Fasting day on kefir, how much you can lose. Efficiency and rules for carrying out fasting days on kefir. Kefir with tomatoes

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Mar 3 2015


For every person, regardless of whether he wants to lose weight or not, fasting days are necessary. Nutritionists recommend including a fasting day on kefir in your weekly diet to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, cleanse the intestines, and set the body up for self-cleansing. This cleansing will help you subsequently get rid of excess fat, because... A good metabolism helps normalize the functioning of the body, including weight control.

Features and rules for carrying out fasting days on kefir

To set the body up for self-cleansing, you need to do unloading for 1 day once a week. Over time, the frequency of unloading is reduced to 1 time per month. This is enough to normalize the body's functioning. During such days, kefir can be combined with other products, for example, cereals, vegetables or fruits, juices, cottage cheese, honey and even chocolate. Besides:

  • You can't eat salt or sugar.
  • Sugar is replaced with honey.
  • You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • The calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 400-600 kcal.

Health benefits and harms

Kefir unloading is a useful method of cleansing the body, which helps normalize its functioning. However, it is not recommended to use more than once a week, and subsequently once a month, because such self-restraint can no longer contribute to improvement, but to deterioration of metabolism. If you use it wisely, then it is possible to achieve the following positive aspects:

  • Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract (kefir is better for fasting than milk due to its composition of bacteria).
  • Improved liver function.
  • Improvement of blood composition and its functions.
  • Removing toxins.
  • Weight loss.
  • Improved well-being.
  • Rest for the whole body.
  • Increased activity.
  • Improved brain function.

Variations of kefir fasting days

It is advisable to include exclusively kefir in the fasting day diet, but it is not necessary. A person can try different kefir-based diets and choose the one that will be most acceptable to him. There are many mixed diets. Here are 7 types of diets that are allowed to be used during fasting: pure kefir, apple, buckwheat, with bran, cottage cheese, with vegetables or fruits, cucumber. Elena Malysheva will tell you more about fasting days in this video:

Clean option

Pure kefir unloading consists exclusively of kefir. You cannot eat other foods even in small quantities, but you can use different kefir, for example with fruit filling, bio-kefir or low-fat. During the day you are allowed to take any of them or all at once. You also need to drink a lot of water (2 l/day). To ensure that such a diet does not cause harm to the body, it must be prepared: enter and exit the diet smoothly. So for dinner before the fasting day and for breakfast, you are allowed to eat only light food and not overeat.

On buckwheat porridge

A fasting diet based on kefir with buckwheat consists of 1 cup of buckwheat and 1.5 liters of kefir. Buckwheat should be consumed steamed (in the evening before the fasting day, pour 1 glass of boiling water, wrap it up, place it in a warm place), do not add salt. Such buckwheat can be poured with kefir or eaten with it. Flavoring with herbs is allowed. You need to eat it all in one day daily norm kefir and buckwheat. This is a good option for those who find it difficult to limit themselves to large amounts of food or need energy nutrition. Another diet option is kefir with rice.

Apple fasting day

To unload in this way you will need 1.5 kg of apples, 1 liter of kefir and 1.5 liters of water. Apples and kefir are consumed alternately, with an interval of at least 1 hour. Also, do not forget to drink water. Such a diet will not only cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, but also remove toxins accumulated in the body - this is its peculiarity. It has a beneficial effect on many processes in the body, enriches it with vitamins, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and overall well-being.


For such unloading you will need cottage cheese (400 g), kefir (1 l), as well as honey and berries (if desired). This is one of the few ways that allows you to enrich your fasting diet with honey and fruits. During the day you need to drink kefir 5-6 times and eat cottage cheese in small portions. They can be mixed, eaten separately or combined in one meal. You can flavor cottage cheese with honey and any berries, kefir is also your choice. A good option for those who find it difficult to limit themselves to a variety of foods.

Combined with fruits and vegetables

A one-day diet with fruits and vegetables on kefir involves consuming a comfortable amount of these products, but you should not overeat. Vegetables, fruits, and nuts are allowed to be eaten in different forms - in salads, whole, in the form of yogurt (crushed in a blender into a paste, filled with kefir). It is prohibited to heat products, as well as salt and sugar them. You should definitely drink 1 glass of kefir before bed.

