The most effective diets: the best of the best. Effective diets for weight loss - ranking of the best About fasting: how effective is fasting for losing weight

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


It will be useful for a girl whose goal is to lose weight to know the ratings of diets in order to choose the most popular and effective option that suits all parameters. You should take into account how much you want to lose and over what period, but the main thing is to reasonably assess your health status. The rating of power systems will help you make the right choice; after studying it, you will understand what features are typical for each of them and where there are more positive aspects.

How to choose the right diet

Under no circumstances should you make a decision rashly, otherwise you may seriously harm your body. Study the best weight loss diets presented in the ratings below and make a choice based on the following rules:

  1. Find out what your exact weight is. Then determine how many pounds you need to lose, taking into account your height and body measurements.
  2. The next stage is setting a deadline. It can range from one or two days to several months. The longer the duration of the diet, the easier it is – the result of long-term dietary regimens is more stable.
  3. Make three lists of foods: your favorites, your least favorites, and those you are allergic or intolerant to. This will help you choose the best power system option for you personally.
  4. Think in advance about how you will get out dietary nutrition. If you simply return to your usual diet, this will negate the results.

The most effective

There are top nutrition systems that are guaranteed to give real results. If you're looking for rated diets that work, take a look at the following:

  • name: Cabbage;
  • characteristics: designed for three days; based on the consumption of cabbage, some other vegetables and fruits, fish;
  • pros: easy to follow and effective regimen, no feeling of painful hunger;
  • cons: not suitable for people with increased acidity and those who often have bloating.
  • name: Japanese;
  • characteristics: you need to eat seafood without salt, in a couple of weeks you will lose up to 8 kg, it is forbidden to eat carbohydrates;
  • pros: significant plumb in a short period of time;
  • disadvantages: not entirely balanced (not all vitamins enter the body), contraindicated for people with chronic diseases.

Mass positive feedback I put together this diet regimen:

  • name: Brazilian;
  • characteristics: protein, based on consumption vegetable soups and fruits;
  • pros: you can get rid of 4 kg in a week, it’s simple, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on the diet;
  • cons: not suitable for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people with kidney problems.
  • name: Soup;
  • characteristics: ordinary and pureed soups without meat, potatoes, legumes, butter, seasonings are allowed, you cannot eat bread, lasts a week;
  • pros: free choice of products for soups (from the list of allowed), good for health, weight loss from 3 kg;
  • cons: during the period of compliance, digestive disorders may occur.
  • name: Juice;
  • characteristics: you need to drink orange, lemon or grapefruit juice three times a day, nothing else is allowed except mineral water, the compliance period is three days;
  • advantages: vitamins enter the body, the intestines are cleansed;
  • cons: difficult to follow, juices can irritate the stomach.

For fast weight loss

If you want quick results, try using the following top position:

  • name: Kefir;
  • characteristics: duration - 7 days, every day you need to drink one and a half liters of kefir (low-fat) and plenty of water or unsweetened tea;
  • pros: you can lose up to 7 kg in a week, the main product of the diet is cheap;
  • cons: the regimen is difficult to follow, and may cause digestive disorders.

Another good diet for fast weight loss which is recommended by many experts:

  • name: Buckwheat;
  • characteristics: there are options for 3 days, a week and two, you need to eat buckwheat, you can combine it with kefir, but other products and salt are prohibited;
  • pros: affordable and simple diet, the body is cleansed, you don’t feel hungry;
  • cons: too monotonous, blood pressure can drop sharply, without the right way out, the weight can quickly return.

The following nutritional system is one of the most popular diets in the ranking:

  • name: 6 petals;
  • characteristics: the diet lasts 6 days, each day you need to eat a strictly defined product (fish, vegetables, chicken, cereal, dairy products, fruits);
  • pros: 750-850 grams per day, the diet is easy to follow due to the varied diet.
  • cons: not suitable for people who have heart or liver problems; you cannot add salt and pepper to your food.
  • title: Week;
  • characteristics: each day is allocated to a specific product (only drinks, vegetables without heat treatment, water and smoothies, raw fruits, protein foods, drinks again, a little bit of any food);
  • pros: you can lose up to 10 kg;
  • cons: hard to bear, possible abdominal pain, weakness, dizziness, without a solution, the weight will quickly return.
  • name: Egg;
  • characteristics: every day for a week you need to eat soft-boiled eggs, fruits, vegetables, lean meat;
  • pros: up to 5 kg is lost, the body receives all the necessary nutrients;
  • cons: contraindicated for heart disease, egg allergies, excess cholesterol in the blood, difficult to follow.


There are power systems that are better known than others. If you are interested in the most popular diets, feel free to start with this one:

  • name: Atkins;
  • characteristics: in the first two weeks you need to eat no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day, then gradually (very slowly) increase their amount to 11 g, while eating meat, eggs, poultry and seafood in any quantity is allowed, cucumbers, cabbage, onions are allowed , mushrooms, and cereals, fruits, bread and pasta are prohibited;
  • pros: weight goes off very quickly (up to 10 kg in 14 days), no cravings for sweets and debilitating hunger, persists muscle mass, diversity delicious recipes;
  • cons: kidney stones may form, heart disease, thyroid disease, and infertility may develop.
  • name: Montignac diet;
  • characteristics: white sugar, flour, rice, corn, sweet drinks are prohibited; carbohydrate foods cannot be eaten with fats.
  • pros: no shortage of vitamins and nutrients, no feeling of hunger, rich diet, sustainable results;
  • Cons: You will have to prepare all the dishes yourself.
  • name: Star;
  • characteristics: every three days you need to consume certain foods without restrictions (kefir, unsalted chicken without skin, apples, cheese and red wine), total duration dietary nutrition - 12 days, the regime is used by almost every pop star;
  • advantages: weight loss up to 9-10 kg;
  • cons: very tough mode.

