Development of lesson with presentation Natural areas of Africa. Natural areas of Africa. In which natural zones is Africa

Geographical position, relief leveling contributed to the location of the geographical belts of Africa (Equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical) and natural zones twice on both sides of the equator. With a decrease in moisture to the north and south of the equator, herbal cover becomes more rarefied, and the vegetation is more xerophyte.

In the north there is a lot of species of plants. In the center and in the south, the most ancient representatives of the planet vegetation are preserved. Among the flowering plants to 9 thousand types of endemics. In a rich and diverse animal world (see. Nowhere in the world there is no such accumulation of large animals, as in African savanna. Elephants, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, buffaloes and other animals are found. The characteristic feature of the animal world is the wealth of predators (lions, cheetahs , leopards, hyenas, hyiennial dogs, jackals, etc.) and unfortunate (dozens of types of antelope). Among the birds there are large - ostriches, vultures, marabou, vengeious cranes, drofs, rhinos birds, crocodiles live in rivers.

In natural areas of Africa, many animals and plants that are not on others. For African Savannan, it is characterized by Baobab, the trunk of which in diameter reaches 10 m, a palm tree. Duma, an umbrella acacia, the highest animal in the world - giraffe, lions, a bird-secretary. In the African forest (Gilen), human-like monkeys of gorilla and chimpanzees live, the dwarf giraffe. In tropical deserts single-burned camel Dromader, Foxeneck, as well as the most poisonous snake mamba. Only on lemurs inhabit.

Africa is the homeland of a number of cultivated plants: oilseed palm trees, a cola tree, coffee tree, Kleschin, sesame, sesame, African millet, watermelons, many indoor floral plants - Gerani, Aloe, Gladiols, Pelargonium, etc.

Wet zone equatorial forests (guili) It takes 8% of the mainland territory - the pool and the Gulf Coast. The climate here is wet, equatorial, heat is enough. The precipitates fall uniformly, more than 2000 mm per year. The soil is red-yellow ferrallitic, poor organic substances. A sufficient amount of heat and moisture contributes to the development of vegetation. According to the wealth of species composition (about 25 thousand species) and the area of \u200b\u200bwet Equatorial forests of Africa are inferior only by wet South America.

Forests form 4-5 tiers. In the upper tiers, gigantic (up to 70 m) ficuses, oilseeds and wine palm trees, seba, tree of cola, breadwinner. In the lower tiers - bananas, ferns, Liberian coffee tree. Among Lian is interesting, rubber liana Landolphia and Palma Liana Rotan (up to 200 m in length). This is the longest plant in the world. Valuable wood possess red, iron, black (ebenic) tree. In the forest there are many orchids, mosses.

In the forests of little herbivores and less than in other natural zones, predators. From the hoofs, the dwarf giraffe from Ogazi, hiding in dense forest thickets, the forest antelopes, water deer, buffalo, hippopotamus are found. Predators are represented by wild cats, leopards, jackals. From distributed cystic dike and wider flying. In the forests of numerous monkeys, bavians, mandrills. Manoid monkeys are represented by 2-3 types of chimpanzees and gorillas.

Transition zone between equatorial forests and are sub-digvatory variable wet forests. They are a narrow strip of wet equatorial forests. The vegetation gradually changes under the influence of a reduction in the wet period and enhancing the dry season as removal from the equator. Gradually, the equatorial forest goes into a subequatorial, mixed, leaf-and evergreen on red ferrollic soils. Annual precipitation decreases to 650-1300 mm, and the dry season increases to 1-3 months. The distinctive feature of these forests is the predominance of the trees of the legume family. Trees tall up to 25 m drop the leaves in a dry period, herbal cover is formed under them. Sub-screen forests are located on the northern outskirts of wet equatorial forests and the south of the equator in the Congo.

Savannah and edging It occupy large spaces of Africa - the regional raising of the Congo, Sudanese plains, East African Plateau (about 40% of the territory). These are open cereal plains with groves or individual trees. The zone of Savannan and the edge of the wet and variable-wet forests from the Atlantic before and extends north to 17 ° C. sh. And south to 20 ° sh.

