Moonstone ruby. Ruby is a stone for romantics looking for true love. Exquisite ruby ​​jewelry

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Ruby and esoterics

Ruby stone is included in the list of the most expensive minerals in the world. The first evidence of these gems dates back to 2300 BC; it was especially common in the East, where it has long been attributed magical properties. Rubies were used to decorate amulets and amulets. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the cost of crimson minerals significantly exceeded the cost of diamonds. It is worth noting that today large sizes These stones are more expensive than diamonds of similar carats. Currently, they are inlaid with the most expensive and luxurious jewelry, which is presented in gold and silver.

Deposits of gems can be found on any continent except Antarctica. But the main countries engaged in ruby ​​mining are Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. In Russia there are no centralized mines for the extraction of stone, however, it can be found in the Urals, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula.

Healing properties of red corundum

Alternative medicine in old times used rubies to cure a number of diseases:

  • Epilepsy - the stone relieves symptoms, in some cases heals completely;
  • Paralysis;
  • Depression and other types of nervous disorders;
  • Treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Normalizes blood pressure, it is recommended to wear the gem for hypertensive patients;
  • Impotence;
  • Restores memory;
  • For women, the stone is useful when planning to conceive a child;
  • Relieves fatigue and gives a charge of vigor;
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract– in particular, eliminate inflammation, ulcers and internal bleeding.

To achieve a healing effect, rubies were worn on the body in such a way that the stone was adjacent to the skin, preferably near the sore spot. They also infused water on the rubies and drank small portions a few days later. Newborns were sprinkled with ruby ​​powder to maintain immunity and ensure a happy life.

The magic of rubies

As for magical properties, rubies are currently used to achieve the following effects:

  • It acts as an amulet against the evil eye and evil thoughts of surrounding people;
  • Acts as a symbol of love and fidelity, allowing you to carry mutual feelings throughout your life;
  • Promotes growth of confidence, minimizes indecision and unfounded doubts;
  • Extends life;
  • Provides financial wealth.

Rubies are believed to develop psychic abilities Therefore, this gemstone is often used by magicians and healers. The mineral enhances everything positive traits person due to the strong energy field created around him. At the same time, people with evil thoughts are not recommended to use gems.

It is also worth noting that, despite a large number of positive effects, you cannot wear the stone all the time. Since the energy of the stone is too strong and the body must periodically rest from it.

Red ruby ​​magical properties of the stone

The most common ruby ​​is red. The scarlet color is formed by chromium ions in the structure of the mineral. The color saturation depends on the amount of additional impurities. You can also find a separate subspecies of crimson stone - star mineral. The name is due to the fact that after processing the gem, a shining star with six, and sometimes more, rays is visualized on its surface. Most often, star ruby ​​does not transmit light, but sometimes transparent options can be found in nature. Such stones are especially valued when performing magical procedures.

It has a large number of miraculous properties, which are enhanced when a stone consisting of several types of mica is discovered. For example, a ruby ​​in fuchsite adds self-esteem to the owner, and also strengthens fortitude and perseverance. Let's consider characteristics minerals and their effect on humans:

  • The gem is a symbol of passion and mutual love, which is accompanied throughout life;
  • If there are envious or negative people nearby, you should wear jewelry with a ruby, it will protect the owner from the evil eye and damage;
  • The red mineral promotes financial profit; you should keep the stone close to you before an important event;
  • Fuchsite with ruby ​​provides confidence and a cool mind;
  • It has a positive effect on the human body, prevents depression, drives away despondency, and in some cases relieves epilepsy;
  • Stones framed in gold or silver improve blood circulation in the body and have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.

A person who owns a red gem has truly royal dignity and great vitality.

Pink ruby ​​magical properties of the stone

It is less common than its crimson counterpart. It is formed by adding small amounts of chromium and iron to the main component of the gem - corundum. If the red color saturation is less than 60%, this pink mineral is no longer classified as rubies, but as sapphires. For information, rubies are a type of sapphire and are distinguished by their deep red color.

Pink rubies are a symbol of youth and longevity. For women, they also represent the birth of a new life, which is why they are often given to newlyweds at a wedding.

What properties does this gem have?

  • The stone promotes the healing of internal bleeding, enhances the effect of medications for diseases of the abdominal organs, including having a beneficial effect on stomach ulcers;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Has a calming effect on a person in stressful situations;
  • Cures male problems, including helping to avoid impotence;
  • Protects against evil eyes and curses; pink gems are often used in amulets and talismans;
  • Stones are recommended to be worn by insecure and reserved people, as they add determination and openness;
  • Promotes financial well-being.