To cleanse the body and lose weight with bran

Unloading consists of taking exclusively bran (2 tablespoons 3 times a day) and kefir (1.5 l). The bran is soaked or washed down with water (1 glass). Kefir is drunk in between or while taking bran. Bran contains fiber, a huge amount of useful substances, and promotes intensive cleansing of the body, gastrointestinal tract from waste, toxins, accumulated feces (it is better to plan for the weekend). On the eve of such a day, you need to eat 3 tbsp. spoons of bran, washed down with 2-3 tbsp. water (for 1–2 hours) to prepare the body for a change in diet. Bran can be replaced with oatmeal.

Menu and recipes for kefir-cucumber fasting day

Your daily diet during such an unloading will consist of cucumbers (1 kg), kefir (0.5 l), herbs, a small amount of cheese (if desired):

  1. Breakfast – salad with cucumbers (200 g), greens, no salt. After 20 minutes, drink 1 glass of kefir.
  2. Second breakfast – 200 g of cucumbers without kefir.
  3. Lunch – salad of cucumbers (200 g), greens, cheese soaked in water. Drink water after 20 minutes.
  4. Afternoon snack – 200 g cucumbers.
  5. Dinner – salad with cucumbers, herbs in vegetable or olive oil.
  6. Second dinner (before bedtime) – 1 glass of kefir.


A kefir fasting day will only benefit a healthy person, but if there are some health problems, such a diet can be harmful. People at risk are:

  • With intolerance to milk and fermented milk products.
  • With gastrointestinal problems (mucosal disorders, diarrhea, gastritis, perforations, cracks).
  • With general weakening of the body (due to illness, lack of nutrition).
  • During pregnancy, lactation (unloading is permitted only with the permission of a doctor).
  • If necessary, take medications that cannot be combined with dairy products.

Fasting days are a huge variety of options for the most different ways lose weight and cleanse your body in just one day. Of all of them, kefir day is perhaps the most popular, used more often than others for weight loss. A day like this on kefir is characterized by a huge number of benefits that can make the process of losing weight, if not pleasant, then at least easy and, which is especially important for any girl, effective, completely uncomplicated for the body.

Benefits of a fasting day

Kefir day really has a number of benefits based directly on the properties of the fermented milk product itself. Among them are:

  1. The minimum calorie content in kefir, a small percentage of fat content, which does not in any way affect the taste and quality of the product;
  2. The ability to consume an almost unlimited amount of kefir per day, which will not interfere with the weight loss process;
  3. Fasting days on kefir are presented in a variety of variations, allowing you to combine the fermented milk product with other foods, so such a day will definitely not suffer from monotony;
  4. Kefir can be easily turned into sour cream or cottage cheese, further diversifying the daily food menu, without changing the calorie or fat content of the product;
  5. A day on kefir will have a positive effect not only on your figure, but also on your overall health, will help cleanse the body of toxins, will have a good effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and will give you a feeling of cheerfulness and a pleasant, noticeable lightness throughout the body.

Disadvantages of the kefir diet

However, any fasting days on kefir also have peculiar disadvantages, which should not be forgotten when choosing this method of losing weight:

  1. Such fasting days, like the days of any mono-diets, cannot be repeated too often and cannot be delayed for too long; once or twice a month is enough; more frequent use of kefir cleansing diets can lead to unpleasant consequences;
  2. The smaller the variety of foods consumed per day, the better, so in order to lose weight, you should minimize all additional dishes and consume only kefir, but if you feel unwell, you need to add everyday food used on ordinary days to your diet;
  3. Despite the recommendations of some losing weight, talking yoghurts and other tasty kefir substitutes, fasting days should be spent on exclusively natural food - fresh fruits and vegetables, pure kefir, without other ready-made treats from the store;
  4. Not all fruits are suitable for kefir day; you need to choose only dietary options, such as apples, citrus fruits, watermelons and others, giving up bananas, grapes and other fruits;
  5. Fasting days are also the days before and after the actual kefir day, so at this time you should also not overeat and it is better to give preference to everything light and natural, otherwise the weight loss effect will not manifest itself in any way.