Here is an option that is becoming more and more popular in the ratings every day:

  • name: by blood type;
  • characteristics: lists of permitted, permissible and prohibited products have been developed for representatives of each of the four blood groups;
  • pros: weight loss in three months can be up to 10 kg and will remain for a long time;
  • cons: not suitable for everyone.

  • name: Fractional;
  • characteristics: you need to eat every 4 hours five times a day in small portions, reduce the amount of high-calorie foods;
  • pros: you can create your own diet, hunger almost never occurs, blood sugar levels decrease, a gentle diet.
  • cons: breakdowns are possible, not suitable for lazy people.


It is very important that losing weight does not harm a person’s health, otherwise there is no point in it. The ranking of diets considered the safest includes the following:

  • name: Shelton technique;
  • characteristics: you need to consume proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, but in minimal quantities, in order to determine the volume of food consumed, imagine a pyramid, the basis of which is porridge, the next level is vegetables and fruits, then fish, dairy and meat, and at the top oils, fats, salt;
  • pros: easy to follow, the result is very stable;
  • cons: weight comes off slowly.
  • name: Salad;
  • characteristics: per day you are allowed to eat up to a kilogram of salad from vegetables or fruits (raw, boiled), seasoned olive oil, lemon juice or natural yogurt, duration is a week, the last 2 days you are allowed to add a little chicken fillet, eggs or lean fish;
  • advantages: good for the body, ensures the supply of all vitamins to the body, has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • Cons: Some people find it difficult to follow.
  • name: Banana;
  • characteristics: duration from 3 to 7 days; per day you are allowed to eat only 1.5 kg of bananas and drink water, but nothing else;
  • advantages: gentle, easily tolerated;
  • cons: not suitable for people with diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, flatulence.

Fruit lovers will also like this rating option:

  • name: Apple;
  • characteristics: every day for a week in a row you can eat 1-2 kg of apples, a couple of crackers, drink water and green tea;
  • pros: 5-7 kg of weight is lost, vitamins enter the body, a laxative effect is observed;
  • disadvantages: dangerous for people with stomach problems; intense training is prohibited during the period of compliance.

Here is another effective and safe diet:

  • titles: English;
  • characteristics: lasts three weeks, in the first two days they eat only black bread with milk, the rest of the period - alternating protein and vegetable menus (2 in 2 days);
  • pros: good and sustainable results, varied, balanced diet;
  • cons: in the first days it is difficult not to break down.

Rating of weight loss diets by effectiveness

Some power systems deserve more detailed consideration. The rating of the best diets is headed by those that have been popular for many years, and their effectiveness is confirmed by a huge number of reviews. If you are going to lose weight, be sure to study the top lists, and you are guaranteed to find a nutrition system that is ideal for you in all respects.


A very well-known nutrition system that occupies high positions in ratings, based on reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Losing weight on the Kremlin is based on the following principles:

  1. In the first two weeks you need to eat up to 20 g of carbohydrates per day. Their content in 100 grams of a particular product can be easily calculated using a special table. Then you need to add 5 g of carbohydrates every week until you reach 40 g. The solution is to add 10 g every 7 days to a total of 60 g (it is advisable not to exceed this figure ever again).
  2. As with any diet for weight loss, with the Kremlin diet you should drink large volumes of water.
  3. Portion sizes are unlimited, but overeating is not advisable. The last meal is taken before bedtime, always 4 hours before. It is advisable to eat three times a day and have two snacks.
  4. Potatoes, flour, sweets, bread, sugar, rice should be excluded.
  5. Fish, vegetables, cheese, meat, eggs, sausages and alcohol are allowed, but before eating them, count the amount of carbohydrates according to the table.

In 2-2.5 months of this regime you will lose from 8 to 15 kg. The Kremlin nutrition system is not suitable for people who have kidney or heart problems. Those who still follow it may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation. This regimen is not suitable for pregnant women. It is strongly recommended that any person consult a nutritionist before embarking on it.

Elena Malysheva

The famous presenter and doctor of medical sciences has developed her own nutrition system. Elena Malysheva’s diet for losing weight for a month is based on reducing the number of calories consumed. You can order on the Internet a set of products for 28 main days and 4 fasting days, which is accompanied by a description of the menu and detailed instructions. Everything is portioned and all you have to do is heat up the appropriate container for breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you want to save money, you can cook your own meals by following these rules for a month in a row:

  1. Starchy vegetables, spices, sugar, fatty foods, alcohol, smoked foods and marinades are prohibited. Salt should be consumed in minimal quantities.
  2. Eggs, lean poultry, dairy products, seafood, cereals, fish, vegetables, dried and ordinary unsweetened fruits are allowed.
  3. You need to eat often, but little by little.
  4. Be sure to drink more (water, tea, herbal infusions).
  5. The maximum number of calories consumed per day for women is 1200, for men – 1400.
  6. Carbohydrates should be consumed separately from fats and proteins.
  7. Be sure to exercise and follow a daily routine.


A very popular power system with many advantages. Your favorite diet for 7 days will help you, depending on the initial data, lose 5-10 kg. Every day you will have a new diet (approximate version):

  1. Drinking. In the morning, drink a glass of kefir and a cup of tea, lunch - 220 ml of unsalted chicken broth, afternoon snack - 150 ml of yogurt, in the evening 200 ml of milk.
  2. Vegetable. Breakfast - a couple of tomatoes, lunch - cabbage salad with herbs and cucumbers. Afternoon snack – 2 bell peppers. Dinner is the same salad as for lunch.
  3. Drinking. Milkshake and tea in the morning, chicken broth in the afternoon, kefir for an afternoon snack and milk for dinner.
  4. Fruit. Morning – 2 oranges and grapefruit juice. Lunch – fruit salad. Afternoon snack – 1 pear, 1 apple. Dinner – a glass of any fruit juice.
  5. Protein. Breakfast – 2 eggs, 200 g of boiled fish. Lunch – 100 boiled peas and 150 g steamed chicken fillet. Afternoon snack – 100 g low-fat cottage cheese. Dinner – 100 g of cheese.
  6. Drinking. Repeat menu 1 or 3 days.
  7. Balanced. Breakfast – 2 eggs, tea, any fruit. Lunch – rice or buckwheat soup. Afternoon snack – fruit. Dinner – vegetable salad.

