Valentine's name day in the year. Prayer to Saint Valentine in Orthodoxy. Read other prayers in the "Orthodox Prayer Book" section

Girls named Valentina are distinguished by their sincere and friendly character; women are endowed with cordiality and hospitality by the name form. If you have to visit Valentina’s name day, you won’t be bored, because the cheerful Valyusha is capable of throwing a grand celebration for her guests.

The name form belongs to the category of paired names that correspond to both women and men. The translation of the same root “valens” of the two forms of the word is associated with the epithets healthy, strong, even powerful. By calling their children a feminine or masculine form of their name, parents wished the boy good health, and for the girl to be tenacious to life, since in pre-Christian times there was a high mortality rate among infants.

According to Scandinavian legend, the son of the god Odin was named Vali; he was predicted to have the opportunity to survive the moment of the end of the world and see the beginning of a new world. With the birth of Christianity, the ranks of saints were replenished with female martyrs, whose name days are celebrated on such days:

  • January 8 became the day of the martyr Valentina and Ufa Bishop Andrei;
  • February 23 is the day of the martyr of the beautiful Valentina of Caesarea;
  • On July 29, they commemorate the martyr Valentina, who was also called Alevtina.

How to celebrate Valentina’s name day: you should choose the day of veneration of that holy martyr that is closest to Valyusha’s birthday. They don’t give particularly expensive gifts on Angel’s Day; the main gift for a name day will be attention.

  • Valyusha grows up as a kind and sympathetic child, she worries about people in trouble, takes pity on homeless animals, bringing them home. The girl is lively and obedient, but takes herself too seriously. Valechka's character is not without a quick temper, but short moments of anger are replaced by sincere regret.
  • Adult Valentina’s dreams are not at all about career growth, but about creating a strong family; the girl longs to start raising children. When getting married, serious Valyusha carefully selects a worthy candidate capable of sincerity of feelings. Having got married, a balanced bearer becomes an excellent mother for her children, a hospitable hostess.
  • In front of everyone positive features character, the peace-loving Valyusha has one thing negative quality- gambling. Therefore, bearers should not engage in gambling; painfully experiencing defeat, the owner of the name is determined to take revenge.

When communicating with Valya, you should take into account that she does not understand humor well, reacting sharply to a joke addressed to her. In addition, the lady, who is scrupulous in nature, is suspicious of monetary payments and encroachments on her rights.

On the name day church calendar They ask Saint Valentine for God's mercy and grace, they expect forgiveness, strengthening the principles of faith, and a pious life in love. Christians hold the holy martyr in great veneration; they turn to her for deliverance from false prophets, protection from adherents of false teachings and temptations, and ask for purity of thoughts.

The main dates when Valentines should celebrate their name day are February 23 and July 29. If you are planning to name your daughter Valentina, find out more about her patron saints.

The brave maiden was born near the city of Caesarea, located in Palestine. The future saint led a righteous lifestyle, helping the suffering, like a good Christian. After being denounced about her adherence to the pagan gods, the brave maiden had to appear before the court of the provincial procurator Firmilian. The official told the young Christian woman to renounce her faith in favor of paganism, which she did not do.

Then the martyr, who was not only beautiful externally, but also internally, was beheaded. Over time, the girl who gave her life for her faith was elevated to the rank of saint, given the name of Valentina of Caesarea, whose name day is celebrated on February 28 according to the church calendar.

Sisters Valentina and Chionia, who came from Egypt, also suffered a martyr's fate. During the reign of Maximilian, who persecuted Christians, the sisters, along with Paul, were brought to the emperor's trial. Pious Christians refused to bow to Palestinian idols; the martyrs were firmly convinced that the Lord would open the way to the Kingdom of Heaven for them for their suffering.

After martyrdom by order of the ruler, the Christian sisters were burned at the stake, and Paul was beheaded. St. Valentine's name day, as indicated in the church calendar, is celebrated on July 29.

The most noticeable mark in history modern society left by Valentina Tereshekova, who became the first female cosmonaut in 1963. A courageous bearer of a worthy name on board spaceship Vostok-6 completed 48 orbits around the planet.

Since the female name form comes from the male name Valentin, one cannot help but recall the saints of the same name who fought for the principles of the Christian faith.

  • According to the Church calendar, the Day of the Angel of Valentin Dorostolsky is celebrated on May 7. A 30-year-old warrior from the city of Dorostol suffered for the faith of Christ during the time of terrible persecution of Christians.
  • August 12 is marked in the church calendar as the day of remembrance of the Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamno. The saint is revered as the patron saint of pharmacists.
  • The Hieromartyr Valentine, nicknamed the Roman, had the opportunity to suffer for his faith during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. The saint is commemorated on July 19.

Some people believe that Valentines can celebrate their name day on February 14th. The date is recognized as World Valentine's Day thanks to the romantic legend of St. Valentine, who united the destinies of loving hearts. However, there is no such holiday in the Orthodox and Catholic church calendars, so this date cannot be considered Valentine’s Angel Day.

On Valentina’s bright name day, when according to the church calendar she celebrates Angel Day, send her an SMS with warm wishes for peace and warmth in her soul, luck in everything and family happiness.

What you remember about Valechka's Angel Day will be for her the best gift for the name day. For your beloved woman, you can prepare jewelry with pearls, it is considered a talisman for the name, and also add a modest bouquet of forget-me-nots. When choosing a gift for Angel Day, do not forget that blue-green is considered a magical color for Valechka.

>Saint Valentine in Orthodoxy

Beautiful legends about the patron saint of lovers

The first legend attributes the patronage of couples in love to Saint Valentine of Interan, who lived in Italy.

Claudius the Second, ruling in Germany, gathered his army from unmarried men, but there were very few of them, because everyone was in a hurry to get married. Then Claudius issued a decree prohibiting guys from getting married before serving in the army.

Secretly from Claudius II, the Interan priest married loving hearts, which earned the emperor’s indignation; it was decided to execute him.

In addition to church activities, Bishop Valentin was involved in the treatment of parishioners, among them was the blind girl Julia, the daughter of a prison guard.

Through him, the bishop, while in prison, gave the girl a note with a declaration of love and ointment with saffron, from which she regained her sight.

The inconsistency between this legend and reality is that in the third century there was no wedding ceremony.

Even if the young people received a blessing according to the Christian rite, this did not matter to Emperor Claudius. The third century is symbolized by the most brutal reprisals against the followers of Christ.

According to another version, the roots of St. Valentine's Day are pagan. The Church could not come to terms with the “wild” ritual of sacrificing a goat and a dog on the day of honoring the brothers Romulus and Remus, who, according to legend, are the founders of Rome.

Belts were cut from the skin of slaughtered animals, with which naked young men ran around the city and whipped all passers-by. It was believed that if someone was touched by a whip, he would recover, and the woman would be able to give birth, being barren.

According to another legend, beating pregnant women with a whip from sacrificial animals guaranteed the birth of a healthy child, because infant mortality in ancient Rome was too high.

To get rid of the pagan worship of Romulus and Remus, the priests came up with a day of lovers, known as the feast of St. Valentine.

According to the third legend, in the Italian city of Terni there lived a young priest, Valentin, who helped people and showed special love to children. He spent a lot of time with the children, treated them and taught them the basics of Christianity, but the Romans found out about this and arrested the young man.

The children really missed their mentor, and every day they threw notes to him through the prison window with words of love and respect. These papers were read by the prison guard. The old man had a blind daughter, whom he secretly brought to the priest for a healing prayer, but the girl did not receive her sight, and the young priest fell in love with her.

Before his death, the young man sent Julia, that was the name of the watchman’s daughter, a note in the shape of a heart and enclosed a flower - a yellow crocus or saffron.

The girl unfolded the note, smelled the flower and regained her sight. After that, she read “Your Valentine” on the note. Julia was the first to call the Ternian priest a saint.

