How to work with chakras yourself? Setting the Central Channel!

Chakras (energy centers) affect all spheres of human life, ranging from his social status and personal life, ending with the character and state of health. It is the balanced, pumped and cleaned chakra blocks that work in normal mode and do not give failures reflected intern. In this article, I will give you technicians to work the central channel and chakras (7 of energy centers) located visually in the spinal column range.

Cleaning and pumping central channel

Stand straight or sit in the lotus position. How it will be convenient for you. It is advisable not to perform practices lying. So, you took the desired position, close your eyes and visualize. Attention ascertain in the cockeble area (the lowest point). There is a red chakra Molandhara. Imagine that there is a cylindrical post from this bottom chakra right to the ground, reaching its center itself. From the center of the Earth, Yin Energy (Cool, Blue) rises. It reaches your Molandhara and passes through the spine to the top of the top of the remaining 6 chakras, after which it rushes beyond the limits across the temerko straight to the Sun core. From the core of the Sun to your Makushka (Chakra Sakhasrara) rushes the flow of energy Yang (hot, golden), reaching the top of the top, it takes place along the spinal pole through the remaining 6 chakras and rushes to the center of the Earth.

You got a cylindrical tube (your central canal). According to him, the energy of the Sun Yang and the energy of the Earth Yin. Visualize how these two streams (gold and blue) are twisted into the spiral, passing through you and ending in the center of the Earth and the Sun. They purify you and fill, forcing chakras to work more intense and harmonious. All blocks dissolve, you become full and energy-harmonious personalities. Practice for 5 minutes.

Cleaning, promotion, harmonization chakras

Sit in front of the lotus position. Communicate eyelids. And now you have to pump all 6 chakras through the 7th Chakru Sakhasrara. Thoughts should not interfere - stop the internal dialogue, focusing some time on the breath, for example.

How to pump chakras? Instructions for practice

1. From space there is a stream of high-frequency net energy. High vibrations. Let this energy be purple. To begin with, clean your communication channel with space. Imagine a purple bowl at the top. It rises up and cleans your central cylindrical channel.

2. Every chakra (6 centers) should be pumped consistently and to pay for at least 5 minutes for one chakra.

3. In the breath, pull the violet stream of energy through the Sakhasrara (Makushka), and rushing it in exhalation on the central pole (spine) to the lowest chakra of the red Mladharu. Do so at least 5 minutes. Inhale - pulled the energy through the top, exhale - they fix the energy to the worked chakra.

4. Earn similarly the remaining 5 chakras, representing the color of the chakra and knowing, of course, where it is located. It is Svadchistan, Manipura, Anahata, Vishudha, Ajna. Sakhasrara does not need to work out, since it is automatically pumping in the process of work.

CHAKR location points, colors and names

How often should practice?

Practice cleaning and pumping the central channel at least 2-3 times a week. Pump the chakras daily. When you succeed, you yourself feel the euphoria and streams of energies by body, cheerful condition and inexplicable feeling of happiness, love. Then you can make a pause in practice. When you feel discomfort / imbalance, practices can be resumed. Guide your feelings and trust them - they will not let down.

If you wish to entrust such a complex work by a specialist - contact. I will make all the required settings (channel, chakras) and coding you at higher energies. Channel diagnostics, chakras is clamped. Work with you is carried out at a distance of your photo in full growth (no distances for energy). Contact!

Successes to you and pumped chakras!

With love, expert good Anastasia Cardiac

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