What is the best posture corrector for women? Posture correction program. Scoliosis. How to choose the most suitable one

Did you know that more than 50% of the Russian population have some kind of back problem? Stooping, which can later turn into scoliosis or lordosis, sooner or later leads, in the “best” case, to regular back and lower back pain. At worst - to incorrect work internal organs, deterioration of blood circulation in the brain, pinched nerves and, in especially severe cases, disability. Besides all this, a stooped posture, drooping shoulders, and a drooping chin do not make a person beautiful at all.

Girls are taught good posture. Girls' College, USA, 1946

First of all, it should be remembered that spinal disorders are, as a rule, not the cause, but a consequence of prolonged incorrect body position. The most common sources of back problems are:
— Poorly selected table and chair, not ergonomic workplace. Can you boast of a comfortable chair at work, or has your employer purchased the most budget model for the office? I bet the chairs in your child’s school haven’t been changed for twenty years?
- Sedentary work. Even if you have an expensive, comfortable chair, the sitting position inevitably puts a lot of stress on the spine, hence lower back pain.
- Sedentary lifestyle. The back muscles require the same training as the buttocks, thighs, and abs if you want them to be strong and toned. Alas, not everyone can find time to go to the gym in the evenings, and getting up at six o’clock in the morning for a morning jog is like the labor of Hercules.
- Habit of slouching. As long as you have health, you don’t notice it. The same can be said for a healthy back. Few people think about correct posture until chronic pain appears and the reflection in the mirror begins to resemble a question mark.

Avoiding the above problems is much more difficult than it seems. You can set yourself the goal of keeping your back straight, and you will successfully hold out for several tens of minutes, but after some time you will be surprised to find your back in a half-bent state. A course with a professional massage therapist (not a charlatan) can cause great damage to the family budget. And don’t buy a chair for your office for several thousand rubles!

To my regret, I know about all of the above problems first-hand. After spending my entire childhood at the wrong desk, sitting in an uncomfortable chair at school and almost not playing sports, I earned myself second-degree scoliosis. In search of an effective and not too expensive solution to my spinal problems and in order to prevent the deterioration of my back, I discovered a huge variety of devices and gadgets for posture. The most interesting and effective of them are included in this review. I sincerely hope that this article will save valuable time for those readers who are looking for an answer to the question “how to correct posture” and will generally be useful to those who care about their health and the health of their children.

Classics: corsets and correctors for posture correction

Orthopedic corsets are the most traditional way to treat an injured back and curvature of posture. Corsets can be divided into several types: lumbar, lumbosacral, thoracolumbar corsets and posture correctors. The first three types of correctors are located mainly at the lumbar level, often also affecting the thoracic or sacral spine. Their main purpose is to help with the rehabilitation of the back after injury, pain relief, prevention of vertebral hernias, alleviation of osteochondrosis, etc. Simply put, lumbar corsets are prescribed for serious problems with the spine and medical supervision is required. Although curvature of posture may be one of the reasons for the appointment of corsets of this type, but more often in such cases posture correctors are used.

To correct stoop, orthopedic posture correctors (reclinators) are used. They are located at the level of the thoracic spine and consist of elastic bands in the shape of a figure eight, which fits the shoulders and pulls them back, preventing the person from slouching. Often, in addition to tapes, reclinators also consist of a strong back and rigidity plates for additional fixation of the correct position of the spine. What do we end up with? Beautiful posture, a proudly raised chin and no slouching.

Most recliners are made of cotton with the addition of nylon, so the skin under the corrector can breathe. However, although the posture corrector can be worn on a naked body, it is still recommended to wear it on a T-shirt or T-shirt: this way the corrector can maintain its appearance longer. Most correctors are invisible under clothing, but the back of some models can reach the base of the skull, so if “invisibility” is critical for you, pay attention to this when choosing. You need to start correcting your posture with the help of an orthopedic posture corrector with a short wearing time, from 30-60 minutes, gradually increasing the load to 4-5 hours a day. Wearing correctors for more than 6 months is not recommended, as there is a risk of developing muscle weakness.

A well-known example of reclinators is the magnetic posture corrector Magnetic Posture Support (another name is Bradex “Cypress”), which were actively advertised on the Internet in 2010-2012. But the extremely low quality of these Chinese fakes for a lot of money has long discouraged people from using posture correctors and taking care of their backs. Fortunately, there are now many competitors on the market that offer reclinators good quality for a good price. Posture correctors from Timed and Tonus Elast are considered to be among the best in terms of price/quality ratio.

Posture correctors, as the most popular devices for a healthy back, have the following pros and cons:

Price. An orthopedic posture corrector will cost much less than many other devices or massage services
+ Popularity and effectiveness. Reclinator - the most popular way to correct stoop
+ Suitable for both children and adults.
+ Invisible under outerwear, jacket, sweater, loose jumper
— On the other hand, an orthopedic posture corrector can be noticeable under tight clothes, not to mention summer T-shirts. Therefore, most often people wear correctors in winter.
— You can’t use it for a long time, because there is a risk of developing muscle weakness: after all, the muscles, in fact, do not themselves maintain correct posture, the reclinator helps them in this, the muscles play a passive role.

Despite their minor drawbacks, posture correctors have proven themselves to be a universal solution to problems with slouching.

