What is the sex of the child based on the date of conception? Find out the expected gender of the child: free test. Amniopuncture or chorionic villus sampling

The realities of life do not always coincide with what a person plans for himself, but most people continue to believe that the most important moments of their lives can be subordinated to a plan. And even refusing such a wonderful surprise as the news about the gender of the newborn heir, they try to calculate the gender of the child.

There would be nothing reprehensible in this, especially in cases where the question is about the prevention of hereditary pathologies in children of a certain sex. But, unfortunately, they have nothing to do with science and only mislead parents. Let's see what these methods are, how to calculate the sex of a child, all sorts of calendars and tables for calculating the sex of a child are offered, and whether they are reliable.

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Tables for calculating the sex of a child and so-called pregnancy calendars seem simple and accessible. You can calculate the sex of a child using the table in a matter of minutes; the main thing is to tune in to intercourse on the very day when the action plan requires it.

Planning the gender of a child is a very complex issue.

Women began to widely use the Chinese method to calculate the gender of a child from a table around the middle of the last century, when pseudo-scientific trends such as astrology and numerology became popular. The popularity of this technique can be explained by the authority of the state that gave the world Chinese sages and ancient Chinese medicine, as well as by its ease of use.

Judge for yourself, for the calculations you only need a couple of accurate data:

  • date of conception (month only, not even the date);
  • the age of the woman at the planned time of birth of the child.

Anyone who has ever played “battleship” or simply loved mathematics in elementary school will be able to use the table for calculating the sex of a child.

  1. The top line of the table is a list of months of conceiving a child from January to December.
  2. The left vertical is the age of the expectant mother.
  3. At the intersection of the horizontal line with the vertical line, a “forecast” is imprinted - in the form of the letters “M” (boy) or “D” (girl). The method couldn’t be simpler.

Any sane person understands that predicting, let alone calculating the sex of a child using a table, is the same as casting lots; the reliability is approximately the same.

Why is the method of calculating the gender of a child using a table so popular? Well, extremely dubious theories, therapies and techniques often become popular; this has always been the case - two hundred, a thousand years ago, and even in our sophisticated age.

There is a little more brilliance in another eastern method - Japanese, which uses the conception calendar. It is suggested to calculate the sex of the child using the table.

The theory of blood renewal is deeply unscientific, since the composition of human blood is renewed much faster than the stated 3 years for women and 4 years for men.

Nevertheless, the table exists, and you can familiarize yourself with it:

  1. The upper horizontal column is the full age of the father at the time of conception (from 18 years old).
  2. The left vertical column is the mother's full age at the time of conception.
  3. At the intersection of the lines, as in the Chinese table, there are letters that determine the gender of the unborn baby.

Example: if the father is 30 years old and the mother is 25, then according to the table they will have a girl. How to calculate the gender of a child if they want a boy? Let's look at the table:

  • a year later (when the father is 31 and the mother is 26), the table again predicts the birth of a girl;
  • after 2 years - the table depicts a riddle in the form of M/D, that is, the gender of the child can be any with equal probability;
  • finally, only after 3 years (when father is 33 and mother is 28) the table promises the coveted “M”.

This is what the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child looks like

Will we really have to wait that long? No, proponents of the idea of ​​blood renewal explain that the results of this technique may vary depending on the month in which conception occurs. For example, the father is still 30 years old, and the mother turns 26 years old in 3 months, at this moment the table “predicts” a boy, this time can be used to conceive an heir until the father turns 31 years old. Taking into account all these nuances, it is proposed to create your own conception calendar.

And not according to the table, but according to the formula? Yes, the theory of blood renewal offers such an option. For example, let’s continue the calculations with an already “familiar” couple – he is 30, she is 25 years old.

  1. Divide the man's age by 4 (30:4=7.5).
  2. Divide the woman's age by 3 (25:3=8.3).
  3. Let's compare the results: 7.5< 8,3.
  4. Whoever has the higher result “wins”.

In our case, the woman won, which means that the couple had 30 and 25 years of age when they reached full years a girl will conceive. As you can see, the data coincided with the predictions of the Japanese table, but this is not surprising - the table was compiled according to such calculations.

How reliable are these methods?

You shouldn’t even think about the reliability of the methods discussed. They're not at all more accurate than forecast according to a tossed coin, and the possible coincidences that 50 percent of married couples can boast of are nothing more than just coincidences. Anyone who knows what affects the sex of a child, how fertilization occurs, and will never trust Eastern theories and will not look for “a table to calculate the sex of a child” (the spelling of the searchers has been preserved intentionally).

Let us remember that a person’s sex is determined during fertilization and depends on the set of chromosomes of the sperm that manages to penetrate the egg. During penetration, fertilization occurs - the fusion of female and male reproductive cells into one whole, called a zygote, which will already have 46 pairs of chromosomes that determine the sex of the conceived child.

Fertilization is possible only after ovulation, and another popular way to calculate the sex of a child is associated with the moment of its occurrence.

