Your favorite weapon. Your favorite weapon Fallout 4 combat shotgun

Non-automatic rifles tend to be highly accurate and do more damage than pistols or automatic weapons. Most of these rifles are affected by 3 ranks of the Sniper ability. All non-automatic rifles depend on the “Carbine Expert” ability, with 5 points invested, there will be a bonus that allows you to deal double damage and ignore 30% of the enemy’s armor, as well as increasing the chance of damaging a target’s limb with a shot. The article examines all the initial characteristics of carbines and some exotic weapons, as well as their individual modifications, which make excellent sniper rifles.

Short assault carbine

Damage: 30 The standard assault carbine has a good balance between damage and accuracy, making it good choice for various combat situations. Many of the available modifications will make this weapon suitable for automatic fire. And a properly modified assault carbine can become a good sniper carbine with a large magazine and a relatively high rate of fire.

They are often found in high-level super mutants and can also be found throughout the Commonwealth.

Ammo: 5.56
Rate of fire: 40
Range: 119
Accuracy: 72
Weight: 13.1
Price: 144

Short b weapon carbine

Short combat shotgun

Short double barrel shotgun

Damage: 110 The Gaus carbine is the master of lethality over accuracy. To inflict maximum damage, it is necessary to accumulate energy before firing by holding the trigger for a moment. It is best used from cover. The only weapon that uses a 2mm electromagnetic cartridge as ammunition, a properly modified Gaus Carbine can be a valuable addition to the arsenal.
Cartridges: 2 mm electromagnetic cartridge
Rate of fire: 66
Range: 191
Accuracy: 39
Weight: 15.8
Price: 228

Reconnaissance.50 sniper carbine

Damage: 64 Let's face it, it's not always the best option to go gun-blazing against a crowd of enemies. This is a hunting rifle that has been modified to use .50 caliber bullets and is highly accurate at long ranges. The increased magazine capacity minimizes reloads, and the attached silencer will keep the shooter away from enemies. Keep a low profile and this conversion into a classic sniper rifle will allow you to finish firefights before they start.
Ammo: .50
Rate of fire: 4
Range: 185
Accuracy: 112
Weight: 19.2
Price: 212

Short institute carbine

Short laser carbine

Damage:30 (energy) The standard laser musket is not entirely accurate compared to other energy carbines, but produces b O Greater damage due to unique reload process. A standard capacitor supports a maximum of 2 charges, but more advanced options can hold up to 6 charges. The result is greater damage from the shot with significant ammo consumption.
Slightly modified laser muskets can be found outside of the Liberty Museum.
Ammo:Nuclear battery
Rate of fire: 6
Range: 71
Accuracy: 70
Weight: 12.6
Price: 57

Damage: - While regular weapons are used to deal direct damage, the injection carbine is used to hit enemies with detrimental effects. This weapon supports a wide selection of injection cartridges, each of which can be crafted in a chem lab. Targets can be enraged, paralyzed, weakened, poisoned, etc.

There are several injection rifles scattered throughout the Commonwealth. They can be found at Medford Hospital, Massachusetts Blood Center, SANDY COVES Sanitarium, Massachusetts Bay Medical Center, Parsons Psychiatric Hospital, and various other locations. Also, the injection carbine is in shelter 81 and can be easily obtained by completing the quest "The Nook".

Ammo: Syringes
Rate of fire: 33
Range: 119
Accuracy: 72
Weight: 6.2
Price: 132

They proposed a very flexible weapon designer that allows any barrel chambered for any cartridge to be turned into a machine gun, carbine or rifle. However, which options are the best? We've reviewed all the weapons in the game and expansions to answer this question. We warn you that the text contains spoilers.

Fallout 4 weapon theory

Let's start our guide with an analysis of the main properties that weapons have in Fallout 4. Understanding them will be useful to you when you select a gun for yourself or modify it - not all unique weapons in Fallout 4 can be compared with a properly modified ordinary one.