In addition, a kefir fasting day is strictly contraindicated for several groups:

  1. children and teenagers;
  2. pregnant women, as well as those who have recently given birth;
  3. people with kidney diseases;
  4. people suffering from obesity of any degree, as well as with an established diagnosis of anorexia;
  5. people with serious stomach diseases, including gastritis.

Kefir products

From kefir you can easily get sour cream or soft cottage cheese, which will not differ in taste and consistency from store-bought products, but they will have a minimal amount of fat, as well as calories, which means they are ideal as the main menu for weight loss.

Sour cream is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to freeze a package of kefir, leave it in the freezer overnight, and in the morning put the resulting ice in a sieve or colander, previously covered with three or four layers of paper napkins and gauze folded in several layers and placed in a deep bowl. In three to four hours, the whey will collect in the bowl, and sour cream will remain in the gauze. The thickness of the product can be adjusted by the duration of the whey draining - the longer this process is, the thicker the sour cream will be. Subsequently, during the kefir day, you can eat sour cream and drink whey. If the sour cream turns out to be very thick, you can simply dilute it with whey to the desired consistency.

Cottage cheese is prepared according to the same principle as sour cream, but it is kept in gauze for much longer, until it becomes soft, “mushy”, after which this product can be used as a food for weight loss. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it will be consumed separately or become the basis for dietary dishes.

Time to consume kefir

During a kefir day, no matter what fasting meal plans for weight loss are invented, you need to drink at least one liter of kefir, divided into 5-6 servings. Dietitians consider one and a half liters of fermented milk product, divided into six 250-milliliter servings, to be a more acceptable option, but the “dose” can be varied from a liter to two within the amount of product most acceptable to the body. In this case, the amount of water may be less than what is drunk on regular, non-fasting days.

If sour cream or cottage cheese is prepared from the same liter or two of kefir, they must be combined, on the contrary, with more water to restore balance in the body. Add fruits, berries or any other dietary products You can take it at any meal, except the very last one, before bed.

You need to consume a glass of kefir every two to three hours, starting from the moment you wake up and ending about one and a half to two hours before bedtime. You need to completely give up tea, coffee and other usual drinks, especially alcohol, for at least a day of the diet, so that fasting days will benefit not only your figure, but your overall health, allowing you to take a break from the caffeine in coffee and from dehydration, which can lead to brings the same green tea.

Product combination

Any fasting nutrition program for the day consists of choosing a minimum amount of foods that are ideally combined with each other and are easily digestible. That is why you can choose no more than two additional products to accompany the fermented milk product, which will also be eaten per day. At the same time, all products must be consumed without salt, sugar and other additives, absolutely fresh, and not fried in a frying pan.

The following options for fruits and berries may be excellent:

  1. any citrus fruits, especially grapefruits;
  2. apples;
  3. watermelons;
  4. mango;
  5. blueberries and blueberries, cranberries;
  6. raspberries and strawberries;
  7. cherry;
  8. a small amount of dates;
  9. kiwi or fresh pineapple.

You can also eat some kind of vegetable, also choosing the most healthy and dietary option:

  1. celery;
  2. any leaf lettuce;
  3. carrot;
  4. cucumber;
  5. any kaputa;
  6. sweet potato;
  7. green beans.

A duet for kefir can be lean fish or chicken fillet, eggs, low-calorie grain cottage cheese. Any product requiring heat treatment It’s better to either bake without oil in foil, or cook in a water bath, avoiding frying and boiling, since these two cooking methods will either add extra calories or “pull out” all possible beneficial substances from the product. Buckwheat, which is also an excellent basis for a fasting day, can be a good addition, and the body can benefit from a few tablespoons of bran added to kefir. They will also help get rid of the feeling of hunger between glasses of kefir in case your appetite still noticeably makes itself felt.