What is the method of planning the gender of a child based on the time of conception based on? In this technique, the main role is given to ovulation, around which all calculations are made on how to calculate the sex of a child.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the release of a mature germ cell from the ovary and its release from the elastic membrane - the follicle.

  1. Since birth, a woman’s ovaries contain several million immature eggs of different quality.
  2. By the time they reach reproductive age, their number is reduced to several hundred thousand.
  3. By ovulation, only one or two eggs have matured and are ready for fertilization.
  4. The growth of the follicle and the entire ovulatory process are stimulated by the pituitary gland, which produces a special substance - luteinizing hormone. If LH production is insufficient, ovulation does not occur and pregnancy cannot occur.

What is the significance of ovulation for the question of how to calculate the sex of a child? The egg lives only for one day. If the cell is not fertilized, it will die, and after 14 days the woman will begin to (regulate). It is believed that if you plan fertilization on the date of ovulation or a day before it, then the more efficient sperm containing the Y chromosome, carriers of male gene material, will be the first to approach the egg. This is what parents who are interested in how to calculate the sex of a child so that a son is born are trying to use.

How to calculate the time of ovulation?

If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, calculating the moment of ovulation is not at all difficult - it usually occurs 14 days before the start of the cycle. The first day of the cycle is the day a woman begins to experience bleeding from the vagina, even if it is not too intense. The duration of the discharge is not important, it can be 2 days or 8, the count should be started from the first day of regulation.

How do you know if your cycle is regular? You will have to monitor your cycle for at least 3 months:

  1. Mark the first day of your period in the current month.
  2. Wait for the next regulation to start.
  3. Count how many days have passed since the previous start of your period.
  4. Count down from the beginning of your next period as many days forward as you counted last time, mark the day on the calendar.
  5. When your next period arrives (this is your third period), compare its start date with your mark on the calendar - if it comes earlier or later than the “scheduled” date, it means your menstrual cycle is irregular. If they arrived on time, we can consider it regular.

How does a cycle go without pregnancy?

In general, the regularity of the cycle can be judged by the results of observation for at least a year, since menstruation can spontaneously change its cyclicity, especially in young girls. If you are sure that your cycle is regular, subtract 14 days from its expected start, this will be the day of ovulation.

How to calculate with an irregular cycle?

It is more difficult to calculate the date of ovulation for women with irregular cycles. In this case, there are several ways to track ovulation:

  • use of pharmacy tests;
  • charting your basal temperature.

With ultrasound control (folliculometry), it is possible to obtain the most accurate data with a forecast accuracy of up to 12 hours. But this technique cannot be called cheap, because to obtain evidence of ovulation, you will have to undergo not one, but several ultrasound examinations (3-5 procedures).

A pharmacy ovulation test, similar to a pregnancy test and consisting in determining the LH hormone in female urine (its level rises during the ovulatory period), will cost less. However, this technique cannot be called accurate, since an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone is sometimes associated not with ovulation, but with gynecological and other pathologies.

This is what an ovulation test looks like

Finally, a technique that does not require any financial investment is measuring basal temperature. It is measured in a state of complete rest, so it requires some preparation.

Preparation for calculation

To chart your basal temperature you will need:

  • notepad or notebook;
  • a specially designated thermometer;
  • If the thermometer is not electronic, but mercury, you will also need a watch.

Everything listed above should be at hand, next to the sleeping place, even the thermometer should be shaken off from its previous readings in advance (in the evening). This is necessary to maintain complete rest after sleep, when the temperature will be measured.

While measuring basal temperature, you should avoid late dinners and, especially, “night snacks”, so that at least 8 hours pass from the last meal to the time of measurement.

Measurement procedure:

  1. Measurements should begin on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Having woken up, you should, without getting out of bed, take a thermometer and carefully insert it into the rectum.
  2. After 5 minutes, pull out the thermometer and take readings. Write down the readings in a notepad.
  3. From the readings, make a graph with the origin in the lower left corner.

The lower horizontal line should be divided into days, and the vertical line into temperature divisions. Each division should correspond to 0.1 degrees, since only 0.4 degrees have diagnostic value in this process. So it is recommended to start the vertical count from 36.1o C.

A noticeable increase in basal temperature usually appears from 12-14 days (with a 28-day menstrual cycle); if the temperature remains at an elevated level (+0.4 or +0.5 degrees) for three days, it means ovulation has taken place. How to calculate the sex of a child at conception based on the moment of ovulation?

The principle is this:

  • if you want to conceive a boy, intercourse should occur no earlier than one day before ovulation;
  • if you want a daughter, you should have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation.

Nothing complicated. This is not a conception table; certain dates help to calculate the gender of the child.

How to build a basal temperature chart

What is the connection, you ask. The fact is that carriers of the male genome, that is, Y-chromosomal sperm, are much more mobile than X-chromosomal sperm, that is, carriers of female gene material. However, the former live only 24 hours, and the latter - as much as 72. So it turns out that by the time of ovulation, only those sperm that are carriers of the desired genome can be present around the egg.

