How does Xenical act on the body? It is better to know in advance: contraindications and possible side effects of the drug Xenical. What if I forgot to take a capsule with my meal?

For people who develop obesity or diabetes mellitus due to a variety of diseases, experts recommend taking Xenical for weight loss. Its ability to block the action of lipase and prevent fat absorption was also appreciated by other weight loss fighters, thanks to which the popularity of the drug is growing day by day.

Xenical diet pills

The principle of action of the drug is to prevent the absorption of fat-containing components that enter the body with food. Normally, this process is controlled by the enzyme lipase, but under the influence of xenical it is disrupted and fats in their original form naturally are excreted, promoting weight loss. The drug allows you to control body weight for a long time and maintain it at a normal level, preventing repeated weight gain.

Contrary to popular belief, the drug does not burn fat, but by blocking the absorption of fat coming from outside, it “forces” the body to draw energy from those reserves that have already been accumulated and to lose weight. Xenical is a weight loss product that reduces the risk of developing diseases that contribute to obesity:

  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hyperinsulinemia, etc.

Xenical - composition of the drug

The main active ingredient is orlistat, and auxiliary ingredients include talc, cellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate, povidone K-30, etc. Indications for the use of a drug such as xenical, the composition of which determines its therapeutic effect, are:

  • obesity and excess body weight;
  • diabetes mellitus, which develops against the background of excess body weight and obesity.

How to take Xenical to lose weight quickly?

A single dose is one capsule, and the dosage is three times during the entire waking period. Those who want to know what time to drink Xenical, how to take it correctly for weight loss, should answer that with each main portion of food, right when you are full or within an hour after you get up from the table. If a person losing weight skips meals or eats foods without fat, then it is not necessary to take the drug. Increasing the dosage above the recommended one does not enhance the therapeutic effect, that is, it does not contribute to greater weight loss.

Diet when taking Xenical

Doctors recommend combining treatment with rational and consuming no more than 30% fat from total mass food entering the body. At the same time, in all three main meals, a person losing weight should receive both fats and proteins with carbohydrates. The weight loss drug Xenical reduces the absorption of vitamins A, E and D, so it is recommended to take multivitamins between breakfast, lunch and dinner or before going to bed.

The one chosen should be predominantly protein, and it is recommended that the carbohydrates needed by the body be obtained not from baked goods, muffins and sweets, but from cereals. You must prepare food yourself; do not use semi-finished products or products in vacuum packages with chemical additives. The diet must contain foods rich in fiber, which include fruits and vegetables. At the same time, it is recommended to perform feasible physical activity, as well as drink plenty of fluids, which also promotes weight loss.

Xenical - contraindications and side effects

The latter include:

  1. Oily stool due to the action of the drug. At the same time, someone losing weight may suffer from flatulence, diarrhea, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, and false urges to defecate. Moreover, the more fat in the diet, the stronger xenical the drug has side effects.
  2. Damage to dental tissue and gums.
  3. Respiratory and urinary tract infections, anxiety, weakness, lack of menstruation in women.
  4. Rarely - allergic reactions.
  5. Xenical for weight loss should not be taken by persons with chronic malabsorption syndrome, cholestasis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  6. The same applies to women in pregnancy and lactation, as well as those whose weight does not exceed the norm.

Weight loss medications are available on the market today in great abundance. These are products that quickly remove water, block the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, and promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fats. Among all this flood of pharmaceuticals, there is practically nothing that would be truly useful for the process of weight loss. Almost the only exception is the drug "Xenical". In reviews, doctors emphasize that it will not only help achieve ideal weight, but also supports the obtained result by for a long time.

Widely known

It's been about 20 years how this drug appeared in Russia. And more than half a century has passed since the release of the first batch. Since then, practically nothing has changed. It has not lost its relevance, and it was not possible to invent medicine, which would better cope with its weight loss responsibilities. Judging by the reviews of doctors, Xenical is the only remedy that they are ready to prescribe to their patients if it is really necessary.