Rules for holding a fasting day

To achieve a satisfactory, high-quality result and to avoid harm to health, you need to adhere to several simple rules, especially important for those who have chosen kefir day as a basis for weight loss:

  1. Kefir must be fresh, made a few days ago, completely natural without preservatives or other additives;
  2. You need to choose a product that is either completely low-fat or with a mass fraction of fat content not exceeding one percent;
  3. It is better to postpone the fasting day if you have recently had a cold or any other illness, and your general health does not allow you to give up your usual food for the whole day;
  4. If you regularly carry out a fasting day, you should not change kefir to any other product; it is better to leave this fermented milk drink as the basis for at least most of the planned fasting days, so the body will get used to it faster, and a sharp decrease in calories will not cause shock to it ;
  5. Before the beginning dietary nutrition It’s better to slightly change your entire diet and start eating more soups and liquid cereals a couple of days before losing weight;
  6. You should not abuse the use of fasting days before important events, since the combination of a fasting day with a rather nervous environment caused by excitement before important event can harm your entire health. On such a day of losing weight, it is better to generally minimize any physical activity and mental work; even a combination of diet with regular sports activity is very undesirable.
  7. Even when combining kefir with other products, the amount of fermented milk drink should exceed all other ingredients, and their total calorie content should not go beyond 1200 calories.

Of course, it’s very difficult to call a kefir day full, so you need to work hard to get through it, but the effect that such a short diet guarantees won’t keep you waiting. General cleansing of the body, lightness in the stomach and a certain amount of waste excess weight will certainly turn out to be a worthy result, justifying some time of a fairly strict hunger strike. After such a cleansing, you are unlikely to want to return to an unhealthy diet, and after just a month of regular fasting, the diet itself will certainly become more healthy and natural.

Hello, my dear readers!

Kefir is a healthy fermented milk product that is obtained by fermenting cow's milk using special microorganisms, the so-called “kefir grains.”

This drink can often be found as part of various diets.

Thanks to its positive properties, nutritionists advise spending a fasting day on kefir, which helps cleanse the intestines, stimulate digestion and get rid of extra pounds.

From this article you will learn:

Fasting day on kefir - how to spend it correctly?

Composition and benefits of kefir

This product has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract with the help of its probiotics - beneficial bacteria that help normalize the intestinal microflora and activate the process of food absorption.

It also contains:

  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • organic acids;
  • a whole complex of vitamins, including A, C, H, PP;
  • valuable microelements (magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, iron, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, fluorine, manganese, cobalt, chromium, chlorine, sodium, copper, molybdenum);
  • cholesterol (which can be not only harmful, but also beneficial).

What are the benefits of kefir?

Improving digestion is not the only benefit of kefir.

  1. The large amount of protein in the drink helps replenish protein reserves in the body. For this, just half a liter of kefir is enough.
  2. It can easily eliminate signs of chronic fatigue, strengthen nervous system and relieve insomnia.
  3. This product promotes rapid cleansing of the intestines, improves the secretion of gastric juices and has a mild diuretic effect.
  4. It is able to strengthen the immune system, this is especially true in the autumn.
  5. Kefir perfectly quenches thirst.

Using kefir for weight loss

This drink is very often used for one-day diets.

Using this method, all unnecessary deposits that form in it during the daily consumption of fatty or high-calorie foods are removed from the intestines.

Accumulated waste and toxins are removed from the body, and liver functioning is significantly improved.

  • How many kilograms can you lose by doing a fasting day on kefir?

A fasting day on kefir can remove at least one kilogram.

Thanks to such unsurpassed effectiveness, they are very popular; reviews indicate that if unloading is carried out correctly, you can easily achieve excellent results without harming your health.

The body itself gradually rebuilds itself, leaning towards weight loss, without experiencing the slightest stress or inconvenience.

  • How many times should you unload on kefir?

To achieve excellent results, it is enough to perform kefir fasting once a week.

When she starts showing the first positive results, it is worth reducing the frequency to once every 15-20 days.

This will keep you in shape and keep you motivated to lose weight.

How to spend a kefir day correctly - the main nuances of the kefir diet

A fasting day on kefir has several requirements that are important to fulfill for greatest effectiveness.

  1. You are not allowed to eat or drink anything else throughout the day. Kefir should be the only product consumed.
  2. During the period when unloading is carried out, it is necessary to stop eating salt, and, if possible, replace sugar with a small amount of honey or eliminate it altogether.
  3. Be sure to drink at least one and a half to two liters of water per day, and try to reduce the calorie content of the foods you consume by two, or better yet, three times.

There are many diets in which kefir is a central element.

To understand which scheme is most suitable, you should try to enter the option you like for one day and evaluate your condition.

