The best vitamin for pregnant women. The best vitamins for pregnant women: list, reviews and method of use. What are the best vitamins for pregnant women, according to doctors? Is it possible to do without taking funds?

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then she needs to pay special attention to her health, diet and other aspects of life. After all, a lack of certain nutrients can provoke a miscarriage, cause premature birth or congenital diseases in the unborn child. To avoid various unpleasant consequences, it is important to take multivitamins for pregnant women. The list of them is quite large; if you go to a pharmacy, your eyes will start to run wild at the various multivitamins for pregnant women of Russian, Belarusian, European and American production.

We selected the best multivitamins for pregnant women based on reviews from doctors and women who took them. This allowed us to compile a rating vitamin complexes for pregnant.

Elevit Pronatal- the most popular multivitamins for pregnant women from Germany. Doctors advise taking them during the 1st trimester, if there is a threat of miscarriage. Their advantages include: high content of iron, magnesium, biotin, calcium, phosphorus. These substances are necessary for the prevention of anemia, seizures, arrhythmia, numbness of the limbs, and increased irritability. In addition, increased magnesium content helps to avoid or cure uterine hypertonicity. Note that phosphorus is rarely found in vitamins during pregnancy, which allows us to include Elevit Pronatal in the rating of the best multivitamins for pregnant women. Biotin is necessary to normalize intestinal microflora, which is especially useful after taking a course of antibiotics. Another feature of these multivitamins for pregnant women is that the composition does not include iodine. What is important for women suffering from increased thyroid function.

The disadvantages of Elevit Pronatal include the increased content of vitamin A, which can accumulate in the liver and have a toxic effect on the fetus. The lack of iodine will be a disadvantage for those women who do not have problems with the thyroid gland. They will have to take iodine separately.

Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte belong to the category of multivitamins for pregnant women, inexpensive in price (350-450 rubles for 30 tablets), produced in the USA. The difference between these two complexes is the iodine content - it is absent in the first complex. The advantages of this complex include a sufficient amount of iron and folic acid, because it is these elements that are lost during absorption by the intestines. Contains a high dosage of calcium and zinc. This is useful if the expectant mother does not like dairy products, lamb, beef or liver. We included them in the list of multivitamins for pregnant women, as they can be taken during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester, as well as during breastfeeding.

Disadvantages of Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte: large tablet form (some women find it difficult to swallow them), black stools (due to high iron content), large dosage of B vitamins (may cause allergic reactions).

Alphabet “Mom’s Health”- the most popular Russian-made multivitamins for pregnant women. Unique Feature lies in the fact that all components that are incompatible with each other are divided into 3 different tablets of different colors. Therefore, the expectant mother should drink 3 tablets a day; if there is a sufficient amount of certain substances, it is possible to exclude one of them. 1 tablet contains iron, taurine and components that help the absorption of iron. 2 contains antioxidants. 3 - calcium and vitamins and minerals that help in its absorption.

Disadvantages include insufficient folic acid content. Therefore, doctors advise taking it additionally before the 12th week of pregnancy.

Materna- a vitamin complex designed to prevent deficiency of vitamins and minerals before and during pregnancy. Can also be taken during the postpartum period. It is not recommended for use by patients with pernicious anemia, hypercalcemia, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, or with disorders of the renal system. Women who took this drug noted an improvement in the condition of their hair, nails and skin. Side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea are rarely reported.

Pregnavite- one of the types of multivitamins for pregnant women, which does not contain microelements (except iron). There is also no iodine. However, all other vitamins are contained in the required proportions. Therefore, the benefits of German-made pregnancy vitamins include the content of folic acid, iron (in optimal proportions), and discalcium phosphate. Cons: presence of dye in the shell, high cost. Some women noted flatulence, itching, and constipation after taking it.

Lady's Formula- the name of a multivitamin for pregnant women, made in America. During pregnancy and before preparing for conception, the Prenatal Optima series is recommended. Main advantages: positive influence on skin, nails, hair, mood improves, emotional irritability decreases. The composition is optimally developed; in addition, iodine is present. The only disadvantage is the lack of calcium, which is extremely important for the unborn baby.


Vitamins for pregnant women: comparison of compositions in the table

To make it easier for you to choose and compare which better vitamins for pregnant women, we present you a table. It contains a list of names of multivitamins for pregnant women, which are considered the most effective and popular. This will allow you to analyze their composition and choose the most optimal vitamin complex for you.

Vitamins Day need
Vitrum Prenatal Vitrum Prenatal Forte Alphabet
Mom's health
(pink tabs)
Pregnavite Elevit Pronatal Oligovit Lady's Formula
Vitamin A 1000/1200 IU 4000 IU 2500 IU 1500 IU 3000 IU 1.2 mg (4000 IU) 5000 IU 4000 IU
Beta carotene 1500 IU 2500 IU 6 mg (2100 IU) 1500 IU
Vitamin E 30 mg 11 mg 30 mg 12 mg 30 mg 10 mg 15 mg 12.5 mg 11 mg
Vitamin D 400 IU 400 IU 400 IU 400 IU 250 IU 200 IU 12.5 mcg (500 IU) 500 IU 400 IU (D2)
Vitamin C 70/95 mg 100 mg 120 mg 110 mg 100 mg 75 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg
Vitamin B1 1.7/1.9 mg 1.5 mg 3 mg 1.7 mg 3 mg 1.5 mg 1.6 mg 5 mg 1.5 mg
Vitamin B2 1.6 mg 1.7 mg 3.4 mg 1.8 mg 3.4 mg 2.5 mg 1.8 mg 5 mg 1.7 mg
Nicotinamide 20 mg 18 mg 20 mg 19 mg 20 mg 15 mg 19 mg 50 mg 18 mg
Vitamin B6 2.1 mg 2.6 mg 10 mg 2.3 mg 10 mg 5 mg 2.6 mg 2.5 mg 2.6 mg
Vitamin B12 4 mcg 4 mcg 12 mcg 4 mcg 12 mcg 5 mcg 2.5 mcg 4 mcg
Folic acid 3-4 mg 0.8 mg 0.8 mg 0.6 mg 1 mg 0.75 mg 0.8 mg 0.8 mg
Biotin 300-100 mcg 30 mcg 60 mcg 30 mcg 200 mcg
Pantothenic acid 4-7 mg 10 mg 7 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg
Iron 60 mg 60 mg (fumarate) 60 mg 33 mg 60 mg 30 mg 60 mg 10 mg (sulfate) 60 mg
Calcium 1000 mg 200 mg (carbonate) 200 mg 200 mg 250 mg (carbonate) 6.51 mg (lactate)
+ 250 mg (phosphate)
125 mg 200 mg (phosphate) 200 mg
Zinc 10 mg 25 mg (oxide) 25 mg 25 mg 25 mg 7.5 mg 0.75 mg 25 mg
Iodine 200 mcg 200 mcg 150 mcg 150 mcg 150 mcg
Magnesium 300 mg 25 mg 30 mg 50 mg 100 mg 3 mg (oxide)
Phosphorus 700 mg 100 mg 250 mg (see
calcium phosphate)
125 mg 200 mg (see calcium)
Copper 1.5 mg 2 mg 2 mg 2 mg (oxide) 1 mg 0.5 mg (sulfate)
Manganese 5 mg 5 mg 2.5 mg 5 mg 1 mg 0.5 mg (sulfate)
Chromium 30-100 mcg 25 mcg 25 mcg 25 mcg
Molybdenum 100 mcg 25 mcg 250 mcg 25 mcg 0.1 mg
Cobalt 0.05 mg (sulfate)
Fluorine 3.8 mg 0.5 mg
Selenium 30-70 mcg 20 mcg 40 mcg 25 mcg
Potassium 2000 mg 2.5 mg
Vitamin K 50 mcg

