Animals of our region names. Animals of our region Khmao-Yugra. Great Spotted Woodpecker

Russia occupies one sixth of the landmass. Therefore, the number of vertebrate animals inhabiting Russia is enormous and exceeds 1,500 species. Among them:

  • more than 700 species of birds;
  • more than 300 species of mammals;
  • more than 85 reptiles;
  • more than 35 species of amphibians;
  • more than 350 species of freshwater fish.

Mammals of Russia


The bear is a large animal; it is considered one of the symbols of Russia.


The brown bear is a forest-dwelling forest animal. Very often this animal can be found in Kamchatka. The brown bear is a fairly large animal; the maximum recorded weight of a male bear caught in Kamchatka was more than 600 kg.

A mother bear with cubs.

The brown bear can eat both plant foods and hunt other animals. More than half of his diet consists of plant foods: various berries, nuts, roots, and so on. Since the bear is clumsy and cannot run fast, it rarely manages to catch a deer or roe deer. But such a giant can eat insects and their larvae, catch fish, lizards

In winter, bears hibernate until spring. To do this, they equip dens in pits or caves.


The wolf is a beautiful predator, similar in appearance and size to the German Shepherd. Wolves are pack predators; with their devotion to the pack they can set an example for people.


The wolf's main prey is large ungulates. A pack of wolves chases down a weak deer; a strong pack can even attack an elk weighing about half a ton. The leader starts the meal first, only after him does the rest eat.


The fox has the reputation of being a very cunning animal.


Foxes are small animals. Adult fox weighs no more than 10 kilograms. They feed on small rodents, so they can often be found near human settlements, where there are more rodents.

But not only rodents make up her diet, she can hunt small birds, try to catch a hare, but this is difficult for her to do, since hares are faster than foxes. When hunting, a fox often uses cunning; for example, it can pretend to be sleeping near a flock of partridges, and when the birds lose their vigilance, it can suddenly attack.

The fox is a very curious creature. She is interested in everything new and unusual, and this often becomes the cause of problems. For example, a fox can fall into a hunter's trap.


Boar are wild pigs. Boars are quite large animals; the weight of an adult boar can reach 250 kilograms. With such a mass, they can run at speeds of up to 40 km/h.


Wild boars feed on everything they find in the ground. These can be various roots, worms and insect larvae, fallen fruits, acorns, chestnuts, and so on. A boar can eat a lizard or toad if it catches one.

Wild boar piglets.

If a boar feels threatened, it becomes very dangerous. His fangs can reach 20 centimeters in length, and he does not hesitate to use them.

In search of food, the wild boar performs the function of a tiller; it loosens the ground and plant seeds fall deeper, and their chance of germination increases.


Elk is a large herbivore. This animal gained fame thanks to its spade-shaped horns; they look like a plow - a tool of farmers. Therefore, since ancient times, the elk has had the nickname – elk.

Elk with big horns.

Only male moose have antlers; females do not. Every year before December, moose shed their antlers, then these antlers can be found in the forest.

Moose live in the northern latitudes of Russia, as these animals do not like heat.


The hare is a small herbivore that is generally considered cowardly. But this is fundamentally wrong; once in the clutches of a predator, the hare fights off with its strong hind legs. On these paws, moreover, he has large claws, with which he can inflict serious injuries on his attacker, or even kill him.


But hares avoid fights with predators, and they have only one way to do this - quickly run away. They are capable of reaching speeds of up to 75 km/h if their lives are in danger. Who doesn't try to hunt hares! The fox poses a danger to young hares; it cannot keep up with adults. Wolves often prey on older hares. Lynxes and large eagles, ermines, wolverines and martens can attack hares.

Hare with a bunny.

Wolverine is a predatory animal northern forests Russia. The wolverine is a relative of martens, although in appearance it resembles a bear.

The weight of a wolverine can reach 30 kilograms. Females are slightly smaller than males, but this is where their external differences end.

It is believed that the basis of the wolverine's diet consists of carrion, which it picks up from bears and wolves. In addition, the wolverine hunts everything it can catch. Great luck for wolverine - to catch a wounded and weakened small deer.

Beaver belongs to the family of rodents. It is the largest rodent in Russia and Europe. There is only one representative of rodents in the world larger than a beaver - the South American capybara. The weight of a beaver can reach 30 kilograms.

The beaver is often called “beaver,” but this name is not accurate, since in the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I., this word is used to describe the fur of a rodent.

The beaver leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle, spending most of its time in the water. Beavers are famous for building dams on small rivers. Beavers live in burrows; if it is not possible to dig a burrow, the beaver builds a hut.

Beavers are active at night, and during the day they sleep in their homes. Beavers feed on plant foods, they store supplies for the winter and do not leave their shelters throughout the winter.

The ermine is a small predator, no more than 40 centimeters in length. But a very aggressive and bloodthirsty animal. It lives in bushes, on the banks of water bodies, including swamps. The ermine swims well and climbs trees deftly.

The stoat hunts small rodents, but is also capable of killing larger prey, such as a squirrel or rabbit.

In winter, stoats change their coat color to white to have a better chance of remaining undetected while hunting.

Ermine in winter.

The sable is a predator, similar in shape to the ermine, but larger. The main habitat of the sable is the coniferous taiga.

Sable on a branch.