Operating principle

This is the most important point that must be conveyed to the patient before he begins the course of treatment. The drug does not have a systemic effect on the entire body. It only locally blocks the absorption of fats supplied with food. Of course, not everyone. About 30% of what you eat is bound and excreted.

That is, a miracle will not happen. All your subcutaneous fats will remain in place, unless you come to the need to adhere to a diet. And here we can talk about the educational value of Xenical tablets. In reviews, doctors emphasize that this property is significant incentive to stick to the diet.

The fact is that eating fatty foods leads to severe diarrhea. And sometimes this ends with uncontrolled release of feces. Even without talking about the embarrassment this can lead to at work, it becomes clear that many will try to avoid such a situation.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

Let us immediately emphasize that the availability of 2-5 kg excess weight is not a reason to drink Xenical. In the reviews, doctors say that in this case there is no need to buy an expensive drug. You just need to contact a competent nutritionist and adjust your diet. Moreover, the treatment still takes place against the background of a diet; the drug only helps make it more effective.

Doctors prescribe Xenical if they are diagnosed with obesity or are clearly overweight. Then the doctor determines the patient’s ability to cope with this problem on his own. Usually the presence of concomitant diseases that limit a person’s activity is a predetermining factor.

The principle of action is that it does not allow the absorption of fats. We have a special enzyme inside us that breaks down lipids. By neutralizing its effect, Xenical makes this process impossible. But you need to understand that this creates certain problems. If substances appear in the intestines that cannot be absorbed and used, they begin to deteriorate and decompose. To quickly get rid of them, a cleansing process is launched.

In this case, it is diarrhea with all the attendants: pain, bloating. Not all patients experience these symptoms, but only a small part, as evidenced by reviews from doctors. “Xenical” for weight loss is also good because it does not penetrate into the blood and has an effect only in the intestines. It can be taken long-term and will not cause addiction.

First of all, you need to visit an endocrinologist. It will help determine the causes of weight gain and correct them as quickly as possible. If this is due to hormonal imbalance, then individual therapy will be prescribed. But most often the problem is a violation of the diet and the balance between consumed and expended calories.

In this case, the patient will be referred to a nutritionist. But a situation where a patient cannot maintain a diet and constantly breaks down is not at all uncommon, according to doctors. “Xenical” for weight loss in this case acts as an incentive and assistant, because:

  • the drug was prescribed by a doctor;
  • it is quite expensive;
  • When using the drug simultaneously and an excess amount of fatty foods, side effects develop.

What do you need to know?

You can find a lot negative reviews, in which people describe a range of side effects experienced while taking the drug. Despite this, doctors' reviews of Xenical diet pills are very good. Experts are confident that if prescribed correctly, it can greatly help the patient. At the same time, the drug is not addictive and does not have an effect on internal organs.

To avoid experiencing side effects, you must follow these rules:

  1. Overdose is unacceptable. You can take a maximum of 3 capsules per day. Do this during a meal or immediately after it.
  2. The effect of the drug applies only to fats. Proteins and carbohydrates do not bind and are not excreted.
  3. If you skipped one meal, then there is no need to take a capsule. It will not affect the body's fat reserves in any way.
  4. If the meal does not contain fat ( vegetable salad, fruit), then skip the capsule. This can be an incentive to optimize your diet, as it helps you save money.
  5. The effect occurs only with a balanced diet. This is repeatedly emphasized by reviews from doctors. Real reviews"Xenical" is called a nutritionist's assistant. That is, its main task is to teach the patient to eat properly. Let us add that a balanced diet is when fat accounts for 30% of the total calorie content of the dish.
  6. Don't focus on empty carbohydrates. The drug does not affect them in any way. It is better to diversify your diet with cereals.

After taking the drug, the stool becomes oily, there is a regular urge to defecate, and bloating. All these problems are a reflection of the fact that the fat consumed is excreted and mixed with feces. Once a person switches to a low-fat diet, these problems gradually go away.

Active substance

This is orlistat, which prevents the breakdown of fats. There is nothing else in the composition, which can explain the small number of contraindications. Research shows that 30% of the fat you eat is excreted in your feces. Some people are very surprised that their seemingly balanced diet leads to the release of colossal amounts of oily feces. This means that there is hidden fat in the food. The menu needs to be revised. Taking the drug leads to weight loss by 20-30%.

