Russian language in the family of related languages. Presentation on the topic "Russian language in the family of Slavic languages." The concept of the Russian language




Russian language lesson
in 9th grade school No. 3
Teacher – Martynova M.B.


  • show students the relationship of Slavic languages ​​and the place of the Russian language among them;
  • to arouse students’ interest in the history of the development of Slavic writing, literature, and culture;
  • continue to develop monologue and discussion speech skills.


  • The Common Slavic language is the progenitor of the Slavic languages.
  • “The Tale of Igor’s Host” is one of the oldest texts in Slavic writing. Workshop.
  • Brother languages. Workshop.
  • Discussion on the problem of the existence of a common Slavic language.



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Greetings. Report.

The topic of our lesson is “Russian language in the circle of Slavic languages.”

It is dedicated to the problems of the development of Slavic languages.

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During the lesson we will try to determine the relationship of the Slavic languages ​​and the place of the Russian language among them, we will also touch upon the history of the development of Slavic writing, literature, culture, and we will continue to work on the development of monologue and discussion speech.

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Lesson plan.

Work in notebooks. Write down the date, class work, topic of the lesson.

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We will begin our work in class by defending a project on the topic “The Common Slavic language is the progenitor of the Slavic languages.” Semenchuk R. will introduce him to us.


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Language is the main means of communication between people. With the help of language, people communicate with each other, convey their thoughts, feelings, desires.

As a means of communication, language is connected with the life of society, with the people who are native speakers of the given language. Language is closely related to thinking and consciousness. The knowledge about the surrounding reality that people acquire in the process of work is consolidated in language - in words, phrases and sentences. With the help of language, people pass on their knowledge and experience from generation to generation.

A long time ago, people pondered the mystery of language, the mystery of its origin. How many fascinating linguistic legends, amazing tales, and bold scientific assumptions the history of mankind knows! Who knows, maybe in the future we will be able to get closer to solving the mystery of human language. In the meantime, the mystery remains a mystery, and modern scientists are unanimous on only one thing: if language suddenly disappeared, people would cease to be people. Language makes a person a person.

We are constantly talking to someone, communicating something and listening to others, reading, writing, singing, thinking, dreaming... and in all these cases we use native language. Without language, human society could not exist.

The languages ​​of the peoples of the world are very diverse in structure and in the history of their development. Some of the languages ​​show similarities in vocabulary, phonetic structure and grammar, others, on the contrary, are far from each other.

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The classification of languages ​​according to the degree of their relationship is called genealogical (from the Greek “pedigree”). Genealogically, languages ​​are divided into families, and within families into groups. Languages ​​are grouped into families and groups based on the commonality of their ancient source.

The Russian language is part of the Indo-European family. This family is the largest (it includes about a hundred languages). Among the groups of Indo-European languages, the Slavic group stands out; it is one of the largest in this family. The number of speakers of modern Slavic languages ​​is about three hundred million people.

2) All Slavic languages ​​go back to the ancient proto-language, which is conventionally called the common Slavic language. The separation of the Slavs from the pan-Indo-European unity occurred in ancient times, around the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. In ancient times, this language was spoken by the people who inhabited the vast territory of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The Common Slavic language existed until the middle of the 1st millennium AD.

Map – 1 Slide 7

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So, over time, the Slavic tribes settled over a vast territory and, as a result, their connections with each other began to be lost. The language of each of the isolated groups of tribes continued to develop in isolation from the others, acquiring new phonetic, lexical and grammatical features.

Gradually, the common Slavic languages ​​divided into three groups: East Slavic, West Slavic and South Slavic.

Map - 2 Slide 9

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The East Slavic group of languages ​​lasted until about the 14th - 15th centuries. and due to the resettlement of tribes, over time it split into Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian - closely related languages.

In the 14th-15th centuries. The East Slavic group is divided into three independent languages: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.

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Almost all common Slavic languages ​​have a written form. The eastern and southern Slavs, with the exception of the Croats, write based on the Cyrillic alphabet, or Cyrillic alphabet, an alphabet that was created by the founders of Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius, while the Western Slavs use the Latin alphabet.