Based on the damage they cause, it is appropriate to divide all weapons into four types; the further you go, the less damage per second:

  • Firearm: Deals normal ballistic damage to the point where the crosshair is pointed, but bullets always have deflection. For NPCs and the player, passing damage is reduced by armor, and for the Survivor it can be additionally reduced by abilities.
  • Energy: applied by lasers, plasma and railgun. Laser weapons can set the target on fire, and plasma weapons can turn them into slime. Laser and railgun weapons hit the point where the crosshair of the sight is directed, much more often than plasma or firearms. The Survivor can increase their resistance through several abilities.
  • Radiation: Deals significant damage to humans and normal animals, but has no effect on robots and mutants. Also, damage does not pass through armor if it is upgraded for radiation protection. Since radiation is counted on a separate scale, radiation damage does not appear immediately - you need to stuff the enemy well with cartridges, so that he is more likely to die from direct exposure.
  • Poisonous: This type of damage is the hardest to predict, as it only does significant damage after 2-3 minutes, which is long for any fight. Poison is completely blocked by armor, and mutants in the Commonwealth have partial or complete protection from this type of damage.

Types of weapons in Fallout 4:

  • Normal does not have any properties, has maximum possibilities for modifications.
  • Legendary has so-called “legendary properties”, such as fire damage or bleeding. A weapon has either several weak properties or one strong one. The latter option is preferable; weak properties will be absorbed by the armor, and strong ones will definitely break through it. Drops randomly from legendary enemies (marked with an asterisk). Not always legendary weapon can be completely modified.
  • Unique- is marked with a star and has a unique name that cannot be changed. Always has some kind of legendary property. Such weapons are given out for completing quests; they can be found while exploring the game world or bought from merchants at an expensive price. This weapon is subject to only cosmetic improvements, such as changing the grip.

Basic legendary weapon properties, which will always be useful against any enemy, in descending order of impact:

  • wounding- any target hit by at least one bullet receives 25 units. additional damage from bleeding, and the effect affects robots and mechanisms. Ignores target's damage resistance and armor. Using this property, you can chop up an enemy with a dozen bullets and leave him to bleed, while you move on to the next one. This damage stacks especially well when using shotguns or miniguns.
  • Powerful- damage to all types of enemies increased by 25%. It’s not worth it first because it’s extremely rare, and the effect itself depends on the base power of the weapon. For a weak gun, increasing damage by a quarter will not help as much as an additional 15-25 units of damage from another property.
  • Incendiary- Sets the enemy on fire, dealing 15 fire damage. Similar to the "wounding" property, but not as powerful.
  • Explosive- the bullet explodes, causing 15 units of area damage. Allows you to reach a target if it is hidden behind cover by shooting at the surface next to the target. It can be useful at the initial stage of the game, but later it is more profitable to hit the enemy.
  • crippling- deals 50% more damage to limbs. There is a chance of tearing it off or damaging it;
  • Irradiating- the target receives 50 units of radiation, so each shot reduces the Health bar. Does not affect robots.
  • Plasma- deals 10 units of additional energy damage from plasma (does not require plasma cartridges), any shot has a chance to turn the enemy into slime.
  • Provocative Deals double damage to targets with full health, great for starting a fight.
  • Infinite- shooting does not require reloading the magazine, but ammunition is wasted. Useful for sniper rifles or carbines, but becomes useless when the same weapon with a more advantageous legendary property appears.
  • Znaharskoe deals an additional 30 points of poison damage over 10 seconds.
This is far from full list, so don’t forget about the style you use. For example, for stealth kills you may benefit from the legendary properties associated with VATS.

Practice using weapons in Fallout 4

And although the above options for classifying weapons are official, it is more effective to divide weapons by the type of cartridge used and describe the limits of the weapon that is built on its basis.

Let's look at the differences between cartridges. Let's start with firearms:

  • .38 caliber cartridge- the most common ammunition used in pistols and machine guns at the beginning of the game. Limited firing range, low damage. At high levels, the scope of use of weapons built on the basis of this cartridge will be limited to combat at a direct distance with weak opponents.
  • .44 caliber cartridge- rare, powerful ammunition for revolvers and their modifications. Practically not used due to the high recoil and low rate of fire of revolver-type weapons.
  • Cartridge 10 mm- a powerful and moderately widespread ammunition, used only in one weapon - 10 mm pistols. Because of this, at the end of the game it loses even to the .38 caliber in efficiency, but at first such pistols (especially with legendary properties) will be the last argument in battle.
  • .308 caliber cartridge- a fairly common ammunition, weapons based on it will be noticeably more powerful than .38 caliber and will allow you to destroy armored targets in close combat. At medium range it causes significant damage to unarmored targets, but as the range increases, the accuracy of fire decreases.
  • 5mm cartridge Only used in the Minigun. Cheap and relatively common ammunition, you can get several thousand simply by collecting it from the corpses of enemies. It is consumed very quickly and does little damage even at close range. Because the Minigun is on its own weak weapon, has no practical value at the end of the game or at a high level of difficulty.
  • .45 caliber cartridge Widely distributed in the Commonwealth, it can be called a universal carbine ammunition. Deals good damage at medium range to armored targets, weapons based on it deal excellent damage when shooting at the head and limbs of well-armored tenacious targets or legendary mutants.
  • .50 caliber cartridge It is rare, there are few drops from enemies, if you use it often, you will have to constantly buy more. Allows you to conduct confident shooting at long range; weapons based on it can only be sniper rifles with different optical sights. You can make a s.50 pistol or carbine, but due to the recoil they will be of little use in intense combat.
  • Shotgun cartridge used in all types smoothbore weapons and Combat Shotguns, especially good for intense close-range combat. Widely distributed in the Commonwealth, but consumed very quickly.
  • 5.56 mm cartridge can only be used in one weapon - Assault Rifle. It is very rare, there are few enemies in the Commonwealth from which it can be collected, and it is expensive from merchants. A carbine based on it has excellent damage and accuracy, which allows you to shoot even at long distances.
Let's look at energy weapon cartridges. Always remember that using energy weapons completely unmasks the character:
  • Nuclear battery- A widely available ammunition in the Commonwealth, you should have no problems acquiring or collecting it. Required for the operation of the entire range of laser weapons: pistols, machine guns, carbines, sniper rifles, which is achieved through the use different modifications. The damage also increases as you level up, but it requires skill points.

    Due to the mechanics of the shot, shooting at long distances can be difficult, we recommend using laser weapon at direct or close combat distances. Additionally, the damage dealt decreases with distance or due to fog. It is also not recommended to limit the magazine capacity - it is better to fire more shots with average damage and average accuracy than a few shots with high accuracy and high damage.

  • Plasma charge- quite rare ammunition in the Commonwealth, it can be bought from many merchants, but can only be picked up from the corpses of Shooters. Just like with a laser, due to modifications you can make a pistol, machine gun, carbine or sniper rifle from one barrel. But the damage from them will almost always be the highest in its class. This is compensated by the fact that each released plasma clot has a low flight speed, and in a number of cases such weapons may be useless.

    Plasma easily destroys robots, vehicles and opponents in power armor, especially at close range. Damage to Commonwealth creatures and super mutants is less.

  • 2mm electromagnetic cartridge It is used only in one weapon - the Railgun. The ammunition is very rare, is practically not sold in the Commonwealth, and is shaped like an elongated needle, which affects the perception of shooting. The Railgun is intended to be a powerful late-game sniper rifle option, and it is. Modifications only adjust firing and recoil.

After carefully reviewing all the weapons in the game and add-ons, we chose only those that cause guaranteed damage, regardless of the type of enemy, their armor and damage resistance. Few weapon options meet all these requirements:

  • Pistols - 4 options;
  • Assault rifles and submachine guns - 5 options;
  • Carabiners - 3 options;
  • Shotguns - 1 option;
  • Sniper rifles - 3 options;
  • Various exotics, including heavy and melee weapons.

Best Fallout 4 Weapons: Pistols

To get the most out of pistols, you need to upgrade the Duelist perk. At level five, non-automatic pistols deal 100% more damage, and shots from them are more likely to disarm the enemy and can even injure him. However, upgrading this branch is not always rational, since machine guns and carbines are more effective than pistols in intense combat.

10mm caliber pistol

Therefore, in the first position on the list is an ordinary 10 mm automatic pistol, very common in the Commonwealth, and a level 4-15 player can install modifications for it. We recommend pumping it up as follows:

There are a lot of modifications, if you constantly make improvements, the weapon will not lag behind the increasing complexity of enemies at the beginning of the game.

The pistol will allow you to conduct effective combat at a dagger or direct distance, has a low cost per shot in VATS, and the presence of a legendary property (optimally: wounding, incendiary, explosive, crippling) will only be a plus.

