Bali on the world map: where it is located, what ocean it is washed by. Bali island in Indonesia on the world map - where it is located, photos and interesting facts Detailed map of Bali

There are spaces on Earth that are similar to the descriptions of the Garden of Eden. These lands always have magnificent weather, nature abounds in various beauties and provides a variety of food for people.

One of these areas is the resort island of Bali.

Where is?

Getting to Bali, of course, is easier than getting to Eden, but for a European person it’s still not so easy. The island is located in the most remote part of Indonesia and the closest land other than the Indonesian islands to Bali is .

Map is clickable, click on it to enlarge.

However, every year a huge number of tourists hits the road to visit Bali. Moreover, a very diverse audience goes there. Some people want to enjoy surfing and waves on the coast, others want to get to know exotic cultures and religions better, others want to taste amazing fruits and enjoy a great beach holiday.

For any tourism options, the island can provide excellent conditions. Moreover, in a relatively short period, Bali has truly become a tourist island, that is, they are trying to create the best conditions for visitors.

Top best places for tourists with photos

There are many attractions in Bali, although the island itself is relatively small. Tourists have something to do and where to go on excursions. Let's look at the most interesting options.

Monkey Forest

One of most popular attractions The island is considered to be the so-called monkey forest, which is located in the city of Ubud. In fact, this space is a large-scale reserve, the main part of which is occupied by the jungle.

Entering the forest of monkeys, you penetrate into some other, fabulous and mysterious space, which is some kind of separate world.

Almost no natural light penetrates here. Of course, it’s not dark there during the day, but the crowns of giant trees almost completely cover the sky. In addition to this, there are giant vines hanging everywhere, which creates the feeling of a thunderous jungle.

An element of unique color This space contains numerous statues and some kind of temple buildings, which are located everywhere in the jungle, covered with moss and this makes them look even more ancient. The most important temple in the monkey forest is temple of the dead, installed in the central part of the reserve and this temple is active. It is there that ceremonies are held for the deceased Balinese, who are then burned on the ocean shore.

Surfing or simple swimming - a detailed map of beaches in Russian

Regarding beach holidays, one thing should be noted essential feature, which you are likely to notice on the Bali beaches. This feature is high waves.

Almost all beaches, starting from Kuta, which is the closest to the airport, and further, near the coast there are quite high and intense waves. Therefore, in order to swim calmly, you will need to specifically look for a beach with more or less gentle waves or enjoy the pool at the hotel. Although there is a certain advantage in the waves, you can start to master surfing, you will not experience a shortage of instructors and surfers in Bali.

Rice terraces

After walking through the forest of monkeys and having a good conversation with our annoying evolutionary predecessors, you will most likely want some kind of contemplative rest and tranquility. Then you shouldn’t go far from Ubud, because not far from the city there are the beautiful Tegallalang rice terraces.

The remarkableness of the terraces lies in their special location, which forms an amazing landscape.

In addition to the terraces near Ubud and in the city itself, you should visit:

  • Ganesha statue;
  • shops of master craftsmen;
  • elephant park;
  • bird park;
  • Blanco Museum.

Uluwatu Temple

In general, the temple itself and the surrounding space, which abounds in beauty, are interesting, but best to go in Uluwatu before sunset. Every day, precisely during this period of the day, an amazing action takes place near the temple called kecak dance.

This dance involves a significant number of men who put themselves into a trance with rhythmic movements and sounds. In addition, a theatrical performance, which is based on Hindu traditions. The performance takes many hours, but is exciting and interesting.

Lake Baratan

Is amazing creation of nature. The cleanest lake, the water from which the Balinese use in cooking. Admiring the surface of the water certainly brings great pleasure and pleasure.

At the same time, there is a temple of the goddess of fertility called Ulun Danu nearby. This temple seems to rise out of the water, and externally the individual buildings of the temple complex look simply amazing.

