The new direction is called air hardening. Air hardening. Air baths. Take care of your health from a young age

One of the effective types of hardening is air baths. Proper use of this type of hardening prevents the formation of colds and helps strengthen the immune system. The advantage of this type of hardening is that it is always available at any time of the year. The success of hardening with air baths depends on the temperature and humidity of the air.

Like any process related to health, it is necessary to use the basic hygienic principles of hardening: systematicity, gradualism, a variety of means, methods of influence, introspection.

The first air bath procedure should not last more than 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 20-22°C. Then the duration of the sessions increases daily and, depending on the characteristics of the body being hardened, reaches 2 or more hours. At the same time, the temperature of the air bath gradually decreases, and its temperature can reach 7°C.

The time for taking air baths is from 8 to 18 hours. The best time is the morning hours. When taking cool baths (14-20°C), you should not bring yourself to the point of chills. If you sweat profusely during warm baths(22-30°C) they should be stopped. Taking air baths should be accompanied by movements: running, gymnastics, flexion and extension of the body, etc. The place must be chosen calm and without direct sunlight.

To get a quick and energetic reaction from the body, you need to undress immediately. If the air corresponds to the temperature of cool (14-20°C) or cold (6-14°C) baths, then vigorous movements must be performed immediately. Children with poor health are not recommended to take air baths at temperatures below 15°C.

In winter, air baths should be taken in the room. The room is first well ventilated, the room air temperature is measured, which should be at least 15-16°C. Having undressed, you should remain in this state for 10-15 minutes. If you feel well, you can daily, without causing yourself to feel chills, increase the duration of the baths by 20-25 minutes, lowering the air temperature in the room to 8°C.

The use of air baths requires compliance with certain rules:

1. Baths are taken no later than 1 hour before and no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals; You should not take them on an empty stomach.

2. Air baths can be taken at almost any time; The optimal time is from 8 to 18 hours.

4. The place for taking air baths should be protected from strong winds and sunlight.

6. During air baths, you need to monitor your well-being (signals of their adverse effects on the body are: with warm air baths - sharp redness of the skin and profuse sweating, with cold and cool ones - “goose bumps” and chills. In these cases, the air bath is stopped) .

The material was prepared by E.E. Zakharov, methodologist of the State Medical Center for Dog and Medical Medicine

Benefits of hardening
Hardening is a system of preventive measures aimed at strengthening the body's resistance to adverse factors. environment. Health-improving hardening helps the body increase its adaptation to environmental conditions. That is, a hardened organism, even with significant fluctuations in ambient temperature, maintains its temperature internal organs within fairly narrow limits. For example: with a sharp decrease or increase in the temperature of the external environment, a hardened organism will react sharply by narrowing or dilating blood vessels to the threat of possible severe cooling or overheating, and will limit or increase heat transfer. Whereas an unhardened body will not be able to react so quickly, and will suffer from hypothermia or overheating.

In addition, hardening a person increases the endurance of the body, strengthens nervous system, increases immunity and resistance to disease. Hardening is considered one of the the best ways to keep healthy.

Types of hardening
Hardening the body can be divided into several types depending on the procedures performed:

  • Aerotherapy – hardening with air. This type hardening includes air baths and long walks in the fresh air. Fresh air hardens the body by cooling the skin receptors and nerve endings of the mucous membrane and thereby improves the body's thermoregulation. Air hardening is useful for a person’s psycho-emotional state, increasing immunity, saturating the body with oxygen, and thereby contributes to the normalization of the functioning of most organs and systems of the body.
    Air hardening is the simplest and most accessible hardening method. It is necessary to spend more time outdoors, regardless of the weather and time of year. You should try to spend more time walking in parks, forests, and near water bodies, since in the summer the air in such places is saturated with useful active substances that are released by plants. In winter, walks in forests and parks are also very important, since winter air contains practically no germs, is more saturated with oxygen and has a healing effect on the entire body.
  • Heliotherapy - sun hardening, effects on the body sunlight and warmth. Sun hardening increases the stability of the nervous system, accelerates metabolic processes the body, increases the body's resistance, improves blood circulation, improves the functioning of the muscular system, and has a tonic effect on almost all functions of the body.
    Sun hardening can not only bring benefits, but also cause great harm, so this type of hardening must be treated very responsibly and follow all the rules of sun hardening. Under no circumstances should burns, overheating or heat stroke be allowed. Improper sun hardening can lead to serious illnesses. Sun hardening should occur gradually and take into account the age, state of health of the person, climatic conditions and other factors.
  • Walking barefoot. This type of hardening is useful for both children and adults. There are a large number of biologically active points on a person’s feet, which, when walking barefoot, are stimulated and help normalize the functioning of many organs and systems of the body. Walking barefoot increases the body's resistance to colds, increases immunity. This type of hardening is a good prevention of many diseases.
  • Hardening with water. Water hardening is a very beneficial procedure for the human body. During water hardening, blood circulation in the body occurs more intensively, bringing additional oxygen and nutrients to the organs and systems of the body. Water hardening can be divided into several types:
    Rubbing is the most gentle and gentle of all hardening procedures with water. Rubbing can be used from very early childhood. Wiping can be done with a sponge, hand or towel dipped in water. First, they wipe the upper part of the body, then rub it with a dry towel, and then wipe the lower part of the body and also rub it with a dry towel.
    Pouring is a more effective procedure than wiping. The dousing can be general, that is, the whole body, or local, i.e. dousing the legs. After the dousing procedure, you need to rub your body with a dry towel.
    Hardening with a shower is an even more effective hardening procedure than wiping and dousing. There are two options for hardening with a shower: a cool (cold) shower and.
    Therapeutic bathing and winter swimming.
    This type of water hardening is becoming more and more popular every year. Therapeutic bathing and winter swimming have a wonderful effect on all organs and systems of the human body, the functioning of the heart and lungs improves, and the thermoregulation system is improved. This type of hardening requires strict adherence to all the rules for this type. It is necessary to start winter swimming after consulting a doctor.

Hardening rules

  1. It is necessary to begin hardening procedures when a person is completely healthy. For children and people suffering various diseases You can start hardening with gentle procedures and only after consulting a doctor.
  2. The principle of gradualism must be observed. This applies to both temperature regime, and the time frame of hardening procedures. When hardening with water, you need to start the procedure with water. room temperature, gradually lowering it by 1-2 degrees. When hardening by the sun, it is also necessary to observe the principle of gradualness and begin exposure to the sun with a few minutes, gradually increasing the time spent in the sun.
  3. It is also very important to carry out hardening procedures regularly, without long intervals, in any weather and time of year. If it turns out that you interrupted hardening for a long time, then you need to resume it with more gentle procedures.
  4. Combine hardening with. This will greatly increase the effectiveness of hardening procedures and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.
  5. Hardening should bring cheerfulness and joy. If you feel unwell after hardening procedures, you must stop hardening and consult a doctor.
  6. When hardening, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person, state of health, time of year, natural and climatic conditions, and so on.
  7. When performing hardening procedures, it is necessary to carry out self-control. Assess your general health, pulse, blood pressure, appetite and other indicators depending on the individual characteristics of the body.
  8. Remember that hardening is one of the components healthy image life. Don't forget to pay attention to other aspects of your life.

Have fun and be healthy!

And a little more about hardening:

He talks about the rules of hardening -Vladimir Yashin, general practitioner, teacher at Moscow Medical School No. 13.

Hardening is a system of hygienic measures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to adverse meteorological factors. It has been established that systematic hardening reduces the likelihood of colds by four times. In addition, it has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Globally and locally

There are general and local hardening procedures. General hardening is dousing with water, swimming in a river, lake or sea, taking sun and air baths. With local hardening, the effect is on those parts of the body that are most vulnerable to the effects of cold, for example, the nasopharynx, neck, and feet.