For savannah, the alternation of wet and dry seasons is characteristic. In the humidity time of the year in Savannah, where the rainy period lasts up to 8-9 months, lush cereals rise up to 2 m high, sometimes up to 5 m (ivory). Among the solid sea of \u200b\u200bcereals (cereal savanna), individual trees are torn: baobabs, umbrella acacia, palm trees, oilseed palms. In the dry period of the year, the grass dry, the leaves on the trees fall out, the savanna is becoming yellow-drier. Under the savannas, special types of soil are formed - red and red-brown soils.

Depending on the duration of the wet period, the savanna is wet, or highly harvested, typical, or dry and desertified.

Wet, or high-level, savannahs have a slight dry period (about 3-4 months), and the annual precipitation amount is 1500-1000 mm. This is a transition area from forest vegetation to a typical savannah. Soils, like in the subequatorial forests, are red ferromallic. Among the cereals - ivory grass, bearded, from trees - Baobab, Acacia, Rozhkov, palm tree, cotton tree (Seba). In the valleys of rivers are developed evergreen forests.

Typical savannah are developed in areas with precipitation 750-1000 mm, the dry period lasts 5-6 months. In the north they extend a solid strip from before. IN Southern Hemisphere occupy the northern part. Characterized by Baobabs, acacia, fan palm trees, carite tree, cereals are represented by bearded. The soil is red-brown.

Deserted savannahs have a smaller amount of precipitation (up to 500 mm), the dry season lasts 7-9 months. They have a rarefied cereal cover, and acacia prevailed among shrubs. These savannahs on red-brown soils stretch the uninforced strip from the coast to Somalia Peninsula. In the south, they are widely developed in the basin.

Savannah Africa is rich in feed resources. There are more than 40 types of herbivorous hoofs, especially numerous antelopes (curves, cannes, dwarf antelopes). The largest antilope GNU. Giraffes have been preserved mainly in national Parks. Zebra spread in savannas. In some places, they are domesticated and replaced by horses (not susceptible to the bites of Tsetz fly). Numerous predators are accompanied by herbivores: lions, cheetahs, leopards, sacking, hyenas. An endungent animals include black and white rhino, an African elephant. Numerous birds: African ostrises, ceshards, tours, marabou, weaver, secretary, chibis, herons, pelicans. According to the number of types of plant and animal world, African Savannah Savannah Square are not equal.

Savannes are relatively favorable for tropical farming. Significant sections of savannah rain, cultivated cotton, earthwood, corn, tobacco, sorghum, rice.

To the north and south of Savannnes are located tropical semi-deserts And desert, occupying 33% of the mainland territory. It has a very small amount of precipitation (no more than 100 mm per year), a meager xerophytic.

The semi-deserts are a transition region between savannas and tropical, where the amount of precipitation does not exceed 250-300 mm. Narrow strip in Kustarnichkovo-Zlakovaya (acacia, Tamari, hard cereals). In South Africa, semi-desert are developed in the inside of Kalahari. For southern semi-deserts are characterized by succulents (Aloe, Mokhai, wild watermelons). During the rainy period, the irises, lilies, amaryllis are blooming.

IN North Africa Huge areas with precipitation up to 100 mm takes, in South Africa, the desert of Namib stretches along the west coast, the Kalahari Desert is in the south. The deserts are distinguished by the deserts of cereal-shrub, shrub and succulent.

Sugar vegetation represent individual beams of cereals and spiny shrubs. Wild millet, from shrubs and semi-stares - dwarf Saksaul, Camel Kolya, Acacia, Yuuba, Mokhai, Ephed, are common. Salt soils grow soyankins and wormwood. Around Schott - Tamari. For southern deserts are characterized by succulent plants, appearance Stones resembling stones. In the wilderness of Namib, a peculiar relict plant is common - Velvichia majestic (plant-stump) is the lowest tree of the Earth (up to 50 cm height with long fleshy leaves with a length of 8-9 m). Aloe, Mokha, wild watermelons, shrub acacia are found.

Typical soils desert - serous. In those places of sugar, where the groundwater is close to the surface of the Earth, oases are formed. All the economic activities of people are concentrated here, grapes, grenades, barley, millet, wheat are growing. The main plant of oasis is a palm tree palm.

Animal world Semi-desert and deserts are poor. In the Sahara among large animals there are antelopes, wild cats, fench feng. In the sands there are carcans, gerbils, various reptiles, scorpions, phalanges.

Natural tropical zone wet forests It is found on Madagascar Island and in the Dragon Mountains. It is characterized by iron wood, rubberos and rosewood trees.