Comparison of prenatal vitamins

Based on the table presented above, we suggest comparing vitamin complexes for pregnant women. Comparison will be based on balanced composition and satisfaction daily requirement pregnant woman in vitamins and minerals. We did not consider a small combination of folic acid critical, since in most cases it is prescribed additionally.

The optimal multivitamins for pregnant women in terms of composition are Alphabet “Mom’s Health” and Materna (in pink tablets). They contain vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, so it will not have a toxic effect on the fetus. Materna is also characterized by a reduced content of fat-soluble vitamins.

The list of multivitamins for pregnant women also includes one drug (Oligovit), which is not intended specifically for pregnant women. It is, of course, rich in composition, but it is during pregnancy that the substances in it are not balanced.

Elevit Pronatal, Pregnavit and Ledis Formula do not contain iodine, which is vital for the proper development of the child. In addition, Elevit Pronatal contains the least amount of water-soluble vitamins.

We want to note that all of these are not shortcomings of the drugs, but their distinctive features. Because every woman during such a crucial period as pregnancy needs an individual selection of vitamin complexes. After all, some people may have an excess of iron, while others may not be able to take iodine.

Since last time we didn’t go through the details of multivitamins for pregnant women.

I still really hope that they come to you for them mainly with a doctor’s prescription.

If yes, then it means that with medicine we are not as bad as I sometimes think. Because only the doctor knows the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy in each of his wards.

Otherwise, all responsibility for the correct recommendation falls on you. So, just in case, let’s understand the composition of multivitamins for pregnant women, their features and “tricks”.

Multivitamins for pregnant women

So, 7 vitamin-mineral complexes came under my close attention:

  • Elevit Pronatal.
  • Vitrum Prenatal.
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte.
  • Alphabet Mom's Health.
  • Multi-tabs Perinatal.

I’ll tell you right away that the most gentle of them is. The dosages of vitamins and minerals in it are much more modest compared to other multivitamins for pregnant women.

What is the conclusion?

The complex is intended for absolutely healthy women who eat right, do not suffer from toxicosis (mild nausea does not count), and for whom all the test results are such that they can go into space tomorrow.

And one more conclusion especially for you, dear Pharmacists: by recommending this complex, you certainly will not harm the expectant mother in any way.

And now briefly about each means.

Elevit Pronatal

Perhaps the most popular complex.

Features of the composition. Elevit contains average recommended dosages of most vitamins and minerals for pregnant women.


  1. Compared to others, the iron content here is higher.

Consequently, this complex is especially good for anemia in pregnant women or its threat, for example, with a lack of iron-rich foods in the diet (meat, liver, buckwheat, legumes).

  1. Another “trick” of Elevit: high magnesium content, as much as 100 mg.

If there is a lack of it, a woman experiences convulsions, tachycardia, arrhythmia, numbness of the limbs, increased irritability, unstable table, and abdominal pain. Magnesium is also prescribed for uterine hypertonicity. So from all sides a very useful element.

  1. Here's your next trick. The Elevit complex has the highest biotin content.

In fact, it is synthesized by normal intestinal microflora, but in some situations its deficiency may be felt. For example, a woman took antibiotics for a long time, which destroyed beneficial intestinal bacteria. In particular, our doctors love to treat ureaplasmosis, prescribing antibiotics course after course.

Biotin also improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nails, so it is especially recommended for pregnant women who complain of hair loss and brittle nails.

  1. By the way, for the skeletal system of the unborn child and for strong hair, nails, teeth expectant mother the Elevit complex also has quite decent dosages calcium and phosphorus. And phosphorus, by the way, is present in only three out of seven complexes.
  1. And this is not all the delights of the Elevit complex. It does not contain iodine. On the one hand, this is bad, because iodine is very necessary for both mother and baby. On the other hand, this complex will not harm if a woman has increased thyroid function. And if everything is OK with the thyroid gland, iodine can be taken separately.


Well, now I’ll add a fly in the ointment. The high content of vitamin A in this complex bothers me. Remember last time I told you about its teratogenic effect? Of course, there is unlikely to be any harm from such a dosage. But vitamin A can accumulate in the liver, and if there is something wrong with it, there is a high probability of toxic effects of vitamin A on the fetus.

Vitrum Prenatal


  1. It has a high dosage of calcium, so it is especially good when the expectant mother does not like cheese and other dairy products that contain calcium. And also if her teeth decay, her hair falls out, her nails peel.
  2. Similar to the previous complex, it contains a lot of iron, and therefore is especially preferable for low hemoglobin.
  3. And one more “trick” of this vitamin: high zinc content. We usually get it when we eat lamb, beef, sesame seeds, peanuts, and calf liver. If there is a shortage of it, there can be serious complications for both the mother (placental abruption, weak labor, etc.) and the child (low weight, immaturity, prematurity).

It does not contain iodine, which can be both a “plus” and a “minus”; I will not repeat it.


The highest content of vitamin A, which is unsafe. Why - see above.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

Minuses: contains crazy dosages B vitamins, which is fraught with allergic reactions and other side effects.