  1. If sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation or the day before it, then the nimble Y-chromosomal ones will be the first to reach the woman’s mature reproductive cell.
  2. If sexual intercourse occurred 2-3 days before ovulation, then the Y chromosomes will have already died by the time of fertilization, and only the X chromosomes will remain.

There is nothing complicated, but there is nothing scientifically proven in this theory on how to calculate the sex of a child. The table has the same 100 percent chance of justifying the forecast as the ovulation calculation method.

Is it possible to calculate the gender of a future baby 100%?

Anticipating the disappointment of future parents who realized that it would not be possible to calculate, we will try to offer the most desperate option. True, you can only use it for a lot of money and strictly for medical reasons.

We are talking about in vitro fertilization, or the IVF procedure combined with pre-implantation genotyping (ICSI technique):

  1. The ICSI assisted reproductive technology procedure does not involve calculations; it is designed for people with sperm quality disorders and other sexual abnormalities.
  2. The procedure uses the father's sperm (ejaculate), in which, even despite complex forms of infertility, a morphologically healthy seed can be isolated.
  3. Fertilization of selected germ cells occurs in vitro, that is, in a test tube, which makes it possible to test zygotes for the presence of hereditary diseases and gender.
  4. Having selected the highest quality embryo, it is implanted into the expectant mother intracervically (that is, introduced through cervical canal located between the uterine cavity and its cervix).

Nothing can interfere with the gender of the finished embryo, therefore the IVF + ICSI method is 100% gender planning, but not its calculation.


  1. Unfortunately, the search for methods on how to calculate the sex of a child using a table is completely useless; the predictions of the tables are not scientifically substantiated.
  2. You shouldn’t place much hope on calculating the moment of ovulation; few people succeed in programming the fertilization of an egg with a specific sperm; this process is subject solely to chance.

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The mystery of the birth of a child will forever remain an unknown miracle of nature, given by the Lord. However modern technologies and methods allow future parents to look at their baby even before his birth, to understand whether they will have a daughter or a son. Now many mothers, already in the 3rd month of pregnancy, can find out who will be born to them by ultrasound. But what if you want to find out who will be born when conception has not yet occurred? How is this possible? This article will teach you how to calculate the gender of your baby before conception.

Daughter or son?

There are many ways: from folk to scientific. For example, this can be calculated by the date of birth of the future parents, by their blood type, and also by various tests for mothers on the Internet. Using a special program - a conception calculator - it is quite possible to calculate the sex of a child.

The first way to determine who will be a girl or a boy is the method. According to scientific data, women's blood is renewed once every 3 years, and men's - once every 4 years. Let's take one example to understand how the system works. Mom is 26 years old, and dad is 30. We divide their ages by a coefficient, that is, for a woman, when divided by 3, we get 8 whole numbers and 6 as a remainder, and for a man, when divided by 4, we get 7.5. Let's compare the obtained values, since the woman has a larger remainder, which means that this couple will most likely give birth to a girl. If the father had more balance, then most likely a son would have been born. If, in case of calculation, you get the same balance or equal to zero, it could be twins or twins. It is important to take into account large blood loss (surgery, accident) and then count from the date of blood loss.

The second method of determining the sex of a child is suitable for astrology lovers. Because with this method, the Moon will answer the question before conception. To do this, you need to know what zodiac sign the Moon was in on the day when fertilization occurred. There are 12 zodiac signs in total, which are male and female. Accordingly, if the Moon was in the sign of a woman, a daughter will be born, and vice versa. This method cannot be considered very effective and useful, because it cannot be used to determine if a couple will have twins.

Parents' blood type in determining the sex of the child

Using this method, you can find out not only the gender of the child, but also which one he will inherit or receive from his parents. In order to calculate this, we need to remember the 11th grade biology curriculum. Remember solving genetic problems about rabbits, green peas and diseases?

Let's look at an example: let mom and dad have blood type 3. Let's create a task. However, with a combination of the second and third blood groups, a couple can have a child with any group, in our case there is a 50% chance of having both boys and girls.

Conception calendar

One more is enough easy way It will not be difficult for anyone to determine who will be born to a couple - this is the gender of the child. To determine the sex of a child using this method, we will need a calendar for several months, a red and blue pen, and an inspired mood. Basically, this method is based on calculating the date of ovulation and have a nice day for conception.

The expectant mother marks the period from one menstruation to the next, subtracts 14 days from her resulting cycle (from the first day of menstruation) and finds the day of ovulation. That is, a favorable period for conception. Then the woman’s condition after the expected day of conception should be noted on the calendar. If a woman is attracted to sweets, there will be a girl; if she is attracted to sour and salty foods, then there will be a boy - this is the information they give folk signs, which are also used in this method.

We are planning a boy: what to do?

Now that we have figured out how you can find out who will be born to a couple, it’s time to understand how to influence fate and give birth to a boy or a girl. Let's consider the option when a couple really wants a son.