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The kinship of the Slavic languages ​​is undeniable. It manifests itself, for example, in lexical composition. Thus, some names of close relatives sound the same or similar in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Polish and Czech, for example, father, mother, son, sister, etc.


























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The earliest literary language in which the most ancient Slavic monuments were written is Common Slavic. These are monuments such as the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years”, the ancient code of laws “Russian Truth”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”.

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And this is how the first handwritten books were created.

In the monastic cell...

From the pen of the chronicler Nestor..., who wrote “The Tale of Bygone Years”

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And this is what the pages of the first handwritten books looked like, with which the history of Russian writing began.


As we have seen, there are many features that bring together and separate related languages. In this lesson we will observe these features. For example, one of the distinguishing features of the Russian language from Ukrainian and Belarusian in the field of morphology is the absence of a special vocative form in the Russian language.

Another group of students worked on this topic, they conducted research and will now present their findings to us.

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MESSAGE “Loss of the vocative form in the Russian language while maintaining it in Ukrainian and Belarusian”

In the Old Russian language, nouns changed according to seven forms of cases. Name form case was used in the Russian language when using addresses. It sounded like this: sister, daughter, son, horse, etc.

Over time, the Russian language has lost the vocative form, although it is still preserved in Ukrainian. and Belarusian language

Although you can pay attention to the fact that often in colloquial speech expressions are used, oh my god! and Lord! These are the remains of a lost form.

Also, some poets and writers used the vocative case form in the language of works of art, for example, Pushkin “What do you want, elder?” or Gogol “Turn around, son!”

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4. “The Tale of Igor’s Host” as one of the oldest texts in Slavic writing. Workshop.

Teacher's word.

As already noted, “The Tale of Igor’s Host” is one of the oldest texts in Slavic writing, written in a language understandable to all Slavs. Before starting to work with this book, I would like to read the words of the outstanding scientist Likhachev, which, in my opinion, very accurately convey the meaning of this work.

“This monument is forever fresh. Each era finds something new and unique in it. This is the purpose of true works of art: they say new things to new things, and they are always modern.”

D.S. Likhachev.

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Let's work with the source and complete the following task: open the Old Russian text “Words...”, find in the text addresses used in the vocative form, write them down in a notebook (3-4 examples).

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Let's check:

“Aren’t we talking ridiculously, brethren... “Isn’t it time for us, brothers, to start speaking about Igor’s campaign?

« About Boyana , nightingale of old times! O boyan, old nightingale,

"Oh Russian land!"

Warm-up (physical break)

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And now we move on to the second part of the lesson, where we will follow the features that are common to all Slavic languages. Etymological dictionaries will help us with this.

Etymological dictionaries exist primarily to explain the origins and history of individual words and morphemes.

In preparation for the lesson, a group of children spent research work and discovered that some words in modern Russian (completely, at first glance, dissimilar) are historically related.

Obertyshev S.


The words “doctor” and “lie” historically turn out to be related words. This was established by comparing related Slavic languages. The main ancient meaning of the Bulgarian word “doctor” is the meaning of “healer”, “sorcerer”. The Serbo-Croatian “doctor” also means “sorcerer, sorcerer, soothsayer, healer,” since the doctor knew how to charm diseases. In the Old Church Slavonic language, the word “lie” had the meaning “to speak.” Compare: “to speak”, “to speak”. Only later did it come to mean “to tell a lie, to lie,” and its original meaning of “to speak” was preserved in the word “doctor”

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Question What do etymological dictionaries help you find out?

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Using an etymological dictionary, show, using the example of the common Slavic word “belly,” the relationship of all three groups of Slavic languages. Write the dictionary entry in your notebook.

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Belly is “a part of the body of a person or animal.” A common Slavic word of Indo-European origin. The original meaning of the word belly was “life, acquired, property”

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Question. What is this dialogue about?

Exercise: read the dialogue, find vocabulary in this passage ancient Rus', 19th century and modern. Write down a few words from different eras.

What technique gives this scene an ironic character?

The hero of this play combined vocabulary from different eras in his speech

JOHN (shouts to director Yakin). Well, pimple, belly or death? Ask the noblewoman!

YAKIN (wheezes). Belly...

ZINA. Belly! Belly! Spare him, Great Sovereign!