Side effects of Xenical

In the reviews, doctors note that if all instructions are followed, they are reduced to almost a minimum. But most patients do not come to see a specialist. They go to the pharmacy and buy the drug. Moreover, many of them are sure that it should be taken on days when the diet is relaxed, after a festive feast. Of course, the next day you will experience the following symptoms:

  • loose stools;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

Accordingly, the ability to go to work is in question. In addition, the instructions note the possibility of allergic reactions. This may include urticaria, itching and bronchospasm. In very rare cases, women may stop menstruating and experience weakness. All side effects are reversible and disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Responsible approach to your health

Reviews from doctors and patients about Xenical are very different. Moreover, you can often read negative statements that describe days spent in the toilet and severe pain. The question is: who is to blame for this? The manufacturer or the person himself who did not read the instructions?

It is not designed to combat any case of excess weight. Its effectiveness has been proven only for certain indicators of overweight and obesity. But to lose a couple of kilograms, you definitely shouldn’t use this drug. Very often, patients complain that they had to pay a high price for a pack of pills and at the same time give up sweets and starchy foods. As a result, in a couple of months they got rid of 2-3 kg. But this result could have been achieved without resorting to the drug Xenical.

In the reviews, doctors completely exclude side effects only with proper use. This means that most patients, one way or another, encounter them. That’s why we say that you need to consult a doctor who will select the optimal diet. Separate groups can be divided into patients with the following disorders:

  • bulimia;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • diabetes;
  • anorexia.

In any of these cases, the drug is taken under the supervision of the attending physician.


The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. This treatment is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age. You need to approach treatment very carefully if you have gallbladder diseases. If you have a history of intestinal diseases, you should consult a gastroenterologist. There are certain problems with intestinal malabsorption for which its use is not recommended.

Instructions for use

In reviews, doctors call Xenical a necessary and justified remedy in some cases and unacceptable in others. Therefore, do not self-medicate. The standard course of treatment takes two months. Another important point, since some people decide that they can drink it constantly, removing excess fat from the body.

It can be taken 1 to 3 times a day. If breakfast and dinner are lean, then feel free to skip the capsule. Be sure to drink water. If the capsule is not taken with a meal and more than an hour has passed, delay taking it until your next meal. Fats have already been exposed to enzymes and will be used by the body.

The most interesting thing is that not only patients have an ambiguous opinion about the drug “Xenical”. In reviews, doctors sometimes interpret the instructions in their own way, prescribing the drug only to those patients who have a clear excess of fat in their diet.

It should be borne in mind that the drug blocks the absorption of not only harmful substances, but also most fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, you should definitely include multivitamins in your diet. Otherwise, this may lead to serious health problems. The list of vitamins in the supplement should include D, A, E, K. They should be taken two hours after the Xenical capsule. If this is neglected, fecal incontinence, tooth damage and hair loss, skin itching and decreased immunity, and headaches develop.

Two analogues

Quite often, patients ask the following question: “Xenical or Orsoten - which is better?” Reviews from doctors in this case sound approximately the same. These are two identical drugs. The first to appear was Xenical, which was produced in Sweden. It was distinguished by its high cost; not everyone could afford a course of treatment for 2-3 months. The Russian company solved the need for a cheaper analogue by releasing Orsoten to the market. The main differences between them were the price and color of the capsules.

Both drugs are gastrointestinal lipase inhibitors. The active substance is orlistat. The composition and effect of the drugs are completely identical; one capsule contains 120 mg of active substance. Judging by the reviews of patients, no one noticed a difference in the results either. From this we can conclude that if you are not ready to pay for a brand, then you can safely buy a more affordable option.

Same or different?

There is another weight loss drug on the market today, reviews of which are sometimes like a fairy tale. This is “Reduxin”, which doctors in some cases prescribe to correct obesity. It is used only if all other weight loss measures have not yielded positive results or they are too insignificant.