It is a well-known fact that the sex of a child is determined by a man at conception, or more precisely, by his genetic material, which contains a Y chromosome, unlike two Xs in a woman. In order for a couple to have a boy, they need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Correctly calculate the date of ovulation.
  2. A man should wear loose underwear for a week before sexual intercourse to increase sperm flow. This fact is due physiological characteristics male reproductive system.
  3. A woman should have pleasure before a man.
  4. Spend more time caressing for maximum arousal.
  5. It is better to choose a position when the man is behind.
  6. At the very end, the entry should be deeper.
  7. A woman needs to lie down for a while after intercourse.

By using these rules, you increase your chance of conceiving a boy.

How to conceive a girl?

Now let’s look at the rules that will help answer the question of how to plan for a girl.

  1. Conception should occur 3 days before expected ovulation.
  2. From the fifth to the eighth day, sexual intercourse should be frequent (several times a day).
  3. Three days before ovulation, sex should be once a day.
  4. It is better to use the missionary position.
  5. Spend little time on affection.
  6. At the very end, the penetration should not be very deep.
  7. It is necessary to abstain from sex for the next 3 days after ovulation.

Using these rules, you can conceive the long-awaited girl.

Let's sum it up

From the article you learned how to calculate the sex of a child before conception and in what ways this can be done. Now you can choose the method that suits your family. And now you know how to plan for a boy and a girl. But, in fact, when a couple is expecting a long-awaited child, they don’t care who they have.

on early stages pregnancy, and some couples even want to choose the gender of their unborn child using a table or calendar, using methods that have come to us from time immemorial. In this material we will try to understand in detail the issue of determining gender both before the baby is born and before conception.

A pregnant woman wants to find out the sex of her baby as early as possible. Medical, during an ultrasound scan. But I want it sooner! ...
As we mentioned above, many spouses want to determine the sex of the baby before conception, and not rely on chance. There are special diets that can affect fate.

If you try really hard, the couple will eventually get the one they were waiting for. We suggest studying scientific methods for determining the gender of an unborn child and folk signs. Most Popular medical method gender determination - ultrasound. Sometimes an ultrasound shows the sex of the baby at 14-16 weeks, but most mothers find out who to expect only around 23 weeks, when the fetus is actively moving in the womb.

How to determine the gender of a child today scientific method in earlier stages of pregnancy? Chorionic villus biopsy allows you to find out the good news in the early stages of pregnancy. The studies have a negative impact on the health of the baby and his mother, and miscarriage is possible. But when using this technique, doctors never make mistakes in determining the sex of a child.

Blood update date for partners it can serve as a factor by which they find out who to expect - a girl or a boy. Every 3 years a woman’s blood is renewed, every 4 years a man’s. For those who have this happen later, they are responsible for the gender of the baby (if the wife has a daughter, if the husband has a son). We will tell you in more detail below how you can determine the gender of the unborn child by the date of blood renewal, blood type or Rh factor of the parents.

Thousands of years ago, in order to determine who a woman carried in her womb, the sages used ancient chinese calendars, with the help of which married couples could determine the sex of an unborn child long before its birth. Using the calendar, you can even plan who you want to give birth to - a girl or a boy.

Known folk beliefs:

For a couple of months before conceiving, a woman needs to eat more salty foods if she wants to get pregnant with a girl, and more sweet foods if she wants to give birth to a boy;

When a woman wants to give birth to a daughter, she places scissors and a wooden spoon under the mattress, and places a small bow under the pillow;

A one-year-old boy often approaches a pregnant woman - she will have a girl, but does not approach her - she will have a boy.

Next, we will tell you in detail about how to determine the gender of the unborn child by the blood type and Rh factor of the father and mother, by “renewing” the blood of the parents and using a popular method that has come to us from time immemorial. Using the ancient Chinese table (see below), you can not only determine the gender of the child, which, according to the table above, the pregnant woman’s future baby is likely to have, but you can also choose for yourself whether you will have a boy or a girl (before conception).

From this material you learned how you can determine with a fairly high degree of probability whether you are having a boy or a girl. But we should not forget that conceiving and bearing a baby is a great sacrament, and the birth of a child is one of the most grandiose events for both the father and the mother of the child. Therefore, once again, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons before deciding to determine the sex of the child before conception or in the early stages of the baby’s intrauterine development.

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While awaiting the birth of a baby, future parents strive to determine what gender the child will appear by using various methods and using time-tested signs. By choosing the most reliable method, you can find out with a high probability who will appear: a boy or a girl.

There are many known methods that can tell the gender of a child. different dates pregnancy, some of them can help take measures for the birth of a baby of the desired sex already at the pregnancy planning stage.

The most accurate is ultrasound diagnostics, and over a reasonable period of time it can give a 100% result. But even ultrasound cannot cope with the task in all cases if the fetus is poorly positioned in terms of visibility important features bodies.

Quite accurate methods include calculating the sex of a child using ancient Chinese and Japanese tables. These calendars were compiled by observant astrologers for emperors and rulers. Based on the cyclical processes of the human body, they often correctly guess the outcome of pregnancy.