All legends date back to the third century and were carried through the centuries by people who so want happiness and love.

Humanity will never establish the truth, but legends are born out of reality and most likely there lived a Valentine in the world who died in the name of love:

  • to God;
  • to a beautiful girl;
  • to all people.

In the fifth century, the Pope declared February 14 as St. Valentine's Day, which over time turned into Valentine's Day.

Traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day in different countries

The 19th century can be considered the beginning of the heyday of this holiday; at the same time, businessmen around the world discovered the opportunity to make money on beautiful messages. This is how postcards, perfumes with messages, sweets with the image of a heart, toys and much more appeared. All these things began to be called valentines.

In the USA, boys and girls held parties where couples were formed by simple choice. The basket contained the names of those present, written on pieces of paper in the shape of hearts. Drawing out a valentine, the guy chose a girl and gave her marzipan.

Japan is famous for the various forms of chocolate that lovers give to each other on this day. This is the only day of the year when a girl can be the first to announce her love.

In the morning, unmarried Englishwomen look out for the bird that will bring marriage. A robin foreshadowed a sailor, a sparrow foreshadowed a poor man, but a meeting with a goldfinch meant a rich husband.

The French remain French, their valentines are hidden in jewelry.

Many lovers believe that a wedding played on this day will guarantee a happy life. Deep misconception!


Basic character traits

Since childhood, Valya has grown into a kind and sympathetic person. The girl is very obedient, always ready to help her friends, even if she herself suffers from it.

  • The character of a girl named Valentina is light, soft, and her good nature and selflessness endear her to those around her.
  • But despite the apparent harmlessness, Vali has a hard core hidden inside her; she can be overly hot-tempered, but, as a rule, she quickly moves away.
  • A woman named Valentina is cheerful, sociable, makes friends easily, and loves to gossip.

Despite her complex, contrasting character, Valentina is a reasonable and kind person. She does not like to waste her time, is hardworking, loves to do household chores and handicrafts.

The name Valentina endows its owner with unprecedented stubbornness. Defeats greatly upset her and unsettle her, but it rarely comes to tragedy - still, reason prevails over emotions. Among Valya's negative character traits are secrecy and some insincerity in communicating with people, and this often depends on her mood.

In case of failure or misunderstanding on the part of loved ones, he may withdraw into himself. The name Valentina is given to women who are self-confident and calculating, which sometimes pushes people away from them. A sense of humor has little in common with the name Valentina.


A girl named Valentina is always in search of something new. At school she is an exemplary student, academic achievement and diligence are important to her. great importance. She does not strive to be a leader in the company, but is usually respected by everyone and is quite active. He carefully selects his friends; there may be few of them, but all of them are real.

He tries to please everyone, but not for selfish reasons, but out of the kindness of his heart.

Sometimes she is too strict with herself, but not with others. WITH early childhood She is independent, has an innate sense of decency and tries to achieve justice everywhere and in everything. He never contradicts his parents and readily does housework. As a rule, Valentina is a moralist.

Sometimes she is overly trusting, which her ill-wishers can take advantage of. The opinions of others mean a lot to her, but always remains on her mind.

The name Valentina is very controversial, and its owner also has a changeable disposition: she just smiled, but a small remark - and an explosion of emotions. But you shouldn’t be offended by her, as those who know Valya well do, because outbursts of anger quickly pass and before us is the same friendly lady again. Valentina has an analytical mind - the masculine origin of the name affected her. Shows more interest in details rather than in the situation as a whole.

In addition, Valentina is naturally endowed with good intuition, but she rarely listens to her call, preferring to rely on her rational mind and life experience. She is in perfect control of the situation, always insures herself in case of trouble and will not allow the ground to slip from under her feet.

Work and hobbies

For Valentina, the ideal professions are those that allow you to give your best; if she organizes her own business, she will be able to get along even with her competitors.

Valentina Khamaiko (Ukrainian actress, TV presenter)

  • He can find himself in the social sphere, because he loves to communicate with people, adores children, and always tries to help the sick and needy.
  • Women named Valentina make good doctors, educators, teachers.
  • Even if her career doesn’t work out, her job becomes her family, where she works as an exemplary mother and an ideal housewife.
  • Valentina does not know how to earn money, or rather, due to her unprecedented altruism, she gives everything away to those in need and cannot accumulate a fortune.

The choice of profession may depend on the time of birth. Among winter Valentines, who are diligent and know how to control themselves, engineers and programmers are often found.

Autumn, practical and strict, can work as a salesperson or hold a leadership position.

Valentina, born in summer, is modest and responsive, while Valentina, born in spring, is vulnerable and simple.

Among Valentina’s hobbies, one can especially highlight art, which the girl has been drawn to since childhood. She is very gambling, and can often lose control of herself and end up in the red.

She loves to receive guests and throw noisy parties, however, she does not like to visit herself.