Alien Blaster

This weapon is unique, exists in a single copy, and does not have a legendary property. Shoots blue plasma that travels faster than normal green plasma. To obtain the weapon, the character must be level 20 or higher, then a falling UFO will appear in the sky above the Commonwealth. All that remains is to complete the simplest quest to find it, then track the alien and pick up the gun:

Combat shotgun is a weapon in Fallout 4. A self-loading assault shotgun for police and special operations. Due to the enormous damage and prevalence of ammunition, it is an excellent argument in carrying out...

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    Double-barrel shotgun is a weapon in Fallout 4. A classic hunting double-barrel shotgun, in the standard version made in the form of a sawn-off shotgun. Widely distributed throughout the Commonwealth and owned by many of its residents.

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    • you take a combat shotgun with auto-fire and pumped up to maximum accuracy, give it to him
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    In almost all parts of the popular game series Fallout featured a huge arsenal of a wide variety of weapons. The main character could use laser rifles, shotguns, machine guns, machine guns, plasma guns and many other guns. However, among them they always had truly unique weapons with interesting properties or incredible firepower. In this regard, the fourth numbered part is no exception. In this article we will try to tell you where you can find best weapon in Fallout 4. The article will be constantly updated as new guns are found.

    Alien Blaster

    The Alien Blaster is a very powerful weapon that has been present in almost all previous games in the series. This gun really belongs to aliens who will fly to the Wasteland in their huge flying saucer. It is from the aliens that we have to take away this miniature blaster.

    The first step is to complete the Vault 75 task (some note that it is not necessary to complete it, but we still advise you to play it safe). To get there you must first go to high school Malden, located southeast of the starting Vault. In the building we find the room where the cage lies and go into the basement.

    You need to go through it and then head northeast to the Greentop Nursery building. Then we go west to the old drainage well (Old Gullet Sinkhole). You need to look around - at this moment a flying saucer should fly over the main character's head.

    Now you need to go to Fort Hagen, located north of Vault 81. Next, go south from the plant. You will certainly see a fire in the distance - it is burning spaceship aliens. Having reached the spaceship, start looking for traces of blood on the ground (for aliens it is green). They will lead you to a cave nearby, where you will meet the alien. Kill the extraterrestrial guest and take the Alien Blaster from him.

    Fat Man

    The fat man represents extremely powerful weapon, which fires miniature nuclear warheads. It is not very accurate, but it has a large radius of destruction and inflicts enormous damage on the enemy. Great for destroying several enemies at once. You can find it at the very beginning of the game.

    To find Fat Man, you need to leave Vault 111 and go east to the landfill where robots are disposed of. Here you can find batteries for power armor, as well as the grenade launcher we need. True, he will not have shells - he must purchase them from arms dealers.


    In Vault 111, in the Overseer's room, you can find a powerful cannon - the Cryolator, capable of dispersing fog and freezing opponents. This weapon is locked in a safe that is protected by a Master-level lock, meaning that to open it you must have good hacking skills. Therefore, at the beginning of the game you will not be able to open it. It's worth returning here at level eighteen. The main thing is not to forget about it.


    Surely you were already able to understand from the name of this weapon that in the form of ammunition it uses ordinary trash, of which there is always a lot in the protagonist’s inventory. Excellent help in situations when the main gun runs out of ammo. You can find the Cluttertron when completing a quest called “A Call to Arms.” It is located right in the jet mechanism control room.

    Righteous Lord

    A good laser gun that can be obtained at initial stages completing the game (it is given out for completing the quest “Call to Arms”). However, it remains relevant even at higher levels. In addition, this rifle has an excellent bonus that doubles damage from critical attacks and increases the rate at which the critical shot gauge is filled by fifteen percent.

    Vicious Power Knuckles

    To get this amazing brass knuckles you need to find Swan Pond, located in Boston Common, next to Park Street Station. There you will have to fight the terrible “Swan”.

    We advise you to purchase a lot of explosives before engaging in battle with this enemy. You need to stay away from the boss and throw dynamite at him. On the enemy's corpse you will find the Furious Power Knuckles, which deals 56 points of damage by default. If you have the skill open " iron fist", then you will be able to inflict simply monstrous damage in hand-to-hand combat. However main feature This brass knuckle is not about its high damage, but about the increase in this parameter with each subsequent blow to the enemy.