You should not spend fasting days too often. This type of diet abuse can seriously affect the digestive system.

Carrying out a complete unloading on kefir

  • What can you eat besides kefir?

This means a diet option in which only kefir is consumed during the day and nothing else.

  • How much kefir should I use?

The maximum amount of drink is not limited, but the most optimal volume is considered to be 2.5 liters.

  • How many times a month should you do a fasting day?

Thinking abouthow many days can you spendsuch unloading, do not forget that the body needs other vitamins and nutrients, and not just those contained in this product.

Therefore, you should not get carried away with a mono-diet; one day two to four times a month is enough.

  • Which kefir is better to take for a fasting day?

It is best to choose kefir that is as natural as possible, so that it contains live bacteria that promote digestion and enrich the intestinal microflora.

The highest quality is considered a fermented milk drink, which has a shelf life of no more than 14 days.

It is not difficult to prepare at home - just place a small piece of ordinary rye bread in milk and leave for room temperature for a day or two. The result is a naturally fermented product that does not contain preservatives.

Such weight loss should be approached with caution by those who have increased acidity or stomach or intestinal diseases are present.

How to spend a fasting day on kefir - video

Other options for fasting days on kefir

Not everyone finds it easy to fast, which requires them to eat just one drink all day.

But there is a way out - kefir can be mixed with other products and thus create a menu for a fasting day.

Such methods are also very effective, and there are quite a lot of them.

  • Fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese

It comes in two types.

The first of them involves adding fresh fruit to your diet for lunch and a spoon of honey for dinner.

In the second option, the menu can also be diversified with soothing tea.

  • Unloading on kefir and cucumbers

This option is very simple and does not have a clear menu. A kilogram of fresh cucumbers is added to the diet per day. Instead of fermented milk product during the day you can drink mineral water, and kefir - only before bedtime.

  • Fasting day on buckwheat and kefir

This unloading involves adding this cereal, steamed in the evening, to the menu. To do this, take ½ cup of buckwheat and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave it overnight in a warm place, and in the morning divide the resulting porridge into five meals.

  • Fasting day on kefir and apples

It is carried out in almost the same way as the option with cucumbers. You need to take one and a half kilograms of these fruits and consume them alternately with fermented milk products, with a break of at least an hour. One and a half liters of water is also added.

  • Fasting day on kefir and bran

A very popular dieton kefir and bran.In the evening you need to do a little preparation.

To do this, eat 30-40 grams of bran, drink liquid, and steam another 70 grams.

During the day, consume the resulting pulp, dividing it into three doses.

  • Unloading on rice and kefir

There is an unloading option on and kefir.

For this, it is advisable to use the basmati variety, it is the most useful. In just a day you can consume 200 grams of rice and 1.5 liters of kefir.

  • Unloading on beets and kefir

Diet on kefir can last up to three days.

The daily menu consists of one and a half liters of fermented milk drink, a kilogram of boiled vegetables and two liters of mineral water.

On the fourth day, the result is very noticeable, from 3 to 5 extra kilograms are lost.

Contraindications to carrying out a kefir fasting day

Due to the fact that kefir contains ethyl alcohol formed during the fermentation process, this product should be excluded from the dietduring pregnancy- he can inflict harm health of both women and children.

It is not advisable to simultaneously eat foods containing different kinds milk protein, such as kefir and cheese. This combination can easily cause indigestion.

Also, you should not eat a product that has expired, as this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is better not to buy it for future use and store it for a long time in a refrigerator.

You can seriously undermine your health by eating exclusively kefir for a long time.

Some girls abuse such diets in order to get rid of extra pounds, but such excessive zeal can greatly harm the body due to lack of nutrients: vitamins, microelements, fiber.

The immune system suffers greatly.

Therefore, such fasting, like any diet, should be followed with caution.

Well, that’s probably all I wanted to tell you about unloading on kefir.

I would be grateful for reposting the article, and also remind you of the benefits of subscribing to my blog updates.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


Fasting day on low-fat kefir An excellent way to cleanse the body of unnecessary substances and fluid accumulated in the tissues. In addition, kefir will help “kick start” weight loss.