  • Vasily, martyr August 2
  • Vasily March 28
  • Vasily (Ivanov), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) February 4
  • Vasily, martyr October 26
  • Vasily (Alexandria), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) August 13
  • Vasily (Vinogradov), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) September 24
  • Vasily (Yezhov), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) September 4
  • Vasily (Kondratiev), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) September 21
  • Vasily (Shikalov), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) September 9
  • Vasily, martyr January 26 (Novomuch.) October 29
  • Vasily, martyr July 5
  • Vasily July 3
  • Vasily (Arkhipov), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) March 1
  • Vasily, martyr February 6
  • Vasily, martyr May 6
  • Vasily, Archbishop, Novgorod June 15 (Novg.) July 3
  • Vasily (Epiphany), smch., archbishop, Chernigov January 26 (Novomucha.) August 14
  • Vasily, Archbishop, Novgorod February 10
  • Vasily (Tsvetkov), martyr, archimandrite January 26 (Novomuch.) June 10 (Ryaz.) October 4
  • Vasily (Kashin), schmch., deacon January 26 (Novomu.) December 4
  • Vasily (Voskresensky), schmich., deacon January 26 (Novomuch.) September 24
  • Vasily, schmch., deacon November 28
  • Vasily (Sitnikov), schmch., deacon January 26 (Novomuch.) June 28
  • Vasily, Bishop February 18
  • Basil, confessor, bishop, Thessalonica February 1
  • Vasily (Zelentsov), schmch., bishop, Priluki January 26 (Novomuchi.) June 15 (St. Petersburg.) June 10 (Ryaz.) March 22
  • Vasily (Preobrazhensky), Spanish, bishop, Kineshma January 26 (Novomuch.) June 7 (Ivan.) July 31
  • Vasily, Venerable, Abbot, Patalarsky June 22
  • Vasily (Spassky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) December 23
  • Vasily (Nadezhdin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) February 6
  • Vasily (Militsyn), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 25
  • Vasily (Nikolsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) October 21
  • Vasily (Ozeretskovsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) October 8
  • Vasily (Razumov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) September 9
  • Vasily (Pokrovsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 3
  • Vasily (Pokrovsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) December 13
  • Vasily (Krylov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 18
  • Vasily (Smirnov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) August 22
  • Vasily (Sokolov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) November 16
  • Vasily (Sokolsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) August 28
  • Vasily (Pariysky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 25
  • Vasily (Ivanov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) May 19
  • Vasily (Arkhangelsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 3
  • Vasily (Bova), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) November 22
  • Vasily (Bogoyavlensky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) October 22
  • Vasily (Vinogradov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) December 15
  • Vasily (Vitevsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) January 1
  • Vasily (Likharev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 14
  • Vasily (Zelensky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) September 2
  • Vasily (Guriev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) May 3 (But.) September 30
  • Vasily (Kozyrev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) October 21
  • Vasily (Kolmykov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) September 3
  • Vasily (Krasivsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) September 3
  • Vasily (Krasnov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) November 7
  • Vasily (Nikitsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) March 1
  • Vasily (Krylov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) November 6
  • Vasily (Zavgorodniy), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 28
  • Vasily (Koklin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) March 23
  • Vasily (Arkhangelsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) January 7
  • Vasily (Infantiev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) August 12
  • Vasily (Protopopov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 25
  • Vasily (Kolosov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) November 26
  • Vasily (Kolokolov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) October 31
  • Vasily (Krymkin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) September 21
  • Vasily (Kolosov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) May 9
  • Vasily (Krylov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) May 18
  • Vasily (Rozanov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 15 (Pskov.) November 14
  • Vasily (Sungurov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) May 3 (But.) September 7
  • Vasily (Triumfov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 15 (Pskov.) February 13
  • Vasily (Kandelabrov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) November 20
  • Vasily (Malinin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) September 10
  • Vasily (Gorbachev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) February 13
  • Vasily (Malakhov), confessor, priest January 26 (Novomuch.) March 11
  • Vasily (Preobrazhensky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) May 23 (Rostov.) June 1
  • Vasily (Erekaev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) July 28
  • Vasily (Mazurenko), martyr, hieromonk January 26 (Novomu.) December 26
  • Vasily (Izmailov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) February 9
  • Vasily (Sokolov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) May 13
  • Vasily (Smirnov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) June 18
  • Vasily (Amenitsky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) August 7
  • Vasily (Malinin), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) March 28
  • Vasily (Pobedonostsev), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) June 10
  • Vasily (Mirozhin), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) December 7
  • Vasily (Yagodin), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) December 9
  • Vasily (Studnitsin), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) November 26
  • Vasily (Sokolov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) November 27
  • Vasily (Maksimov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) September 10
  • Vasily (Arkhangelsky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) October 31
  • Vasily (Nikolsky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) November 14
  • Vasily (Smolensky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) May 30
  • Vasily (Agafonikov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) November 26
  • Vasily (Zalessky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) February 2
  • Vasily (Sokolov), schmch., protodeacon January 26 (Novomuch.) March 20
  • Basil of Amasia, smch., bishop April 26 April 30 (Discovery of relics)
  • Vasily Ankirsky, schmch., presbyter March 22
  • Vasily Ankyra, Caesarea, martyr. January 1
  • Basil the Athenian, Apolloniad (Macedonian), martyr. July 6
  • Vasily Valaamsky, martyr. February 20
  • Basil the Great, Archbishop, Caesarea (Cappodacian) January 30 (3 St.) January 1 (Ecumenical Teacher)
  • Vasily of Byzantium, martyr. November 28
  • Vasily Vsevolodovich Yaroslavsky, Prince May 23 (Rostov.) July 3 June 8 (Finding of relics)
  • Vasily Glubokorechensky, Venerable July 1 (Founder of the Deep Rivers Monastery)
  • Vasily Dekapolit, confessor February 28
  • Vasily Kazansky, martyr. October 2
  • Basil of Constantinople see:
    Vassian (Basily) of Constantinople, wonderworker, venerable, abbot October 10
  • Vasily Mangazeisky, martyr. May 23 (Rostov.) June 10 (Siberia) May 10 March 23
  • Vasily Mirozhsky, Pskovsky, prmch. March 4
  • Vasily of Moscow (Blessed), Fool for Christ's sake Augustus 2
  • Vasily Novy. Constantinople, confessor March 26
  • Vasily Ostrogsky, Trebinsky, Zaholmsky, Skenderiysky, Metropolitan August 30 (Serb.) April 29
  • Basil of Paria, confessor, bishop April 12
  • Vasily Petrov, martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) January 2
  • Vasily Pechersky, smch., hieromonk September 28 (Pecher. (B)) August 11
  • Vasily Polyanomerulsky (Poyana-Meruluysky), Venerable. April 25 (The name of St. Basil is included in the month book according to the definition of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church dated August 21, 2007. The glorification was performed by the Romanian Orthodox Church.)
  • Basil Equal to the Apostles see:
  • Vasily Ratishvili April 18
  • Vasily Romanovich see:
    Oleg (monastic name Vasily) Romanovich Bryansky, Venerable, Prince September 20
  • Vasily Ryazansky, Bishop July 3 June 10 (Discovery of relics)
  • Vasily Sokolovsky, Rev.
  • Vasily Spaso-Kubensky (Kamensky), Venerable. August 2
  • Basil of Chersonesus, smch., bishop March 7


  • Basilisk, martyr. August 31
  • Basilisk, martyr, elder July 29
  • Basilisk Komansky, martyr. May 22 March 3
  • Basilisk of Siberia, St. December 29


  • Vasilko see:
    Vasily (Vasilko) Rostov, martyr, prince May 23 (Rostov.) March 4
  • Vasoya of Ammorite (Phrygian), martyr. March 6
  • Vass of Nicomedia, martyr. January 20


  • Benjamin, St. December 29
  • Veniamin, martyr. July 29
  • Veniamin, martyr.
  • Benjamin (one of the 12 sons of the Old Testament patriarch Jacob)
  • Veniamin (Kononov), schmich., archimandrite, rector of the Solovetsky monastery January 26 (Novomuch.) April 4
  • Veniamin (Vladimirsky), schmch., deacon January 26 (Novomuch.) November 7
  • Veniamin (Voskresensky), schmch., bishop, Romanovsky January 26 (Novomucha.) May 23 (Rostov.) September 22
  • Veniamin (Blagonadezhdin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) September 18
  • Veniamin (Lukanin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 7
  • Veniamin (Zykov), schmch., hierodeacon January 26 (Novomu.) November 19
  • Veniamin (Kazansky), schmch., metropolitan, Petrograd and Gdov January 26 (Novomuch.) July 31
  • Veniamin (Famintsev), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) March 1
  • Benjamin of Persia, schmch., deacon March 31 October 13
  • Veniamin Pechersky, recluse August 28 (Pecher.(D)) October 13
  • Benjamin of Sinai, martyr. January 14


  • Benedict of Nursia, abbot March 14
  • Werk Gotfsky, schmch., presbyter March 26


  • Veteran, bishop, Scythia Minor April 20


  • Vianor of Pisidia, martyr. July 10


  • Viator, mch. July 16


  • Vivian of Sevastia, martyr. March 9


  • Vigilius, Bishop February 7


  • Victor (Frolov), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) October 8
  • Victor, martyr November 6
  • Victor, martyr July 6
  • Victor, martyr February 18
  • Victor (Matveev), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) December 18
  • Victor (Krasnov), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) October 29
  • Victor (Ostrovidov), Spanish, bishop, Glazov January 26 (Novomuch.) June 15 (St. Petersburg) June 18 (discovery of relics) April 19
  • Victor, abbot September 27
  • Victor (Nikiforov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 7
  • Victor (Basov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) September 2
  • Victor (Voronov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) November 16
  • Victor (Ilyinsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 14
  • Victor (Karakulin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) May 19
  • Victor (Morigerovsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) February 22
  • Victor (Usov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) January 8
  • Victor (Ellansky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) August 26
  • Victor, schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) September 11
  • Victor (Europeans), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) January 17
  • Victor (Klimov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 9
  • Victor (Smirnov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) November 25
  • Victor (Kiranov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) March 17
  • Victor Damascus, martyr. November 11
  • Victor Korinthsky, martyr. March 10 January 31
  • Victor Mesukeviysky, Gruzinsky, martyr. April 15
  • Victor of Nicomedia, martyr. April 18
  • Victor (Fotin) Rimsky, martyr. March 20
  • Victor of Thracia, martyr. August 20
  • Victor of Chalcedon, martyr. September 16