If you go on an excursion to Lake Baratan, you can visit other attractions in this part of the island. In particular, not far from the island there is a couple of beautiful waterfalls(Sekumpul and Munduk) and Botanical Garden.

Bali is a small part of the large Indonesian archipelago

Bali is pretty large island and has a length of about one and a half hundred kilometers. Although the space of just over five thousand square kilometers is generally insignificant compared to the size of the total territory of Indonesia. However, of all the islands of the Bali archipelago at this time, it is most visited by tourists.

Lives on the island about four million people, that is, a small part of the entire 250 million Indonesian population.

Most Balinese practice Hinduism, although Islam is the most common religion in Indonesia.

Geographically, Bali is to the Malay Archipelago. It is located almost in the southernmost part of Indonesia. To the west of Bali is the island of Java, but to the east is the island of Lombok.

How to get there from Russia, Jakarta and other Asian islands

In order to be in Bali, everyone can choose a certain option, of which there are a considerable number. Note the most popular and optimal options:

Bali on the world map: geographical position and climate features in this video:

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Bali on the world map.

If there is a heavenly place on planet Earth, then its name is Bali. Here all year round The weather is beautiful, and nature never ceases to amaze you with its stunning beauty and delicious treats. To find out, where is Bali on the world map, just look at the globe. The island is located in the most remote part of Indonesia, and the closest mainland to it is Australia.

Bali on the world map is a tiny island located in Southeast Asia. On one side the island is washed by the Indian Ocean, and on the other by the Bali Sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean. Every year, thousands of tourists hit the road to enjoy Balinese hospitality, sunny weather and the azure coastline.

Location of Bali island on the world map in Russian.

Features of the geographical location of Bali

As indicated on the world map, Bali covers an area of ​​more than 5.5 km2. The length of the island is about 150 km from east to west and about 80 from north to south. It is located just 8 degrees south of the equator, so it enjoys sunshine all year round warm weather and the bronze tan of locals and tourists. Only the winter months can force people to hide from the cold rains under the roof of their villas for a while and enjoy exotic cocktails.

To find out where Bali is located on the map, you should take a long look at the Indonesian islands in the Indian Ocean. This piece of paradise is so miniature that it is difficult to imagine that it is a cultural tourist center.

When describing the island, it is impossible to keep silent about one legend that tells the story of its origin. It is known that the island of Bali on the world map demonstrates the conventional border between the fauna and flora of tropical Asia, as well as natural areas New Guinea and Australia. In ancient times, the Indian god Rama led a huge monkey army that opposed the insidious spirit. The villain kidnapped Ram's beautiful wife and did not want to give her up to her husband. But the army of monkeys was defeated, and most of the warriors fell on a small island, which today is called Bali. Those who have been here at least once will confirm: there are a colossal number of monkeys on the island; they are an integral part of this paradise.

Map of Bali island in Russian.

What attracts tourists to Bali

The map of Bali is replete with various attractions and picturesque nature. Here there are volcanoes that periodically erupt fiery lava and ash, dense tropical forests, bottomless lakes with crystal clear water, as well as mysterious caves that keep centuries-old secrets. But it is not only the virginity of nature that attracts tourists. The main attraction of the island is surfing.

There is no bad weather in Bali, and waves of any size approach the shores. The island has many beaches where surfers can show off their skills or learn new techniques. Below is a list of the most popular places:

1. Echo Beach is the most beloved and popular among fans of extreme sports. The beach received its original name in honor of the ancient temple, which is located nearby. The bottom of the coast is flat and rocky, the wave height is ideal for swimming on a board - up to 2 meters. This place has been chosen by many surfers; they return here again and again to learn new skills.

2. Keramas Beach is intended for surfers who prefer to get up early to catch high waves (by seven in the morning the ocean calms down). It is recommended for professionals to try their hand at the beach, as a wrong move could result in a fall into water filled with sea urchins and corals.

3. Uluwatu Beach guarantees first-class surfing at any time of the day. In addition to surfing, you can enjoy diving and eco-tourism here.

