List of documents required in the employee’s personal file. Personal file of an employee: requirements for registration, what should be. Rules for maintaining personal files of employees

An employee’s personal file is a package of documents containing personal information about the employee, as well as information related to his activities in this organization.

What is the procedure for conducting them?

The legislation does not directly indicate that every employer must create a personal file for an employee. Therefore, the management of organizations has the right to independently resolve this issue. But, at the same time, the law obliges to issue a personal card of the T-2 form for each hired employee.

After the mandatory use of unified forms was abolished in 2013, there has been controversy over whether the card is mandatory.

But, despite the abolition of unified forms, there are instructions in the legislation that confirm that the employer is obliged to maintain a T-2 card. In particular, according to the Rules for Maintaining Work Records, the employer is obliged to enter information about work into the employee’s personal card.

Video about managing personal files of employees:

Since the law does not provide information on the procedure for maintaining an employee’s personal file, it must be established by the employer himself. This procedure must be prescribed in one or more local regulatory documents of the organization. For example, in the instructions for office work.

Instructions for maintaining personal files of employees (PD) should regulate the following issues:

  • what documents are included in the LD;
  • who forms the LD;
  • where folders with employee IDs should be stored.

If there are no instructions for office work, then the procedure for conducting personal affairs can simply be approved by a separate order for the organization.

If the enterprise has a personnel department or a personnel officer, then it is he who is charged with the responsibility of creating the personal files of employees.

A personal file continues to be formed throughout the entire period of a person’s work in a given organization.

Formation of an employee’s personal file

Since a personal file is one of the HR documents, when preparing it you must adhere to the following rules:

  • all documents contained in personal file, must be neatly framed and properly secured;
  • documents that involve entering data into them (personal card, orders, etc.) should not contain corrections or errors; they cannot be drafts. Entries in such documents can be made by hand or using a computer;
  • The LD, which stores copies of the employee’s individual documents, such as an employment contract, must be stored in a place inaccessible to unauthorized viewing of the documents contained in it.

As a rule, all documents in a personal file are filed in a binder or stored in a folder with drawstrings, and they must be located in the sequence established by the instructions.

What should it contain

The personal file may include the following documents:

  • personal card form T-2, and it must be created for each employee, regardless of whether personal files are formed at the enterprise;
  • copies of personal documents that the employee provides when applying for a job (passport, SNILS, Taxpayer Identification Number, diploma, military ID);
  • employee application for employment;
  • one copy of the employment contract and additional agreements thereto;
  • a copy of the employment order;
  • statements and copies of orders reflecting the employee’s movements within the organization (change of job title, transfer, etc.);
  • documents evidencing the employee’s right to perform the work assigned to him (driver’s license, medical certificates);
  • notes on penalties and awards received by the employee;
  • a copy of the dismissal order;
  • resignation letter or other document that served as the basis for termination of the employment contract.

Video - composition of a personal file:

Employee personal card in form T-2

As mentioned above, a personal card is a document that must be issued for each employee.

The unified T-2 form is filled out when hiring an employee and contains all the necessary information:

  • all personal data of the employee;
  • about the employee’s education;
  • about the employee's length of service;
  • about relatives;
  • about place of residence;
  • about military registration;
  • about work and its changes;
  • information about advanced training or training with this employer;
  • information about employee vacations;
  • information about dismissal.

That is, the personal card contains almost all the information that may be useful in the course of work for a personnel officer or accounting department. Therefore, many employers limit themselves to maintaining this form, into which they simply attach copies of documents. Without indicating in internal documents that it is necessary to create personal files at the enterprise and without regulating the procedure for maintaining them.

Video - how to fill out an employee’s personal card in form T-2:

This will not be a violation, since during the check they only pay attention to the presence of a correctly executed T-2 card.


The personal file is kept by the responsible employee who forms and supplements it. As a rule, this is done by the personnel officer.

If the management of a personal file is regulated by local documents, then it would be useful to indicate in them a list of officials who may have access to personal identification documents. Because due to the confidentiality of the documents contained in it, there cannot be free access to the personal file.

That is why they should be stored either in a safe or in another inaccessible place.

Video - employee personal card T-2 - cardboard or paper:

What to do with the personal files of dismissed employees

After the employee is fired, information about the reasons for termination of the employment relationship (application and a copy of the order) is entered into his personal file, and the file itself must be sent for storage to the organization’s archives.

Shelf life

There are no specific retention periods for a personal file, but it is usually stored for a period of 75 years.

Conclusions about this storage period can be drawn based on the following provisions:

  • The employee’s personal card must be kept for 75 years;
  • all documents containing information about the employee’s work experience must be kept for 75 years.

The procedure for transferring to the archive

Before sending a personal file to the archive for storage, it must be properly completed:

  • include an inventory of all documents that are in the personal file, in the order in which they are located. The inventory also indicates the number of sheets in the file;
  • remove all documents from the folder and staple them, placing the inventory on the first page.

After this, the personal file is sent to the archive for storage.