Do not confuse and. When we completely refuse to eat, metabolic processes slow down, the body begins to save calories and retains fat cells. Therefore, fasting is used very carefully by people who want to lose weight. The benefits of kefir, on the contrary, will not be long in coming - metabolism accelerates, and we get rid of hated fat cells. The positive effects of a fasting day can hardly be overestimated:

  1. Unnecessary fluid is removed from cells and tissues. Visual swelling of the skin disappears. How much can you lose this way? 2 kg of mass are easily lost. But it must be remembered that such a sharp decrease occurs due to the removal of fluid;
  2. The body discards all unnecessary, harmful substances: waste and toxins, and the feces accumulated in the intestines are liquefied and released;
  3. The gastrointestinal tract rests, becomes cleaner, and subsequently the metabolism functions better. What does not allow us to quickly return the mass;
  4. The stomach becomes smaller, and after a fasting day it is much easier to start eating little but often. But this very requirement is one of the key ones in a huge number of diets;

Principles of unloading

To lose weight, first of all, you need self-discipline; you need to follow the rules of a fasting day on kefir. Otherwise, you can forget about the impressive results. In addition, there are many cases where people harm themselves with all kinds of diets and fasting days. In order not to harm yourself with kefir unloading, do not forget about the following general rules:

  1. A kefir day is permissible only once a week, 2 is already too much stress for the body. Thus, we have no more than 4 fasting days per month;
  2. It is necessary to divide your normal dose of kefir into six parts. We drink these doses after an equal number of hours;
  3. in large quantities to cleanse the body. In addition to the kefir itself, you need to drink at least two liters, you can drink more. After waking up, before the first meal, you also need to drink water;
  4. We prepare our digestive system for unloading the day before. We have a light dinner, and before going to bed we drink the same glass of kefir;
  5. The next day after unloading, we do not pounce on heavy food. The gastrointestinal tract should gradually wean itself off the lighter version of the work. Over the next day we drink half a liter of kefir. We eat lightly – lean meat (preferably chicken), grains. Otherwise, we will harm the body, and the effect of losing weight will be minimal;
  6. On a fasting day, refrain from any stress, both physical and mental. The body simply won't have enough calories to cope with the stress of, say, athletic exercise. And if there is a psychological stress, for example, exam testing, the brain will also not have enough nutrition.

In all recipes for such fasting days, the main ingredient is kefir. The author's methods suggest diversifying the diet on this day with cereals, vegetables and fruits. Sometimes even lean meats and seafood are possible. Almost always certain spices and pepper are allowed. The easier the complementary product is digested, the stronger the unloading effect will be. Usually the complementary product is presented in only a single quantity. And the higher the content with the least calories it has, the more preferable it is.

It is worth making sure that kefir, which is purchased for fasting days, contains less than one percent fat.

It also must be fresh. It is partly acceptable to replace kefir or yoghurt, but you need to make sure that they also have a minimum of fat. When the goal of a fasting day is not to lose weight, we choose products with 2% fat.

Only kefir is the simplest and most correct option. Among the disadvantages is that sometimes it is difficult for people who are not accustomed to diets to sit on it. And in some cases, with gastrointestinal diseases, such a fasting day will be harmful - consult your doctor or nutritionist.

During these 24 hours you should not eat anything, only drink low-fat kefir and clean water. You should consume one and a half liters of kefir. Not everyone will find this kind of unloading easy, but with its help people can easily lose even 2 kg of body weight. In addition to kefir, you can pamper yourself a little with herbs, spices (cinnamon, hot pepper), and if you really can’t bear it, mix kefir with sweeteners.

What you can’t eat to lose weight is salt. Sodium retains water in cells and tissues, and thus the whole point of a fasting day is lost. You should never overdo it with greens. Spices – preferably spicy ones, they activate metabolism.

With Apples

Kefir day is a gentle, convenient and very effective option for how to spend a fasting day. After all, apple fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins. In order for a strong dietary effect to be observed, you need to eat only green fruits. It’s better to make an effort over yourself and choose the most tasteless variety. We eat a kilo of apples and a liter of fermented milk drink a day. We also supplement this picture with 2 liters clean water. We divide total weight food for five meals. We drink water separately from meals. After a few hours, a strong diuretic effect will be noticeable.

