Freezing kinse for the winter at home. How to better keep the cilantro for the winter: storage methods. How to save the cilantro in the refrigerator to stay fresh

Kinza is a useful herb, which in summer it is worth adding anything to the salad. But what to do in winter, when springs of spicy greenery are not so accessible? Consider how to save the KIINZ of the future and the possibility of its storage. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Video recipe.

Kinza is a spicy aromatic plant of the Coriander family. The leaves of the grass are divided into wide blades that resemble parsley, so another name of this weed is a Chinese parsley. But on this similarity of plants ends. Petrushka to taste greatly loses cilantro, because Does not have a resistant aroma and taste. Fresh and sharp smell of grass as ripening becomes softer, and accompany many dishes of Georgian and Mexican cuisine. But the kinse season is very short and quickly ends, and with him leaves our diet abundance of greenery. Cinsers want to use it all year round, not just in the summer. To indulge yourself with this grass all winter, it is necessary to prepare the future and properly store to not only enjoy the taste, but also benefit health. Today I will tell you how to prepare the greens of kinse for the winter so that it keeps the useful and taste properties, and replenished with vitamins. After all, the substances that are contained in the leaves contribute to the digestion of oily meat food, purify the body and stimulate the production of gastric juice.

Drying green kinse does not require much time and effort. It is carried out in several ways: in the shade in well-ventilated rooms or in the oven at no high temperature. Also, it can be sued using an electric drying. Store the dried grass in hermetically closed container, so as not to lose a drop of spicy fly fragrance.

  • Calorie per 100 g - 21 kcal.
  • Number of servings - any quantity
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes of active work, plus time for drying


  • Kinza - any quantity

Step-by-step cooking dried cilanthole for the winter at home, recipe with photos:

1. Hang the grass, removing the yellowed and fired leaflets. Cut the roots, leaving the stalks with leaves. Stems can also be dried and used in cooking. Loaded grass ride under cold water and dried with a cotton towel or leave on the table top so that it dries naturally.

2. When the kinza will dry, grind it with a sharp knife, but not very finely.

3. Put herbs on the baking sheet and evenly distribute all over the area.

4. Sew the cilanthose in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees and a slightly open door. Drying time will take about 2 hours. Either put a baking sheet on the balcony in the shadow, and on top cover the thin layer of gauze so that the dust does not fall. Leave the kinse for 2 days. During the drying in any way, mix the grass several times so that it is evenly dried.

The leaves of the finished dried kinse will fall apart and crumble in the hands. If you dried it in the oven, then remove it from the oven and leave in the room so that it cooled. After that, fold into the glass container and close the sealant lid. Keep it in a dark place without high humidity. It is possible to use dried kinuses as an aroma and vitamin additive to any products and drinks.

Many dacms practiced for the winter. This plant is valued by its useful properties on the body. It is used as a spicy seasoning to dishes. The second name of Kinse is a coriander.

In order for the seeds of the plant as long as possible in the latest form, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • umbrellas with seeds gather in a dry sunny day;
  • the washed seeds are dried in a dry place inaccessible for sunlight;
  • umbrellas are manually overwhelmed, while the seeds are carefully separated;
  • seeds are saturated in a special capacity, a glass container is best suited;
  • kinse seeds are kept in a dry, well-ventilated place no longer than 4 years.

Width methods for winter

Fresh coriander is not intended for long-term storage in the refrigerator.

Therefore, the use of the plant all winter is in prior coordinate form. But there are other ways to preserve not only the rich taste and aroma of greenery, but also useful substances in its composition.


This is one of the most popular ways. If you adhere to all the recommendations when drought Coriander, its crushed leaves will delight taste and aroma all winter. The dried kinse is used as seasonings for hot dishes, cooking sauces to meat.

Consider the correct algorithm of action when drought Kinza:

  • leaves with stems are broken into dry, sunny weather;
  • are washed and cleaned from damaged parts;
  • well dry.