There is also more vitamin E in this complex than in others. On the one hand, vitamin E is a protector of pregnancy. It improves the maturation of the placenta, promotes the production of the hormone prolactin, necessary for the preparation of the mammary glands, and prevents thrombus formation. On the other hand, it is still a fat-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in tissues and have a toxic effect.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte, unlike its “brother,” contains iodine.

Alphabet “Mom’s Health”


  1. Competing vitamins and microelements are divided into different tablets, and those that help each other are collected in one place. This increases the efficiency of the complex.
  2. There is no vitamin A, but there is its predecessor - non-toxic beta-carotene in a good dosage. And this is a huge plus!
  3. In its composition and calcium, and phosphorus, and in good dosages and in an ideal ratio of 2:1. Therefore, this complex will be perfect for complaints of leg cramps, brittle nails, dull hair, and tooth decay.
  4. Contains selenium, a powerful antioxidant that protects against free radicals.
  5. One of the few in its composition contains chromium, which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Pros and cons

  1. It contains iodine, so be careful when recommending it.
  2. It contains taurine, a vital amino acid that we get by eating meat, poultry, and seafood. It improves metabolic and energy processes and seems to be necessary for the formation of the child’s brain and retina.

The importance of this microelement in the vitamin complex is doubtful for me, since its content in the above-mentioned products is high. Perhaps it is needed by those whose diet does not contain them.

This the most preventative a complex that contains the lowest dosages of vitamins and microelements. Recommend it to expectant mothers who are not worried about anything.

It does not contain iodine, therefore, in the absence of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to take it additionally.

Multi-tabs Perinatal


  1. Contains chromium, a deficiency of which can lead to diabetes mellitus. This is especially important if your heredity for diabetes has let you down.
  1. The composition also contains selenium, which is actively involved in the neutralization of toxins in the liver, nutrition of muscles, incl. heart and blood vessels, formation of joints, skin, hair, nails, cornea, functioning of endocrine glands.

If there is a shortage of it, labor weakness, late toxicosis, and miscarriages often occur.

  1. Contains iodine, which is good, but not always.
  2. Features optimal content calcium and magnesium. Everything has already been said about them above.


  1. Contains unsafe vitamin A.
  2. Vitamin dosages D3 and folic acid reduced. Therefore, if the diet is not entirely complete, they should be taken separately.


  1. Vitamin A is presented in the form of beta-carotene, which reduces the risk of overdose and toxic effects.
  2. Contains 100 mcg of biotin. I have already talked about it: it is recommended after a course of antibiotics, for dyspepsia, for problems with hair, skin, and nails.
  3. Just like in the previous complex, there is selenium with all its positive properties.
  4. Sufficient amount of calcium.
  5. Magnesium, as in the Elevit complex, is contained in a dosage of 100 mg. So for cramps, uterine hypertonicity, irritability, arrhythmias and tachycardias, this complex is the sweetest thing.
  6. More iodine than anywhere else - 200 mcg. In this regard, it is recommended for insufficient thyroid function.


  1. Dosages vitamin D3 and folic acid small. So you need to either take them additionally or eat right.
  2. Contains iodine. Be careful when making recommendations!

Well, we’ve finished looking at the most popular vitamins during pregnancy.

With all that said, let's sketch out a list of questions questions to ask if you are asked about multivitamins for a pregnant woman:

  1. What complex did the doctor recommend?
  2. For what purpose are you buying? Is it preventative or is there something bothering you?
  3. What exactly are you worried about? Are there leg cramps, increased irritability, rapid heartbeat, or unstable bowel movements?
  4. Is hemoglobin normal?
  5. Are there any problems with hair, nails, teeth?
  6. Do you have thyroid disease?

Something like this. And to help you, here is a cheat sheet that you can download (link below), print and keep somewhere at hand.

You can download it Here.

A Here you will find the contents of each complex that we talked about. I highlighted in yellow what, in my opinion, is good, in blue - what confuses me.

That's all. Maybe you have a different algorithm for recommending vitamins for pregnant women? Tell us!

You can comment or ask questions in the comments box below. If you liked the article, share the link to it with your colleagues.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

I started preparing for my pregnancy six months before it began. During this period and during pregnancy, I tried many vitamins for pregnant women, which I found in pharmacies in our city of Ufa.

In this article I will talk about all the vitamin complexes for pregnant women that I took at different periods, as well as the effects of some of them. To dispel doubts, I will immediately note that none of the prenatal vitamins contributed to weight gain while I was not pregnant.


(Manufacturer Unipharm, Inc., USA)- Multivitamin preparation with minerals.

This is the first complex of vitamins and minerals for women before, during and after pregnancy that I had the opportunity to buy and try on myself. Prices for it in Ufa pharmacies vary between 350-500 rubles per package, designed for a month of use (30 tablets).

According to information from the official website VITRUM PRENATAL FORTE is a complex of 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, enriched with iodine and antioxidants. Recommended from early pregnancy to prevent defects and other possible complications: toxicosis, placental insufficiency, anemia and infections. When planning a pregnancy, start taking it 3 months before the expected conception.

Composition of one tablet:

  • retinol acetate (Vit. A) - 2500 IU (860 mcg)
  • betacarotene - 2500 IU (1500 mcg)
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate (Vit. E) - 30 IU (30 mg)
  • colecalciferol (Vit. D 3) - 400 IU (10 mcg)
  • ascorbic acid (vit. C) - 120 mg
  • thiamine mononitrate (vit. B 1) - 3 mg
  • riboflavin (vit. B 2) - 3.4 mg
  • calcium pantothenate in terms of pantothenic acid (Vit. B 5) - 10 mg
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (vit. B 6) - 10 mg
  • folic acid (vit. B c) - 800 mcg
  • cyanocobalamin (vit. B 12) - 12 mcg
  • nicotinamide (Vit. PP) - 20 mg
  • biotin (Vit. H) - 30 mcg
  • calcium carbonate in terms of calcium - 200 mg
  • magnesium oxide in terms of magnesium - 25 mg
  • iron fumarate in terms of iron - 60 mg
  • zinc oxide in terms of zinc - 25 mg
  • manganese sulfate in terms of manganese - 5 mg
  • sodium molybdate in terms of molybdenum - 25 mcg
  • sodium selenate in terms of selenium - 20 mcg
  • chromium chloride in terms of chromium - 25 mcg

While taking this complex, I did not notice any special changes in my body, but after a month of taking it, my nails became stronger and whiter. I liked the effect, but I wanted to try some other vitamin complex and the next thing I bought was

Vitamins Multi-tabs® Prenatal

(Manufacturer: Ferrosan A/S, DenmarkDK2860,Saborg)- a combined preparation containing a complex of 11 vitamins and 9 minerals. Indicated for use for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency in the period of preparation for pregnancy, during pregnancy and lactation.