The drug is very convenient to take, since you only need to take one capsule per day. At the same time, following a diet becomes very easy, since the feeling of hunger goes away by itself. But at the same time, the drug has so many side effects that it is worth considering what to take - “Xenical” or “Reduxin”. Reviews from doctors in this case are rather dry. Experts say it all depends on the patient and the specific disease. It is very difficult to compare them, because one affects at the local level, and the other affects all organs and systems.

Based on this, it is very difficult to say which is better - “Xenical” or “Reduxin”. In the reviews, doctors emphasize that while the first one is still acceptable to take without a doctor’s prescription, in the case of the second one it can seriously harm your health. The active ingredient of Reduxin is sibutramine, a narcotic substance. Under its influence, a person loses his appetite, but develops strong thirst. May lead to disruption of the kidneys and liver, and negatively affects the cardiovascular system.

Instead of a conclusion

The desire to be beautiful and slim is inherent in all women. Moreover, if some of them go to the gym and adhere to healthy eating, then the other half of the beautiful ladies rely only on miracle pills. These include "Reduxin", but if during treatment you do not learn to build your diet in a new way, then the weight will gradually return again, because the correct eating behavior has not been formed.

In this regard, the drug “Xenical” works much more environmentally friendly. Here the patient immediately has a specific task to review his diet. Otherwise positive results will be in question. Moreover, there will also be very unpleasant side effects. Many patients note that it was precisely this incentive that they lacked in order to start eating right. After adjusting the diet, the weight gradually began to go away on its own, and the need for the drug disappeared. This is the main task that this medicine must perform. Teach the patient to eat fully but correctly during the treatment period.

Everyone solves the problem of excess weight in their own way, choosing together with specialists the most optimal option. The most successful method is A complex approach when physical activity is supplemented by taking drugs whose action is aimed at stimulating metabolic processes. Among the new proposals, the Swiss drug Xenical for weight loss stands out, which has managed to earn the approval of doctors and users.

Description of the drug

The weight loss product is available in the form of tablets, each of which contains 120 mg of orlistat as an active ingredient. Talc, cellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate are used as excipients to promote better absorption of the drug. The use of Xenical creates a calorie deficit in the body, as a result of which fat deposits begin to be actively broken down.

It is worth noting that self-prescription may lead to unexpected results, so before purchasing tablets you should consult your doctor. The entire weight loss course is supervised by a specialist who makes timely adjustments to your diet and physical activity.

How Xenical works

During the period of taking the drug, the absorption of a third of all fats that enter the body during meals is blocked. The active component orlistat interferes with the production of the enzyme responsible for the processing of fat cells. High-calorie food that enters the stomach comes out naturally undigested. Unsightly folds on the body and cellulite become a source of missing energy.

Based on the above, it is worth focusing on your diet. Blocking will not help if you neglect the basic rules of a balanced diet. Fatty and smoked foods, as well as other prohibited foods, should be excluded from the menu. There is no need to go hungry, but the body will benefit more from a varied diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and lean meats.

Instructions for use

Most often, the daily dose is 1 tablet, taken during the main meal. It is also possible to use the drug immediately after lunch. Nothing bad will happen if for some reason there was a pass. The next day the course can be restored.

The duration of use of Xenical is determined by a specialist who can make changes to the timing. Nutritionists advise after 2 months of use to take a break for 1 month. The course gives good opportunity review your diet and develop the right food habits. During weight loss it is recommended to take vitamin complex. Useful trace elements and minerals are necessary to restore metabolic processes.

Top 6 benefits of Xenical

Disadvantages include side effects during use (oily discharge from the intestines, frequent bowel movements, discomfort in the abdominal area, increased gas formation). Such unpleasant surprises can interfere with normal work activities or studies.

Are there any contraindications

  1. Age restrictions (up to 18 years and after 65 years).
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Chronic bowel diseases.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys.

It is better to avoid using the drug for those people who are slightly overweight. It is also not recommended to resort to this method of losing weight after surgery or severe injury. Rehabilitation is characterized by enriching the body with useful and nutrient substances to accelerate recovery processes. And Xenical prevents the absorption into the blood of not only fats, but also fat-soluble vitamins necessary to strengthen the body. You cannot combine this period of time with the desire to lose extra pounds.