Since kinza has a sharp smell, it will be more correct to grind it before drying. The smell in this case will be softer. A finely chopped greens declined to a clean baking sheet and placed in a dry, well-ventilated room. The sun rays should not fall into greens.
After the greens are ready, it is moved into a glass container, which is tightly closed with a lid. You can also use ceramic dishes. Stored greens in a dry cool place, but not more than 1 year. At the same time, it retains beneficial properties, taste and aroma.

In this form, the kinza is used as seasonings when baking bread, added to sauces and meat dishes.


The question of whether you can freeze the cilantro for the winter, interests many of her lovers. Frozen kinza is stored much less than dried. Nevertheless, this method allows to preserve all the beneficial substances in its composition. In addition, this method of the workpiece leaves the aroma and taste in priority. The easiest way is the freezing in the package.

The algorithm of actions is:

  • greens is washed, damaged areas are removed;
  • folded on a towel or dense fabric to complete drying;
  • packages (cellophane or hermetic) are prepared;
  • sprigs of the plant better cut, it will simplify their further use;
  • the greens is placed in the package and goes to the freezer.


Salt kinza also retains taste and all useful elements.

The recipe for her cooking is very simple:

  • the greens is washed with cool water and dried;
  • it is laid out in the glass container and falls asleep with salt (1 kg of grass - 250 g of salt);
  • press the cilantro before the formation of juice, after which it is closed tightly with a lid and determine in the refrigerator;
  • after the contents in the bank fall a little, you can add some more greens.

In this form, the cilantro is kept up to 10 months. By adding saline cilantro to dishes, it is important to reduce the addition of salt into them, otherwise the food will be saved.


The method of preservation is less popular than freezing or drying, however, it is no less interesting. For this, fresh kinza is taken, is washed and grinding in a blender with the addition of 2 garlic cloves and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. The resulting mixture is poured into glass jars and is closed with plastic covers, after which they are sent to the refrigerator. This method of storage of cilantro allows you to use it as seasoning to meat. Also, pickled kinza will suit the seasoning towards spaghetti and other dishes.

Preservation in marinade

Many kinse lovers prefer to keep it in marinade. To do this, you will need:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
  • vegetable oil.

Water is brought to a boil, after which salt with vinegar is added to it. Pre-washed and chopped greens laid out in glass jars. It is not necessary to ram it. Then the kinza is filled with marinade, and after it cools down a little, 1 tbsp is added to each bank. l. vegetable oil. Banks are closed with plastic lids and deposit into a basement or refrigerator.

In oil

Many daches prefer to freeze the cilantro, pre-treating it with vegetable oil. Greens cut into small pieces (no more than 3 cm), fall asleep in a blender. Add vegetable oil in proportions 80 ml of oil per 50 g of greenery. Everything is mixed before the formation of a puree state of green. Further, the contents fill the molds for ice and determine them in the freezer. After the contents freeze, it is shifted into special packages for freezing, and stored no more than 2 months.

Note! Placing forms with greens in the freezer, it is necessary to ensure that they are on a flat surface. Otherwise, the contents of the molds will be broken.

Freezing in butter

Another way to freeze the cilantro. Only instead of vegetable oil use creamy.

In a dry bowl, 3 tbsp. l. Kinse, after which 100 g of chopped butter of room temperature is added to it (it should not be submitted). The contents of the plate is well mixed, optionally you can add garlic, pepper, salt and lemon juice. The resulting mixture is shifted on parchment paper and is placed in the refrigerator before hardening. Then the content moves to storage in the freezer. To do this, it must be folded into a sealed package.

Useful properties of kinse in winter

Even our ancestors were removed from Coriander a mass of properties. The use of cilantro in winter will increase the durability of the body to colds, strengthens the immune system, improve the overall condition of the body. But this useful properties of greenery do not end.

The value of the cilantro is determined by the following factors:

  • it has an antiseptic effect, eliminates inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and the bleeding of the gums;
  • normalizes the hormonal background of women, softens the pain in the menstrual period, improves the reproductive function;
  • reduces glucose levels and poor blood cholesterol;
  • output excess fluid from the body, preventing swelling;
  • improves the work of the nervous system;
  • it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the liver.