Price in Ufa pharmacies near 500r per package for 2 months of use (60 tablets).

Composition of one tablet:

  • retinol acetate (Vit. A) - 2666 IU (800 mcg)
  • betacarotene -
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate (Vit. E) - 14.9 IU (10 mg)
  • colecalciferol (Vit. D 3) - 200 IU (5 μg)
  • ascorbic acid (Vit. C) - 90 mg
  • thiamine mononitrate (vit. B 1) - 2.1 mg
  • riboflavin (vit. B 2) -2.4 mg
  • calcium pantothenate in terms of pantothenic acid (Vit. B 5) -9 mg
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit. B 6) - 3 mg
  • folic acid (vit. B c) - 400 mcg
  • cyanocobalamin (vit. B 12) - 2 mcg
  • nicotinamide (Vit. PP) - 27 mg
  • biotin (vit. H) -
  • calcium carbonate in terms of calcium - 160 mg
  • magnesium oxide in terms of magnesium - 75 mg
  • iron fumarate in terms of iron - 14 mg
  • copper oxide in terms of copper - 2 mg
  • Zinc oxide in terms of zinc - 15 mg
  • manganese sulfate in terms of manganese - 2.5 mg
  • potassium iodide in terms of iodine - 150 mcg
  • sodium molybdate in terms of molybdenum -
  • sodium selenate in terms of selenium - 50 mcg
  • Chromium chloride in terms of chromium -50 mcg

I took these vitamins for about 2 months, I didn’t notice any special results, so I can’t say anything good or bad about them. I chose this vitamin complex based on its low price and good composition. I would like to note that the concentrations of some vitamins (for example E, D3, B6, folic acid) are much lower here, and betacarotene, biotin and molybdenum are completely absent.

Vitamins Pregnacare

(“Pregnakea” Manufacturer Vitabiotics Ltd, UK, London) -

complex of 11 vitamins and 5 minerals for women planning pregnancy, pregnant women and during pregnancy breastfeeding..

Instead of vitamin A, Pregnacare contains beta-carotene, which is safer for mother and child. There is no calcium in this complex; it should be taken additionally at intervals of several hours after taking the Pregnacare capsule.

The price in Ufa pharmacies is about 300 rubles. per package for a course of 1 month (30 capsules)

Composition of 1 capsule:

  • Vitamin D - 2.5 mcg
  • Vitamin E (natural source) - 20 mg
  • Vitamin C - 70 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - 3 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 2 mg
  • Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) - 20 mg
  • Vitamin B6 - 10 mg
  • Folic acid - 400 mcg
  • Vitamin B12 - 6 mcg
  • Beta-carotene (a mixture of natural carotenoids) - 4.2 mg
  • Vitamin K - 200 mcg
  • Iron - 20 mg
  • Magnesium - 150 mg
  • Zinc - 15 mg
  • Iodine - 140 mcg
  • Copper - 1 mg

When choosing this complex, I was attracted by the high magnesium content (150 mg), but this is my personal preference, because... I previously experienced magnesium deficiency. As you can see, many minerals are missing in this complex.

Lady's formula "Prenatal Optima"

(producedCanadian pharmaceutical company PharmaMed)- a biologically active supplement (dietary supplement) of 12 vitamins and 8 microelements for women throughout pregnancy, as well as during a woman’s preparation for conception, and during breastfeeding. Despite the fact that I am a little distrustful of dietary supplements, I bought this complex on the advice of one of my friends and did not regret it at all. It really had an effect, my skin and nails began to look better. This drug is one of the most successful, in my opinion, in terms of a set of vitamins and microelements for women who are preparing for pregnancy, and I was also pleased with the price-quality ratio.

Recommendations for use: Lady's formula "Prenatal Optima" prescribed orally, 1 tablet per day, with meals. The drug is taken during the period of preparation for a planned pregnancy (1-2 months), throughout pregnancy and during lactation (i.e. 1.5-2 years).

per package for 1 month of use (30 tablets).

Composition of 1 tablet:

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 3000 IU
  • Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) - 400 IU
  • Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) - 15 IU
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate) - 1.5 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1.7 mg
  • Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) - 17 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate) - 6 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL) -3 mg
  • Vitamin BC (folic acid) - 0.6 mg
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 0.004 mg
  • Vitamin C (alcium ascorbate) - 100 mg
  • Biotin (vitamin H) - 0.03 mg
  • Iron (iron fumarate) - 36 mg
  • Iodine (potassium iodide) - 0.15 mg
  • Calcium (calcium carbonate) - 200 mg
  • Magnesium (oxide) - 100 mg
  • Manganese (Sulfate) - 2 mg
  • Copper (copper sulfate) - 1 mg
  • Selenium (chelate) - 0.025 mg
  • Zinc (chelate) - 15 mg

Alphabet “Mom’s Health”

(Manufacturer JSC "AKB I ON", Russia, Moscow) - dietary supplement (dietary supplement) of 13 vitamins, 11 minerals and taurine for women during the entire period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as in preparation for pregnancy.

It is recommended to take 1 tablet with meals. each type (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3) at breakfast, lunch and dinner, in any order. The interval between doses is 4-6 hours. The manufacturer claims that the daily dose of the Alphabet “Mom’s Health” complex is divided into 3 doses to increase the effectiveness of vitamin therapy.

I bought these vitamins at the beginning of pregnancy, having read about the benefits of taking them separately. Plus, I was seduced by the variety of vitamins and microelements in this complex. But, unfortunately, I had to stop halfway through the package due to a couple of episodes of nausea after taking the pill. Most likely, the nausea was associated with hormonal changes in the body in the first trimester, and not with the composition of the complex, because I calmly finished these vitamins in the second trimester. I will also note that it is not convenient to take 3 tablets a day, especially for working people, because pregnant women, in addition to vitamins, also have to take other medications, such as iron, magnesium, some are prescribed hormonal medications, anti-edema medications, etc. and all this must be associated with food intake, although most medications cannot be taken together.

average price in Ufa pharmacies 250-300 rubles. per package for 20 days of use (60 tablets).