What are the nuances?

When creating personal files, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • they must be kept for each employee signed under an employment contract, regardless of the period of his work;
  • if the same employee works in an organization in several positions, that is, he is registered under an internal part-time contract, a personal file is opened for each position;
  • if an employee was fired and then hired again by this organization, then a personal file must be opened again;
  • As a rule, the personal file contains copies of personal documents (in particular, passports with photographs), so the personnel officer needs to mandatory draw up an agreement with the employee for the processing of personal data;

Video - consent form for the processing of personal data:

  • Personal files are not kept for employees registered under a civil contract.
  • The work book is not kept in the personal file; a separate storage procedure is provided for it. But you can include a copy of it in it, this is especially true when work books are stored in a higher organization, and personal affairs are maintained in separate departments.

The legislation on the protection of personal data provides for fairly severe penalties for violations, including criminal liability. Check yourself: are there any documents prohibited for storage in the personal files of your employees?

An employee’s personal file can contain only documents (copies) related to his work: about employment, work in a company, promotion, termination of an employment contract, etc.

It is strictly forbidden to store copies of a passport, military ID, driving license, SNILS, education diploma, certificate of marriage or divorce, change of surname, birth of a child. If these documents are really needed to solve work problems, for example, to calculate benefits, be prepared to justify this during a possible audit. Such documents or copies thereof may be stored for no more than 30 days.

These requirements do not apply to state and municipal employees. Developed for the public sector individual requirements(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2005 No. 609, Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ).

Violations are subject to administrative liability - a fine (Clause 1, Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • For legal entities- from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles;
  • for officials - from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.


An employee’s personal file may be maintained at the enterprise at the discretion of the employer. It is only mandatory to maintain a personal card of form T-2 for each hired employee. A personal card is very often included in an employee’s personal file.

Video - if not in the personal file, then where to store documents on the employee:

A company’s employees are its most important resource, so having a complete and accurate information base about them can significantly improve the work of the HR department. The information base in this case is presented in the form of personal files of all company employees, which reflect their work activities, documents and other information.

A personal file is created when an employee is hired and changes as he progresses in the company until the employment relationship with the employer is terminated.

This article will reveal the features of the formation and rules for maintaining personal files of employees, registration of personal files of employees and their subsequent storage.

What is an employee’s personal file and is it necessary to create one?

The personal file consists of the cover of the personal file and the employee’s documents, which contain comprehensive information about the employee and his labor activity(if we are talking about a student, then information about his studies).

For entrepreneurs, unlike government agencies, maintaining personal files of employees is not necessary, since the procedure for personnel records of employees of private companies is established by local regulations, and not by law. Therefore, HR employees can open personal files not for all employees, but only for the main part, which includes:

  • managers and their deputies;
  • leading specialists;
  • financially responsible employees (cashiers, storekeepers, etc.);
  • employees with the prospect of promotion, etc.

However, practice shows that it is much more convenient to keep records of all employees, regardless of their position, because a personal file is an organized source of information about each employee, available at any time.

Formation of personal files of employees

Before explaining how to manage personal files of employees, it is necessary to focus on their proper design. The procedure for creating an employee’s personal file begins with the employee’s hiring and lasts until he leaves the company and the subsequent placement of the file in the archive. Each dossier is located in a separate folder or, in extreme cases, in a separate file.

When creating an employee’s personal file, you should remember some nuances:

  • temporary storage documents should not be stored in the personal file together with documents for permanent storage;
  • it is better to exclude the original documents of permanent storage from the personal file, replacing them with copies;
  • each document must be submitted in one copy;
  • one case should not exceed 4 cm in thickness;
  • attachments to documents must be in the same folder as the documents.

It is worth noting that the Federal Law “On Personal Data” prohibits the inclusion and processing of such data about an employee as political and religious views, information about privacy without his written consent. In this case, all personal information can be used only for the purposes of employment or promotion of the employee, ensuring his safety and the safety of the employee’s property.

Documents of the employee's personal file

The composition of a personal file is not regulated by law, so its list is determined by the company’s personnel records management instructions.

When applying for a job, copies of documents and resumes are included in your personal file, then all other necessary information is added to them.

The list of documents that are usually found in an employee’s personal file includes:

  • completed company application form;
  • copies of passport (page spread with personal data and registration);
  • copy of TIN;
  • copy of SNILS;
  • copy of military ID (for men);
  • diploma or other educational documents;
  • photography (color or black and white);
  • characteristics from previous place of work;
  • employee's application for employment;
  • a copy of the employee’s hiring order;
  • a copy of the employment contract and job description;
  • inventory of documents in the personal file;
  • other documents;
  • a copy of the application/order for dismissal of the employee.

To make searching for information about an employee more convenient, an inventory of the employee’s personal file with a list of all documents (document number, its name) is included in the personal file.

Documents must be located in chronological order: the very first will be documents accepted for accounting when hiring an employee, then - documents that appear as the employee works (orders, statements, certificates).

