How to define foot hyperpronation?

People suffering from the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system often suffer from such symptoms as pain in heels, knees, hip joints and back. When visiting an orthopedic doctor, you can hear the diagnosis of foot hyperpronment. Let us find out the causes of its appearance and methods of dealing with the ailment.

Functions Healthy Foot

Stop - the foundation of a human musculoskeletal system. Among the mammals, only Homo Sapires for movement does not use hands. In view of the many tasks performed by the bottom of the leg, this part of the body throughout the human life is exposed to heavy loads.

The main functions of the foot:

  • spring;
  • balancing;
  • pushing;
  • reflexogenic.

Spring ability extinguishes the strength of the blow directed to the foot from touching the support surface during walking, jumping or running. When the loads are loaded, the vaults are straightened, and at the time of the greatest voltage they are parallel to the land.

As soon as the pressure decreases, the plantar aponeurosis and the remaining strong tendons of the foot are reduced. Thanks to this, the bones of the arch quickly become in place. Spring function protects the joints of a person and a skull from regular microtravas, and then inflammation. When the ability considered is disrupted, irreversible diseases in the joints (spinal column, knees, legs, TBS, etc.) are developing.

The kinetic energy that occurs when a person moves, moves to the sole at the moment of touching the heel with the support plane, remains in it when transferring gravity on the sock, and then moves to the body at the time when the stop is removed from the support - a person makes the subsequent translational movement in necessary direction.

The ability of the sole is balancing helps it move in various planes, which allows you to maintain balance in uneven areas when moving or standing. Many of the reflex zones and nerves in the footsteps have interconnection with organs and systems of the body. With the help of acupuncture and massage, the feet are treated with various diseases. Pouring this section of the feet with cold water has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

What is hyperpronation

Pronation - the deflection of the feet when moving. Hyperpronation (overpressure of the foot) is a position in which the outer surface is turned inside, and the sole is outward.

From the side it seems that a person does not relieve the entire surface of the foot, but only on the inner region. As a result, pain often arise in heels. This condition is associated with such pathologies as:

  • planter Fascitions;
  • corn on the soles;
  • valgus deformation of the thumb on the leg;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • severe pain in the knee joints;
  • arthritis of the first tienefold bone;
  • metatarzalgia;
  • pain in the place of the foot of the foot;
  • hammer-shaped deformation of the fingers on the legs.

Excess one of the pronation, that is, the deflection, leads to a very close contact of his foot with a floor. As a consequence, ion-colored muscles work poorly.

Hypopronation - the opposite of the pathology described above. With it, the thumb is not loaded, and the little finger and the fourth finger is nevertheless. Bad depreciation leads to diseases of the knees, risk risk of injuries related to fractures.

Causes of occurrence

Hyperpronation is developing due to wear or bursting of the Muscles of the Stop. This is due to frequent monotonous movements or from age-related changes. The ligament and muscular apparatus becomes weak - the feet begin to be strongly converted inside.

Another provocation factor is long walking or standing in high heels. Footwear, poorly supporting foot, often becomes the cause of hyperpronation.

Degrees and types of pronation

The deflection of the feet protects bone tissues and all organs from shocks and damage at energetic movements. There are such versions of the position of the stop:

  • Hyperpronation is a strong decrease in the foot of the foot, pathological turning inward. Musculature relaxed and stretched, due to this, depreciation functions are lowered. In hyperpronment, a flat-reflux, which gives complication in the form of pains in the knee joints, a basin, back and other parts of the body is often diagnosed.
  • Hypopronation is insufficient foot deflection, strong puffing on the outer part. Impair depreciation and leads to injuries with bone fractures.
  • Normal Pronation is the right deflection that provides an adequate distribution of the load from concussion about the support.

For the right choice of shoes, especially athletic, find out your kind of stopping foot. Ideally, the degree of pathology is determined during the run so that the load is stronger.

What diseases leads the wrong position of the foot

Improper pronation often provokes different pathologies. The main problems due to reduced depreciation occur in vertebral discs, brain and joints. Even a small violation in the functioning of the foot greatly increases the load. The human body is forced to adjust and seek ways to eliminate discomfort. Modified pronation causes the development of the following diseases:

  • sustainment of the joint on the thumb;
  • flatfoot;
  • pain in the sole area;
  • clubfoot;
  • bone tissue wear;
  • arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

While walking on the foot accounts for a huge load. So that the person moves quickly and easily, the feet must be mobile and freely rotated in the desired side.