The sable mainly hunts small rodents, but can attack squirrels and hares. He also hunts small birds such as capercaillie or hazel grouse.

Sable fur is very valuable, which led to its mass extermination.

Birds of Russia

As stated above, more than 700 species of birds can be found in Russia.

Bullfinch are birds slightly larger than a sparrow, the males of which are painted bright red. Female bullfinches are not at all brightly colored.

Bullfinch in winter
Bullfinch in May

The diet of bullfinches consists mainly of seeds and buds of trees and shrubs; bullfinches especially love rowan and bird cherry. Bullfinches can also eat small insects; they mainly manage to catch spiders.

In winter, bullfinches do not fly anywhere, but spend the winter in Russia. If the winter is very cold and there is little food, then many bullfinches die. Under favorable conditions, the bullfinch can live up to 15 years.

The tit is a bird the size of a sparrow. It is distinguished by a yellow breast and a blue tint on the back.

In the warm season, tits prefer to feed on insects; at this time they are real predators. But in winter they are forced to switch to plant foods.

Tits on a sunflower

With the onset of cold weather, tits move to cities, as it is easier for them to find food here. In the spring they fly back to the forests.

The woodpecker is famous for chiseling trees with its beak in search of insects and their larvae. The knock from its “work” can be heard a hundred meters away.

Like tits, woodpeckers' diet depends on the time of year. In the warm season, they eat more insects, although they can destroy the nests of small birds by eating eggs and chicks. In winter, woodpeckers switch to plant food.

The woodpecker's tongue is visible in the photo.

Instead of making nests on branches, woodpeckers hollow out hollows in trees with soft wood (alder or larch, for example). This work is done mainly by the male and takes about two weeks.

The lifespan of a woodpecker very rarely exceeds nine years.

The body length of an adult cuckoo is just over 30 cm and weighs 190 grams; the maximum wingspan of the cuckoo reaches 65 centimeters.

Cuckoo with prey.

Cuckoos are migratory birds and for the winter they migrate to Africa and the tropical latitudes of Asia.

A cuckoo chick in a pipit's nest.

Pisces of Russia

There are more than 350 species of freshwater fish in Russian reservoirs. Let's look at some of them.

Catfish are a real predator, and not a scavenger, as is commonly believed. One of the largest freshwater fish in Russia, which is common in many reservoirs.

Catfish can hunt not only fish and crayfish. It can also attack birds, for example, here is a video about how a catfish hunts pigeons.

Catfish in the Dnieper River.

Typically, catfish reach a mass of 20 kilograms with a length of 1.5 meters. But under favorable conditions, catfish can grow to the size of real giants and weigh 400 kilograms with a length of up to five meters. This is just a monstrous fish!

Pike is a predatory freshwater fish, the heroine of folk tales.

Typically, pike grows up to one meter long and weighs no more than 10 kg, but some individuals reach a weight of up to 35 kg.

Pike hunt from ambush. They can hide in thickets for a very long time, waiting for prey. Then, with a lightning-fast attack, they grab the victim with their powerful jaws. A fish caught in a pike’s mouth has no chance of freeing itself, since the pike’s teeth grow towards the inside of the jaw.


Pike perch is another predatory freshwater fish, widespread in the European part of Russia. It lives only in flowing reservoirs, the water of which is rich in oxygen.

Pike perch can grow up to 120-130 centimeters, while its weight can reach up to 18 kg.

Pike perch is a very aggressive predator, but the diameter of its throat is small, so it does not attack large fish, as catfish and pike do. Its prey: bleaks, small ruffs, and so on.

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish; it can grow more than four meters in length and weigh more than one and a half tons.

Belugas live most of their lives in the waters of the Azov, Black and Caspian seas. Belugas enter rivers only during the breeding season.

Belugas lead a solitary lifestyle. During the winter, they hibernate, before which their body is covered with a thick layer of mucus, which acts as warm clothing.

The main food of belugas is small fish, such as gobies and a variety of carp, herring and other similar fish.

Crucian carp is a very cautious fish. Crucians are practically omnivorous and survive well in the most difficult conditions.

There are two types of crucian carp in Russia: golden and silver.


Crayfish is an aquatic animal reaching a length of 30 centimeters. Although crayfish are usually much smaller, most often their size is 15 centimeters.

Cancer has powerful claws, and is protected from the outside by a shell.

Crayfish are nocturnal predators. During the day, they hide in their shelters, this can be a hole or a secluded lair in the roots of a coastal tree. At night they feed. The basis of the crayfish’s diet is plant food; from animal food they can get mollusks and worms, and they also do not disdain carrion.

Arctic animals of Russia

Polar bear- ruler of the northern latitudes of Russia.

The main prey of polar bears is different kinds seals such as bearded seals and ringed seals.

Having a huge mass, the polar bear has no natural enemies. In terms of mass, only walruses are not inferior to it, and polar bears try to avoid them.

Polar bear and walruses.

Polar bears spend almost their entire lives on drifting ice floes. Only pregnant females come onto land to give birth to cubs.

The arctic fox is an animal similar to a fox. Lives in the Arctic tundra.

Arctic fox, photo: August 2014.

In winter, the color of the Arctic fox is white. But in the summer it sheds and its color turns brown.

Arctic fox in summer.

