Aktinidia Argut Jumbo. Aktinidia. Unique and new varieties of Russian selection. Sortinidia hybrid varieties

Aktinidia Argut "Issis" (she "ISSAI") produces Liano from four to eight meters, resistant to diseases. Productivity: up to fifteen kilograms of berries from the root. The weight of one fetus, on average, is five grams, the taste close to taste Kiwi. You can remove with branches for unimited. After transfer to the house, the berries are ripened for a short time, it may be enough for three days.

The leaves are large, rounded-elongated with a pointed tip. As for the leaves, red stiffs are characteristic of the fruits. Lian life can reach fifty years, they are made very voluminous, lush, can cover the whole tree.
Soils are desirable to humid, wet, but not overcooked. The roots from the surface do not go deep, so plants are sensitive to competitors: from weeds you need to carefully get rid of, in the neighborhood there may be only flowers that protect the seedling at a young age from burns in the open sun. Many gardeners recommend to the soil to mulch.

The first two years of Aktinidia Argut "Issi" transfers the transplant very badly, so if you grumbled a cutlets, then to plant them at a permanent place in the garden is best for the third year.
For planting a seedling, the pit should dig by the ratio of depth to the diameter, approximately 60 to 60, to put a brick battle or stones for the bottom in order for the water to be forced. In the mixture for landing, in addition to the organicities (compost), do not forget to add mineral elements as an ash.
If the winter was outlooking a minor or especially frosty and the tops of the Liana crushed, the trunk of an adult plant always has a sufficient margin of vitality to drive new shoots from the lower kidneys. But so that the lower part of the Liana does not frozen, you should not clean the leaves falling from the plant in the fall. They have a large size, give good thermal insulation and help the roots, trunk and lower kidneys to have a prosperous. Avoid blowing places so that winter Liana does not be frosting.
Overflow Liana can be trimmed, but not earlier than a three-year-old age, because Younger plants are still insufficient. The best time for trimming - after discharge of leaves, when the movement of the juices on the barrel is terminated. At the age of seven to ten years, it is possible, and sometimes even necessary. Hold the rejuvenating trimming.

Here you can order a comprehensiveprocessing of plants from pests and diseases.

When buying in our garden center, consultants will give full information on landing and care for seedlings. If independent landing causes difficulties, you can order from us

From the Far Eastern species, the most popular actinidium of a kolomykt with bunches of sour-sweet fruit and decorative foliage is recognized as right. Aktinidia Argut will not decorate the garden with pink-white floors, like her relative, but it will give the harvest of miniature kiwi.

Compared with the actinidia of the colomict of the plant of this species much more powerful and higher. Valid lianas, reaching sememeter heights, live up to 70-90 years, starting from 5 years of age to supply gardeners with rather large fruits with sweet or pleasant sour-sweet fruits.

The distinctive feature of the actinidia of the argut is abundant fruiting and the excellent preservation of the wound, which is little creaked even in adverse conditions. In addition, there are grades donas fruits not only green, but also an unusual purple shade.

The selection of actinidia in the USSR first took up to the Great Patriotic War. Taking as the basis of wild plants from the Far East, scientists received the first varieties that became the sobrases of modern varieties of Aktinidia Argut. However, before the current diversity, and then was far away.

In the list of varieties available for cultivation on Russian summer cottages, today there are several dozen yields, winter-hardy varieties from domestic and foreign breeders.

Aktinidia Argut Geneva (Geneva)

This variety of late ripening time is well-known cultural fans. Large, barrel-shaped fruits are ready to collect in the first half of September, have a recognizable barrel shape and a mass of 5 to 8 grams.

Green-brown wounds as ripening change the color, becoming completely reddish. This Aktinidia of the American selection argut will be comfortable to grow and be fronping on solar sections protected from wind and hazard freezing during spring returned cold weather. In winter, the plant is not terribosed frost to -30 ° C.

Thanks to the honey taste and bright aroma, the sweets of Aktinidia's pleasant sourness of the Aktinidia of Arguta Geneva will fall to taste the most demanding gourmet. The main thing is to collect a rich crop on time, otherwise the softened fighters of actinidia may be festred.