Scientists have proven that regular kinse consumption increases immunity, it has a healing and soothing effect on the body.

Kinza is a spicy plant, which is rich in vitamins, organic acids and nutrients. In the summer it can be bought in the bazaar or grow in bed, but what to do in winter? How to save fresh curse for the winter and not lose its fragrance, color and useful properties? Consider several methods of workpiece.

How to save Kinz Fresh: Freezing

Tip: If the kinza is sent for 15-30 seconds to boiling water, and then for a few seconds in the ice, then the leaves do not lose their bright color during storage.

Freezing in oil (olive, sunflower or creamy) is used to preserve the beneficial properties of essential oils located in the cilantro. For this, the form is filled with 2/3 greens and poured with any oil, put in the freezer. After the prepared mass is frozen, it is pulled out of the form and shift into the package.

For frost, it is desirable to choose fresh, juicy and fragrant leaves. Cut the greens is not recommended. Kinza stores no more than six months, while she slightly changes the taste.

How to keep the cilantage for the winter: drying

For drying, they use both whole sprigs of plants and sliced \u200b\u200bleaves. Kinse sprigs are collected in the bundle and hang upside down, and the leaves are folded on a thin layer tray. Before this, greens necessarily wash and remove all damaged parts.

It is dried in a dry ventilated room where there is no direct sunlight. After complete drying, shifted into a clean glass jar and remove into a dark cool place. Under such conditions, the kinza is stored for about a year. In dried form, it is used to refuel dishes and healing decoctions.

How to save Kinzu: Marinade and Solving

The recipe marinade from Kinse is very simple. For preparation, greens will be required, 300 ml of water, pinch of salt and 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

1. Bring water to boil, then add salt with vinegar.

2. To wash the cilantro and put it tightly in a glass jar (not to the edge).

3. Cooked marinade completely pour greens.

Kinza is the most popular spice in meat and vegetable dishes. Very appreciate the cilantro and in the Caucasus, adding it to almost all the dishes. What, in cooking, not only the green part of the plant, but also seeds. Many know the cilantro under a different name - this is a coriander, but it is just already seeds of cilantro, which are used in baking.

You can dry for the winter all the above-ground part, but to get a better product, you need to take fresh, green leaves of a young plant, without waiting for the appearance of seeds.

If you have time, you can immediately sort and dry separately leaves and separately stalks. To do this, wash the bunch of greenery, and tear the leaves in one direction, and the stalks to another.

The leaves are not treated, they are so shaky and will become substantially less. Stems should be cut, and decompose to dry out in the outdoor in the shade.

The sun rays will accelerate the drying, but will take the color of the greenery, and the kinza will become brown, or brown. It will not affect the quality, so this is a matter of taste.

When dried in the electric rig, Kinza will retain his green color, but there is a big risk of cutting the greens, having received a duch. Therefore, set the temperature for no more than +50 degrees, and control the drying process. Once every one hour, turn off the dryer, rearrange the pallets in places, and check the degree of drying. It is better to turn off the dryer a little earlier, and to dry the greens in the fresh air.

Kinse seeds, that is, coriander, ripen at the end of summer.

They have the same green color and round shape. For the collection of seeds, the entire plant is cut into the root, they are binding to bundles and suspended down in a dry and ventilated room. When the seeds are routing, you can start up. Choose seeds from "umbrellas", and spend the seeds between the palms to get rid of the shell.

Then, you need to "spend" seeds to blow dry leaves and scales.

Coriander seeds can be chopped in a coffee grinder and store up to 1 year in hermetically closing dishes.

How to dry the kinsea greens, look at the video:

Coriander is able to transform the taste of even the most boring dish by making it piquant and multifaceted. Fresh greenery contains a lot of vitamins, demonstrates immunostimulating, antibacterial effect, improves digestion. Summer is a great time to make Kinsee's stocks.

