Tip 1: how to heal scratches

You will need

  • Pure water, soap, hydrogen peroxide, furatsiline, manganese, green, iodine, manganese, antiseptic, leukoplasty, bandage, wool


Wash the skin area with scratch under running cold water with soap. If from the rings goes, then soap does not need. Shallow scratches treat peroxide, antiseptic solution. Deep scratches can be washed with a weak solution of furaticiline or manganese.

The edges of the wounds are smeared with an antiseptic - iodine or green. In no case do not smear the wound yourself, that is, the one part of it, the blood becomes. So a chemical burn is added to mechanical damage to the skin.

If scratches and abrasions occupy a significant surface, impose a bandage with antiseptic anti-inflammatory - mortar or ointment. If the scratch is small, it is enough to put it with a leukoplasty in order to avoid secondary infection or leave open. So she will heal faster. If the wound is deep, it is better to bandage it with a sterile bandage.

Well heals corn of Cashier from raw potatoes. Skip one potato through a small grater, add some salt and attach the resulting mixture to damaged areas, fix it with the help of a bandage. Improve the procedure directly to the skin, and take the dressing at night. Repeat the procedure as long as the corn does not heal.

Small injuries occur daily. Ears, cuts and even simple scratches deliver a lot of inconvenience, leaving sometimes very small wounds that you want to heal as quickly as possible.


Lubricate in iodine wounds. In the case of an inflammatory process that detects himself to redness, you need to cope with infection. Faster and all this will do just iodine. Approximately every two or three hours update its layer on the rays until it becomes minimal. In no case do not apply iodine on open wounds!

Cool them with coffee. Folk, which crawls small coffee into the rank of funds, is not known for the first decade. It is important that it is not welded, but fresh. Such coffee not only accelerate healing, but also is able to stop small bleeding.

Use nettle. Houses are good in the following form: crushed leaves with stems pour alcohol, insist five days, then separate the nettle and dry it. Apply on wounds for ten minutes. This recipe is useful for muscular.

Lubricate the wounds with a thin layer of zinc ointment. Remove the clean and dry seafront of the plantain, attach to the wound and bother. It is possible to use the plantain and without ointment, the main thing is how to repel it to the speech of healing juice. You need to change the applied sheet every two hours at least five times.

Try to keep the wounds open, that is, not so that air access does not stop. In this case, they will heal much faster.


If the rose is seen in the rink, go to the doctor, despite its size. Sometimes in time not cured ordinary scratch leads to bad consequences.

Helpful advice

Today's pharmaceutical market offers many funds designed to speed up the wound process. Contact the nearest pharmacy where one of them will be prompted. They are produced in the form of ointments, sprays and foams. Such a means is better to always keep at hand.


  • how to treat wounds on the lips

Modern refrigerators are made of inexpensive carbon steel with polymer or paint and varnish coating. Therefore, when they are transported, the formation of various scratches is possible.

You will need

  • - sandpaper;
  • - gasoline;
  • - putty;
  • - enamel or acrylic paint;
  • - white nail polish;
  • - marker or corrector;
  • - Decorative magnet.


To remove large scratch From the surface covered with paint, take sandpaper, carefully clean the surface. Then set the gasoline and supper. After drying, they carefully sand and apply a small brushed paint.

In addition to enamel, acrylic paints can be used. They dry out much faster and do not have an unpleasant smell. Just remember that they are less stable, so when be careful.

Minor damage perfectly disguises a special marker, which sketch scratch On cars. Shake it thoroughly before use and sketch defects. Since it is not quite cheap, then buy it when there is a significant amount of scratch.

Cheaper option is to draw scratch varnish for french manicure. Buy nail polish. And carefully pass the tassel along the entire length scratch. Do not apply too much varnish, make a thin strip, and after drying, if necessary, apply the second layer.

In the absence of special means, use the usual text. He is also able to hide small scratch. Just keep in mind that with careful surface cleaning refrigerator, It will be necessary to wash the places very carefully. Or regularly tint them.


  • how to remove the sticker from the refrigerator

Laminate is a rather popular floor covering. Despite the fact that it is made by most of the synthetic materials, looks like a laminate, like a natural marble or wooden floor, depending on the pattern applied to the surface. It is worth noting the unpretentiousness of this material, it does not require additional staining, lubrication, forgiveness, but due to long wear on laminate may appear scratch. Get rid of scratches is easy.


Wax pencils. This material is sold, practically, in every construction store. Moreover, they have a fairly wide range of shades, so you can easily pick up the color you need based on the color of your laminate. With the help of a waxy pencil, you can easily disguise small ones. It is necessary to use it as follows:
Clean the damaged area from dirt and dust. The surface must be absolutely clean and smooth. Apply a thin wax. If the scratch is deeper, apply to those time until the wax does not completely disguise the damaged area. Polish the smeared scratch dry.

Construction melting for damaged surfaces. After moving heavy items or use

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