Our multinational state synopsis orxe. Methodological development of an orcse lesson on the topic “Russia is our homeland.” module "fundamentals of Orthodox culture". What can be passed on through tradition?


"Our multinational state"

Course “Fundamentals of religious cultures of the peoples of Russia and secular ethics.”

Prepared by:

Sherstneva E.Yu.

primary school teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 9

g.o. Chapaevsk

The purpose of the lesson: formation of ideas about Russia as a multinational country.


    introduce children to different nationalities, traditions, languages, and cultures of the peoples of Russia.

    promote the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students, independent search activities

    instill respect for culture and traditions different nations, as well as to the values ​​of friendship

    promote the development of tolerance and correctness in communicating with others, encourage students to become kinder and more attentive to each other;

    to promote in students a sense of patriotism, respect for the history and traditions of our Motherland.

Progress of the event:

Clip about Russia (Spanish by Zykina)

There is no more beautiful land in the world,

There is no homeland in the brighter world!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

What could be dearer to the heart?

And if we were suddenly asked:

“Why is the country dear to you?”

Yes, because Russia is for all of us,

Like a dear mother, alone!

The children once asked their father:

Are all Russians in Russia?

How can I tell you kids?

Here are the neighbors - the Chuvash,

Kum is half Jewish

Uncle is a nice Armenian,

Great-grandfather of godmother Nina

The topic of customs and traditions of the Russian people, like any people inhabiting the Earth, is unusually broad and multifaceted.

Every folk holiday in Russia it is accompanied by rituals and songs. An integral part of Russian national culture was dance, which was also called dance. Women's round dances and men's squat dances are known. They danced during the holidays, often accompanied by a balalaika or accordion.

There are several types of holidays: family, religious, calendar, state.

Family holidays are: birthdays, weddings, housewarmings. On days like these, the whole family gets together.

Calendar or public holidays- This New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, World Spring and Labor Day, Victory Day, Children's Day, Russian Independence Day and others.

Religious holidays - Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Maslenitsa and others.

For many centuries, the Russian people have created a unique culture of folk arts and crafts. Russian folk crafts - Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo painting, Gorodets painting, Mezen wood painting, making and decorating household utensils: dishes, samovar, boxes, toys (Russian toys).

Dishes such as porridge, cabbage soup, dumplings, pancakes, pies, kvass, okroshka, rye bread and others are traditionally associated with Russian cuisine.

SONG "Khokhloma" There is a clip on the screen

Khokhloma, Volga reach,

The expanse of fields, the weeping of birches.

It's you, my Motherland,

It's you, Russia.

Domes, sky high.

Our life is for you.

It is you, my Motherland.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world.

Cranes, poplars

Bread and salt, the face of the Kremlin

It's you, my Motherland

It's you, Russia

Children's laughter and dancing.

The kindness of blue eyes.

It is you, my Motherland.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world.

Russia, Russia - you are my star

Russia, Russia - you are my destiny

Russia, Russia - I will repeat again

Russia, Russia - you are my love!

A Tatar melody sounds.


Tatars are a Turkic people living in central regions the European part of Russia, in the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Far East.

Children come out to the song “I am a Tatar” and perform the song.

I wish I could live and live without sorrows and worries
But it doesn't always happen like that
Wear a white suit all year round
Everyone dreams about it

As a Tatar, I can handle everything,

To me - uphill or downhill:

I hang out with the boys all the time,

And there are no disputes between us!..

I am a Tatar, I am a Tatar, a simple man
outwardly I am a respectable guy with a Russian soul
The rest doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you honestly
And I value my origin very much

A Mari melody sounds.

The Mari are a talented people. They take care of the old and reach for the new. Many famous poets and composers, artists and musicians were born on Mari land. Mari songs and dances decorate any holiday.


Russian region, how great you are!

From border to border

And a fast train straight ahead

It won’t finish in a week!

Nations are like one family,

Although their language is different.

All are daughters and sons

Your beautiful country.

Friendship of peoples is an endless space,

Peace and harmony, girls' choir,

The sonorous song of a young shepherd,

Garden, grapes near the family's house.

Presenter 2

Who are you talking about now...?

Presenter 1

About Tajiks


Tajiks are a very ancient nation. Consequently, the culture of this people is truly original and goes back to ancient times.