4. Legian Beach is famous for the fact that a huge number of schools for beginner surfers are concentrated on it. During the day, beginners learn to balance and control the board, and in the evening, when the size of the waves increases, they can perform several tricks on their own.

5. Kuta Beach is a valuable gift for those who are on the board for the first time. The sandy bottom will not allow a beginner to get hurt when falling, and in order to catch a wave, you don’t need to swim far.

The surfing season in Bali has no restrictions. Waves can be found here at any time and weather. Once on the island, you should not deny yourself visiting temples, water palaces, unique natural places, such as Sekumpul waterfall, Batur volcano, mountain lakes Bratan, Buyan and Tamblingan.

The island of Bali is not just a holiday destination. Ancient sages believed that gods of all religions settled in gorges and caves. It's an amazing feeling to be in a place that inspires people from different countries, inspires self-confidence. Undoubtedly, Bali is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Surf spots on the map of Bali in Russian.

Hello, my darlings! Today we will go on a virtual journey to a real paradise on earth.

Bali is the most famous resort island on the world map, located in Indonesia. Where is the island of Bali on the map of Indonesia? We'll talk about this today.

It is so far away that its closest neighbor is Australia. Nevertheless, millions of people from all cities fly here: to swim, to find their destiny, to seek enlightenment. I once asked myself: “Why is everyone so attracted to Indonesia, a place on the edge of the world?”

To be honest, I love to travel. I think you know this if you've been reading this blog for a long time. But, unfortunately, I haven’t gotten to Bali yet. Maybe just because I didn’t set such a goal for myself, or maybe I just don’t have enough money for such a trip yet. But I know a lot about the island.

Firstly, I read a lot, follow the blogs of other travelers, I even have a postcard from this piece of paradise. I just subscribed to one blogger who decided to go to trip around the world and he sent postcards to all his subscribers from different parts of the planet. I got one from Indonesia itself.

Secondly, my friends were vacationing in Bali and after they arrived home, we all went to them for a portion of positive emotions and fascinating stories. The first thing some of our mutual friends asked them was: “Where is Indonesia?” Do you know?

Indonesia Bali map

Bali is a large island on the world map, which is located in the country of Indonesia. The capital of the island is . There is one airport in Bali where planes fly, including from Moscow. It's called .

It is so beautiful and diverse that there is no point in just lying here on the beach. If you go there for several days, it is better to rent a car or scooter so as not to be tied to one point on the map. Rental prices are low, only 5-10 dollars per 24 hours. You don’t need to pay a deposit, you don’t need to have your license with you either, it’s beautiful...

So, Bali is a unique island with ancient temples and strange customs, it is a treasure trove of primeval nature and a dream for those who love. These are rice terraces, volcanoes and huge lakes, and, of course, the ocean. But, according to friends, to see all the sights, you need to go through the hell of local roads. Tons of saws, terrible traffic and unbearable heat.

There are no wide roads on the entire island, only narrow strips. And all this happened because of sloppiness; the Indonesian government was so carried away by the development of the island’s infrastructure in order to highlight it on the political map of the world that it completely forgot about the roads. And with each city the situation is only getting worse. But even the country's location and infrequent flights do not stop tourists from traveling to Indonesia.

The country is famous for its ocean

It is impossible to swim in it, like in the Black Sea - the waves are too high. But surfing or just jumping on the waves is exactly what you can do best here. If you were there, I'm waiting for your photos. But often local sellers spoil the holiday; sometimes my friends got the impression that there were more of them than vacationers on the beaches.

By the way, my friend Pavel Bachinin, who lives there, wrote quite well about the island of Bali. Read it, where he described in detail the prices for holidays and living, as well as the features of living in Bali.

Just walking along the beach or around the city, you can not only meet many representatives of flora and fauna, but also people performing various rituals. Spirits and demons for the local population are real beings. No one here doubts that they live next to ordinary people. They pray to them, ask for forgiveness, and bring gifts every day.