    Grognak's Ax

    You can find this powerful bladed weapon in the glass display case of Hubris Comics. This building is located near Diamond City. By default, Grognak's ax can deal 42 points of damage to an enemy. In addition, it causes the enemy to bleed and has a considerable chance of completely stunning him. Perfect for those who like to wave something heavy.

    Big boy

    One of the few powerful and unique murder weapons that the player can purchase from Wasteland businessmen. You can find him from Arturo Rodriguez, a dealer who sells weapons in the Diamond City shopping area. You can buy it for 13.7 thousand bottle caps (default price).

    In truth, Big Boy is the same as Fat Boy, but with a great bonus - he is able to release two miniatures at once nuclear warheads, creating a local nuclear apocalypse in the wasteland.

    Kellogg pistol

    You can get this big “baby” by destroying Kellogg in the “Reunion” quest. In addition to high damage, it can also please the player with a pleasant bonus - after each critical attack, all the main character’s action points will be restored in a second.

    True friend

    From Arturo Rodriguez, wealthy players can also purchase a gun called True friend. It costs 2.5 thousand bottle caps and has an incredibly useful gadget - it deals double damage to enemies with a full life scale. If you upgrade your sneak attack, your enemies will die with one successful shot.

    Shem Drawn's Sword

    You can get this wonderful sword after completing the quest called “The Gilded Grasshopper.”

    Shem Drawn's sword is made in an ancient style and can deal radiation damage. However, its basic attack is quite mediocre, so this sword is of no use. Although, you can easily hang it on the wall in your home, as it looks incredibly elegant.

    Rockville Boxer

    At the above trading area in Diamond City, players can buy the original baseball bat. You can find it in Mo Cronini's small store, located to the left of Rodriguez's shop. The Rockville Boxer sells for 1,000 bottle caps. As a bonus, there is a reduction in the cost of action points by forty percent.

    General Zhao's Revenge

    Your main character During his journey through the Wasteland, he will probably visit a diner called "Drumlin". In this seemingly unremarkable place you can buy some pretty good bladed weapons. Its base attack is 58 points of damage. In addition, this sword deals fifty percent more damage to robots. This weapon will be much more useful than Grognak's axe. However, to obtain it you will have to shell out 2 thousand caps.

    Started the song

    Sold by a merchant located in Good Neighborhood. It is purchased from K-L-E-O. This rocket launcher is ideal for fighting human bosses, as it deals fifty percent more damage to human opponents. But this weapon costs 12.5 thousand bottle caps (default price). However, you can always try to trade with the merchant.

    Special complex for survival

    To obtain this gun, you must be part of the Brotherhood of Steel and complete any tasks of this faction. After a certain period of time, you will be given a quest called "The Lost Patrol". At the end of this quest, you will have three ways to become the owner of this weapon. First, you can kill Brandis and take his gun. Secondly, the main character can steal his weapon. Thirdly, the player is able to persuade him to return. We advise you to give the Special Survival Complex to Paper, as it will be much more useful in this case.


    The Judgment is one of the best shotguns in the game, especially if you upgrade it with various additional modules. You can find it already in the middle of the passage. You will be able to purchase it for 1.4 thousand bottle caps in point of sale Covenant (Testament).


    Do you want to get a weapon? mass destruction with an interesting design, then the Volley cannon is your choice. It is a mobile cannon that fires real cannonballs. This is an incredibly powerful weapon that can be obtained by completing a quest called “The Last Voyage of the Ship Constitution.”

    Kremvh's Tooth

    Fans of bladed weapons should take a closer look at Kremva's Tooth. This is a small knife with a lot of damage. You can find it in the Dunwich Bores Mine. On the way to it you will have to fight five extremely aggressive ghouls. Be extremely careful, there are many dangers hidden in the mines.


    This elegant pistol is awarded for completing a mission called "Undercover Work." This quest can be taken from the Deacon located in the Underground.

    The Savior fires 10mm rounds and does a fair amount of damage. In addition, it is equipped with a silencer, making it ideal for quietly eliminating enemies. It has several bonuses: it increases the chance to hit in VATS attack mode and reduces the cost of AP (Action Points) by 25 percent.

    Press and pray

    If you want to feel like a dangerous gangster from the 50s of the 20th century, then this submachine gun will become your main weapon. Don't forget to also grab the Silver Cloak and Hat. You can purchase Press and Pray from a merchant named Cricket. You can find her near Vault 81. She is sitting next to a rusty van right in front of the vault.