The first wounds on Liane are formed for the fourth year.

Aktinidia Argut Issei (Issai)

The Aktinidia Argenius of Japanese origin is interesting because its plants are small dependent on the availability of special varieties of pollinators. Thanks to the ability to self-pollination, even with one female plant, Aktinidia Aguta Issey, you can get a shame crop of ripening in late September sweetish, pleasant flavor of fruits. Their sizes are not large and in length do not exceed 3-4 cm.

This is not the only advantage of culture. The first zeroshi on plants appear not a few years after the landing, but almost in the first year. This is due to the compactness of Liana, in the height of the growing up to only three meters and is excellent suitable for small summer cottages.

The plant withstands frost to -25 ° C, but in the summer it does not make the dryness and intimacy of groundwater, it must be taken into account when landing and leaving, as in the photo, for Aktindia Argut.

Actinide Aktinidia Jumbo (JUMBO)

Created by Italian breeders Actinide Aktinidia is highlighted by an extended, up to 6 cm, green or yellowish painting fruits, high yields and excellent safety. The first promises on the Liana Aktinidia Argut Jumbo appear for 3-4 years after planting seedlings in the ground. Stable fruiting begins in another 2-3 years.

Large, weighing up to 30 grams of fruit - peculiar record holders among cultural varieties of this species. They are not so fragrant, like the actinidia of the argut of Geneva, but have a shameful sweet taste and are long stored in a fresh form. The harvest fee falls on the second half of September.

In winter, tall, reaching eight meters to the height of the plant without visible damage to the frost to -28 ° C.

Aktinidia Argut Kens Red (Ken's Red)

Greenish-red with a purple blowing fruit of this New Zealand variety Aktindia Argut is very attractive. Despite the lack of aroma, due to the high density of berries and their good taste, this culture is a desired resident of summer sites and even industrial landings.

Locking kegs - the fruits of Aktinidia Aguta Kens Edit Ripen by the end of September, they have a length of up to 4 cm, consumer qualities retain consumer qualities, do not disappear during transportation and storage. Plants are pretty frost-resistant and no shelter tolerate cold to -25 ° C.

Cusaw Argute Aktinidia variety (Kokuwa)

Foreign breeders are actively working on obtaining not only yields, but also self-polls. Japanese masters created a cocked variety of this kind. For the formation of marking plants, additional pollinators are not needed, which greatly simplifies the landing and care for Aktindia Argut, as in the photo regularly bringing a mass of small edible fruits with lemon aroma.

Harvesting begins from mid-September, and when the berries are removed, be sure to trim the Lian, removing weakly caused, old, damaged shoots, as well as branches that interfer the crown ventilation.

The shoots are climbing, so plants can be used not only as a fruit culture, but also as a means of gardening gazebo, terraces, for zoning the garden with a helmer.

Aktinidia Argut Purpurna Sadova (Purpurna Sadowa)

One of the most famous argut was received by Ukrainian enthusiasts and today is grown not only in his homeland, but also in Russia, in the near and far abroad.

The highlight of the variety is the original purple painting of the fruits and their pulp, which gave the name of the fruit culture. But the color is not the only dignity of Aktinidia Argut Purpurna Sadova. In the fruit, the dismissed sweet and sour taste, an attractive aroma and a juicy flesh, hidden under edible skin.

Fruption begins on the third year, harvesting is carried out in the first decade of October. With the correctly selected place for landing and caring Aktinidia Aguta, as in the photo, stably gives the harvest of beautiful fruits up to 4 cm long. In winter, the plants are not frozen at temperatures up to -25 ° C.

Aktinidia Argut Vitiki (Vitikiwi)

The Self-ahead variety of Aktinidia Argut has proven itself in private gardens and industrial cultivation. Unfortunately with varieties of pollinators of Aktinidia Argut Vitatii abundantly fruit, providing a gardener with beautiful, proper oval shape with green fruits with thin skin and a delicious juicy flesh.

The peculiarity of the berries of this variety is the frequent lack of seeds inside the pulp, which is even more attracting the attention of gourmets.