Requirements for registering an employee’s personal file

The identical registration of all personal files and accurate maintenance of a journal of registration of personal affairs is intended to eliminate the possibility of losing important documents.

The personal file must be formatted in a certain form:

  • on the title page of the personal file there is all the basic information about the employee: full name, date of establishment of the personal file;
  • if personal files are in a shared folder, it is necessary to arrange them alphabetically to facilitate further work;
  • It is imperative to monitor the number of pages in your personal file: there should be no more than 250.

Maintaining a log of personal files of employees

A personal records register is necessary to keep track of the personal affairs of company employees. Since there is no single accounting form for keeping a journal, you can make it yourself (print it using a template from the Internet) or buy it in a store. The contents of the journal columns may also vary depending on the company.

The journal contains information about personal files that have ever been opened in the company. The columns contain personal file numbers, date of establishment, full name of the employee and other necessary data. The closure of a personal file is accompanied by a note in the journal in the form of the date and reason for closure. If you need to enter in the employee’s personal file form Additional information about the employee, you can use the “Notes” column.

Storing personal files of employees

The storage of personal files should be organized, first of all, for the safety of documents containing confidential information about employees and for the convenience of searching for personal files. Therefore, for storing personal files, you should allocate a small room (if the company has many employees) or a separate cabinet, locked with a lock.

Folders with documents should be placed vertically, with their spines facing outward. Access to the personnel file storage should be limited to HR personnel. Systematize personal affairs A special journal or registry helps in the following ways:

Also, if you have a large number of personal matters, they can be stored in orders, alphabetically. Employees' personal files will be sorted by last name in alphabetical order. At the beginning of each order there must be an inventory of the personal matters contained in it.

Personal files of dismissed employees are stored in the archive, but copies of documents can be given to employees on their last day at work. Thus, the company will no longer be responsible for storing the employee’s personal data and will reduce the size of the archive. The storage period for employees' personal files usually does not exceed 75 years; for managers it can be increased.

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The personal file of an employee in an economic entity is formed for him after the person starts working and contains the most complete information about him, his education, experience and length of service, as well as personal information. The legislation does not require its mandatory maintenance in ordinary companies; the situation is different in public sector organizations. Employees' personal files are kept in the HR department.

The management of personal files of employees is entrusted to the personnel department specialists at the enterprise.

Employees' personal files are essentially a binder of copies and originals of documents, orders, statements and other similar forms submitted by the employee.

The folder with the case opens after issuing an order to hire an employee and closes after graduation.

In the process of making decisions on personnel management, relevant specialists need to obtain information about a specific employee. In this case, the employee’s personal file is considered the most complete source. After all, it contains objective information.

Also, personal files of employees allow you to as soon as possible provide information about employees upon incoming requests from outside.

Important! However, personnel officers should not forget about the protection of personal data, and that the employee must give written consent to disclosure similar information. Therefore, employees’ personal files must be stored in a place where fixed access to them is organized. And in electronic form, various methods of appropriate protection are used.

The need to manage personal affairs

In government organizations

Federal and municipal laws oblige specialists budgetary organizations and institutions to draw up and maintain a personal file for each of its employees and employees. This is necessary to systematize information and documents on the personnel of these institutions, as well as to fulfill the requirements of certain laws.

In private companies

The norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not provide for the obligation of a company to maintain the personal affairs of those working at the enterprise. But such a need can be determined by higher organizations and owners.

When deciding on the management of a personal file, the principle of expediency must be used. In small enterprises, personal files of employees are, as a rule, filed with the management of the company - the director, his deputy, the chief accountant, his deputy.

Due to convenience, most companies draw up a personal file for each of their employees.

Documents for creating a personal file

The exact list of forms included in a personal file is defined only for state and municipal organizations and institutions. For other companies, there is no strict list containing exactly what documents should be in the employee’s personal file. They can also use the existing list for the public sector.

It is advisable to start each personal file with a list of forms included in its composition. Documents included in employees' personal files are divided into several categories.

Documents provided when an employee joins the company:

  • The candidate's resume, or;
  • Copies of passport, education document, SNILS, TIN, marriage, birth of children certificates.
  • Copy of military ID (if available)
  • Certificates of no criminal record.
  • Certificates from previous places of work, etc.

Documents prepared by the HR department upon admission:

  • (company copy);
  • Liability Agreement;

Documents drawn up when an employee carries out labor activities:

  • Job description;
  • Documents on certification or advanced training of the employee;
  • Application for deductions;
  • Copies of orders on their provision, orders on encouragement, recovery, transfer;
  • Certificates of subsequent medical examinations;
  • Reports and explanatory notes regarding this employee;
  • Copies of documents on the basis of which changes to personal data are made.

Attention! It is advisable that employees’ personal files contain their photographs, which are updated in a timely manner.

Download forms for registering a personal file

In Word format.

In Word format.

In Word format.

Procedure for registering a personal file

The personal file folder is opened for the employee at the time of his hiring. The very first thing to be filed into it is a personal card, application form, and documents submitted upon admission to the company.