JOHN. Belly? Well, have it your way...

YAKIN. Zinaida, tell me something in Slavic.

ZINA. Packs.

YAKIN. Packs. Packs. Your Excellency, have mercy! By the way, you misunderstood me.

JOHN. How can I understand you if you don't say anything?

YAKIN. I don’t speak languages, your honor.

JOHN. I wish you a fur coat from the royal shoulder.

ZINA (to Yakin). Thank you! Thank you!

YAKIN. I am very grateful to you.

YAKIN (a little later ). Because we are really late for the plane.

Blank slide.


So, today in the lesson we observed what the place of the Russian language is in the circle of Slavic languages. The modern Russian language has certain relationships with all other Slavic languages. Using the example of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” we discovered elements that distinguish the Russian language from related languages. Working with the etymological dictionary, we saw the opposite general signs. So was there really a common language for all Slavs? What arguments can be given for and against?

Discussion on the problem of the existence of a common Slavic language

Guys, what do you think, is it possible to believe that a common Slavic language existed, justify your opinion.



  • There are no surviving texts in this language.
  • There is no dictionary of the common Slavic language, and one cannot be compiled.
  • The Slavic languages ​​are too different and incomprehensible without translation to representatives of another group of Slavs.


  • Similarities in languages different levels: phonetic, lexical, grammatical.
  • Etymology finds many common features in those words that seem unrelated in modern Slavic languages.
  • Existence Old Slavonic language, understandable to all Slavic peoples in the 9th – 10th centuries.
  • Most alphabets of Slavic languages ​​are close in number and sound meaning of letters, despite the difference in typefaces
  • Ancient chroniclers wrote about a single language; Lomonosov mentions it.

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At the end of the lesson, I would again like to turn to the words of D.S. Likhacheva.

“Knowledge of the history of one’s people, knowledge of the monuments of their culture opens up a whole world before a person - a world that is not only majestic in itself, but which allows one to see and appreciate modernity in a new way. Knowledge of the past is an understanding of the present. Modernity is the result of the past, and the past is the still undeveloped future.”

D.S. Likhachev.

So, we are approaching the completion of our work, let's summarize.


Results of the work.

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  1. write down from the etymological dictionary at least 10 words whose origin goes back to the Indo-European family of languages;
  2. carry out an etymological analysis of one word (optional) that has common Slavic roots.

Related languages ​​are languages ​​that historically go back to one language - an ancestor - a proto-language. All Slavic languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Bulgarian, Polish, etc.) go back to the ancient proto-language, which is conventionally called the Proto-Slavic language.

Over time, the Slavic tribes settled over a vast territory and, as a result, their connections with each other began to be lost. The language of each of the isolated groups of tribes continued to develop in isolation from the others, acquiring new phonetic, lexical and grammatical features.

The oldest written monuments of centuries are common to all East Slavic languages. Such monuments as the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years”, the most ancient code of laws “Russian Truth”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” were written in the Old Russian language.

There are three periods in the history of the Russian language: 1) centuries; 2) centuries; 3) centuries

Common Slavic words include: 1). Name of persons by relationship (mother, daughter, son, brother, etc.); 2). Name of occupations and tools (reaper, healer, shepherd, weave, flog); 3). Name of home, clothing, household utensils (house, yard, window, candle); 4). Name of food and products (porridge, kvass, pie, honey jelly); 5). The name of plants, objects and natural phenomena (plow, plow, sickle, birch, linden, pine, earth, field. Mountain, sky, winter, morning, sun).

East Slavic (Old Russian) words arose in the 11th-14th centuries. This includes words common to the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, which once formed a unity - the Old Russian language. There are many such words (uncle, man, carpenter, squirrel, architect. pantry, basket, rocker, bag, tablecloth, samovar, boat, flower, lace).

Actually Russian words appeared in the 14th century. (after dividing the East Slavic language into Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian). These include all words, with the exception of borrowings (grandmother, grandfather, woman, man, boy, child, calf, cuckoo, swallow, chamomile, dandelion, fairy tale, blizzard, etc.).