You cannot follow your Favorite Diet if:

  • colitis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • gastritis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with kidneys, liver.

Diet minus 60

Principles and rules:

  1. The minus 60 diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova is based on equal saturation. This means that the weight of each portion should be the same.
  2. You can eat all foods until 12 noon. From 12 to 15, choose combinations of meat or fish with vegetables, buckwheat or rice. You can eat potatoes, pasta, and legumes, but without anything else, and heavy fats should be completely excluded. From 15:00 until night, fruits and watery vegetables are allowed. exclude meat, cereals, legumes.
  3. Do not arrange fasting days and do not go on mono-diets.
  4. Be sure to have a hearty breakfast, or divide it into two meals with a break of a couple of hours.
  5. Don't overuse salt.
  6. After dinner, snacking is prohibited.
  7. Don't make portions too small.


Most red carpet stars use this technique regularly. The Hollywood Diet for 14 days is based on limiting total calories and the amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed. You should focus on foods rich in fiber and protein. The daily diet is divided into two meals: lunch and dinner, but you cannot have breakfast. List of strictly prohibited products:

  • bread;
  • salt;
  • confectionery;
  • brines and marinades;
  • pasta;
  • fats, oils;
  • alcohol;
  • everything fried and fatty;
  • sugar;
  • starchy vegetables and fruits.

Doctor Dukan

Consists of four stages: Attack (only protein products), Cruise (alternating protein and protein-vegetable days), Consolidation (6 combined days and one protein), Stabilization. The duration of each depends on how much you need to lose. The Dukan protein diet involves eating bran daily. There is a list of hundreds of permitted products from which you should create your menu, based on the recommendations of each specific stage.

Separate power supply

A very good system that has a beneficial effect on health. The diet of each day is different, they must be alternated:

  1. Protein. Lean meat, whole grain bread, vegetables, fish, herbs, seafood, cheese, dairy products.
  2. Starch. Legumes, grains, vegetables.
  3. Carbohydrate. Flour, baked goods without eggs, milk, yeast, buckwheat, vegetables, millet, barley.
  4. Vitamin. Fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts.

The 90-day diet of separate meals requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. Every 29 days – unloading on water.
  2. You can't have lunch before noon. Dinner three to four hours later.
  3. 2 snacks per day with one piece of fruit are allowed.
  4. The serving size for dinner should be half the lunch portion. Breakfast - no more than a third.
  5. Salt and sugar should not be used. The same goes for alcoholic drinks.
  6. Preference should be given to boiling, stewing, and baking foods. You can't fry them.
  7. You should eat no more than 1500 calories per day (if you need to lose a lot, then 1200).

Video: protein-carbohydrate alternation diet

The most best diet- shopping without money. All excess calories are lost with saliva.

(Folk wisdom)

The issue of weight and proportions is perhaps the most pressing for almost every woman, and to a slightly lesser extent for men: who needs to lose weight, and who, vice versa, needs to add a couple of centimeters to their sides. But before you start experimenting with own body in search of that very golden mean, it is useful to find out the opinions of experts, and of course, to use only proven and most beneficial methods for health, which will be discussed.

There is no single universal diet that would suit everyone. Therefore, here we have collected several of the most popular, popular and not harmful to your invaluable health, and, of course, we did not forget to ask the opinion of experts. So, let's go!

TOP 5 diets 2016

Anti-cellulite diet

It is based on balance, eating at strictly established hours with breaks of at least 2 hours and consumption per day 500 - 700 kcal less than consumed. Yes, yes, this method, like many others, requires the ability to use a calculator to calculate these same calories.

The most important thing in this method of getting rid of the hated orange effect is to exclude from your diet foods that contribute to its appearance: fried foods, fatty meats, sausages, smoked meats, canned food, semi-finished products, animal fats and full-fat dairy products, margarine, caffeinated products, alcohol, baked goods and various nutritional supplements. All these products not only load the kidneys, as a result of which they begin to act out, but also retain fluid and free radicals in the body, which leads to the hated porosity of the skin.

Products that are suggested to be emphasized: whole grain cereals and bread, legumes, lean meat and fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.

IN small quantity You should eat nuts, vegetable oils and fatty fish.

You need to drink as much sugar-free liquid as possible per day. This can be unsweetened tea, natural juices, and unsweetened compotes.

Energy diet

She assumes proper distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, meals in small portions every three to four hours, which does not allow energy changes (from loss of strength to the next surge of energy), consumption of at least 2 liters of liquid per day, especially water, and exclusion of fatty and fried foods.

Should be limited consumption of alcohol and carbonated drinks, give up fast food and other “harmful” foods, replace sugar and sweets with dark chocolate and honey, and eat whole grain products instead of white bread and pastries.

Keto diet (ketogenic diet)

It is usually used by bodybuilders to dry their bodies. This diet is based on proteins and fats with minimizing carbohydrate intake(no more than 80 - 100 g per day). By the way, the name of the diet comes from a process called ketosis. This is a condition caused by carbohydrate starvation, as a result of which the body begins to intensively break down fats and produce ketone bodies for use as an energy resource. In turn, this mechanism leads to active fat burning.

Products that make up basic diet in this diet: meat, fish and eggs, cheese, milk and cottage cheese, nuts, and some vegetables.

Prohibited Products: pasta and cereals, sugar and baked goods, potatoes, beets and carrots, as well as bananas and grapes, except for its sour varieties.

However, this diet, despite its enormous popularity, has one significant minus – glucose deficiency. In addition, it is not suitable for diabetics. Among the others side effects Dizziness and slight weakness are possible - this is how the body adapts to such an active production of ketone bodies.