Composition of tablets:

Iron+, tablet No. 1 (pink)

1 table

  • vitamin C - 50 mg
  • vitamin B1 - 1.2 mg
  • folic acid - 300 mcg
  • iron - 20 mg
  • copper - 1 mg
  • taurine - 50 mg

Antioxidants+, tablet No. 2 (blue)

1 table

  • nicotinamide (vitamin PP) - 19 mg
  • vitamin E - 12 mg
  • vitamin B6 - 2 mg
  • beta-carotene (provitamin A) - 2 mg
  • vitamin B2 - 1 mg
  • vitamin C - 40 mg
  • magnesium - 50 mg
  • zinc - 12 mg
  • manganese - 1 mg
  • iodine - 150 mcg
  • selenium - 40 mcg
  • molybdenum - 25 mcg

Calcium-D3+, tablet No. 3 (white, creamy)

1 table

  • calcium pantothenate - 5 mg
  • folic acid - 300 mcg
  • vitamin B12 -3 mcg
  • vitamin D3 - 10 mcg
  • vitamin K1 - 60 mcg
  • biotin (vitamin H) - 30 mcg
  • calcium - 250 mg
  • phosphorus -125 mg
  • chromium - 25 mcg

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal

(ELEVIT ® Pronatal Manufacturer BAYER CONSUMER CARE AG Switzerland)

A complex of 12 essential vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 trace elements. Indicated for use from the moment the decision to conceive is made and throughout pregnancy, as well as during lactation. The drug is taken 1 tablet per day orally every 15-20 minutes. after meals, with a little water. The complex does not contain iodine and must be taken separately.

These vitamins were prescribed to me by an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic when I registered. The price per package is impressive, I bought a package of 100 tablets at once, it was more profitable. I took them for almost the entire first and early second trimester, until I developed an allergy (dermatitis). I went to see an allergist, the doctor gave me nutritional recommendations and prescribed me an allergy cream. The itching and allergies never went away. Elevit had about 20 tablets left, and I asked to change my vitamins. After changing the vitamins, the allergies began to slowly subside. I would like to note that allergies are an individual reaction of the body, and you should not draw conclusions from an isolated case. Elevit vitamins left a positive impression; there were no toxicosis or any other problems with them, with the exception of allergies.

The average price for ELEVIT Pronatal in Ufa pharmacies is 1370-1550 rubles. for a package designed for 100 days of use (100 tablets) and 500-550 rubles. per package 30 tablets.

Composition of 1 tablet:

  • vitamin A (palmitate) - 3600 IU
  • vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) - 500 IU
  • vitamin E (dl-α-tocopherol acetate) - 15 mg
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 100 mg
  • folic acid - 0.8 mg
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate) - 1.6 mg
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) -1.8 mg
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 2.6 mg
  • vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 4 mcg
  • nicotinamide - 19 mg
  • biotin - 0.2 mg
  • calcium pantothenate - 10 mg
  • calcium (phosphate, pantothenate) - 125 mg
  • magnesium (phosphate, stearate) - 100 mg
  • phosphorus (phosphate) - 125 mg
  • iron (fumarate) - 60 mg
  • zinc (sulfate) - 7.5 mg
  • copper (sulfate) - 1 mg
  • manganese (sulfate) - 1 mg

Femibion ​​Natalcare II (Femibion ​​NatalkerII)

Made in Austria; under the control of Merck Selbstmedication GmbH. Rösslerstrasse 96, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany)- dietary supplement (dietary supplement) is intended for women from the 13th week of pregnancy until the end of the breastfeeding period. It is recommended to take 1 tablet and 1 capsule per day with meals, with a small amount of liquid, preferably at the same time as one meal.

This dietary supplement was prescribed to me as the main vitamin complex in the second trimester by an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic, where I was registered for pregnancy. These are the most expensive vitamins that I had the opportunity to buy during my entire pregnancy and which I wanted to take again; in the end I took them for 2 months. While I was taking them, I felt great, my skin improved noticeably, there were no allergies or inflammations, my nails became stronger and grew quickly.

By the way, there are vitamins on sale FemibionNatalcareI - for women when planning and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Average price for FemibionNatalcareI in Ufa pharmacies 400-450 rubles. per package for 1 month of use (30 tablets)

Average price for FemibionNatalcareII in Ufa pharmacies 870-950. per package for 1 month of use (30 tablets + 30 capsules)

Compound FemibionNatalcareII 1 tablet contains:

  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid in the form of calcium ascorbate) - 110 mg
  • vitamin PP (nicotinamide) - 15 mg
  • Vitamin E (in the form of α-tocopherol acetate) - 13 mg
  • vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid in the form of calcium pantothenate) - 6 mg
  • vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 1.9 mg
  • vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) - 1.6 mg
  • vitamin B 1 (thiamine in the form of thiamine nitrate) - 1.2 mg
  • folates (including folic acid 200 mcg, L-methylfolate 208 mcg, which is 400 mcg equivalent to 200 mcg folic acid)
  • iodine - 150 mcg
  • biotin - 60 mcg
  • vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) - 3.5 mcg

1 capsule contains:

docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - 200 mg (equivalent to 500 mg concentrated fish oil)

Vitamin E (in the form of α-tocopherol acetate) - 12 mg

Complivit Trimester “1st trimester”, “2nd trimester”, “3rd trimester”

(Produced by Pharmstandard-UfaVITA OJSC, Russia, Ufa)- a vitamin and mineral complex created for women different dates pregnancy. It is recommended to take 1 tablet per day during or immediately after a meal, with plenty of liquid.

Because I only took Complivit “3rd trimester”, I’ll tell you about it. In the third trimester, I started having food allergies, and for some time I did not take any vitamins at all, with the exception of iron and magnesium supplements. As a result, I came to the conclusion that I need to choose a complex where the doses of vitamins will not be high. So I chose Complivit “3rd trimester”. I drank the whole pack, nothing side effects there was no sign of it, his skin, hair and nails still looked good. I was pleased, in addition to everything, that the composition contains rutoside (strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reducing the risk of developing edema and varicose veins) and thioctic acid (helps prevent excess weight, normalizes metabolism).