The variety grows perfectly, so in the fall, after collecting the fruits, the plants are necessarily cut, cutting the crown and removing the incidence of increasing.

Aktinidia Argut Waiki (Weiki)

The Aktinidia's Aktinidia is famous as an otned pollinator for other self-satisfied species, and a source of delicious, round-oval medium-sized fruits.

Women's plants Aktinidia Argut Ways are very yield. And their fruits are not only delivering the joy to the ladcomers and adherents of healthy nutrition, but also aesthetes. On a green background, a bright red-brown blush, forming on the berries turned to the sun turned to the sun, is very decorative. Green leaves are also painted in crimson or reddish tones.

Aktinidia Argut of this species is excellent for Russian conditions, since it is not afraid of frosts up to -30 ° C.

Aktinidia Argut Pineapple

Among the varieties of domestic selection, the Aktinidia of Argut Pineapple with oval, embracing acid-sweet fruits in October is most often mentioned. The name this type is required to exquisite fruit aroma, spreading around, it is only necessary to drive a thin, edible skin.

Plants exclusively frost resistant, unpretentious and require regular sanitary trim from gardener, as well as frequent, especially in the hot season, irrigation.

Video about the types and varieties of actinidia

To order actinidia seedlingslist follow this link TO ORDER

Preliminary value of seedlings 550 - 650 rubles.

Actinide varieties for middle strip

Aktinidia Argut Pineapple

(Actinidia Arguta Ananasnaya)

Female variety with very tasty, fragrant fruits. The fruits ripen in October, oval, slightly oblong, green with a red blush. Begins fruiting for 3-4 years. Crop better late in autumn or in winter (before the beginning of the vegetation), in summer after partial decoration of new gains.


The soil:

Frost-resistant plant.

Aktinidia Argut Ways (Female)

(Actinidia Arguta Weiki "Famale)

Height from 5 to 12 meters the fruit is about 3 cm, green, with a red-brown blush. Begins fruiting for 3-4 years. The leaves are very beautiful - dark green, slightly shiny, with red cutters. The fruits ripen in October, the average value (about 2.5-3 cm long and 2-2.5 cm wide), green, with a red-brown blush in places well lit, delicious, do not fall out to maturation. The leaves are beautiful - dark green, slightly shiny, with red cutters - well combined practical features with decorative. Begins fruiting for 3-4 years after landing. Withstand frosts up to -30c.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant.

Aktinidia Argut Ways (Male)

(Actinidia Arguta Weiki "Male)

Male plant Female and Obroat Persian varieties of Actinidia Arguta. Flowers in June. It is enough to put 1-2 male plants on 6-8 female. It will be a good "neighbor" by many young ladies-actinidia. The pollinator blooms in June with white small flowers collected in loose half.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant.

Aktinidia Kolomykta Adam (Male)

(Actinidia Kolomikta Adam)

Polish male variety with decorative and painted leaves. In May, the leaves become white-green, and in June, it is additionally painted in pink color. Coloring manifests itself 2-3 years after landing. Flowers are small, white, with yellow stamens, with a light lemon aroma. Flowers in May. It grows up to 3-4 m. A nice pollinator of female and hawk plants.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases:

Aktinidia Argut Jumbo

(Actinidia Arguta Jumbo)

Italian variety. Variety dioarm. Requires pollinator. Fruits are large, oval, slightly oblong, green-yellow. Fruits ripen in October. Begins fruiting for 3-4 years. Blossom usually lasts 7-10 days. The flowering period lasts about a week.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant. Withstand frosts up to -25 ° С

Aktinidia Argut Geneva

(Actinidia Arguta Geneva)

Variety dioarm. Requires pollinator. Early grade with sweet, with a monday aftertaste and light aroma fruits. The fruits of medium size, with a blush, ripen in September-October. Begins fruiting for 3-4 years.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant. Withstand frosts up to -30c

Aktinidia Argut Ishai.

(Actinidia Arguta Issai)

Decorative liana with delicious fruits. Sorted sorted, blooms in June. Fruits ripen in October. Begins fruiting for 2-3 years after landing.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant.