For such purposes, every house in Bali has a special altar. Local residents may not even have a home, but they always have an altar. Gifts are presented to the spirits three times a day, and each time it is only fresh food and picked flowers.

Local residents have something to show tourists, and it is worth noting that little Russian is spoken here, but English can be heard at every step.

Hotels in Bali are presented in different price segments

There are cheap hostels, for 10 dollars per night, and expensive hotels with beautiful views, their prices start from 100 and above.

The resort can be called expensive, but, according to friends, if you travel on your own and buy things and food far from the resort areas, you can save a lot. I quote: “Relaxing in Bali is several times cheaper than in Monaco, even the air there smells of dollars”, besides, a visa is not needed if you do not want to stay longer than 2 months.

I will definitely go there, this island is on my travel list, so when I visit there I will write a more extensive review. Have you been to Bali? If yes, write, it will be interesting to read.

Subscribe to , if you haven’t already, and invite your friends! See you later. I will also be glad if you share the article on social networks, this gives me an incentive to develop and write new interesting materials.

Text— Agent Q.

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The company "Our People" invites you to make an unforgettable trip to the exotic island of Bali. This place has long been considered the most prestigious and popular resort on the planet due to its picturesque nature, outlandish local culture and high-quality service.

Bali Island - an exotic corner of Indonesia

Exotic Bali island on the world map is located in the Malay Archipelago and belongs to the Lesser Sunda Islands group. Generally Bali, map which is simply strewn with places for various types of recreation, is territorially part of Indonesia. Geographical feature Bali islands on the map lies in the fact that its lands are washed by two oceans: the Pacific and the Indian. Also, the island of Bali on the world map is separated from Java by the Bali Strait, and from Lombok by the waters of the Lombok Strait.

By the way, the island of Bali is marked on the map as a zone of increased volcanic activity. On its territory there are two active volcanoes, Gunung Agung and Gunung Batur. To admire their grandeur, you need to go to the northeastern part of the island. All of Bali on the world map is divided into 6 regions.

The best resorts on the map of Bali island

When going to Bali, Indonesia, a map of which you should look at before you start your trip, you need to plan your trip in advance. After all, studying the map of the island of Bali, you will be surprised by the huge number of places for a varied holiday: from educational and impressive to exotic and extreme. All Bali island map it is simply strewn with cities and towns that you will definitely want to visit. On the Bali map you can easily see that there are 14 main cities for holidays.

Bali island resort map - Indonesia

The main tourist center of the island is its southern tip. It is here that the city of Denpasar is located, which houses more 4 and 5 star hotels than on the entire island. In addition, Ngurah Rai International Airport is also located here.

Business card The island of Bali has become extensive on the world map beach resort Kuta. This paradise is simply created for lovers of active recreation. A huge number of hotels, restaurants, shops and cafes for every budget and for every taste simply attract huge crowds of vacationers here. Here you can feel what real extreme sports is.

Map of attractions of Bali island, Indonesia

Tours to Bali Island

Route: O. Bali - o. Java - oh. Flores - oh. Komodo - o. Bali.

A combined tour of the islands of Indonesia from the tour operator “Our People” is all the most interesting things in one trip. In two weeks you can visit four islands, visit the Balinese village of Ubud, ride in jeeps to the Merapi volcano on the island of Java, enjoy the splendor of Flores Island - the “Cape of Flowers” ​​and meet the last dinosaurs on Earth - the Komodo Dragons. After exciting visits to the sights of the Indonesian islands, a week of relaxation awaits you on the snow-white beaches of Bali.

We invite you to an exciting combined journey around the magical island of Bali, during which you will find legendary Balinese dances, ancient temples, spices and the azure sea. First, you'll spend 4 days in atmospheric and ancient Ubud, famous for its spa complexes and jewelry galleries, and then you'll have a week of relaxation on the picturesque Balinese coast.