In nature, pink ruby ​​is also found in zoisite, a green mineral. In jewelry stores you can often find jewelry, including bracelets and beads with pink and green stones. Such variants of gems enhance the miraculous properties of rubies several times. In addition, their action is aimed at improving intrafamily relationships. Zoisite with ruby ​​is often used by psychics and esotericists, since such a stone increases the biomagnetic field and makes it more powerful.

Black ruby ​​(picotite) magical properties of the stone

The dark mineral spinel is often popularly called black ruby. They are similar in appearance and have a similar shine and radiance in the sun's rays, however, these gems have different compositions. Large specimens are quite expensive purchases. Typically, black spinel stones are found in the same deposits as rubies.

Black ruby ​​has inexplicable miraculous properties, namely:

  • The mineral has incredibly strong energy, however, from time to time the stone goes into “sleep mode” and stops working. In this regard, it should not be worn constantly; it is necessary to allow the stone to rest and gain strength.
  • The gem provides protection from troubles and adversities. At the same time, it is important to remember that you should not have bad thoughts in your head, otherwise they may be directed against you;
  • supports the family hearth, it symbolizes fidelity and eternal love.

The stone is also used for medicinal purposes. Back in the Middle Ages, the healer Paracelsus used black ruby ​​powder to improve the functioning of the digestive system. To do this, he recommended using it internally. Currently, gems are infused with water and drunk in small portions. Such procedures help improve complexion, relieve insomnia, and improve the circulatory system.

Natural and synthetic rubies

There are two types of rubies:

  1. Precious stone - found in the depths of the earth, after which it is processed to create a beautiful, expensive piece of jewelry;
  2. Synthetic ruby ​​is a stone obtained artificially as a result of growing from corundum. In terms of its physical characteristics, it fully corresponds to the gems found in the mountains. It is used in jewelry in the cheaper segment.

It is worth noting that only gemstones found in mine deposits have powerful magical and healing powers. The artificial analogue has no energy value.

How to distinguish natural stone from synthetic? It is best to contact a specialist. But if you need to check “here and now,” you should look at the stone through a magnifying glass. In a natural precious mineral, you can see minor defects and cracks on the surface. An artificial gem, as a rule, is flawless on the outside, but a small number of bubbles are visualized inside it.

During the use of stones, many different properties were attributed to them. Thus, Buddhists endow the stone with the ability to develop art, other Indian religions claim that a ruby ​​gives the owner power. They are also considered a sign of love and fidelity.

How to care for a ruby

Ruby is a very hard gem, second in strength only to diamond. However, do not forget that, like any gem, it can break if accidentally hit with a blunt object. Because of this, it is recommended to remove jewelry before beginning household or other physically demanding tasks.

If the stone becomes dirty, it is best to wash it in warm soapy water using a soft cloth or toothbrush. After this, be sure to wipe the gem dry. Do not use aggressive chemicals to clean the mineral. If it is too dirty, it is better to take it to a jewelry workshop, where specialists will clean it with special mild products.

Jewelry should be stored dry, in a box or special bag. The ruby ​​itself is quite hard and cannot develop defects when rubbed against other stones. However, it may scratch other jewelry.

The ruby ​​stone is the most expensive mineral; in ancient times it was considered even more expensive. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the ruby ​​has a place of honor in the group of precious stones. To be more precise, it is one of the varieties of corundum that is red in color.

The first information about ruby ​​goes back far into the past - 2000 BC. The mineral was popular among many nationalities, while some used it exclusively as decoration and a symbol of wealth, while others used it as a powerful talisman.

Due to their intense shine, red rubies are called “fire” rubies, they are very similar to the lights of a flame when light is reflected in them. And the residents Ancient Rus' gave the ruby ​​its own version of the name - “”.

Rubies are mined in almost all regions of our planet, with the only exception being Antarctica. Asian rubies are the most valuable. Today, the most famous suppliers of these valuable minerals are Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tajikistan, East Africa, Tanzania and Kenya.

An interesting fact is that in nature it is impossible to find two rubies of the same color. The mineral combines various variations of red color. Corundum can be found in light pink, crimson, bright red, red-violet and brownish colors.

The most valued rubies are those in the inner part of which you can see a six-pointed star. They are called “star rubies”.

What healing properties does ruby ​​stone have?