Apres writing corrector - salvation for a child who slouches when writing

School-age children sit at a desk for about 10 hours a day—about 6 hours at school, and another 4 or more hours doing work. homework and computer games. Just imagine, if your child slouches when writing (and almost all children slouch) 10 hours a day, what irreparable damage he causes to his spine. After all, a child’s spine is the most sensitive to incorrect body position, and it is necessary to teach a child to sit upright from childhood, before it is too late.

All children slouch when writing. Avoid this with Apres Concealer

Therefore, every parent has a question: “How to protect your child from curvature of posture.” If your child slouches when writing and doing homework, and you are already tired of constantly pulling him back, pay attention to Apres Children's Posture Correctors for Writing. This is a chin rest, which is attached to the table and prevents the student from slouching and bending over a workbook. This device will save not only the child’s back from scoliosis, but also the eyes from myopia, because according to doctors’ recommendations, you should keep a notebook or book no closer than 35-40 cm from the eyes.

The corrector for children when writing is installed on the tabletop (maximum thickness 5 cm) and tightened with special clamps. The height of the chin rest is adjustable from 14 to 22 centimeters, so it is suitable for children of primary and secondary school age, and can serve you for several years. It is very important that there is a chest support that will prevent the child from resting his chin on this corrector and nullifying all efforts to correct posture.

Among the disadvantages of such a corrector for children is the impossibility of installing such a device at school, because this can cause ridicule from classmates and subsequent dismantling of the stop by the child himself. In addition, this corrector will be useless for children of high school age - their chin is located at a height of 25-35 cm above the level of the table or desk, and the Apres corrector is not designed for such a height. Another type of corrector can cope with these shortcomings -.

Pros and cons of a corrector for children who slouch when writing:

Low price.
+ There is no longer a need to stand over your child’s soul and force him to sit upright
+ The corrector for children's stoop when writing grows with the child - thanks to the height adjusters, you can use the same corrector for several years in a row.
+ The child’s muscles work, independently maintaining correct posture, unlike the same reclinators.
— Not suitable for children over 14-15 years old
— A child is unlikely to agree to install such a corrector at school, where he slouches the most

Bradex massager - Bridge for relieving stress from the spine

Surely more than once after a whole day spent in a desk chair at the computer, you have felt severe back pain? You are not alone. Every second resident of Russia suffers from back pain at least once every 2 weeks. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, do not have an ergonomic chair, and do not move much, you are at risk. The back muscles and spine experience the greatest load during a sitting position. And so on for eight hours straight. Just imagine how tense your muscles are when you get home from work. It is unlikely that any of us will want to do household chores, prepare a special dinner for our beloved spouse, or read a useful book when all our thoughts are occupied only with back pain. Fortunately, there is a solution - the bradex spine bridge.

The Bradex Bridge will help you relax your back after a hard day and relieve stress from your spine.

Made from durable ABS plastic, the Bradex Spine Bridge will help you completely relax your back, stretch your muscles, and relieve lower back pain. All you need to do is use the massager twice a day for 5 minutes for best results. Three levels of unloading are available: simply fix the bridge for the spine in the position that suits you best, place the Bridge on the floor for stretching or on the bed for relaxation. It is recommended to start classes from the first, simplest position, gradually moving to the next height.

The bradex Spinal Relief Bridge is designed to help you stretch and relax your back muscles easily, safely and with pleasure. The bridge is used to relieve stress from the spine, relieve chronic back pain, correct poor posture, restore the natural curves of the back and improve flexibility in the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Bradex Spinal Bridge:
+ Low price
+ A bridge to relieve stress from the spine does not require long exercises - 10 minutes a day is enough;
+ Relaxes and massages the back,
— Corrects posture only indirectly. It will relax the muscles, but, nevertheless, will not force them to maintain the correct position on their own.
— Cannot be used for serious problems, for example, third-degree scoliosis.

Correct your posture without getting up from your chair

Not only schoolchildren spoil their posture and, consequently, their health by spending most of the day at their desks. Adults sit on an uncomfortable chair for much more time. And if it is not possible to replace the office chair with a high-quality one, you can at least improve it a little.

Lumbar corrector Office-Comfort

For those who have to spend a lot of time in a sitting position, it will suit device "Office Comfort" from the companyBradex. This corrector lumbar region shaped a bit like a saddle and designed to fit the natural curves of the spine. The “Office Comfort” device is put on the back of an office chair using a special elastic band, turning uncomfortable furniture into an ergonomic and comfortable chair. With such a lumbar corrector, your spine will be in the correct position intended by nature, which means no stooping or back pain.

The following conclusions can be made about the Office-Comfort lumbar corrector:
+ Low price (less than 200 rubles);
+ Maintaining a royal posture with a lumbar corrector is as easy as shelling pears;
+ Even the most uncomfortable chair can be made comfortable;
+ By supporting the natural position of the body, the load on the spine is reduced. Therefore, in a week you will forget what a tired back means at the end of the working day.
+ Prevention of scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other spinal diseases;
— Not the highest quality due to the low price.

Seat-simulator Back Okay

If you want to not only sit upright, but also train your back muscles (including deep ones), then pay attention to the “Back Ok” exercise seat from the furniture company Formex.
The seat is located on a single post with a ball head. You will be forced to constantly seek balance in order to sit in the chair. And sitting on this back exercise machine seat is not so easy! By constantly seeking balance, your back will engage the deep back muscles that are normally dormant. Improving blood circulation in the spine relieves spasm that forces a person to be in a bent position, and chronic back pain goes away. Over time, posture improves, and a person suddenly finds himself with a straight back and shoulders turned.