To this day, Tajiks (especially in villages) wear national clothes: men wear embroidered robes and skullcaps, and women wear colorful embroidered dresses with pants; a scarf is required on their heads, and many girls still braid 40 braids.


Friendship of peoples is not just words,

The friendship of peoples is forever alive.

Friendship of peoples - happy children,

Friendship of peoples all over the world.

Russians, Tatars, Adygeis and Armenians,

We are black, and blond, and dark, and white.

In Russia - on our native land,

We all live as a big and friendly family.


Russians and Ukrainians, Gypsies, Kabardians.!

We live very friendly, we dance and sing together,

We help each other, and we will not quarrel,

We stand up for our friends, together we get things done!


After all, when peoples are friends, this is happiness for the country,

So let's have fun, sing songs and dance,

We will also invite good friends to visit!

A gypsy melody sounds.


One gypsy legend says that God loved the gypsies so much for their fun and talent that he did not tie them to pieces of land, like other peoples, but gave them the whole world to live in. Therefore, gypsies can be found on all continents except Antarctica.

Many people associate the word “Gypsies” with such concepts as freedom and liberty. In fact, quite strict morals reign in a gypsy family.

Mostly Russian gypsies and Ukrainian gypsies live in Russia.

Among the gypsies, mostly all are Orthodox Christians, but there may also be Muslims and Catholics.

They decorate their homes with carpets, stucco, and love expensive dishes.

There is always a lot of food prepared - you never know who will stop by. A gypsy woman will never let a person leave the house without giving him tea. By the way, tea is brewed strongly by adding slices of lemon and apple.

A gypsy melody sounds and children perform a dance.


Each nation has a rich culture, multiple customs and colorful folklore. National culture, like memory, distinguishes each nation from others, allows you to feel a genuine connection between times and generations, and makes it possible to receive vital support and spiritual support. Perhaps nothing characterizes a people so clearly as the holidays that they love and celebrate. The holidays, like a mirror, reflect the character, culture and identity of each nation.

An Uzbek melody sounds.

Two students come out.

1 student:

The traditions and customs of the Uzbek people have developed over centuries. They are very original, bright and diverse, dating back to different eras and religions. For centuries, the traditions and customs of the Uzbek people remained almost unchanged, despite the desire of numerous invaders to impose an alien foreign culture.

2 student

The age-old customs and traditions of the Uzbeks are carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. Like many Asian peoples, most Uzbek holiday customs are associated with the main family celebrations: the birth of a child and a wedding. Many ceremonies and rituals are associated with these events; parents, children, brothers, sisters, close and distant relatives, and even neighbors and guests are involved - each has their own role. Uzbek traditions are based on hospitality, respect for elders, and observance of the norms of the Koran.

Singing a song about mom in Uzbek.

It sounds like “Lezginka”. Children perform a dance.

Against the background of an Azerbaijani melody, the child talks about the people of Azerbaijan.

The national culture of Azerbaijan goes back centuries. It has absorbed the best traditions of East and West.

National traditions accompany Azerbaijanis from the moment of birth and throughout their lives: matchmaking, birth of children, holidays, harvesting and much more. In addition, many traditions of Azerbaijan are embodied in their culture, folk beliefs, national clothing, folk festivals and entertainment.

One of the interesting folk traditions of Azerbaijanis is the celebration of Novruz. Novruz is the holiday of spring, the beginning of the new year. On this day, especially many ceremonies and rituals are performed.

The hospitality of Azerbaijanis is widely known. They know how to receive a guest with truly Caucasian cordiality and scope. Refusal of an invitation to visit can be regarded as a personal insult.

To the accompaniment of an Azerbaijani melody, we treat our guests to baklava.


Let's hold hands, stand in a circle,

Every man is a friend to man,

We will live in peace and friendship,

And cherish our strong friendship!



If we're together,

If there is harmony in the house,

There will be our Motherland

A real treasure.

Treasure of love, harmony,

Thoughts and ideas.

And it won't get any better

My homeland!


beloved homeland,

The one that is better,

Friendship is our strength,

Here's our advice!


We, Russians, belonging to different social groups, nationalities and religions, – united people with a common historical destiny and a common future.

We are all citizens of one country - Russia. Let's connect its parts on our layout, and let our friendship be just as strong and indivisible.