    This submachine gun has a nice bonus: when it hits an enemy, the bullets explode, dealing 15 points of damage over a small area. Thus, this gun is worth using when fighting multiple opponents.

    Special offer from Technician Tom

    Those who prefer to take out enemies from afar should look for this sniper rifle. Great for covertly eliminating opponents. The fact is that it increases the probability of hitting in VATS mode if you have not yet entered the battle, but at the same time the AP costs increase.

    You probably already understood from the name that you can get this rifle from Technician Tomi, located in the Underground. True, he will not give it to you for free - you will have to buy the weapon. In addition, for this you must be a friend of Tomi.

    2076 World Series Baseball Cue

    The retail location where you can find this bat is located in a long-abandoned city called Jamaica Plain. First of all, you have to climb into the local church, the door of which is locked with a complex lock. You can also get into the building through the roof - you just need to climb onto the building located to the left of the religious building.

    In the church hall you will find a corpse on a bench. Search his pockets and take away anything unusual. Then go to the city administration building (a large yellowish building located directly opposite the statue). On the ground floor we find a small basement. We go inside and find the storage room. Inside you can find a small room with a computer terminal and a glass display case. In this display case you will find a bat.

    The bat does not do very much damage, but it has an interesting bonus. The fact is that there is a considerable chance that you will be able to throw your enemy into the air, and then watch him fall down, which usually ends in the death of the enemy.

    Virgil's carbine

    You can get this excellent gun if Virgil dies. You can either attack him on the sly and take the carbine by force, or tell him that you couldn’t detect the serum (can only be done with a high charisma score). With the latter option, he will ask you to shoot him.

    Virgil's carbine is worth using against super mutants, as it deals 50 percent more damage to them.

    Reba II

    Excellent sniper rifle, which can be obtained after completing a small quest from a Salem settler named Barney. You will quickly find it, because once you get to Salem, you will immediately hear loud screams and shooting. Follow the sounds and you will see a local resident shooting at the swampers. Once you complete the quest, go to Barney. He will open a room in the basement, where the rifle will be located.

    It deals considerable damage to all creatures, but it is best used against insects and swamp creatures, since when shooting at them, the damage dealt increases by 50 percent.

    Big Jim

    Believe it or not, the game even has a unique adjustable wrench that gives the enemy a 20 percent chance of breaking one of his legs. To find it, you need to go to Walden Pond and find a small lake, near which there is a drainage pipe. We follow it and find ourselves in a cave. There you will need to destroy a group of raiders. The key itself lies in the room with the stairs. You need to climb up it and approach the table. Big Jim will be lying near the red box.

    It has little use, and therefore it will probably just go into your collection of unique weapons.

    Experiment 18-A

    Serious weapons for serious people. This powerful plasma rifle can be purchased from one of the merchants in the Institute. It's worth it huge money, but you can quickly recoup all costs by robbery and robbery... by killing bad guys and saving lovely ladies.

    This weapon has excellent bonuses: the rate of fire increases by 25 percent, and reload time increases by 15 percent. Thus, you will be able to inflict monstrous damage to the enemy in a short period of time.


    You can find this revolver at pumping station, which is northeast of Finch's farmland. Having reached the station, we go to the remote control, on which there are several buttons. Then enter the following combination of numbers: 10 4 5 1. Then wait until the door opens. In the room you will find a skeleton, near which the gun we need will lie.

    It deals low base damage, but it has a great bonus: the enemy takes 15 points of fire damage.

    Le Fusil Terribles

    We are looking for Libertalia, in which you will find a peculiar turret created from parts of a sunken ship. Climb to the very top, where the captain's cabin is located. There you will find a wooden box in which this shotgun lies.

    Has excellent damage and rate of fire. In addition, it deals 25 percent more damage to limbs. However, his return is considerable.

    Gun Lorenzo

    This weapon can be obtained during the mission called The Secret of House Cabot. You will only get it if you decide to kill Lorenzo. Come to Jack in seven days and he will give you this gun.

    It deals physical and radioactive damage to enemies, and also strongly pushes enemies back. It requires extremely rare ammo, so use your weapon wisely.