Aktinidia Argut KENS RAD

(Actinidia Arguta Ken "S Red)

Variety dioarm. Requires pollinator. The benefits of medium size, red, ripen in September-October. Begins fruiting for 3-4 years. Red-fruit grade.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant. Withstand frosts to -25c

Aktinidia Argut Kokuva

(Actinidia Arguta Kokuwa)

Japanese female variety With tasty, with a lemon flavor, long non-refined fruits (mini kiwi), ripening at the end of September - October, suitable for food with the skin. Dioecious. Requires pollinator.

Fruits oval, about 2 cm long, with a lemon flavor. Ripen at the end of September - October. Begins fruit for 2-3 years.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant. Withstand frosts up to -22 °

Aktinidia Argut Purple Sadova

(Actinidia Arguta Purpurna Sadowa)

Ukrainian red-fruit, abundant variety variety of delicious fruits (mini kiwi) maturing in late September-October, with edible peel. Fruits oval, about 3.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. Begins fruiting for 3-4 years.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases:

Aktinidia Argut Rogov

(Actinidia Arguta Rogow)

Polish, female abundantly Fruiting frost-resistant grade, derived in arboretry in horns, Poland. The fruits of medium size, oval (2.5-3 cm long and 2-2.5 cm width), green, delicious, ripen in late September-early October. It starts fruit for 3-4 years, a yield. Fruits suitable for food with peel.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant. Withstand frosts up to -28 ° C

Aktinidia Kolomikt Dr. Shimanovsky

(Actinidia Kolomikta Dr Szymanowski)

Polish female variety with two-fallen features, with beautiful painting leaves and delicious fruits. It begins abundantly fruit for 4-5 years after landing. The color of the leaves is manifested for 2-3 years after landing. A variety of two-way, self-polling, blooms in May. The fruits are delicious, ripen in August. It grows up to 3-4 m.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Very frost-resistant plant.

Aktinidia Kolomikt September

(Actinidia Kolomikta SientabrSkaya)

Exclusively female Ukrainian variety. Requires pollinator. Grade with decorative green and white-pink leaves and edible fruits. The color of the leaves is manifested for 2-3 years after landing. White flowers, with a light lemon flavor, blooms in May. Fruits ripen in August.

Location: For landing it is necessary warm, protected from drafts place.

The soil: It is better developing on well-drained rich soils with a neutral or close to it with the reaction of the medium, does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater.

Resistance to environmental conditions and diseases: Frost-resistant plant.

Aktinidia Argut - Summary Sort Isaiai, all the advantages and nuances of cultivation.

  • 12 Nuances of Growing

Aktinidia Argut - Summary Sort Isaiai, 12 Nauns Growing

  1. Aktinidiya ISSAYA Self-dodged (self-polished) Actinide variety acute (argut). It has
    Amazing ability to pollinate other varieties: Ways, pineapple and others.
  2. Flowers in mid-June with beautiful white flowers. The fruits of this grade of green, the size of 3-5 cm, begin to ripen at the end of September.
  3. Ripe fruits are sweet, soft, with a pleasant aroma, they have the content of vitamin C in large quantities. Leaves of a saturated green plant and a wide elliptical shape.
  4. Aktinidia Iseyi refers to many years of wood leaf falling Liana. The height of the plant reaches 8 meters, in diameter 1.5-2 meters.
  5. This grade is sufficiently cold withstand temperatures up to minus 30 degrees of frost. Fruit liana begins quickly for 2-3 years after disembarking.
  6. The cultivation of Lian Isaei is calculated for a long time, actinidium blooms and
    Fruit over 25-30 years. Therefore, the plant requires a reliable support, which can replace the hedge, ladder, choplaresses.
  7. It is not recommended to plant actinidia under large trees so that there is no struggle for moisture and light between them.
  8. Deep soil perplex around the plant is not allowed, only fine loosening is possible.
  9. The best soil for Liana is the fertile composition of the average humidity with drainage, for which the elevated areas are ideal.
  10. It is well tolerated by half, but for ripening fruits is better highly illuminated areas.
  11. 2-3-year-old actinidia seedlings are predominantly early in spring. A layer of drainage stones, pebbles, broken pieces of brick are laid into the landing bow. A bucket of organic fertilizers and a mixture (approximately 600 grams) of mineral are added.
  12. Drainage poured fertile land, then a mixture of fertilizers, earth and sand. Sale
    Plant, after which it is abundantly watered (2.5 3 buckets), mulch the soil with a compost or peat.