Xenical for weight loss - reader reviews 2017

I learned about Xenical from Elena Malysheva’s TV show. Referring to the competence of a famous doctor, I decided to try the remedy on myself. In 1.5 months I managed to lose 7 kg, and for me this is a real achievement. Of course, I had to adjust my diet, but with the drug it was easier to do this, since there were no hunger attacks. After a 3-month break, the weight did not return, so I decided to repeat the course again and improve the result. Natalya, 31 years old

Since childhood, I have looked in the mirror irritably. I tried a lot different ways, but the weight either went away or came back with an increase. First, I decided to contact a nutritionist to develop a diet. Apart from evening walks, I didn’t give my body any exercise, so I decided to supplement my own program with the drug Xenical. In 2 months, the weight decreased by 12 kg. After the break I'll go for the second round. The only negative for me was the discharge, but this can be solved with the help of pads.
Christina, 28 years old

In the fight against extra centimeters on the waist, all means are good! Determined girls train until exhaustion in gyms, starve themselves, insert gold earrings into biologically active points on their ears. All with one goal - to get rid of unnecessary pounds. Some ladies prefer a simpler way - using special tablets. On the list of these, Xenical is in demand for weight loss.

What is Xenical and what is it used for?

For a long time, the drug Xenical, produced in Switzerland, has occupied a leading position among drugs that promote weight loss.

Xenical - pills for weight loss and treatment of obesity. They act on the digestive system, blocking the absorption of about one third of the fat taken from food.

Its effect is based on blocking lipase, that is, an enzyme that promotes the breakdown of fats to a state where they are easily absorbed. Speaking in simple language, Xenical when losing weight does not allow the body to absorb them.

As a result of intake, the body does not absorb about 30% of the fat absorbed by a person - it is excreted along with feces. To compensate for its shortage, internal reserves are used. However, it would be naive to believe that this drug alone will help reduce body weight. Its intake must be combined with a low-calorie diet. Eating a low-calorie diet will also minimize the occurrence of side effects.

According to the instructions for use, Xenical is intended for the treatment of obesity in combination with a calorie-restricted diet, as well as to reduce the risk of regaining weight that has already been lost.

The main ingredient in diet pills is Orlistat, which is classified as a lipase inhibitor. According to the manufacturers' description, it creates “magic” in intestinal tract, destroys “extra” fat so that the body does not digest and store it.

Orlistat actually inhibits pancreatic lipase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down triglycerides in the intestines. Thus, the weight loss drug prevents the conversion of triglycerides into free fatty acids, which are absorbed by the body. The makers of Xenical claim that their amazing weight-loss drug can significantly reduce - by 30% to be exact - the amount of fat absorbed into the bloodstream, provided the patient takes the standard prescription dose of 120 mg, before meals, three times a day.

This means that it can process about 600 calories from daily digestion. Losing 600 calories per day will result in a loss of about 0.5 kg per week.


Xenical is contraindicated:

  • those suffering from diseases of the biliary and biliary tract;
  • those with chronic intestinal malabsorption;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • under 18 years of age.

People with:

  • kidney stone disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anorexia or bulimia;
  • when taking any other means of losing weight;
  • when using Sandimmune or Neoral.

In addition to all of the above, Xenical, when losing weight, reduces the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. After the consultation, your doctor will be able to tell you whether you need to take any additional vitamins. In any case, visiting an endocrinologist before starting to take this drug will not be superfluous!

Pay special attention when using Xenical:

Weight loss may also affect the dosage of medications taken for other conditions (such as high cholesterol or diabetes). Be sure to discuss these and other medications you take with your doctor. Weight loss means that the dose of these medications may need to be adjusted.

To achieve the maximum effect from treatment with this drug, follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. As with other weight management programs, consuming too much fat and calories will reduce the weight loss effect.

This medicine may cause harmless changes in the intestines due to the release of unprocessed fat. The likelihood of this will increase if you take Xenical with a high fat content. In addition, daily fat intake should be evenly distributed among the three main meals because if this drug is taken with a very high-fat meal, the likelihood of gastrointestinal changes will increase.