Other calculation methods for calculating the sex of babies, for example, by ovulation dates or by the blood renewal cycle, are slightly less accurate. External changes in a woman, new taste preferences, like true folk signs, can also suggest to the expectant mother who will be born: son or daughter.

Gender of the child according to ultrasound

Diagnostics using ultra-high frequency ultrasonic waves is a painless and safe procedure. Ultrasound is not a foreign sound from the point of view of the human ear; it is present in a variety of sea and wind noises; peacocks use ultra-high frequencies for communication, and the bats and owls use it to navigate in space at night.

Ultrasound examination today is one of the most modern instrumental methods that can reliably reveal the sex of the baby. As pregnancy progresses, ultrasound results will become more and more accurate, since the embryo continually grows and develops, and sexual characteristics become more visual and clear over time.

At 6 weeks, the size of the embryo does not exceed 1.2 cm. The head and the beginnings of the formation of arms and legs are clearly visible. At this stage, a small tubercle begins to form - a barely noticeable bulge, exactly the same in both boys and girls. By the 9th week, genital and scrotal folds appear around the tubercle, but in general there are no differences by gender either.

And only by the 11th week after fertilization, which is equivalent to 13 obstetric weeks, does it become clearly possible to distinguish a boy from a girl. In boys, a penis is formed from the tubercle, the labial-scrotal folds grow together, and the foreskin is formed. In girls, the tubercle becomes the clitoris, the surrounding folds form the labia, and subsequently these organs change little.

With the help of ultrasound you can 100% determine the sex of the child

However, there are cases in which even the qualifications of a doctor and high-precision equipment cannot help in determining gender.

The umbilical cord stretching between the child’s legs can be mistaken by a specialist for the gender differences of a boy, and then the gender is determined erroneously. Some babies turn around so that their genitals are simply not visible, then indirect methods of identifying gender using ultrasound can help.

  1. Ramsay method. Based on the assumption of the baby’s gender based on the location of the placenta. If the substance is in the uterus on the right, then most likely a boy is conceived, if on the left, then a girl.
  2. The square shape of the skull and jaw may indicate the male sex of the embryo; these rounded body parts most likely belong to a girl.

How to determine the sex of a child by the external signs of a pregnant woman

If it is impossible or there is no desire to do an ultrasound, you can try to guess the gender of the baby based on the appearance of the expectant mother:

How to calculate the sex of an unborn child based on blood renewal

It is believed that all cells of the human body are regularly renewed, including blood cells. At the same time, for men the renewal cycle lasts 4 years, for women this period is 3 years.

The sex of the baby can be influenced by the blood of the parents: which spouse has it “fresher” or “younger” during the period of conception of the baby. If the mother’s blood has recently renewed, then a girl will be born, if the father’s, then a boy should be expected.

For example, if at the time of conception the mother is already 26 years old and the future father is 30 years old, then the calculations are made as follows:

  • for mom: 25 / 3 = 8 whole, 1 remainder;
  • for dad: 30 / 4 = 7 whole, 2 remainder.

The mother has the smallest balance, therefore, her blood is younger and most likely a daughter will be born.

Blood renewal also occurs during major blood losses, for example, blood donation or transfusion, childbirth or complex operations. The dates of these events should be taken into account when calculating using the described method; they should be taken as the starting point for the new update cycle.

By blood type and Rh factor of parents

Scientists' assumption that the blood types of future parents significantly influence the gender of the child has been seriously criticized. Due to the fact that a person’s blood group is unchanged, then, in accordance with the specified method, with a certain combination of group and Rh factor, children of only one sex can appear, but in fact this is not the case.

This method can rather be used to determine the greatest likelihood of the birth of a baby of one sex or another.

  1. If the mother has group I, then a girl will be born at I and III group father's blood. In even-numbered groups, you should wait for a boy with your dad.
  2. Mom's second blood group and dad's even blood groups will bring a boy. Odd blood types in a man in such a union will bring a girl.
  3. With group III, a woman can only have a daughter if a man has group I; in other cases, a son will appear.
  4. For women with blood group IV, boys will appear in all cases except the father’s blood group II.

It is possible to determine the sex of a child based on the Rh factor as follows: different rhesus Most parents give birth to girls, but with the same parents, boys are born more often.

By date of birth of parents

This is a rather labor-intensive method for identifying the sex of a baby; it was created by M. Freiman and S. Dobrotin. The task is to find two coefficients from the tables: for the mother and for the father. Whose coefficient is greater, the child of that gender will be born.

  1. To determine the “male” coefficient, calculations should be made using tables marked with the letter O. From the first table, the number located at the junction of the row with the year of birth of the father and the column with the year of conception of the baby is written out.
  2. The second table contains the number according to the month of birth of the man.
  3. The third table will give a number based on the exact date of birth of the future father.
  4. The fourth and fifth tables will help you find two coefficients for the month and date of conception.
  5. Having summed up the resulting numbers, the “male” coefficient is determined from the sixth table; these are odd numbers, multiples of three, as well as zero.
  6. In a similar way, you should calculate the “female” coefficient using the following 6 tables marked M.
  7. If the mother’s coefficient is greater, then a daughter will appear; if it is less, then you can wait for a son. If both coefficients have a value of 0, then the probability of pregnancy is higher than that of a girl.