The transition zone between tropical deserts and subtropical evergreen forests and shrubs are subtropical semi-deserts and deserted steppes. In Africa, they occupy the inland areas of the Atlas and Kapsky Mountains, Plateau Cara and the Libyan-Egyptian coast up to 30 ° C. sh. Vegetation is strongly resolved. In North Africa, these are cereals, xerophytic trees, shrubs and semi-stabiliques, in southern - succulents, bulbous, tuberous plants.

Zone subtropical evergreens of severe forests and shrubs Presented on the northern slopes of the Atlas Mountains and in the west of the Caps.

The forests of the Atlas Mountains form cork and stone oaks, Pine Alepopskaya, Atlas Cedar with an undergrowth of evergreen shrubs. Macvis is widespread - difficulty thickets from severe evergreen shrubs and low trees (Mirta, Oleander, pistachio, strawberry tree, Lavra). Typical brown soils are formed here. In the Kapska Mountains, vegetation is represented by the Cape Oil, Silver Tree, African Walnut.

In the extreme south-east of Africa, where the wet subtropical climate, lush mixed subtropical forests are growing, represented by evergreen deciduous and coniferous rocks with an abundance of epiphytes. Zonal subtropical forests are red. The animal world of northern subtropics is represented by European and African species. In the northern subtropical forests, a noble deer, a mountain gazelle, a mouflon, a reed cat, jackal, Algerian fox, wild rabbits, barking, barking, barks and eagle, and eagle, and in the south - earthwood, antilopa-jumper are widely represented from birds.

Natural areas of Africa are located symmetrically relative to the equator. North and - "dry". The deserts and semi-deserts are dominated here, the outskirts are engaged in crucial forests and shrubs. Central (Equatorial) Africa is "wet", wet equatorial and variable-wet subequatorial forests grow there. To the north and south of Central Africa and in the elevated Eastern - Savannah and Raddarey.

Natural areas of Africa

Dancer E.S. geography teacher

Tropical deserts

Tighted forests

Variable-wet forests

Wet equatorial forests

Natural areas of Africa

Wet Equatorial evergreen forests

Corporate Congo and the Gulf Coast and the Coast. These forests are distinguished by a huge species diversity (more than 1000 species of plants), high (up to 50 m) and multi-tie (trees crowns fill almost all space).

Equatorial forest is the birthplace of many valuable plants. The most common of all palm trees is oilseed. The wood of many trees goes to the manufacture of dear furniture and in large quantities are exported outside the mainland.

Coconut palm

Liana, hanging garlands, make forest thickel




Animals of Equatorial Forests Africa

Leopard-predatory animal

Monkeys live on trees

Okapy, dwell only

Dwarf hippo up to 80 cm.

In Africa, there are many snakes, including poisonous

Muha Tsetz-carrier of the causative agent of a disease that causes diseases and death of harvested cattle, horses, in humans - life-threatening sleepy disease

Termitic insects that feed on plant residues


Savannai In Africa, there are huge spaces - 40% of the continental area. Forest and Savannah is two various worlds. Abundance of light and open space. Grass reaches 3m in height (elephant herbs). Rarely the trees are found. The rainy season lasts 7-9 months.

Plants savanna




Animals of African savanna


African elephants




Lev - most large representative Feline in Africa. This king beasts is not afraid of anyone. His roar is heard on a lot of kilometers around. Surprisingly, but no lions hunt, but a lioness. Sitause the lion eats over 10 kg of meat.

Rhinos are not too friendly. These animals are easy to find out for two horns - a big and small. After eating a rhino, resting somewhere in the shadow, accumulating from the scorching sun. He also likes to be sought in the mud - so the animal is protected from the bites of annoying insects.



African elephant

Mass: males reach 5 tons, females-3.

Height in shoulders: males reach 4m, females

slightly less.

Habits: held by family groups.

Sounds: makes a deep rumbling is the sound for

maintain communication, moreover


resembling hoarse horn.

Food: Plants.

Life expectancy: 60-70 years.

Protection: African elephant belongs to

extinct species. Hunt for him is prohibited.

Value: up to 6m.

Mass: up to 750kg.

Life expectancy: 70-100 years.

Food: mammals, reptiles, birds,

fish, Padal.

Habits: live by one or groups.