Xenical is not intended for use by children.

Interaction of the drug with other drugs

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken other medicines, including those available without a prescription.

This is important because using more than one drug at a time can increase or decrease the effect.

Xenical can change the actions:

  1. Anticoagulants(eg Warfarin). You may need to have a doctor monitor blood clotting;
  2. Cyclosporine. Concomitant use with cyclosporine is not recommended, but if you are taking Cyclosporine, take it 3 hours before or after Xenical. Your doctor may need to monitor your cyclosporine blood levels more often than usual;
  3. Levothyroxine sodium. Cases of hypothyroidism or decreased control of hypothyroidism may occur. If you are taking levothyroxine, take it at least 4 hours before or after;
  4. Amiodarone. Discuss the use of the drug with your doctor.

Xenical reduces the absorption of some fat-soluble nutrients, especially beta-carotene and vitamin E. Because of this, follow your doctor's advice and eat a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Also take an extra multivitamin.

Because this drug interferes with the absorption of certain vitamins (fat-soluble vitamins including A, D, E, K), a daily multivitamin supplement containing these nutrients is recommended. Take your multivitamin 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking Xenical (for example, before bed).

Xenical with food and drinks

Diet pills are taken immediately before, during or 1 hour after meals. Capsules must be swallowed with water.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Losing weight has no potential benefit for a pregnant woman and may harm the unborn baby.

Do not breastfeed your baby while taking it as it is not known whether Xenical passes into breast milk.

How to take Xenical for weight loss

Remember that you need to take Xenical for weight loss correctly, exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If you are unsure about anything, consult your doctor or pharmacist. The usual dose of Xenical for weight loss is one 120 mg capsule, taken with each of the three main meals during the day. It can be taken immediately before, during, or an hour after meals. Capsules should be taken with water.

Xenical diet pills must be taken with a well-balanced low-calorie diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables.

Divide your daily intake of fats, carbohydrates and proteins between three main meals. This means you should take one capsule with breakfast, one capsule with lunch, and one capsule with dinner. For maximum benefit, avoid eating foods containing fats such as cookies, chocolate and savory snacks between meals.

Xenical only works in the presence of dietary fat. Therefore, if you miss a meal that does not contain fat, there is no need to take Xenical.

Tell your doctor if for any reason you do not take the medicine as prescribed. Otherwise, the doctor will be left with the impression that the treatment is not effective and will change the treatment unnecessarily.

Your doctor may stop treatment with Xenical after 12 weeks if you have not lost at least 5% of your weight since you started taking Xenical.

You should see weight loss within 2 weeks of starting Xenical.


If you overdose on Xenical, contact your doctor, pharmacist, or go to hospital as medical attention may be needed.

If you forget to take Xenical

If you forget to take the medication, take it as soon as you remember, unless more than one hour has passed since your last meal, then continue taking it at your usual time. Do not take double doses. If you miss more doses, please tell your doctor and follow his recommendations. Do not change the recommended dose on your own without consulting your doctor.

Side effects

Like all medicines, Xenical may cause side effects.

Most adverse reactions associated with the use of Xenical occur as a result of local effects on the digestive system. These symptoms are usually mild, occur early in treatment, and occur mainly after eating a high-fat meal. Usually, these symptoms will disappear if you continue treatment and follow the recommended diet.

Common side effects:

Side effects that occur when using Xenical for weight loss are due to fat blocking. All of them, as a rule, manifest themselves in the gastrointestinal tract, among them:

Headache, abdominal pain and discomfort, frequent need to have bowel movements, flatulence (gas) with discharge, fatty and loose stools, decreased blood sugar levels.

Abdominal pain is also possible. The drug does not have a harmful effect on the body, because it is not absorbed into the blood.

Other side effects:

Rectal pain and discomfort, loose stools, fecal incontinence, bloating, problems with teeth and gums, menstrual irregularities, fatigue.