With buckwheat

The fasting day method not only helps to get rid of annoying kilograms, but also cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, we do not cook the buckwheat, but “infuse” it in a thermos full of boiling water in the evening. For 300 g of buckwheat – 500 ml of boiling water. In this way, we will preserve for ourselves all the vitamin and mineral potential of the cereal. We also eat meals in increments, each time washing down a spoonful of porridge with a sip of fermented milk product. Or, on the contrary, we completely separate the consumption of buckwheat and kefir. Any spices can be used, but salt is still completely excluded.

With cottage cheese

will not make anyone go hungry. For breakfast we eat 250 ml of fermented milk drink and 3 tbsp. cottage cheese. Lunch with curd mixture and fruit homemade and wash it down with kefir. After a couple of hours, drink another 250 ml of kefir. Evening meal – 3 tbsp. cottage cheese, 1 tsp. honey, 250 ml kefir.

With cucumbers

  • We recommend reading:

- this is primarily a liquid, and their smell gives good combination With fermented milk products. The feeling of hunger makes itself felt minimally, and in addition, the combination of vegetables with fermented milk products helps relieve symptoms of back pain, sore joints and hypertension.

We buy a liter of kefir and a kilo of cucumbers per day. The best cucumbers are those that grew near your place of residence. As always, you can season the table a little with dill or parsley. You can wash down the vegetable with kefir, or you can first eat one thing and then drink another. In addition, you can try dietary culinary delights - make kefir okroshka, the only filling of which will be cucumbers. Add hot spices and cilantro to taste. If there is not enough taste, you can drop lemon juice into our okroshka.

They will cleanse your body. Bran is full of fiber, and together with fermented milk drinks, it will help. Unloading on bran with kefir is one of the most powerful. Just remember that this recipe has a strong laxative effect.

To cleanse the body, natural cereal bran is used without any unnecessary ingredients. What are they needed for? Their fiber will speed up the peristalsis of the intestinal walls, allowing the body to shed excess waste and toxins. Cholesterol levels will decrease, and thanks to carbohydrates, you can forget about the feeling of hunger on a fasting day. Before leaving the body, the bran will absorb excess liquid, and we will get rid of puffiness as much as possible. This is why it is recommended to strengthen your drinking regime and drink not 2, but 3 liters of water.

To lose weight, you need to eat 30 grams of bran and one and a half liters of fermented milk drink per day. The day before, pour the bran into hot water. In the morning, add the infused bran to kefir, mix well and drink until the evening in six servings. Before eating, each time you need to vigorously shake the bottle with a mixture of bran and kefir. Another option is to divide the infused bran into 2 spoons and eat them between drinking kefir at equal intervals. True, such unloading also has side effects associated with effects on the intestines. The formation of gases may increase, and the intestines will begin to “twist”. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should not choose this particular option for losing weight.

Using a fruit day with kefir, you can give free rein to your imagination and treat yourself to fruit and berry pleasures.

It is not always possible to carry out strict fasting days. And extra pounds are always a disaster for the body and mental state of a person. To celebrate such a day, you can buy strawberries, currants, and peaches. It is advisable that everything be fresh. In the morning, we first drink a glass of water, then, after a while, the prescribed share of fermented milk drink. The second meal is as much fruit as we want, but we still don’t overeat.

In two hours we'll eat a couple of apples. In another two hours we will prepare a salad of berries and fruits, for which kefir will be an excellent dressing. Shortly before dinner, you can eat fruit with a fermented milk drink. We dine on apple fruits.

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Kefir - not always perfect option for a fasting day. If you do not want weight loss to cause negative effects, please note that such cleansing days are unacceptable if:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are observed;
  2. There is a lack of subcutaneous fat or the patient is suffering

To cleanse the body of harmful toxic substances and get rid of extra pounds, arrange a fasting day on kefir. Let's talk about what kefir reliefs exist.

The safest, and most importantly, quick ways weight loss, kefir unloading is considered. The main thing is the right approach to such a mini-diet. It does not cause metabolic problems and does not negatively affect health.

In 1 day you can lose up to two kilograms of weight, this will not cause any harm to the body.

On such a day it is not necessary to consume only kefir. The menu can include fruits, cottage cheese, even buckwheat porridge.