According to the last menstruation

You can determine the sex of the child by calculating the month of conception based on the start and end dates of the last menstruation before pregnancy. The number of years of the spouse at the time of fertilization of the egg is added to the serial number of the month of ovulation. One is added to the resulting number.

If the result refers to even numbers, then a daughter will be born, if the number is odd, then a son will appear.

For example, the woman’s age at the time of conception, which occurred in May (5th month), was 27 full years. After calculations (27 + 5 + 1 = 33), the result is an odd number; most likely a boy will be born.

By date of conception

If the exact date of conception is known, then based on scientific information about fertilization, it is possible to identify the sex of the baby with a high probability. An egg can only be fertilized during the ovulation period, i.e. when it leaves the ovary. This period is determined in several ways.

You can purchase special tests that will help you calculate, down to the day, the most convenient moment for conception. You can use a thermometer and measure your basal temperature daily; its increase indicates the onset of favorable days. If there are obvious signs of ovulation, you can rely on your feelings, observing changes in your well-being.

The sperm that survives to ovulation while in the vagina will connect with the egg. Sperm that include the X chromosome (can conceive a girl) live longer but move slowly. Sperm with a Y chromosome (may produce a boy) are short-lived, but very mobile.

Accordingly, the closer the date of conception is to ovulation, the higher the probability of the appearance of an heir, since sperm with a Y chromosome will reach the released egg faster. And vice versa, the longer the sperm were waiting for the egg to be released, the higher the possibility of the baby being born.

According to the Chinese calendar

In order to use the Chinese table, a woman needs to correctly calculate her lunar age. The Chinese believe that all newborns are already 1 year old; it is obtained by rounding the time the embryo is in the womb.

Each subsequent lunar year of life is added after the date of the Chinese New Year. The dates of this holiday are always different, but they fall between January 22 and February 22.

For example, an expectant mother celebrates her birthday in December. At her birth date she was already one lunar year old. After the new year according to lunar reckoning, which will fall in January-February, mother will already be 2 lunar years old. So, by adding 1 lunar year, you should calculate your lunar age before the date of conception.

In the Chinese table, the columns bear the serial numbers of the lunar months, which are calculated from the date of the new year according to the Chinese calendar. The lines indicate the woman's lunar age in the range from 18 to 45 years. At the intersection of month and age, you can find out the gender of the long-awaited baby.

According to the Japanese table

Determining the sex of a child using the Japanese method is quite simple; only three indicators are used for this: the month of birth of each of the future parents, as well as the month the baby was conceived.

In the first table, at the intersection of the columns indicating the birth months of the spouses, you need to find the code number. For example, if mom celebrates her birthday in January and dad in September, then the code number will be 9.

In the following table, using the number received (code numbers are indicated in the top row of the table), you should find your family column. It contains all 12 months in a certain order. The central columns contain different numbers of plus signs, which indicate the probability of having a baby of one gender or the other.

By selecting the line with the month of conception in your family column, you can find out the gender of the long-awaited baby from the central columns. In our example, the number 9 is the 4th column from the right. If the date of conception falls in May, then the probability of having a daughter becomes increased: in the column called “girl” there are 9 pluses.

This method was invented by Japanese astrologers, observing changes in the human body and in the relationship between spouses depending on the movement of the heavenly bodies. The tables quite often guess the gender of the child, which has already found indirect scientific confirmation.

Modern science The fact of the cyclical formation of male and female chromosomes, which can be determined by a person’s date of birth, became known.

By heartbeat

An experienced obstetrician-gynecologist can determine the sex of a child by heartbeat during auscultation (listening). The baby’s heart begins to copy the rhythm of its mother’s heartbeat already on the 22nd day after conception. An increase in the baby's heart rate occurs at 7 weeks of pregnancy.

An experienced obstetrician will be able to listen to a child’s pulse at 20 weeks of pregnancy through a phonendoscope. In boys, the heart beats clearly and loudly at a rhythm of about 120 beats per minute, the tonality matches the mother’s heart. In girls, the pulse is frequent, from 140 to 150 beats in 60 seconds, the chaotic muffled rhythm of the daughter is more often in dissonance with the tone of the heartbeat of a pregnant woman.

According to the blood pressure of the expectant mother

It is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child by measuring the pressure of the spouse immediately before the conception process. This conclusion was made by Ravi Retnakaran, a scientist from Canada, after analyzing the results of a seven-year experiment in which about 3,000 married Chinese women took part.

Before the intimate process, women donated blood and underwent a blood pressure measurement procedure. Over the years of the study, 1,411 children were born. According to the results, it was found that the blood pressure of mothers who gave birth to sons averaged 112.5 mm Hg. Art., and among mothers who gave birth to daughters, the value of the indicator was 109.6 mm Hg. Art.