The Arctic fox's main prey in summer is rodents lemmings. Although the Arctic fox is not picky about food and can eat more than 120 species of small animals (including fish and shellfish) and more than 20 species of plants. In winter, Arctic foxes have a hard time, especially if the winter is cold.

The polar owl is the largest of all owl species. This bird is also called the white owl because of its color. The wingspan of a large individual can reach 175 centimeters.

Polar owls spend their summer in arctic zones, and for the winter they fly to areas of deciduous forests. Their main prey is lemmings, small rodents that live in the north in the tundra zone.

The polar owl tries to nest away from people.

This species is found in the middle zone in coniferous and mixed forests. This is a typically arboreal animal. Squirrels make nests in hollows or use tree branches to build. Squirrels have been observed migrating to more productive places. There are two main species in Russia: the common squirrel, or veksha (Sciurus vulgaris), and the Caucasian, or Persian squirrel (Sciurus anomalus), which lives in forests North Caucasus. The Polesie subspecies of vekshi, distinguished by a special reddish tint of fur, has been migrating to Russia since the late 1960s and displacing local squirrels with a reddish tint of fur coat and more valuable fur. They cross easily, and the offspring are dominated by reddish shades of color.

In nature, squirrels make their nests in hollow trees, sometimes on the branches of pine and spruce trees. The nest of squirrels (gayno) is spherical in shape, with a side entrance, made of small branches and bast. The animals obtain food in trees and on the ground. Their diet includes sweet berries, mushrooms, nuts, acorns, seeds coniferous trees, their buds (“pine fingers”). They do not disdain insects and bird eggs. Peak activity occurs in the morning and evening hours. They don’t go to sleep for the winter, they make supplies.

In nature, squirrels, despite the fact that they themselves practically do not get sick, are carriers dangerous infections- encephalitis, tularemia, erysipelas. In captivity, squirrels live an average of 5 years. A number of species are characterized by long-distance migrations, for which the animals unite in large groups(front length 100-300 km). When moving at a speed of 3-4 km per hour, many individuals die. When moving, squirrels cross water barriers and even enter the tundra. Veksha in Russia is an object of the fur trade. In the old days, its skin served as a monetary unit in Rus'.

The ancestor of all modern dogs are wolves, with whom man entered into a friendly alliance 15-20 thousand years ago. If you've ever noticed how a dog yawns, you've probably seen its fangs. This characteristic feature mammals from the order Carnivora. The large fangs act like knife blades, slicing through the flesh and sinew of the prey. The most powerful fangs were those of the extinct Machairods and Smilodons, which are sometimes called saber-tooth tigers. Their long “tooth daggers” protruded fifteen centimeters from the upper jaw.

Red fox

The fox's diet consists of small rodents, mainly voles, which it searches for in fields and forest edges. The fox hunts at different times of the day. FOXES, a genus of mammals of the wolf family. The common or red fox is widespread, body length up to 90cm, tail up to 60cm. Exterminate harmful rodents. Through selection common fox silver-black, platinum and other forms have been developed. Foxes are an object of fur trade and fur farming.

BROWN BEAR (Ursus arctos), a predatory mammal of the Ursidae family. Includes 7 subspecies, differing in size, color and habitat. Body length 1.7-2.2 meters, weight 100-340 kg. These are tightly built animals, with an elongated facial region, small eyes and ears, a sloping back and a short tail. The fur is thick, brown, of various shades. Young animals have a light collar on the neck. The canines are powerful, the crowns of the molars are wide and flat. This is due to a mixed type of nutrition. The protruding nose has a well-developed olfactory mucous membrane. The paws are powerful, five-fingered, the claws are strong, strongly curved. Unlike others carnivorous mammals Bears have virtually no facial expressions.

Brown bears are active at any time of the day. In winter, they fall into a shallow sleep that lasts up to 195 days. They make dens in holes, caves or thick dead wood. Winter rest is not hibernation, since the bear retains normal temperature body and, in case of danger, can immediately wake up. An animal that does not lie down in a den becomes a connecting rod. Lifespan up to 45 years. They swim well and fish on sandbanks. Bears, especially young ones, are good at climbing trees, destroying bee nests. They usually lead a solitary lifestyle. Omnivorous. In addition to berries, roots, honey, insects, vertebrates, they can feed on carrion. In years of low food supply, cannibalism is possible. Individual plots usually have an area of ​​6-7 thousand hectares. Bears mark their boundaries by rubbing their withers against a tree trunk, leaving an odorous mark. The brown bear sheds twice a year. Spring molting is especially intense during the rutting period, while autumn molting ends by the time they enter the den.

An extremely rare subspecies brown bear- white-clawed - listed in the IUCN Red List. Its body length is 140 cm. The fur is from light gray to light fawn, the ears are lighter than the general color of the coat. The claws are also light. Lives in nature reserves mountain system Tien Shan: Ramite, Aksu-Dzhabagly, Alma-Ata, Sary-Chelek, Chatkal.

Winter is a testing time for many animals, including moose. ELK (elk), artiodactyl animal of the deer family. Length up to 3 m, height up to 2.3 m, weighs up to 570 kg, sometimes more. Males have large spade-shaped horns. Lives in the forests of Eurasia and Northern. America. Object of trade (meat, leather, horns). Domestication experiments.