Average price for Complivit Trimester (“1st trimester”, “2nd trimester”, “3rd trimester”) in Ufa pharmacies 290-330 rubles. per package for 1 month of use (30 tablets)

Composition 1 tablet Complivit “3rd trimester”:

  • A (retinol) - 0.413 mg (1200 IU)
  • B 1 (thiamine) - 1.5 mg
  • B 2 (riboflavin) - 2.1 mg
  • B 6 (pyridoxine) - 3 mg
  • B 12 (cyanocobalamin) - 1.5 mcg
  • C (ascorbic acid) - 70 mg
  • D 3 (cholecalciferol) - 5 mcg (200IU)
  • E (tocopherol) - 12 mg
  • Folic acid - 0.26 mg
  • Pantothenic acid - 10 mg
  • Nicotinamide - 16 mg
  • Calcium - 50 mg
  • Iodine - 0.1 mg
  • Iron - 15 mg
  • Magnesium - 15 mg
  • Copper - 1 mg
  • Zinc - 8 mg
  • Manganese -1.5 mg
  • Selenium - 90 mcg
  • Rutoside (rutin) - 25 mg
  • Thioctic acid (lipoic acid) - 0.5 mg
  • Lutein - 2 mg

Which vitamins to choose?

Based personal experience and sensations, I can say that to prepare for pregnancy a healthy woman will benefit from such complexes as Vitrum Prenatal Forte, Elevit, Pregnakea, Lady's Formula "Prenatal Optima".

Taking multivitamin complexes during pregnancy must be agreed with the doctor managing your pregnancy. From the first days of pregnancy, obstetricians and gynecologists usually prescribe a minimum set of necessary vitamins - folic acid, vitamin E capsules and iodine preparation (Iodomarin). Starting from 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend that pregnant women take one of the well-known vitamin and mineral complexes, such as Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal Forte, etc. The choice of one or another complex is made based on the well-being of the pregnant woman, the presence of contraindications and chronic diseases, test results, and also based on the doctor’s personal experience. If drug intolerance is detected, doctors recommend replacement.

I hope this article will be useful to all women who are about to become a mother. Motherhood is great happiness and great work. To give birth healthy baby and not to lose their health, every woman needs to seriously approach the choice of a vitamin-mineral complex, not forgetting that vitamins are not a panacea and do not replace a full-fledged rational nutrition. Be healthy!

Pregnancy is a joy for a woman and a burden for her body. After all, now not only the expectant mother needs good nutrition, but also little miracle growing inside her. Even a balanced diet no longer meets the needs for nutrients. For example, ladies who are in interesting position, you need one and a half times more calcium, folic acid and iron. A lack of these elements can lead to abnormalities in fetal development.

Today in pharmacies you can find numerous drugs designed to support women’s health for the important nine months. Do right choice The TOP 10 best vitamins for pregnant and lactating women in 2017-2018 will help. When compiling the rating, feedback from the female audience and the opinion of gynecologists were taken into account.

Summary table: Rating of the best vitamins for pregnant women

Name Release form User reviews Price
10. Multi-tabs Perinatal 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.3 out of 5 525 rub.
9. Complimentary “Mom” 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.3 out of 5 230 rub.
8. Prenatal Nutrients, Solgar 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.5 out of 5 1,200 rub.
7. AlfaVit “Mom’s Health” 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.5 out of 5 350 rub.
6. Just Once, Prenatal Multivitamin, Rainbow Light 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.7 out of 5 1,800 rub.
5. Femibion ​​Natalcare 2 💊 tablets/capsules ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 1,100 rub.
4. Vitrum Prenatal Forte 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 640-1,650 rub.
3. Elevit Pronatal 💊 tablets ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 650-2,000 rub.
2. Vitamin Code, Raw Prenatal by Garden of Life 💊 capsules ⭐ 4.9 out of 5 RUR 2,740
1. Orthomol Natal 💊 Powder/capsules, tablets/capsules ⭐ 4.9 out of 5 4,800-42,000 rub.

Multi-tabs Perinatal

Complex vitamins from the Danish manufacturer Ferrosan A/S are developed taking into account the needs of the expectant mother’s body and contain all the necessary elements.

There are no Perinatal Multi-tabs fatty acid(Omega-3) - doctors advise taking them additionally. The complex is also recommended during the feeding period. You should stop taking the drug if you have kidney problems or signs of hypervitaminosis.

Indications for taking the drug are:

  • preparation for conception;
  • decreased immunity;
  • replenishment of nutritional deficiencies;
  • environmentally unfavorable area of ​​residence.

✅ Benefits:

  • compound;
  • efficiency;
  • price.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • there is a possibility of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • may cause an allergic reaction.

Complivit "Mama"

Inexpensive but effective vitamins made in Russia. In each trimester of pregnancy, the body requires different substances. In the first weeks, it is recommended to take folic acid, iodine and vitamins E, A and D. Next, you should supplement your diet with calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. IN recent months Vitamins C, K and B are needed.

The product contains no synthetic additives or dyes. You should think about taking Trimester 1 at the stage of pregnancy planning, especially if a woman has low hemoglobin.

Based on this, the manufacturer produces three compositions of the complex:

  • 1st trimester - Trimester 1;
  • 2nd trimester - Trimester 2;
  • 3rd trimester - Trimester 3.

✅ Benefits:

  • price;
  • tablet size;
  • compound;
  • availability in pharmacies.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • lack of iodine;
  • possible allergic reactions.

Prenatal Nutrients, Solgar

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing vitamins for pregnant women is the composition. The Solgar complex has been produced since 1947 and contains chelated forms of minerals that are perfectly absorbed by the body. The second important factor: vitamin A here is represented by natural beta-keratin, and not synthetic retinol.

Those whose pregnancy has caused problems with hair and facial skin should pay attention to the drug. Prenatal Nutrients contains 100% daily norm vitamin E, biotin and zinc. These substances improve the nutrition of hair follicles. They moisturize the epidermis, making the skin elastic. Among the components there is L-cysteine, an amino acid that is part of the skin protein.

✅ Benefits:

  • efficiency;
  • gluten free;
  • chelated forms of minerals;
  • compound;
  • economical packaging (240 tablets).

❌ Disadvantages:

  • price;

AlfaVit "Mom's Health"

The complex, popular in Russia, contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals. The advantage of the drug is safe dosages that exclude hypervitaminosis. Taking AlfaVit “Mom’s Health” will help stabilize the emotional state, increase immunity and improve a woman’s well-being throughout the three trimesters.

The manufacturer took into account the rules of compatibility of the components included in the drug. Thus, vitamin D should be taken with calcium, and vitamin B2 enhances the effect of vitamin B6. The daily dose of the complex consists of three tablets. Each contains only elements that suit each other.