Crocodile is a relic of prehistoric

times. Until today, it has been preserved

as a representative of the family of reptiles, to

who also treated dinosaurs. Study

his lifestyle allows you to return to the past.

Habitat: Nile crocodile inhabits the shores of rivers and lakes. He spends the night in the water, and to the sunrise goes ashore.

Africa savanna is rich in birds.

Notic - the smallest Savannan bird

Pink flamingo


African Ostrich

Bird marabou

Natural conditions Savannes are favorable for growing cultural plants of hot countries.

Sweet potatoes, he is a batt

On more wet places grow rice


- The largest desert on earth. Annual precipitation is less than 100mm. Sometimes there is no precipitation for several years. IN summer time The heat reaches + 40-50 degrees in the shade. In Sahara, the stony deserts are occupied by stony deserts, where dunes and verakhans are praying.

Sugar vegetation is extremely scarce, and there are no places at all. Only in oases is developing rich vegetation.

Oasis in the desert

Animals Sahara, like other deserts, are adapted to the conditions of the desert climate.

Antelope - Addax


African beetle



Velvichia - Unique I. amazing plant Desert Namib (in South Africa)

A short trunk rises above the ground only 50cm. There are two dense sheets, up to 3 meters long. Leaves grow continuously, dying at the ends.

Age can reach 150 years.

Velvichia is under the protection of the Namibian Law on the Protection of Nature. Collecting her seeds is prohibited without a special permission ..

* The world's largest ground mammal, African elephant.

* The largest bird on Earth is an African ostrich.

* The fastest mammal is a cheetah.

* The largest crocodile.

* The largest man-like monkey - Gorilla.

* The highest animal in the world is giraffe.

* The largest beetle is Goliath.

* The fastest and poisonous snake -Afrikan Mamba.

Abstract of the lesson of geography on the topic "Natural Zones of Africa". 7th grade

Geography Teachers: Nesterova Olga Aleksandrovna


    Educational: consolidate the concept of "natural zones", show the variety of natural areas of Africa, their dependence on climate, show features of the nature of equatorial forests, savannah and desert, give the characteristic of the climate, soils of these zones, the influence of a person in nature;

    Developing: continue the formation of cognitive activity of students, the ability to independently produce knowledge, expand the horizons of children, involve in the lesson through the game, the formation of skills to work with the card, analyze, draw conclusions;

    Educational: to educate a sense of responsibility, interested attitudes, formation of artistic abilities of students, develop interest in geography.

Planned results:

a) Personal:

1. Intelligent activity - Intelligent skills that allow students to independently work with information sources, analyze and draw conclusions based on the information received.
2. Communicative skills - possession of the main skills of work in the group.
3. Responsibility and adaptability are personal qualities that allow productive to act for the implementation of their goals in accordance with the rights, needs and goals of the people around.

b) meta-deck:

1. Cognitive actions - include the actions of the study and selection of the necessary information, its structuring.
2. Communicative actions - ensure the possibility of cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand the comrade, plan and coordinated to carry out joint activities, be able to negotiate, correctly express our thoughts in speech, listen and take into account the opinions of others, to discuss, speak publicly.
3. Fastening the skills to work with information - find, analyze, manage, evaluate and submit information.

c) Subjects:

1. Mastering knowledge about natural areas of Africa, their dependence on climate, the diversity of plant and animal world.
2. Development of cognitive interests, intellectual abilities.
3. Mastering skills to work with various sources of information (text, textbook, atlas card, schemes, tables), organize your own information activities and plan its results.

Type of lesson: combined

Equipment: Multimedia projector, sheets of tasks and blanks for groups, tokens, atlases, natural zones of peace and Africa.


I. Organizing time. Configure students to work.

- I wish you fruitful work. I think that today the lesson will allow you to climb the step above. Successes to you and good luck.

- Guys, we continue to study in all the greatness and beauty magic, and often the exotic world of Africa. And today at the lesson you will find a face to face with this unusual continent.

II. Division into groups

- To work at today's lesson, you have merged into small group expeditions, taking a sheet of different colors. We will come back to these leaves.
Today we still have one reason to consider the lesson unusual.

We will make fascinating today journey By mainland ... Africa.
- Let's remember that we know about this unique mainland?