White hare

Hares, a family of mammals from the order Lagomorpha. OK. 50 species, including hare, hare, wild rabbit, tolai, Manchurian hare. Some species are adapted to fast running, digging, swimming, and climbing. Distributed everywhere, with the exception of the island of Madagascar, southern regions South America and Antarctica. Lead an active, solitary lifestyle; They do not have permanent shelters. They reproduce up to 4 times a year. There are 2-8 (up to 15) cubs in a litter. The cubs are born on bare ground, sighted, covered with fur. Already at the age of several days they can move independently. Rabbits live in burrows in colonies. The cubs are born naked, blind, and helpless. Object of commercial and sport hunting (wild rabbit, brown hare, etc.).

Some types of hares cause great damage to pastures, orchards, and forest plantings. Certain species spread vectors of natural focal infections. 4 species in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).

BEAVERS (Castor), a genus of rodents; includes two types. The European beaver (Castor fiber) is distributed in the forest zone of Eurasia, in the floodplain forests of the forest-steppe and steppe zones. Introduced to the Far East ( Khabarovsk region, Kamchatka). Beaver body length is 80-100 cm, tail 30-35 cm, weight up to 30 kg. The skull is powerful, the facial region is shortened.

Beavers live in families consisting of parents and their offspring. Settle along the banks of slowly flowing forest rivers, oxbow lakes and lakes, avoiding water bodies that freeze to the bottom. They swim well, can stay under water for 4–5 minutes and swim 750 m during this time. For beavers, the presence of floodplain forests, coastal and aquatic grass vegetation is important. For housing, animals make holes or huts. Burrows are dug when there are steep banks. The entrance to the burrow is always located under the surface of the water.

Beavers are pure vegetarians. In summer they feed on aquatic and coastal grasses, and closer to autumn they begin to switch to branches and bark of trees, since they do not hibernate. In the fall they prepare supplies for the winter. They fell trees, gnawing them at the base. Then they are sunk in water to prevent the supplies from freezing into the ice. The volume of reserves for the winter is 60–70 cubic meters per family. Beavers prefer aspen, poplar, and willow (the bark of these trees is harmless to them). Beavers avoid alder.

The beaver is a valuable fur-bearing animal and has always served as an object of hunting. Especially valuable felt for hats was made from beaver fluff (these hats were called castor, after the generic Latin name for beavers). As a result of predatory fishing, by the 20th century. in Russia was almost exterminated, on the territory former USSR 800–900 individuals remained in four disparate ranges. Since 1922, beaver hunting has been banned everywhere. In the 1920s, the Voronezh, Berezinsky and Kondo-Sosvinsky nature reserves were created to preserve beavers.

MUSKRAT (musk rat), a semi-aquatic mammal of the vole subfamily. Body length up to 35 cm, tail up to 28 cm. The muskrat was brought to Europe from North America at the beginning of the twentieth century. Being a rodent, the muskrat feeds on aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation (occasionally eating small invertebrates). The species successfully spread without encountering competition in new habitats.

RACCONS (Procyonidae), family of mammals of the order Carnivora; includes 8 genera, 15–21 species. Most raccoons are medium-sized animals with an elongated, flexible body (31–67 cm), a long (20–69 cm) tail, some of which are prehensile. Weight from 0.8 to 22 kg. Almost all of them have a short, pointed muzzle and erect ears. Paws with long prehensile toes, plantigrade or digitigrade, sometimes with semi-retractable claws. Color varies from gray to bright reddish-brown. There are often markings on the muzzle, and a ringed tail pattern is characteristic.

Raccoons live mainly in tropical, mixed and mountain forests. Some species hibernate (raccoon). Raccoons feed on amphibians, fish, rodents, as well as plant foods (fruits, berries) and insects. They breed once a year, usually giving birth to 2 to 6 young. Some species (raccoon) are objects of fur trade.

Common hedgehog

This is a widespread species. It is found on the edges of deciduous forests, gardens, vegetable gardens, and does not avoid the proximity of human habitation, being found on the outskirts of large cities. Leads a twilight lifestyle. Spends the time from October to November in hibernation. During this period, body temperature drops to +3o C. The common hedgehog is common in the forests of central Russia. More exotic, but not rare, is the long-eared hedgehog, an inhabitant of the hot steppes and semi-deserts of the southeast of the country. Body length is 20-25 cm. The back and sides of hedgehogs are covered with spines. When in danger, animals instantly curl up into a ball. Mid-latitude hedgehogs hibernate during the winter.

In the wild, hedgehogs are active at dusk and at night, dozing in shelters during the day; swim well. In winter they hibernate. The hedgehog actively eats insects, catches frogs, mice and occasionally snakes. Allows himself to steal some vegetable from the garden.

The rut begins in early spring and lasts 2 months. If mating has taken place, the female immediately becomes aggressive and the male must be placed in his cage as soon as possible. Hedgehogs (there are up to 8 of them) are born naked and blind, with soft needles. Hedgehogs are milk-fed for up to 1 month, puberty occurs at 1-2 years.

FROGS (true frogs), a family of tailless amphibians. Length from 3 to 32 cm. Over 550 species. Widely distributed (except in the south of South America, South Australia and New Zealand). Large frogs (goliath, bullfrog, lake frog) are eaten in many countries. In the broad sense of the word, all tailless amphibians are called frogs. Classic laboratory animals. 1 species in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

Cancer is a species of animal that eats a variety of foods. It is noted that the basis of its nutrition is aquatic plants. Length 0.5-28 cm. Swims on its side. About 5 thousand species. Widely distributed in the seas and fresh water bodies. They serve as food for many commercial fish, seals, whales and some birds.