Rare side effects:

  • Allergic reactions. The main symptoms are itching, rash, urticaria, severe shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and malaise;
  • Formation of blisters on the skin (including blisters that burst);
  • Diverticulitis, bleeding in the rectum;
  • Blood tests may reveal elevated levels of certain enzymes in the liver. Hepatitis (liver inflammation). Symptoms may include yellowing of the skin and eyes, itching, dark color urine, stomach pain and liver tenderness, sometimes with loss of appetite;
  • Gallstones. ;
  • Oxalate nephropathy (accumulation of calcium oxalate, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones);
  • Effect on blood clotting when using anticoagulants.

Registration of a pharmaceutical product as medicinal product allows you to be sure that it has passed clinical trials. In turn, this means that the drug has been tested by the experience of several thousand people, contraindications to its use and possible risks associated with its use have been fully investigated.

Multi-level tests of Xenical have confirmed that this product can be used for weight loss as one of the most effective. Its use is supported by the characteristic of complete safety - Xenical does not have a systemic effect.


The main indication for the use of the drug "Xenical" is obesity. Doctors clarify this point a little - obesity is the weight at which the body mass index exceeds 30. It is acceptable to use Xenical for body correction if you are overweight. With it, the body mass index exceeds 25.

Doctors cannot prohibit everyone from using the drug, but they argue that taking Xenical to get rid of several kilograms of fat is inappropriate. Still, the product belongs to medicines and was created for the treatment of patients of a special group. Privately, Xenical can be prescribed as part of a complex treatment for the following diseases.

  • Type 2 diabetes. In diabetes, disorders of body cell tolerance to glucose are noted. In some cases, normalizing weight helps stabilize tolerance, which reduces the need to take lipid-lowering drugs.
  • Hypertension. Hypertension always “walks alongside” obesity, acting as its negative consequence.
  • Atherosclerosis. The use of "Xenical" for atherosclerosis helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of treatment and prevents serious changes in the vascular walls.
  • For hormonal disorders. Doctors prescribe Xenical overweight women, when planning a pregnancy, when infertility is caused by hormonal imbalances or there is a risk of inability to bear a child due to obesity. For example, after multiple miscarriages in a plump lady.

All mentioned indications are listed for informational purposes only, and the use of the drug in similar situations requires consultation with the attending physician.

How the drug works

The active ingredient of the drug "Xenical" - orlistat, is a white crystalline powder enclosed in a gelatin capsule. of blue color. The dosage of one capsule is 120 mg. Chemical substance belongs to the group of lipid-lowering drugs. "Xenical" has a number of pharmacological effects on the body that contribute to weight loss, namely:

  • prevents the accumulation of new deposits;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • ensures normalization of cell sensitivity to glucose;
  • reduces internal insulin secretion.

All of these pharmacological effects are based on the same principle of action of Xenical. The drug begins to actively work in the lumen of the small intestine, inactivating the enzyme lipase of gastric and pancreatic juices. Due to this, large fat molecules do not break down into monoglycerides and fatty acids, which means that fat from food is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, passing through it in “transit”. Other actions of the drug come from this.

  • Effect on cholesterol. Without fat from food, low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) cannot be absorbed, which leads to a decrease in their levels in the blood.
  • Effect on insulin. A decrease in lipid concentration causes normalization of cell tolerance to sugar. This leads to their complete absorption of glucose, which means the body requires less insulin to process sugars.
  • Effect on fat. A chronic calorie deficit when taking Xenical forces the body to use fat deposits.
  • Effect on weight maintenance. When taking the drug, the patient gets used to eating less fatty foods, which ensures weight stability after the end of treatment.

The effect of the drug can be fully described as follows: taking Xenical requires reducing the amount of fat in the diet. Otherwise, you will have to deal with side effects in the form of fat leakage from anus(steatorrhea) and increased bowel movements. It creates healthy eating habits at the patient.

Of the food that a person consumes as part of a diet, 30% of fats are not absorbed at all, leaving the intestines unchanged. This creates a constant calorie deficit, the amount of which was already reduced by the diet. The use of "Xenical" for weight loss gives results - a person loses about 10% of body weight, without suffering from radical prohibitions on food, comprehensively improving the health of the body, smoothly switching to a healthier diet.