Plant selection and preparation

Coriander is famous for its spicy taste and strong aroma. The leaves of the plant themselves, which are usually used in food, are called cilantro. They are well combined with meat and vegetables, being an integral part of Caucasian dishes.

Coriander should be assembled in a dry day, after Rosa subsides. If you make a blank in wet weather, the raw materials will rot and mold, even a thorough drying will not save it from it.

However, it is impossible to do it under the scorching sun. It is better to make the workpieces in the early morning or in the evening when the heat saves.

Coriander has 2 Ipostasis - green petals (kinza) and spicy seeds. The harvest period depends on what needs to be prepared - greens or seed.

Kinse must be disappeared before the start of flowering. If you lose this moment and cut the greens during the formation of the barring, it will have an unpleasant bitterness.

Cut the greenery is recommended at the moment when it reached a height of 10-12 cm. If it is planned to be preserved for winter and greens and seeds, a coriander should be grown on two sites. It will not work out from plants and green leaves and seeds, because in this case the quality of one of the billets will noticeably suffer.

If you acquire a cilantro, then for long-term storage to do it better not in supermarkets. Preferred follows to private owners growing fresh greens in your area.Choosing greens, you should pay attention to her stems. If they have fallen, refuse to buy. The same applies to the presence of a large number of yellowed leaves.

If the greens is wet, then it probably was kept in water or sprayed. This suggests that it is ridden for a long time. It is unlikely that it makes sense to buy such a cilanthole. The duration of storage speaks too weak fragrance or its complete absence. Freshly plane kinza makes a strong, even sharp smell.

Features of the preparation of the plant depend on the storage method. In any case, the billet of the Coriander leaves suggests the removal of yellowed and bothering branches.

If it is planned to store fresh greenery in the refrigerator, then it is necessary to trim the stalks of the plant, shortering them by 2-2.5 cm. It is necessary if the beam of the greenery will be put in a jar with water.

When connecting with air, the stems die off, and therefore they will be unable to absorb liquid. Updating the location of the cut, it is possible to achieve water absorption by the plant. For trimming, special scissors are needed or a sharp knife.

If the kins will be stored in the refrigerator, it should be washed before consumption, and not before booking for storage. However, large pollution still should be deleted. When drying, freezing or salting, you need to pre-wash the greens, carefully wipe it and dry, and only after this make subsequent manipulations.

To wash the greens is better, seeing it for 7-10 minutes in a basin with cool water. In this case, all pollution, insects and dry leaves will pop up onto the surface. After that, it is recommended to rinse the twigs under running water, keeping them down by leaves.

How to save fresh?

Save fresh kinse in the refrigerator. But for this should be followed by simple rules. First you need to explore the bunch of greenery, remove the contamination, but not to wash the plant. Then update the slice on the stems so that it absorbed the liquid better.

Place greens in a jar with water on a bouquet manner, and on top to wear a cellophane package and tie it with a rubber band to the bank to eliminate the contact of the kinse with air. In this case, the method of storage should change water every 3-4 days, if necessary, to update the slice on the stems.

Another way to keep the freshness of green leaves is to put a cilantro in the package along with a bulb. Tie a package and remove it into the refrigerator. Menuing onions follows every 3-5 days. If the package inside is wet, it should also be replaced.

We harvest for the winter

Despite the diversity of recipes, it is possible to prepare the cilantage for the winter in the winter of three ways:

  • dry
  • to freeze;
  • sawn.


The next stage is simple, but responsible - it is necessary to dry the greens very well. It is better to decompose it with a thin layer on a tissue towel and leave for several hours. Then take another towel and shifting the cilantro on him, trying to turn it over with the other side.

When the workpieces are dry, they can be finely nourished with a knife. However, if desired, one can frost and solid twigs. After you should form small, not more than 60 g, bundles, wrap them in a cellophane or container, and remove into the freezer.

