How to get rid of stuttering at home

When we see a person suffering from stuttering, hearing his forced stops in speech, we do not understand that, isn't it so difficult to speak without a chandelier? Indeed, it is difficult for them, because the cause of the fault lies in spasms and small spitches of the speech apparatus, which is not so easy to overcome. Stuttering is a neurological disease, however, treatment should be made simultaneously a whole team of doctors. But why do people suffer from stuttering? Is it a congenital pathology or acquired defect? Let's try to figure out.

Causes of stuttering in children and adults

Stuttering is a disease that has a heredity gene. That is, if there are stuttering people in the family, then your children are also predisposed to this defect. The disease is manifested even with a small shake or stress. Stripping most often suffer from the children of three or five years. With proper treatment to school age, this ailment passes almost without a trace. That is why it is important to start treatment in time. Consider the main reasons why stuttering appears in children and adults.

  1. As already been designated, the main cause of stuttering is stress, fright, sharp change of emotional state. Sometimes children acquire stuttering in disadvantaged families when their mental state is "on the verge." But in most cases, stutter strikes the child with some burst. For example, if I frightened the dog. The people there are an opinion that in order to get rid of stuttering, the child needs to scare again. However, we do not advise you to do this, because no one can guarantee what result you get, you can aggravate the situation. To treat such kids, you need to organize houses a relaxed atmosphere, not to scold a child, do not swear.
  2. Sometimes stuttering appears at a time when a child begins a speech splash. This usually occurs in the kids who were stationed in speech development. After they began to associate their speech, they want to immediately say a lot. But the mouth, unfortunately, does not have time. Such a hurry, too, often leads to stuttering. To eliminate such a reason, you need to patiently listen to the words of the child, do not rush and not customize it. Try to understand everything he tells you.
  3. Often, the people who take everything close to the heart suffer often. If this is a child, then he is most likely very impressionable and wounded. Usually he reacts very sensitive to changing the behavior of adults, on the tone of their voice. If the reason for stuttering lies in it, you need to follow your condition and convince the child that everything is in order.

In fact, the reasons for stuttering are only a trigger. It all depends on the neurological health of a person, as well as from the development of its speech apparatus. More than half of people suffering from stuttering are cured of this disease to adult age. However, stuttering can return with excitement public speeches, so when diagnosing stuttering, it is better to immediately begin treatment.

Types of storks

There are 2 types of stuttering:

  1. Neurotic stuttering or logoneurosis. With a logoneurosis, stuttering is almost not noticeable, but it is intensified by excitement and stress. The rest of the child is healthy, he has no serious abnormalities in speech and motor development. In a relaxed, home setting, the child speaks almost without hoisting, but stranger with unfamiliar people is enhanced. In the spring and autumn, the disease progresses (as with many neurological deviations).
  2. Netrosy-like, or differently, organic stuttering. Usually, this is a consequence of a serious neurological deflection. With such a stuttering, it is stalled at the very beginning, a person cannot say words. Such stuttering can be diagnosed in the indicators of analyzes and ultrasound of the brain. Usually, stuttering of this type is manifested in children in 3-4 years, such children are late begin to speak, they are underdeveloped motility, and as a result, articulation. Usually such children are restless, restless, do not have a musical hearing.

Stuttering is neurosis, so all recipes of traditional medicine are aimed at calm, loss of tension and excitement. Here are some useful recipes with which you can get rid of stuttering and restore smooth speech.

  1. Chamomile and Valerian. To prepare this brave, you need to take a tablespoon of the pharmacy chamomile and a teaspoon of valerian. From the grass you need to prepare a saturated decoction, cool and strain it. You need to drink two tablespoons twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  2. The infusion of white crazy for rinsing. A tablespoon of leaves need to pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. Then the decoction to strain and rinse them the mouth in the morning. It is impossible to take inside.
  3. Goose Pepper. Take a teaspoon of this plant, pour the glass of milk and cook on a slow heat about half an hour. The decoction to cool and drink in the morning and in the evening of 20 ml. Instead of milk, you can use wine.

There are several more ways to get rid of stuttering at home.

  1. Singing. This is the most efficient and easy way to establish your speech. After all, during singing it is simply impossible to stutter, it is physically unacceptable. Try to sing as often as possible, and if you worry, you can even communicate "Naraspov".
  2. Breathing exercises. This is also a real way to eliminate speech defects. It is necessary to regularly make broach inhales and exhalations. Extremely effective gymnastics of Strelnoye.
  3. Pause in communication. Try for several days to talk with anyone, communicate with the records. When you write words and suggestions on paper, you mentally speak them, but it is impossible to stumble in thoughts. In addition, the low speed of the letter teaches you to be expressed slowly, without a rush.
  4. Do not force events. It is impossible to eat on a child, demanding a pronunciation of smooth speech. Make a break in developing lessons - no new words, learning of poems and patter. Also limit the TV viewing time and computer games.
  5. Full holiday. To restore harmony and balance, you need to do relaxing activities. Very useful swimming and playing on the water, and even better - dolphinotherapy. Also useful yoga classes, a strip of dough or plasticine, creating crafts and applications.
  6. Exercises for language. These are very funny exercises that will like your children. You need to chat with the tongue between the sky and the upper range of the teeth. Give the child to lick the plate after dinner - it is not quite aesthetically, but very helpful. After all, this is the kneading muscles of the language, and also improves the pronaling of many letters.

Medical method of stuttering treatment

A comprehensive medical approach consists of consultations of several specialists:

  1. The neuropathologist checks the state of the nervous system. If deviations are detected, it prescribes special preparations. Usually these are medicines that improve nervous permeability, as well as simple soothing means.
  2. The psychotherapist doctor finds out the emotional side of the question. He reveals, under what circumstances began to stutter, in what points there is a recurrence of the disease. This doctor conducts psychological sessions to give patient confidence in himself, teaches to cope with excitement.
  3. Also important work with the speech therapist. He will reinstall the pronunciation of letters and teach you to talk smoothly, without sticking.
  4. In special cases, adults are prescribed acupuncture sessions. The effects of needles on certain points perfectly soothes a person.

Modern method of treatment of stuttering

Among the modern methods of treating this disease, you can mark software products that change speech. These are simple programs that are generally available. This application can be downloaded and installed on your phone. Voice simulator repeats your phrases with a deceleration share. That is, you learn to talk like a voice in the phone - a little smoothly and long. This contributes to getting rid of writing and stuttering.

A psychological moment plays an important role here. In front of the phone, a person does not worry and does not experience as with live communication. Therefore, he is easier to pronounce words without staring.

Prevention of stuttering

As you know, prevention is better than any treatment. Therefore, it is important to know about some rules that will protect you and your children from stuttering.

  1. Let the house be a healthy and comfortable atmosphere. Do not let yourself swear with children, be the most friendly to them. We do not tell you that it is impossible to punish a child for pranks and raise it "in the greenhouse." However, it is possible to scold a calm, even tone, rigidly, but without screaming and handscript.
  2. If the child began to stuff, do not emphasize this attention. You can not force it to pronounce failed sounds and syllables - after all, he does it not specifically.
  3. Listen to more music and pleasant songs.
  4. And even if you completely got rid of stuttering, do not worry if it returned to you again with strong excitement or stress. Now you know how to deal with him!

Stuttering is just a small speech defect, which is successfully treated at any age. Before public performance, try to calm down and distract, because many famous people suffered from stuttering, but it did not prevent anyone to become a great and world famous.

Video: how to get rid of stuttering

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