Assembling the “Russia” puzzle on a Whatman paper wall with a picture of the Russian Federation. Children bring together 6 districts, “settle” the peoples of Russia


The Russian Federation before us is the unity and diversity of the peoples of the country.

You and I are one friendly family, regardless of nationality. We are friends regardless of religious affiliation. Let's write our wishes to other children on the symbols of friendship, so that, just like us, they will be friends, love, be tolerant and respectful towards each other. And we will symbolically send them to the children of the entire planet.

Writing wishes (on pre-prepared emblems depicting flowers, butterflies, doves) to the children of the Earth and placing them on the Friendship map.


See how our planet has blossomed from your warm and friendly wishes. How beautiful she has become! Take care of her! And the Almighty protects us!

Song “My Russia has long braids” There is a clip on the screen.

My Russia has long braids,
My Russia has light eyelashes,
My Russia has blue eyes,
Russia, you are very similar to me.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing,
Showers are pouring over Russia,
There's a colorful rainbow in the sky -
There is no more beautiful land.

For me, Russia is white birches,
For me, Russia is morning dew.
For me, Russia, you are the most precious thing,
How much you look like my mother.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing,
Showers are pouring over Russia,
There's a colorful rainbow in the sky -
There is no more beautiful land.
You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,
You, my Russia, can sing songs.
You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,
After all, our Russia is me and my friends.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing,
Showers are pouring over Russia,
There's a colorful rainbow in the sky -
There is no more beautiful land.


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The lesson is devoted to such goals as: developing in children the image of their native country, as the Motherland, as a multinational state, huge in its territory, rich in natural resources, folk traditions, history, great people; instilling in children joy and pride in the fact that we were born and live in Russia; the desire to become heirs to the glorious traditions of Russian history; development of students' communication skills and speech.

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"Lesson Topic"

Lesson topic: Russia is our Motherland

The purpose of the lesson:

Creating conditions for the formation of moral values ​​(love for the Motherland, one’s land, one’s people, a sense of personal responsibility for the Fatherland), the student’s civic position, the desire to know the historical past of his country, his city.

Lesson objectives:

Formation in children of the image of their native country, as the Motherland, as a multinational state, huge in its territory, rich in natural resources, folk traditions, history, great people;

Instilling in children joy and pride in the fact that we were born and live in Russia; desire to become heirs to the glorious traditions of Russian history.

Development of students' communication skills and speech;

Uniting the children's team.

Basic terms and concepts

Russia, Fatherland, Motherland, patriot, state symbols, cultural traditions.

    Org. moment.

Slide 1.

You will find out what we are going to talk about today when you guess the key word of the lesson.

Task: Using the first letters of the answers, add up the key word.

What will be the topic of today's lesson?

Today we will talk about the Motherland.

    Guys, look at the map and compare our country in size with other countries. Which country occupies the largest area?

Our Motherland is great. If you get on a plane and fly over the territory of our country, you can see snow-white layers of ice and sultry deserts, free steppes and cold tundra, high mountains and mighty rivers, forests.

Our country is very beautiful and rich.


Try to imagine what we call Motherland?

Video demonstration.

3.Working with terms

Motherland! Everyone knows this word from childhood. Homeland is the place where you were born, where you live with your parents, with your friends.

    Find synonyms for this word (Fatherland, Fatherland)

    Why do we call our country Fatherland, Motherland?

    Where did the word "homeland" come from?

The word “homeland” comes from the ancient word “clan”, which means a group of people united by blood.

What words with the same root can you give to the word “homeland”?

Parents are the father and mother who give birth to children.

Relatives are relatives.

Pedigree - a list of generations of one family. People are proud of their ancestry and study it.

Slide 5. ".

- Where does the Motherland begin?

In a big country, every person has his own small corner - a house, a street, a city where he was born. This is his little homeland. And our common, great Motherland consists of many such small corners.

3) Parable (The story of the boy Lee)

Once upon a time there lived a boy in one eastern kingdom-state in a small town. His name was Lee. Before he could grow up, his country was attacked by enemies. A then, in the old days, not only adults, but also children fought. And so all the men and boys of the town began to gather for war. Only the boy Lee is not going to. "Why aren't you coming with us?" - the governor asked him. “Why should I go somewhere? After all, my homeland is here, in my small town.”