Already ordinary

The common snake can be easily distinguished by two large light spots on the sides of the head.

Lives in fairly humid places - on the banks of reservoirs, in wet forests, in floodplain meadows. They hunt in the morning and evening for small frogs, toads, occasionally lizards, small birds and chicks, and small mammals.

When fleeing, she is capable of jumping from rock to rock short distances up to half a meter. It feeds on various insects, preferring ants and beetles. During hot hours, it rises to the branches of plants, where the air temperature is significantly lower than the temperature of the soil surface.

Great tit (Parus major), songbird of the tit family. A clearly visible, agile bird the size of a sparrow (body weight 15-21 g). The head, throat, undertail are black, the cheeks and spot on the back of the head are white, the chest and abdomen are bright yellow with a black longitudinal stripe and “tie”, wider in males, the tail and wings are gray-blue, the back is green.

Distributed in the forest zone of Russia from the western borders to the Pacific coast and in the Caucasus. A common and numerous species of deciduous and mixed forests, gardens and parks. Leads a sedentary and nomadic lifestyle.

The earliest spring singing of great tits was observed in cities in January-February during thaws. In March, tits find places for nesting, stay in selected areas, and males sing actively. The song of a tit is a loud, measured, repeating sound of “tsi-tsi-fi, tsi-tsi-fi, tsi-tsi-fi. " In addition, the great tit has a loud call “pin-pin-zhzh”. The songs of young males are more varied.

In spring and summer, the main diet of tits consists of caterpillars, beetles, and spiders; in autumn and winter, their number decreases and the number of seeds increases, and near human habitation - food residues. Tits are useful for humans; they are successfully attracted to parks and squares, residential areas, by feeding them in the winter and hanging artificial nests in the spring. IN last years The number of great tits in human settlements continues to increase.

The bullfinch is a bird of the finch family.

The size of a sparrow (body length about 18 cm). The male has a black cap on his head. The top of the head and the ring at the base of the beak, wings and tail are black. The undertail and rump are white, the back is bluish-gray, and the ventral side is pink-red. Females have a gray ventral side. The massive, short, black beak is swollen at the base. Inhabits coniferous forests Eurasia.

Sedentary and nomadic bird. After the first significant snowfall, bullfinches leave their native forests and begin to wander, flying to almost all regions of our country. The appearance of bullfinches after snow near human settlements and cities, in gardens, orchards and parks most likely underlies their name - bullfinch. It feeds on the seeds of lilac, nettle or buds, including fruit plants, biting them with its beaks like pliers. The voice is a loud “whew-whew” and a crackling song. Both males and females sing among bullfinches. The nest is built on a tree, mainly spruce. The clutch contains 4-6 bluish eggs with brown spots.

It is an inhabitant of forest edges, river floodplains, bushes along roadsides, forest belts, and populated areas.

The nests are massive, spherical, with a roof, located low above the ground on bushes.

DUCKS, several genera of birds of the Anatidae family. Widely distributed. Ducks include true ducks, diving ducks (pochards), and mergansers. There are 35 species in Russia. Many ducks are hunted. Domestic ducks come from wild duck- mallards. Drakes weigh 3-4 kg, ducks - 2-3.5 kg. The average annual egg production is up to 250 eggs. Breeds: meat (Peking, gray Ukrainian, black white-breasted, etc.), meat and egg (mirror, khaki Campbell, etc.), egg (Indian runners). They are bred in many countries, including Russia.

Common eagle owl

The largest owl in European Russia– body length from 46 to 72 cm.

It has characteristic feather “ears” on its head. In the forest zone, it nests in the most remote forests on earth or on stumps low above the ground. Easily distinguishable from other owls large sizes. The voice is a booming “laughter” and “hooting”.

Feeds on various animals (hares, ducks, mouse-like rodents, etc.)

SPARROWS, a genus of birds of the weaver family. Length 12-15 cm. Males of many species have a black spot on the throat. 18 species, widely distributed. Almost all are gregarious birds, and during the nesting period they are colonial birds. Some damage crops. The desert sparrow is protected.

ROVES, two closely related species of birds of the raven family - the hooded crow and the black crow. Length up to 56 cm. In Europe, Asia (except South and Southeast) and Northeast. Africa. Capable of complex forms of behavior.

Piciformes, an order of birds, includes six families, about 400 species. Woodpeckers are small and medium-sized birds: the smallest less sparrow, the largest are as big as a crow. Appearance and the coloration of woodpeckers are very different. Some species have a uniform brownish color, others have variegated, often quite bright plumage. The wings are blunt, usually consisting of 10–11 primary flight feathers. The tail often consists of 10–12 tails. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed; chicks are colored similar to adults. The legs of woodpeckers are usually four-toed, short but strong, well adapted for climbing tree trunks and branches: in most species, 2 toes face forward, 2 back. The claws are hooked, which helps the bird easily stay on trees.