Corundum helps cope with large amounts of various diseases, namely:

  • eliminates chronic tonsillitis;
  • treats the spine;
  • improves joint condition;
  • has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, liver, and digestive organs;
  • helps stop bleeding;
  • the mineral also prevents the onset of epileptic seizures;
  • copes with fever;
  • normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • relieves depression (also treats schizophrenia, improves sleep, relieves nightmares);
  • corundum eliminates skin pathologies;
  • normalizes the functioning of the immune system;
  • helps improve metabolism in the body;
  • successfully copes with inflammatory diseases;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • light radiation emanating from corundum has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and brain, increases vitality and increases the sexual capabilities of the stronger sex.

The magical properties of the ruby ​​stone, who is it suitable for?

In Buddhism, ruby ​​is a highly revered magical mineral. Its main magical property is that it awakens in people an interest in the sublime.

  1. Indian magicians were convinced that the stone was capable of granting unlimited power and had an irresistible effect on people.
  2. At the same time, the mineral helps to strengthen the feeling of unity with others, making a person more generous and compassionate.
  3. Corundum fills vital energy, relieves melancholy and the evil eye.
  4. Anyone who wears ruby ​​jewelry will always be brave enough to overcome heartache and restore lost interest in life.
  5. The mineral helps to harden the mind and heart, motivates a person to do great things, and pushes him to accomplish great feats.
  6. At all times, the yacht has been known as a symbol of fiery passion, living energy, power and ardent love between a guy and a girl. The mineral helps to find happiness in love. Previously, there was even a tradition of presenting a ruby ​​as a gift to your beloved girl in order to achieve reciprocity from her.
  7. Ruby gives representatives of the fair sex easy conception and pregnancy. The ancient Chaldeans recommended that women who could not become pregnant for a long time purchase and regularly wear jewelry with rubies.
  8. In addition to all this, corundum is a stone that symbolizes pure thoughts and boundless faith in oneself. It is suitable only for energetically strong people, because the weak can be so captivated by the gem that they find themselves immersed in an illusory world.
  9. Ancient beliefs say that rubies help enhance the properties received by a person at birth. But its effect is very specific - for example, it will make a good person even better, and a bad person, on the contrary.
  10. Ruby rings were traditionally used by wealthy people who feared poisoning: they had to be dipped into food or drink and then carefully monitored for changes.

There is an opinion that the stone is able to warn its owner of approaching danger by changing its color. In this case, it becomes dull and loses its magnificent shine.

Additional information about the mineral

It is distinguished by the projective energy of Yang (releasing, active).

Refers to the earth, air, fire and etheric elements.

The patron planet is the Sun.

Which zodiac sign is it suitable for?

A ruby ​​has the power to give its owner strong will, love, kindness and warmth. But along with other precious stones, not all people are advised to use it.

Each constellation of the Zodiac corresponds to its own energy element, which is protected only by certain natural minerals.

According to the horoscope, ruby ​​is ideal for Sagittarius and Cancer.

Thanks to him, the former will attract increased attention to their bright and extraordinary personality, gain power and add greater determination to themselves. In addition, corundum will help them cope with natural pride and stubbornness, add loyalty, openness, and provide assistance in difficult situations.

Yakhont helps Cancers meet their soul mate, and also eliminates their excessive shyness and modesty; using jewelry with rubies, they more easily achieve their goals.

Also traditionally, ruby ​​is a magical stone for Leo. Leo women, after purchasing jewelry with bright red rubies, will add visual attractiveness to themselves and will be able to attract mutual ardent feelings. And for Leo men, corundum adds masculinity and self-confidence.

In addition, ruby ​​is suitable for Scorpios and Aries. Thanks to him, Scorpios develop determination, gentleness and complaisance. And Aries, thanks to corundum, direct their active energy in the right direction, subjugate those around them to their will, and interest them in something useful and interesting.

Ruby shows its favor to Capricorns, but it is quite difficult for representatives of this zodiac constellation to get used to the magical properties of the stone. The mineral will help diversify the calm and measured life of Capricorns with activity, activity, and will also help direct their energy in the right direction.

But who should refuse to use jewelry with rubies are Virgos and Taurus. The effect of the stone on them will not be manifested in the most positive way.

It seems that the most expensive precious one. However, a ruby ​​of the same size and quality will be many times more expensive. Proof of this is the price records for rubies set by the largest auction houses. For example, in 2015, at a Sothebys auction in Geneva, a Sunrise ruby ​​from Burma was sold for $30 million. The carat price exceeded one million dollars. This broke the previous record held by the Graff ruby, which sold for $8.6 million in 2014, with a carat value of about $800,000.

The price is influenced by the properties of the mineral: high hardness, reflective ability, bright saturated color. In addition, it is very difficult to find a crystal of ideal purity without internal defects or inclusions. For example, the world's largest ruby, weighing 2,475 carats, is inexpensive because, due to defects, it is absolutely unsuitable for making jewelry. All this makes each ruby ​​unique and expensive.