But the undoubted advantage of this method of losing weight is the fairly rapid disposal of subcutaneous fat, as well as the ability to control your appetite by reducing the level of insulin, which causes that very “wild” hunger.

Diet 2016

“Hello” from Australian nutritionists in the form of a very popular, and most importantly, fast and generally harmless method of losing weight. It consists in strict division of products into three categories: those that need to be completely excluded, those that it is advisable to consume no more than three times a week and those that form the basis of the diet.

So, the foods you need to avoid: chocolate, honey and cookies, bread, sugar and dried fruits, fast food, chips and sweet carbonated drinks.

IN limited quantities allowed: potatoes and cereals, fruits and berries, pork and fatty fish, skim milk and cheese.

Basic products such a diet: vegetables for every taste and color, eggs, cottage cheese, seafood, as well as low-fat kefir, meat, fish, poultry.

A couple more important nuances in this diet: drink a lot of water, and cook food without oil, or, if absolutely impossible, then you can use olive oil.

Diet for weight gain

The essence of this diet is not at all the active consumption of sweets and fast food, which you should avoid regardless of whether you are losing or gaining weight. The main recommendations in this diet are as follows:

The basis of the diet is dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits, especially focusing on chicken meat and cottage cheese, since they contain the most protein and the least amount of carbohydrates and fats;

- low-calorie vegetables and fruits should be replaced more high-calorie, for example, instead of an apple - a banana, instead of carrots - potatoes. The same applies to other foods and drinks, for example, drink milk instead of tea;

It is advisable to eat at the same time at least 6 times a day: three main courses and three snacks.

As you have probably already noticed in this list there are no single-product diets, no “miraculous-speed” methods of weight loss, no diets that include all kinds of weight loss. Why is that? The answer is simple: eminent nutritionists unanimously assert that nutrition should be complete and balanced and include a wide range of products that should not be replaced with any chemicals. It is in this situation that the body will receive all the necessary nutrients, thanks to which its work will turn into a well-oiled mechanism. And here's what experts say on this matter.

1. From Margarita Koroleva

It's useful to arrange fasting days, rice is especially good for this, drink a lot of water and unsweetened tea, and if you also have ginger, then generally 5+

2. From Anatoly Volkov

The key to success is a properly structured diet. Start the morning with porridge and fruits; at lunch it is useful to include eggs, nuts, cottage cheese, and in the evening – a light meat dish. Minimize sugar, yeast and wine.

3. From Christine-Flamand Hennebique

“+” animal proteins, “-” saturated fats and quickly digestible carbohydrates. Less sugar, more fruit. Green light for low-fat dairy products, water and fresh vegetables; everything else should be kept in moderation.

4. From Mariyat Mukhina

Balanced variety, less carbohydrates and keep your mouth shut after the magical rush hour - 18:00.

5. From Marianna Trifonova

Compliance with a diet that needs to be selected individually; success lies in balance and consumption of sufficient quantities of vegetables, fruits and grains, as well as avoidance of preservatives, processed foods and other overt harmful products. But once a week you can treat yourself to your favorite, albeit not very healthy, dish.

6. From Stephen Gullo

The basis of the diet is seafood and fish, plus decoctions of diuretic herbs - a wonderful miracle for everyone who does not want to have excess weight.

7. From Elena Tikhomirova

We count calories and weigh foods, the main thing is not to go overboard daily norm calories (for each it is calculated individually). The secret formula that reduces appetite is unsweetened coffee with milk.

8. From Paul Bragg

Less salt, more fresh fruits and vegetables. But raw food diet and fasting are a miracle, naturally periodic and within reasonable limits.

“Pre-diet” warm-up

As you know, this is a special diet that must be approached with all seriousness and caution so that, as the ancient medical slogan says, “noli nocere!”, That is, “”.

Not only fashion is a matter of proportions, as the great Coco Chanel said, who retained her graceful figure until her old age. The main postulates of any diet are the proportional ratio of nutrients, the inadmissibility of overeating and the balance of calories (since not only too much of them is harmful, but also not enough).

We can slightly paraphrase the well-known universal truth, and we get another narrowly focused one: as many nutritionists as there are, so many opinions. But, obviously, they all somehow agree on one thing: the proportional distribution of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, consuming enough liquid, avoiding overeating and avoiding unhealthy foods help to perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and achieve ideal optimal shape. .

Diets are the most popular way to lose weight. However, despite the huge number of methods, not many diets can not only help you lose weight, but also maintain the results achieved. Effective techniques from professional nutritionists, tested by celebrities, are now available to everyone. the site has identified the five most popular diets in the world, which you can try on yourself.

1. Eat – Stop – Eat, or one-day fasting

The author of the one-day fasting system for weight loss is a Canadian nutritionist in the field sports nutrition Brad Pilon. The method of intermittent fasting was tested by Pilon on himself and his friends: as a result of the experiment, 90% of the participants got rid of excess fat. This diet was later clinically tested in Israel. The published results stated that intermittent fasting does not harm metabolism, but it allows you to lose even “stubborn” weight.

The one-day fasting method should not be confused with a fasting day on the water. The Eat–Stop–Eat diet reduces the number of calories you consume and otherwise creates an energy deficit.

The essence of the diet: meals three times a day as usual, but a couple of days a week (optional) skipping breakfast and lunch. These days you can only eat dinner and drink low-calorie drinks: water and green tea.

Result: minus 500 g of pure fat per week.

Important: choose two days a week when it is easiest to give up breakfast and lunch. The diet is contraindicated for people taking medications tied to meals, as well as for those whose diet consists of fast food (gastritis may develop).

2. Dukan diet

Today, when the most popular trend in nutrition is an eco-friendly approach and healthy image life, and people strive to choose diets that are as close as possible to the usual diet, the method of the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan has gained enormous success. This protein diet allowed Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, to become the most beautiful bride of the decade, whose experience will be followed by many celebrities. The peculiarity of the Dukan method is to cleanse the body and stabilize the result forever. That is, if you strictly follow the regime and rules of the Dukan diet, you can achieve significant weight loss and maintain it at normal levels constantly.