There is another freezing method. He involves grinding washed and dried kinse. The resulting raw materials are layered in ice cells and add some cold boiled water.

Now you need to freeze the cilantro with water, after which Ice "Cubes" are pouring into polyethylene bags. Such blanks are conveniently added to soups and sauces, and you can even use for cosmetic purposes for rubbing the face.


The dried kinza is no less popular. Of course, it loses some of the healing properties and its elegant green shade. Dried kinse usually use for sauces and soups.

Drying can be conducted in vivo or with an oven. In any case, you need to wash and dry the cilantro. For drying in air, you should choose a warm, protected area of \u200b\u200bmoisture and drafts. The plant is assembled by small beams that are suspended by leaves down. It is advisable to put on these bundles a paper bag with holes for ventilation. Duration of drying is 2-3 weeks.

It is important to avoid hitting direct UV rays into the coriander during the drying process, since it is destroyed by the healing components.

It is possible to dry the kinse, choking it finely, and then scattering on a clean smooth surface with a thin layer. If the raw materials are dried on the street, then at night it needs to be made home and not to be taken back until the dew is down. Naturally, in case of rain, you should think in advance where Kinza can be performed.

Prepared greens can also be finely cut and parted into the oven for 4-5 hours at a temperature not higher than 40-50c. The baking sheet is better to be preloaded with a leaf of parchment, and leave the oven door open to speed up the evaporation of moisture.

In the process of drying, the size of the kinse leaves will decrease, which should be remembered when cutting. Properly dried greens crumble, but it should not crumble into dust.

Kinse must be shifted into the glass container or canvas bags and keep in a dry, protected from light place. Before laying a dried greenery for storage, as well as during the process itself, it is recommended to periodically check the composition for the presence of pests and mold. Frozen and dried greenery retains its properties and taste up to a year.


Finally, less common, but because no less effective is another way to keep the cilantro until spring is to sleep. The easiest way to do this is a dry way, for which the stalks with leaves are crushed, mixed with salt, give the first little time to let juice. The mixture is then shifted into sterile banks and clocked by the bypass covers. The kinse and salt ratio looks like 5: 1.

Saline kinse can be kept in the refrigerator up to 10 months. When adding it to the dish, the amount of salt should be reduced in the latter.

If we are talking about Coriander seeds, they are collected together with umbrellas at the end of August, early September. The maturity of seeds is evidenced by their brown-brown shade. With an earlier collection, the likelihood of disrupting misappropriate seeds, which will not have valuable properties can be molded.

Strip seeds, removing umbrellas. The resulting powder is pouring into fabric bags and remove into a well ventilated dry and dark place. The seed storage period is 4 years.

You can cut the coriander stalks with umbrellas, link them into small bundles and hang in a dry ventilated room. Under beams should be pure paper or packages. Ripe seeds will simply be mounted on them. After 2 weeks, umbrellas should be untied, and energetically tapping them about the palm, extract the remaining seeds. Next, they are removed for storage.

It is not necessary to change the grain immediately. They will give a more rich taste if you do it immediately before adding to the dish. However, this increases the cooking time, so many hostesses prefer to crush the entire seed batch.



This recipe assumes freezing Coriander in molds for ice, but instead of water, vegetable oil is poured - sunflower or olive. The plant ishes, dried and crushed with a knife, then stacked in the molds. Raw materials need a little tamper. The cells are then filled with oil and depart in the freezer.

Not only vegetable, but also melted and cold butter can be used. In this case, when adding cubes, it will be possible to provide a dish not only by coriander, but also a gentle creamy taste.

In this case, the workpiece will be cubes in which the boundary between greens and oil is clearly noticeable, and the first sliced \u200b\u200bis large enough. If you need to get green ice more homogeneous consistency, you should act differently.

50 mg kinse should be chopped by a blender in the toss and pour 80 ml of olive oil. Stir the composition and, laying it on the molds, send to freeze. Such an additive is especially successfully putting in pasta, spaghetti, baking. You can add to the coriander, plotted through the press garlic. Store "Cubes" follows in the freezer (you can shift the frozen pieces in one package) not more than 2-3 months.