Rubies began to be mined in Burma back in the Bronze Age, about 2000 years ago. But they left a small mark on history. For example, many people know the Koh-i-Nor or Graf Orlov diamonds. There are no such rubies, although large specimens also have their own names. Perhaps the most famous of the rubies are those that adorn Monomakh’s cap, but no one names them. Perhaps the problem is that they cannot be confused with anything, and rubies could not be distinguished from other red minerals. An example of this is the famous stones “Ruby of Timur” and “Ruby of the Black Prince”. All of them went down in history with the name “ruby”, although in fact they are spinel.

The main properties of the stone are described in the table:

Natural ruby ​​is very rare. All known deposits are almost exhausted, so he modern classification belongs to the first group of precious stones together with, sapphire and.

Ruby crystals are used to make watch movement parts and are also used as an abrasive. But in industry, artificial corundum is mainly used.

Types of rubies

To evaluate a stone, first of all, pay attention to the color of the stone. There are three groups in total:

  • bright red;
  • normal red;
  • light.

Next important indicator quality of ruby ​​– presence of defects. Temple impurities that color the stone contribute to the formation of imperfections, cracks, and stains.

According to their quantity, stones are divided into varieties:

  • I grade - pure or with rare stripes and specks;
  • Grade II - stones with cracks, stripes, dots, and admixtures of other minerals, collected in groups in separate sectors of the crystal;
  • Grade III – defects are spread over the entire surface of the stone, some areas are cloudy and lack shine.

High technologies make it possible to refine stones by heating them to high temperatures. This is how the ruby ​​becomes transparent. Small cracks are filled with special glass. All this allows us to make the stone more accessible. The stone certificate must contain information not only about its origin, but also about the processing used.

Magic properties

You don’t have to be an expert in the field of esotericism to talk about the most common magical properties of the stone. One look at him is enough to understand that he has incredible power and is ready to share it with people. No wonder kings loved him. He endowed them with nobility, courage, as well as strength and will - qualities without which it is difficult for a ruler to lead the country.

Bright shine and deep color drive away evil forces and enemies from a person. Ruby is a reliable amulet for people whose lives are constantly in danger or who have to deal with negativity from other people. This is a talisman for firefighters, police officers, managers, and also for government officials.

Red color means passion, love. This is the second important property of ruby. It will make its owner attractive to members of the opposite sex, add sensuality to relationships, and also strengthen love in a couple. For a person who is faced with betrayal or unrequited love, ruby ​​will quickly heal heart wounds and help forget about failure.

Ruby is not suitable for everyone. Overly passionate, jealous, mentally unbalanced and nervous people should not wear it. The energy of the stone will enhance these qualities, which will have a destructive effect on the character and personality of a person, and ruin relationships with others.

This gemstone has the character of war. It will endow its owner with fortitude. It must be worn when the onslaught of life's difficulties is so great that it is impossible to cope with them alone and the temptation to follow other people's lead is great. Rubin won't allow this. His energy is so great that it is enough for everyone and there will still be some left. But, if a person does not inner strength, then under the influence of ruby ​​it will not appear; you must have your own energy, even if it is dormant and broken.

Rubin is a fighter for a just cause. It frees the owner from everything unnecessary, imposed by society, from other people’s opinions and helps to see the true values ​​and goals behind it all. This will help people who are confused, who have lost their bearings and purpose. With a ruby ​​stone, you can safely rush to defend your opinion.

Magical properties depend on faith in the stone. It helps strong and noble individuals who treat the talisman with respect.

This stone does not have enormous healing powers. Based on the principle of similarity, its bloody color has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and also stops bleeding. Meditation with a stone has a beneficial effect on nervous system: reduce depression, treat neurosis, fears and anxiety. It should be used with caution if a nervous disorder is accompanied by aggression and increased excitability.

The ruby ​​will become a talisman for the zodiac sign Leo, which is logical, because the characters of the zodiac sign and the stone are similar: they are both powerful and regal. Ruby will help Leo achieve success, reach his goal, gain power and recognition. Seemingly courageous Leos are often insecure. Ruby will help you cope with this.

Pisces zodiac sign with ruby ​​will get rid of duality and uncertainty. They will find their path in life and will be able to set a realistic goal that they can easily achieve. The talisman will nullify difficulties and obstacles in life path fish

The zodiac sign Scorpio is characterized by an unbalanced character and, at first glance, ruby ​​will harm the hot-tempered. However, astrologers claim that the ruby ​​stone will balance emotions and calm. It is better to use it carefully, carefully monitoring the condition.