How to distinguish Old Church Slavonicisms from native Russian words? Firstly, Old Church Slavonicisms denote abstract concepts (generosity, virtue, goodness, attention, etc.); scientific concepts (universe, saying, pronoun, rule, etc.); church and religious concepts (Sunday, sacrifice, vice, temple, priest, etc.).

Secondly, from the phonetic side they are characterized by incomplete combinations: -ra-, -la-, -re-, -le- in place of the Russians -oro-, -olo, -ere-, -ele- (grad, healthy, head, breg); combinations: -ra-, -la- at the beginning of the word in place of the Russian ro-, lo- (work, rook); combination of zhd, corresponding to Russian w: walking (I go), clothes (clothing), alien (alien). The consonant sch in place of the Russian power (moch), burning (hot), lighting (candle). Initial a, e instead of i, o: az(ya), lamb(lamb), one(one), ezero(lake).

In the Russian language there are many word-forming elements of Old Church Slavic origin: Prefixes: voz-, iz-, niz-, pre-, pre-, through- (to repay, despise, overthrow, prefer, excessive); Suffixes of nouns: -eni-, -enstv-, -estv-, - zn, -izn-, -ni(e), -tel, -ch(iy), -yn(ya) (unity, primacy, life, guardian , helmsman, pride). Suffixes of adjectives and participles: -aysh-, -eysh-, -ash-, -yush-, -im-, -om-, -ush-, -enn- (kindest, persecuted, driven, coming, blessed). First part difficult words: good-, god-, evil-, sin-, great-, etc. (thank you, God-fearing, slander, fall from grace, generous, etc.).

The Old Church Slavonic language had a beneficial effect on the development of the Russian language: it enriched it with words that have an abstract meaning, replenished scientific terminology, increased the number of prefixes and suffixes, enriched the syntax of the Russian language and its stylistic means.

Training exercises. Choose the corresponding Russian words for these Old Slavonic words. Ashes - Head - Temper - Elen - Ignorant - Alien - Country - Short - Gate - Gunpowder Head Norov Deer Ignorant Alien Side Short Gate Do all the corresponding Russian words coincide with the Old Slavonic ones in meaning?

An essay is a reasoning. Russian language in the family of Slavic languages. (Thoughts on the history of the Russian language). When writing, use phrases: Proto-Slavic language, the spread of writing, East Slavic (Old Russian language), common Slavic words, the oldest written monuments, the Moscow dialect at the heart of the national literary language, Russian words themselves, the use of Old Church Slavonicisms. To give your speech special expressiveness, use Old Church Slavonicisms. Literature. 1.Russian language. 8th grade. Ed. MM. Razumovskaya. Publishing house "Drofa" 2008 2. A.I. Vlasenkov. Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2006 3. M.T. Baranov and others. Russian language. Reference materials. Moscow “Enlightenment” 2002

Osipova Tatyana Khalilbagovna,

teacher of Russian language

MAOU "Svetlinskaya Secondary"

comprehensive school No. 2"

Russian language

Class 9

UMK"Russian language"(authors: Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I., Lvov V.V.) edited by Razumovskaya M.M., Lekant P.A. - 3rd ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

Lesson No. 1. Russian language in the family of Slavic languages ​​(1 hour)

A basic level of

Type lesson a: a lesson in learning new material.

The purpose of the lesson: 1 ) Give an idea of ​​the place of the Russian language in the family of Slavic languages.

Lesson objectives:1) Introduce students to a group of Slavic languages, show the place of the Russian language among them.

2) Continue to develop the ability to work with linguistic text.

3) Cultivate interest in the Russian language.

Planned results : evaluate their own educational activities, construct a speech statement, extract the necessary information, make generalizations and conclusions, are able to formulate their own opinion and position, and ask questions.

Equipment :textbook.

During the classes:

I . Organizing time .

II . Introduction to the textbook .

Students together with the teacher set goals and objectives for the new academic year. Students become familiar with the table of contents of the textbook, symbols, reference materials. The teacher voices the requirements for keeping notebooks and preparing homework.

III .Updating knowledge.

Remember what an epigraph is? What is his role? Read the epigraph on page 3 of the textbook. How do you understand it? What will we talk about in class today?

Lesson topic message.

IV .Explanation of the topic of the lesson .