The seedlings of Aktinidia Isaiah multiply with the help of a new progressive technique of microclonal reproduction, which provides the following advantages:

The planting material is identical to the maternal;
Increased resistance to diseases and the viability of the seedling due to the lack of viral forms.
The seedlings of the presented varieties are implemented with a closed root system, which provides one hundred percent survival rate.

Self-duty research from Aktinadia Argut Grade Issai

The study was founded by the type of Fruption of Aktinidia Argeni Grade Issai ("ISSAI") by comparing with other selections.

In the experiment, mature lianas of actinidia argut varieties were used.

  • Issai 'Issai' (7x),
  • Mitsuko 'Mitsuko' (6x),
  • Gassan 'Gassan' (6x),
  • Nagano 'nagano' (4x),
  • Shimain 'Shimane' (4x),
  • Cauchi 'Kochi' (4x)
  • Avazi 'awaji' (4x, husband.).

The germination of pollen was investigated on a medium containing 10% sucrose and 1% agar at a temperature of + 20 ° C.

To determine samoplosis, flowers before flowering were isolated in bags.

Three experiences were laid:

  • castration;
  • self-pollen;
  • cross pollination of the pollen of the male selection of "Avazi".

All colors after processing were again isolated with bags.

All selections with morphologically hermaphroditic pollen flowers did not sprout.

The male selection of "avazi" the degree of germination of pollen was 68%. In neutered and self-pollized flowers, all the fodges quickly faltered during the season, so that there were not a single fetus on the plant during the harvest period, with the exception of the ISSAI variety (Issai).

While cross-pollination of the pollen of the male selection of "Avazi" gave the degree of the binding of the fruits in the polished selections at 64-89% (the fruits remained on plants before harvesting), self-polluted ISSAI flowers "Issai" tied 30% of the fruits of the plant remaining Harvesting, and ISSA flowers cross-polled pollen varieties "Avazi" gave 65% fruit tying.

The weight of fruits from self-polling and cross-pollination of the pollen of the male variety was 4.9 and 5.7 g, respectively. The fruits of self-pollution did not contain seeds, while the fruits from cross-pollination contained seeds in the amount of 23 pcs. on the fruit.

These results suggest that the ISSAI Issai grade can establish the fruits of parthenocarpically and its own sterile pollen may have a stimulating effect on the development of the fetus.

If you always wanted to plant an unusual plant on your plot - then Aktinidia is an argut for you. It is rarely found in the sections of the gardeners, but it looks wonderfully and gives delicious fruits. The pluses should also note unpretentiousness and resistance to the frost. More about this pet you will learn later.

General description of culture

The name of this plant translated from Latin means "acute", it came to our latitudes from Asian countries - Japan, China. In Russia, this long-term leaf falling liana is found in natural conditions in the Far East, Kurilla.

The lifetime of one Liana Aktinidia Argut is 70-90 years.

Stem and leaves

In nature, the actinidia stem can reach 20-30 m in height, despite being only 20 cm thick. In favorable conditions, when growing in garden areas, Liana can reach 7 m or more. Relieves, shoots winning, acquire a gray brown shade. Throughout the period of cultivation, the plant needs a support for which it will be able to rise. The leaves bloom in early spring and look spectacularly the whole season. The bright green shade goes into a gauge with the beginning of flowering. By the fall, the leaves become lemon, gradually the color changes to the raspberry and burgundy, and in the second half of October they fall. The form of sheets is a pointed ellipse, a length of 10 cm, small teeth go along the edges.