It can bring good luck or break it. Depends on the individual.

Synthetic ruby

Ruby is the first gemstone grown in a laboratory. Mark Gooden managed to do this in 1837. He received the first small corundums. At the same time, Siamese rubies appeared - fused fragments of natural stone. But this method did not catch on, since the production of synthetic crystals turned out to be more profitable. In 1892, Auguste Vernel invented a simpler way to synthesize corundum from aluminum oxide weighing 20-30 carats in just 2-3 hours. This Vernel method and installation is still used today for jewelry and industrial applications. Most of the jewelry of the Soviet period are artificial rubies, so beloved during this period.

It is difficult for a non-professional to distinguish natural stone from synthetic stone. It is better to focus on the price, buy in trusted stores and, at the slightest doubt, ask for a certificate. A subjective factor in identifying a fake will be the purity of the stone. Laboratory crystals are exceptional in both color and structure, while natural crystals are most often unevenly colored and have minor flaws in the form of sticks and lines.

Corundum is the second hardest mineral, which means it will scratch glass. This will help distinguish stone from glass. A ruby ​​dipped in a glass of water will emit a red glow; dipped in milk, it will color it pink color. Artificial stone turns orange in ultraviolet rays.
It is almost impossible to distinguish it from. They are similar in appearance and similar in properties. Only a professional with an arsenal of special devices can identify the mineral.

The ruby ​​is regal, beautiful and dangerous. Not everyone can afford it and not everyone will obey it. But if you establish mutual understanding with him, the ruby ​​will become a good helper for life.

Included in the cohort of the most expensive and beautiful gems on Earth, the ruby ​​has been sung by poets more than once. Possessing magical attraction and royal beauty, the mineral has firmly entered human life.

Fine jewelry, protective talismans, parts of technical and electronic devices - ruby ​​is used in many fields.

Man's acquaintance with ruby ​​took place back in the Bronze Age.. It was first mined in Burma, then deposits were discovered in India, Ancient Rome and Greece. One of the Indian legends says that the mineral turned red after being tempered in the blood of the demon Vala. The sun god Surya dropped the blood into the Bhakarta River, and its waves brought frozen red drops to the shores in the form of beautiful minerals.

Interesting! The ancient name of the stone is “lal”; later it received two more names: carbuncle and yakhont.

Physicochemical characteristics

Ruby is part of the corundum family. Chemical formula – Al 2 O 3. The red color of the stone is formed due to the presence of ferrum, chromium and titanium in it. The color can vary from pink-red to purple with a red tint.

The physical properties look like this:

  • jewelry class – 1;
  • density – 3.97–4.05 g/cm3;
  • light refraction – 1.766–1.774;
  • hardness – 9 on the Mohs scale;
  • transparent;

Interesting! The brilliance of corundum is comparable to that of diamond.

Criteria for evaluating rubies

Ruby is assessed according to several criteria. Specialists who draw up certificates for stones indicate the place of their extraction, the exact size, and the method of cutting. For a simple consumer buying ruby ​​jewelry, great importance has color and shape.

Mining locations

Natural deposits of the mineral were formed in different conditions, therefore the stones mined there differ in quality. The world's most perfect "pigeon's blood" minerals come from the mines of Myanmar (Burma), which have long become a popular brand. Classic red stones come to the precious mineral market from Mozambique. Sri Lanka boasts a deposit of star rubies.

Very large specimens are found in the mines of India, but they usually have poor transparency. A small part of the minerals is mined in Tajikistan, Madagascar, Tanzania and Vietnam. Most of the raw materials from these countries are not suitable for making jewelry and are used in other areas of life.

Qualitative characteristics

The quality of a mineral is its transparency, cut and color. As a rule, various defects in the form of cracks, foreign accumulations, and uneven coloring are rare in natural rubies. Parameters such as the size of the stone and its purity are also taken into account.


Precious stones, including ruby, are measured in carats.. The measurement accuracy is 0.01 carats. There is a division of rubies and other precious gems into 8 weight groups: first – up to 0.24 carats, and the latter includes stones weighing 5.00 carats and above.

For large minerals, the weight is calculated individually, taking into account the type of cut and thickness.


Most people associate the mineral with red, which is the predominant color of rubies. However, the spectrum ranges from pink to purple.

Color assessment is carried out according to three parameters: basic tone, its saturation and shades. While purple and red colors are easy to distinguish, even experienced gemologists and jewelers have difficulty classifying the transitions between pink and red.