III. Checking homework

Groups choose a card, after a minute discussion, go to the board and perform the task. Tasks on cards:

1. Subscribe to climatic map. Names of climatic belts (ECP, SKP, TKP, STCP)
2. Draw a cloud in those climatic beltsWhere a lot of rains. (ECP)
3. Sign the VM in those belts where only one dominates them. (EUM, TVM)

Additional task:

1. How many transient climatic belts are in Africa? Name (2, SKPP, STCP)
2. Why did they name the transitions? (Air masses go in summer and winter)
3. Sign up VM in transition belts.
4. Who can draw a cloud, indicating the season of the year the most wetal in this climatic belt.


    The climatic features of this mainland are monotonous or diverse?
    What does this testify? (About the diversity of plant and animal world)

    Cards with crosswords

- To learn the topic of today's lesson, we must solve the crossword, showing knowledge of theoretical material. Commands are in turn goes to the board and fill the crossword.

Questions to the crossword

1. Not far from this city, which is the capital of the state of Libya, the highest temperature is registered + 58 degrees. (Tripoli)
2. Due to the fact that the mainland is located between the Northern and Southern Tropics, it is considered the most ... (hot)
3. This wonderful researcher went to Africa as a doctor and missionary, and spent almost 30 years in continuous expeditions. (Livingston)
4. Section of geography, which is dedicated to the description different species reservoirs: rivers, lakes, swamps, reservoirs.
5. The world's most free river? (Congo)
6. The only major island off the coast of Africa. (Madagascar)
7. American journalist, in honor of which the waterfall was named on the Congo River. (Stanley)
8. One of the very common species economic activity Many water areas of the mainland. (Fisheries)
9. It is in this belt that there is a pole heat, as well as the most large desert World. (Tropical)
10. Green islands in a non-shitty deserted edge. (Oasis)
11. One of the most beautiful waterfalls of the planet, open and named Livingston in honor of the then Queen of Great Britain. (Victoria)
12. The highest top of the mainland. (Kilimanjaro)
13. Permanent winds, dominant over the larger territory of Africa, which from the tropics to the equator. (Passats)

- So, the topic of today's lesson - " Natural areas of Africa. "
- What kind of natural zones do you know?
- Look at the leaves that you took when dividing into groups. Do you guess in color, with what natural zone will you work with? Why?

    Green - Evergreen Wet Equatorial Forests

    Yellow - desert

    Yellow-green - savanna and parel.

- What do you think your natural zones can be located in what climatic belt? - Please note that self-esteem sheets are located on the tables. Evaluate yourself in the section " Homework"Discuss over 1 minute and place a collective assessment of each member of the expedition for this type of work.

IV. Definition of lesson purposes

- Deciding the subject of the lesson, try to formulate that today we will have to find out today?

    What natural zones are on the mainland of Africa;

    Try to understand the existing patterns between climatic belts and natural zones;

    Determine what climatic conditions characteristic of each natural zone;

    Determine the type of soil and varieties of plant and animal world of natural zones;

    Fitness of plants and animals to different conditions;

    Using natural zones by man.

Attention expeditions!

- Now you start learning your natural zone.
Each expedition chose a natural zone to explore. After study additional material, Atlas cards, you fill out the support abstract. The result of your work will be a performance. On your tables lies a card with the name of the expert position in this expedition: captain, climatologists, soils, botany and zoologists. Choose a speaker who will submit a report on the work done.

V. Work in groups.

Time for group work is limited - 10 minutes.
On the desktop, find the folder "Natural Areas of Africa. 7th grade"
In this folder files:

    Reference abstract;

    Reference materials;

    Africa maps.

- You can use handouts on your desk. Do not forget about the distribution of duties to have all time. 2-3 minutes Look for the material, highlight, emphasize, then fill out the abstract.

While the guys are looking for information. Responsible for filling opens a support abstract.

- We have already defined, in which climatic belt is a natural zone. Fill!

Vi. Protecting your project(2 minutes for each group.)

- So, what did we learn about the three natural zones of Africa?

3. Working with the board.

Set compliance:


1. The trunks are so fat that they cannot grasp 6 people. Their bumps are so great that each of them could become a large tree.
2. Following hot days, cold nights are coming, sometimes freezing. Stones from this crack and hear sounds similar to remote explosions.
3. Here you can meet herbaceous elder cereals, and sometimes three-meter heights, among which there are rare trees, throwing out the leaves in a dry season.
4. Here the wind is the Great Lord and the domineering owner. The caravantes say that death comes here.
5. Here you can find huge herds of wild buffaloes, antelope, and off the coast of Lake a carpet from wild flamingo ...
6. Many animals have adapted to live in trees, as they go every day the rainy rains.
7. Two seasons of the year are clearly pronounced: wet and dry.
8. Large daily, annual temperature amplitudes cause severe weathera.
9. These forests are a variety of species compositionMulti-tiered, bloom and fruit all year round.