If you like sandwiches with fresh greens, it is better to freeze it in butter. For this, greens must be very finely chopped with a knife or turn into a puree with a blender. Then the softened butter (pre-pull from the refrigerator for 2 hours to 2) mix with greens, form a sausage and send it to the fridge or freezer to grab.

When the oil acquires the familiar consistency, the pieces that smear on the pieces of bread, cracker or toasts are needed as needed. You can use it for frying, add to dough or cream soups, sauces. Store the composition in the refrigerator follows no more than 7-10 days, in the freezer - no longer than 2 weeks. You can make a piece of chili pepper, garlic, favorite spices and other greens.


From the cilantro and seeds of the plant, you can get fragrant and useful oil used to refuel salads. On its basis, you can also cook sauces, home mayonnaise. The glass jar should be tightly laying fresh greens (you can take it and frozen, pre-defrosting it), add umbrellas with seeds or just Coriander grains, to pour into the shoulders to pour it with oil, sneak and leave it to be in a dry dark place.

The minimum time of insteading is 14 days. If you increase this period, then the oil will acquire a reddish tint and more pronounced piquancy. You can add basil to the greenery, garlic sliced \u200b\u200bby quarters. We will give such an oil recipe now below.

So, in the bank should be put on 1 cup of crushed greenery basilica and cilantro, add umbrellas with seeds, 2 peeled garlic cloves, half a pod of red or green (less burning) chili pod. Add olive oil, wait and insist at least two weeks.

After insisting, the oil makeup should be filtered and pour into a glass bottle, better if it is from dark glass. You can add a few drops of lemon to the oil or make a teaspoon of apple vinegar, a pinch of salt.

Canned Kinza

You can cook and canned kinse. Such a seasoning will be successfully combined with simple side dishes, and the brine can be added to soups and sauces.

For preservation, the kinza should be pounding a blender with 2-3 cloves of garlic. Then you should add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and distribute in advance to sterilized cans, close the lids.

Canning coriander can be not only in oil, but also in brine. It is required to take 300 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, salt on the tip of a knife and a tablespoon of vinegar 9%.

From salt and water to weld brine, turn off the fire and pour vinegar. Banks pre-sterilize, distribute the washed and sliced \u200b\u200bcilantro in them, fill with brine. Cover the container with covers and give a little cool brine, then pour into every little oil and clog the covers.

Turn over the banks upside down and bite the old blanket. When the composition cools, put the container with a snitch down and move to the place of basic storage. Store the workpiece in the cellar or refrigerator. Shelf life - 10-12 months.

For kinsea in marinade or with salt, it is better to use small jars. Opening such a container, you must use it in 1-3 days.

At the next stage, spices add to the sauce. This is definitely seeds of Coriander, well combined with this taste of turmeric, paprika. Salt add to taste. A marine is prepared from 50 ml of water and 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar, bring it to a boil and get cold.

Add marinade into a green mixture, constantly stirring it. The dish must acquire the consistency of the paste. After that, the chuts are decompressed by sterile banks and roll with covers.

Before the feed, you can add chopped walnuts to the dish. The sauce is harmoniously combined with rice, pasta, meat.

From Kinse you can make another interesting sauce of Cimichurry, whose homeland is Latin America. Traditionally, it is served to steaks, and also used as a liquid ingredient when cooking cakes, in which meat and vegetables are wrapped.

So, for the Chimichurry, a large beam of the greenery of Coriander, 6-8 cloves of garlic, 70 g of pumpkin seeds should be grinding the blender. Of 100 ml of olive oil, 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar and juice ½ lemon or lime prepare sauce. Red ground pepper and salt add to the green mass, and then refueling.

After that, the chimicurri is mixed up to a homogeneous structure, declined to banks and is closed by droppore covers. Store it follows in the refrigerator.

On how to freeze the cilantro, see the following video.

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