Interesting fact! In Asian countries they sell rubies, which in the USA are considered pink sapphires.

Varieties and colors

By its nature, ruby ​​is corundum, colored red. Varieties of the mineral are distinguished by color and structure:

  1. Pigeon's blood ruby- the highest society of the family, its most expensive and beautiful representative. It has a stunning bright red color with an amazing purple tint.
  2. Star ruby so named because of asterism - an amazing optical effect that gives shine in the form of a star with six rays. Available in various shades of red. There is also a pink ruby ​​with a star-like glow.

What color can a ruby ​​be? In the palette of ruby ​​shades, in addition to the prevailing red, there are crimson tones, light and dark red, scarlet and rich pink. Gemologists classify green rubies as sapphires.

Natural stones

What does a mineral look like in nature? It is very difficult to find a completely transparent stone. Typically, ruby ​​crystals have various inclusions and cannot boast of high transparency. Successful finds, in which the natural stone was divinely pure and bright, entered the category of the highest values ​​and became legends.

However, some of them, as it turned out, had nothing to do with the precious mineral. Thus, the famous “Timur” ruby, which was owned by Tamerlane, Ulugbek, Jahangir and admired by Queen Victoria of England, turned out to be an ordinary red spinel. The truth was established in 1851, when the stone was thoroughly examined.

Refined mineral

Experiments with the mineral have shown that when heated, visible defects of ruby ​​(impurities, yellow tint) can be removed. Experts call such crystals “heated”, and the procedure itself is called “treatment”.

Such gems cost 3–4 times less than natural ones and are used in most of the products that go on sale.

Artificial ruby

The first ones were obtained by the Verneuil method by melting ruby ​​powder. Today the hydrothermal method is used:

  1. Minerals of weak quality are mixed with various additives and melt this mixture.
  2. The resulting mass is subjected to crystallization. The process takes place at a certain pressure and temperature.
  3. The result is large minerals. Their properties are identical to natural stones.

Medicinal properties

In ancient times, medicines were made from gems, turning it into powder and infusing water on it. belief medicinal properties ruby has survived to this day. Application in lithotherapy:

  • improving blood flow and toning blood vessels;
  • stabilization of heart function;
  • relieving depression;
  • wound healing;
  • stimulation of brain functions;
  • treatment of paralysis and epilepsy.

Nourishing solar energy, the crystal is applied to problem areas.

Advice for women: put the ruby ​​in water and leave it overnight. Wash your face with this water in the morning: regular procedures will make your skin beautiful and youthful.

Ruby magic

The magical properties of a gem are a special category of its natural abilities. He willingly gives all his magical power to kind, merciful and noble people. Contact of the mineral with a cruel and domineering person leads to negative consequences: all negative traits intensify and become aggravated.

A strong defender, the gem is able to ward off any negative impact . It makes insecure people more decisive and courageous. It helps those facing financial difficulties to attract money.

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Ruby is also useful in love affairs. The stone awakens passion, unites hearts, preserves the family, supporting bright feelings in spouses throughout their entire family life.

He can only become an assistant in magical rituals for an experienced master; beginners should not rely on his help. The power of the gem suppresses their abilities.

Ruby in world religions

Not a single religion in the world has passed by the unique qualities of the red gem. Endowing it with secret symbolism, representatives of different faiths actively used it for their own purposes:

  1. The sages of India used the power of stone to influence the minds and souls of people.
  2. Chaldean magicians made talismans from it for women who could not get pregnant. If a woman became pregnant and gave birth to a child, the miracle was attributed to God.
  3. The ancient Jews used ruby ​​with caution, keeping in mind its connection with the most warlike planet - Mars.
  4. In Buddhism, a gem served as a guide to the heights of mastery in any matter.

Customs associated with stone

The fortieth wedding anniversary is popularly called "Ruby". And this is no coincidence: the gem serves as confirmation of the strength of family ties that life’s adversities could not destroy.

During the Middle Ages, brave knights and noble grooms gave their beloved ruby ​​jewelry for a reason. They secretly hoped that the mineral would help them achieve mutual feelings from the lady of their heart. It was also traditional to test food, drinks and weapons for the presence of poisons using a magic stone.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

There is no need to talk long about who the gem is suitable for in the zodiac circle: ruby ​​will help everyone. Interaction with the elements of signs looks like this:

  1. Fire ( Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) – energy replenishment, restoration vitality and good spirits.
  2. Water ( Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) – gives composure to thoughts and actions, harmonizes character, softens manifestations of conceit.
  3. Air ( Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) – eliminates uncertainty in decisions and actions. Teaches self-control and adds self-confidence.
  4. Earth ( Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) – strengthens the spirit, promotes the development of rational thinking.