The essence of hardening is that the body is exposed to natural factors, which act on the skin and subcutaneous tissues containing nerve endings - receptors. Systematic hardening constantly trains these receptors, impulses from which enter the higher parts of the nervous system. At the same time, training of the vascular apparatus of the skin and subcutaneous tissue occurs. The lumens of many small vessels narrow under the influence of cold, due to which blood supply in other parts of the cardiovascular system increases. This is one of the main mechanisms for developing resistance to sudden and rapid cold snaps in the environment.

Individual approach

As you know, no two people are alike. We differ in age, level physical development, weight. The differences are also due to the structural features of the body, the properties of the nervous system, and living conditions. Moreover, people live in different climatic zones. Consequently, both the type and time of hardening procedures will be individual for each person. What is useful for one may be unbearable for another or, conversely, insufficient. Therefore, before starting the procedures, you should consult a doctor.

Practice: water hardening

1. Start by wiping with a damp terry cloth mitten, preferably before breakfast. First, wet the mitten with water, the temperature of which should be approximately 36.6. With each subsequent week, reduce the temperature by two degrees. First, wipe your hands, from your fingers to your shoulders. Then - chest and stomach. The legs are wiped from the bottom up, starting from the feet, and the back - from the middle of the spine to the armpits. Repeat each circular movement 2-3 times. The duration of the procedure is approximately 5 minutes.

2. After 2-4 weeks you can move on to dousing. The principle is the same: at first the water temperature should be 36.6° C. After a week, reduce it to 26°, and after another week - to 23° C. Start pouring from the feet, knees and hips, gradually moving up to the shoulders. Once you get used to the procedures and the temperature of the water, you can douse yourself completely. Immediately after dousing, rub yourself with a hard towel.

3. Hardening under the influence of a contrast shower. The water temperature requirements in this case are the same as for wiping and dousing. So, at first it is not recommended to make a large temperature difference and stand in the shower for a long time. But over time, the difference between the cold temperature and hot water, and the duration of the procedure can be gradually increased.

Air baths

Air baths are the easiest and most affordable way hardening They help strengthen the thermoregulatory apparatus, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and improve skin function. In summer, air baths are taken outdoors, mainly in the morning, in places protected from direct sunlight and strong winds. Hardening should begin at a temperature of about 20° C. Initially, the duration of air baths should not exceed 10 minutes. However, gradually the time of taking them should be increased and can be increased to an hour or more.

In winter, air hardening is carried out in a room with an open window or vent. If you notice signs of cooling, such as chills, take several physical exercise that will help you stay warm. And if the condition worsens, for example, increased heart rate and breathing, the procedure should be stopped. It should be remembered that air baths should not be taken during periods of acute illness or exacerbation of any chronic illness.


It is known that solar radiation activates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation and increases performance. But within reasonable limits! It is advisable to sunbathe while lying down, with the head raised and covered from direct rays, and the eyes protected by dark glasses. You need to start the procedures in the morning or evening, an hour and a half after eating. The back is irradiated in turn, then the right side, stomach and left side. The first session takes no more than 4 minutes, then the duration of the bath increases daily by 2 minutes and reaches 30-40 minutes. During the tanning process, you must use sunscreen. In case of redness of the skin and deterioration of health, for example, increased heart rate, dizziness, the procedure should be stopped.

About the history of hardening

The benefits of hardening have been known since ancient times. One of the most famous historical examples is the experience of Ancient Sparta, in which, as Plutarch wrote, the hardening of boys, future warriors, began from infancy. From the age of 7, they were brought up in public houses in harsh Spartan conditions - they walked barefoot in any weather and in lightweight clothing, bathed in cold water etc.