  • Vladimir (baptized Vasily), Equal to the Apostles, Grand Duke July 15
  • Vladimir (Pravdolyubov), martyr. January 26 (Novomuch.) September 21
  • Vladimir (Volkov), schmch., archim. January 26 (Novomuch.) March 12
  • Vladimir (Dvinsky), schmch., deacon January 26 (Novomuch.) August 31
  • Vladimir (Terentyev), Venerable, Abbot January 26 (Novomuch.) February 18
  • Vladimir (Damascene), smch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) December 16
  • Vladimir (Ryasensky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 22
  • Vladimir (Proferansov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) December 2
  • Vladimir (Preobrazhensky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) December 18
  • Vladimir (Pankin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) March 24
  • Vladimir (Krasnovsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) November 12
  • Vladimir (Sadovsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) September 3
  • Vladimir (Dmitrievsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) September 3
  • Vladimir (Pishchulin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) January 28
  • Vladimir (Vyatsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) September 26
  • Vladimir (Vinogradov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) December 9
  • Vladimir (Vvedensky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) October 21
  • Vladimir (Belozerov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 7
  • Vladimir (Alekseev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) December 16
  • Vladimir (Ilyinsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) January 23 (Bonfire) February 22
  • Vladimir (Pokrovsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) February 13
  • Vladimir (Morinsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) September 2
  • Vladimir (Sobolev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) October 22
  • Vladimir (Speransky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) October 8
  • Vladimir (Sergeev), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) June 27
  • Vladimir (Vvedensky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) March 21
  • Vladimir (Kholodkovsky), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) July 31
  • Vladimir (Chekalov), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) September 18
  • Vladimir (Chetverin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) August 20
  • Vladimir (Khrishchenovich), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomu.) June 15 (Belarus.) January 30
  • Vladimir (Fokin), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.) January 11
  • Vladimir (Talush), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuch.)
  • Vladimir (Zagreba), schmch., priest January 26 (Novomuč.) February 3
  • Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky), schmch., metropolitan, Kiev and Galicia January 26 (Novomucha.) June 15 (St. Petersburg.) January 25
  • Vladimir (Ambartsumov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) October 23
  • Vladimir (Moshchansky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) August 25
  • Vladimir (Zubkovich), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) January 18
  • Vladimir (Lozina-Lozinsky), schmich., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) June 15 (St. Petersburg) December 13
  • Vladimir (Medvedyuk), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) November 20
  • Vladimir (Dzhurinsky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) December 9
  • Vladimir (Pasternatsky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.)
  • Vladimir (Pisarev), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) November 3
  • Vladimir (Smirnov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) August 14
  • Vladimir (Hirasko), Spanish, prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) June 15 (Belarus.) January 11
  • Vladimir (Sokolov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) August 27
  • Vladimir (Pasternatsky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) June 15 (Belarus.) January 8
  • Vladimir (Smirnov), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) November 27
  • Vladimir (Tsedrinsky), schmch., prot. January 26 (Novomuch.) August 14
  • Vladimir (Ushkov), martyr, psalmist January 26 (Novomuch.) March 8
  • Vladimir Rzhevsky, Prince July 15
  • Vladimir Yaroslavich Novgorod, Prince October 4


  • Vladislav of Serbia, Prince September 24

When is Valentine's birthday celebrated?

“Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Valentina, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.” This is a prayer to the patron saint Valentine for every day. According to the Orthodox Christian tradition, name days should be spent in church to pray to your patron saint. This name is translated from Latin as “strong, strong, healthy.” Valentine's Name Day, or, in other words, the day of the angel of people with this name, is revered by the Orthodox Church in memory of the martyr Valentina (Alevtina) of Caesarea (Palestine), executed in 308 AD.

Holy holiday

According to the church calendar, Valentine's name day is celebrated on February 23 (10). On this day they commemorate the martyr who led a pious life, helped the poor and professed the Christian faith. To celebrate Valentina’s name day with dignity, you need to at least know the life story of the patron saint of this name. There are several of them.

Here is one of them. Saint Valentine lived at the end of the 3rd century AD. Most information about her martyrdom has reached our time. In those days, the land of Palestine was ruled by Firmilian, who had terrible intolerance towards Christian teachings and those who preached them. At that time, in Caesarea, as in other large cities, representatives of the authorities of the Roman Empire were usually called procurators.

History of the Holy Virgin Martyrs

The holy virgin martyrs Valentina, Hennath and Paul suffered martyrdom during the reign of Emperor Maximian II Galeria (305-311 AD). Saint Valentine came from Caesarea in Palestine, Saint Hennatha was from Gaza (southern Palestine), Saint Paul was from the area around Caesarea.

The first to be brought to the procurator Firmilian was Saint Hennatha, who declared herself a Christian. She was severely beaten, tied to a pole and her whole body was slashed with blood. The second was brought to Saint Valentine, who did not want to worship the pagan gods, and then it was ordered to take her to the temple to the pagan idols so that she could make a sacrifice. But instead, she threw a stone at the fire altar and turned her back to it.

The enraged Firmilian forced his soldiers to beat her mercilessly in the ribs, and then ordered both her and Saint Hennathia’s heads to be cut off.

The third was cruelly tortured Saint Paul, who, having prayed to God and bowed before the Christians present, also bowed her head under the sword.

This whole terrible story happened on February 23 (10), 308 AD. Now on this day they celebrate the name day of Valentina, the martyr of Caesarea. And the icon “Martyr Valentine” now helps all those suffering who turn to her for help.

Valentine's Day, Orthodox women's name day

They pray to Saint Valentine that she intercede before the Lord Himself for those praying, who usually ask for God's mercy, forgiveness and grace, strengthening faith, piety and love.

On Valentine's Day, according to the church calendar, Orthodox Christians pray with deep respect to this saint and also ask her for deliverance from false prophets and false teachings, so that she would preserve their lives in piety and protect their souls and thoughts from temptations.

Valentin. Orthodox men's name day

The female name Valentina comes from the male name Valentin. Saints with this name fought to the end for their Christian faith.

One of them is Valentin Dorostolsky, who suffered martyrdom in 288 AD. His memorial day is celebrated on May 7 (April 24).

He was only 30 years old, he was a warrior under the ruler Avsolan and came from the Moesian city of Dorostol. At that time there were terrible persecutions of Christians. But he openly confessed his faith in Christ, for which he suffered.

Icon of St. Valentine of Dorostol

The Holy Martyr Valentin Dorostolsky is revered as a warrior of Christ, who will always protect from apostates and will guard the well-being of true believers. The icon of this heavenly patron will help strengthen health and the spirit of faith. Thanks to this holy icon, you can gain confidence and get rid of fears and depression.

On the name day of Valentine or Valentine, the martyrs are always honored in prayer, who glorified the name of the Lord and with his name on their lips accepted their terrible death.

And here it is necessary to remember about the Hieromartyr Valentin, Bishop of Interamna - the patron saint of pharmacists. His memorial day is celebrated on July 30 (August 12).

Valentin the Roman

Valentin the Roman was a holy martyr presbyter who lived under Emperor Claudius II, who cruelly persecuted Christians. This Roman physician and priest helped wounded and sick Christians. For this he was sent to prison. The prison guard Asterius secretly asked the saint to heal his stepdaughter, who had lost her sight. When the girl was brought, the holy elder healed her with his prayer. Then the entire Asteria family was baptized. Having learned about this, the ruler executed Saint Valentine.

As we see, there were not so many saints under the name Valentin in the Orthodox Church, but all of them kept their faith in Jesus Christ to the last.

Patron of lovers

Some people celebrate Valentine's name day on February 14th. As studies have shown, the image of St. Valentine's Day arose only because of the numerous legends around this name, and all this thanks to the romantic literature of the Middle Ages, and not to those martyrs who died for the faith at the dawn of Christianity.