10 nights in Bali and 2 nights in Singapore in the best hotels with impeccable service is a great way to do new year holidays a bright and memorable event. The pristine nature of the island, its snow-white beaches, the turquoise expanse of the Indian Ocean and the local population professing the joy of every minute of life will create an atmosphere of calm and relaxation.

We invite you to spend your holiday on the beautiful island of Bali! It will greet you with magnificent white sand beaches, tropical forests and majestic volcanoes, as well as blue lagoons with crystal clear water, surrounded by the greenery of the tropical jungle. Holidays in Bali are like a wonderful dream, where the whole landscape evokes bliss and relaxation: spreading palm trees leaning towards the clear turquoise waters, velvet sands, picturesque bays, as if they came to life from the pages of glossy magazines.

Cruise route. Indonesia: Bali, Java. Malaysia: Kuching, Kota Kinabalu. Brunei: Bandar Seri Begawan. Philippines: Puerto Princesa, El Nido. China: Hong Kong. Singapore.

From the beautiful island of Bali to the futuristic Hong Kong... We invite you to big cruise, during which you will visit six countries at once - Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, China and the Philippines. Traveling on a comfortable yacht Le Laperouse will allow you to see all the jewels of Southeast Asia without neglecting comfort.

The Bulgari Resort 5* hotel offers a magical holiday at a luxurious spa resort. The exquisite design of the spa harmoniously combines the sophistication of modern Italian design and the traditions of Bali. The spa complex is located in a secluded location on a high beach, offering stunning views of the Indian Ocean. Complete isolation from the bustle of the city allows you to create a charming world of calm and harmony, which we invite you to visit.

We offer you the program " Spiritual Journey» from the health center of the Bagus Jati Health & Wellbeing Retreat 4* hotel, which is located on the island of Bali, near the resort of Ubud. The course includes meditation, healing according to the Ayurvedic system, different kinds spa massages, yoga classes, cleansing rituals and famous Balinese spiritual practices. Accommodation and three meals a day are included in the cost of the program!

Bulgari Bali Resort 5* is a luxury hotel on the island of Bali, with a magnificent view of the Indian Ocean. In addition to the fact that the resort has excellent infrastructure designed for luxury holidays, it boasts an abundance of truly romantic corners. This is what makes it a great place for weddings and honeymoons. In addition, in 2015 the hotel offers the “Wedding at Villa Bulgari” package, which includes a wedding ceremony and accommodation in a luxurious villa of 1300 square meters. m, as well as other mandatory elements of the celebration. If desired, you can order various additional services - from a wedding dinner with entertainment to a professional photo shoot.

The island of Bali is one of the most romantic places on Earth. That is why many lovers strive to hold their wedding ceremony here, surrounded by the azure waters of the ocean and lush tropical gardens. The Bulgari Bali Resort 5* hotel offers you a special package of services, which includes a wedding on the water with festive decorations and music, as well as two nights of accommodation in a beautiful villa overlooking the ocean. If desired, you can order various additional services - from a wedding dinner with entertainment to a professional photo shoot.

If you are a fan of active recreation, then this offer is for you! The Bali Adrenaline package includes rafting, jeep safaris, diving in Nusa Penida, jungle quad bike or buggy rides, and a trip to Mount Batur. In addition, you get a free visit to the aquamedical pool at the Thalassotherapy Center and a seafood dinner on Jimbaran Beach!

In a luxurious villa, in a cozy chapel, on a snow-white beach by the ocean or on the mirror surface of a picturesque lake - you can choose any option for one of the most unforgettable days of your life. We invite you to have an unforgettable wedding ceremony at the five-star Bulgari Resort 5* hotel. Depending on the chosen ceremony option, you can invite from 12 to 90 guests.

Exotic beaches, wild jungles and rafting attract you? Then you will enjoy an active holiday in the mysterious and attractive Indonesia! We invite you to an exciting tour of the resorts of the island of Bali, during which you will explore ancient temples, raft mountain river, master extreme sports on the picturesque coast and just have a good rest by the ocean.