Woodpeckers lead a sedentary lifestyle, but in the fall many species migrate, flying into places where they have not nested. Even further from their nesting sites they fly to winter time. Almost all woodpeckers feed on insects and less often consume plant foods. Many species, especially those living in temperate zone, switch in winter to feeding on tree seeds. Some species consume exclusively plant foods. By exterminating insects, many of which damage trees and shrubs, woodpeckers bring certain benefits to forestry. In addition, most woodpeckers hollow out hollows to make nests, and subsequently other hollow-nesting birds willingly settle in them, the vast majority of which are insectivorous birds useful for forestry.

Capercaillie, a genus of birds of the grouse family. Length up to 85 cm. 2 species, in the forests of Eurasia: capercaillie - from the East. Carpathians to Baikal, stone capercaillie - from Baikal to Kamchatka and Sakhalin. The number is declining. In some places it is under guard. In some nature reserves, wood grouse are bred in captivity.

The largest representative of the family. The weight of males is from 3.5 to 6.5 kg, females - 1.7-2.3 kg. Males are distinguished by a heavy body, a relatively long neck and a large head with a powerful yellowish beak. The beak is bent downwards with a hook. The skull is elongated wedge-shaped and flattened in the dorsoventral direction. The “eyebrow” in males begins above the anterior edge of the eye and extends to the ear opening. The wing is rounded, blunt, its apex is formed by 6 or 7 flight feathers. The tail is very long, the tops of the tail feathers are cut straight off. The metatarsus is feathered to the base of the toes. The 2nd and 3rd fingers are supported on the sides at their bases. In winter, growing plumage covers the fingers down to the claws. The toes are wide and have side shields. In winter, two rows of horny outgrowths form on the sides of the fingers. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced. The male's head, neck, back and sides are grayish-gray with a dark streaky pattern. The crop is black with a green metallic sheen. The belly is dark with sparse white spots. The wings are brown, the tail is black with white spots and a streaky pattern. The female is yellowish-red with a transverse pattern of black, yellow and white stripes and spots. The wings are brown with an unclear transverse pattern. The throat is buffy, the crop is red, sometimes with dark streaks. The belly is almost white. The tail is buffy-red with dark transverse stripes. It takes off heavily and noisily, but flies quickly, although not far.

Capercaillie is a valuable upland game, an object of sport and commercial hunting. Currently, its numbers are decreasing, which is associated with the disappearance of dense forests suitable for nesting.

  • The hare can lie in place for a long time, even when it sees an approaching enemy. And only as a last resort does he jump up and run away. Some can reach speeds of up to fifty kilometers per hour. When he runs away, he is cunning: if the predator is far away, the hare returns and covers his tracks, and then makes a long jump to the side.
  • The hare changes the color of its coat. It is gray in summer and white in winter. Whites live where the climate is warm.
  • The hare eats grass, winter crops, grains and vegetables from the garden, and sometimes tree bark.

  • The badger lives in a dense forest and digs holes on the slope of a hill or ravine. The burrow of these animals can be both a primitive structure and a very complex one.
  • Badgers dig easily. They have a dense, wedge-shaped, muscular body, a pointed head and paws with long, sharp claws. With these claws they loosen the ground, dig up roots and eat them. Badgers also eat insects and rodents, but do not attack large animals. By autumn they become very fat and fill the pantries with roots, seeds, and acorns.

  • The life of beavers is strongly connected with water. They feel better in water than on land and build houses on the water. Beavers dig holes reaching eight to ten meters.
  • When the house is ready they build the platinum. Platinum is very important for beavers. Firstly, thanks to platinum, the water level rises, reliably closing the entrances to the home, and secondly, the animals have somewhere to swim. Beavers are animals (solid): their length is more than a meter, and their weight reaches thirty kilograms.

  • You can see him in the taiga - he is not particularly shy and is very curious. And in the spring you can also hear a chipmunk (singing).
  • The chipmunk makes its burrow on the ground and is quite long. Sometimes in a hollow. In the middle of summer, the family breaks up and everyone prepares supplies for the winter. He collects: nuts, acorns. In two to three months, a chipmunk collects five, or even ten kilograms.
  • It spends most of the winter hibernating.

  • This is a predatory animal. Body length: on average one hundred five to one hundred and sixty centimeters (plus tail thirty-five to fifty centimeters).
  • Shoulder height: from eighty to one hundred centimeters.
  • Weight: usually thirty-five to fifty kilograms.
  • Speed ​​of movement: at short distances - eighty-five kilometers per hour, at a speed of thirty-five - forty kilometers he can run for several hours, but I do 20 - 25 kilometers, he runs without stopping for many hours.
  • The wolf has excellent eyesight, keen hearing, and amazing sense of smell.

  • It belongs to the order of insectivorous animals. It feeds on all sorts of beetles, caterpillars, and worms. It can also catch a mouse or a vole, and occasionally a viper. The needles help him defend himself from enemies. His back is covered with needles and therefore the viper's venom has almost no effect on him.
  • In summer, the hedgehog sleeps wherever he can. By autumn the family breaks up. They spend the winter alone, climbing into a hole and hibernating.