Compatibility with other gems

In terms of image aesthetics Ruby can only be combined with diamonds and sea pearls. These minerals organically emphasize each other’s luxurious appearance.

In terms of energy, the gem matches well with fiery minerals, such as sapphire. It is categorically unacceptable to combine it with stones of the Water element. Contacting each other through energy channels, amber and ruby ​​destroy each other.

Ruby suppresses the minerals of the Earth, preventing them from revealing themselves energetically and magically. For Air stones (, agate) can be neutral, but still tries to suppress them.

Where is it used?

The main areas of application of ruby ​​are jewelry, inlay, interior decoration, watchmaking and electronics industries.


Jewelry is the widest area of ​​application of the mineral. In the stores you can buy rich necklaces, elegant earrings, and exquisite rings. Jewelry contains both natural and synthetic stones.

Use with wardrobe

The royal essence of the gem dictates strict rules for wearing it. Jewelry with this magnificent stone will be a harmonious addition to a sophisticated evening dress or an elegant business suit.

Bad taste is evident if a woman is wearing more than two products with a mineral. Earrings and a ring, a ring and a necklace, earrings and a necklace - this is the right ruby ​​set.

The stone is democratic in terms of age, but for girls and teenagers it is better to choose small rubies and light shades of red.

In interior decor

Decorative items inlaid with rubies look harmonious in an expensive interior. Amazing jewelry boxes, elegant candelabra, solid writing instruments add notes of aristocracy and royal elegance to the atmosphere of the home.

Other areas

In industry, ruby ​​stones are used in the production of complex and precise instruments.. Quantum electronics cannot do without it either. Minerals are often present in watch movements.

How to wear and care?

The high hardness of a mineral does not mean that it can be treated with disdain. Storing and wearing products with gemstones requires care and strict adherence to established rules.

General rules

Like other expensive gems, ruby is fastidious in care. Experts recommend:

  1. Protect the stone from sunlight cosmetics and household chemicals.
  2. Put on jewelry only after all makeup is done.
  3. Store in a closed box with soft upholstery on the inside. Diamonds and sapphires can be kept together with rubies.
  4. To clean a ruby, use a soapy water solution and a soft-haired brush.


It is difficult to resist the magical beauty of one of the most beautiful gems on Earth, but not everyone can wear it without fear. Esotericists and astrologers warn:

  1. Ruby does not accept hypocrisy and double standards in its owner; it ceases to support him energetically.
  2. A gem can deprive a person who has gone to the heights of his career or achieving a goal in a single moment of everything he has achieved.
  3. Increases the thirst for power, which leads to negative changes in character and mental state.

Specifics of wearing jewelry

To enhance the healing and magical abilities of a ruby, you need to know how to wear it. If you are looking for love, wear earrings and a ring. If you have immunity problems, wear earrings and a pendant. To solve problems of the heart, beads, a pendant or a necklace are suitable. Creative people should pay attention to a silver ring with a ruby. The stone will help reveal your gift and improve the good impression of your creative activity.

Cost of natural stones

How much a ruby ​​costs is a pressing question for buyers. The price for 1 carat in rubles is tied to the quality of the stone and its size. In Russia, ruby ​​prices are set by category:

  • the first – 800–1500 dollars (50–95 thousand rubles) per 1 carat;
  • second – 500–800 dollars (35–50 thousand rubles);
  • third – 200–500 dollars (13–35 thousand rubles).

What is more expensive - a ruby ​​or a diamond? Gems of ideal quality from Burmese deposits are sold at prices that exceed the cost of diamonds. At auctions The purest ruby ​​from Burma costs $1 million per carat.

Ruby is a gemstone that is sought after by both women and men. It is one of the rarest and most expensive gems. The gem looks very elegant and its beauty can be appreciated even from its photo. In ancient times, its value was higher than the price. Now ruby ​​is only slightly inferior to them.

Description of the gem - a hard stone that has a red tone. The color of the stone cannot be different, only the saturation of the shade changes. The gem can have rich red, pinkish, light red colors. The price depends on its brightness. The highest cost is for a stone with a rich cherry tone.

The characteristics of the gem were studied by esotericists and lithotherapists. Astrologers have also studied its properties. All of them are convinced of the magical and healing properties of this stone.

Ruby is a precious stone, not a semi-precious stone. It has only one look. Even though it has different tones, they are not separated into separate varieties. Only artificial gems are semi-precious and not precious.

Ruby is a healing stone. Its medicinal properties became known centuries ago, and modern lithotherapists agree with this. They used to make it out of it medications- this is powder and water infused with this gem.