The process of creating a personal file usually includes the following steps:

  • Filling out the title page (cover);
  • Drawing up a document certifying the case;
  • Filling out the internal inventory;
  • Filing or binding of case documents.

Title page

At the top of the title page, the name of the company is written, as well as the designation of the department in which the employee works. The case number and the current number of sheets in the inventory are written large in the right corner.

Full name and full name are entered in the middle of the sheet. employee. It is allowed to record variations of the surname here (for example, the maiden name of a married woman).

At the bottom of the title page are the start and end dates of the register, the total number of sheets collected in it, and the nominal shelf life.

When transferring the case for storage to the archive, free space the number is indicated according to the nomenclature accepted in the archive.

Certification sheet

This document is drawn up on a separate A4 or A5 sheet. It is prohibited to do it on back side covers or blank back on the last sheet of the case document. If the case is stitched without a certification sheet, then it is glued to the top of the cover from the inside.

The certification sheet is intended to indicate the numbering of documents in the file, the physical condition of the sheets, the specifics of filling out individual forms, etc.

In particular, it is noted here:

  • Letter numbers of sheets;
  • Missing page numbering;
  • Sheets with photographs;
  • Sewn-in large-format sheets;
  • Envelopes with hemmed attachments in them;
  • Damaged sheets

Attention! The certifying sheet is signed by the compiler, after which he puts the date of execution and a transcript of the signature.

Internal inventory

The inventory indicates the case number and its title (usually this is the employee’s full name).

The tabular part of the document consistently indicates information about new forms added to the file. The serial number, document index (if available), name, and number of sheets in the new document are entered here.

At the end of the list, the total number of documents filed, as well as the number of pages in the inventory, is written down in words and numbers.

Finally, the document is signed by a personnel specialist, with the full name deciphered. and indicating the date of registration.

The procedure for maintaining personal affairs (accounting, making changes)

In the process of performing the labor functions of an employee, his personal file will be supplemented with various documents - additional agreements, copies of orders, explanatory and memos, certification results and many others. In this case, all new papers must be placed strictly in chronological order.

The responsible employee is obliged to ensure that the information in the personal file is up to date. If any information specified in the main documents of the case (questionnaire, personal sheet) changes, then the old document is under no circumstances withdrawn, but a special supplement form is drawn up. They do not have a set form and are developed in each company independently.

Attention! A mandatory note after making changes is information about the availability and status of the personal file. The personnel officer must carry out the necessary check, after which the mark “Personal file verified” is made on the back of the personal sheet, signed and dated.

Document storage

Employees' personal files contain personal data, and therefore must be stored in a safe or a special cabinet, locked with a key. At the same time, only the documents of working employees should be kept directly in the personnel department, and all others are transferred for storage to the archive premises.

Employees' personal files can be stored in the following ways:

  • Alphabetically;
  • By structural divisions;
  • By employee personnel numbers or by case numbers assigned when they were opened.

On the shelves, folders are arranged with the spine facing outward, in the order in which they are assigned numbers.

Personal files should be located separately from personal and labor card forms.

Important! Personal files of employees must remain in the archive for 75 years. At the same time, folders for managers, members of management, control, executive bodies, as well as employees with titles and awards are stored indefinitely.

Are employees given personal files?

Personal files are not given to employees. However, he can familiarize himself with all the documents that are filed in his folder in the personnel service premises and in the presence of a specialist. The latter must record the fact of access to the personal file from the outside.

While working with a personal file, it is prohibited to make any corrections to it, make notes, take away documents, etc. Only an authorized personnel employee has the right to make any changes. After returning, you need to check whether all case documents are in place and in their original form.

Important! In case of dismissal, personal files are not handed over to employees, but are transferred to the company’s archives.

Everyone knows the saying that personnel decides everything. Human resource is the most important part of any organization, so this great importance has accessibility and completeness of the information base about each employee. The personnel service forms this information in the form of a special collection of documents - a personal file.

Since there is no special legislative regulation stipulating the procedure for creating and storing personal files, confusion and discrepancies in this matter are possible. We will try to clarify this area of ​​maintaining personnel documentation.

What is a personal matter?

The term “personal file” in office work usually refers to documents collected under one cover that accompany a person in his work and/or educational activities and most fully reflecting it. These documents accumulate throughout the employee's entire period of employment (or training).

A personal file is part of the organization’s personnel documentation.

Is it necessary to keep personal files?

Most entrepreneurs consider personal files an essential component of personnel documentation. However, the law states that this is only true for civil servants.

Personal files for government employees

Information about state and municipal employees must be systematized in the prescribed form (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2005 No. 609). The personnel files of such employees are intended to reflect their entire track record so that it can be clearly seen how exactly their personal data has changed.

If an employee moves from one structure to another, his personal file must follow.

At a new place of work, it will be easier to form an impression of a new person, as well as obtain additional information about sources of income, connections, professional network, as well as other information that facilitates control.