Flowering and type of pollination

Flowers have a white or greenish color, 2 cm in diameter. Blossom lasts 2.5 weeks since the end of May. Pollen has almost black. Aktinidia Argut is a downtown plant, so men's and female flowers are required for the appearance of fruits. Interestingly, the proportion should be approximately 1 to 5 or 2 to 5. Currently, breeders brought samopidal varieties, but in practice minor fruits are matured, and the yield falls. You can distinguish the plants at the flowering stage - men's flowers are small, in the form of a shield or an umbrella, are collected in inflorescences, there are many stamens on them in the absence of a pestle, while women are large, solitary (less often collected 3).

Fruit quality, yield

In appearance, fruits are similar to small Kiwi or Feichoa, whose weight averages 5 g. The flesh is gentle, has a sour-sweet pleasant taste and a rich aroma. Most of the varieties of green color, sometimes with dark stripes, but now varieties with raspberry thin skin are derived.

With favorable conditions, Liana is good fruit - per year you can remove up to 20 kg of berries. The fruits are not falling for a long time even under nondeal conditions. Usually, actinidium begins to be fron at the beginning of autumn, in medium latitudes (for example, the Moscow region) berries are collected slightly misunderstood and leave to win in a dry dark place.

Note! Unfortunate fruits are inedible and can cause a stomach disorder, so it is better to be patient and wait for full ripening.

Frost resistance and resistance to diseases

As mentioned above, Aktinidia moves well to adverse conditions. Many varieties are able to transfer freezes to -30 ° C. As for insects, they infirmly damage the plant. Cats, which can bargain roots and damage them and shoot, trying to get to juice, are greater danger. Frequently diseased plant is also not subject to. Sometimes there are various types of mold and rot, caused by too abundant moisture.

Use of crop

Vintage actinidia is eaten. Fruits contain a lot more vitamin C than black currant, lemon, as well as vitamins:

  • carotene;
  • organic acids.

With heat treatment, beneficial substances are not lost, so you can safely prepare from berries:

  • jam;
  • jams;
  • jelly;
  • compotes, etc.

Also preserved a pleasant fragrance.

Make blanks in enameled dishes without chipping so as not to be lost vitamin C, store ready-made products in a dark place.


Currently, a large number of different varieties are offered, you can buy and grow actinidia on the territory of almost all of Russia due to frost resistance. There are two types of actinidia - argut and kolomikt.

The names of the varieties may coincide, so when buying pay attention to this. In natural conditions, the kolomycta reaches only 10 m, it is recognized as the most resistant to cooling. In the berries, the kolomykti contains more vitamin C, while the argut is characterized by a better yield.