Based on average data, it was assumed that higher blood pressure on the eve of conception increases the likelihood of the birth of an heir.

Scientists are currently not ready to substantiate the reason for this phenomenon. There is a version that conceiving boys is more energy-consuming for the mother, and only an organism that is in good shape with elevated blood pressure can provide the future son with comfortable conditions for development.

Currently, the world has recorded a decrease in the number of male babies born. Scientists previously assumed that this fact is associated with the characteristics and negative factors modern century: terrorism, economic pitfalls, armed conflicts, etc. However, the fact that the sex of the baby depends on the pressure of the mother can correct the point of view of scientists.

According to dietary preferences

You can determine the sex of a child in the womb by observing the change in its eating habits. The widespread phenomenon of a sharp change in taste in pregnant women is associated with changes in hormonal levels, however this fact has no scientific confirmation, the method refers to folk signs.

An uncontrollable craving for everything sweet (candy, marshmallows, cakes, sweet pastries, ice cream, marshmallows and other sweets) indicates pregnancy with a girl. This also includes love for fermented milk products(kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and yoghurt).

The anticipation of the baby is manifested in the addiction to regular and baked milk. Often, expectant mothers of daughters refuse coffee and sometimes tea, even if just recently the woman was known as an avid drinker. Sometimes the imminent birth of a baby is indicated by the desire to eat sweet fruits, including persimmons, watermelons, apricots, peaches, or juices from them.

If a mother prefers dark chocolate at the very beginning of pregnancy, but by the 3rd month she can no longer tolerate it, then a boy is most likely conceived. Also, future mothers prefer sons deli meats any sweets. Sausages, fried steaks, bacon and boiled beef become an integral part of their diet.

Sometimes, instead of a craving for meat, or simultaneously with it, a need arises for fish dishes. The future heir is also indicated by his love for potatoes and tomatoes. Pickles, olives and black olives, as well as pickles, pickles and marinades appear on the table of mothers pregnant with boys more often than usual. An interesting phenomenon is the addiction of mothers to Coca-Cola in anticipation of an heir.

There is a sign: if a woman likes to eat bread crusts, then she is carrying an heir, and if she likes crumbs better, then she is pregnant with a girl.

Having in our arsenal so many scientific and non-scientific methods of determining the sex of the unborn child, expectant mothers can significantly increase the likelihood of the preliminary result matching the actual one by applying all the described methods in order.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video on the topic: How to determine the gender of a child

How to determine the gender of your unborn child with 98% accuracy:

How to determine the sex of a child:

In ancient times, there was no ultrasound, and our ancestors could not calculate the sex of the child with one hundred percent accuracy. They made observations, recorded the results, passing on their own conclusions from generation to generation. Thus, a calendar for determining the sex of a child arose. Each nation has its own. The calendar does not guarantee the birth of a child of one gender or another. Most often, it is built on the principle of guessing based on many years of observations and the living conditions of this people. Nevertheless, using the calendar, you can predict with a certain percentage probability the birth of a girl or boy.

Calendar for determining the sex of the unborn child

There are many ways to help calculate the date of conception. One of them is an ovulation calculator. This calculator should only be used if a woman has a stable menstrual cycle, and each month of the cycle lasts the same number of days. It is enough to enter into the calculator the month and year of the planned pregnancy, the date and number of days of the last menstruation, and it will give the result. There is an error with this calculation, because the body of each expectant mother is individual, and the date of ovulation can occur between 8 and 16 days of the menstrual cycle, so it is difficult to accurately predict the birth of a boy or girl. The gynecological calendar for determining the sex of a child involves calculating the probability of conceiving a baby of one gender or another, based on the date of ovulation. The author of the technique is considered to be the Polish doctor Frantisek Benedo. Sperm are responsible for the formation of the sex of the child: those with the Y chromosome are for a boy, those with the X chromosome are for a girl. Sperm with a Y chromosome move faster and live shorter lives than their “female” counterparts. Viability depends on the acidity of the female genital organs. Approximately two to three days before ovulation, it changes from alkaline to acidic, which is beneficial for “female” sperm. These days, the likelihood of conceiving a girl is higher. In an earlier period, the likelihood of conceiving a boy is higher.

How to determine the date of ovulation?

To use the gynecological calendar, you need to determine the exact date of ovulation. The most accurate method is to calculate the date based on the results of measuring basal temperature. It takes 3-5 months to measure it to accurately determine on which days temperature jumps occur. Before ovulation, body temperature rises to 37 °C, and on the day of ovulation itself it is at its highest and can sometimes reach 37.4 - 37.6 °C. The data is recorded in a special schedule by day, let’s call it “Child Gender Determination Calendar.” If ovulation occurs the same number of days from the start of the cycle, you can plan the sex of the child. It all depends on which chromosome, “female” or “male,” gets to the egg first. Dr. Shettles published in the 60s. 20th century research, which claimed that the method of calculating sex by ovulation (gynecological method) works with an accuracy of 75-90%. The calendar for determining the sex of a child makes it possible to trace patterns in the menstrual cycle and, based on this, plan the sexual activity of a married couple. For the method to work effectively, it is necessary not only to observe the time interval relative to the date of ovulation during conception, but also the depth of penetration. In order to have a girl, he recommends having sex a certain number of days before the date of ovulation with shallow penetration and vice versa. In the first case, there is a high probability for the X chromosome to be the first to reach the egg, in the second case, for the Y chromosome.

