Tip 3: how to get out

Body hygiene is the first indicator of human culture level. If you do not follow yourself or a little time you pay hygiene issues, it immediately becomes noticeable. The human body is a well-established mechanism if it is bad to handle it, it can fail. Personal hygiene is an essential preventive measure that allows to maintain the beauty and health of the body.


The most obvious rule is the adoption of the daily soul with the use and special detergent. Buying gels for the soul, be sure to take into account your skin type. If you have hard water, use a soft tool that is not skin. After washing, moisturize it with a lotion or.

Skin faces need special care. Every morning, wash yourself special every night, which are designed for your skin type. For oily skin, use alcohol tonic, for dry - moisturizing cream. Clean it every day using both scrubics. All skin care products are accurate, since the combination of active substances from different cosmetic lines can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions.

Use cosmetics specifically for your age. All means apply massaging soft movements so as not to stretch the skin. Do not save on decorative means, it can lead to. Choose the most natural cosmetics.

In the evening, be sure to remove the makeup, otherwise the skin can quickly lose elasticity and build up. For this procedure, use a special foam or milk.

The skin of the hands and legs also needs constant care. Manicure and pedicure support in careful form. In the summer, use moisturizing creams, and in winter - nutritional and fat. Do not apply it to the rest of the street, let the cream completely absorbed. Lubricating hands and legs, make a light massage. It is capable of improving blood circulation and accelerate the absorption of nutrients.

The oral cavity requires much attention, as problems with teeth give a lot of pain and expenses. Brush your teeth twice a day. After each meal, use the dental thread and the rinse tool. We regularly attend the dentist.

Hair hygiene includes proper nutrition, washing and combing. Include in your diet rich in proteins and vitamins food. If you have normal hair, eat low-fat fish, chicken meat, legumes and brussels cappist. If fat are leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, yogurts. If dry - eliminate fried dishes and fatty cheeses from the diet. If you have a mixed type hair, refuse butter, cheese and very roasted food. When the appearance includes more products containing vitamin A.

Wash your hair as they are contaminated. Do not save on a good shampoo and air conditioner.

Comb the hair at least 2 times a day. Wash the brush 2 times a week. Do not use metal comb, they are able to cause skin irritation.

Observing the body's hygiene, you will save yourself not only from the reassigns, but also from many diseases, because the dirty body is a fertile soil for the reproduction of microbes and bacteria.

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Personal hygiene is needed not only to preserve the physical, but also psychological human health. After all, if you do not wash or wash it wrong, the body begins to smell. And this leads to the removal of other people from a source of strong smell. As for physiology, non-compliance with hygiene contributes to the development of various infectious diseases, including quite serious.

General rules

Doctors recommend to wash at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Adult women need to perform this hygienic procedure before and after sexual intercourse. It is necessary to wash away all the accumulated bacteria in the intimate zone and prevent their penetration into the inside.

Many women do not even realize that such a disease, as cystitis, in half cases does not occur due to supercooling, but due to improper hygiene of the intimate area.

It is necessary to wash only clean hands. Therefore, pre-wash them with soap, paying attention and the subnamed zone, because bacteria and microbes accumulate in large quantities. In addition, it is necessary to remember that water to be washed must be warm. This is due to the fact that the washing of cold easily leads to the development of inflammation.

During the hygienic procedure, it is important to act strictly in a certain direction. Women should be arched only back - from the vagina to the anus, which is very close. This is due to the fact that if you change the direction, you can easily and quickly make a serious infection in the penis. After all, from Anus an intestinal wand, which, with an incorrectly completed kneading, is quickly transferred forward and begins to actively multiply, causing serious infectious diseases that require long and painful treatment.

By the way, it is also necessary to go back to the toilet and wipe the back passage after the defense.

Wake up, you should not direct the shower jet inside. So you will quickly wash the inner natural lubricant that protects the genitals of a woman from infections. As a result, they will become defenseless in front of microbes. Many ladies argue that washing, for example, helps them achieve freshness. However, experts are confident that the washing of the vagina is the procedure of therapeutic, and it is possible to fulfill it only on the recommendation of the doctor with a clear compliance with the instructions. Sugges to this method only if there is a burning sensation or an unpleasant smell of genital tract appears. In any case, you must first consult a doctor.

Terret the gentle intimate area with washcloths is also not worth it. First, the risk of injury to the gentle mucosa is quite large. Secondly, bacteria accumulate on sponges and washcloths, which are then easily transferred to the genitals, causing inflammation.

Particular attention should be paid to the means that ladies are additionally used for personal hygiene. It is impossible to use the usual soap to be used - it is too sharp for the delicate and sensitive zone. It is recommended to use special equipment with neutral acidity.

After washed, the genitals need to dry. This will require a special towel that must be mild. Naturally, it must be clean - it is desirable not only to wash, but also boil and thoroughly stroke the iron. Drying the genitals need to be labeled - the delicate area cannot be rubbed.

If there is no possibility to make a full-fledged array, for example, you are in a long road all day, etc., you can use special wet wipes intended hygiene. Of course, they will not replace the shower, but will help for a while to return the feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

How to be labeled pregnant and nursing mothers

Special attention to personal intimate hygiene needs to be given to women in the position and newly minted mothers. This is due to the fact that in the body there is an active hormonal restructuring, which affects the intimate zone. And the woman begins the allocations that need to be thoroughly flush in order not to incur infection.

Ideally, the future and the most accomplished mothers need to be arched after every trip to the toilet. In case this is done problematic, for example, a woman works, it is worth using disinfecting wet wipes.

The basic rules are no different from those recommended for all. The only thing: when performing the procedure for washing, women will have to choose a convenient position for themselves. After all, not to all because of the growing belly, it is convenient to quit traditionally standing.

Few of women attaches great importance to how sensitive and vulnerable to all kinds of fungi and bacteria are the field of intimate organs. But from the correctness of the observance of hygiene of the intimate zone, all women's health depends.

Treat intimate hygiene with all seriousness! For example, the acidic medium of the vagina is destroyed and turns into an alkaline when using a conventional toilet soap, in which useful and necessary microorganisms die. The killer of all useful bacteria is a bactericidal soap. The frequent adoption of the shower, even simple water - 2-3 times a day - wash the microflora and protective lubrication, the body does not have time to recover between water treatment. These familiar methods of intimate care lead to dryness, burning, bacterial vaginosis, violation of flora, contribute to vaginites, inflammatory processes, fungi. Therefore, for female hygiene, only special intimate gels and fifts are needed with an adapted level of pH or simply warm water 1 time per day.

Wear cotton linen, try to use daily gaskets as much as possible. And if you can't do without them, more often change them during the day. From deodorized gaskets it is better to refuse: aromatic compositions can cause allergies that a woman before and did not guess.

Soap washing of vagina was strictly prohibited , and scrutinizing herbs are permissible only by appointment of a doctor: the same plants can help with the disease and harm in the normal state of the genital organs.

Occasionally Herbal influences. They support local immunity. Use their courses, for one week per month. The herbs that are suitable for this procedure are calendula, yarrow, a series, chamomile pharmacy, donel. As a rule, they take 1 tablespoon of dry grass, brew 500 ml of boiling water and hygienic procedures carry out the cooled decoction.

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