Orthopedic pad for chair Spina OK

The orthopedic pad for the chair Spina Okay is recommended for use by office workers, schoolchildren and students, the elderly, drivers, summer residents and in general everyone who is forced to stay in the same position for more than two hours. The Back OK exercise machine can replace a workout in the gym and bring great benefits to your back and the body as a whole. You can use the exercise seat for 5-20 minutes, but if you have a sedentary job, it is advisable all day.

Corrects posture. This orthopedic chair pad will simply prevent you from slouching!
+ Forces the deep back muscles to work, which has a positive effect on the body as a whole, especially on blood circulation.
+ Does not require much time, but can be used all day if desired.
— The exercise seat does not fit all chairs. Do not use on chairs that are too soft or too high.

Electronic posture trainer - won't leave you alone until you stop slouching

As children, we all had grandmothers who told us: “Don’t slouch, your hump will grow!” We all grumbled, but obediently straightened our backs, but after a while we bent over again, and again our grandmother came to the aid of our backs. Oh, how I miss such a grandmother now!

Fortunately, they came up with such a thing as an electronic slouch reminder. This small device, slightly larger than a ten-ruble coin, is attached to the chest and, when turned on, remembers the correct posture. As soon as you get carried away with something or simply forget about your health, the corrector is right there, just like our grandmothers - he cares, vibrates and reminds you that the “hump” will grow.

The course of posture correction using electronic vibrating posture sensors is usually designed for 30 days, but this depends on age and the general “negligence” of posture. Of course, correcting a child’s growing body is much easier than correcting a strengthened stoop in an adult. But nothing is impossible, and if you use an electronic posture corrector in addition to physical exercise, strengthening the back muscles, you can achieve high-quality results for adults.

Electronic posture trainers are good because they are invisible to others - they are not a corset that can be visible under clothing. And definitely not an overlay for a chair, which is sure to attract the curious gaze of others. Electronic posture correctors will always be with you, so they are suitable for those who do not sit in one place all day, but constantly move (for example, a student will not carry an exercise seat with him from class to class), often attend business meetings and conferences, schoolchildren, and simply those people who want to have beautiful posture in any situation and at any time of the day.

Electronic posture correctors are so effective and convenient that they deserve a separate article. You can read more about them at.

Stealth. If you are not eager to tell everyone around you about your back problems, these almost invisible posture correctors are for you.
+ The electronic posture trainer is always with you, always ready to remind you to keep your back straight.
+ Does not provoke muscle weakness, like textile orthopedic posture correctors.
— If you don’t wear a corrector, it won’t help. And wearing concealer regularly requires discipline.

Posture corrector chair US Medica Zero

From our article you might get the impression that chairs and armchairs are worst enemies good posture. This is true for most furniture, but not all. There are special posture corrector chairs (or kneeling chairs) designed to prevent a person from slouching. Thanks to the special design and angle of the seat, a person does not get tired and therefore does not feel the desire or need to bend his back. Knee supports help take some of the stress off your back and transfer it to your legs. You will also not be tempted to cross your legs, which over time leads to a lateral curvature of the spine. Compared to a regular classic chair, you will be less tired and forget about back pain.

The posture corrector chair can be used while working at the computer, reading books, eating and watching TV. US Medica kneeling chairs are available for teenagers and adults, are height adjustable and equipped with wheels.

Most effective treatment and prevention of scoliosis and stoop
— Price: a good kneeling chair costs about 15 thousand rubles
— The posture corrector chair can only be used at home, unlike orthopedic and electronic correctors.

At the end of the article, I will not bore you and repeat for the hundredth time about the benefits of correct posture for health. I want to motivate my readers not only with improved health, but also with an improved psychological and emotional state. “How can this be,” you ask?

You may have guessed this intuitively, but you were unlikely to realize: the posture a person takes affects his well-being, mood, and even the production of hormones. In a study at Columbia University, one group was asked to adopt a posture of weakness (slung shoulders, crossed arms) and another group was asked to adopt a posture of strength (upright posture or legs up on a table). A minute later, saliva was collected from the participants and they were asked to play poker. Scientists noticed that 84% of participants who were previously in a position of strength were willing to take risks and generally felt more confident, while the weak group took risks only 14% of the time. Analysis of saliva showed that participants in the strength group had higher levels of testosterone (the dominance hormone) and lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) than participants in the weak position. If you think about it, we see confirmation of this experiment every day. It's hard to remember a single successful politician, supermodel, pop star or CEO of a major company with bad posture.

Each of us strives for healthy image life, longevity, strong family, career advancement. A good posture– a faithful assistant in achieving these goals.

The modern rhythm of life, sedentary work and inactivity negatively affect back health. In this case, doctors recommend a posture corset - this is a medical product for straightening the spine and correcting curvature and pathologies of the back, such as overstrain of the scalene and pectoral muscles, muscle weakness cervical spine. It can be worn daily several times a day. It is not very massive and is convenient to take with you to work in the office. It is not recommended to use it constantly to avoid muscle atrophy and the addictive effect.

What is a posture corset?