The Catholic calendar also does not have this holiday, since on this day they celebrate the feast day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Many people with this name like to celebrate Valentine's Day (name day or angel's day) on February 14, but this is wrong. Still, it is better to be literate in such matters, so as not to anger God once again.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Valentine's name day according to the church calendar

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By tradition Orthodox Christianity Name days should be spent in the temple, honoring the memory of your patron and praying to him for protection and grace. Each name has its own holy mentor, and the name Valentina is no exception. Valentine's name day is always a holiday for the whole family, since Vali are considered very religious individuals.

The origin of the name Valentina is Latin and from the masculine Valentin, which means a strong and strong woman. There is a legend that this name is a variant of the name of the Scandinavian man Vali, the son of God Odin. They say that when the end of the world comes, it will be Vali and the rest of the chosen ones who will have the opportunity to live in the new world.

Character of birthday girls

Valentinas are most often very good housewives. They love to create coziness, cook well and try to create a favorable homely atmosphere. Vali speaks very well various types handicrafts and apply their skills in everyday life.

At a young age, Valentina has many fans, but after marriage she remains faithful to her chosen one for many years. He loves and cares for children. She is very responsible and scrupulous at work. Does not like to fuss and hastily make important decisions. Therefore, she can often be found in leadership positions.

Vali doesn’t like humor, and reacts especially sharply to jokes directed at himself. All questions of a material nature are treated with suspicion.

Valentine's Angel Day

According to the church calendar, Valentine's name day is celebrated three times a year. But the day of the angel Valya should be celebrated once a year on the day that is as close as possible in date to their birthday.

Valentina will appreciate any congratulations on her name day, because now rarely anyone remembers such holidays. It is better to give a gift from the heart; it does not have to be very expensive. After all, for Valya the most important thing is attention to her.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch also the video about Valentine's Angel Day:

Patron Saint of women bearing the name VALENTINE - Holy Martyr Valentine of Caesarea (Palestinian)

Patron Saint of Women

bearing the name VALENTINA

Holy Martyr Valentine of Caesarea

Holy Martyr Valentina of Caesarea -

often depicted on the icon with wheat

ears of corn, which is not only a symbol

Christian believers, but also familiar to any

beginnings. By prayer to the saint you will receive

a good reward for your work, your family

will live in abundance. For those who

patronized by Saint Valentine

Caesarea icon helps to live in piety,

in peace and love and protects from dangers.

The Holy Martyr Valentina lived in Egypt. Together with her sister Chionia and the holy martyr Paul, she was tortured by the pagans for their faith in Christ. When they tried to force Valentina to bow down to the idols, she destroyed the altar in their temple with her feet, for which she suffered merciless torture and was executed.

Saint Valentine is an example of meekness and piety, and at the same time, selfless courage, the kind with which Christians should defend their faith. She, not being afraid of pain and death, did not turn away from the loving and merciful Lord, did not deviate from the true path. And today, being in Heaven, Saint Valentine is called upon to help everyone who is tortured for their faith, as well as those led into doubt.

Oh, long-suffering and wise martyr of Christ Valentino! Now, in honor of your holy memory, we, sinners and unworthy ones, diligently run to you and pray with the tenderness of our hearts. You loved the Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ more than all earthly blessings, and you faithfully followed Him through all your life, nourishing your soul with Divine grace. Ask us also for the grace that enlightens us, so that we may be overshadowed by it, in faith and piety, in the labors of chastity and love, and we may serve Christ in His neighbors without laziness. Pray that our Savior will vouchsafe us to complete our earthly journey without stumbling, and to end our life in peace and repentance, so that after living on earth, we will be vouchsafed eternal and blessed life in heaven, and there with you and with all the saints, together we will praise the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible , and let us sing the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

When is the holy day of remembrance

The meaning of the name Valentina is “strong”, “to be healthy”.

– Patronizing planet - Venus.

– Talisman-color - a motley name: here and red,

and green, and blue, and blue, and sea green,

– Plant talisman - forget-me-not, lily, willow.

– Animal mascot - sterlet, dove.

– The most successful day is Thursday.

sincerity, kindness, trustfulness, frankness

self-sacrifice, selflessness, loyalty, friendliness.

The owner of the name Valentina is very kind, and this is one of the main qualities of her personality,

Prayers to Saint Valentine for love and marriage

Saint Valentine provided great help to all lovers. Therefore, almost all prayers to Saint Valentine are about love, about preserving mutual love, about finding love and, of course, about marriage.

Christian preachers call on all lovers on Valentine's Day to go to church services together, confess and approach Holy Communion. But you can read prayers for preserving and finding love, for marriage, not only in church, but also at home - alone or alone with your loved one.

“Saint Valentine, pray to God for us!”

Who was chosen as the patron saint of lovers,

Protect young people, especially those who are in love.

Ask God for the graces necessary for them to

So that they mature into love: real, sincere and selfless.

Take care of lovers and newlyweds

From the crushing fire of passions.

Beg God for their desire

Build bonds of love

On the foundation of God's commandments.

Ask from Christ

So that He himself could be a pointer for lovers

And so that He himself strengthens them in a moment of weakness.

Prayer to Saint Valentine for finding and maintaining love

Lord, hear my prayer! Through Your Saint, through Saint Valentine, I appeal to You!

I thank You for Your Gifts, for Your Gift to us - for Saint Valentine!

Saint Valentine, pray for us!

Pray for us sinners, that we may be merciful, filled with love and tenderness for our neighbors!

How many wonderful saints the Catholic Church has! Beautiful, but, unfortunately, forgotten in this modern world, filled with evil, strife, hatred, death, pride.

Your Catholicism, Saint Valentine, is so undeniable in the eyes of other people that even those who belong to other churches and religions began to invent their own “lovers’ days” to spite you and protest against you. But the Lord chose you! Tagged you! And even your Church, a little embarrassed by the legends that live around you, cannot help but recognize your chosenness...

So that on Your Day, we remember once again that the Lord is Love.

And Love and Tenderness filled our hearts and souls!

Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Valentine's Day prayers for finding love and marriage

How to pray to Saint Valentine in your own words

Calorie counting

New comments

Useful tips, many thanks to you.

  • Make peace with your wife

    I agree with the previous comment, but only just.

  • Prayers to the saints

    Memory: February 10 / February 23

    During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximian II, Saint Valentine, accused of disrespect for the gods, was brought to a pagan temple to make a sacrifice, but she boldly threw a stone on the altar and turned her back to the fire blazing on it. She was beaten mercilessly and sentenced to be beheading with a sword. They pray to her to strengthen faith in persecution and captivity.

    Troparion to the Martyr Valentina of Caesarea, tone 4:

    Your Lamb, Jesus, Valentina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and, seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your Baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You, but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

    Kontakion to the Martyr Valentina of Caesarea, tone 2:

    Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, all the faithful cry out loudly to you, the great martyr Valentino, the great martyr, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

    Prayer to the martyr Valentina of Caesarea

    Oh, long-suffering and wise martyr of Christ Valentino! Now, in honor of your holy memory, we, sinners and unworthy ones, diligently run to you and pray with the tenderness of our hearts. You loved our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ more than all earthly blessings, and you faithfully followed Him through all your life, nourishing your soul with Divine grace. Ask us also from Christ God for the grace that enlightens us, so that we may be overshadowed by it in faith and piety, and in the labors of chastity and love we will succeed and serve Christ in His neighbors by sweating without laziness. Pray to Christ the Savior that we may also be vouchsafed to complete our earthly journey in this time without stumbling, and to end our life in peace and repentance, so that having lived on earth, we will be vouchsafed eternal and blessed life in heaven, and there together with you and with all the saints we will praise The Trinity is Consubstantial and indivisible, and let us sing the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    Akathist to the martyr Valentina of Caesarea:

    Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the martyr Valentina of Caesarea:

    • Martyrs Valentine, Paul and Hennath– Pravoslavie.Ru
    Read other prayers in the "Orthodox Prayer Book" section

    Read also:

    © Missionary and apologetic project “Towards Truth”, 2004 – 2017

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    Prayer to Saint Valentine in Orthodoxy

    In many countries around the world it is customary to celebrate Valentine's Day. The history of this holiday is very interesting, although at the same time somewhat confusing. Some people call it “Valentine’s Day”, “Love Day”, etc. As a rule, on this day people give each other cards in the shape of hearts called “Valentines”, or from friendly feelings, or in order to confess your sympathy. Also, there are many other customs for this day. The tradition of celebration is very extensive, and there is a lot of paganism in it. The most important thing in this holiday, as a rule, is considered to be the love of a man and a woman. And at the same time, few people think that this is also the day of remembrance of a certain saint.