✅ Benefits:

  • price;
  • dragee size;
  • separation of vitamins and minerals;
  • compound.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • synthetic dye;
  • individual intolerance.

Just Once, Prenatal Multivitamin, Rainbow Light

The advantage of the Just Once multivitamin complex from the American manufacturer Rainbow Light is that minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, molybdenum and manganese) are presented in citrate and chelate forms, which are best absorbed by the body. Contains no lactose, gluten, yeast or gluten. This means that the drug does not cause allergies.

One tablet a day will provide the body with the substances necessary during the nine months of pregnancy. Doctors recommend taking this drug for early stages, and even better - six months before the planned conception.

✅ Benefits:

  • compliance with standards for taking vitamins and minerals;
  • lactobacilli and enzymes in the composition;
  • economical packaging;
  • ratio of quality and price.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • lack of fatty acids;
  • tablet size.

Femibion ​​Natalcare 2

The second trimester of pregnancy is the time when toxicosis decreases, constant fatigue goes away, and the expectant mother feels better. At the same time, the weight of the fetus increases, reaching 14-20 g. The little man grows and requires more nutrients. During this period, doctors recommend that women take vitamins, even if they have not done so before.

When developing the drug Fembion 2, the manufacturer took into account the rules of compatibility of taking vitamins and minerals. Do not be surprised that the composition does not contain iron and calcium. The body does not absorb these two substances taken together with other components of the complex. They must be consumed separately.

Release form of the drug: tablets containing folic acid, 9 vitamins and iodine, as well as capsules with fatty acids and vitamin E.

✅ Benefits:

  • safety;
  • compound;
  • no side effects;
  • convenient form.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • price.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

A good drug with a balanced composition that replenishes the mother’s and unborn child’s body’s need for essential vitamins and minerals. The complex contains 23 components, the task of which is to increase immunity, improve cardiovascular and nervous system, accelerating metabolism and eliminating toxins.

One tablet of Vitrum Prenatal Forte contains 60 mg of ferrous fumarate, which eliminates the occurrence of anemia in pregnant and lactating women. Bonus - improved emotional background and a surge of vitality.

✅ Benefits:

  • balanced composition;
  • no side effects;
  • ease of use (1 tablet per day).

❌ Disadvantages:

  • tablet size;
  • individual intolerance;
  • dye included.

Vitamin Code, Raw Prenatal, Garden of Life

The list of vitamins would be incomplete without the complex of the American brand Garden of Life. The manufacturer abandoned the use of GMOs, artificial and animal ingredients in favor of natural ingredients. In addition, you will not find gluten in the company's products.

The uniqueness of the complex for pregnant women is that its components are obtained from raw products. This means that no synthetic substances were used in their production process. heat treatment. The composition is vegetable, which has a beneficial effect on the absorption of vitamins by the body. Important components of the complex are probiotics, iron and folic acid. Raw Prenatal contains vitamin D3, which helps improve the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, as well as ginger, which reduces nausea.

Attention! The product is natural and may cause allergies. Release form: capsules made from vegetable cellulose.

✅ Benefits:

  • efficiency;
  • compound;
  • suitable for vegetarians;
  • no gluten.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • price.

For healthy intrafetal development of a child conceived in the autumn and winter months, vitamin D is necessary (the preferred form is cholecalciferol). At times of the year when the sun is inactive, the expectant mother should take 800-1,000 IU of the drug per day. The maximum dose is 2,000 IU. In summer, a pregnant woman needs to reduce its consumption to 500 IU.

Elevit Pronatal

You should start taking Elevit 3-6 months before the expected conception. This is especially true for women planning pregnancy in the autumn, when the season for fresh vegetables and fruits has already passed. During breastfeeding, the drug will also not be superfluous - at this time, the body of the mother and child requires double doses of calcium.

The complex contains 12 vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 microelements. With it, the first trimester will be much easier - the pills do not cause nausea and constipation. Women taking Elevit note improved hair condition and a decrease in emotional instability.

✅ Benefits:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of use (1 tablet per day);
  • no side effects.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • lack of iodine;
  • small dose of vitamin D;
  • tablet size;
  • price.

Orthomol Natal

According to experts, Orthomol Natal is the best multivitamin today. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. It is suitable not only for pregnant and lactating women, but also for those planning a happy event. The drug will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. The ingredients include fatty acids, antioxidants, iodine, magnesium and calcium, which, among other things, will solve the problem of hair fragility and loss. The composition includes probiotics, so Orthomol Natal will cause an increase in immunity.

Vitamins are available in two forms: capsules/powder and capsules/tablets. Packages are designed for 90 and 270 days of use.

Important! The company Orthomol Pharmazeutische Vertriebs Gmb has developed a complex for men, Orthomol Fertil Plus. It contains zinc, selenium, Omega-3, eicosapentaenoic acid, L-carnitine and N-acetylcysteine. These substances can improve the quality of seminal fluid, which affects the health and motility of sperm.

✅ Benefits:

  • compatibility with any diet prescribed by a doctor;
  • balanced composition;
  • visible result;
  • separate intake of vitamins, minerals and fats.

❌ Disadvantages:

  • price.

Opinion of obstetricians-gynecologists

Doctors agree that you need to start taking vitamin complexes while planning your pregnancy. To avoid hypervitaminosis, doctors recommend that women undergo an examination, including donating blood for a biochemical analysis. When purchasing medications, you should pay attention to the doses of vitamins and minerals indicated by the manufacturer - they should not exceed the norms recommended by gynecologists. At the slightest sign of an allergic reaction, you should seek medical help.

Features of the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy (from 13 to 26 weeks), the most active growth of the baby occurs. All internal organs The child is already formed, he is gaining weight well, which will not slow down the impact on the woman’s figure. Due to significant progress in fetal development, a woman may experience dysfunction gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

From the point of view of pregnancy, the 2nd trimester is considered the safest. However, the body needs an increased amount of nutrients, it's time to reconsider your diet.

The most essential vitamins and substances

What vitamins do you take in the second trimester?