As aid During the treatment of various pathologies, doctors prescribe wearing a corset to correct posture, which ensures the maintenance of correct posture and corrects curvatures. This corset for correcting stoop is a chest bandage consisting of shoulder frames of different densities, their material is different and is selected depending on the purpose. For example, the stiffening ribs of models for the prevention of scoliosis are softer, and for the correction of serious pathologies, metal ribs are used so that the pressure is stronger.

What is it needed for

Medical semi-rigid back corrector is designed to correct various spinal deformities. Doctors recommend it for curvature (lordosis, kyphosis), back and cervical pain, severe muscle fatigue and pinched nerve endings between the vertebrae. A back brace can also be used to prevent disorders if there is a risk of developing back problems. For example, a sedentary lifestyle, office work, weakness of the spinal muscles, untreated scoliosis of various degrees.

In addition to the above indications, this accessory can be used for convenience while working at the computer. It can be worn several times a day (5-6 times a day), it has a relaxing, tonic effect and helps get rid of discomfort while sitting at the computer for a long time. A back corset will be useful for both children and adults. Often the product is prescribed to schoolchildren because they are at risk of developing spinal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each specific type of corset has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantages of bandages are:

  • discomfort to wear;
  • visible under thin clothing;
  • worn only over a T-shirt or T-shirt - it will put pressure on the naked body due to the special ribs;
  • has a local effect and does not affect large areas of the back;
  • low level of effectiveness in advanced pathological conditions.

This accessory has many more advantages. It’s worth starting with the fact that this is an excellent way to prevent disease and improve the condition of the spine if alarming symptoms are already present. The advantages include the following:

  • relaxation of the muscles of all parts of the back;
  • effective treatment of curvature due to proper fixation of the spine;
  • no discomfort when sitting at the computer for a long time;
  • allows you to maintain beautiful posture.


There are two types of back corsets: therapeutic and preventive. Therapeutic treatments are designed to solve specific problems, such as curvature, poor posture, hyperkyphosis, lordosis, kyphoscoliosis, muscle weakness in all parts of the spine. An orthopedic surgeon can prescribe this accessory independently or as part of drug therapy. It is prescribed independently for minor curvatures of the spine and posture. In other cases, it is an auxiliary component of therapy.

A preventive posture bandage will help avoid the progression of the disease and help improve the condition. The doctor prescribes a bandage after an orthopedic examination, during which certain problems were identified. When worn again, slight curvature of posture is straightened, shoulder level is corrected, back muscles are relaxed, the bandage also puts the vertebrae in place and prevents discomfort during long sedentary work. Preventive measures are used for children, because when the spine is not yet formed, it is easier to correct pathologies.


For patients over 18 years of age, a corset cannot always help, because by the age of 22-25 the human skeleton is fully formed, so treatment of scoliosis is mainly carried out comprehensively. There are many different types that are aimed at solving certain problems. Adults are prescribed longer wear than children. To achieve effective results, you should wear the bandage regularly. An orthopedic corset for the back should be selected based on the diagnosis and age of the patient. Only a doctor can recommend it.


For those patients who are under 18 years of age, there is a wide selection of children's orthopedic back corsets. They are as comfortable as possible for the spine and do not cause discomfort due to elastic straps made of soft, delicate material. Often, therapy with such devices has a positive effect on the dynamics of correction of back pathologies, and straightening the spine in a child can be much easier than in an adult patient.

An elastic belt is recommended for children aged 5 to 18 years for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bruises, fractures of the back bones and the formation of correct posture. This device corrects pathological conditions, aligns the spinal column and relieves stress on bones and joints. In addition, the bandage tones the muscles, relieves tension and fatigue.


Corsets for back correction are divided into several types: elastic, with magnets, lumbar, rigid, reclinator and lumbosacral. An elastic corset is a bandage made of stretch fabric that fits the lower back, and on top there is an aluminum insert that correctly fixes the spine. The inclinator corset has a large plate with shoulder straps made of metal ribs, is aimed at straightening the spinal column in the thoracic region and is prescribed for serious disorders of the spine.

It is worn like a backpack; doctors often prescribe it for rehabilitation therapy, and not for daily wear for the purpose of prevention. Lumbosacral corsets are prescribed to people with spinal injuries and those who suffer from back pain. It is better to choose from semi-rigid correctors that are worn on the middle and lower back. It works by distributing the load on the muscles and vertebrae, maintaining correct posture. The effect of a magnetic corrector in creation electromagnetic waves, which act on areas of the back.


Like any remedy, affecting blood circulation, the load on the spine and its position, corsets have some contraindications. They are not suitable for groups of patients who have:

  • allergic reaction to the material from which the corset is made;
  • diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system (before use, you should consult a cardiologist or pulmonologist);
  • wounds, cuts, dermatological pathologies on the skin in places of contact with the corset;
  • children up to 4 years old.

How to wear a posture corset correctly

The main rule to follow is not to wear a corset all the time. This can lead to atrophy of the muscles that support the posture. The duration and frequency of use of the bandage is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the diagnosis, individual characteristics of the patient and underlying chronic diseases. The standard duration of use of the corset is 30 minutes maximum 5 times a day. This time is enough for the brain to perceive the correct motor pattern.

How to choose

To do right choice When purchasing a medical corset for back correction, you need to determine the nature of the symptoms and an accurate diagnosis. For advanced cases, the doctor must select a posture corrector of the appropriate level and price category, because serious pathologies require intensive effects on the spine. For preventive purposes, a simpler bandage is chosen - the main thing is that it affects the desired areas of the back.