    Did such a saint really exist, and is he revered in the Orthodox tradition? Let's figure it out! To understand this issue, let’s turn to authoritative Internet sources.

    Saint Valentine(lat. Valentinus) is the name of several early Christian holy martyrs. Almost nothing is known about their lives; it is even impossible to reliably establish whether they really were by different persons or we are talking about different lives of the same saint.

    Martyrologies mention Valentine, a Roman priest who was beheaded around 269; as well as Valentin, Bishop of Interamna (modern Terni), known for miraculous healings and executed for converting the mayor’s son to Christianity. In connection with the holiday of February 14, a martyr of the same name is also mentioned, who suffered in the Roman province of Africa.

    In early lists of Roman martyrs, Valentine is not mentioned. However, the cult of St. Valentine was widespread in Rome already in the 4th century, which is shown by the fact that two basilicas were erected at that time. One was built around 350 during the pontificate of Julius II on the Via Flaminia in the place where, according to legend, Valentine the Roman was buried. The second was built in the city of Terni over the supposed tomb of Valentine, Bishop of Interam. The holiday of February 14 in memory of both saints was established in 496 by Pope Gelasius I.

    In the West, the memory of Valentine the Roman and Valentine, Bishop of Interamna, was celebrated on the same day from the 5th century - February 14. In the Catholic Church in 1969, when revising the general liturgical calendar, St. Valentine was excluded from the list of saints whose memory is obligatory for liturgical veneration. Currently, the saint's memory is celebrated locally in a number of dioceses. In Russia, on February 14, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius, educators of the Slavs.

    The Golden Legend of the 13th century provides very little information about Saint Valentine, in particular, it says that he refused to renounce Christ before the Emperor Claudius and was beheaded for this.

    In the late Middle Ages in France and England, the life of St. Valentina gradually began to acquire legends associated with the secret wedding of couples in love. According to them, Emperor Claudius II forbade soldiers to marry so that they would not be distracted from their service. Valentin secretly married those who wished and was sentenced to death for this. Various legends provide details about the farewell letter that Valentine wrote before his execution to a blind girl (according to other versions, the jailer’s daughter) and which healed her.

    In the 17th century in France, the historian Tillemont, and later in the 18th century in England, Butler and Douce, suggested that St. Valentine's Day was introduced to replace the pagan rite of choosing the names of lovers at random on the eve of the feast of the goddess Juno, celebrated on February 15 (see Lupercalia).

    The relics of St. Valentine are kept in the Carmelite Church on Whitefriar Street, Ireland, Dublin "Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church".

    In Orthodoxy, the memory of both martyrs is celebrated on different days: July 6 (19 N. Art.) - the memory of Valentin the Roman, hieromartyr, presbyter, and July 30 (August 12 N. Art.) - the memory of Valentin of Interam, hieromartyr, bishop.

    In the city of Smolevichi there is a Catholic church dedicated to St. Valentine. Also near it there is a monument to the saint.

    Was there really such a saint?

    Is he “our” saint or Catholic?

    Our. All the saints who accomplished their feat in Western Europe before 1054, that is, before the date of the break between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, these are our Orthodox saints.

    But maybe, even though he lived in Orthodox times, but only Catholics realized his holiness and he is a saint only according to Catholic, but not Orthodox criteria?

    No, Valentine was glorified as a saint long before the break between West and East. It is usually said that this canonization was performed by Pope Gelasius in 494.

    It is possible that Valentine, remembered on February 14, is already known to our calendar - as the holy martyr Valentin of Interam (or Italy); His memory is celebrated on August 12 according to the new style (July 30 according to the old style).

    But it may well turn out that this is another person about whom we have known nothing until now.

    And in the case of the veneration of St. Valentine, it may be that the memory of the more famous ascetic absorbed the memory of other saints named after him.

    The veneration of saints can be different - it can be universal, and it can be local. We don’t know all the saints who are venerated in this or that monastery in Georgia...

    In addition, if in fact it was Pope Gelasius who appointed the memory of St. Valentine on February 14, then this act of his occurred at the time of the rupture in relations between the Roman Church and the Church of Constantinople (from 484 to 519). These were the years of the so-called “Akakian schism.” The truth in this schism was on the side of Rome, which Constantinople eventually recognized. So the decisions made at that time in Rome simply did not reach the Christian East. But this did not stop them from being Orthodox decisions.

    Finally, on the website of the TVS television channel you can see a photograph of Patriarch Alexy II kissing the ark with the relics of St. Valentina.

    Here is the official information: « During the meeting held on January 15, 2003 at the Patriarch’s working residence in Chisty Lane, a particle of the relics of St. Valentine of Interam was donated to the Russian Orthodox Church. The ceremony was attended by the Bishop of Terni, Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, the Vicar General of the diocese, Monsignor Antonio Magniero, the Vice-Mayor of the city of Terni Eros Brega, the President of the Province of Terni Bruno Semproni, and other members of the Italian delegation.

    The idea of ​​​​transferring to the Russian Orthodox Church a particle of the relics of the heavenly patron saint of the city of Terni, Saint Valentine, who died as a martyr in the 3rd century, was expressed by Bishop Vincenzo Paglia after the completion of the meeting of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church with the leadership of the Catholic peacekeeping organization in July 2001 charitable organization"Community of Saint Egidio", whose spiritual director is Monsignor V. Paglia. Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia called it symbolic that the transfer of a particle of the relics of St. Valentine takes place on the day of the celebration of the memory of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the 100th anniversary of whose canonization the Russian Orthodox Church will celebrate this year. Thanking Bishop Vincenzo Paglia for this gift,

    His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' announced that the ark with a particle of the relics of St. Valentine will remain in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where every believer will be able to pray before this shrine of the ancient undivided Christian Church. “The 20th century became a century of difficult trials for the Russian Orthodox Church,” said His Holiness the Patriarch. “We turn our prayers with hope to the martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity, who testified to the pagan world about the Savior, remaining faithful to Him “even to death.” The history of the Church continues. Already in our time, many thousands of Russian new martyrs and confessors have joined the host of God’s saints. and centuries ago, the blood of the martyrs establishes and confirms the Church of Christ." "Patriarch Alexy, accepting the gift, noted that “with great excitement he accepted a particle of the relics of the Hieromartyr Valentine, the saint of the Undivided Church.” “I perceive this act of transferring a particle of the relics of the holy martyr Valentin as a spiritual act, an act that will help Russians, Orthodox believers in Russia to pray, not only remembering the memory of the holy martyr Valentin, but to pray in front of a particle of his holy relics.”

    The custom of celebrating Valentine's Day on February 14 is commented on by priest Kirill Gorbunov, director of the information service of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese Mother of God in Moscow :

    “Many people think that Valentine's Day is some kind of incredible celebration for the entire Catholic Church. In fact, this is a locally revered saint; in the calendar of the Catholic Church in Russia, his memory is optional, and the main holiday for Catholics on February 14 is the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, patrons of Europe and educators of the Slavs, which I speak about with full responsibility, since I bear the names both of these saints.

    On the other hand, even if Saint Valentine himself did not expect that he would be entrusted with the “duty” of being the patron saint of all lovers, I think he gladly accepted it, because this is actually a very important and responsible matter. Falling in love is a difficult and often dangerous experience, when a person especially needs the presence of God and the intercession of the saints.”