Vanga calendar: determining the sex of a child

This table implies the dependence of the child’s sex on the month of conception and the age of the mother. It was compiled by Vanga’s student Lyudmila Kim. In order to calculate the sex of the unborn baby, you need to select a row with the year of birth of the mother and a column with the month in which conception is planned. The cell at the intersection will indicate the gender of the baby. Let's denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl. The table looks like this:

How to determine the gender of a child using the Chinese calendar?

The Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child has the same structure as the Vanga table. The mother's age range is indicated here from 18 to 35 years. The cell at the intersection of the row and column will indicate the gender of the unborn child. Let's denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl. The table looks like this:

How to determine the gender of a child using the Japanese calendar?

The Japanese calendar for determining the gender of a child allows you to find out who will be born by the date of conception. This calendar consists of two tables. The first table uses the birth months of the mother and father of the unborn child. Calendar for determining the gender of a child: part 1 - obtaining a secret code number.

At the intersection of a column and a row, you get a code number that is used in the second table. In the second table, the month of conception of the unborn child and the code number are taken, in the cell at the intersection of the two values ​​the gender of the unborn child is obtained. Calendar for determining the gender of a child: part 2 - determining gender by month of conception and secret code number. Let's denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl.

Which calendar for determining gender is considered the most accurate?

An exact calendar for determining the sex of a child has not yet been created. Of the three above-mentioned calendar tables, none gives a one hundred percent accurate answer. Rather, it's just a coincidence. For the expectant mother, the most important thing is that the child is born absolutely healthy and that the birth takes place without negative consequences for mother and baby. The pregnancy calendar is considered the most accurate - determining the sex of the child using the calculation of the date of ovulation. Based on the fact that the viability of sperm carriers of one sex or another is affected by the acidity of the vagina, you can try to influence the change in acidity by consuming certain foods. Some doctors say that consuming foods that contain potassium and sodium increases the likelihood of having a boy. This effect is associated with the fact that minerals, penetrating into a woman’s blood, affect the acidity of the vagina, changing it to an alkaline environment. Thus, the viability of “male” sperm increases and the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases. From a scientific point of view, not a single calendar for determining the sex of a child is considered reliable.

Folk signs that allow you to predict the gender of the child:

1. Fortune telling using a key. The key must be single without key fobs or rings. If the expectant mother takes the key from the table by its long part, a girl will be born. If she takes the key by the round part, it's a boy. If you take it in the middle, twins will appear.

2. An ancient folk belief. If there are already children in the family, you need to remember which parent the baby named first in infancy. When a child calls his mother, a girl will be born; when he calls his father first, a boy will be born.

3. Sign on the nutrition of the expectant mother. If before conception the expectant mother eats sour and salty foods, she will have a boy; if she eats sweet foods, she will have a girl.

4. You need to take a needle with black thread and place it above your palm. Ask the question: “Who will be born to me now?” If the pendulum moves in a straight line, there will be a boy, if in a circle, there will be a girl. If you use a ring as a pendulum, the result is read the other way around.

5. Fortune telling by date of conception. If the month of conception and the year of birth of the mother are even, or both are odd, a girl will be born; if they do not match in parity, there will be a boy. Fortune telling is true for the menstrual cycle from the beginning of the month. For cases where conception occurs in the month of birth of the mother, the result is invalid.

Folk signs that allow you to determine the sex of the baby based on the condition and behavior of the pregnant woman:

1. If during pregnancy you crave sour and salty foods, you will have a boy. If you want to eat something sweet, it’s a girl.

2. If a pregnant woman, when asked to show her hands, turns them palms up, a girl will be born, if down, a boy.

3. A pregnant woman who is expecting the birth of a girl has stronger toxicosis in the early stages.

4. A pregnant woman who is expecting a girl has a higher belly than a woman who is expecting a boy.

5. Fortune telling by belly. The wedding ring is taken and suspended on a black thread. The resulting pendulum is placed over the pregnant woman’s belly and the question is asked: “Who will be: a boy or a girl?” If the pendulum spins in a circle, a girl will be born, if in a straight line, a boy will be born.


Believing in folk signs or in a calendar for determining the sex of a child is everyone’s choice. Neither a calendar nor signs will give a 100% result. Before planning a child, it is recommended that the expectant mother visit a gynecologist, and the married couple undergo all the necessary tests to rule out hidden infections. This will increase the likelihood of birth healthy baby. And in this case, gender is absolutely not important!

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