Tour route: Bali island - Flores island - Bidadari island - Kanawa island - Flying fox island - Flores island - Komodo island - Flores island - Bali island - Java island - Bali island.

The magnificent beaches and Buddhist temples of Bali, prehistoric dragons and the amazing pink Komodo beach, the flight of a million fruit bats under sunset sky the Flying Fox Islands, the opportunity to see giant stingrays, the ancient pearls of Java and snorkeling off Bidadari Island - all this awaits you in amazing Indonesia!

We invite you to go on an exciting diving tour on a speed boat, in just 30-40 minutes you will find yourself on the islands close to Bali... You will visit islands such as Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Ceningan (Nusa Ceningan) and its incredibly beautiful beaches. You will also enjoy snorkeling and see pristine corals and colorful fish.

Dense jungles and black sand beaches, mysterious ancient cults and hospitable Papuans, delicious exotic cuisine and untouched jungles... All this awaits you in Southeast Asia, which is so attractive for travelers! We invite you to an exciting tour of the Indonesian islands - Java, Sulawesi and Papua. You will get acquainted with the life and culture of local peoples, see the legendary Borobudur stupa, learn about the frightening cults of the Toraja mountain inhabitants, visit the Papuan festival and buy inexpensive but very beautiful souvenirs from local craftsmen.

We bring to your attention the “Detox” program from the health center of the Bagus Jati Health & Wellbeing Retreat 4* hotel, which includes procedures for removing toxins conducted by a specialist doctor, various types of massage, body masks, wraps, acupuncture sessions, yoga classes, meditation and much more! Accommodation, meals according to the program and treatment session are included in the tour price!

We bring to your attention the “New Start” spa program of the health center of the Bagus Jati Health & Wellbeing Retreat 4* hotel, which is located on the island of Bali, near the resort of Ubud. The course includes various types of massage to choose from (restorative, Balinese, Javanese, anti-cellulite), face and body masks with natural ingredients, yoga classes, cooking lessons and much more! Accommodation and meals are included in the cost of the program!

We bring to your attention a weight loss program at the Thalasso Bali center, which will help normalize metabolism, improve lymph flow, remove toxins, increase the overall tone of the body and, ultimately, get rid of excess weight. Every day you will receive a welcome drink, consultation with a specialist, a treatment according to the program (lymphatic drainage or thermo-effective massage, seaweed wrap or chocolate-honey mask), and then green tea in the Spa Café.

The spa treatment program at the health center of the Bagus Jati Health & Wellbeing Retreat 4* hotel is focused on rejuvenating and healing the body. The course includes various types of massage, masks from natural ingredients, milk-floral and herbal baths and other treatments for the face, body and hair. Accommodation, meals (half board) and yoga classes are also included in the tour price.

The best place to celebrate a wedding. The wedding chapel and the Cloud Nine honeymoon villa are located right on the hotel's beach. The high quality service and personal care of each of our staff will make your St Regis wedding an unforgettable experience.

Concentrated on the island of Bali a large number of resorts Some of them are located right on the coast and have magnificent beaches. Others are hidden in the outback of the island and allow you to enjoy a relaxing holiday and see the most interesting places in the region. I suggest taking a closer look at each resort, which will allow you to choose your own paradise in Bali.

This is one of the first resorts in Indonesia where tourism began to develop. Just 40 years ago, no one could even imagine that a resort town would emerge from a simple fishing village, which tourists would want to visit even from the most remote corners Globe.

Today the area has great tourism potential. Numerous hotels were built here different levels, entertainment venues, catering establishments, shops, souvenir shops and other infrastructure facilities are open.

Numerous beaches are suitable for both relaxing and active holidays. Many of them are popular among surfers. They will be appreciated even by those for whom surfing is absolutely the new kind sports The main flow of vacationers are Australians, which is why many establishments are aimed at them.