In addition to diagnosis, it is important to determine the location of the curvature. Corsets are worn on those areas that need support and rigid fixation of the correct shape of the spinal column. For example, if the curvature is in the upper part, rigid models that will cover the chest and cervical region are suitable. If the problem is in the lumbar region, it is necessary to choose products that are aimed at correcting the lumbar region and maintaining correct posture.

DIY posture corset

Many high-quality rigid models of back corsets have a high price, but in order not to spend a lot of money, you can make it yourself. To do this you will need an elastic bandage (width: 8-10 cm, length: 6-7 meters). How to do:

  • determine the middle of the bandage (apply it to the spine near the shoulder blades);
  • one end of the bandage should go over the shoulder, and the other on the opposite side to the armpit area;
  • both ends surround the shoulders, abdomen and pass through the armpits;
  • connect the bandages on the stomach or back.

Such a homemade corrective corset can be made for preventive purposes, to relieve discomfort during prolonged sitting at the computer. However, you should not use such a design for advanced diseases, because it will not give an effective result; it is better to prefer a purchased high-quality product. A homemade lumbar bandage can only correct your posture or keep your back muscles toned, properly distributing the load.


The table below shows the approximate prices at which you can buy a back corset in Moscow. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or purchased from an online store from a catalog.


“Stop slouching”, “Straighten your back” - everyone has heard these instructions since childhood, but often neglects the advice. It can be really difficult to keep your back straight. Special corset correctors are designed to help you get used to it. How to choose and use them? Buy in store or order online?

What is a posture corrector

Corsage, bandage for stooping, corset for posture correction - all these are names of the same device, which was invented to correct stoop and to straighten the spine. An orthopedic doctor recommends using this device for all people who have problems with the spine - osteochondrosis, minor curvature, pain in the back, neck or lower back. In this case, age does not matter.

Why do you need a posture corrector?

Not everyone can keep their back in the correct position all the time; as a result of improper distribution of the load on the muscles, big problems with the spine arise over time. A back corrector is a small helper that allows you to get used to the correct body position. It is used to correct posture in a child, with exacerbations of osteochondrosis, kyphosis, hyperlordosis and other spinal problems.

Types of posture correctors

What types of back corsets are there? Correctors differ according to several parameters: degree of rigidity, type and range of problems solved. They are therapeutic - those prescribed for diseases of the spine, and prophylactic - recommended for correcting stoop. In general, they are divided into four subspecies:

  • magnetic;
  • orthopedic reclinators;
  • electronic;
  • thoracolumbar correctors.

Magnetic posture corrector

Such devices can have several types of design, similar in their effect on the spine. The peculiarity of the work of such corsets lies in small magnets: discs, oblong strips or balls located along the entire length of the spine. Manufacturers claim that a magnetic spinal corset can have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, relieve muscle tension, strengthen them, and stimulate blood flow, although some orthopedists question such claims.

Orthopedic reclinator

This is the simplest design of all existing ones - wide and rigid straps covering the shoulders in front like a vest. As soon as you bend your spine a little, the posture bandage will put pressure on you and you will be forced to straighten your back. This is a preventive device that helps with curvature of the spine, weakening of the muscles of the shoulder joints and scoliosis. On sale you can find children's correctors and models with a solid back.

Posture Correction Belt

This bandage is made in the form of a wide belt, originating at the level of the chest and ending near the sacrum. This bandage consists not only of dense fabric, but also of several rigid strips - limiters, which have a therapeutic effect on the back. A posture corrector with stiffening ribs serves not only to get rid of slouching, but also helps eliminate a whole range of other problems.

Electronic posture corrector

A small device is attached using Velcro or clothes clips to the skin in the collarbone area. It is extremely simple to use: just put on the device, stand up straight and press the power button. The sensor will remember your body position and vibrate as soon as you begin to squeeze your shoulders. Experts believe that the electronic corrector is a master of posture. With its help, you can quickly accustom your child to discipline - to get used to maintaining correct posture.

How to choose a posture corrector

Even if you think you've found the perfect posture-straightening corset, don't rush to reach for your wallet and pay. First, make sure that it is ideal for solving your problems, and the corrector will last for many months. To do this, you should pay attention to several characteristics:

  • company manufacturer;
  • Size chart;
  • degree of fixation of the bandage;
  • the presence or absence of rigid supporting ribs;
  • the material from which the holders and the cover for the corset are made.


If you want to choose a truly high-quality and useful product, then first pay attention to the manufacturer. Ask the seller: does this brand have a quality certificate, a guarantee for the operation of the device, awards from Russian or international exhibitions. When ordering from an online pharmacy, not only look at the photo, but read reviews from other customers.

Among the wide range of orthopedic vests, the brands that generate the greatest trust among consumers are:

  • Trives;
  • Otto Bock;
  • Magnetic;
  • Ortho;
  • Bradex;
  • Crate.

Corset type

If you want to strengthen the chest muscles, eliminate severe stoop, cure radicular osteoporosis syndrome and cope with pathologies of the cervical spine, choose a chest corrector:

  • corset for adults GEZANNE;
  • Delbe rings;
  • magnetic corrector Cypress;
  • corrector for athletic men Posture Support;
  • Women's breast and posture corrector Extreme bra.