And everyone went to war without Lee. Several weeks have passed. Enemies arrived in the town. Their leader was old and wise. He ordered Lee to be arrested. The boy was brought to him.

    I defeated your army, but you were not there. Why? - he asked.

    Because my homeland is my town,” Lee replied.

    I will destroy your town and you will have no homeland.

    Don’t do this: I’ll have nowhere to go,” Lee pleaded.

    “I feel sorry for you,” said the leader, because your homeland is too small and there is no big homeland.

In the end, people like you have no homeland left.

Questions about the text.

    What does it mean “the homeland is too small and there is no big homeland”?

    What was boy Li's mistake?

    What is a big Motherland?

    What is the Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland? (Students' answers)

    Our Motherland is forests, fields, seas and rivers.

    This is the land on which our ancestors lived and worked.

    The land that our ancestors defended from enemies.

    The homeland is our region, city, village.

    The homeland is the place where people close and dear to us live: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather.

    This is where our school stands.

    This is the place that people miss when they are in a distant land, in a foreign country. side.

4) Symbols of our Motherland.

Each country has three required symbols. Using them you can find out which country we're talking about. Name them.

Coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Exercise. Determine under what number the coat of arms of Russia is located. By what signs did you determine this?

The state emblem of Russia is a quadrangular red heraldic shield with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, with a golden double-headed eagle raising its spreading wings upward. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and above them - one large crown, connected by a ribbon. In the eagle's right paw is a scepter, in the left is an orb. On the eagle’s chest is a silver rider in a cloak on a horse, striking a serpent overturned with a spear.

Slide 8.

Guess what symbol I'm going to talk about next?

White color - birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe-

Sunny dawn.

About the flag.

Guys, what are the colors of the Russian flag?

What do the colors of the Russian flag mean?

The national flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular panel with horizontal stripes: the top stripe is white, the middle stripe is azure and the bottom stripe is scarlet.

Meaning of colors Russian flag

    White color means peace, perfection;

    blue - the color of faith and fidelity, constancy;

    Red color symbolizes energy, strength.

Guys, why is there a different attitude towards Moscow? (Students' answers).

Slide 9.

We have a reverent attitude towards Moscow because Moscow is the capital of our vast Motherland.

Slide 10.

There is another symbol of the state - the anthem.

Remember and tell me when it is performed.

Text - S. Mikhalkov, music - Georgy Alexandrov

5) The multinationality of our Motherland.

Different peoples have lived in Russia for a long time.

Some like the taiga, others like the expanse of the steppe.

Each nation has its own language and dress.

One wears a Circassian coat, the other put on a robe.

One is a fisherman from birth, the other is a reindeer herder.

One prepares kumiss, the other prepares honey.

To some, autumn is dearer, to others, spring is dearer.

And we all have one Motherland, Russia.

Our Russia is great! It is inhabited by more than 180 nationalities. Russia is a single multinational state. Many peoples live in our country: Russians, Tatars, Mordovians, Chechens, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Ingush and other peoples - they all make up one friendly family. All of them united into one large state - Russia, or the Russian Federation.

What unites us?

Slide 12. Student answers.

UnitedHomeland. This common land. General history. General laws. Mutual language.

What else? The main thing that makes the people of our country not just neighbors on this land, but a single family is traditions and values.

- How do you understand what traditions are? Let's turn to explanatory dictionary.

Tradition- (from Lat. pepper) - that which has great importance for a person, but not created by him, but received from his predecessors and will subsequently be passed on to younger generations.

What can be passed on through tradition?

Slide 14.

Behavior rules

Knowledge and skills


Ideas Values

What are the traditions?

Family traditions unite the family.

Russian traditions (national) unite the Russian people. Interethnic traditions unite peoples.

Spiritual traditions determine the values ​​of a person, family, people, and Russia.

All traditions unite Russia.

Value- this is something that is especially significant for each person and for society as a whole. There are material and spiritual values.

Slide 17-18

Material - jewelry,



they are visible, tangible, they can be bought, they are transitory.

Spiritual values ​​- family, Fatherland, God, faith, love, freedom, justice, mercy, honor, dignity, education and work, beauty. They are invisible, they are eternal.