The central beach is called Kuta Beach, and it is from here that the development of the tourism industry began. It is quite wide, the entrance to the sea is gentle, the sand is white. Most of the hotels are aimed at the average tourist, but finding higher-class accommodation is also not difficult.


One of the most luxurious resorts in Bali. It is located north of Kuta, and its literal name translates as “pleasant” or “delicious.” Its picturesque landscapes are pleasant climatic conditions, stunning beaches - all this is guaranteed to give an unforgettable vacation experience.

All beaches are formed naturally and consist of a gray color that acquires a metallic tint at dawn. The advantage of the resort is that there are no rock formations or coral reefs, making it safe to swim. The entrance to the sea is gentle. There are many surfers here, coming from all over the world. You can meet both professional wave conquerors and those who are just starting to master this sport.

Unlike other resorts, Legian has lower pricing for many tourist services. There is also night entertainment and a well-developed food system. Fans of shopping will also be able to find something to their liking. The resort has numerous shops, supermarkets, and large department stores.


The resort is located in the south of the island and is the best place for those who are looking for conditions for a calm and secluded pastime. The international airport is 5 kilometers away, allowing you to get to hotels in a matter of minutes. The hotel base is represented by a wide variety of accommodation options. It will not be difficult to find a modest guest house or hostel here. A higher level of comfort and service is offered by 4 or 5 star hotels, of which there are also plenty at the resort.

The beaches of Jimbaran are clean, the water is azure in color, which attracts couples with children. Facilities on the beaches include sun loungers and umbrellas. In numerous cafes and restaurants you can taste delicious dishes seafood, most of which is caught in local waters. As for surfing, in most cases beginners come to the resort, since there are no high waves here. The rich underwater world allows for snorkeling. The main attractions of the region are the Uluwatu Temple and the fish market.

Nusa Dua

Looking for a place to relax at the highest level? Then the Nusa Dua resort is just what you need. It is a closed area and is intended for foreign tourists. The resort is located in the eastern part of the Bukit Peninsula. Almost all hotels are classified as 4 and 5 stars and operate on an all-inclusive basis. A highly developed infrastructure will allow even the most demanding tourists to experience a decent level of comfort. Holiday prices are quite high, so I advise you to book accommodation in advance.

The disadvantage of the resort is that the ebb and flow of the tides are very noticeable here; some hotels even post a schedule so that vacationers know when is the best time to go to the beach.

In the western part of the area there are several cliffs that offer stunning views of the surrounding area. Nusa Dua has a huge number of spas and shopping facilities. As for attractions, there are few of them here. But there is always the opportunity to go on excursions to other areas of Bali.

Tanjung Benoa

The resort got its name in honor of a small fishing village, and this is no coincidence, since most of the region’s population is engaged in fishing. Tanjung Benoa simply amazes with its lush tropical vegetation, picturesque landscapes, as well as its wonderful beach, which consists of the finest light-colored sand.

This is one of the youngest tourist destinations, developing at an intensive pace. The central beach of Benoa allows you to enjoy a quiet and relaxing holiday. Such conditions are perfect for couples with small children. Despite the fact that the resort is not famous for active recreation, you can still meet surfing fans on the beaches, mostly those who are just starting to master surfing. this type sports

There are a huge number of food outlets and bars located within Tanjung Benoa. Cafes and restaurants serve both national and European dishes. The Kazunoya restaurant deserves special attention; it offers Japanese cuisine.


The resort is located in the southeast of the island. Its construction was intended specifically for tourists, making the area the first resort settlement in Bali. Fashionable hotels and highly developed infrastructure have made it an ideal place for an elite holiday. Mostly people come here with small children and those looking for beaches for a relaxing and secluded holiday.