The thoracolumbar spine corrector will reduce lumbar lordosis, stoop and turn the shoulders in the right direction. Good feedback The following products deserve consumers:

  • soft vest Tonus Elast;
  • magnetic corrector Biomag;
  • elastic bandage Fosta Carriage;
  • orthopedic corset Dakine.

To prevent scoliosis, obvious curvature of the spine and back pain, an orthopedic doctor will advise you to pay attention to a preventive reclinator/posture corrector. These products are suitable for both adults and children:

  • children's corrector Orlett;
  • posture reclinator Ecoten;
  • electronic simulator IStatus.

Age group

All orthopedic vests, belts and bandages are produced for different ages. If you want to teach your child discipline, pay attention to the electronic corrector for children, and older people will like orthopedic bandages with magnetic field. If the corset is needed for medicinal purposes, you should pay attention to special therapeutic belts, bandages and collars. Much will depend on your own preferences and the advice of your doctor.


When choosing a corrector, you should know your size in advance. For this at home, use a measuring tape to take the following measurements: chest, waist, hips and exact height. After you have written down all the values, all that remains is to use the provided dimension table. Each seller may have their own, so do not hesitate to ask and clarify if the exact parameters are not indicated on the package.

Fixation degree

The next classification of orthopedic fixators is the degree of rigidity. Depending on the purpose, the level of fixation of correctors is of three types:

  • semi-rigid degree of fixation - limit the movement of the shoulders to a certain angle.
  • soft/moderate fixation – such correctors create the necessary pressure on the back to return the vertebrae to the correct position.
  • With rigid fixation - they have additional reinforcement in the form of metal or plastic inserts. Rigid fixation is only needed for serious back injuries.

Number of stiffeners

For semi-rigid and rigid clamps, the number of ribs that create resistance to the muscles may be different. For example, moderate correctors are those with 2 to 4 stiffeners. Therapeutic belts and corsets are called retainers that have 4 or more metal inserts. The more ribs the corset has, the stronger and more rigidly it will fix the back muscles and spine.

Stiffener material

The ribs themselves can be made in several options:

  • made of plastic - to maintain correct posture in children, adolescents and adults;
  • in the form of magnetic inserts - help enhance the therapeutic effect and relieve back pain.
  • made of metal or steel - for the treatment of diseases of the back and thoracic region.

Corset material
One more thing worth paying attention to important aspect– the fabric from which the belts and main inserts are made. The corset itself is usually worn on a naked body; synthetic fabrics such as polyester or nylon can cause itching, irritation and prevent the skin from breathing. Neoprene corsets are only suitable for wearing during cold weather, because the material is very dense. Bandages made from cotton and wool are considered the most optimal and high quality.

  1. Corrector ORTO KO-110

An orthopedic doctor will recommend this device to those patients who have hypermobility of the vertebrae, subsidence or deformation of the discs. In the medical goods market, ORTO KO-110 has established itself as the best posture corrector used for the treatment of kyphosis, osteochondrosis and scoliosis. In addition, this fixator can be used as a support device for the spine after serious injuries or surgery.


  • has a lot of positive reviews;
  • wide range of indications for use;
  • The stiffening ribs are modeled to match the bend of the human body.


  • The waist of the corset is too tight, it can interfere with bending the body.

You can buy it in Moscow for 2800 rubles.

  1. Corrector Gezanne HS-961

This back brace will be best choice with loads on the spine associated with a sedentary lifestyle. It will help correct the curvature of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, relieve tension from the back muscles and provide support to the spine daily workouts. Soft cotton fabric will maintain the correct microclimate inside the corset and allow the body to breathe.


  • unusual cut - the model is sewn like a sleeveless T-shirt;
  • securely fixes the back in the desired position;
  • acceptable price;
  • The cover is made of natural fabrics.


  • the fabric is too elastic, after 2-3 months of wear it will lose its original shape;
  • intended only for the prevention of scoliosis.

Price in Moscow – 1800 rubles.

  1. Corrector Tonus ELAST Comfort

This corrector belongs to the thoracolumbar type and is used in the complex treatment of the spine after vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty or stentoplasty. It can be used for self-correction of posture for curvatures in the cervical and thoracic spine. The Tonus Elast corrector will relieve pain during exacerbations of osteochondrosis, and will help eliminate inflammation of the vertebrae due to spondyloarthrosis.


  • has removable stiffeners;
  • There is a children's option;
  • straps can be adjusted;
  • wide spectrum of action.


  • poor color range.

You can buy it in Moscow for about 2,200 rubles.

  1. Applicator Biomag AMPK-01

This magnetic corrector helps correct minor curvatures of the spine, relieves fatigue and back pain. Elastomagnets in the amount of 12 pieces are evenly distributed along the entire length of the corrector. They are recognized as absolutely safe and do not have any harmful effects on the body. Applicator sizes vary from the smallest - S to the largest - XXL.


  • low cost;
  • wide size chart;
  • a light weight;
  • ergonomic design.


  • has a number of contraindications: pregnancy, weather dependence, skin diseases, presence of pacemakers;
  • synthetic cover;
  • low spectrum of action.

The price in Moscow is about 450 rubles.