Based on his ideas about values, a person evaluates the world around him and chooses his actions.

How do spiritual values ​​influence a person’s views and actions and how do they influence material values?

Slide 20-21

What values ​​make a person measure everything with money?

Slide 22.

Values ​​live in spiritual traditions. Outside of tradition, they die, like a plant that is pulled out of the soil. Spiritual traditions allow a person to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad, useful and harmful.

Spiritual traditions are traditions associated with religion.

Slide 24.

Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which includes the daily routine, customs, habits of the inhabitants, which are passed on from generation to generation,

Which family traditions You know?

Discussion over dinner about the events of the past day, summer travel by car to the sea, sharing meals, discussing plans, Children's drawings, reading books to kids at night, daddy's fairy tales, family birthday, celebrating Easter, New Year's tradition - homemade toys, culinary traditions - various preparations for the winter, mushroom picking, fishing, singing songs, summer with grandma, skating rink on the river, growing indoor plants, family dynasty is all family traditions.

Are these traditions important for the family?

Slide 26-28

A family with traditions means a feeling of safety and complete security. Only at home, surrounded by loved ones, can a person for real relax, unwind...

In close-knit families with strong traditions, people get sick less often and live longer.

Family is based on tradition. They are the key to family happiness. And if you don’t follow traditions, push them away, mock them, the family will collapse.

What do these sayings say?

In the kennel - not in the sheepfold: every flock barks in its own way.

They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.

Every bird has its own habits.

They don’t indicate in someone else’s house.

Every family has its own traditions

Slide 30.

What do these sayings say?

Hold on to each other - don’t be afraid of anything.

The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary.

Family is my seven selves.

Our lesson is coming to an end, let's summarize. Today you learned new concepts. Let's remember them and what they mean.

Material world- things, objects, natural phenomena among which a person lives.

Spiritual world -this is knowledge, works of art, relationships between people, attitudes towards the world. This world is also called the world of culture.

Cultural traditions- religious cultures, moral norms.

What eternal values ​​are cultural traditions based on?

Goodness, honor, justice, mercy


Continue the sentence.

Turns out...

The most unexpected thing for me was...

Most of all I...

They call them Russians...

Homework. ...

Complete the task you like:

    Choose a poem about the Motherland

    Russia has official symbols: coat of arms, flag, anthem. Discuss with your parents what else could be a symbol of our great Motherland? ( natural object, city, person, object, structure, plant, animal, etc.). Draw such a symbol of Russia and briefly explain your choice (in writing). Please submit your work on landscape paper (A4 format). You don’t have to draw, but choose an illustration; the work can be designed on a computer; ask your older brothers and sisters and parents for help.

    Find out what the coat of arms of your region, district, school looks like. Write down what it symbolizes.

    Consult with your parents and name a few traditions accepted in your family.

View presentation content
“Lesson 1 (4th grade). Russia is our Motherland"

Guess the key word of the lesson

Berries are not sweetness

But it’s a joy to the eye,

And decoration for the gardens,

And a treat for the blackbirds.

He's not fragile at all

And hid in a shell,

Look into the middle -

You will see the core

Of all the fruits it is the hardest,

It's called...

Koloboks hanging on a branch,

The ruddy barrels shine.

Though thorny, but not a Christmas tree,

Lengthen its needles,

And the bark is thin and red,

That beauty...

What a crybaby forever

Settled by the pond.

It bathes its branches in it,

Who knows this tree?

Dark blue fruits

You will find out on the branches.

Their pulp tastes juicy,

And the color is green.


- our


Where does the word "homeland" come from?

genus ateliers

genus nya

genus conditional

A river begins with a stream...



Image from the site http://assets1.lookatme.ru/

Coat of arms of Russia

Flag of Russia










Moscow is Red Square.

Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin.

Moscow is the heart of Russia,

Who loves you.

1. Russia is our sacred power, Russia is our beloved country. Mighty will, great glory - Your treasure for all time! Chorus: Hail, our Fatherland is free, An age-old union of fraternal peoples, This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors! Hail, country! We are proud of you!