About security

The drug "Xenical" is considered the safest weight loss product on the market. The reason for this is the local action of the drug, exclusively in the intestinal lumen. The lack of systemic influence significantly narrows the list of side effects and contraindications for use, which cannot be said about herbal-based drugs. Contraindications include:

  • obvious dysfunction of intestinal absorption;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 18 years.

The harm that accompanies taking the drug is a violation of the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D, K. Therefore, to prevent hypovitaminosis, doctors recommend using special drugs during treatment with the drug as additional sources of the listed nutrients.

An additional advantage of the drug "Xenical" is the absence of the risk of overdose and negative influence use of increased doses of the drug. Clinical trials using high doses have confirmed that the weight loss effect is unchanged compared to standard therapeutic dosages. This indicates that there is no point in taking more capsules in order to enhance or speed up weight loss.

The product is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the risk of vitamin deficiency, which can negatively affect the condition of mother and child. Complete elimination of Xenical from the body occurs within three days, which indicates the possibility of using the drug when planning conception.

Instructions for using "Xenical" for weight loss

To achieve a noticeable weight loss effect, it is important to take Xenical for weight loss correctly. Comprehensive information is provided by the doctor, however, some patients misunderstand it. Common mistakes during treatment the following.

  • Violation of appointment time. "Xenical" must be taken with meals. If for some reason this was not possible, you must swallow the capsule within an hour after eating. This approach will ensure uniform distribution of the active substance in the food bolus, as well as effective blocking lipases. If you take the product before meals, the capsule composition will simply enter the large intestine prematurely and will be excreted from the body without having any effect.
  • Frequency of use. Capsules are taken one to three times a day. The regimen for taking Xenical is flexible and depends on what and when the patient eats. Doctors recommend taking the product with every meal if the dish can be classified as fatty. For example, after a breakfast of porridge without butter and coffee, there is no need to drink Xenical. If your morning meal consists of a sandwich with butter and cheese, you need to take one capsule.
  • Diet violation. The effectiveness of treatment with Xenical depends on a balanced diet. If the patient does not reduce the concentration of fats in it, one should not expect amazing effects. The drug neutralizes only 30% of fat, the rest will be absorbed for physiological reasons.
  • Premature termination of the course. Most obese patients expect immediate results. Not noticing it after a couple of weeks, they stop taking the drug. However, the minimum course of treatment is two months, and the maximum is six months. The effectiveness of losing weight directly depends on compliance with the duration of the course. Doctors recommend drinking Xenical continuously for three months.

A frequently asked question among patients is the compatibility of Xenical with alcohol. Orlistat does not react with alcohols, therefore it does not interact with alcohol in any way. Moderate use will not affect the result of losing weight with the drug.

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Anyone can buy it, however, nutritionists strongly recommend using medications for weight loss only as prescribed by a doctor, with strict adherence to his instructions.

Are the side effects really that bad?

All side effects of Xenical are caused by changes in the contents of the intestines, namely, the inclusion of pure fat in the stool. This may cause:

  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • uncontrollable bowel discharge;
  • flatulence;
  • increased frequency of bowel movements;
  • liquid stool;
  • oiliness of feces.

Doctors emphasize to patients that “Xenical” for weight loss will not cause such problems if they strictly follow the nutritional instructions. Eating excessively fatty foods will provoke not only steatorrhea, but also involuntary bowel movements, since fatty secretions will simply flow down the intestinal walls.

Violation of vitamin absorption is a serious side effect that can be corrected. You can take vitamin supplements a couple of hours after the weight loss product. Taking vitamins is mandatory for women during menopause, since for them the sufficient presence of each nutrient in the body is especially important.


The drug "Xenical" has analogues:

  • "Orlip";
  • "Xenistat";
  • "Xenalten";
  • "Orlimax".

Their use requires compliance with the same conditions and recommendations, and is accompanied by similar side effects. “Xenical” is an original Swiss-made drug that has the widest evidence base and has passed the necessary tests.

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