A language, like a person, cannot exist on its own; it also has a family, relatives, i.e. related languages. Just like it is similar friend People are similar to each other, so there are similar languages. They are related, therefore they have common ancestor. This is a proto-Slavic language, which was spoken by all Slavs in ancient times. We can still observe this similarity by comparing the spelling and pronunciation of words.

Let's turn to the materials in exercise 1 to find out which languages ​​are related to the Russian language, how the related ties of these languages ​​are manifested.

Students read the text paragraph by paragraph, highlighting the most important information.

Let's summarize everything we talked about. Answer in writing the question: “Why are some words belonging to different Slavic languages ​​similar?” Finish the sentence: “The similar sound of some words from different Slavic languages ​​is explained by the fact that...”

V . Consolidation of what has been learned .

1) Carefully look at the picture on page 4. Based on it, make up a story about groups of Slavic languages. (work in pairs)

2) Exercise 3 (orally). Assignment: determine the similarity of Russian words with similar words in Slavic languages.

VI .Lesson summary .

At the end of the lesson, I would like to turn to the words of D.S. Likhacheva: “Knowledge of the history of one’s people, knowledge of the monuments of their culture opens up a whole world for a person - a world that is not only majestic in itself, but which allows one to see and appreciate modernity in a new way. Knowledge of the past is an understanding of the present. Modernity is the result of the past, and the past is the still undeveloped future.”

What tasks did we set for ourselves today?

What result did you get?

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you like?

VII .Homework : §1; exercise 4 (written), exercise 5 (orally).

Methodological support for the lesson:

2) Russian language lessons in 8th grade: lesson plans based on the textbook by M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvovoy, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lvov / comp. O.A. Fintisova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

Subject " Russian language in the family of Slavic languages».

1.Checking d/z.

II .Lecture. Our native language belongs to Slavic group languages ​​of the Indo-European family. Our journey through the language map of the world begins with this group.

Slavic languages ​​can be considered the youngest language group among the Indo-European languages. Their common ancestor, which linguists call the Proto-Slavic language, began to lose its unity very late, only in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. Before that, the ancestors of the Slavs were one people, used very similar dialects and lived somewhere in Central or Eastern Europe.

Experts - linguists and historians - are still arguing about where the ancestral home of the Slavs was located, i.e. the territory in which they lived united people and from where they dispersed, forming separate peoples and languages. Some scientists place it between the Vistula and the middle reaches of the Dnieper, others - between the Vistula in the east and the Oder in the west. Now many experts believe that the ancestral home of the Slavs was in Pannonia, on the Middle Danube, from where they moved to the north and east. As one of the proofs that the Slavs were in Central Europe, they cite, for example, the lexical similarity between Slavic languages ​​and languages Western Europe. Compare the Latin and Russian words gostis – “guest”, struere – “build”, fornus – “horn”, paludes – “flood”. The problem of the ancestral home of the Slavs is very complex, and its solution depends on the efforts of scientists of various specialties - historians, archaeologists, linguists, ethnographers, folklorists, anthropologists. Linguistics plays a special role in these searches.

IN modern world There are from 10 to 13 living Slavic languages, depending on the status assigned to several of them: an independent language or a dialect. Thus, official Bulgarian studies do not recognize the Macedonian language as an independent language, considering it as a dialect of Bulgarian.

Among the Slavic languages ​​there are also dead ones that no one speaks anymore. This was the first literary language of the Slavs. Russians call it Old Slavonic, and Bulgarians call it Old Bulgarian. It is based on the South Slavic dialects of old Macedonia. It was into this language that in the 9th century the sacred texts were translated by Greek monks - the brothers Cyril and Methodius, who created Slavic alphabet. Their mission to create a literary language for all Slavs became possible due to the fact that at that time Slavic speech was still relatively unified. The Old Church Slavonic language did not exist in the form of living folk speech; it always remained the language of the Church, culture and writing.

However, this is not the only dead Slavic language. In the West Slavic zone, in the north of modern Germany, numerous and powerful Slavic tribes once lived. Subsequently, they were almost completely absorbed by the Germanic ethnic group. Their immediate relatives are probably the present-day Lusatians and Kashubians. The disappeared tribes did not know writing. Only one of the dialects - Polabian (the name is derived from the Elbe River, Laba in Slavic) - has reached us in small dictionaries and records of texts made at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. This is a valuable, although rather meager source of knowledge about the Slavic languages ​​of the past.