Natural zone

1. Wet Equatorial Forests
2. Savannas and light
3. Desert

- Let's go back to self-esteem sheets. Evaluate yourself in the section "Primary consolidation", and within 1 minute discuss and place a collective assessment of each member of the expedition for this type of work.
- Notice how much new we learned about the natural zones.

VII. Primary fixing

1. In terms of fragments, determine the natural zone.

2. The photographs determine in which natural zone these animals and plants live.

VIII. Reflection
- What do you think we got at the lesson today?
- What was the most interesting for you?
- What was for you difficult?

IX. Homework:

- When you leave, take your support abstracts to teach at home.

Creative task

    create a support abstract on another natural zone

X. The result of the lesson. Validation

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Natural areas of Africa Geography Teacher MBOU "SS No. 5" of the slugs Elena Anatolyevna Kogalym 2013

Continue the formation of submissions about the nature of Africa. To introduce students with the organic world of natural areas of Africa. Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

Natural zone is a major natural complex, having a community of temperature conditions and moisturizing, soil, plant and animal world. The formation of natural zones is due to the climate. Natural Zone Climate Soil Water Animals Relief Plants

Consider a map of Africa's natural zones in which climatic belts are Natural Areas of Africa?

Equatorial forests, or hygieus Geographical location in Africa are the largest arrays of equatorial forests, enriching the atmosphere of our planet with oxygen and giving valuable trees. It is wet equatorial forests in the Dol's coast of the Gulf of Guinea and the Congo pool at about 1600 km from the north to South and 5,000 km from the west to the east.

Plant world The hot climate and the abundance of rains contribute to the development of thick evergreen of woody vegetation. Multi-tiered forests. Trees up to 1000 species.

Between high trees Ring lower. Even below, shrubs are pumped, all binding, throwing out the tree on the tree, the lianas are closed, then thin, like the twine, then thick, like hippopotam's leg. Sometimes they form entire networks of impassable piece. The scorching rays of the African Sun do not penetrate into the depths of such a forest. " From "Krestomatia" S. V. Cheefranova, etc.

Banana banana - a huge perennial herbate plant With a thick root. Leaves depart from rhizomes. They reach a length of 4 m and in a width of 90 cm. For its development, bananas require a lot of water. Banana fruits are eaten in fresh and dried. In addition, they prepare banana flour, canned food, marmalade, syrup, wine and much more. Some varieties of bananas go to feed animals, on the manufacture of textile fabrics.

Animal world Many animals of equatorial forests dwell on the trees. In addition to birds, rodents and insects, numerous monkeys - monkeys, chimpanzees and others live on the trees, (growth of up to 80 cm) and the relatives of the Giraffe - Ogazi, dwelling only in Africa. A large predator of equatorial forests - leopard. In the deaf, low-cost places preserved the largest human monkey gorilla, which are no longer found anywhere. In loose soil and forest litter, snakes are found, lizards. Walked ants. Some of them exterminate all living things on their way.


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The geographical location of Savannah occupy almost 40% of the continental area. It is located around wet equatorial forests.

The climatic conditions of the savanna are in the subequatorial belt. In Savannah, two sharply pronounced seasons - dry and hot winter and rainy, hot summer. average temperature July and January + 20c. Average annual precipitation from 500 to 2000 mm.

The vegetation world in Savannah grows high to 3 meters of grass. Trees, such as acacia, Baobabs are growing alone or separate groups.

Baobab is considered to be one of the symbols of Africa south of the Sahara. This tree lives 4-5 thousand thousand days, height rarely exceeds 25 m, but in the pickup - 40 to m. Baobabs are not afraid of fires, but their enemies are elephants. They eat wet bark. The fruits of the tree are tagged monkeys.

Animal World Animal Peace Savannan is very diverse. Thermites eat termites, ants, herbivanic rodents. But the main lovers of herbs are ruminant animals, which hunt large predators - lions, cheetahs, hyenas. In Savannaps, Africa lives real giants of elephants and rhinos.