Federal Law No. 79-FZ “On State civil service Russian Federation» dated July 27, 2004, in part 3 of Article 42, reveals the procedure for all actions with the personal files of this category of employees.

Personal affairs of entrepreneurs

Neither the Labor Code nor other regulations of the Russian Federation contain a mandatory requirement to maintain personnel documentation exclusively through personal files created for each employee. Therefore, such registration of personnel data is not at all mandatory or even recommended.

IMPORTANT! The laws of the Russian Federation do not prohibit legal entities or individual entrepreneurs from maintaining personal affairs for their employees.

If the management of an organization or individual entrepreneur has decided to make it mandatory to fill out personal files, this must be fixed in accounting policy, having prescribed the procedure in internal regulations. As a rule, clerks do not “reinvent the wheel”, but use the regulations developed for civil servants.

Advantages of the personal affairs system for an entrepreneur

Despite the fact that no requirements define or limit the composition of a personal file and the procedure for maintaining it, the practice of this branch of office work shows the undoubted convenience for the manager of this form of storing personal information. It is for this reason that the ubiquity of personal files in the personnel service has formed the myth of their obligatory nature.

The positive effect of introducing personal personnel records is obvious:

  • timely recording of all employee documentation;
  • tracking career dynamics;
  • recording data on possible benefits;
  • assessment of prospects for professional growth;
  • safety and orderliness of personal documentation;
  • prompt access to the entire range of personnel information.

Who do they file personal files against?

This question can be answered unequivocally only in relation to civil servants: for all, as required by law.

Since maintaining personal files is not necessary for private entrepreneurs, they themselves can decide which employees to keep this documentation for, and which ones can do without such detailed personnel records. Some managers who practice this system prefer to keep personal records for all personnel in order to systematize data for each employee. But some, in order to save time, organize the management of personal files only for certain categories of employees.

For employees of what positions are personal files usually opened?:

  • management;
  • deputy managers at various levels;
  • key specialists;
  • employees bearing financial responsibility;
  • personnel reserve, etc.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! It is advisable to open a personal file for such employees, regardless of the form and time of his employment - he works part-time or at his main job, under a fixed-term employment contract or on a permanent basis.

Less often, positions are provided with personal records for which educational, qualification or other special requirements are not provided, for example, cleaner, watchman, janitor, etc.

Deadlines for filing a personal file

As a rule, a personal file is opened for an employee for the first time after he has signed an order for his employment and has become familiar with this order.

The personal file is maintained, supplemented with documentation, and updated throughout the entire time the employee works for this employer. Unlike personal affairs in the public service, it is not customary for private entrepreneurs to disclose personal affairs when changing jobs. The relevance of a personal file lasts until it is transferred to the archive due to the dismissal of an employee.

Features of creating a personal file

Correct registration of personal files greatly facilitates the work with personnel documentation. Practice has developed a number of recommendations regarding the effective formation of personal files:

  1. Documents are collected under one cover, most often a folder, less often just a file or binder. They must be separate for each employee.
  2. REMEMBER! The archives accept personal files for storage only in cardboard folders. Binders and files are not acceptable for this purpose and may only be for internal use.

  3. It is not advisable to form cases thicker than 4 cm.
  4. Documents for permanent storage should not be mixed with temporary documents.
  5. The personal file may contain both original documents and their certified copies.
  6. It is preferable to replace important documents of permanent storage for personal files with copies.
  7. It is not customary to store several copies of the same document within one personal file.
  8. If the document contains attachments, they must be stored along with the relevant papers.
  9. Documents in the file should be arranged chronologically, that is, as they arise.

What documents are included in a personal file?

The composition of personal files, as well as the procedure for formation, for private entrepreneurship is not fixed at the legislative level, but it must be properly prescribed in the local act of the company.

Documents that usually belong to a personal file can be divided into several groups:

  1. Primary documentation for hiring. This includes those documents that employees provide upon employment, and those that are filled out and entered directly during registration. It can be:
    • summary;
    • documents on education and qualifications;
    • copies of identification documents (passport, SNILS, identification code, if any);
    • recommendations or reviews from previous employers (if necessary);
    • a document or a copy thereof regarding military registration (if available);
    • certificate of no criminal record (needed when applying for certain positions);
    • medical examination data;
    • completed application form (if provided);
    • employment application;
    • a copy of the admission order;
    • concluded employment contract, etc.
  2. Papers that appeared in the process of working in this position. They may reflect the employee's professional achievements or his social dynamics. These may include:
    • various qualification certificates;
    • driver license;
    • marriage or divorce certificate, if these events occurred during employment;
    • birth certificates of children (same justification);
    • job description;
    • additional agreements concluded (if this was done);
    • a copy of the agreement on financial responsibility (if the position provides for it);
    • certification certificates;
    • data from regular medical examinations;
    • documents establishing medical restrictions or disability (if this happened during work);
    • copies of orders about internal changes in position (transfer, promotion, demotion, etc.);
    • data on disciplinary sanctions and work incentives;
    • leave requests;
    • reports, explanatory notes, memos, etc.
  3. Documents confirming the employment relationship with this employer. Before the case is dismissed, it must be properly completed. The latest documents in the personal file folder may be:
    • resignation letter;
    • a copy of the dismissal order;
    • documents on dismissal due to external transfer;
    • employee's death certificate.