Among the Slavic languages, Russian is closest to Belarusian and Ukrainian. The three of them form the East Slavic subgroup. Russian is one of the largest languages ​​in the world: in terms of the number of speakers it ranks fifth, behind only Chinese, English, Hindustani and Spanish. Ukrainian is in the top twenty in this hierarchy and also belongs to very large languages.

In addition to the East Slavic subgroup, the West Slavic and South Slavic subgroups are traditionally distinguished. However, if the East Slavic languages ​​go back to their common ancestor - the Old Russian (East Slavic) language, then the same cannot be said about the other two groups. Although the languages ​​of each of these subgroups have a number of features, some linguists tend to view the subgroups themselves not as genetic, but primarily as geographical unities. When the West Slavic and South Slavic subgroups were formed, along with the processes of language divergence, the processes of their convergence played an important role.

III .Updating knowledge. 1. Punctuation repetition: add punctuation marks.

    Along the dusty road leading to the gardens, carts filled with black grapes stretched, creaking and squealing.

    My brother, who didn’t know anything yet and had just arrived from vacation, caught up with me and, without overtaking me, drove alongside me, listening to the silence of the street.

2. Generalization of the rule: from which three conditions The spelling of pre-, pri- may depend.

9. Fill in the missing letters.

Pr..wonderful,, pr..present, pr..attractive, pr..create, pr..mark,, pr..shout, pr..flattering, pr..swear , pr..follow, pr..educate, pr..remember, pr..will, pr..pressed, pr..graduate, pr..strange stories, pr..screw the handle, amazing pr.. rotation,

10. Rewrite the sentences, inserting the missing letters and adding punctuation marks. Determine the meaning of the prefixes pre-, pri-.

1. The thought that maybe I was seeing her for the last time gave her something touching in my eyes. 2. (I don’t) know whether the sun warmed her up or she took juice from this grass, but it was clear that she felt very good. 3. She occasionally flapped her wings and pressed herself close to the flower. 4. Horses prick up their ears, flare their nostrils, as if sniffing the fresh air that smells from a passing cloud. 5. The whole surrounding area changes little (little by little) and takes on a gloomy appearance. 6. There, in the west, waves will rush onto the beach, sandy and empty. 7. She locks the door (?) and sits (?) at the large desk and moves the cash drawer. 8. It is checked whether (not) what has been forgotten, (not) whether something requires an answer or other order. 9. The travelers... traveled without any incidents. (N..)where they (didn’t) come across trees, there was still the same (same) endless, free, steppe. 10.Brought to the shameful head...forehead of the ancient Slavic conscience. 11. I need not just an apology, but an overcoming of guilt. 12.Oh, how spicy is the breath of the g...zdika, I once dreamed there.

D/Z. Lecture, task No. 11. According to "School" explanatory dictionary Russian language" establish the lexical meaning of these words. Make up phrases or sentences with them. According to the words of Part II, write a miniature essay.

I. Abide - arrive, successor - successor, limit - chapel, betray - give, transform - pretend, transient - coming, indispensable - apply, perverse - gatekeeper, diminish - diminish, increase - increase, criminal - proceed, despise - despise.

II. Preamble, precedent, claim, prime minister, contender, prestige, preposition, prelude, president, presidium, prevail, perverted, privilege, prima donna, primate, primitive, principled, priority.

Repeat the rule b and b, i – ы after the prefixes.

Stay – arrive,

Receiver m.r., units

    A device for receiving or collecting something in it.

    A device used in radio engineering to receive a signal.

    A facility where someone is temporarily detained for further investigation.

Successor m.r., units

    The one who received succession from someone, any rights, social position, public duties.

    A continuer of someone's activities, some traditions.

    The one who took the place or position of his predecessor.

limit –

Side chapel m.r., units

    Outdated Annex, attached room, smaller part of the room.

    Extension Orthodox church from the southern or northern façade.

betray - give,


    Transform into something, give something a different look, a different content.

    Put it into practice, implement it.