The essence of the diet: To obtain a stable result, you must follow the diet for several months. The regimen involves limiting the amount of carbohydrates and fats in the diet and focusing on protein foods. You can eat it at any time and in any quantity. The diet is divided into 4 phases: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization.

The menu is dominated by protein foods: turkey meat, chicken, lean ham, veal liver, any fish and seafood.

Also allowed: eggs, low-fat dairy products, seasonings and salt in small quantities. All products can be boiled, steamed or grilled.

Be sure to eat 1.5 tbsp per day. l. oat bran.

Exclude: sugar, veal, pork, beef, lamb, duck, rabbit.

Duration of the stage: 5-10 days.

2) Cruise (alternating)

Protein and vegetable diets alternate: any vegetables, except starchy ones, can be baked, boiled or eaten raw.

Be sure to eat 2 tbsp per day. l. oat bran.

Allowed: spices, adjika, hot pepper, milk, garlic, low-fat cocoa, 3 tbsp. l. white or red wine (only 2 products from this list are consumed per day).

Duration: 1-5 days (depending on the weight lost).

3) Consolidation

At this stage, the weight achieved during weight loss is consolidated.

Diet: all products of the first stage, vegetables from the second stage, fruits (daily), bread - 2 pieces per day, cheese, starchy foods - 2 times a week.

Be sure to eat 2.5 tbsp per day. l. oat bran.

2 times a week in one meal you are allowed to eat whatever you want.

Duration: for every kilogram lost, 10 days of consolidation.

4) Stabilization

Food without restrictions. Only two rules: once a week, eat only proteins all day long and eat 3 tbsp daily. l. oat bran.

Result: loss from 5 to 30 kg

3. Atkins Diet

This technique is also a type of low-carbohydrate diet. The method of getting rid of extra pounds has become very popular among celebrities in the West - pop diva Jennifer Lopez, who is known for her curvaceous figure, followed this diet. With the help of the Atkins diet and regular physical activity, the singer managed to quickly get back into shape after giving birth.

The essence of the diet:

The 1st phase lasts two weeks and allows the consumption of any meat, fish, poultry, seafood, mushrooms, eggs, cheeses, vegetables and herbs, vegetable oils, as well as water and herbal tea. Weight loss: 2-6 kg.

Phase 2 - a gradual increase in carbohydrates in the diet: products from the menu of the first phase and unsweetened vegetables, berries, fruits, black bread and alcohol in small quantities. If you violate the rules of the diet, Dr. Atkins recommends returning to the first phase. The second phase can last for the rest of your life, then the weight will decrease systematically until an optimal and stable result is achieved.

4. Japanese diet

This diet was invented by Japanese nutritionists for losing weight in a short time with stable results for two to three years.

The essence of the diet: duration – strictly 13 days. The diet limits carbohydrate intake, providing the body with nutrients and plant fiber. By using Japanese diet without fasting, the metabolism is rebuilt and normalized.

A varied menu of a salt-free diet, according to reviews from those losing weight, gives one of the most effective results:

Breakfast: black coffee.

Lunch: 2 hard-boiled eggs, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice or 1 fresh tomato.

2nd day

Breakfast: black coffee and crackers.

Lunch: fried or boiled fish, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Dinner: boiled beef 200 g, a glass of kefir.

3rd day

Breakfast: black coffee.

Lunch: raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil.

Dinner: apples.

4th day

Breakfast: black coffee.

Lunch: 1 large parsnip or parsley root, fried in vegetable oil, apples.

Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

5th day

Breakfast: raw grated carrots, seasoned with lemon juice.

Dinner: big fish(500 g), fried or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner: fried or boiled fish, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

6th day

Breakfast: black coffee.

Lunch: 500 g of boiled chicken, raw carrot or fresh cabbage salad.

Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, raw carrot salad with vegetable oil.

Breakfast: tea.

Lunch: boiled beef 200 g, fruit.

Dinner: whatever you want from the diet of the previous days, except for the third day. From the 8th day you should repeat the diet, starting with the menu of the first day.

Important: do not consume salt, sugar, alcohol. Drink at least 1.5–2 liters of water, tea or coffee without sugar. Because of coffee, the diet is contraindicated for heart patients.

Result: minus 7–8 kg.

5. Fractional meals

Fractional meals can't be called a diet. It's more of a nutritional system that allows you to lose weight without restrictions or refusal. eating habits. The peculiarity of the fractional nutrition system is that the result is achieved slowly, but is maintained for a long time (with constant adherence to the regime - for life). Nutritionists have noted this method of weight loss as the safest for health. Fractional meals allow you to burn more calories and control your appetite. This system helped to return ideal weight one of the world's first beauties - actress Charlize Theron, who had to gain 14 kg for her role in the film "Monster".

The essence of the diet: eating food every 2.5–3 hours.

Eating 5-6 times a day in small portions.

You should have breakfast within an hour of waking up in the morning. In the morning you can eat everything, but it is better to limit sweets. Consume carbohydrates in the first 2-3 meals. Eat proteins and vegetables in the evening. 1 serving is the size of a palm and the volume of a glass. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink kefir or vegetable juice. Total per day you need to: eat 3 hot meals, 2 light snacks and 1 sweet.

Menu option for the day:

Breakfast - porridge or muesli, a sandwich of whole grain bread with cheese, fruit, tea with honey or coffee with milk.

Snack – natural yogurt or fruit, grain bread.

Lunch – a portion of soup or a vegetable side dish and lean meat.

Snack – cottage cheese, tea with low-calorie dessert.

Dinner – fish (or boiled eggs, or cheese, or meat) with a vegetable side dish.