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VarietyDates of fruitingCharacteristicsFuture description
"Geneva"You can assemble the harvest in the first half of SeptemberIt grows well and fruits on solar plots protected from wind and freezing. Able to worry frosts up to -30˚СLarge barrel-shaped fruits with purple skin weighing 5-8 g. Have a honey flavor
"Issine" ("Issai", "Issis")Fruits can be collected at the end of September - early OctoberIn the summer, it does not carry drying and intimacy of the groundwater, consider it when boarding and leaving. In winter, it is capable of withstanding the temperature to -25 ° C. Positioned as a sammantic variety. Compact liana for a cottage plot, marks appear in the first yearThe description of the variety fruits is not very different from the majority. Small sweetish berries up to 4 cm long, the mass of 10-15 g. Mature fruits quickly soften and fall
"Jumbo"Harvesting falls on the second half of SeptemberLiana can reach 8 m in height, tolerate freezing to -28 ° C. "Jumbo" has a high yield, but a pollinator needs a pollinator ("Bairen Kiwi").An extended up to 6 cm fruits with a green or yellowish skin, weighing 25-30 g
"Cocus"Harvest collected from mid-SeptemberPositioned as self-pollized variety. The plant can carry frost to -22 ° C. Negatively affect the proximity of groundwater and soil scumMain fruits 2-2.5 cm long with lemon aroma. Taste sweet, slightly sour
"Pineapple" ("Anna")Fruit in the second half of OctoberIn height can reach 10 m. In the hot season requires frequent irrigation, as well as regular sanitary trimming. Frost-resistant plantThe name variety received thanks to the bright aroma of the flesh, and a pleasant sour-sweet taste resembles Kiwi. Inside there is practically no core and seeds. On the places of sunshine fruits painted in crimson color
"Purpurna Sadova"Vintage matches in late September or early OctoberMay be both men's and women's plants. For fruiting requires a pollinator (the varieties of "Zea's daughter", "Giant") are suitable)The variety was named due to the color of the berries - burgundy and purple. Fruit length 4 cm, weight 6 g
"Vititii"Vintage is collected in the last days of SeptemberSummer grade, can be fruitful for the second season. Men's lianas provoke a greater harvest. Frost resistance to -26˚СCorrect oval fruits with brilliant green skin. Inside there are no seeds
"Primorskaya"Fruits mature at the end of SeptemberLiana is covered with brown matte bark, the plant itself does not suffer from diseases and rarely attracts the attention of pests. Transfers cold to -20˚СBerries about 3 cm, weighing 8 g, covered with green skin. The taste of sour-sweet, aroma resembles apples
"September"Fruits mature in AugustFemale grade. It has two types of actinidia: kolomikt and argut, so when you purchase it is necessary to clarify the type of plant. The height reaches 7-8 m, the life expectancy is 30-40 years. Differs in frost resistance - up to -40 ˚СBerries are about 2 cm, saturated green, with dark stripes. Flesh gentle and sweet
"Taiga Emerald"Ripening - at the end of AugustLiana reaches a height of 3-4 m, it can grow both in the sun and in a half. Frost resistance to -30 ° C.Fruits up to 3 cm long and a mass of 4 g. The name variety received due to emerald leather. To taste resembles strawberries
"Rogow"Fruits ripen in late September - early OctoberFemale variety requires pollination. It begins to be fruit for 3-4 years, a well-drained wet soil is necessary. Withstand frost to -28 ° C.Fruits up to 3 cm long, have a sour-sweet taste. Suitable for use with peel
"Wakes"Collect the harvest in OctoberTransfers freezing to -30 ° CFruits smooth, with green leather. The parties addressed to the Sun can acquire a brown shade. Berries can be collected for unrite, they will dormit at home

There are varieties rarely found in private gardening, for example, "Male" ("Mail") - a male plant, blooming in June, it is enough to plant 1 plant for 6-8 female, "Cassiopeia", "Ganievers" - belong to the type of kolomykt.

Features landing

You can plant actinidia as in the fall and in the spring. Autumn landing is suitable for warm regions, in which unexpected freezes rarely happen. At the same time, up to the first cooling should remain at least two months. But the spring landing is suitable for a temperate climate, where cooling can be unpredictable. The best period is the beginning of May, before being activated.

As for the choice of the place, the actinidium does not like the bright sun, often gets burns (especially young seedlings), so set the nurse in onest. You do not need to remake with dimming - with a shortage of sunlight, the yield and the quality of fruits are reduced.

Note! So that there is a natural or artificial obstacle near the landing site from the north to protect against cold winds.

The soil for the lianas should be nutritious, weakly acidic or neutral by reaction (5.0-5.6), a sublinous or spay. Not suitable:

  • dense clay;
  • or ash;
  • peat ground.

Also places where groundwater is closer than 1 m from the surface. Plant in the wells depth 70 cm at a diameter of 50-60. If a live fence is planned - the distance between yams is 50 cm, in another case, leave 2-3 m. Also in advance, install the arch, the wall, the sets for which the liana will be crawled, because after planting their device can damage the root system.

The pit for a seedling is prepared 2-3 weeks before disembarking. At the bottom, the drainage layer is necessarily placed approximately 10 cm (clamzit, small pebbles, crushed brick) are suitable. Next to the extracted soil add:

  • humid - 20 l;
  • superphosphate - 160-180 g;
  • calioline sulphate - 60 g.

Potassium in a mixture of mineral fertilizers can be replaced by wood ash. But the chloride funds will exclude. Also, the plant does not like lime, so it should not be adjusted with its help the PH-balance of the substrate. Space men's and female plants evenly, in the ratio of 1: 3-1: 8, shoots on the sets to place so that the construction is both female and men's colors.