IN Ancient Rus' hardening also became widespread: remember the rules of bath procedures! Cooling procedures after a bath - dousing, swimming in cold water, wiping with snow - activate and train thermoregulatory mechanisms, increase vascular tone and the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors and colds.

Why do we get sick?

Hardening is usually understood as follows: to accustom oneself to low temperatures of air and water, because all our so-called “colds” come from the fact that the body reacts painfully to the slightest change in meteorological factors.

The body temperature of a hardened person is at a constant level under any environmental influences, that is, the temperature balance is maintained. But in unhardened people, thermoregulation processes can be disrupted even with minor and short-term cooling. In this case, heat transfer exceeds heat production, which leads to a decrease in temperature, especially in the tonsils and nasal mucosa. And cooling activates the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in the development, for example, of acute respiratory disease or other colds.

Material provided magazine "AIF PRO Health"

Air hardening - taking air baths - is the most “gentle” and safest hardening procedure. It is recommended to begin systematic hardening with air baths.

The hardening effect of air depends mainly on its temperature. However, humidity and air speed must also be taken into account. Air baths, according to the heat sensation they cause, are divided into lukewarm (air temperature +30...+20°C), cool (+20...+14°C) and cold (+14°C and below). This division is conditional and is designed for an ordinary person starting hardening. Naturally, in hardened people, the feeling of cold occurs at a lower temperature.

It is recommended to start taking air baths in a pre-ventilated room. Then, as the hardening progresses, procedures should be carried out outdoors. The best place for hardening is shaded areas with green spaces, away from sources of possible atmospheric pollution with dust and harmful gases. Baths can be taken lying down, reclining or moving. Exercise is essential during cool and cold baths. In damp and windy weather, the duration of the bath is reduced. It is not recommended to carry out procedures during rain, fog and strong wind.

The dosage of air baths is carried out in two ways: by gradually reducing the air temperature or increasing the duration of the procedure at the same temperature. The latter method is more convenient, since the air temperature largely depends on the weather.

The first air baths for healthy people should last 20-30 minutes at an air temperature of +15...+20°C. Subsequently, the duration of the procedures increases daily by 10 minutes and is thus brought to 2 hours.

The next stage is air baths at a temperature of +10...+15°C for up to 15-20 minutes. At this time, it is imperative to perform vigorous movements. Only well-seasoned people can take cold baths and only after a medical examination. The duration of such baths should not exceed 5-10 minutes. Cold baths should be completed with body rubbing and a warm shower.

When hardening with air, you need to make sure that chills do not appear. At the first signs of severe cooling, you need to jog and do some gymnastic exercises.

Water hardening

Water procedures are a more intense hardening procedure, since water has a thermal conductivity 28 times greater than air. The main hardening factor is water temperature. The systematic use of water procedures is a reliable preventive measure against the harmful effects of random various cooling of the body.

During the procedures, a person should not experience discomfort or chills. You must always remember that the main hardening factor is the temperature of the water, and not the duration of the water procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the following rule: the colder the water, the shorter the time of its contact with the body should be.

Rubdown - First stage hardening with water. For several days, wipe with a towel, sponge, or just a hand moistened with water. At first, this procedure is done only up to the waist, and then they move on to wiping the entire body. Rubbing is carried out sequentially, starting from the upper half of the body: having wiped the neck, chest, arms and back with water, wipe them dry and rub them with a towel until red as the blood moves towards the heart. After this, the lower limbs are also wiped. The entire procedure, including rubbing the body, should not exceed 5 minutes.

Pouring is the next stage of hardening with water. In this procedure, a small pressure stream of water is added to the effect of low water temperature on the body. When dousing, water pours out of a vessel or hose. For the first douches, water with a temperature of about +30° is used, later the temperature drops to +15°C and lower. After dousing, the body is vigorously rubbed with a towel. The duration of the entire procedure is 3-4 minutes.