Ruby stone helps with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. It can stop internal gastric bleeding, the inflammatory process and get rid of ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

The characteristics of the gem can be used to treat epilepsy. No matter what doctors predict, ruby ​​not only reduces the number of seizures, but also completely cures the disease.

The stone has a positive effect on the organs of vision. It treats eye diseases and restores vision. The stone also improves a person's hearing.

Rubies treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They improve blood vessels, help with radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other similar ailments.

The gem is good for the heart and vascular system. It treats arthritis, protects against heart attack and so on.

Lithotherapists advise wearing the gem for diseases of the blood, throat and skin.

Rubies stabilize high blood pressure. Therefore, lithotherapists advise hypertensive patients to wear such gems.

The stone has a positive effect on the central nervous system. It helps with psycho-emotional disorders. Ruby helps get out of depression, normalizes going to bed and restores memory.

The gem relieves chronic fatigue and helps quickly restore your strength.

Men need to pay close attention to this stone. It protects against impotence if it does not exist, and relieves it if it appeared before wearing the ruby.

In order for the healing properties of ruby ​​to be activated, you need to wear the gem on your body.

Magical properties of ruby

The magical properties of ruby ​​became known to people centuries ago. The gem is popular with different nations. In different countries, the magical properties of the stone are perceived differently. In China, they believe that a gem reveals a hidden gift in a person. Rubin pushes him to be creative.

The meaning of the stone in Ancient India is unlimited power over other people. This meant that the gem helps a person subjugate the crowd. In this country they were also sure that the magic of ruby ​​awakens compassion, mercy, kindness and others in a person. positive sides character.

Modern esotericists have noticed that rubies enhance the dominant aspects of character. If a person has kindness and compassion, then they will be strengthened. Anger, aggression, lust for power and others negative sides character will also be increased.

In old times, ruby ​​was used to recognize poisons. The stone could detect them on anything and everything. A dull pink gem - this is what it began to look like when it detected poison.

The magical properties of the gem are used to protect against black magical effects - from damage, the evil eye, love spells and curses. The stone also protects against natural disasters and disasters - lightning, earthquakes, floods and others.

Single people can use the magic of ruby. The red stone will give them passionate love. The gem will not only help you get rid of loneliness, but will also preserve the feeling of being in love for many years.

Rubies enlighten thoughts. They also help to find peace in the soul. Stones dispel melancholy and increase a person’s self-esteem. They make him more courageous and courageous.

The stone prolongs life. It also helps a person become successful and rich if these are his goals.

Ruby helps women look young for as long as possible. The stone makes ladies sexier and more sensual. Therefore, rubies are advised to be worn by women who want to attract the attention of men.

The gem drives away bad dreams. Thanks to the stone, sleep is normalized and a person spends the night without nightmares.

The magic of ruby ​​is trusted by the most powerful sorcerers. They say that the gem awakens psychic abilities. The stone should only be used by experienced magicians. Its energy is so strong that inexperienced sorcerers can harm themselves and others.

Ruby should not be worn for too long. If you use the gem constantly, it can drain a person’s energy or oversaturate him with an energy charge, which will have a bad effect on his psycho-emotional state.

Who is ruby ​​suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Which sign is this gem suitable for? This question worries many users. This information is not secret. Astrologers have determined who the ruby ​​is suitable for according to their horoscope, and they published this data a long time ago.

Ruby compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

According to the zodiac sign, the gem is suitable for Cancer. It makes people of this sign self-confident, thanks to which they achieve in life high altitudes. The gem is suitable for lonely Cancers. He will help them find true love for life.

Gems are suitable for Sagittarius. It makes representatives of this sign determined and purposeful. The stone also gives them power over other people. Ruby frees Sagittarius from pride and enhances their mercy and kindness.

The gem is also suitable for Leo. Ruby makes men of this sign bold and self-confident. Thanks to the mineral, women become more attractive and charming.

The zodiac sign Capricorn can wear a ruby ​​as an amulet. The gem makes people of this sign active and purposeful.

For the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio, rubies are also suitable amulets. Thanks to these gems, Scorpios become more compliant and kinder. For Aries, ruby ​​helps to pacify their character and gain power over people.

For the zodiac signs Virgo and Taurus, ruby ​​is not suitable. They are energetically incompatible with the gem. These zodiac signs should choose more suitable amulets stones for themselves.

A majestic and beautiful ruby ​​– this is how this gem can be described. It gives a person a lot, but its energy can be dangerous. Therefore, the stone cannot be worn constantly.

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