Name Benefits for the woman’s body and fetus
Vitamin E Necessary for the normal formation and maintenance of placenta activity. Participates in the normalization of metabolism, reduces the risk of premature birth. It also improves the condition of the skin and hair, and helps avoid stretch marks on a growing tummy.
Vitamin C Necessary for strengthening the immune system of the expectant mother. Reduces vascular permeability, reduces the load on veins and capillaries. It plays a special role in the nutrition of women who smoke, since in this case the risk of infection in the fetus increases.
B vitamins B1 (thiamine) improves the absorption of carbohydrates, reduces the manifestations of late toxicosis, and helps avoid hypotension. B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for the formation of blood cells, this is a good prevention of anemia. Lack of B2 in the fetus can cause growth retardation. B3 (niacin) in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy helps fight insomnia and improves amino acid metabolism. B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the synthesis of fetal growth hormone and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. B9 – folic acid in the second trimester normalizes the activity of the nervous system and is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. B12 (cyanocobalamin) stimulates metabolism, normalizes the growth and development of the fetus.
Vitamin D In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is needed for the absorption of calcium and is involved in the formation of the skeleton and cardiovascular system of the fetus. Also reduces the risk of rickets in newborns.
Calcium Pregnant women need this mineral, because from the 12th week accelerated growth of the fetus begins. Calcium is needed for normal development musculoskeletal system baby. If a woman lacks calcium, her teeth can decay, bone fragility increases, and osteoporosis progresses.
Iodine It is better to take during the 1st and 2nd trimester. This element is involved in the formation of the baby’s skeleton and affects his mental development. For an expectant mother, iodine is good because it reduces the risk of obesity and normalizes metabolism.
Iron You should also take iron supplements during pregnancy. This element is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, proteins, and the prevention of anemia. Iron deficiency can cause uterine tone and premature birth.

Drug rating

Which prenatal vitamins are best to take in the 2nd trimester:

Drug name Reception features and main components
Complement for 2nd trimester The composition includes vitamins A, B, C, D, rutin, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine, lipoic acid and other substances. Available in tablet form. Take 1 tablet per day after meals.
Alphabet Mom's health The composition includes 13 vitamins and 11 minerals (calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, iodine, zinc and others). The daily dose is three tablets of different colors. They contain optimally balanced substances that combine with each other. There should be 4-5 hours between taking each tablet. Drink during meals.
Vitrum prenatal Contains vitamin A, B, C, D, calcium, iron, zinc. A significant drawback is that it does not contain iodine, it will need to be taken separately. Drink 1 piece per day after meals.
Multi-tabs Prenatal Vitamins for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester. The composition includes vitamins A, B, C, D, calcium, iodine, iron and other minerals. Take 1 tablet once daily with meals.
Femibion ​​Natal Care Inexpensive and good vitamins. The drug contains vitamin A, C, E, PP, B vitamins. The composition includes iodine, biotin, iron. Take 1 tablet daily with meals.
Elevit Pronatal A complex of vitamins for pregnant women, it includes 12 vitamins, 8 micro- and macroelements, biotin, and plant extracts. You need to take 1 tablet per day 15 minutes after meals.

Food Sources of Vitamins

List of natural sources of vitamins and minerals:

  • E (tocopherol). Contained in vegetable oils (olive, corn, sunflower, sea buckthorn, flaxseed). Vitamin E is also found in greens, tomatoes, nuts, dried fruits, legumes, and cereals. It is found in small quantities in meat, offal and milk.
  • C (ascorbic acid). The main sources of vitamin C are: citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, Bell pepper, cabbage, carrots, salad.
  • D (calciferol). Contained in fish oil, cod liver, sardines, salmon, herring. Vitamin D can also be obtained from dairy products and eggs.
  • B vitamins. Most are found in products of animal origin - meat, offal, dairy products. Also sources of vitamin B are cereals, green vegetables, and legumes.
  • Calcium. To obtain calcium, pregnant women should include eggs, dairy products, and all types of cabbage in their diet.
  • Iodine. A significant amount of iodine is found in seafood, dried figs, seaweed, and iodized salt. It must be taken into account that heat treatment destroys iodine.
  • Iron. IN large quantities iron is found in meat products, cream, sour cream, protein chicken eggs. Its sources are also apples, pomegranates, persimmons and other fruits.

Reception features

Important Features taking vitamins:

  • In the 2nd trimester, the expectant mother should receive at least 100-200IU of vitamin E. An overdose of tocopherol is dangerous. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in the body. High doses of drugs can cause allergic reactions and oxygen starvation in the fetus. The first symptoms: headache, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • The norm for vitamin C is 90-100 mg. With an excess of ascorbic acid, a pregnant woman may feel fatigue, nausea, frequent headache. High doses may worsen diabetes or cause kidney stones. The excess has almost no effect on the baby, since the placenta carefully filters out the excess.
  • Vitamin D should be consumed in a dosage of 400-600 IU. It is synthesized when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light. Hypervitaminosis can be accompanied by cramps, joint pain, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). In case of an overdose, insoluble calcium salts can be deposited in a woman’s body, the concentration of urea in the blood increases, and blood pressure rises.
  • Iodine during pregnancy should be consumed 150 mcg. Iodine is quite toxic and can cause miscarriage or thyrotoxic crisis. Main symptoms: thirst, cough, tachycardia, enlarged thyroid gland, dizziness.
  • Calcium should be taken 800-1000 mg per day. An overdose can cause calcification of the placenta.
  • The optimal dose of iron is 30-60 mg. If you have anemia, your doctor may prescribe additional medications. During pregnancy, an overdose of iron can provoke premature birth, increased blood pressure, and preeclampsia. Obvious signs of overdose: glandular taste in the mouth, nausea, lack of coordination.
  • An overdose of B vitamins is rarely recorded, since they are water-soluble and are easily excreted from the body in the urine. However, you should not abuse the drugs.

It is necessary to take vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy as prescribed by your doctor. The best time to take it is the first half of the day. You need to wash them down clean water. You should not take pills on an empty stomach. Be sure to follow the prescribed dosage.

Only a doctor can determine whether there is a need for pharmaceutical vitamins and dietary supplements based on the tests performed. You can take vitamins only in the specified dosage, following the manufacturer’s instructions. The drugs are especially indicated in the following cases:

  • If a woman is malnourished or suffers from severe toxicosis.
  • If you have previously had diseases associated with a lack of vitamins or minerals (for example, anemia).
  • If there is a history of interrupted pregnancy or pathologies in fetal development.
  • Under unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions.

Multivitamins for pregnant women should be taken wisely, since hypervitaminosis can negatively affect the development of the fetus and worsen the well-being of the expectant mother.

If you experience nausea, dizziness, skin rashes, etc. while taking vitamin preparations unpleasant symptoms, you need to stop taking vitamins and consult a specialist.

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