  • RACCOON RACCOON one of the typical representatives of the family. He is as tall as a medium-sized dog. The body of the striped raccoon is stocky, on short legs with long movable toes. The head is wide, with a short thin muzzle and large ears. The coat is thick, long, and its color is brownish-gray. The muzzle is characterized by a black mask with a white trim. The tail has 5-7 wide black or brown rings. It climbs trees well, but usually feeds on the ground, in swamps and shallow waters. Its food includes frogs, crayfish, fish, rodents (even young muskrats), as well as all kinds of berries, acorns, nuts, and fruits. Before eating prey, the raccoon rinses it in water, which gives rise to the name it is called a gargle.

  • This is a predatory beast. She lives only in the forest.
  • Her body is slender, strong, her tail is long, her fur is fluffy, thick and very beautiful, dark brown in color. And there is also a yellowish-white spot on the throat and chest.
  • She often makes nests in trees, in hollows. She climbs trees well and jumps better than a squirrel.

  • The sense of smell and keen hearing help the fox to hunt. Especially in winter.
  • In the spring she dances - rises on her hind legs and walks in small steps.
  • She eats mice, voles and hares.

  • He has club feet and loves honey very much. The bear is not very dangerous. But he is not always good-natured and peaceful. If you make a bear angry, he may attack.
  • The bear has great strength. He can drag a load of four hundred to five hundred kilograms through the forest. He can run more than one kilometer at the speed of a racehorse and more than one kilometer.
  • At the bear's poor vision, but hearing and sense of smell are perfectly developed, and this greatly helps him in hunting. He often hunts smaller animals.
  • The bear's main food is various roots and nuts, berries and mushrooms, young shoots, small rodents and insects.

  • In the European part of Russia, sable was completely destroyed; very little of it remained in Siberia. Now there are about eight hundred thousand of them.
  • The sable is very attached to one place. He very rarely runs away from his place. The sable lives sedentary, constantly walking around its territory, the area of ​​which can be 3 thousand hectares. The sable climbs trees well, but lives and hunts on the ground. Sometimes he dives into the snow and catches mice. Only in winter does he live in a hollow tree.

  • Write a description of the insects of our region.
  • Sketch several representatives.

Ekaterina Turbina
Quiz “Wild animals of our region!”

Quiz« Wild animals of our region» for children senior group.

Target: to introduce children to learning wild animals.


1. Consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals of our region, about their habitat.

2. Develop creative thinking, cognitive activity, imagination.

3. Foster a feeling of love for the world around us, careful attitude to the inhabitants wildlife.

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Guys, let's remember who they are wild animals?

Why are they called wild? Tell me how they differ wild and domestic animals? (children's answers).

That's right, for the family man cares for animals, prepares food, prepares the home for winter, etc. a wild animals get their own food, preparing for winter, preparing their home.

Today we will remember how they live and what they eat wild animals. Which wild animals live in our area? (children's answers). Well done.

Now look at the screen. Children answer questions. After each question, the answer appears on the screen in the form of pictures.

Riddle about the fox:

She is more cunning than all the animals,

She is wearing a red fur coat.

A bushy tail is her beauty.

This is a forest animal -...!

Who is this? There is a picture of a fox on the screen.


Where are fox cubs born?

What do foxes eat in spring and autumn?

Why does a fox shed in spring?

Who are the foxes' enemies?

What color are the foxes in ours? edges?

Riddle about the wolf:

Grayish, toothy, prowling around the field, looking for calves, looking for guys?

Who is this? - wolf.

Where do wolves live?

Where are wolf cubs born?

What do wolves eat?

Why are they called wolves? "forest orderlies"?

The Riddle of the Lynx:

Pussy has wool like silk,

And there are tassels on the ears.

You can hardly say "scat",

More seriously pussy...

There is a picture of a lynx on the screen.

When do lynx babies give birth?

Who do lynxes hunt?

How to hunt lynx?

What kind of paws does a lynx have?

Why do lynxes have tassels on their ears?

Riddle about the hedgehog:

And this little animal

Prickly along and across,

And only You can pet your tummy,

It’s not at all difficult to recognize him!

Does a hedgehog make a nest for its young?

Are little hedgehogs prickly?

What does a hedgehog do in winter?

Where does the hedgehog spend the winter?

What do hedgehogs eat in spring and summer?

Riddle about the squirrel:

Lives in a hollow

Is he nibbling nuts?

Where does a squirrel live in winter?

What does he do in very severe frosts?

Why does a squirrel have a fluffy tail?

What are the long hind legs used for?

What does a squirrel eat?

Why does a squirrel build itself a very warm nest?

What does a squirrel do in the fall?

The riddle of the moose:

Very strong and tall

The snow is knee-deep.

He is not a deer, but horned,

Everyone calls him eagles!

Why do moose have antlers?

What does moose eat?

Riddle about the bear:

In summer he walks without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost.

What do bears eat in summer and autumn?

What do bears do in winter?

Why does a bear suck its paw in winter?

When do the mother bear and cubs leave the den?

Who is the pestun bear?

Is a mother bear with cubs dangerous for humans? How?

Riddle about the hare:

Small, white, jump, jump through the forest! Poke, poke at a snowball?

What kind of hares are found in our area?

What does a white hare eat in winter?

What do hares eat in spring?

Who are the enemies of hares?

Why do hares have hind legs longer than their front ones?

Educator: Well done boys! About which animals Have we talked to you? Why are they called wild? Can they wild animals do not live in the forest, and with a person? If not, why not? If yes, why? Which animals we saw today? The lesson is over.