The economic activity of people residents of Savannah have long been engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. They clear the new seats of Savannan, burning natural vegetation. Growing corn, African millet - sorghum, coffee tree, earthwood. For tourists spend excursions.

Desert Africa

The geographical position of the space from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and from the foot of the Atlask Mountains and the Mediterranean coast to the northern borders of Savannan, occupied by tropical deserts, is called sugar. In South Africa, the desert zone takes the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Here is the desert Namib.

The climate of the annual amount of precipitation in sugar is less than 50ml. In internal parts The rainy desert is sometimes not for several years. Clouds are a rare phenomenon, so the sun's rays are particularly heated. ground surface. In summer, day heat reaches + 40 s in the shade.

Plant world The vegetation of sugar is extremely scarce, and in some places, especially in the central part, it is not at all. Some of the separate bunches of herbs and spiny shrubs grow. In plants, the desert is strongly developed by the root system, which they collect water from great depths and from extensive spaces (for example, speckback

Velvichia for the desert Namib is characterized by a peculiar plant of Velvichia. A short thick trunk rises above the ground only 50cm. Two dense leaf leaf, reaching the length of up to 3m, depart from its vertex. The leaves grow continuously from the stem, dying gradually at the ends. The age of Velvichia may exceed 150 years. The deserts of South Africa to the east and the north are moving in semi-deserts, where prickly pillow-shaped plants prevail, as well as Mokha, Aloe, wild watermelons with juicy fruits, often replacing the local population and animal water.

Nature Africa

  • To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe natural zones of the mainland, their vegetable and animal world.

  • Define geographical position Natural zones.
  • Examine the climatic and soil features of this zone.
  • Read the typical representatives of the plant and animal world.

  • this is a major natural complex with a community of temperature conditions and moisturizing soils, vegetation and animal world.

Wet Equatorial Forest



Wet equatorial forest This is natural zone for which evergreen vegetation located

  • Climate
  • Soil
  • Plants
  • Animal world

Wet Equatorial Forest


  • Climate
  • Equatorial belt t. and +24 0 FROM t. i +24 0 FROM precipitation 1000-2000mm
  • Equatorial belt
  • Equatorial aerial masses - Wet and hot
  • t. and +24 0 FROM t. i +24 0 FROM
  • precipitation 1000-2000mm
  • Rains go even within the course of the year


Red-yellow ferrallitic

  • Contain a lot of iron
  • Organic substances decompose to the end and do not accumulate
  • The abundance of moisture leads to continuous washing to a large soil depth
  • Walking around

Saiba - Sacred Mayan symbol (manitian ancestor)

Seiba - cotton leaf fall tree with a height of 60-70 m.

The trunk and large branches are intensely covered with very large, prickly spikes.

Adult trees produce several hundred fruits - large (15 cm) opening boxes containing seeds, similar to cotton.

Palm raffia

Raffia - the genus palm tall is 9-12 m. Leaves are perishets, up to 15-20 m long. Bruising is large, with a diameter of 4-5 m, branched. Fruits with a fibrous shell. After fruiting the plant dies away.

Pygmy covers these leaves their huts, from their fibers weave fabrics, hats, baskets.

Snake mamba (Wood Cobra)

Black Mamba is one of the most dangerous and poisonous in Africa.

Reaches a length of 2.4-3 meters, separate copies up to 4.5 meters in length.

It can move at a speed of up to 11 km / h, and with short shots in the equal terrain - 16-19 km / h.

Less than other species is adapted to life on trees, keeps among sparse vegetation.

Gorilla - Man-like monkey

The growth of adult males can vary from 1.65 to 2 m with a width of the shoulders near the meter.

Mass of males on average 140-170 kg, but can reach 200 kg and more. Females weigh about 2 times less.

The addition of gorilla is massive, musculature is strongly developed; Have a huge force.

Gorilla can perfectly get up and walk on the hind legs, but usually move on all fours.

Savannai In Africa, there are huge spaces - 40% of the continental area. Forest and Savannah are two different worlds. Abundance of light and open space. Herbs reach 3m in height. Rarely the trees are found. The rainy season lasts 7-9 months.

Savannah is a natural zone for which the change of dry and wet seasons of the year is characterized, herbal cover prevails with separate trees or trees groups.