2.From the southern seas to the polar edge Our forests and fields are spread out. You are the only one in the world! You're the only one - Preserved by God motherland! Chorus:

3. Wide scope for dreams and for life The years to come reveal to us. Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength. So it was, so it is and so it will always be! Chorus:

Hymn Russia

Music - Georgiy Alexandrov, new text - Sergei Mikhalkov

United Motherland

Images from sites: http://www.samoffar.ru/, http://www.artshop-rus.com/, http://upload.wikimedia.org/, http://www.matsvet.ru/

What unites us

common land

general history

general laws

mutual language

What else?



receive as a gift

(inherit, follow)



Image from http://a-merchant.com/

What can be passed on through tradition?

That which does not have a visible image, but is recognized and felt through actions:

Behavior rules

Knowledge and skills




Family traditions unite family .

Russians traditions (national) unite Russian people .

Interethnic traditions unite peoples .

All traditions unite Russia .

Spiritual traditions

determine values

person, families , people , Russia .

Value – this is something that is especially significant for each person and for society as a whole.

There are values material And spiritual .

Material values









TV …...

they are visible

they are perceptible

you can buy them

they are transitory

Image from the site http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/

Spiritual values








they are invisible




they are felt




they are given as a gift



they are eternal





A person's value system is foundation his relationship to the world.

Based on his ideas about values, a person

evaluates the world around him

chooses his actions

For example, if beauty is important to a person, then he sees it everywhere: in the world around him, in people...

and tries to create beauty around.

How do spiritual values ​​influence a person’s views and actions and how do they influence material values?

Image from http://open.az/

What values ​​are brought up careful attitude to the world?

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What values ​​make a person measure everything with money?

Eternal values live in spiritual traditions. Outside of traditions they perish.


Spiritual traditions lose meaning in a person’s life

Values ​​in a spiritless environment.

Images from sites: http://cms.taxi-bistro.ru/, http://sam.kg/

Values ​​thrive in spiritual traditions

Spiritual traditions - These are traditions associated with religion.

For example, Orthodox traditions ii:

Going to church every Sunday

Prayer before classes

Easter concert in a nursing home

Bell ringers competition

Collecting Christmas gifts for an orphanage


What other spiritual traditions are you aware of?

Family traditions- this is the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which includes the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants, which are passed on from generation to generation.

Discussion over dinner about the events of the past day, summer travel by car to the sea , shared meals , discussion of plans , Children's drawings, Reading books to kids at night , daddy's tales , Family birthday , Easter celebration ; New Year's tradition - homemade toys, culinary traditions - various preparations for the winter , mushroom picking , fishing , singing songs , summer at grandma's, skating rink on the river , growing indoor plants, family dynasty these are all family traditions .

In close-knit families with strong traditions, people get sick less often and live longer.

Image from the site http://shkolazhizni.ru/

Family is based on tradition. They are the key to family happiness. And if you don’t follow traditions, push them away, mock them, the family will collapse.

Image from the site http://darlina.f5.ru/

What do these sayings say?

In the kennel - not in the sheepfold: every flock barks in its own way.

They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.

Every bird has its own habits.

They don’t indicate in someone else’s house.

That every family has its own traditions and customs.

Every family has its own traditions.

What do these sayings say?

Hold on to each other - don’t be afraid of anything.

The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary.

About how traditions unite.

Family is my seven selves.

Family traditions unite and protect people.