How to wear a posture corrector

After choosing a product in a store, the buyer often has only one question left - how to use a posture corrector? It is worth knowing that when you put on the retainer for the first time, you will feel noticeable discomfort, do not worry - this is how it should be. In order for the body to get used to the corset, you should start wearing it 2 hours a day in the first week, then gradually increase the time to 6 hours. The vest itself must be worn on a naked body.

How long to wear a posture corrector

The electronic corrector can be worn constantly, taking off only to go to the shower, go to bed or play sports. For other types of clamps, time is limited. As a rule, how long you need to wear a posture corrector is determined by an orthopedic surgeon. Correcting the spine takes at least 3-4 months, then the countdown begins: the time is reduced by 1 hour per week until it reaches zero.

Video: Posture brace

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Posture is the habitual posture of a person at rest and in motion. Its main task is to protect musculoskeletal system from various damages and loads. Correct vertical position of the body is a guarantee of health and prevention of many diseases of the spinal column. A corset for correcting posture is an indispensable item for both mature people and children. It not only straightens the spine, but also forms the habit of regularly being in the correct position.

Why do you need a corset - indications for use

A posture brace is indicated in the following situations:

Most people diagnosed with scoliosis are interested in whether a corset helps straighten their posture. Posture corrector for scoliosis is the basis of conservative treatment along with manual therapy or physical therapy.

For scoliosis of 2 or 3 degrees, a back posture corset helps prevent further displacement of the spine.

Types of corsets - reclinators

Orthopedic products can relieve back pain, straighten the spine, and help recover after an injury or surgery. Posture correctors come in different types; they are selected depending on the main problem.

They make up 3 main groups:

  • reclinator or orthopedic posture corrector. Their goal is to spread the shoulders and straighten the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  • corset. Its task is to secure the entire length of the spine;
  • bandage. It is prepared for fixing the thoracic or lumbar region.


The reclinator is an elastic band that crosses at the level of the shoulder blades, pulling the shoulders back. Indications for the use of reclinators: kyphoscylosis and scoliosis at the initial stage, pterygoid blades, spondyloarthrosis, development of the correct vertical body position. In most cases, such corsets for stooping are prescribed to adults. A posture correction corset can be worn all day long and must be removed at night.


Video - posture corset

Electronic corrector: chest and ear

Electronic posture correctors differ from conventional corsets for correcting posture. They represent small devices, inside of which the gyroscope is located. This device monitors your back tilt. The essence of its action: a person fixes the correct starting position, and if he deviates from this position, the device begins to vibrate, reminding the person to straighten his back. There are 2 types of electronic correctors: an ear “dolphin” (it is attached to the auricle) and a chest electronic sensor (attached to the thoracic region). Such devices are usually used to prevent postural disorders.

Elastic bandage

An elastic bandage relieves stress from the lower back and thoracic region, and also corrects minor curvatures of the spine. Most often it is used for slight stoop. This corset for posture correction is comfortable to wear, since it does not have additional rigid inserts. An elastic bandage for the formation of correct posture is suitable for both adults and children.


The magnetic posture belt contains several small magnets mounted along the spine. The main advantage of this type of correctors is the combination of physiotherapeutic and orthopedic effects. A magnetic back corset helps with stooping, relieves inflammation and swelling, improves muscle blood flow, relaxes them and reduces pain.

Absolute contraindications to wearing it are the presence of a pacemaker and pregnancy.

Breast correctors

A chest posture corrector is a corset in the form of a wide belt that fits tightly to the body, covering the chest. It is used to correct various defects: stoop, pathology of the shoulder blades, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis.


In most cases, a corrective corset is used to straighten the spine; it helps prevent the progression of scoliosis (in adults and children). Elimination of curvature is based on the action of special supporting structures that exert pressure on the site of deformation of the spinal column.


The design of thoracolumbar correctors consists of a semi-rigid part for the back and a corset belt that secures the spine in the chest and lower back. This belt is designed to correct posture and scoliosis in both adults and children. In some cases, it is prescribed during the period of rehabilitation after spinal injuries. Doctors recommend wearing a corset for stooping no more than 5 hours a day.

Support corsets

This type of product can be of varying degrees of hardness and made from several types of fabrics depending on the ultimate goal. A support belt for posture correction helps strengthen the back muscles, relieves pain and reduces stress on the spinal column. They are often recommended to be worn by people doing heavy physical work (loaders, builders).

DIY proofreader

For minor health problems, you can make a posture corrector with your own hands using dense and elastic fabric. In this case, it is necessary to understand where exactly in the spine the source of the problem is located. First of all, you need to consult a specialist for advice.

Corset for children - which ones are better?

Due to the heavy load on the spine, it is difficult for children to remain in the correct position for a long time. Because of this, various deformations may appear, which a children's posture corset will help eliminate.. The favorable age for wearing a posture correction corset is for children from 10 to 16 years old. Visually, it resembles a regular vest, is worn like a briefcase, and fastens at the front.

There are several types of posture corrector for children:

  • easy. It is made from cotton fabric and can be used as a prophylaxis or at the initial stage of back diseases.
  • semi-rigid. Fixes the position of the back thanks to sewn-in springs. Teenagers with back problems are advised to choose a semi-rigid posture corset; it relieves pain.
  • hard. It is used to treat intervertebral hernia and osteoporosis. Wearing the product helps relieve stress from the lumbar region.

The selection of a suitable product should be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor, who will determine exact time wearing. Self-medication can cause the curvature to worsen, so it is not recommended to choose a belt without a specialist.