How to properly file a personal file

Business documentation should be maintained in accordance with generally accepted requirements, even if they are not enshrined in law, this increases the efficiency of its use. This responsibility is internal normative act assigned to a specific employee, most often a representative of the enterprise’s human resources department. His responsibilities are:

  • initial establishment of a personal file;
  • adding new records and documents to it;
  • seizure of temporary storage documents that have expired or are no longer valid;
  • if necessary, certification of copies;
  • internal inventory of documents included in the case;
  • scheduled check of the status of personal files;
  • annual familiarization of the employee with his personal file against his signature;
  • storage of files;
  • placing irrelevant files in the archive.

IMPORTANT! An employee conducting personal affairs must have authorized access to personal data of employees.

Personal file cover

A personal file is a collection large quantity documents that dictate the obligation of any easy way searching for the necessary information. It is customary to systematize information from a personal file on the title page (cover). It is convenient to use the requirements for cover design, which have remained unchanged since July 17, 1972 (GOST 17914-72):

  • space is left on top for the future archival stamp;
  • The full and abbreviated name of the organization is located at the top center;
  • The structural unit is indicated below (you need to leave a few lines to reflect information about a possible change of department);
  • case number (according to the nomenclature adopted by the company);
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the employee against whom the case is being opened;
  • the lower right corner carries information about the timing of the case: the opening date, that is, the day of hiring, and the closing date (dismissal order);
  • The number of sheets in the file at the time of the inventory is written here;
  • case retention period.

Description of the personal file

All documents that fall into that folder must be numbered and filed, and also take their place in the list of documents.

It can be located on the inside of the cardboard cover of the folder or be filed last.

At the top of the sheet intended for this purpose, the name is written (“LIST of documents of the personal file”), then the employee’s full name is written in the nominative case. It is convenient to keep the inventory in the form of the following table.

After the table, the number of documents and sheets included in the inventory is written in words and numbers. At the end there is the date of the inventory and the signature of the performer with a transcript.

Managing personal affairs

The procedure for maintaining personnel documentation must be set out in detail in the relevant Regulations adopted by the company. It may provide for a number of accounting procedures:

  1. Registration. In large organizations, a special journal or book is created to record personal affairs. Each new case is entered into it under a certain number (code), the same sequence of numbers is affixed to the folder with the case itself. The journal may also contain the following information about a personal file:
    • Full name of the employee;
    • establishment date;
    • closing date;
    • date of transfer to the archive.
  2. Adjustment. It is necessary if, during the employment process, the employee’s personal data has undergone significant changes: place of residence, social status due to marriage or divorce, change of surname, etc. Changes are made based on the attachment of relevant documentary evidence (copies of marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.). Only a responsible employee appointed by a special order, or another officially authorized to replace him, has the right to make changes.
  3. NOTE! If an error, inaccuracy or consequence of a change is corrected, this should be done by analogy with work books: cross out the incorrect one with one line, write the correct version at the top, and in the margins put a note about the correctness of the correction and its date.

  4. Storage. Since personal data is confidential information, folders must be stored so that they cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons. Typically a safe or locked cabinet is used for this purpose. Only files of active employees should be kept. After dismissal, the employer retains the case for some time (he sets this period himself; in the civil service, if the case is not transferred to another body, it is 10 years).
  5. Transfer to the archive. The case of the dismissed employee must be closed and, upon expiration of the internal savings period, transferred to archival storage. To transfer you need to fill out certification sheet, where final information about the status of the personal file is entered. This sheet is filed at the end of the folder. From the moment the file is transferred to the archive, it will be stored there for 75 years if it belonged to an ordinary employee, and permanently if it belonged to a manager.

To whom can a personal file be issued?

Unlike work books, personal files are not returned upon dismissal and are not given to employees at all. Employees can only flip through it once a year and sign that everything in it is reflected correctly.

Upon special request, personal files can only be obtained by representatives law enforcement or government control bodies.

Maintaining personal files of employees is not mandatory for all categories of employers.

The legislation of the Russian Federation requires that personal files be maintained for persons holding positions civil service. The procedure for maintaining personal files of civil servants is regulated in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 1998 No. 640 “On the procedure for maintaining personal files of persons holding public positions in the Russian Federation in the order of appointment and public positions in the federal public service.”

The responsibility for maintaining personal affairs may also be assigned to the employer - government organization(enterprise) industry regulations. For example: order of Rospotrebnadzor dated March 16, 2005 No. 300, which approved the Regulations Federal service for supervision in the field of protection of consumer rights and human well-being (in accordance with clause 7.7 of this document, the management of personal files of service employees is entrusted to the management of affairs), as well as Resolution No. 429 of August 21, 2004 “On the Federal Customs Service”, which approved Regulations on the Federal Customs Service. Based on this document, the Regulations on the Main Personnel Directorate (GUK) of the FCS were developed and put into effect. According to clause 15 of the Regulations, the State Administration of the Federal Customs Service is entrusted with maintaining the personal affairs of service employees.