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Russia is a multinational power. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics 4th grade UMK " Primary School XXI century"N. F. VinogradovaV. I. VlasenkoA. V. Polyakov Derzhava (Old Slavic djerzha - power) - a symbol of the state power of the monarch, which was a golden ball with a crown or cross. Historically, the orb was the insignia of the emperors of the Roman Empire, depicting Earth and symbolizing power over the world. The power moved to Russia from Poland, where it was called jabłko (“apple”) and in the old days bore the names: “apple of the Tsar’s rank”; in Russia it was called the sovereign apple, all-powerful or autocratic and simply apple, also the power of the Russian kingdom. The orb (or sovereign apple) in the Russian Christian tradition symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven and, often in medieval painting and iconography, Jesus Christ or God the Father was usually depicted with an orb. Jesus Christ in the iconography “Savior of the world” (Salvator mundi) holds a power that symbolizes the globe under his rule (the outlines of the continents are visible) POWER, powers, female1. Independent state, having an impact in international affairs(political official). Great powers. Small powers.2. Government, dominion (poet.). “Of course, king, your power is strong.” Pushkin.3. A golden ball with a cross at the top, which served as an emblem of the power of the monarch (source).4. A device for holding something, e.g. metal during processing (special). Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940. Let's discuss it together. Let's remember the Russian anthem. Russia is our sacred power! Russia is our beloved country! Mighty will, great glory -Your property for all times. Glory, our free Fatherland - An age-old union of fraternal peoples. This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors. Glory, country! We are proud of you! From the southern seas to the polar region, our forests and fields stretch. You are alone in the world! You are the only one! God-protected native land. Hail, our free Fatherland - An age-old union of fraternal peoples. People's wisdom given by our ancestors. Hail, country! We are proud of you! Wide scope for dreams and for life, The coming years open up for us. Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength. So it was, so it is and so it will always be! Hail, our free Fatherland - An age-old union of fraternal peoples. The people's wisdom given by our ancestors. Hail, country! We are proud of you! Work from the textbook pp. 7 - 8 June 12 December 12 Day of Russia Constitution Day of the Russian Federation How it all began. Ancient Rus'. The Old Russian state arose in Eastern Europe in the last quarter of the 9th century. as a result of the unification of the two main centers of the Eastern Slavs - Kyiv and Novgorod At the head of the Old Russian state, also known as Kievan Rus , Ancient Rus', there was the Rurik dynasty, the foundation of which was laid by the legendary Varangian - Rurik. The history of the Rurik dynasty is full of great achievements, fascinating and instructive episodes, offensive mistakes, strange secrets and riddles, the solution of which scientists have been struggling for several centuries. The Polyans lived in the forest-steppe along the middle reaches of the Dnieper. At the mouth of the Desna River lived the northerners (Chernigov). To the west of the glades on the right bank of the Dnieper are the Drevlyans. Between the Pripyat and Western Dvina rivers, the Dregovichi settled (from the word “dryagva” - swamp), who along the Western Dvina were adjacent to the Polotsk people (from the Polota River, a tributary of the Western Dvina). To the south of the Bug River were the Buzhans and Volynians. The area between the Prut and Dnieper rivers was inhabited by the Ulichi. Between the Dniester and the Southern Bug lived the Tivertsy people. The Vyatichi were located along the Oka River; to the west of them lived the Krivichi. The Ilmen Slovenes lived around Lake Ilmen. Map on page 12 of the textbook. The Eastern Slavs cultivated the land, were engaged in hunting, fishing, beekeeping and trade, and began to master crafts. The Slavs lived in small villages. Several villages of a clan or tribe made up a volost ruled by princes. They built fortified towns where the princes themselves, their squads, as well as merchants and artisans lived. Over time, expanding, the towns turned into relatively large cities, such as Ladoga on Lake Ladoga, Izborsk and Pskov on the Great Lake, Novgorod, Smolensk, Polotsk, Kiev. The largest cities in Eastern Europe were Novgorod and Kyiv, located at key points on the famous route “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” the main trade route of the Slavs. It brought a lot of income to local residents. The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” went from the Baltic Sea to the Neva River, then to Lake Ladoga (Nevo), along the Volkhov River to Lake Ilmen, along the Lovat River to the Volkhov Forest and then along the land to the upper reaches Dnieper. And from there, merchant ships fled to the south. The only serious geographical obstacle on the Dnieper was the famous rapids. Having overcome them by dragging, the merchants rushed to the Black Sea and went to Constantinople. The Varangians offered cloth and canvas, linen and iron products, tin and lead, amber and seafood in the markets of the Byzantine state. The Slavs laid out bread and furs, timber and lard, cattle, horses, and slaves on the shelves. In Constantinople (as they called the city of Constantinople) they bought pavolok (Greek silk fabric, very durable), gold and silver jewelry, wine, and fruit. Homework: pp. 13 - 16 http://itishistory.ru/1i/1_istoria_1.php http://www.yaklass.ru/materiali?mode=lsntheme&subid=1&themeid=159 https://ru.wikipedia.org/ wiki/%D0%92%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B0 %D0%B2%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B5 http://900igr.net/kartinki/obschestvoznanie/Rossijskaja-Konstitutsija/045-Rossijskaja-Konstitutsija.html Zakharova Irina Anatolyevnateacher of the first qualification category MOU "Spasskaya basic general education school"

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