How to determine your type of pronation

Take a bowl of water and a bulk sheet of paper. Most often, the pathology in question happens on both feet, therefore, and they need to be checked together. For a start, wetted in water the soles, then put on sheets of paper for 10 seconds and consider what happened. The picture will be clearer if you wear socks and wet them.

Decoding results:

  1. The size of the arc formed is approximately equal to half the soles - the pronation is neutral, the amortization is good.
  2. The imprint is equal to the size of the foot. The most likely diagnosis is flatfoot. The place of contact with the surface of the paper is large due to the small bend.
  3. On the sheet is visible only to the pillow of the fingers and heel. So, the deflection of the feet is too big, which gives low depreciation when driving. This pronation definition test is the easiest, but there are also others.

Medical estimate of the status of stop

Doctors for the diagnosis of degree and type of pronation use such methods as a submeterness (method of study of the stop for estimating longitudinal arches), X-ray, a plumbing (removal of the foothold fingerprint to verify the state of the deflection).

The first two options apply orthopedists. So choose special insoles and shoes for the treatment of foot pathologies.

Plantography - Frequently used method of research Stop. For the test, the footprint takes typographic paint.

Detection of type of pronation at home

The first way is to check with coins. Call one assistant and take several coins of various nominal. Take the standing position. Your partner should try to shove the coin in 10 kopecks under the bending of the foot. If it did not work out, then, most likely, there is a plane or an underestimated arch of the foot.

Further, the assistant encourages a coin with a par value of 1 ruble in the same way. If she passed, the pronation within the normal range. When the coin scatters very easily, then presumably there is hypoporonation. Next test Do with a two-tone coin: if it is freely under the feet, then with accuracy it can be argued about the presence of hypoporonation.

The second way. Take your old shoes. Look, from which side it is worn. If the boot is from the inside erased, then most likely you have a flatfoot. If the outer edge of the sole is pressed, and everything is in order with the internal area - hypopronation. The loss of the shoe from the inside is slightly more than with the external - normal degree of pronation.

The significance of supination

Supination - the possibility of the foot to unfold out. In the process of supination and pronation an ankle joint is involved. The movement is postponed in his knees, a femoral and lumbar department. The more intense the muscles-pronators and supinators are developed, the easier the force, turning into the upper areas and, accordingly, less fatigue.

Thanks to the supination, we have the opportunity to rotate the foot in different directions, confidently move along various soil, walk easily and freely, evenly distribute the load.

Treatment of violations related to the pronation

Defects of ankle directly do not threaten human health. But insufficient depreciation contributes to the wear of the musculoskeletal system, the joints and the emergence of problems with the internal organs. If you do not start timely to treat the wrong setting of the stop, then it will lead to the curvature of fingers, flatfoot, closures and other pathologies.

The treatment of alert is primarily associated with the removal of pain, which arise when walking and running. So that the situation does not deteriorate, the doctor appoints the wearing of manufactured individually stelks and special shoes.

If at the end of the active day there are severe pains in the legs and swelling, the baths and massages for the feet will help. Well improves the condition of therapeutic physical education. Regular exercises strengthen muscles and bundles participating in the support of the foot arch in the right position. Perfectly helps swimming.

How to prevent violations

To prevent the development of incorrect setting of the stop, correctly choose shoes. It must accurately approach: do not harm and not be too free. It is desirable that there is a supinator, especially in the case of children's shoes. Orthopedic insoles will help reduce the stress during long-term walking on the legs, especially if there are overweight problems.

No type of pronation is a threat to human life. However, in the presence of pathology, it cannot be launched: subsequently the complications will greatly worsen the quality of life. There are special methods to help learn the cause of the appearance of incorrect pronation. After such a diagnosis, effective methods are selected, stopping the progression of the foot deformation process.

The right choice of shoes

It is advisable to invest special insoles or wedge-shaped inserts in shoes to correct excess prosthesia, which will provide reinforced support for the inner region of the sole. And with hypopronation, shoes are chosen, contributing to good depreciation of the outside of the foot.

First of all, this concerns sneakers: when running there is an excessive impact burden on an ankle joint. In order to avoid injury and abrasion, the cartilage of knee cups use special sneakers. If you have found some features of the legs, then do not save on high-quality shoes, especially for running.

The process of treating hyperpronation is not too long and complex, but it is better to take care of their feet in advance and not allow the progression of pathology to the moment when the assistance of an orthopedic doctor is needed.

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