A shower is an even more effective water procedure. At the beginning of hardening, the water in the shower should be +30...+35°C, and the duration of the procedure should be no more than one minute. Then the water temperature gradually decreases, and the shower time increases to 2 minutes. The procedure must end with vigorous rubbing of the body with a towel.

Swimming in open water is one of the most effective ways hardening When bathing, air, water and water have a complex effect on the body.

For hardening, along with general ones, it is recommended to use local water procedures. The most common of them is washing the feet and gargling with cold water. These procedures play an important role in increasing the body’s resistance to colds, because at the same time the parts of the body that are most vulnerable to cooling are hardened.

Washing the feet is carried out throughout the year every day before going to bed. Washing begins at a water temperature of +26...+28°C, and then brought to a temperature of +12...+15°C. After washing, the feet are thoroughly rubbed until reddened.

Gargling should be done every day, morning and evening. The initial water temperature should be +23...+25°C, gradually after a week it decreases by 1-2°and is brought to +5...+10°C.

It is of no small importance in physical education and strengthening the student’s health. It helps increase the body's resistance to temperature fluctuations and so-called colds. The most accessible and effective are the following types of body hardening: air and sun baths and water treatments. The success of hardening, as well as other measures aimed at improving health, can be achieved only with strict adherence to the following rules:

  • systematic implementation of all procedures;
  • their strict dosage depending on age and health status;
  • gradual increase in the intensity of impact procedures;
  • medical observation of the effects of procedures on the body.

Air baths

The simplest and most common type of hardening of the body can be considered air baths, which can be carried out all year round. Air baths have a beneficial effect on the human body. Depending on the air temperature, air baths are divided into
  • cold - from 12° to 14°,
  • cool and moderate - from 14 to 20°,
  • warm - from 20 to 30°.
It is recommended to start taking air baths in the summer in calm weather at an air temperature of at least 20°. The duration of the first baths is up to 15 minutes, and then the time is gradually increased. The effectiveness of air hardening increases significantly when air baths are combined with outdoor games and any water procedures.

Water procedures

Hygienic and physiological significance water procedures plays an important role in human life. Water removes dirt, dust, salts and sweat from the surface of the skin, cleanses pores and improves skin respiration. The temperature effect of water procedures on the body is similar to air baths and consists of a greater or lesser cooling effect. Water procedures strengthen the nervous system, increase metabolism, and improve muscle tone. They also have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, which is reflected in increased mood, vigor and performance.


The weakest water procedure in terms of its effect on the body is rubdown. It consists of sequentially wiping the entire body with a piece of cloth (canvas, towel) moistened with water at a certain temperature, followed by rubbing the body with a towel until a feeling of pleasant warmth is felt. The water temperature during the first wipes should not be lower than 30-22°. Further, every 2-3 days the temperature can be reduced by 1-2°, but not more than to 12-13°.


Water procedures that are more powerful in terms of their impact on the body include dousing, you can switch to them after 1 - 1.5 months of systematic rubdowns. The temperature of the water during dousing should be higher than during the last rubbing, that is, about 30°, with its subsequent decrease to 20-19°.


The most common and effective type of hardening of the body is bathing. Considering the great irritating and cooling effect of this type of water procedures on the human body, they must be approached very carefully and first obtain a doctor’s permission.
The first bathing should begin at a water temperature of at least 20-22° and continue for 2-4 minutes. The time of subsequent bathing can be gradually extended to 10-15 minutes, but excessive cooling of the body should not be allowed. A very good means of combined hardening is therapeutic and health-improving swimming in an outdoor pool.

are a powerful hardening agent. They lead to increased activity of the whole body, increased metabolism and improved functioning of internal organs. The sun's rays, in addition to their healing effect, have pronounced medicinal properties for a number of diseases. However, inappropriate use of the sun's rays can be harmful.
In the middle lane best time for sunbathing from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18 hours. Their duration is from 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of taking baths to 1 hour later. Carrying out the above types of hardening of the body teaches a person to react correctly to the adverse effects of the external environment.
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