Publications on the topic:

Target. Expand and systematize children’s knowledge and ideas about the wild animals of our forests. Tasks. -Promote the expansion of knowledge.

Goal: To expand and systematize children’s knowledge and ideas about the wild animals of our forests. Development of coherent speech in children. Tasks: Fasten.

Goal: to expand children’s new knowledge and ideas about medicinal plants, reinforce concepts of relationships flora and man.

Quiz game for the senior group “Wild Animals” Quiz game “In the world of forest animals” for the older group kindergarten. Used modern educational technologies: health-saving.

Summary of the short-term project “Wild animals of our region” Project: short-term, group Project participants: children, teacher The content of the project is aimed at educating senior preschool children.

Abstract of the scientific and educational activity “Springs of our region” Goal: to introduce children to the springs of our region. Objectives: Educational: To teach how to approach problems creatively and proactively.

Animals of our region

About bears.

A bear prepares a winter bed for itself from moss and tree bark. In places where it is not very cold, the bear builds a hut from young fir trees, bending their tops above him. And where the winter is cold, he digs a hole under the root of a fallen tree and covers it with brushwood, branches, and moss. In winter (January, February) the female bear gives birth to cubs. They are very small, palm-sized, and blind. The mother takes care of them, feeds them with her milk, warms them with her breath, and covers them with her paws.The largest of modern predatory animals lives in the Altai taiga - bear . The mass of a brown bear often reaches 750 kg, and its body length - 2.5 m. Typically, the habitats of a brown bear are dense forests with windbreaks, interspersed with swamps, clearings, and ponds. Only the connecting rod bear (which has not had time to fatten up and has not settled down in a den for the winter) becomes dangerous to humans.


The squirrel lives in ribbon forests, cedar and mixed forests of our region.

Its food consists of tree seeds, pine nut, mushrooms, berries, buds, shoots, bark, as well as animal food: insects, small invertebrates, bird eggs, small rodents and lizards.

This interesting animal stores up to 150-300 g of mushrooms for the winter in the dark coniferous taiga, and in the belt forests, where the feeding conditions are much worse than in the taiga, even up to 1.5-2 kg, they mainly harvest butter.


The wolf is a cautious and intelligent animal. Wolves live in pairs or families. They sleep under open air. Wolves create a hole - a den - only for breeding offspring.

Wolf cubs are born in early spring blind and deaf. First, the mother wolf feeds them with her milk. When the wolf cubs grow up, the parents bring them meat in their stomachs and, regurgitating it, feed the babies.

The wolf cubs are taught hunting skills by their father wolf.

Young wolves live with their parents for two years. Therefore, in the spring, puppies crawl around their parents and one-year-old young wolves run around, who also take care of their younger brothers: they bring them food, and when they grow up, they play with them and take them for walks.

The wolf feeds mainly on large and not very large large mammals: moose, deer, roe deer, wild boars, hares. But its menu may include mice and small birds. The gray predator does not refuse berries either.

White hare and brown hare.

The white hare got its name because it dresses up in a white fur coat in winter. In summer he wears a reddish-brown fur coat. But at all times of the year, his tail remains white, and the tips of his ears remain black. Hare all year round wears gray clothes. True, by winter he still decorates his fur coat: by this time his belly and sides become white.

The brown hare is larger than its brother. It weighs 4-6 kg, and sometimes 7, while the white hare weighs 2.5-5.5 kg.

The hare's ears and tail are shorter than those of the hare, and its paws are wider, which allows it to easily move through loose snow.

The white hare produces offspring only in the warm season, while the brown hare produces offspring not only in the warm season, but also in the cold season. This happens in March, when the snow has not yet melted from the fields.

The white hare lives in the dense thickets of the forest. Rusak is a resident of open spaces. He prefers forest edges, fields, and copses.

Despite significant differences, the hare and the hare have a lot in common. Both of them are rodents.

In summer they feed on grass, in winter on bark and branches of trees. Both are especially partial to apple, rowan, linden, willow, and aspen. But they also eat the bark of birch and young pine trees.

Hares are nocturnal. During the day they prefer to rest. Before settling down to rest, hares try to confuse their tracks.


The common red fox is widespread in the Altai region - an animal, unlike wolves, with a long and squat body, an elongated sharp muzzle, large pointed ears, and vertically oval eye pupils. The fox can be found in almost all regions of the region, as it feeds on a wide variety of foods.

IN large quantities eats insects, voles, catches hares, attacks young roe deer, and occasionally abducts poultry. Foxes' food also includes plant foods (berries, stems of some plants). The fox is an enemy of harmful rodents and insects.

Solve the Chinaword together with your children using riddles (the keyword will open in the highlighted cells)

  1. This cat is unusual

He lives in the steppe with us.

The fur coat is thick,

His paws are rather thick.

Ours purred and fell asleep,

Guess who (Manul).

  1. Gray, toothy

Prowls the lands

Looking for someone to eat (Wolf).

  1. The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

And in the village (Fox) steals chickens.

  1. This case is very rare,

Two branches grow on the head.

They are reset every year

That beast lives in our forests (Moose)

  1. In summer he wanders without a road

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

From the frost, hiding your nose (Bear).

  1. Jumping along the branches, but not a bird,

Red but not a fox (Squirrel).

  1. A ball of fluff, a long ear.

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots (Hare).

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