Care rules

The cultivation of Aktinidia Argut does not require constant attention, but should provide her due care, then it will delight and appeal, and fruits. Thanks to unpretentiousness, it is even novice gardeners.

Watering and feeding

When watering it is important to find the perfect balance - the plant does not like to overeating and drought, both may adversely affect the pet and even destroy it. When determining the frequency, evaluate the current climatic conditions. In the period of heavy rains, watering can be removed, and with a strong drought to moisturize the plant, it will be necessary at least 10 liters per day. The best way is to spawn or watering from the watering can. In severe heat in the evenings, leaves are still sprayed. After each watering the soil around the base of the liana looser, if necessary, update the mulch layer.

Make all these procedures carefully, since the roots of the plant are close to the surface. Fertilizers are brought 3 times a year: the first time is added in mid-April. Around the trunk is distributed 20-25 g of carbamide, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate in a dry form. Once every two years contribute to humus (up to 20 l). Before the development of fruits, the fruit is watered with a solution of 50-60 g of simple superphosphate and 25-30 g of potassium sulfate (proportions of 10 liters). Repeated the same feeder are carried out in autumn two weeks after the end of fruiting. It is also possible to use the infusion of wood ash (2 l of ash for 5 liters of boiling water) or complex fertilizers ("Autumn", "Ava").

Formation and garter to the sleeper

Since Aktinidia grows quickly, trimming must be carried out at least once a year. It will make the plant neat. The procedure is carried out about a month before the frosts, after the foliage of foliage, or at the very end of winter, so that the sections manage to at least "heal". In no case do not cut off during active ashout! Trimming spend on the third season after landing the pets in the soil: remove all non-pronomous, dried and broken shoots, as well as crookedly growing (down, thickening the crown). The rest are trimmed by about 1/3 to stimulate the growth of shoots. At the end, the shoots are fixed on a hattel or other prepared design, directing vertically or placing a fan. The following year, cropped shoots unfold perpendicular to this.

Every decade conducts a rejuvenating trimming - remove shoots over 8-10 years old, leaving 20-30 cm.

Methods of combating diseases and pests

As already mentioned above, the actinidium is not subject to frequent diseases, but there may be various types of mold and rot. This problem is solved by a reduction in irrigation (if it is not in rains) and the use of fungicides, burgundy fluid, copper mood.

How to prepare for winter

In preparation for winter only young plants need up to 5 years old, older people are able to winter themselves. You only need to remove the entire vegetable garbage near the trunk and update the mulch layer by making it a thickness of 12-15 cm. Young lianas are removed from the choler, neatly folded on the ground, after which they fall asleep with foliage, straw, covered with spruce branches, topped air-permeable . After falling out of snow over a covered plant, a snowdrift is formed. 2-3 times during the season it needs to be updated - smash the nasty and pour snow.

Methods of breeding

There are several ways to reproduce actinidia, which one choose is to solve you. Diggers. This method gives a qualitative result. The lower 2-3-year-old shoots are laid on the ground in the prepared grooves, pressed with horns in several places and fall asleep the earth so that the side shoots remain outside. After it is necessary to hide abundantly. Roots will begin to form for autumn. In the year in the spring, new plants can be separated from the maternal and put on a permanent place. Cuttings. This method allows you to quickly get a large number of plants. Two-year-old escape is cut, then the segments with 4-5 kidneys or two interstices are harvested. Then at one end make a slash cut, the roots are better developed from it. The cuttings wrap in a wet fabric, placed in a warm place. A week later, you can land in the ground.

Usage in landscape design

The plant is widely used in landscape design. Thanks to the "creep", there are excellent hedges, arbors, verandas are beautifully decorated. A non-patious building can be "disguised" with this plant. Aktinidia of any variety will become not only an excellent decoration of your site, but also the source of delicious and healthy fruits. In addition, unpretentiousness in conditions and care will not take away from you. Are these reasons to get this plant?!

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