The resort beach bears the same name and stretches along the coast for 5 kilometers. There is a stone path along it, which allows you to enjoy walking or cycling. Due to the fact that there is a coral reef close to the coast, the sea here almost always remains calm. The entrance to the water is gentle, there are no toxic algae or dangerous jellyfish. Fans of active recreation will appreciate diving. In addition, there is the opportunity to learn windsurfing or kiteboarding. Among the attractions, it is worth highlighting the Le Mayer Museum, the Pura Blanjong Temple, and the mangrove reserve.

Padang Bay

A small resort located in the eastern part of Bali. There is a ferry terminal on its main beach, which makes the coastal part not particularly attractive for recreation. That is why this place is often used as a transit point from which to travel to Lombok.

But few people know that a little further there are several more beaches that are ideal for relaxation. Among them is the Blue Lagoon, where a coral reef originates almost at the very shore, which creates optimal conditions for snorkeling.

The resort infrastructure is poorly developed. You won't find here shopping centers, entertainment venues, thanks to which vacation takes on a completely different direction. There are several diving centers operating on the streets of the resort, and the stunning nature and diversity of the underwater world will give you the most vivid diving experience. For lovers excursion holiday Several magnificent temples have been preserved; it is from Padang Bay that the easiest way to get to the Batur volcano.

Chandi Dasa

In the southeastern part of Bali is the resort town of Chandi Dasa, which is perfect for connoisseurs have a relaxing holiday and for those who decide to get acquainted with the underwater world of the Indian Ocean. The area is surrounded on all sides by picturesque landscapes, the formation of which was influenced by mountain ranges and the endless ocean.

The main hotels, villas and restaurants are located along the road, but the local population lives on the outskirts settlement. There are practically no beaches suitable for swimming within the resort. They are all slightly off to the side. That is why tourists practically do not come here for a long holiday. Vacationers can stay for a couple of days in order to get acquainted with the sights of the eastern part of the island. Another feature of the resort is the numerous diving schools that organize dives in most beautiful places region.


In the east of the island is the resort of Amed with its beach of the same name. This is another amazing place for lovers of secluded time. The area is perfect for a beach holiday; there are almost never high waves here, which attracts couples with children. The coastal strip is formed by coarse dark-colored sand.

Within the resort there is housing of all classes; it will not be difficult to find a budget option or five-star apartments. In addition, it is possible to rent villas for a longer period.

Near the resort is the Gunung Agung volcano, which is the highest point on the island. For lovers of active recreation, trekking routes have been developed that can take you to its peak. The rich underwater world and the presence of a coral reef create conditions for diving and snorkeling.


The quiet resort of Lovina is located in northern Bali. It stretches for 10 kilometers, and its atmosphere is significantly different from that inherent in the southern coast of the island. Good infrastructure and interesting attractions make the area the most visited in this part of the island. The center of the resort is in the village of Kalibukbuk, where most of the hotels, restaurants and tourist offices are located.

The beach is wide, its distinctive feature is dark-colored volcanic sand. The bottom is shallow, there are almost never strong waves. The only drawback is the ebb and flow of the tides. The main entertainment is swimming with dolphins. Around 5-6 o'clock in the morning, dozens of boats set out to sea to enjoy the incredible spectacle. And if you take a walk to the beach after sunset, you can see how the water begins to shine with a silvery-blue hue. It's all because of the night plankton.


If you want to get acquainted with Balinese culture and at the same time enjoy picturesque tropical landscapes, then Ubud is the resort for you. The area attracts with its calm, exotic atmosphere. The infrastructure is well developed here: there are numerous shops, yoga schools, spa salons and much more. The only thing the area lacks is beaches. All of them are located at a decent distance.

The hotel stock is represented by hotels of different levels. It won’t be difficult to find decent 5-star apartments here. There are a huge number of attractions located near the resort, which will allow you to diversify your leisure time and create an individual recreation program.

Bali resorts on the map

On this map I have marked all the described resorts.

Each resort in Bali has its own distinctive features. But they all offer excellent conditions for relaxation. Such an abundance of resort areas will allow you to choose the ideal place for your next vacation.

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