Before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

On the eve of the New Year, many strive to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters at any cost in order to shine slim figure in a festive outfit at New Year's celebrations. We interviewed well-known nutritionists to find out which diets their patients most often choose when trying to get in shape.

As you know, the best diet is the one you can follow throughout your life. Alas, not everyone is guided by this postulate, rushing to urgently lose weight before the holiday.

Malysheva's diet

(193 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

Elena Malysheva's diet is a set of ready-made food for weight loss, designed for 4 meals daily. The effect of the diet is due to the low calorie content of foods (800-1200 kcal), a minimum of fat, salt and sugar. Every week you also need to have a carbohydrate fasting day, on which you can eat only cereals.

PROS: No need to waste time preparing food. Eating frequently relieves hunger. Weight loss occurs gradually, at a safe pace (up to 6 kg per month), preventing health risks due to rapid weight loss. Since the diet is balanced in nutrients, it can be followed for a long time.

CONS: Many people complain about the “tidy sum” that they have to pay for ready-made sets consisting of the most simple products - cereals, eggs, vegetables, chicken, fish, cereal bars and the like. After all, cooking eggs, cereals and chicken soups- it’s not expensive either in terms of money or time. And counting calories with a minimum of practice will not cause any trouble.

Ducan's diet

(115 thousand requests)

The Dukan diet refers to high-protein or low-carbohydrate diets. The basis of the diet is protein products, but carbohydrates and fats are reduced to a minimum. Protein nutrition in conditions of severe deficiency of other nutrients forces the body to intensively use up its fat reserves.

PROS: The diet imposes virtually no restrictions on the amount of food - only on the choice of products. Weight decreases at a rapid pace - up to 3-5 kg ​​per week.

CONS: The diet is not balanced in nutrients, is poor in vitamins and minerals, and therefore carries high health risks. The first of them is the development of ketosis (carbohydrate starvation), expressed in loss of strength, decreased immunity, increased cholesterol in the blood, swelling and headaches. This diet has an impressive list of contraindications and poses a serious threat to the body - especially for gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

(51 thousand requests)

The buckwheat diet refers to mono-diets based on the consumption of one product. The food consists of small portions of steamed buckwheat without salt, oil or other additives. Weight loss due to a poor and monotonous diet.

PROS: Simplicity and low cost of the diet, normalization of blood cholesterol levels, rapid weight loss (up to 5 kg per week).

MINUSES: Tasteless, monotonous food poses a big psychological and physiological problem: irritability, weakness, dizziness develops, headache and other malfunctions in the body. Due to nutritional deficiencies, this diet should not be followed for more than two weeks. There is a large list of contraindications. At the end of the diet, the lost weight comes back, and, as a rule, with excess.

(34 thousand requests)

The kefir diet is also a mono-diet based on the consumption of low-fat kefir. In more gentle options, a minimum number of other dietary products: apples, vegetables, lean meat. Weight loss is explained by the low calorie diet and the diuretic effect of kefir.

PROS: Simplicity and affordability of the product, accelerated rate of weight loss - up to 5 kg per week.

CONS: This diet is designed for short term, since if it is followed for a long time, disorders of the digestive system develop: gastritis, intestinal upset, flatulence. There is a fairly extensive list of contraindications. Due to the ban on many foods, the diet is difficult to maintain psychologically. After finishing the diet, the weight quickly returns.

Diet "Doctor Bormental"

(33 thousand requests)

The nutrition system according to “Doctor Bormenthal” is not a diet in the classical sense. Rather, it is a healthy, balanced and varied diet plus psychological support and motivation that helps patients follow dietary recommendations with pleasure and enthusiasm.

PROS: This method, unlike others, includes long-term customer support from experienced specialists. A professional approach ensures effectiveness, safety and reliable prevention of relapse of extra pounds. Clients are taught to practice how to write proper diet, rich in all nutrients, targeting your individual taste preferences. There are no bans on products: only their quantity is regulated. The physiological nature of nutrition and psychological comfort make it easy to adhere to this system throughout your life.

CONS: Group psychotherapeutic trainings, personal supervision, individual consultations, diet analysis and constant psychological support are not a cheap pleasure. As a rule, this method is resorted to by people who have unsuccessfully tried many diets and are desperate to lose weight on their own.

(32 thousand requests)

The Kremlin diet, like the Dukan diet, is low-carbohydrate - with the difference that fats are not limited. Its operating principle is to minimize the saturation of the body with carbohydrates by replacing them with proteins and fats. Thus, the cause of weight loss is artificially created carbohydrate starvation of the body.

PROS: No feeling of hunger, rapid rate of weight loss - up to 5-6 kg per week.

MINUSES: A complete ban not only on sweets, but even on cereals, potatoes and bread - not everyone can endure such deprivations. Being saturated with fats and poor in vitamins, microelements and fiber, the Kremlin diet creates risks for the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and has a huge number of contraindications.

(31 thousand requests)

The “6 petals” diet is based on the principles of mono-diet and separate nutrition. The essence of its action is the daily separate consumption of foods according to the main nutritional components - proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, as a result of which the body finds itself in conditions of shortage of certain necessary substances. There is also a limit on the volume of foods to create a calorie deficit.

PROS: Short term and quick effect: in six days of the diet you lose 4-5 kg.

MINUSES: Feeling of hunger, complete refusal of sweets and starchy foods, boring, monotonous diet (you can only eat one product every day of the diet). Due to a poor diet, there are many contraindications. After returning to the regular menu, the lost kilograms, as a rule, return.

(15 thousand requests)

The name speaks for itself: we are talking about a diet, following which you need to consume only one permitted product or a small group of products. We have already touched on this topic, talking about buckwheat and kefir diets. There are also a great many mono-diets in various variations: rice, fish, vegetable, fruit, cottage cheese and even chocolate.
PROS: Obvious advantages include simplicity and low budget. Typically, mono-diets do not last more than 2-3 days, so they are unlikely to have time to cause damage to physical health and psyche.