    Little is known about the life of Valentin Interamsky. The icon of Valentin of Interam symbolizes the faith of the Christian people.

    Valentin Interamsky lived in the 3rd century in Rome. He was a bishop in the city of Interam, which was eventually renamed Terni.

    Saint Valentine was a skilled physician and possessed the gift of healing. The pagan Carton turned to him with a request to cure his son Herimon, who was bent to the knees by illness, and he could not straighten up; it was most likely chondrosis. Valentin began to pray over the sick man and, most likely, Herimon was cured not by the art of medicine, but by prayer. After recovery, Herimon and his father Carton, as well as many of his disciples, believed in the Lord. The mayor, whose son Avundin also accepted faith in the Lord, learned about the mass baptism. The mayor became angry and ordered Saint Valentine to be imprisoned. In prison, he continued to heal and convert prisoners to the Christian faith. The angry mayor ordered the saint to be tortured and then killed. His disciples carried the body to the city of Interam. In the fourth century, a basilica was built in honor of St. Valentine, which, thanks to reconstructions, has survived to this day. Here, in the main altar, the holy relics of Valentin of Interam are kept.

    Christians venerate the saint and celebrate his honor by praying before the image depicted by the icon of the holy martyr Valentine of Interam.

    The martyrs of Christ Pasikrates and Valentinus came from Rhodostos, a Mysian city, and, being warriors, served under the hegemon of that country, Avsolan. There were many idolaters in the country who made sacrifices to demons, for the rulers of the country, with the threat of torture, forced people to idolatry. The Christians of that country, fearing torture, fled and hid. These same two holy men openly and boldly declared themselves Christians and, glorifying the one true God, destroyed soulless idols. For this they were seized by idolaters and brought to the judgment seat, where they were forced to burn incense in front of the idols. There was an idol of Apollo here. Saint Pasikrates, approaching the idol, spat in its face and said: “Such honor befits this god!” Pasikrates was immediately tied up with heavy chains and thrown into prison. The warrior of Christ, adorned with these chains, as if decorated with golden royal attire, rejoiced that he was honored to wear these chains for Christ. Valentina was imprisoned with him. Soon they were again demanded for trial before the hegemon. When they appeared at the court, Pasikrates’ brother Papian also came there. He was a Christian, but for fear of torment he sacrificed to idols. Papian began with tears to beg his brother to, following the example of himself, bring incense to the idol, so that, having become for a while, as it were, an idolater, he would get rid of fierce torment, but Pasicrates rejected his brother’s request and called him unworthy to be considered in his family because he departed from the faith of Christ. He himself, approaching the altar and placing his hand on the fire, said to the hegemon: “The body is mortal and, as you yourself see, burns in the fire, but the soul, being immortal, despises these visible torments.” Saint Valentine, interrogated by the same hegemons, also revealed his full readiness endure all torment for Christ. They were both sentenced to be beheaded with the sword. When the tormentor's servants led them out of the city to death, Pasikrates' mother followed them, who admonished him to go to death fearlessly, fearing for him, so that he would not be afraid, for he was very young. The heads of the holy martyrs were beheaded. Saint Pasicrates was twenty-two years old, and Valentine was thirty. The mother received their bodies with joy and joy, and buried them with honor, glorifying Christ God.

    Saint Valentine in Orthodoxy is a model of meekness and unsurpassed courage.

    As a true Christian, she defends her faith, completely surrendering herself into the hands of the merciful Lord. And now Saint Valentine provides assistance to everyone who is persecuted for their faith.

    The name saint is derived from the Latin word (valeo) and means strong and healthy.

    Holy Martyr Valentine - Pious Christian

    An ordinary girl, originally from Egypt, deeply believed in the true God and prayed earnestly. She considered herself a follower of Christ.

    During the persecution of Christians, she was mercilessly tortured. Refusing to worship the pagan gods, she boldly came to Firmilian for trial. He ordered the girl to be beaten in the ribs and tortured, after which she was executed.

    Today, when the church honors the memory of the saint, we understand that she remains a shining example of piety and courage for everyone.

    Valentine's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

    Three times a year, women with this name celebrate this holiday. Name day is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name was given to a person at Baptism.

    According to the church calendar, they fall on certain days:

    • February 23 and July 23 – martyr Valentina of Caesarea (Palestinian), virgin;
    • June 17 – Blessed Valentina Minskaya (Sulkovskaya).

    Note: Name days should not be confused with Angel's Day, which is celebrated on the day of a person's Baptism, and name days fall on the day of remembrance of a saint.

    Icon of Saint Valentine of Caesarea (Palestine)

    In the image of the Holy Martyr Valentine of Caesarea, she is depicted with a cross in her right hand, holding Holy Bible, red robe, head uncovered.

    The second image that exists shows us St. Valentine in a blue robe, with a blue veil on her head, in her right hand - a cross, the Saint is turned to the left, from where the Finger of God is rubbed from heaven, blessing the martyr.

    Girls bearing the name Alevtina also consider St. Valentine of Caesarea. There is also an icon of the holy martyr indicating the name Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea.

    This is the same saint. The martyr is depicted in a red robe, a blue veil on her head, and in her right hand there is still a cross, the main symbol of the Christian faith.

    To St. They rush to the martyr Valentina when there is a need for help with domestic difficulties. A prayer said sincerely will certainly bring recovery and guidance.

    An icon (no matter which one) of the holy martyr Valentine should be in the home iconostasis, especially if the girl bears her name, but with heartfelt prayer you can appeal to the intercessor always and everywhere, in any setting.

    Brief Life of the Holy Martyr Valentina

    Caesarea - in ancient times was one of the most beautiful and large cities on the Mediterranean coast. Currently, only ruins remain in this area. The Holy Great Martyr Valentina was a native of this city.

    The events took place during the reign of Maximian. At that distant time, many worshiped idols. St. Valentine was not one of these people; she believed in God, lived modestly, righteously and pleasing to God.

    She was put on trial for disrespecting the pagan gods. The trial was carried out by Firmilian. He ordered her to make a sacrifice to idols, for which the girl was taken to a pagan temple. Instead of carrying out the order and performing the ritual of sacrifice, Valentina boldly threw a stone on the altar and turned her back to it.

    This behavior caused a fit of rage in Firmilian, and he pronounced a cruel sentence. First he ordered her to be savagely beaten, and then executed by beheading. She was beaten for a long time and severely, breaking her ribs, but she prayed to God. My martyrdom The saint accepted in 308.


    On the days of veneration of the saint, you need to come to church, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, light candles to the image and make your request. We need to pray to the holy saint with faith in the power of her intercession for us before God.

    According to the church calendar, Valentine's name day is usually celebrated on the twenty-third of February. This day is the day of remembrance of the pious martyr, who was executed without abandoning her Christian beliefs. The name Valentina is a pair name. male name Valentin, which comes from the Latin word “valens” - strong, healthy. Church uniform— Valentine.

    Etymology of the name

    It would be useful for those who bear this name to find out the life story of the patroness of the name. One of them says that the martyr Valentina lived at the end of the third century AD. Unfortunately, only the story of her death has survived to this day. At that time, the lands of Palestine were ruled by Firmilian, who hated everyone who professed Christianity or at least somehow supported its ideology.

    Together with the martyr Valentina, two more Christian women were brought to the ruler Firmilian - Hennatha from Gaza and Paula from the Caesarea region. Valentine refused to worship pagan idols, and when she was taken to the sanctuary of the polytheists to make a sacrifice to their gods, she desecrated the place of sacrifice when she threw a stone and turned her back to it. This infuriated the ruler and he ordered the soldiers to brutally beat her. After much torture, the women's heads were cut off.