Finally, the management of personal files of employees may be prescribed by a higher organization (management company).

In other organizations and enterprises, the manager has the right to decide on the need to maintain personal files of employees, and also (if the decision is positive) for which categories of employees should maintain personal files.

  • for employees from among the management team of the enterprise (the head of the enterprise, his deputies (assistants), heads of structural divisions, etc.);
  • employees of the enterprise for whom financial liability may be established in accordance with the law (chief accountant (accountant) of the enterprise, as well as deputy chief accountant, etc.).

However, in many private companies, personal files are kept for all employees, regardless of rank, status and work performed (including technical personnel), since a personal file is an extremely convenient source of information about each employee: all copies of the employee’s personal documents and orders for this are collected in one folder employee and other documents.

It is advisable to establish the procedure for handling personal files of employees in the appropriate instructions.


The formation of a personal file is carried out for the purpose of orderly grouping of documented information about the employee, transferred by him to the employer upon admission (transfer) to the corresponding position. The formation (subsequent maintenance and registration) of personal files of employees is entrusted to the personnel body or a specially authorized official who is personally responsible for ensuring the proper handling of these documents.

The formation of a personal file is carried out immediately after the admission (transfer) of an employee to a managerial position, a position for which financial liability may be established in accordance with the law, or another position if this is prescribed by the instructions on the procedure for handling personal files of employees. In accordance with Methodological recommendations Moscow City Archive and the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIDAD FAS RF (2002) documents submitted by employees upon employment, as well as those generated during their period, are grouped into personal files. professional activity at this enterprise, including:

  • personal personnel record sheet or questionnaire;
  • d addition to the personal personnel record sheet (or questionnaire);
  • autobiography;
  • copies of education document;
  • employment contract (second copy);
  • agreement on financial responsibility (for financially responsible employees);
  • characteristics (letters of recommendation);
  • application for employment (for transfer to the appropriate position);
  • extracts from orders (copies of orders) on hiring (on transfer to other positions);
  • extracts from documents (copies of documents) about awards or disciplinary action;
  • extracts (copies) of certification documents (reviews, certification sheets, etc.).

In order to ensure proper safety of the personal file and ease of handling during its formation, the documents are placed (filed with a needle and thread for four punctures) in a separate folder. An example of the design of the front cover of a personal file is given in Appendix 1. In addition to those listed, some other documents can also be placed in a personal file (for example, documents about an employee passing a competition for a vacant position, copies of documents about rewarding an employee (awarding him honorary titles), etc. .P.). In addition, certificates, certified photographs of the employee, etc. are placed in the personal file (but are not filed in it). .

When creating a personal file, in addition, its initial registration is carried out. To this end:

    an account number is assigned to the personal file;

    the corresponding positions on the front cover and spine of the personal file are filled out;

    An internal inventory is included in the personal file (see Appendix 2).


A personal file is maintained throughout the entire period of work of each employee in the company (in the corresponding position, if provided for by the rules of a particular company). Maintaining a personal file includes:

Entries in personal file documents are made on the basis of documents (certified copies of documents). The necessary details can be clarified by an authorized official before making the appropriate entries in a personal conversation with the employee. All entries made in documents in the process of maintaining a personal file are made by hand with a fountain pen or ballpoint pen in black, blue or purple, legible and without corrections. If necessary, these records are certified by the signature of the authorized official personnel management and press services of the enterprise or personnel management services.

To speed up the process of making entries in personal records, it is allowed to use facsimiles (stamps) of established samples. Documents that accumulate during the management process are distributed in the personal file into sections, and within the latter they are arranged in chronological order.

Sheets of documents filed in a personal file are subject to numbering. Information about these documents, including the numbering of the pages within which they are located in the personal file, is reflected in the internal inventory.

Employees are required to promptly submit to the personnel service information about changes in personal data included in the personal file. As a rule, this is done in writing (in the form of an application) accompanied by documents confirming the changes. After making entries in the personal file, the original documents are returned to the employee. If necessary, copies of these documents are first made and certified and attached to the personal file.


Storage and recording of personal files are organized for the purpose of quick and error-free search of personal files, ensuring their safety, as well as ensuring the confidentiality of information contained in personal records from unauthorized access.

Personal files are included in the list of files of the personnel authority under the general heading “Personal files” with an indication of storage periods. In accordance with the List of standard management documents approved by Rosarkhiv on October 6, 2000, the storage period for personal files is 75 years from the year of dismissal of the employee.

Personal files are stored in the personnel department (in a room adapted for this purpose) separately from other files. As a rule, the personnel service stores only the personal files of working employees, while the personal files of dismissed employees are transferred in accordance with the established procedure for storage in the organization’s archive or in the territorial archive.