    Wastelander's Friend

    It can be purchased in Bunker Hill from a merchant named Deb. It costs relatively little and is capable of causing enormous damage to any creatures.

    It uses 10mm cartridges for shooting. It deals 50 percent more damage to limbs.

    Shish Kebab

    You can find this amazing fiery blade at the Sagos Ironworks factory. This sword is wielded by a boss named Slag. Before you can get to this bandit, you will have to deal with a dozen of his henchmen, who are armed with flamethrowers.

    In addition to normal damage, Shish Kebab also deals fire damage. An excellent weapon for those who like to fight opponents at short distances.

    Nail gun

    You can find this miracle gun in Long John's trash bin. First you will have to find a small carriage of blue color which is turned on its side. It has a hatch on the floor. You need to open the location map, and you will immediately see an entrance on it with the inscription “Shelter”. However, you will not be able to open it. The first step is to connect it to electricity. We follow the cable to the generator and activate it. Then we return to the hatch and go inside. There on the table you will find a Nail Gun.

    This weapon deals a lot of damage and has a good range. But the most important thing is that he does not need cartridges, since he is capable of shooting ordinary nails. In addition, it can be modified.

    Pickman's Blade

    You can find an unusual knife in the Pickman Gallery. In this building you will have to fight a huge number of raiders. We kill all the thugs, and then go to save Pickman. After that, he will give us the key to the storage room, where the knife lies.

    Suitable for covert attacks. Deals considerable damage and allows you to make very fast attacks.

    Can be purchased from the merchant in Vault 81 (located to the left of Diamond City). To enter the shelter you must have 3 Power Armor batteries. Once inside, go right to the very end. You will see an elevator ahead. We don’t go into it, but turn right again. Let's go ahead and find Alexis Combs. You can buy the Guardian Guardian from her for only 3 thousand bottle caps.

    A great weapon that can be modified and turned into a killer gun. In addition, it has an excellent bonus: it can fire a second projectile when firing.

    Prototype UP77 "Unlimited Potential"

    An amazing energy weapon that doesn't require ammo as it has infinite ammo. However, obtaining this prototype is not easy. To do this, your hero must be able to pick the most complex locks.

    So, first of all, we go to University Point to the University Credit Union. Here you need to hack the computer and go through the previously closed opening. After that, we go into a room with many old safes. You need to try to open the vault with the most difficult lock. We find a button in the safe. You need to press it, after which the door to the secret room will open. This is where our UP77 Prototype will lie on the table.

    The Last Judgment

    This unique Gatling laser is carried by Elder Maxson, head of the Brotherhood of Steel. Thus, you can get it only in two ways: either take the side of the Brotherhood and win the war, or fight for the Institute. In the latter case, you will have to kill Maxson.

    Incredibly powerful weapon with a high rate of fire. In addition, this Gatling laser has a nice bonus: the rate of fire is increased by 25 percent, and reload time is accelerated by 15 percent. In general, a “must have” for lovers of energy weapons.

    Good intentions

    Remember the saying “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions”? So, with this energy weapon it is quite possible to cut your way to the Underworld. To get it you need to go to a camp called “Quincy Ruins” and destroy all the raiders in the area. At some point you will meet a boss named Clint. He is the one who uses this gun. We kill the bastard and take the weapon.

    Its distinctive feature is the fact that critical attacks from the cannon enrage enemies, which is why they cannot act adequately. Quite an unusual bonus.


    Do you want to feel like the Terminator? Then you should definitely get a minigun called the Incinerator. To do this, we go to Good Neighborhood. There the quest “Excavation” will begin. If at the end of the mission you decide to kill or betray Bobby, then Fahrenheit will give you this weapon.

    Its characteristics are practically the same as those of a standard minigun, but unlike it, it deals an additional 15 units of fire damage to the target.

    Eddie's World

    You can get this gun by completing the quest “It’s About Time,” given by Nick Valentine (the quest can only be started after studying Kellogg’s memories). The weapon is used by Eddie Winter, who you will have to fight at the end of the mission. The main thing is not to forget to search his body.

    Quite a powerful revolver that can be modified. It is worth shooting at the limbs of opponents with it, as it deals 50 percent more damage to them.

    Uzel Rifle

    You can become its owner after completing the main story quest. Go to Sean and talk to him. He will ask you to bring him various items. Give them to your “son”, and then wait a day. After that he will give you a powerful laser rifle, which does not require ammunition.