  • Climate
  • Soil
  • Vegetation
  • Animal world


Red-brown savannah

  • Fertile
  • Organic substances accumulate in the dry season
  • Subscance belt
  • In summer, the equatorial air masses are dominant - wet and hot; Winter - Tropical - Dry and hot
  • t. and +24 0 With T. i +24 0 FROM
  • Precipitation 1000-2000mm

Seasons stand out:

  • rainy Season - Summer
  • zada Season --Zima

Animals of African savanna


African elephants



Lion is the largest representative of feline in Africa. This king beasts is not afraid of anyone. His roar is heard on a lot of kilometers around. Surprisingly, but no lions hunt, but a lioness. Sitause the lion eats over 10 kg of meat.

Rhinos are not too friendly. These animals are easy to find out for two horns - a big and small. After eating a rhino, resting somewhere in the shadow, accumulating from the scorching sun. He also likes to be sought in the mud - so the animal is protected from the bites of annoying insects.

Giraffe - The highest animal in the world

The giraffe males reach a height of up to 5.5 m and weigh to 900 kg. Females are usually slightly smaller and easier.

The neck of the giraffes is unusually long, and this is despite the fact that they, like almost all other mammals, only seven cervical vertebrae.

High growth increases the load on the circulatory system, especially with respect to the brain supply, so the heart of the giraffes is particularly strong.

a lion - the largest predator of Africa

A large predator as if consisting of some muscles.

The color of the wool from above from the sandy to the reddish-brown, almost white is below.

The lion of the middle size weighs about 190 kg. (175-220), the maximum recorded weight - 270 kg. Lion's body length is up to 3.3 meters, lionesses up to 2.7 meters.

Lions are perfectly adapted to the life of dry areas, they may not drink for months, pleaseing the moisture contained in food.

African Ostrich - the biggest bird on earth

Blueless fluttering bird. The name in translation means "Sparrow - Camel".

Growth reaches 270 cm, weight up to 175 kg.

The eyes are large - the largest among land animals, with dense eyelashes in the upper eyelids.

Baobab - Guardian African Savanna

Baobab - One of the thickest trees in the world - with an average circle of the barrel of 9-10 m, its height is only 18-25 m.

Upstairs, the barrel is divided into thick, almost horizontal branches forming a large, up to 38 m in diameter, crown.

In the dry period, in winter, when Baobab resets the foliage, it acquires a curious tree species, growing roots upwards.

Fly "Tse-Tse"

The carrier of the tribanosomosis - diseases of animals and humans.

Body length 9-14 mm.

It is possible to distinguish from European flies by the nature of the folding of the wings (their ends are flat on each other) and on a hornbearing trump, protruding on the front of the head.

Africa savanna is rich in birds.

Notic - the smallest Savannan bird

Pink flamingo

African Ostrich

Bird marabou

Tropical deserts

Climate dryness, irregular rains occur.

There are often dusty and sandy storms.

Riding rocks.

There are oases.

Desert- this is natural zone with very small the amount of precipitation, rare vegetation, and in places devoid of it

  • Climate
  • Soil
  • Vegetation
  • Animal world


Tropical deserts

  • Little humus
  • Many mineral salts.

Due to the lack of rain, salt from the soil is not washed away. With artificial irrigation on such soils, you can get good yields.


  • Tropical belt
  • Tropical air masses - Dry and hot
  • t. and +32 0 With T. i +16 0 FROM
  • Precipitation less than 100mm


Velvichia - Relic plants.

It is found up to 100 km from the coast, where the fogs reach, which serve as a source of moisture.

It has a short (50 cm) thick trunk, from which dense leaves are about 3 m long, which are stored throughout life (150 years).

Animal world

Desert Sahara

Sahara - One of the most arid regions of the world. The air here is dry, the sky is cloudless, plants and animals are almost not visible.

Here is the endless yellow sea sand. Sometimes there are stony areas, oil rigs and oases with doves palm trees, figs, carrying goats.

Desert Namib and Kalahari


  • Fill out a table, write down in the notebook definition.
  • Question:

Why is the desert zone in the north of the mainland takes a large territory, and in the south stretched along the western coast?

  • Corinskaya V.A., Sushina I.V., Schuchyov V.A. Georafia of the continents and oceans.7 class. Textbook for general education institutions. M-2006
  • Educational electronic edition "Geography. Our home is Earth. ". For students of grade 7 of secondary schools;
  • http: //
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