. The variety can withstand frosts down to -12°C.

"Orangequat Nippon"- a hybrid of unshiu mandarin and kumquat. Quite a rare and less common variety. The fruits are bright orange in color with juicy, sweet pulp of good taste. As it ripens, the flesh becomes sweeter. “Orangequat Nippon” is frost-hardy, withstands frosts down to -15°C, therefore it is recommended for planting in regions where other types of citrus fruits do not take root.

"Hong Kong"- a variety grown in Hong Kong and China. It differs from other varieties in its small fruits, reaching 1.5-2 cm in length. The skin of the ripe fruit is bright orange or reddish-orange. The pulp is medium juicy, consists of 4 lobes. Contains large, round seeds inside. The red "Hong Kong" kumquat is inedible.

"Malay"- a variety common on the Malay Peninsula. Inedible. Serves as an ornamental crop. The skin of the fruit is golden-orange or yellow. The pulp contains 8 seeds.

"variegated"- a hybrid obtained in 1993. It is a small densely leafed tree with variegated leaves, painted in cream tones. The fruits are oblong, orange, with light green or light yellow stripes. The pulp is sour, juicy, good taste, without seeds.

"Marumi"winter-hardy variety, bred in 1784. The fruits are round or oval, slightly flattened, up to 3.5 cm long. The peel is thin, golden-yellow. The pulp is sour, consists of 4-7 shares. Trees of this variety reach 4.5 m in height and are covered with thorns.

"Fukushi"- a variety common in Japan. It is a low-growing shrub about 1 m high. The crown is spreading and symmetrical. The leaves are oval, large, wide, larger than those of other kumquat varieties. The fruits are oval or pear-shaped, 5 cm long. The peel is orange, smooth, thin, aromatic, very sweet. The pulp is medium juicy, sweet and sour, dessert taste, without seeds.

"Meiwa"- a hybrid obtained by crossing the Nagami and Marumi varieties. It is a low-growing tree with dense, hard, longitudinally folded leaves. The fruit is round, 4 cm long, with sweet and sour pulp that tastes like lemon. The peel is yellow in color, thick, sweet. The variety is valued for its good fruit taste and decorative properties. Grown in China and Japan.

"Limequat"- a hybrid of kumquat and lime. It is a miniature tree with small, oval, greenish-yellow fruits. This green kumquat has bittersweet flesh and a distinct lime flavor. It is eaten together with the sweet skin.

For growing in room conditions suitable varieties:"Fukushi", "Nagami", "Marumi".

Historical information

The first mentions of this citrus were found in Chinese scriptures. The kumquat plant was described in 1178 AD. In the Middle Ages, the fruit gained great popularity in Japan. It became known in Europe in 1846 thanks to the Anglo-Scottish botanist Robert Fortune, who described it and introduced it to the world.

Despite its close similarity to citrus crops, kumquat was included in the subgenus Fortunella only in 1915.

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