    AA-12 (Auto Assault-12) is an automatic shotgun created by Maxwell Atchisson based on the earlier development of the Atchisson Assault Shotgun.
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    I've never used the in-game shotgun, thinking that it's better to "go like this"... on light, without bothering with "this". But over time, quite a lot has accumulated a large number of cartridges, and the idea of ​​​​creating a shotgun “that you like” became urgent. Here is the implementation of this idea.

    AA12 combat shotgun

    The mod, as is common now, contains a complete set of barrels, butts, wide range sights
    , receivers (two of which: automatic and semi-automatic are hidden, and appear only at level 58... as you might guess, carrying a lot of damage). Legendary body kits are also available, carrying an additional “enchantment”. This is a tactical flashlight and laser designator. If you have a mod for additional legendary slots, then in order to see the additional body kit for the mod, you need to place the AA12 mod lower in load in relation to the mod for additional legendary slots.

    Method of obtaining

    The shotgun is sold by all merchants (with the exception of the bread, bakery, beer, vodka and hangover sector). But it will drop from dead bodies in limited quantities, only from bosses, and from no one else. The prices are more than acceptable. Prices are slightly higher than default.

    Mod compatibility

    The mod is completely self-contained and does not require any third-party material for installation. In the current version of the mod, there are no incompatibility with other mods.

    Installation and removal

    Manual installation: unzip the archive into the game folder (main directory). Agree to replace files.
    Manual removal: delete the file AA12.esp from the Data folder, as well as the folder named AA12 from the folders:
    Automatic installation/removal is carried out taking into account the requirements of your mod manager.

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    Enjoy the game everyone!
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    Update v 1.1

    At the request of the Minutemen brothers, I made additional textures (now you will have 11 skins that you can make on the machine) + added an ACOG sight (well, where would we be without it... no, in fact, I consider ACOG the most convenient of sights). Let's look at the screenshots (however, one camouflage did not fit on the screenshot).
    For the mod update to work correctly, you need to have this mod installed:

    It is this mod that will give you a separate weapons workbench, on which you can plan a shotgun (if you don’t mind spending money on the purchase). Skins are produced on a regular workbench. But!!! Without this Mod the toy will “fall”.

    Installing the update.

    The installation is very simple: unpack the archive into the game directory, give confirmation to replace the files.

    Removing a mod
    (see above)
    P.S. Link to the old version of the mod (v1.0): What is planned:

    Everything is on the stack, the geometry is done... skinning needs to be done.

    Description of version 2.0

    The changes are not big, but constructive: the slot for additional canopies (lantern and laser laser) has changed its owner, thereby eliminating the possibility of conflicts with the mod for legendary gadgets. Some “goodies” were added in the form of customization: double box magazines (probably only our fighters do this, that’s why it’s interesting...) + a little more. The "Black color" skin was redesigned + essentially, another one was added to this mod. This part will be a good help for brothers just starting the game. These are two types of melee weapons, which are not very difficult to obtain. If you (at least at first) upgrade the “melee weapon” perk, you will like it (especially at the most difficult level). The process of obtaining a shotgun has been simplified. The mod is now standalone (not requiring any additional installations). For those who want to craft a shotgun and ammunition for it, a separate small patch is provided.
    Screenshots of melee weapons:

    Description of update version 2.01 (final)

    Since this is truly the final update (it’s impossible to think of anything else with this shotgun), I tried to fulfill all the known requests. The update turned out to be quite capacious.
    1. At the request of the workers, three sights were added, shooting with which, in the “aiming” mode, gives a spread of shot (like in life), and does not place the shot at one point, as in other sights (including vanilla ones).
    2. The flashlight model has been replaced. With the new flashlight, we managed to restore the scale of the lighting effect model to vanilla sizes, thereby correcting the “cropped” lighting old version lantern Now the lighting looks like it comes from a power armor flashlight and a miner's helmet (looks good that way).
    3. For those who do not like the drum magazine, the quick release box magazine model has been redesigned. Now he is not so ugly (however, in life he is really not very handsome), but very handsome.
    4. Normal maps have been reworked (fine detail has been increased).
    5. The model of the “assault” stock was redone. Now her appearance more fitting to the name.
    6. An additional muffler with very “tasty” settings was added.

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