The benefits of kefir fasting day

Kefir is able to remove accumulated toxins in gastrointestinal tract. It also has a good effect on the liver and improves blood function. In order to get rid of toxins, as well as waste in the body, it is enough to plan a fasting day on kefir once every 2-4 weeks. In the future, when you achieve the desired result, to keep your body in shape it will be enough to carry out such a mini-diet only once every 1-2 months.

How to do kefir unloading?

To be successful, the following rules must be followed:

  • with a one-day kefir diet, you need to drink only kefir;
  • on such days, exclude salt and sugar; you can use honey instead, but in small quantities;
  • during a fasting diet, consume at least 1.5-2 liters. water;
  • to get the best effect, choose the diet option you like best from those discussed below;
  • You should not abuse this method of losing weight to avoid metabolic disorders.

Options for kefir fasting day

To suit your taste, you can choose one of the many options for kefir unloading. This will help you spend your day as efficiently and easily as possible.

Fasting day on pure kefir

Only kefir, about 1.5 l. On the eve of such a fasting day, it is not recommended to have a heavy dinner. After a day of following the kefir diet, breakfast should be light, for example, 70 grams oatmeal, 1 egg and green tea without sugar. Try to drink a glass of any kefir every three hours, and most importantly, do not give in to the temptation to have a snack. In addition, you can only drink plain water.

Fasting day on buckwheat and kefir

Making a fasting day with buckwheat and kefir is very simple. In the evening, rinse 0.5 cups of buckwheat, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and close with a tight lid. In the morning, take 1/5 of it, add kefir and have breakfast. For lunch, you can flavor the buckwheat with herbs and eat it with kefir. During the day, eat the entire preparation for 5-6 meals and drink 1.5 liters. kefir The result of fasting with kefir and buckwheat is somewhat worse than with pure fermented milk drink. But it tastes better.

Unloading on kefir and oatmeal

Kefir and oatmeal. The day before, pour 50 grams of oatmeal boiled water(chilled).

  • breakfast - dilute a spoonful of oatmeal with 1 tsp. honey, wash down with kefir;
  • lunch – a glass of kefir and a spoon of oatmeal;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir;
  • dinner – kefir and a spoonful of oatmeal;
  • before bed – a glass of kefir.

Unloading on kefir and apples

You need 1.5 kg of apples and 1 liter. kefir Eat every hour or more, changing either kefir or apples. Don’t forget that in addition to them you need to drink 1.5 liters. water.

Fasting day on kefir with cottage cheese

The daily norm is 1 liter. kefir and 400 gr. cottage cheese, preferably low-fat. In the morning, eat a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese, wash down with a glass of kefir (you can add honey). After 3 hours - st. kefir After another 3 hours - cottage cheese filled with kefir, you can add various berries. Then, after 2 hours, another glass of kefir and after (another 2 hours) - cottage cheese with honey (1 tsp). Before going to bed, you need to drink 1 more cup of kefir.

Unloading on kefir and fruits

Morning – a glass of kefir and fruit (any, but don’t overeat). After 2-3 hours – apples. For lunch - fruit and berry salad, you can dress it up or wash it down with kefir. Afternoon snack – fruits or berries, washed down with kefir. Dinner: apples. Before bed - a glass of kefir.

Fasting day on kefir and cucumbers

1 kg required. Divide the cucumbers into 5 parts. In the morning, take 200 gr. cucumbers and make a salad with herbs (no salt). After 20 min. - a glass of kefir. No less than 3 hours later - another 200 grams. cucumbers, without kefir. For lunch - cucumber salad with feta cheese soaked in water, drink only water. Afternoon snack – another 200 gr. cucumbers Dinner - again salad with greens and this time with sunflower oil. At night - a glass of kefir.

Chocolate-kefir fasting day

Yes Yes! Chocolate can also be used as a fasting product. But you should only take dark chocolate with a cocoa content of about 70%.

  • breakfast – a piece of chocolate, a glass of kefir;
  • lunch – a glass of kefir;
  • afternoon snack - a piece of chocolate;
  • dinner – a glass of kefir, a piece of chocolate;
  • before bed – a glass of kefir.

All these unloading kefir days optimally combined with proper nutrition. In this case, you will be able to gradually reduce weight and consistently maintain the desired weight.

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