DISADVANTAGES: Mono-diets do not provide any dietary variety. No matter how healthy a product is, it will not be able to meet the need for the entire spectrum of nutrients. The body needs fats, proteins, and carbohydrates - therefore any long-term mono-diets are harmful to health. In addition, the results of mono-diets are usually unstable: as soon as you return to a normal diet, the kilograms you lost will return.

(7.5 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

The Mediterranean diet is a nutritional system that corresponds to the food traditions of the peoples of the Mediterranean countries. The diet is based on unrefined cereals, flour products from durum wheat, vegetables and fruits, supplemented with dairy products, eggs, nuts, olive oil, fish and lean meat. Only store-bought sweets, sausages, animal fats, snacks and other fatty, high-calorie foods are excluded from the diet.

PROS: An undeniable advantage is the balance and variety of the menu. Eating 5 times a day in sufficient portions promotes satiety and good health. Weight loss is underway at a slow pace, but its results are relatively stable.

CONS: Products on the Mediterranean diet must be natural, high quality and freshly prepared, which requires a significant investment of time and money. Lovers of sweets, pastries, sausages and smoked meats will find it psychologically difficult to give up these dishes.

(6.2 thousand requests per month in the Yandex system)

The apple-based diet is an express diet. Its options are represented by a mono-diet or a combination of apples with a small amount of other dietary products: kefir, cottage cheese, buckwheat, eggs, etc.

PROS: Easy to use and quick results. The diet is suitable for those who love apples, but for others it will be difficult to adhere to due to dietary monotony.

DISADVANTAGES: The diet does not provide a lasting feeling of fullness and provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The results of weight loss are very unstable.


As you can see, there is a great variety of diets - there is plenty to choose from! But, in any case, before following any strict diet, we recommend that you consult a doctor, since chronic diseases, allergic reactions and other health problems can be a good reason for abandoning the diet.

And one more important warning. Following the popular belief “the faster the weight is lost, the better,” when compiling the rating, we included rapid weight loss with a particular diet as a “plus.” However, from a medical point of view, this is an absolute minus. No matter how attractive the short-term prospects of diets may seem to you, remember that if the weight goes away too quickly, it comes back even faster.

The main principle that should be followed in the pursuit of beauty is not to harm your body. And if on the eve of the holidays you are faced with an alternative: to maintain your health or to squeeze into an elegant dress one size smaller for a couple of evenings, then the choice is obvious, isn’t it?

Add it to the wall!

There are situations in life when you need to very urgently, well, simply, very urgently, to lose weight as quickly as possible. And there’s not much time to spend looking for practical advice.

Hm?! - As they say in advertising, you are incredibly lucky! - Actually it is so. We have compiled a list of the most popular, practice-tested diets for quick weight loss, based on discussions on various forums dedicated to the topic of quick weight loss.

There can be many reasons for losing weight quickly: preparing for the beach season, some important event, or in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. (relevant for both women and men), and your favorite dress reveals some figure flaws, or a business suit is too tight, jeans don’t fit, in a word, the whole wardrobe is useless. In general and in particular, there can be many reasons for going on a diet for weight loss, but each person has their own, so we will not find out the reasons, but rather find out whether there are really effective diets for quick weight loss?

Definitely yes! But most women question the existence of effective diets for quick weight loss. And in vain, there are such diets, but unfortunately, after such diets it is not possible to consolidate the achieved result, perhaps that is why they cause distrust. But by using a diet for quick weight loss, you achieve the desired result, quickly lose weight and acquire those body shapes that you consider ideal for yourself, or at least acceptable.

What is gratifying is that in our time, diets delight us with their variety, among which a significant part is occupied by effective diets for quick weight loss. And although effective diets for quick weight loss require iron willpower and motivation, the reward is not long in coming, in the form of a slimmer waist and getting rid of saggy sides.

In fact, there are more than a hundred truly effective diets for quick weight loss; in this article, you will learn about the most effective diets for quick weight loss in the form of a rating TOP 10. The duration of such diets is from two to seven days. (rarely happens 2 weeks), and they allow lose from 2 to 10 kilograms.

About the advisability of rapid weight loss and how to choose the right diet for rapid weight loss

Of course, it would be right to contact a nutritionist, but if you do not have such a desire or financial opportunity, then you should know that all nutritionists agree that quick loss weight gain can lead to undesirable health consequences. Therefore, take your medical card, look at what diseases you have suffered from, perhaps some chronic disease that you have already forgotten about is still occurring in a latent form. If this is the case, then the diet you choose must be agreed upon with a nutritionist or at least your attending physician.

Once you are convinced that you do not have chronic diseases and are confident in your abilities, you can begin choosing a diet. To choose the right diet, first of all decide in what time frame and for what purpose you need to lose weight. That is, if you need to quickly lose a few kilograms before some important event, this is one time period and a load on the body with a short-term effect (because the weight will very soon return to the levels that were before you went on a diet), preparing for the beach season is another, or you can slowly but surely lose weight on a gentle, “balanced” diet, the effect of which will last for a long time. for a long time without any particular harm to health.

If you still need to lose weight very quickly, then try to choose an effective diet for quick weight loss, but one that is more or less gentle. And remember that diets for quick weight loss are really effective and give quick results. You will lose a few kilograms and easily “fit into” your favorite dress or jeans, but no matter how quickly you get rid of those extra pounds, they will return just as quickly. But still, diets for quick weight loss are very often exactly the lifesaver that saves you at the right moments!

1. When choosing a diet for quick weight loss, you need to choose a diet that is based on a product available to you, because the vast majority of diets for quick weight loss are mono-diets, consuming one product;

2. The food products in a diet for quick weight loss should be to your liking, to your taste, as has already been said, most of these diets are mono-diets and if you don’t like the product, it will be difficult to maintain such a diet;

3. To make the time you are on a diet more comfortable, choose a diet in which dishes are prepared quickly and easily in order to spend less time in the kitchen and not be tempted by other foods;

4. And of course physical activity. Increasing physical activity is a prerequisite in the fight against excess weight. It could be 20-30 minutes of doing simple physical exercise in the morning, recreational jogging, swimming, cycling, Gym, or at least long walks.