Storage conditions must ensure reliable safety of personal files and documents (information) placed in them from theft (disclosure). For this purpose, personal files should be stored in safes (cabinets), placing them on shelves in a vertical position, with the spines facing out.

On the inside of the safe (cabinet) door, summary inventories of personal files stored in them can be placed. Only authorized officials and their immediate supervisors should have access to personal files. If there is a significant number of personal files, they are recorded in a special journal or register. Systematization of personal files is carried out in one of the following ways:

    in numerical order;

    in direct alphabetical order;

    in sections corresponding to the names of structural divisions according to staffing table enterprises, and within sections - in numerical order or in direct alphabetical order.

In order to reduce the total number of accounting units, it is allowed to store personal files as part of so-called orders - alphabetical storage groups. Each personal file included in the work order is preceded by a blank sheet with the employee’s last name, first name, and patronymic. Personal files within the outfit are also grouped in alphabetical order. At the beginning of the order is placed a summary list of those included in his personal affairs.


The issuance of personal files to employees of an organization for temporary use to familiarize themselves with the information entered in it can be done with the permission of the head of the personnel service. Familiarization of an employee's personal file against signature is usually carried out in the presence of an authorized official (the person responsible for handling personal files).

Employees are familiarized with personal files at least once a year, as well as at the request of these persons in all other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the process of familiarizing yourself with a personal file, employees of the organization are prohibited from:

  • make any corrections in previously made personal records;
  • make new entries in your personal file;

    extract existing documents from the personal file or place new ones in it;

    hold on to your personal file beyond the time provided for review.

If inaccuracies are identified in the records or outdated documents are found in the personal file, the employee has the right to report this to the personnel service of the organization. It is advisable to attach documents to the application on the basis of which it is possible to make appropriate changes to previously made entries, or copies of documents (to replace outdated ones).

Issuance for temporary use for inclusion of new documents in personal files, making entries, etc. is carried out only for the time that is actually necessary to perform the relevant actions, according to the list of persons entitled to receive personal files, approved by the head of the organization. The fact of issuing a personal file is recorded in an audit trail (card), an approximate form of which is given in Appendix 3.

Work (familiarization) with personal files is carried out in a room specially designated for these purposes, and the time of work (familiarization) should be limited to one working day. At the end of the working day, the person responsible for handling personal files is obliged to ensure that all personal files issued for temporary use are returned to their places of storage, and, if necessary, take measures to return or search for them.

The issuance of personal files (individual documents as part of a personal file) for temporary use to other organizations (enterprises, institutions) is carried out with the permission of the head of the organization on the basis of a properly completed request. An act on the issuance of the case is drawn up, one copy of which is transferred along with the case (document) to the representative of the requesting party, and the second copy is stored in the affairs of the enterprise until the case (document) is returned to the storage location.

The removal of individual documents from a personal file is carried out with the permission of the head of the organization with the corresponding entry being made in the “Note” column of the internal inventory. When a document is temporarily withdrawn, a substitute certificate (substitute card) is inserted in its place (between the sheets of adjacent documents) indicating the date and reasons for the withdrawal with the signature of the person who issued the document and the signature of the person who received it for temporary use.

In order to ensure control over the safety of personal files in the organization annually (no later than I quarter of the year following the reporting one) their availability and condition are checked. Deficiencies identified during the inspection are recorded in a report, which, after approval by the chairman of the inspection commission, is presented to the head of the organization.


Registration of personal files for transfer to the archive is carried out by the personnel service when methodological assistance the corresponding archive. This procedure includes:

In order to ensure the safety of personal files, it is recommended:

  • combine individual personal files of dismissed employees into one cover (combined file) so that the volume of the file (volume) does not exceed 250 sheets (by stitching together materials from individual files by year of dismissal);
  • arrange materials of individual cases within the case (volume) in alphabetical order (by last name), separating materials related to different individual cases, blank slate paper indicating on it the last name, first name and patronymic of the relevant dismissed employee;
  • provide each combined file (volume) with an internal inventory listing surnames, first names and patronymics and indicating the page numbers within which the relevant documents (information) are located.

The transfer of personal files to the archive is carried out no later than three years after their completion in office work in accordance with the schedule. First, a representative of the archive checks the completeness and correctness of the preparation of personal files for transfer. Deficiencies identified during the inspection are eliminated by the enterprise’s personnel authority. Transfer and reception are carried out according to the inventory, with notes indicating the presence of personal files.

The management of personal files of employees must be carried out according to the strict rules set out in this article, even by those employers for whom this work is not mandatory. However, these rules do not apply to those folders (cases) that are called “personal folder”, “personal file” or “dossier” instead of “personal file”. At the same time, it is important for the personnel officer to remember:

  • in any case, regardless of the name, these folders contain the employee’s personal data, therefore it is necessary to comply with all the rules provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the protection of personal data;
  • employment contracts can be stored in the employee’s personal file, but not in a personal file, etc. Employment contracts, not included in personal affairs, should be formed in independent business "Employment contracts with employees".
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