How to choose - overview of manufacturers

Let's take a closer look at the stages of choosing a corset for posture. The main goal of correctors is to correct stoop and eliminate pain in the neck and back. The quality of the product used is directly related to the efficiency of the design.

When choosing a corrector, you should pay attention following criteria:

An orthopedic surgeon will help you decide which posture corrector is best to choose. The most popular corsets from the following manufacturers:

  1. Trives.
  2. Orlett.
  3. Fosta.
  4. Otto Bock.

How to wear a corset - rules of use

In order for a corset to have an effective effect, it is important not only to choose it correctly, but also to wear it. Let's take a closer look at how to properly wear a posture corset. Wearing a corrector for more than 6 hours is not beneficial; the optimal time is 3-5 hours.

It must be removed at night, as the body needs to relax and rest. It is also recommended to wear a posture corrector (straightener) during heavy physical work. How many days to wear a posture corrector will be determined by an orthopedic specialist.

Who should not wear a corrector - contraindications

In most cases, a corset for maintaining posture is safe, but there are a number of contraindications to wearing some types.

Slouching does not add attractiveness to any person. Dropped shoulders and a hunched back can ruin even the most beautiful figure. However, in addition to external unattractiveness, poor posture can cause many other problems. These include chronic fatigue, osteochondrosis, difficulty breathing, tissue hypoxia, headaches, impaired blood supply, etc. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of the spine or promptly solve problems that arise with it. Special exercises and all kinds of posture correctors will help with this. We have already discussed this in one of our articles; today we will talk about proofreaders.

Purpose of a posture corrector

Conventionally, posture correctors can be divided into therapeutic and preventive. Therapeutic drugs are used to treat diagnosed spinal pathologies. Indications for a posture corrector may be as follows:

Such devices can be of a supportive or corrective type. The first ones prevent further deformation of the spine, the second ones correct posture.

A preventive reclinator or posture corrector is designed to maintain normal physiological posture and prevent various curvatures of the spine in case of regular posture disorders in people who have to for a long time occupy a fixed position. These include students, schoolchildren, office workers, etc. In addition, for preventive purposes, correctors are often recommended for elderly people and those whose spine is subjected to regular dynamic loads (weight lifting, long walking).

Contraindications for posture corrector

  • skin lesions in the places where the corrector is located;
  • pulmonary and heart failure;
  • allergy to the materials from which the corrector is made.

Posture correctors - benefits and harms

The benefit of a posture corrector for the spine is that when wearing it, the tension of weakened muscles is normalized, and at the same time, the muscles that experience tension and shift the axis of the spine are also unloaded. This allows the formation of a normal muscle corset that reliably holds the spine in natural, correct position. In addition, the corrector reduces the load and stabilizes the spine, improves lymph flow and local blood circulation, and eliminates pain. Such devices encourage a person to independently hold the body in the correct position, as a result of which good posture becomes habitual. Using a corrector, you can reduce the degree of scoliosis or completely eliminate it.

As mentioned earlier, a proofreader will be very useful for people who have to spend a lot of time in a stationary or uncomfortable position, for example, working at a computer. In such a situation, the benefit of a corrector is that wearing a device will help relieve overworked muscles, which will make it easier to bear a static load and prevent curvature.

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Poor posture most often causes a weakening of the muscle corset; in this case, weakened muscles cannot support the spine in a normal position, as a result of which it becomes deformed. If a person independently prescribes a corrector for himself or his child and constantly, uncontrollably uses it, even when it is completely unnecessary, the situation can only get worse. As a result of improper wearing or incorrect selection of such a device, the muscles will not work, which will lead to even greater weakening of them, and, consequently, greater curvature of the spine. This is the main harm of a posture corrector.

Types of posture correctors

Depending on the area of ​​damage to the spine, the type of disorder and its stage, different types of correctors are used:

  • Reclinators. The reclinator's straps spread the shoulders, thereby improving posture. They are usually made in the form of eight-shaped crossed loops. These loops cover the shoulders in front and cross at the back at the level of the shoulder blades. Thus, the device acts on the shoulder girdle and dilates the shoulders. Reclinators are often divided into therapeutic and preventive. Preventive reclinators are used to prevent stooping and develop the so-called stereotype of correct posture. Therapeutic reclinators are used to treat spinal deformities, but only those that are in the earliest stages.
  • Chest bands. These devices are used when the spine is curved in the thoracic region. They will help with poor posture and slouching. Such a corrector must be selected in accordance with the volume of the breast and the length of the thoracic region. Otherwise, it will either not bring any effect (the size is larger than necessary) or will lead to even greater curvature (the size is smaller than necessary).
  • Breast correctors. Such designs are made according to the principle of a corset or belt and are equipped with stiffening ribs; they can be additionally equipped with a reclinator or straps to support the lower area of ​​the thoracic region. Such structures fix the spine well, or rather its entire thoracic region, which makes them quite effective means combating postural disorders and scoliosis.
  • Thoracolumbar correctors. They combine a belt, a corset and a reclinator. Their action extends to the lumbar, thoracic, and sometimes to the sacral spine. This makes it possible to simultaneously correct almost the entire spinal column. Thoracolumbar correctors are prescribed for osteoporosis, postural disorders, grade 1-2 kyphosis and scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and some spinal injuries.

Correctors are also divided according to the degree of rigidity.

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