Only a properly selected diet, with strict adherence to the rules and recommendations, will help achieve the desired result. Therefore, this article offers diets to choose from the TOP 10 most effective diets for quick weight loss.

Among the variety of diets for quick weight loss, there are the most effective and fastest express diets that were specially designed specifically for quick weight loss. The most effective diets for rapid weight loss are, as a rule, mono-diets and low-carbohydrate diets.

The most effective diets for quick weight loss are mono-diets

On a mono-diet you can lose from 2 to 10 kg in 7 days. It all depends on your initial weight, if your weight is slightly higher than normal, you will lose 2-3 kg, and if it’s significant, you can get rid of 10 kg. excess weight.

The essence of the mono-diet is to eat the same type of food for 7 days - this is one of the most effective diets for quick weight loss. But such a diet has one significant drawback: for 7 days, eat only one type of product, which is extremely difficult to sustain. But fortunately, there is a proven diet, the results of which will be identical, but in order to endure it you will not need to make any special moral efforts or test your willpower.

This diet has a name "7 petals", this diet lasts 7 days and consists of 7 different mono-diets. The essence of the “7 petals” diet is to alternate protein and carbohydrate days, due to which the body begins to consume fat reserves to obtain the necessary energy.

The order of alternating protein days with carbohydrate days

The “7 petals” diet method is based on alternating protein days with carbohydrate days, due to which fat reserves are burned faster, and accordingly the process of losing weight occurs faster. One of important conditions The “7 petals” diet is about following a certain sequence of days. (each day is assigned a specific type of product), during the day you can eat only permitted foods and it is strictly forbidden to transfer the type of product from one day to another, or change places.

The sequence of alternating protein-carbohydrate days:

  1. Fish day;
  2. Vegetable;
  3. Chicken;
  4. Cereal;
  5. Curd;
  6. Fruit;
  7. Drinking.

Rules of the 7 Petals Diet

For the “7 Petals” diet to be effective, you must follow several rules:

  1. It is imperative to adhere to the sequence of alternating protein-carbohydrate days;
  2. Completely exclude alcohol, flour products, sugar, and various sweets from the diet;
  3. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  4. It is forbidden to drink liquid while eating; you can drink water or other drinks half an hour before meals or an hour after; it is better to avoid coffee altogether;
  5. Products prescribed by the diet can be consumed both thermally processed and raw. It is prohibited to fry foods; you can steam, boil or bake them.

No-carbohydrate diet for very fast weight loss - “no-carbohydrate diet for fashion models”

It is believed that the most effective diet for quick weight loss, this is a carbohydrate-free diet; for example, consider the “carbohydrate-free diet of fashion models.” This diet is used when you need to lose weight very quickly, for example, before going on the catwalk, hence the name “carbohydrate-free diet for fashion models.” The diet in question cannot be called easy, despite the fact that it lasts only 3 days, but the effect of its implementation is very significant; in three days of this diet you can lose up to 5 kilograms, depending on weight and metabolism.

All products that are not included in the menu are prohibited during three days. Based on the menu that this diet allows, you can make a simple calculation of food intake by the hour, let’s say you had breakfast at 9:00 in the morning, then your last meal will be at 15:00, and the rest of the time before going to bed you will only need to drink clean water, the more the better, but not less than 1.5 liters per day.

Example of a “no-carbohydrate diet for fashion models” menu

  • In the morning: an egg cooked “in a bag” or soft-boiled;
  • After 3 hours - a cup of tea without sugar and 170 g of cottage cheese;
  • After another 3 hours, repeat the intake of tea and cottage cheese (170 g);
  • Skip dinner;
  • Drink as much water as possible.

TOP 10 most effective diets for quick weight loss

Below is a list of the TOP 10 most effective diets for quick weight loss with the duration of their implementation, the result in the form of extra pounds lost and the products that form the basis of each of the proposed diets.

Low-carb diet for fashion models duration 3 days, lose weight by 2-3 or 5 kilograms, depending on metabolism, age and initial weight. The diet is considered heavy because... Only 350 g of cottage cheese and one egg per day are allowed, you skip dinner and drink only clean water for the rest of the day.

Diet 7 petals lasts 7 days, you can lose weight from 2 to 10 kg. The diet is considered more or less easily tolerated, unlike other mono-diets.

Kefir diet lasts 7 days, you can lose 4-5 kilograms. The diet involves daily consumption of kefir in a volume of 1.5 liters.

Fresh juice diet lasts 3 days and guarantees rapid weight loss, but it is difficult to maintain such a diet; you can lose weight by an average of 3 kg. Freshly squeezed juice from grapefruits, oranges and lemons should be drunk three times a day. In between, drink only water.

Hollywood Diet more or less gentle, lasts two weeks, during which you can lose an average of 7 kg. In this diet, you need to completely exclude flour products, monitor the amount of salt, sugar and fat consumed.

Cabbage diet It is considered very effective: in 7 days you can lose up to 5 kilograms. The dishes on the menu are quite tasty, with virtually no fat.

Buckwheat diet duration is 1-2 weeks, you can lose weight by 4 or 8 kg. During the entire diet, you eat buckwheat porridge, which is prepared by pouring boiling water and bringing it to a swollen state.

Soup diet lasts 7 days, you can lose weight by 5 kg. Soups can be prepared from everything except: meat, seafood, potatoes, legumes. It is also prohibited to add spices and butter, maybe just a little salt. Bread and flour products cannot be eaten.

Japanese diet duration 2 weeks, you can lose up to 8 kilograms. It is based on seafood, but there is one condition: all dishes must be prepared without salt.

Brazilian diet duration 7 days, you can lose weight by 4 kg. It is based on fruits, vegetables and vegetable soups.

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