Transient - One that quickly passes away; temporary, short-lived.

coming, indispensable - apply, perverse - gatekeeper, diminish - diminish, increase - increase, criminal - proceed, despise - despise.

II. Preamble zh.r, singular h (from the French preambule - going ahead)

Introductory part of the constitution, international treaty or another important act that contains an indication of the situation that gave rise to the issuance of the relevant act.


Claim zh.r. units (Late Latin preaetensio)

    Declaration of the right to own something, to receive something.

    Demand, complaint, expression of displeasure.

    The desire to attribute unusual qualities to oneself and to achieve recognition of them by other people.

Applicant m.r., only units. (lat. praetendens)

Someone who claims something.

Prestige m.r., only units. (French prestige)


Prelude (lat. praeludere to play before, in advance)

    An instrumental piece of free form, which is an introduction to other plays.

    Peren. Introduction, introduction, foreshadowing of something.

president, presidium

Prevail the new (German: pravalieren)

Prevail, have a claim, preponderance.


Privilege of w.r. (lat. privilegium)

An exclusive right, an advantage granted to someone.

Prima Donna (Italian: primadonna - first lady)

A singer performing the first roles in an opera or operetta.

primate, primitive, principled

Priority m.r., only units. (German prioritat)

    Championship in any discovery or invention.

    Predominance, primacy of something.





  • show students the relationship of Slavic languages ​​and the place of the Russian language among them;
  • improve educational-communicative and educational-intellectual skills and abilities (the ability to analyze educational material and generalize, research and compare, listen and hear, master monologue and dialogic speech).

Language - the main means of communication between people. With the help of language, people communicate with each other, convey their thoughts, feelings, desires.

Division of the common Slavic language






The emergence of Slavic writing

The beginning of writing is a special milestone in the history of every people, in the history of its culture. In the depths of millennia and centuries, the names of the creators of the writing of a particular people or language family are usually lost. But Slavic writing has an absolutely amazing origin. Thanks to a whole series of historical evidence, we know about the beginning of Slavic writing and about its creators, Saints Cyril and Methodius.

Creation of the alphabet

  • Cyril creates the Slavic alphabet in the image and likeness of the Greek, which, in turn, was borrowed from the Phoenician writing dating back to the 7th century. BC e.
  • Before Cyril, the Slavs apparently had some kind of writing based on “traits and cuts.” In the sources of that time there were only indirect references from authors who belonged to those peoples who already had their own written language. Later recollections of the Slavs themselves about their ancient writings have also been preserved.

How is the relationship of all Slavic languages ​​manifested?

  • The presence of common words, as well as some phonetic and grammatical similarities.





Some words in modern Russian (completely dissimilar at first glance) are historically related.

  • The words “doctor” and “lie” historically turn out to be related words. This was established by comparing related Slavic languages. The main ancient meaning of the Bulgarian word “doctor” is the meaning of “healer”, “sorcerer”. The Serbo-Croatian “doctor” also means “sorcerer, sorcerer, soothsayer, healer,” since the doctor knew how to charm diseases. In the Old Church Slavonic language, the word “lie” had the meaning “to speak.” Compare: “to speak”, “to speak”. Only later did it come to mean “to tell a lie, to lie,” and its original meaning of “to speak” was preserved in the word “doctor”

Kinship of common Slavic words.

  • Belly is “a part of the body of a person or animal.” A common Slavic word of Indo-European origin. The original meaning of the word belly was “life, acquired, property”

“Not sparing your belly”


  • Similarities in languages ​​at different levels: phonetic, lexical, grammatical.
  • Etymology finds many common features in those words that seem unrelated in modern Slavic languages.
  • The existence of the Old Church Slavonic language, understandable to all Slavic peoples in the 9th – 10th centuries.
  • There are no surviving texts in this language.
  • There is no dictionary of the common Slavic language, and one cannot be compiled.
  • The Slavic languages ​​are too different and incomprehensible without translation to representatives of another group of Slavs.

Knowledge of the history of one’s people, knowledge of the monuments of their culture opens up a whole world for a person - a world that is not only majestic in itself, but which allows one to see and appreciate modernity in a new way. Knowledge of the past is an understanding of the present. Modernity is the result of the past, and the past is the still undeveloped future.

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