    As previously mentioned, female name Valentina comes from the male. Martyrs with that name stood up for their beliefs to the death. One of these Christians was Saint Valentine of Dorostol, who was executed in 288 AD. A thirty-year-old warrior from the army of the ruler of Absalone, he was not afraid to openly profess Christianity, for which he was martyred.

    The influence of a name on the fate and character of the owner

    Girls were named after Valentin, wishing the child good health and strength. It is no secret that in ancient times almost half of children did not live to reach adolescence. And the power of mother's faith with God's help really endowed the bearers of this name good health and unbending spirit.

    As a rule, Valentinas are wonderful housewives, caring wives and mothers. Their desire to create comfort is visible in their ability to cook well and create a warm atmosphere in the house. Valentinas love to knit, sew, embroider, successfully using their skills in everyday life.

    At a young age, Valentin has many admirers, but after getting married, they remain faithful to their spouse. As in family life, in their work they are very responsible and careful, do not tolerate fuss and hasty decisions. Often, Valentines occupy high positions.

    The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

    Christianity was brought to the territory of Rus' by monastic saints from Greece. Thanks to them, the name Valentina, which was initially adopted with monasticism, spread. And since in modern Greek the name Valentina sounded like “Aulendina,” this gave rise to a new name.

    Over time, girls began to be given the name Alevtina not with acceptance of monasticism, but during the baptismal rite. Before the revolution in Russia, the name Alevtin was even more common than the original one. Therefore, Valentine's name day Orthodox calendar celebrated several times a year. In the middle of summer the memory of the Great Martyrs Alevtina and Khionia is honored, and in the second winter month Christians celebrate the day of the angel of Valentine of Caesarea.

    Valentina's name day dates in 2018

    Valentine's name day is celebrated three times a year:

    • January 8. This month, the Great Martyr Valentine was canonized, so name days are celebrated by Valentines born between July 30 and January 8;
    • February 23. Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Valentina of Caesarea;
    • July 29. Name day Valentine, whose patroness is the martyr Valentina (Alevtina).

    And if three days are allotted for name days, then the day of the angel according to the church calendar is celebrated only once a year.

    Congratulations on your name day

    Women named Valentina are undemanding. They will be happy with any gift and congratulations, especially since these days they don’t often remember such a holiday, let alone congratulate and celebrate. It is not the value of the gift that is important to Valentina, but the sincerity and warmth of your attention to her.

    Girls by name are distinguished by their sincere and friendly character; women are endowed with cordiality and hospitality by the name form. If you have to visit a name day that is celebrated by , you won’t be bored, because the cheerful Valyusha is capable of throwing a grand celebration for her guests.

    The name form belongs to the category of paired names that correspond to both women and men. The translation of the same root “valens” of the two forms of the word is associated with the epithets healthy, strong, even powerful. By calling their children a feminine or masculine form of their name, parents wished the boy good health and the girl to be tenacious to life, since in pre-Christian times there was a high mortality rate among infants.

    According to Scandinavian legend, the son of the god Odin was named Vali; he was predicted to have the opportunity to survive the moment of the end of the world and see the beginning of a new world. With the birth of Christianity, the ranks of saints were replenished with female martyrs, whose name days are celebrated on such days:

    • January 8 became the day of the martyr Valentina and Ufa Bishop Andrei;
    • February 23 is the day of the martyr of the beautiful Valentina of Caesarea;
    • On July 29, they commemorate the martyr Valentina, who was also called Alevtina.

    How to celebrate Valentina’s name day: you should choose the day of veneration of that holy martyr that is closest to Valyusha’s birthday. They don’t give particularly expensive gifts on Angel’s Day; the main gift for a name day will be attention.

    Characteristics of the birthday girl

    • Valyusha grows up as a kind and sympathetic child, she worries about people in trouble, takes pity on homeless animals, bringing them home. The girl is lively and obedient, but takes herself too seriously. Valechka's character is not without a quick temper, but short moments of anger are replaced by sincere regret.
    • Adult Valentina’s dreams are not at all about career growth, but about creating a strong family; the girl longs to start raising children. When getting married, serious Valyusha carefully selects a worthy candidate capable of sincerity of feelings. Having got married, a balanced bearer becomes an excellent mother for her children, a hospitable hostess.
    • Despite all the positive character traits, the peace-loving Valyusha has one negative quality - gambling. Therefore, bearers should not engage in gambling; painfully experiencing defeat, the owner of the name is determined to take revenge.

    When communicating with Valya, you should take into account that she does not understand humor well, reacting sharply to a joke addressed to her. In addition, the lady, who is scrupulous in nature, is suspicious of monetary payments and encroachments on her rights.

    What is known about the patron saints

    On the name day according to the church calendar, they ask Saint Valentine for God's mercy and grace, expect forgiveness, strengthening the principles of faith, and a pious life in love. Christians hold the holy martyr in great veneration; they turn to her for deliverance from false prophets, protection from adherents of false teachings and temptations, and ask for purity of thoughts.

    The main dates when Valentines should celebrate their name day are February 23 and July 29. If you are planning to name your daughter Valentina, find out more about her patron saints.

    Who were the holy virgin martyrs

    Memory of Valentine of Caesarea

    The brave maiden was born near the city of Caesarea, located in Palestine. The future saint led a righteous lifestyle, helping the suffering, like a good Christian. After being denounced about her adherence to the pagan gods, the brave maiden had to appear before the court of the provincial procurator Firmilian. The official told the young Christian woman to renounce her faith in favor of paganism, which she did not do.

    Then the martyr, who was not only beautiful externally, but also internally, was beheaded. Over time, the girl who gave her life for her faith was elevated to the rank of saint, given the name of Valentina of Caesarea, whose name day is celebrated on February 28 according to the church calendar.

    Holy Martyr Sisters and Paul

    Sisters Valentina and Chionia, who came from Egypt, also suffered a martyr's fate. During the reign of Maximilian, who persecuted Christians, the sisters, along with Paul, were brought to the emperor's trial. Pious Christians refused to bow to Palestinian idols; the martyrs were firmly convinced that the Lord would open the way to the Kingdom of Heaven for them for their suffering.

    After martyrdom by order of the ruler, the Christian sisters were burned at the stake, and Paul was beheaded. St. Valentine's name day, as indicated in the church calendar, is celebrated on July 29.

    The most noticeable mark in the history of modern society was left by Valentina Tereshekova, who became the first female cosmonaut in 1963. The courageous bearer of a worthy name aboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft made 48 revolutions around the planet.

    History of male Orthodox saints

    Since the female name form comes from the male name Valentin, one cannot help but recall the saints of the same name who fought for the principles of the Christian faith.

    • According to the Church calendar, the Day of the Angel of Valentin Dorostolsky is celebrated on May 7. A 30-year-old warrior from the city of Dorostol suffered for the faith of Christ during the time of terrible persecution of Christians.
    • August 12 is marked in the church calendar as the day of remembrance of the Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamno. The saint is revered as the patron saint of pharmacists.
    • The Hieromartyr Valentine, nicknamed the Roman, had the opportunity to suffer for his faith during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. The saint is commemorated on July 19.

    Some people believe that Valentines can celebrate their name day on February 14th. The date is recognized as World Valentine's Day thanks to the romantic legend of St. Valentine, who united the destinies of loving hearts. However, there is no such holiday in the Orthodox and Catholic church calendars, so this date cannot be considered Valentine’s Angel Day.

    On Valentina’s bright name day, when according to the church calendar she celebrates Angel Day, send her an SMS with warm wishes for peace and warmth in her soul, luck in everything and family happiness.

    What you remember about Valechka’s Angel Day will be the best gift for her on her name day. For your beloved woman, you can prepare jewelry with pearls, it is considered a talisman for the name, and also add a modest bouquet of forget-me-nots. When choosing a gift for Angel Day, do not forget that blue-green is considered a magical color for Valechka.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

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