Plant pea and its varieties with a description of useful properties

Botanical name - Peas (Pisum), the birth of the herbs of the legume family, the subfamily of moths, common vegetable, grain and aft culture.

Origin - Front Asia, North Africa.

Lighting - Lightweight.

The soil - neutral sublinous, fastened by humus under the preceding culture.

Watering - Moofing.

Predecessors - Pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes.

Landing - Seeds.

Classification and pea description

Currently adopted classification of the plant takes into account the difference in the structure of the stem, the type of branching, the number of pairs of sheets, as well as the weight of the fruits and the distribution area, and separates the genus on the 2 kind of pea, red-yellow and sowing.

Peas Red-Yellow (Pisum Fulvum Sibth) Sounded in Malaya Asia, is a low-speed plant with a thin stem, small (3-4 cm) beans and round small seeds with a diameter of 0.3 - 0.4 cm. It occurs only in a wild form.

Peas Sowing (Pisum Sativum L) - A very polymorphic appearance, in turn, is divided into 6 subspecies, each of which has many varieties and a different economic importance. Peas High (P. Elatus) and Syrian (Pisum Syriacum) - Weedly Field Plants, Peas Abyssinian (Pisum Abissinicum), Transcaucasian (Pisum Transcaucasicum) and Asian (Pisum Asiaticum) - primitive cultivated cultures. The most common subspecies, sowing peas (Pisum SSP. Sativum) is grown everywhere as a fed, vegetable and a seerful culture.

Sometimes another subspecies are distinguished - field peas (Pisum Arvense), another name is a pebble, used as a feed plant.

Peas seed is an annual herbaceous plant with a grimaceous, sometimes branching stem from 15 to 250 cm high. Parserous leaves have 1-3 pairs, often with assholes at the ends. The root of the rod, up to 1 m long, with characteristic non-silica bacteria. Flowers, 1-3, sometimes 3-7 on blooms, are located in the sinuses of the leaves. Color painting white, red, purple-purple. Fruit - bob (pod) straight or curved shape, flat or cylindrical. Seeds, also called peas, round, smooth or wrinkled, in colorless, sometimes painted peel.

Peas - a plant having an ancient history. According to some information, it was used in food primitive people 10 thousand years ago. The first mentions and descriptions of peas are found in the VII century BC. In the north of Africa and the southwest of Asia, who are considered his homeland.

After 5 centuries, after that, the plant was brought to Russia, and already in 11-12 centuries mentioned among grain crops on a par with rye, oats, wheat. Sweet varieties currently known as green peas were bred in the 16th century and quickly won popularity in Europe, and then in Russia. The plant was grown on private sociors and vegetables, the mass cultivation began on the fields from the 18th century.

Sortogroups and common varieties of pea sowing

Sowing peas, the photo of which is shown below, is grown everywhere as vegetable and grain culture. Its numerous varieties in the structure of Bob are divided into two variety groups:

Luxury pea, with a rigid parchment layer of bean flaps, the seeds are used in food, which in the ripe form contain a lot of starch. Dry grains are well welded, used to prepare soups, and in the stage of technical ripeness - for freezing and canning.

Sugar pea With sash without a parchment layer, sweet, gentle, the disorded pods are used in food. Mature seeds have a wrinkled view due to the large moisture content in raw grains. Sugar varieties are demanding on the cultivation conditions, are more affected by diseases and pests.

In both groups there are varieties with smooth round and wrinkled grains. The latter are called brain, have an angular square shape. They contain many sucrose (up to 9%), little starch, do not weld with thermal processing. Sweet pea of \u200b\u200bbrain varieties is used in the canning industry, it receives canned and frozen green peas of the highest quality.

According to its purpose, the sowing pea varieties are divided into dining rooms used to prepare various dishes, canned, immature grains of which are harvested in the form of green peas, and universal - they also use green peas, and caused seeds. In terms of maturation, the early, sleeping in 45-60 days after germination, the average, the growing season is 60-80 days, and the late ripening more than 80 days.

Luxury varieties:

Avol., Medium (56-57 days), friendly maturation is recommended for canning, freezing, fresh use.

Adagumsky, medieval (50-55 days). Peas sweet, with brain seeds, does not require support, is used in the fresh form and for the production of canned food.

Alpha, Early grade (46-53 days), low-spirited, canning destination.

Vega, Medium grade, average, brain, universal destination.

Viola, medieval (57-62 days), low, with cerebral seeds, canning.

Sunrise, medium-bed, brain, canning.

Premium, early, friendly maturation, is used both in latest form and for canning.

Early mushrooms, one of the most impervious, low, high-yielding, universal destination.

Troika, Late variety (80-90 days), brain, medium, universal.

Java PearlMid-line (54-70 days) is suitable for fresh use and processing.

Sugar grades:

Zhegalova 112., medieval (60-80 days), with cerebral seeds, friendly maturing. Used both blades and green seeds for canning.

Inexhaustible 195., medieval (45-60 days), with timely cleaning of the blades, the second wave of the harvest is growing.

Oregon, media (55-65 days), high, up to 120 cm, requires support.

Sugar, Early, low-spirited, use the blades.

Sugar 2., medieval (55-60 days), resistant to lodging. Food is used both blades and ripe seeds, and the other excellent taste.

Useful properties of pea

The beneficial properties of pea, like all legumes, are due to the high content of vegetable protein, in dry seeds up to 20%, which is absorbed by the human body by almost 70% and includes indispensable amino acids: tryptophone, cystin, lysine, methionine, etc. . necessary for the formation of animal proteins.

It is also undoubted the benefits of pea as culture, for the energy value of unparalleled among vegetables. The caloric content of dry seeds per 100 g of the product is about 300 kcal, almost 2 times more than in potatoes. It is due to the combination of high protein and calorie content that the plant was called "meat for the poor."

These are the beneficial properties of pea are not limited. It also includes sugar, enzymes, vitamins C, a, pp, group B, iron salts, potassium and calcium, phosphorus, a large amount of fiber. In the shovels of sugar grades are contained by active antisclerotic substances of choline and inosit. Especially rich in vitamins and microelements are unripe, green grains used in food called "Green Polka Dot". Unlike dry seeds, this product has a much lower calorie content, only about 80 kcal, and can be used in dietary nutrition.

Regular use of plants, including sugar vane and green peas, normalizes metabolism, contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, incl. Infarcates and strokes, slows down the processes of the body's aging.

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